Draft Modernization  by Jon Pellett
Transcription by Alfred Hutton
The Use of the Two-handed Sword
The first playing and beginning of the substance of the two-handed sword / the first ground begins with an hauke bearing in with the foot with a double round with 3 feet outward and as many homeward making end of the play with a quarter cross smitten with an hauke snatch setting down by the foot.
[82r] The Use of the Two-hand Sworde
The ferste pleyng & begÿnyng of the substansce of ye too honde swerde / ye ferst gronde be gynyth w an hauke beryng inwt ye foote wt a double rownde wt. iij . fete howtewarde & as meny homward makyng ende of ye play wt a quarter cros smetyn wt an hauke snach settyng down by ye foote.
The 2nd lesson is 2 haukes with 2 half haukes cleaving the elbows with the same 2 double rounds aforesaid with 3 foot outward and as many homeward.
The .ij. lesson ys .ij. haukys wt ij. halfe haukys cleuÿg ye elbowys wyth ye same .ij. doublylrowndys forsayde wt .iij. foote owtward . & as meny hamward.
The 3rd lesson is a spring upward . with an hauke quarter . down by the cheek . with 3 double rounds standing borne on the head . with a double round born in with the foot . with . 3 outwards.
The .iij. lesson ys a sprynge vpward . wt an hauke quarter . downe by ye cheke . wt iij. doubylrowndys stondÿg borne on ye hed . wt a dowbylrownde born in wt ye foote . wt .ij. outwards.
The 4th lesson is with a double hauke with 2 double rounds bearing in with a step upon both feet.
The .iiij. lesson . ys wt a dowbil hauke wyth .ij. doubil rowndis berÿg inwt a step vp on bothe feete.
The 5th lesson is with an hauke meant over the head . but bear it up with a step . break off the earth with running rounds on the head with 2 half haukes borne with 2 cock steps of the foot.
The .5. lesson ys wt an hauke menyd our ye hede . but bere ht vp wt a step . breke of ye erthe wt rënyng rowndis on ye hede wt .ij. halfe havkis born wt .ij. koc stappis of ye foete.
The 6th lesson bear out the earth with 3 cock steps and so come home out of danger again.
The .6. lesson bere ovte ye erthe wt .iij. koc stapps & so come home ovte of danger a gayne.
The 7th lesson is . Smite an hauke cross . cross over the elbows with a back step and so smite it on the feet.
[82v] [T]he .7. lesson ys . Smyte an hauke cros . cros our ye elbovys wt a bak stop & so smyte ht on ye fet.
The 8th lesson is with an hauke cross smitten with a back step borne with both feet and a contrary hauke homeward borne with 2 steps.
[T]he .8. lesson ys wt. an hauke cros smytÿ wt a bakstep born wt bothe fete & a contrary hauke hamward born wt.ij. steppis.
These be stroke and rule of the two-handed sword to make his hand and his foot accord.
[T]hese ben stroke & revle of ye .ij. hondswerd to make hys hond & ys foete a corde.
The play of the two-handed sword between 2 bucklers is . first take a sign Of the ground there the play between 2 bucklers . make first a sign to them[3] with a large hauke down to the ground . with . 3 rolling strokes . with an hauke to the other side.
[T]he pley of ye .ij. hondswerd by twene .ij. bokelers ys . fyrst take a sygne Of ye gonde ther ye pley by twene .ij. bokelers . make ferst a sygne to hë wt a large hauke down to ye grownde . wt .iij. rollyng strokis . wt an hauke to ye oder side.
The 2nd lesson is a chase . or an hauke with a quarter borne in with a cock step and an hauke borne in with a chase foin . that made up with a light spring.
[T]he .ij. lesson ys a chase . or an hauke wyt a quartr born in wt a kocstep & an hauke born in wt a chase foyn . y made vp wt a lygte sprÿg.
The 3rd lesson is . a chase . with 2 haukes cleaving the elbows.
