by Stevie Thurston
by Steve Hick
The First Flourish
A quarter fare before you, delivered at his hand, void back the right foot with a full quarter with both hands. A down-right stroke voiding back the left foot, standing still play three rakes lithely, ??? cleaving by the elbows with a quarter fare before you with both hands. And then another quarter with two turns and a down-right stroke voiding back the left foot. Standing still play three rakes with a quarter fare before you, followed by two quarters with two turns. A down-right stroke setting forth your right foot as far forwards as your left, with a broken thrust on your left side and another broken thrust on your right side, turning your sword under your arm on your right side, then make a broken thrust on your left side and another broken thrust on your right side. The turning your sword put the point carefully before you on the ground.
[1r] The first flourysh
A quarter fayre before you deliueryde at ??? hande voydyng baek the ryght fote yth an ??? quarter with both hands. A downryght stroke voydyng bake the lyfte fote standyng styll play 3 rakys lythly ???yng by the elbows with a quarter fayre before you with both handys And yet another with 2 turnes and ??? downright stroke voydyng bake the lyfte fote styll standyng playing smite 3 rakys with a quarter fayre before you And 2 quarters after with 2 turnes. A down rytht stroke setting forth your ryght foot as forward your lyfte with a broken foyne upon the lyfte syde an other on yore ryght syde turnyng yore sworde under yore rythe arm... yore same syde wyth a brokyn foyne uppon yore lyffte syde an other on the ryght syde turnyng yore sword fote the poynt soffte before you uppon the grownde.
The Second Flourish
A quarter fare before you with one hand standing still, set in your right leg with a Dragon's tail then set the left hand upon your sword and smite a quarter fare before you. With one hand turn your body and set your right leg as far forward as your left, bringing the point of the sword over your head and carefully put the point to the ground. Then standing still play your rakes upon any side, as often as you will until the sword rests upon your right side, then smite a down-right stroke voiding back the left leg. Void back the right leg with a rake, lift up your sword over your head and bring forth your right foot as far as the left. Play a broken thrust upon every side turning the sword over the right arm place the point carefully on the ground before you.
The seconde florysth
A quarter fayre before you with wn hande standyng style ??? yore ryght loge witha dragonys tayle then sett the lyfte hande uppon yore sworde smytyng a quarter fayre before you with wn hande turnyng yore body sete in youre ryghte legge as fore as yore lyfte bryngyng the poynt of the sworde over yore hede sote he do ynd sofftly before you uppon yore grownde then stonde styll pley youre rakys uppon ony syde uppon as offte as you wyll restyng uppon youre ryghte arme then smyte a down rythe stroke voydyng yore loffte legge bryngyng after the ryght legge with a rake lyffte uppe yore sworde over yore hede bryng forthe yore ryght legge as fore as yore lefte pley a brokyn foyne uppon euyre syde turnyng the sworde over the ryght arme settyng the poynte sofftley before you on the grownde.
The Laying Down of Your Sword
A proffer to his face, following in with the right leg with a rake. Standing still smite a quarter fare before you, with another after voiding back the right leg. Then smite a down-right stroke voiding back the left leg, with a rake following in with the right leg, lift up your hands over your right shoulder and turning again set your right leg before your left and softly lay down your sword.
The laying down of your sword
A profur to hys face folowyng in with (a/your???) ryght legge with a rake stonding style smyte a quarter fayre before you with another after, voydyng bake the ryght legge then smyte a down ryght stroke voydyng bake the lyfte legge with a rake following in with the ryght leg, lyftyng up yore handys ouer yore ryght shulder turnyng a gayne sete in your ryght legge before youre lyft softly lay down youre sworde.
The First Chase
A full stroke, a for thrust, with a quarter lithely delivered. (If it is played twice it will bring you to your ground.)
The firste Chate
A full stroke a for foyne with a quarter lythly delyueryde And yff hyt be tweys pleyde hyt wyll bryng you agayn to yore grounde
The Second Chase
A double round, with a back-thrust and a quarter lithely delivered. (If it is played twice it will bring you to your ground.)
The seconde Chate
A bouwble rownde wyth a bake foyne and a quarter lyghtly delyueryde And hyt be tweys pleyde hyt wyll bryng you agayne to yore grounde.
The Third Chase
A double-round forward, a double-round backward. A down-right stroke voiding back the left leg, a back-thrust voiding back the right right leg, following in with the left leg smite a quarter backward. (If it is played twice it will bring you to your ground.)
