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Howe yf a champion be once van:
quished he cannot after fighte
for anie man besides him selfe

Ca. 7.

The Empero Fredericke hath also declared
that wheras a Champion hathe once bene over:
come in combat yt shall not be after lawfull for
him to fighte vnles in his owne quarrell. ffor
Seneca saithe that the virtue of a man beinge once oppressed,
therin afterwardes is none assuraunce at all. And Frederick
the Emperor willeth that the Champion that fraudeulentlie be:
haveth him selfe in battle, and performeth not the same to the
vttermoste ought to be punished wth that paine wch the offence
wherwth he is chardged did desrue, or els shall lose his hande for
his punishmente.

Howe yt where a Yeoman is challinged
a Like Champion maye be appointed.

Ca. 8.

It is also decreed by the saide Lawe made of the Emperor
Frederigo that yf a gent be challenged to battle by a yeoman
that lawfullye he maye refuze to answere him. ffor who so will
call anye honnorable gent to combat ought to be of like condy:
cion to him that is called. And therfore in this case it is lawfull
to appointe a rusticall Champion. But when one gent shall
happen to challendge an other, then he ougth in person to an:
swere him. And in case anye gentleman havinge somme
impedymente doe challenge an other, yt shalbe lawfull for him
to appointe a Champion of lyke condicion to him that is challen:
ged, because Custome in such Combatts, requireth that the
personns be of equall estate, (resruinge in cases of infidelitie)
wherin a Vyllaine maye lawfullie call his Lorde to Combatt