[T]he .3. lesson ys . a chase . vt .ij. havkys cleuyng ye elbovis.
The 4th lesson . is a chase smitten with 2 half rounds . with 2 cock steps . a quarter with a step an hauke with a chase foin . with the stroke aventure smitten on 3 feet . and made up with a rake down. ~ borne up with a double hauke . and so serve the stroke aventure upon both feet.
[T]he .4. lesson . ys a chase smetÿ wt .ij. half rowndis . wt .ij. kocstoppis . a qrter wt a steppe an hauke wt a chase foyn . wt ye stroke a venture smetÿ on .iij. fete . & made vp wt a rake down . ~ bore vp wt a dovbil hauke . & so serue ye stroke aüetur vp on bothe fete.
The 5th lesson . is a chase with an hauke & with a back step standing on the foot . & playing on that other side a quarter and the same chase . and an hauke with a step . and an hauke with a chase foin contrary smitten . and so smite in with both feet i made up with 2 half haukes . with 2 back steps . and with the running.
[T]he .5. lesson . ys a chase wt an hauke & wt a bakstep stondÿg on ye foote . & playng on yt othr syde a qrter & ye same chase . & an hauk wt a step . & an hauke wt a chase foyn contry smy// [83r] ten . & so smyte in wt bothe feete i made vp wt .ij. halfe hauke . wt .ij. bakstoppis . & wt ye rënyng.
The 6th lesson is . 2 hauke quarters rounds with a broken half hauke a laying down to the foot with a contrary hand this is the first laying a down.
[T]he .6. lesson ys .ij. hauke qrters rovnys wt a brokyn halfe hauke a leyng dovn to ye foete wt a contrary honde ys is ye fyrst leyng a dovne.
The 7th lesson and the first taking up is 3 rakes upward and 3 downward . and going in with a great step . with double quarter well smitten . bearing out with the foot a broken half hauke setting down the sword by the foot.
[T]he .7. lesson & ye fyrst takyng vp ys .iij. rakys vpward & .iij. dovneward . & gan inwt a grete steppe . wt doubyl qrter wel smytÿ . berÿg ovte wt ye foete a brokyn halfe hauke settÿg downe ye swerde by ye foete.
The 8th lesson and the second laying a down of thy sword . 2 haukes with a quarter and 3 with the foot with a broken hauke . a laying down to the foot with a contrary hand.
[T]he .8. lesson & ye secnde leÿg a dovne of thy swerde .ij. haukys wt a qrter & iii wt ye foete wt a brokyn hauke . a leÿg dovne to ye foete wt a cötrary honde.
The 9th lesson and the second taking up of thy sword is 3 haukes on each side standing on the earth still with a stop bor meant on the earth . with an hauke quarter borne with a step . and with a double quarter hand and foot borne over the head . an hauke meant setting down thy sword by thy foot.
[T]he .9. lesson & ye secnde takÿg vp of thy swerde ys .iij. haukys on euych syde stondyng on ye erthe stil wt a stop bor menyd on ye erthe. wt an hauke quartr born wt a step . and wt a doubyl qrter honde & foete born our ye hede . an hauke menyd settyng thy swerd by thy foete.
The 10th lesson and the 3rd laying down of thy sword is a quarter and in with the foot and an hauke broken at the cheek and then a double hauke about the head broken . and then in with a spring of the foot . with a stroke aventure . with a quarter and with a snatch . laying to the earth with a contrary hand.
[T]he .10. lesson & ye .iij. Ieyng dovne of thy swerd ys a qrter & in wt ye foete & an hauke brokÿg at ye cheke & then a doubil hauke a bovte ye hed brokyn . & then in wt a sprÿge of ye foete . wt a stroke auëture . wt a qrter & wt a snache . leyng to ye erthe wt a cötrary hond.
