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such transgressinge is not preiudiciall. And whersoeuer men doe
fight for cause of treason, yf any of the parties do yelde
& confesse, it doth not suffize to yelde onlye, but shalbe also
punished. And he ought to have the victorie that manfullie
assailed both thennemies, hurtinge the one & pursuenge ye
other so longe as thennemie was forced to flee the feild.

When it is agreed to fighte equallie &
soldier like. Yf one of the fighters other:
wise arme him selfe, wch of them ought
to haue the Uictorie.

Ca. 30.

Twoe Soldiers beinge at defiaunce agreed to fight
on foote equallie armed soldier like weoponed, and yt wch
soeuer of them coulde hurte his ennemie hiest sholde have the
victorie. The one to thende he might be the more lighte &
nimble in fighting came ariued in parchment shaped & counter:
feited as hardlie the crafte therof coulde not be descried. The
soldier in this sorte appointed, after a fewe blowes chaunced to hurte
his ennemie on the face so sore as great aboundaunce of blood issued
owte of the wounde. The Iudge fearinge least death wolde
spedelie followe stepped forth & parted the fighte. Afterward
beinge disclosed before the Iudge the crafte wch this soldier vsed
in his armour to his owne advauntage, and preiudice of his enne:
mie, yt was required of the Iudge, that he might not receave
anye honnor or reputacion, wherunto he that gave the blowe
answered saienge If I haue fought in armour of parchment
& not iron, it was my disaduauntage & greater perill, for yf
mine ennemie had striken me vppon the legge, easelie shold I
have bene maimed or slaine, and therfore mine armour in this
sorte made cannot be accompted deceiptfull aduauntage.
On the contrarie it was replied that by deceipt & indirect
meanes the hurte was geven & the fraye executed. The