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User:John Tse

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I started HEMA in April of 2016 with the Meyer study group at Urbana-Champaign. In 2017 I co-founded and was the instructor for Springfield Historical Fencing. Since 2021, I am a member of Bucks Historical Longsword in the Philadelphia area. I studied Meyer's 1570; skimmed through his 1568; skimmed his 1561; read many glosses of Ringeck, Pseudo-Danzig, and Lew; read through Paurenfeyndt's sword and messer; and read Lignitzer's sword & buckler and dagger.

During the pandemic between 2020-2021, I transcribed and translated Henry de Sainct Didier's sword treatise, and in the spring I transcribed André des Bordes's work. In January 2022 after catching the omicron variant of COVID-19, I decided to translate Andre Paurenfeyndt from the French version and finished in March. Consequently, I translated Stuck im aufstreichen and Lignitzer French portions since Paurefenydt's work included both. I have also completed the translation of Adam van Breen. In May 2022, I began working on translating Pedro de Heredia.

Wiktenauer Contributions

I have contributed the following pages:
Pedro de Heredia - Translated the preface and the single sword play from French.
Adam van Breen - Translated from French.
Andre Lignitzer - Translated the sword & buckler and dagger sections from French.
Andre Paurenfeyndt - Translated the sword and messer sections from French.
Henry de Sainct Didier - Translated from French and pasted Olivier Dupuis's transcription.
Stuck im aufstreichen - Translated from French.
Index:Discours de la théorie de la pratique et de l’excellence des armes (André des Bordes) 1610.pdf - Transcribed every page using Dupuis's transcription as a template.
Captain Peloquin - Pasted Reinier van Noort's translation.
André des Bordes - Pasted Rob Runacre's translation.



Other Media

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZXHdaveXGvES7noHIfW0bA - My YouTube Channel

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZWgmp5GOf99gpR2pHP801A - HEMA Discord YouTube Channel