The thyrde chate
A dowble rownde forwarde an other bakwarde A down ryght stroke voydyng bake ye lyffte legge a bake foyne voydyng bake the ryght legge folowyng in wyth the lyffte legge smyte a quarter bakewarde And yff hyt be tweys pleyde hyt wyll bryng you to yore grounde.
The Fourth Chase Called the Bowe-Thrust
A double-round forward, a double-round backward. A down-right stroke voiding back the left leg, a back-thrust with a bow-thrust voiding back the right leg, lithely a quarter (void).
The fourthe chate callyd ye bewne foyne
A dowble rowndys forewarde an other bakewarde a downe ryght stroke voydyng bake the lyffte legge A bake foyne with a bo(e?)wfoyne voydyng bake with the ryghte legge lyghtly smyte a quarter
The Fifth Chase Called at the Rounds
Two double-rounds forward. And there follows contrary all to your man.(If it is played twice it will bring you to your ground.)
The fyffte chate called att ye rowndys
To doble rowndys forewarde and ther folowes contrary all to son/yon/yor man and yff you pley hyt a gayne hyt wyll bryng you to yore grownde.
The Sixth Chase Called the Tumbling Chase
Two double-rounds forward, two double-rounds backward, all upon the left foot lithely delivered the tumble forward as round as a ball (that is to say – with a down-right stroke set forward the right foot, bringing the sword above your head void back the left foot, with an other down-right stroke followed with the right foot, then bring back the same foot with a back-thrust, set in the left foot and smite back a quarter.
The sixte chate callyd ye tumblyng chate
To doble rowndys forewarde with as mony badewarde all uppon the lyffte fote lythtly delyveryde then tumble forewarde rownde as a ball that ys to say wythe a downe ryght stroke sete forewarde the ryght fote bryngyng the sworde over youre hede voyde bake the lyffte fote with an other downe ryght stroke folowyde with the ryght fote then bryng bake the same fote with a bake foyne sete in the lyffte fote and smyte bake a quarter.
The Seventh Chase
A full-stroke, a fore-thrust followed with a quarter, playing a broken thrust upon the right side, another on the left side. Thrust forth a fore-thrust followed with two quarters, with said broken thrusts played on every side, thrust forth a fore-thrust at his face, voiding back with two quarters.
The sevyneth chate
A full stroke a for foyne folowed with a quarter pleyng a brokyn foyne uppon the ryght syde an other on the lyffte syde therste forth a for foyne folowyde with 2 quarters with the sayde brokyn foynes pleyde on euery syde throste forthe a for foyne at hys face voydyng bake with 2 quarters.
The Eighth Chase Called the Spring
A full stroke, a fore-thrust, setting forth the left foot with the left hand smite a (full-)spring, voiding back the same foot with a full stroke. Then play a back-thrust with another spring, voiding back the left leg with a full stroke, then void back the right foot and play a double-thrust with a spring. Voiding back the left foot with a full-stroke playing another double-thrust with a spring, voiding back the left foot with full-stroke and a back-thrust.
The eghte chate callyde ye spryng
A full stroke a for foyne settyng forthe ye lyffte fote with the lyffte hande smyte a spryng voydyng bake ye same fote with a full stroke then pley a bake foyne with an other spryng voydyng bake the lyffte fote with a full stroke then voyde bake the ryght fote and pley a doble foyne with a spryng voydyng bake ye lyffte fote wythe a full stroke pleyng an other doble foyne with a spryng voydyng bake ye lyffte fote wyth a full stroke and a bake foyne
The 9th Chase Called the Four Points
A down-right stroke voiding back the left leg, suddenly play a rake followed with the right leg. Standing still play a quarter fare before you, then set in the left leg and smite back a quarter.
The 9th chate callyd ye four poynts
A down ryght stroke voydyng bake ye lyffte legge sodenly pley a rake folowyd wyth ye ryght legge stondyng styll pley a quarter fayre before you then sete in the lyffte legge and smyte bake a quarter.
The 10th Chase Called the Two Points
A down-right stroke voiding back the left leg, suddenly play a rake followed with the right foot. Then void back the left leg with another down-right stroke and play a back-thrust voiding back the right leg, step in with the left leg and smite back a quarter.
The 10th chate callyd the 2 poynts
A down ryght stroke voydyng bake the lyffte fote sodenly pley a rake folowyd wyth ye ryght fote then voyde bake the lyffte legge wythe an other down ryght stroke and pley a bake foyne voydyng bake the ryght legge steppe in with ye lyffte legge and smyte bake a quarter.
The 11th Chase Called Three Points
A rake on the right side, standing still smite a quarter, voiding back the right leg strike another after.
