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Missing Zettel verse from Dresden 87r (11)

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Biß stercker wider
wind stich sticht ers so niemb es nider


Be stronger against,
winding [and] thrust. If he thrusts, then take it down.


  • Bite back harder - be stronger in opposition

82v a

82v a Latin (Sandbox)

Alia cautela.
  1. Si contra hostem ira co[m]motus ferias,
  2. et is fortiter ensem tenuerit,
  3. tuq[ue] habitu supra modò co[m]memorato uti volveris,
  4. Vicissim et fortiter resistas,
  5. brachia inde si versus latus dextr[um] tuum sustuleris,
  6. brevem aciem ab ipsius ense torqueas,
  7. atq[ue] supernè visum ipsius pungas,
  8. at si adversarius id observarit,
  9. sublatoq[ue] ense impetum excep[er]it[^2],
  10. in intorsione remaneas,
  11. et mucronem infernè hosti adiungito.

82v a English (Sandbox)

Another caution.
  1. If you would strike the ire movement against the enemy,
  2. and he holds the sword strongly,
  3. and you wish to use the skill[^1] the way it is mentioned above,
  4. and you resist strongly in turn,
  5. thence if you would lift the arm toward your right side,
  6. you would twist the short edge of the sword away from him,
  7. and thrust at him above in the face,
  8. but if the adversary observes this,
  9. (the sword having been lifted) he catches/intercepts the attack),
  10. you would remain in the wrapping,
  11. and direct the point to the opponent below.

82v a English, smoothed

Less close to the page but more englishy:

If he initially held the sword strongly and you turned as in the action above, and you strike Ire against him, then resist strongly in turn.

If you lifted the arm against your right side, then you should twist the short edge of the sword away from him and thrust above in his face,

But if the adversary observed you doing this, and he caught/intercepted the attack by lifting the sword, then you should continue wrapping and direct the point into the opponent below.

82v a notes

  • [^1]: skill refers to the specific named cut (Wrath cut) taught above.
  • [^2]: 'exceperit' is used as an equivalent to 'versetzt' with a defensive aspect

Missing Zettel verse from Dresden 87v (12)

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Das eben merckh
haw stich leger waich oder hert
Indes vor vnnd nach
vnd hut dem krieg sey nit gach


Likewise note this:
cut, thrust, guard, soft or hard;
Indes, before and after.
and defend from the way, do not be quick.

82v b

82v b Latin (Sandbox)

  1. Item cum adversarius ex forma punctionis vel Ictus ensem tuum contigerit,
  2. in primo conflictu,
  3. tu noli exercere statim Ictus crebros,
  4. sed festina lentè,
  5. et maximè curabis,
  6. ut prius observes num in ensium collisione molliter vel fortiter ensem teneat,
  7. Sin id deprehenderis,
  8. uti poteris intorsionibus,[^1]
  9. atque crebris ictibus quem habitum nos Germani bellum appellamus appetendo nuditates proximè obvias.

82v b English

Version 2 (Sandbox)

  1. Also, when the adversary touches your sword from the form of thrust or strike,
  2. in the first conflict,
  3. do not immediately practice repeated strikes,
  4. but hasten slowly,
  5. and you will take the greatest care,
  6. in order to observe earlier whether he holds the sword gently or strongly in the striking together of swords,
  7. but if you catch this,
  8. you are able to use the wrapping,
  9. and within the timeframe of the repeated strikes (which is the aspect of the art that we Germans call beautiful/warfare) you attack by closely seeking the opening.

Version 2 (Sandbox, smoothed)

  1. When the adversary makes contact with your sword
  2. during an initial attack,
  3. don't immediately try to hit back,
  4. but take care to determine quickly whether he holds the sword strongly or gently.
  5. If you can catch it,
  6. you can use wrappings,
  7. and you attack by closely seeking the opening during the repeated strikes (which we Germans call beautiful/warfare).

