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will challenge the gouernor to fighte wth him in person or other:
wise, & so maye happlie vanquish or kill him, wch may be the
losse of the Cittie, and so others will vse this order to win the
townes beseiged. The like I saye of ambassadors, who beinge
challenged by any man to wager of battle, they are not bounde
to fight duringe their ambassade. we reade of Scipio the
African, capteine of the Romaines, of Mario and Mar:
co Antonio consulls in Rome, who beinge challenged, refu:
zed to fighte, as yowe shall perceave in one other chapter.

Whether A gentleman by birthe
maye refuze an olde Souldier in
Combatt or no.

Ca. 9.

A gent borne beinge Challenged by an olde soldier
but no fent to fight, either of them beinge in seruice of the warrs
The gent refuzeth the Challenge saienge the Challinger is no gent
nor his equall and therfore he will not contende wth him. The
Souldier answereth I will not dispute wth thee of thinge aunce:
stors, but I desire to fight for such a Cause concerninge mine
honestie, and therin to prove thy manhood for the wronge offred
The gent replieth, thy ffather was a vile & rusticall
man, goe therfore & finde owt thine equall. I am noble
havinge receaved honnor in armes answereth the soldier
therfore thowe maye not refuze me. In the exercise of
Armes, manhood experience, and force be reguarded, &
not nobilitie nor delicacie. The man is not commended
for the virtue of his auncestors, but his owne deserts
in Continuenge the same. The gent answereth, God hath
created thee of a base birthe, and hath made me noble I
meane not therfore to decaye that wch God hath made, nor
hinder the worke of nature. The Souldier replieth
Thy excuse is like a woman or a Coward, and I receave