The 11 th chate callyd 3 poynts
A rake uppon ye ryght syde stondyng styll smyte a quarter voydyng bake the ryght legge stryke an other after.
The 12th Called the Points (???)
A down-right stroke voiding back the left leg, lithely play a rake followed with the right leg. Then void back the same leg and suddenly play a quarter.
The 12 th callyde ye poynts ???
A down ryght stroke voydyng bake with the lyffte legge lythly pley a rake folowede wyth the ryght legge then foyde bake same legge sodenly pley a quarter
The 13th Called the Getting Chase
A quarter fare before you with both hands, standing still play a proffer at his face followed with your rakes backward. Smite a spring, turning with a full-stroke, following with your rakes before you smite a quarter turning your body play two quarters all upon the left foot.
The 13 th callyde ye gettyng chate
A quarter fayre before you with bothe handys standyng styll pley a profur at hsi face folowyng with yore rakys bakewarde smyte a spryng turnyng with a full stroke folowyng with yore rakys before you smyte a quarter turnyng youre body pley 2 quarters all upon ye lyffte fote.
The First Point of the Counter
A proffer at his face standing still. Then set in the left foot with a rake and a quarter, voiding back the same foot with another quarter, then void back your left leg and stand at your stop.
The fyrste poynte of ye cownter
A profur at hys face standyng styll then sett in ye ryght legge with a rake and a quarter voydyng bake ye same legge with an other quarter then voyd bake yore lyffte legge and stande at youre stoppe.
The Second Counter Called the Full Spring
A proffer, a rake with a quarter, another void. Lithely smite a full spring, setting in the right leg with a quarter and another void, be at your stop.
The seconde cowntyr callyd ye full spryng
A profer a rake with a quarter an other voyde lythly smyte a full spryng settyng in ye ryght legge with a quarter and an other voyde be at yore stoppe.
The Third Counter Called the Short Spring With a Falling Stroke
A proffer, a rake with a quarter, another void. Standing still a short spring with a falling stroke, then set in the right leg with a quarter, another void and be at your stop.
The thyrde countyr callyd ye shorte spryng with fallyng sty???
A profer a rake with a quarter an other voyde stondyng styll a short spryng with a fallyng stroke then set in the ryght legge with a quarter an other voyde and be at yowr stoppe
The 22nd Called the Large Proffer With a Rabett (???) Before a Quarter
A proffer large, standing still lithely play a rabbit at his leg, low by the ground. The lithely set in the right leg with a quarter and smite him to the ground, then void back the same leg and be at your stop.
The xxii th callyd the large profer with a rabet ??? ys a fore quarter
A profer large stondyng styll lyghtly pley a rabett at hys legge lowe by ye grownde then lythly sete in ye ryght legge with a quarter and smyte hym to ye grownde then voyde bake the same legge and be at yore stopps.
The 23rd Called the Facing With the Spring
Also standing at your defence; when your enemy begins to come in with a proffer, look steadfastly in his face and then set in your left leg across before your right leg, lithely smite a full-spring at his leg and then void back your left leg and be at your stop. ????then foot set in the right with a full quarter and another void and be at your stop.
The xxiii th callyd ye facyng wyth ye spryng
Also stondyng at yore defence when yore enemy begynyth to cum in with a profer loke stedfastly in hys face and ??? sett in your lyffte legge cros before your ryght legge lythly smytyng a full spryng at hys legge and then a voyde a bake yore lyffte lege and be att your stoppe. ???ther fote sete in the ryght with a full quarter and an other voyde and be att youre stoppe.
The Stopping Rabetts
Also standing at your defence with your sprite enemy, when he begins to play a proffer lithely set in your left leg with a rabett voiding back. Voiding back the same leg be at your stop. Otherwise, when your enemy plays a proffer with a rake and begins to pull back his sword to make a quarter, lithely set in your left leg with the said rabett, then void back the same leg and be at your stop.
[1v] The stoppyng Rabbetts
Also standyng att yore defence wythe yowre spryght enemy when he begynneth to play a profer lyghtly sett in yore lyffte legge with a rabett voydyng bake. Voydyng bake the same legge be at your stopp. Other els when yore enemy playeth a profer with a rake and begynnyth to pluke bake hys sworde to sete a quarter lyghtly sett in youre lyfte legge wyth ye seyde Rabett then voyde bake the same legge and be att youre stopps.
The Dragon's Tail With a Pendant
A proffer with a rake standing still, with your right hand play an empty quarter above his head and as the sword waves about your head set in your left foot, then lithely with the right hand and foot thrust forth a thrust at his face. Standing still lithely bring back your sword with both hands and thrust a bow-thrust at his belly, then smite a full quarter, and another void, and be at your stop.
