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Template:Infobox book/doc

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This template is used to present a consistently-formatted table for use in articles about books. Please do not make major changes to this infobox without proposing and discussing it on the talk page first.


{{Infobox book
| name                      = 
| subtitle                  = 

| image                     = 
| width                     = 
| caption                   = 

| full title                = 
| also known as             = 
| author(s)                 = 
| ascribed to               = 
| compiled by               = 
| illustrated by            = 
| translator(s)             = 
| patron                    = 
| dedicated to              = 
| place of origin           = 
| language                  = 
| subject                   = 
| genre                     = 
| sources                   = 
| publisher                 = 
| pub_date                  = 
| first English edition     = 
| pages                     = 
| extant copies             = 
| wiktenauer compilation by = 
| website                   = 
| images                    = 
| translations              = 
| below                     = 


  • Parameters can be safely left blank. Note that you may include an image with no caption, but a caption will not be shown if there is no image.
  • Wiki links [[]] are fine in any of the Infobox fields.
Infobox book/doc
Subtitles, if any
image width is set at 225px by default, but may be adjusted if appropriate. | border
brief description of image
Full title Use if the title is too long for the header, if subtitles were omitted, or if an English translation of the title were used
Also known as alternative titles which do not belong in the subheader
Author(s) author(s) of the treatise
Ascribed to use if actual authorship is disputed
Compiled by compiler
Illustrated by illustrator
Translator(s) translator
Patron patron who commissioned or financed the publication of the book
Dedicated to dedicatee (who may or may not be the same person as the patron)
Place of origin place of origin/publication, e.g. region or country
Language language(s) used in the book
Subject(s) style or weapons treated
Genre(s) e.g. fencing manual or wrestling manual
Sources earlier treatises that served as exemplars or inspiration
Publisher publisher of the main publication (1st edition)
Publication date date published (1st edition)
First english
information about 1st English edition
Pages Pages (prefer 1st edition)
Extant copies call numbers and locations of known copies of the book (prefer 1st edition)
Concordance by author of the compilation used for the Wiktenauer layout.
text in bottom cell, generally used for links to scans of the book.
{{Infobox book
| title                     = Title
| subtitle                  = Subtitles, if any

| image                     = "file:example.jpg", image appropriate to the treatise (usually the cover or title page)
| width                     = image width is set at 225px by default, but may be adjusted if appropriate.
| caption                   = brief description of image

| full title                = Use if the title is too long for the header, if subtitles were omitted, 
                              or if an English translation of the title were used
| also known as             = alternative titles which do not belong in the subheader
| author(s)                 = author(s) of the treatise
| ascribed to               = use if actual authorship is disputed
| compiled by               = compiler
| illustrated by            = illustrator
| translator(s)             = translator
| patron                    = patron who commissioned or financed the publication of the book
| dedicated to              = dedicatee (who may or may not be the same person as the patron)
| place of origin           = place of origin/publication, e.g. region or country
| language                  = language(s) used in the book
| subject                   = style or weapons treated
| genre                     = e.g. [[fencing manual]] or [[wrestling manual]]
| sources                   = earlier treatises that served as exemplars or inspiration
| publisher                 = publisher of the main publication (1st edition)
| pub_date                  = date published (1st edition)
| first English edition     = information about 1st English edition
| pages                     = Pages (prefer 1st edition)
| extant copies             = call numbers and locations of known copies of the book (prefer 1st edition)
| wiktenauer compilation by = author of the compilation used for the Wiktenauer layout.
| website                   = 
| images                    = 
| translations              = 
| below                     = text in bottom cell, generally used for links to scans of the book.


Ergrundung Ritterlicher Kunst der Fechterey
Title Page
Author(s) Andreas Pauernfeindt
Illustrated by Unknown
Place of origin Holy Roman Empire
Language Middle High German
Subject(s) Braquemard
Sword and Shield
Genre(s) Fencing manual
Publication date 1516
Pages 74
Extant copies E.1939.65.357
{{Infobox book
| name                      = Ergrundung Ritterlicher Kunst der Fechterey
| subtitle                  = 

| image                     = Image:E.1939.65.357 p1.jpg
| width                     = 
| caption                   = Title Page

| full title                = 
| also known as             = 
| author(s)                 = [[Andreas Pauernfeindt]]
| ascribed to               = 
| compiled by               = 
| illustrated by            = Unknown
| translator(s)             = 
| patron                    = 
| dedicated to              = 
| place of origin           = Holy Roman Empire
| language                  = [[Wikipedia: Middle High German|Middle High German]]
| subject                   = [[Braquemard]]<br>[[Longsword]]<br>[[Polearms]]<br>Sword and [[Shield]]<br>[[Staff]]
| genre                     = [[Fencing manual]]
| sources                   = 
| publisher                 = 
| pub_date                  = 1516
| first English edition     = 
| pages                     = 74
| extant copies             = E.1939.65.357
| wiktenauer compilation by = 
| website                   = 
| images                    = 
| translations              = 
| below                     = 