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Latest revision as of 18:47, 15 December 2019

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In this case whosoeuer shall by ffravde or subtletie contra:
rye to the Capitulations set downe gaine victorie The
partie that offendeth ought be condemned as a Traitor. The
reason therof is because the Combat beinge vppon articles of
Condicion, whosoeuer procedeth otherwise either by advauntage of
weopon or otherwise by anye way committeth treason. It is therfore de:
termined that no frawde or deceipt ought be vsed in any combat
for triall of virtue or Emprease as may be in Combat for life
ffor who so breaketh the Capitulacion of him that weareth
the Emprease is to be reputed in such case as is he who wth:
owt defiaunce offendeth his ennemie, or that goinge towrds
the place of fighte hurteth him, or after the combat pe:
fourmed doth assault him.

Yf two getlemen doe fighte Vppon
condicions Whether by anie newe
iniurie they maie be broken.

Ca. 28.

Twoe gent did enter into the lists vppon
vppon [sic] occasion of an Emprease towched agreing
to fight wth armes certeine & a determined
nomber of blowes, havinge performed all the blowes, in thende
of the Combat the gent bearer of the Emprease saith to his
aduersarie. Traitor, yf thowe be a man, defende thy self
wheruppon he findinge him self by those wordes iniuried
continueth the fight contrarie to the Capitulacions, &
in thende the partie iniuried getteth victorie takinge &
vanquishing the iniurer to his great dishonnor. But
this gent thus vanquished & taken prisonner said vnto
the Iudge that his ennemie was a traitor for havinge
contrarie to the Capitulacions assaulted him, because