The dragonys tayle with a pendante
A profer with a rake stondyng styll with youre ryght hande pley a voyde quarter above hys hede and as the sworde waveth a boute. On youre hede sett in youre lyfte fote then lyghtlye wyth the ryght hande and foote throste forth a foyne at hys face standyng styll lyghtly bryng bake youre sworde with both hands and throste a bow foyne att hys bely, then smyte a pell/pull quarter And an other voyde And be att youre stopps.
Amen Quod J. Ledall
The 4th Called the Rabett With a Down-Right Stroke
A proffer, a rake with a quarter, set in your left leg with a rabett. Then set in your right leg with a down-right stroke with both hands, with a thrust and a quarter with another void be at your stop.
The 4 th callyd the rabett with a downe ryght stroke
A profur a rake with a quarter sett in your lyfte legge with a rabett then sett in youre ryght legge with a downe ryght stroke with both hands wyth a foyne and a quarter with an other voyde be att yore stoppe.
The 5th Point Called the 3 Quarters
A proffer, a rake with a quarter full. Standing still play another empty above his head, with another at his leg, then void bake the right leg with another quarter and be at your stop.
The 5 th poynte callyd ye 3 quarters
A profur a rake wyth a quarter full stondyng styll pley an other voyde above hys hide with an other at hys legge then voyde bake the ryght legge with an other quarter and be att youre stopps.
The 6th Point Called the Cross-Rake
A proffer, a cross rake with a thrust at his face, with a quarter full and another, a void, be at your stop.
The 6 th poynte callyde the cros rake
A profur a cros rake with a foyne at hys face with a quarter full and an other a voyde be at youre stoppe.
The 7th Point Called the Down-Right Stroke
A proffer, a rake with a quarter, another, a void. A down-right stroke followed with the right leg, then standing still lithely play a fore-thrust with a quarter and another void be at your stop.
The 7 th poynte callyd ye downeryght stroke
A profur a rake wyth a quarter A nother A voyde a downe ryght stroke folowyde wyth the ryght legge then standyng styll lythly pley a fore foyne with a quarter and an other voyde be att youre stops.
The 8th Called the Rabett With a Down-Right Stroke
A proffer, a rake with a quarter, a void. A downright stroke followed with the right leg, with a fore-thrust. Setting in the left leg lithely play a rabbit then set in the right leg with a down-right stroke, a fore-thrust with a quarter, another, a void, be at your stop.
The 8 the callyde the rabett with a downe ryght stroke
A profur a rake with a quarter a voyde a down ryghte stroke folowyde the ryght legge with a fore foyne settyng in the lyfte legge lythly pley a rabett then sett in ye ryght legge with a downe ryght stroke a foyne with a quarter an other a voyde be att yore stoppe.
The 9th Called the Double Round With Two Foins
A double-round forward, with a thrust at his face. Another at his belly, standing still play a quarter full with another void, be at your stop.
The 9 th callyde ye duble rounde with 2 foynes
A duble rounde forewarde with a foyne at hys face An other att hys bely standyng styll pley a quarter full with an other voyde be att yore stops.
The 10th Called the Snatch
A proffer, a rake with a quarter full. Voiding back the right leg with the left hand smite a snatch, then void back your left leg and be at your stop.
The 10 the callyde the snache
A profur a rake wyth a quarter full voydyng bake the ryght legge with ye lyfte honde smyte a snache then voyde bake yore lyfte legge and be att yore stoppe.
The 11th Called the Short Spring With Two Thrusts Following
A proffer, a rake with a quarter full, another void. Lithely play a short spring, voiding back the left leg, set hands upon the sword, setting up a thrust by the left shoulder , bring it forth before you, set in your left leg with such another thrust at his face, followed with the right leg play a quarter full with another void and be at your stop.
The 11 th callyde ye shorte spryng with 2 foynes folowyng
A profur a rake with a quarter full an other voyde lythly pleying a shorte
spryng voydyng bake the lyfte legge sett hands uppon the sworde settyng up a foyne by ye lyfte shulder bryng hutt forthe byfore you sett in yore lyfte legge wythe suche a nother foyne at hys face folowyde with the ryght legge lythly pley a quarter full with an other voyde and be att youre stoppe.
The 12th Point Called the Fool
A proffer, a rake with a quarter full and another, a void. Standing still lightly (with the left hand) to his head cast a fool. Then set in your right leg and smite a quarter full, with another void be at your stop.
