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did also induce nobilitie for knowledge, and theruppon gave infinit
Priuiledge to learned men as most noble. wch opinion yf it be
true, then it followth they be no lesse noble then others, who
are as it were bounde to their Lordes for their ffees. Though
in this case great disputacions be, who ought to take the wor:
thier place, yet hereof presentlie it is not meete to speake
more at lardge.

Whether two Emperors maye come
to personal Combatt or no.

Ca. 2.

One great and weightie question ariseth
whether an Emperor beinge deade, and the Electors
of the Empire doe happen to choose two newe Emperors, as ye
one choseth Alfonso of Spaine the other Ricardo duke of
Cornwall brother to the kinge of Englande whether in this
case they might come to combatt personallie. Like deuision was
in the kingdome of Bohemia, because the Church did choose
booth Lottario and also Corrado. we reade in the decretall
howe Alfonso consideringe the longe quiet and good obedience of
the empire, thought best to accorde wth Ricardo to trie wth him
in combatt wch of them sholde have thempire, wch accorde
made on either parte it came in question whether by right
& Iustice they might doe it, because the Pope and the
Electors wolde not consente to the Combatt wherfore towching
this doubte I saye that beinge vppon a time great warrs
betwext the Romaines and the Albanians because the
Albanians wolde not consent to submitt them selues to the
Empire of Rome. It was thought expediente, that for the
aduoyding the effusion of bloud in this different [?]
good meade were taken. And theruppon were chosen
thre Romaines all brothers, that sholde fight wth thre brothers