82v b notes

  • [^1]: There is an INDES in the original here.
  • two parallel phrases: in the german too
  • Note on crebros: if it's related to winden, "continuous" may be a better reading than "repeated"; could there be a sense of "crowded" as in "aggressive, applying threat without letting up"?
    • I have replaced crebris/crebros with continuous
  • footnote: festina lente is a well known Latin saying https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Festina_lente During PHM's lifetime, it's the personal motto of Cosimo de'Medici (duke of Florence 1537-69)
  • footnote: molliter is not only "gently" but also "tenderly, affectionately" or even "effeminately"-- there are simpler words available for "weakly" or "less strongly." Fortiter is the most common and simple word for strongly; there are alternatives (in this text) that have more connotations.
  • footnote: bellum war/beauty connection
  • note from Amy: it's interesting that he brings "we germans" into the explanation, suggesting he (PHM or the writer) sees the audience as not German, or not truly German
  • the German for this says krieg=winden, but the Latin translator has made up a new word for krieg and then glossed it, and so has to use that and winden/intorsionibus instead of making them equal to each other.
  • This seems not to be a grammatical order indes, but indes implied using references to speed and timing.

Missing Zettel verse from Dresden 87v (12)

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Zettel German

Was der krieg oben rempt*
niden wirt er beschempt

Zettel English

Whatever the war makes room for above,
he is ashamed below.
  • räumen can mean to clear the boards

82v c

82v c Latin (Sandbox)

  1. Habitus, quem nos bellum appellamus est,
  2. cum intorsionibus et quicquod inde per mucronem versus quatour nuditates formatur,
  3. utimur.
  4. Verum eum hac ratione exercebis:
  5. Si contra hostem Ictum ex ira appellationem adeptum ferias,
  6. isque, eum exceperit[^4],
  7. sublatis brachiis,
  8. mucronem ensis tui iuxta ipsius ensem superne contra hostis superam nuditatem lateris sinistri.
  9. Verum si eam vim removerit[^5],
  10. in habitu intorsionis consistere memineris,
  11. sed mucronem deorsum convertas in latus sinistrum.
  12. At si adversarius id quoque removeat[^6],
  13. tunc inferiores eius nuditates lateris dextri mucrone investiges,
  14. et si id etiam repellat[^7],
  15. tu ense sublato in latus sinistrum,
  16. contra latus hostis dextrum mucronem nuditates supernas inquirendo inmittas,
  17. itaque habitum belli vel militiae infernè et supernè hostis exagitabitur,
  18. si quidem eum iuxta Athletarum veram instructionem exercueris.

82v c English (Sandbox)

  1. The aspect of the art, which we call beautiful warfare,
  2. uses the wrappings and it is shaped from that place by the point against four openings,
  3. [subsumed into 2]
  4. certainly you will practice it [this aspect of the art] with this method:
  5. If you would strike against the enemy a winning stroke named from ire,
  6. and HE intercepts it,
  7. when the arms have been lifted,
  8. join the point of your sword over his sword and against the enemy's upper opening on the left side.
  9. Certainly if he were to set his strength aside,
  10. remember to persist in the skill of wrapping,
  11. but also change the point below into the left side.
  12. And if the adversary would also set it aside,
  13. now seek out his lower opening of the right side with the point,
  14. and if he would likewise drive it back,
  15. lift with the sword into the left side,
  16. you send the sword in against the right side of the enemy [as a] means of seeking out the upper openings,
  17. and so the enemy will have been goaded above and below during the aspect of the art called beautiful warfare or soldiering,
  18. if indeed you will exercise/practice that true instruction alongside athletes.

82v c Notes

  • [^4]: exceperit is the equivalent of 'versetzt'
  • [^5]: removerit is equivalent for 'setzt... ab'
  • [^6]: removeat is the equivalent for 'mit der versatzung'
  • [^7]: repellat is the equivalent for 'mit der versatzung'