The 12 th poynte callyde ye fooll
A profur a rake wythe a quarter full and a nother A voyde standyng styll lyghtly with the lyfte honde to hys hede caste a foolle then set in yore ryght legge and smyte a quarter full with another voyde be att youre stoppe.
The 13th Point Called the Down-Right Stroke Standing Still
A proffer, a rake with a full quarter, another, a void above his head. Standing still move your body, bringing your sword over your right shoulder, lightly smite a down-right stroke at his head, with a thrust and a full quarter, with another void be at your stop.
The 13 th poynte callyde ye downe ryght stroke stondyng styll
A profur a rake with a full quarter another a voyde a bou hys hede stondyng styll meue yore body bryngyng youre sworde ouer youre ryght shulder lyghtly smyte a downe ryght stroke att hys hede wythe a foyne and a full quarter with another voyde be att yore stoppe.
The 14th Point Called the [Turning Quarter]
A proffer, a rake with a full quarter, another, a void. Then softly set in your right leg, be at your stop. That done set in your left leg with a rabbit fare above his head. Lithely set in your right leg with a down-right stroke at his head, with a thrust and a full quarter with another, a void, be at your stop.
Note that the titles to the 14th and 15th Points seem to be reversed. This has been corrected here.
The 14 poynte callyde ye brokyn spryng with ye foyne
A profur a rake with a full quarter another a voyde then softely sett in yore ryght legge be att yore stoppe. That doon set in yore lyfte legge with a rabett fayre aboue hys hede lyghtly sett in youre ryght legge with a downe ryght stroke at hys hede with a foyne and a full quarter with another a voyde be att yore stoppe.
The 15th Called the [Broken Spring With a Thrust]
A proffer, a rake with a quarter, another, a void. Standing still hold your sword with both hands and bend your body as if you will smite a full spring. Then loose your right hand and with the left hand thrust forth a thrust at his side, setting in your right leg lithely with a full quarter, another, a void, be at your stop.
The 15 th callyd ye turnyng quarter
A profur a rake with a quarter an other a voyde stondyng styll hold youre sworde with both hande and bende yore body as you wylle smyte a full spring then loose youre ryght honde with the lyfte honde therste forthe ye foyne att hys syde settyng in ye ryght legge lyghtly with a full quarter another a wyde be att youre stoppe.
The 16th and the Defence It Nowed Shalt ????
A proffer, a rake with a quarter full, with another quarter, a large void. Then lithely turn your body with a full quarter, another void be at your stop. A proffer, a rake with a full quarter, then loose your left hand from your sword, voiding back your right leg, bring it back with your right hand fare before your chest ready to thrust, and run in with a rake and a full quarter. Playing the same play twice, then bring back again your sword with the said right hand and leg and smite a full-spring lithely with a full quarter, and another, a void and be at your stop.
The 16 th and ye defence yt nowed shalt ????
A profur a rake with a quarter full with another quarter largely a voyde then lyghtly turne youre body with a full quarter an other voyde be att youre stoppe. A profur a rake with a full quarter then loose yore lyfte hande fro youre sworde voydyng bake youre ryght legge bring hyt bake with yore ryght honde fayre before yore broste redy to foyne and ron in with a rake and a full quarter pleying the same pley twyse then bryng bake agayne youre sworde with ye sayde ryght honde and legge And smyte a full spryng lythly with a full quarter And an other A voyde and be att youre stoppe.
The 17th Called the Double Spring
A proffer, a rake, a full quarter, with another, a void. Lithely cast out a full short spring at his face. Standing still, when the sword comes about your head bring it with your right hand at your right shoulder then lithely smite a full spring with a full quarter, another, a void, be at your stop.
The 17 th callyd ye duble spryng
A profur a rake a full quarter with another a voyde lyghtly caste owte a full shorte spryng att hys face stondyng styll when ye sworde comyth a bowte off yore hede ??? hytt with yore ryght hond att yore ryght shuldyr then lyghtly smyte a full spryng with a full quarter an other a voyde be
att youre stoppe.
The 18th Called the Double Rabett
A proffer, a rake with a full quarter. Lithely set in the left leg with a rabbit, standing still lithely play another rabbit, with a full spring at his leg, (otherwise set in your right leg with a down-right stroke at his head) and a full quarter, another, a void and be at your stop.
The 18 th callyde ye duble rabett
A profur a rake with a full quarter lyghtly sett in the lyfte legge with a rabett stondyng styll lyghtly pley another rabett wyth a full spryng att hys legge other ??? sett in ye ryght legge with a downe ryght stroke att hys hede and a full quarter another a voyde and be att youre stoppe.