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worshippfull or honnorable dignitie dooth take awaye all bondage
and a man beinge made a Preiste is acquitt of the interest
of his father. ffor thease reasons we saye that a private
gentleman beinge a prisonner, yf he doe attaine to a princy:
palitie ought be dischardged of his obligacion, & his faith
empawned, ought be by money or otherwise redemed. Andrea
of Iserina saith that his seruice must be redemed, accordinge
to the valewe of his substannce when he yelded prisonner, &
not accordinge to his powre beinge a kinge. ffor otherwise
his dignitie sholde be to his disaduauntage, but the same not
beinge bonde as is a private person, becommeth free thorouogh
newe honnor, notwthstandinge faith geven, & so the lawes Civile
& cannonicall doe affyrme, that manye things conteyned in this
case are worthie consideracion. ffirst whether the person that
is bounde vppon his faith be in the same estate that he was
at the time of his faith geven. Secondlie that there be no:
thinge hapened wherby his obligacion is made voyde, as for ex:
ample, yf a man dooth sweare to marrie a certeine woman
& before the mariage solemnized she becommeth blinde, a harlot
a leper, or falleth into somme other incurable sicknes or open
infamie, for in all such cases a man shall not be bounde to obserue
his othe. One of theas accidents happened where the
Relme of Denmarke was governed by a duke, who beinge
taken Prisoner by the duke of Burgondie & suffred to goe
vppon his faithe was commaunded to retorne to prison, before
wch time he was made kinge. Yet notwthstandinge wolde
obserue his faith, & appearinge was kepte. ffor wch doinge
he was greatlie reproved, for that in respecte of his regall
dignitie he was not so bounde to de, yet so doinge was
called a seconde Regulo.