The 11th lesson and the 3rd taking up is with a spring with that on hand right up on to the face[4] with an half round broken into a step with a reverence[5] to the cross of thy hilt with a long quarter stroke smitten flat down by the back . with a double broken spring back the foot a drawing . and in with a long rake double . in with the foot walking and on each foot 2 rakes and at the walk's[6] end smite in 4 rakes double born into a step . and so the other rakes in to the walk[7] end . and double that[8] one into a step . again turning in with a long double rake with a step . & with that other hand spring up thy sword to thy right shoulder and smite thy stroke aventure with an hauke setting down thy sword by thy foot.
[T]he .11. lesson & ye iij. takÿg vp ys wt a sprynge wt yt on hond rigte [83v] vp on to ye visage wt an halfe rounde broky in to a step wt a reuence to ye cros of thy hilte wt a long cartar stroke smety flat dovne by ye bak . wt a doubil brokÿ spryng bak ye foete a drawyng . & in wt a long rake dobil . in wyth ye foete walkyng & on eche foete .ij. rakys . & at ye alurys ende smyte in .iiij. rakys doubille born into a step . & so ye other rakys in to ye alure ende . & dovbil yt on in to a step . a gayn turnÿg in wt a long dovbil rake wt a step . & wt yt othr hond spryng vp thy swerd to thy rygt shulder & smyte thy stroke auëtur wt an hauke settÿg dovne thy swerd by thy foete.
To Encounter with the Two-handed Sword
And as for the first countenance of the two-handed sword . thou shalt walk in with 3 foot to thy adversary with a bold spirit and a merry heart with a single quarter . and a single quarter wasted with a quarter stroke and thus smite thy counter both off and on and let thy hand and thy foot accord together in good offence.
To Incounter wth the Two Hand Sworde
And as for ye first contenance of ye .ij. höd swerd . thou shalt walk in wt .iij. foete to thy adursary wt a bold spyrte & a mery herte wt a sengyl qrter . & a sengil quartr wastyd wt a cartr stroke and thus smyte thy conter bothe of & on & lete thy hond & thy foet a corde to geder in goede afense.
The 2nd counter is with a double quarter with the foot going . & . a double quarter wasted into a step & in with thy foot & smite a large hauke up into the sky . with a double snatch.
[T]he .ij. conter ys wt a doubil quartr wt thy foete goyng . & a dobyl quartr wastid in to a step & in wt thy foete & smyte a large hauke vp in to ye skye . wt a doubil snache.
The 3rd lesson of the counter is . a rake on each foot going till thou come to thy adversary . with a double quarter with whole defence borne with another double quarter with whole defence break in & a sign a touch with a large spring & smite with fierce stroke meant with whole defence & so smite this counter both off & on . & bovre thy strokes of each of thy counters.
[T]he .3. lesson of ye countr ys . a rake on eche [84r] foete goyng till thou come to thy adusary . wt a doubil quartr wt hole defence born wt an othr dobil qrter wt hole defence breke in & a sygne a toche wt a large sprynge & smyte wt fers stroke menyd wt hole defence & so smyte ys cowntr bothe of & on . & bovrel thy strokis of eche of thy cowntris.
The 4th counter is 2 half rounds. With a turn foin . bearing in the foin with a quarter. & an hauke at the sky with a snatch with thy whole defence born before thee[9] . & this counter must be smote with transposing of thy earth of both feet for sureness of defence.
[T]he .4. cowntr ys .ij. halfe roundys. Wyth a tnye foyne . beryng in ye foyne wt a qrter . & an hauke at ye skye wt a snache wt thy hole defence born a for the . & ths cowntr most be smete wt tnsposyng of thy erthe of bothe fete for surenesse of defence.
The 5th counter is an half round of the second foot . & then smite 2 double haukes & both sides whole . & broken enter in[10] with the first foot, with a double quarter . & so smite a quarter stroke but turn him with a stroke aventure with whole defence . & smite this counter both off and on . & let thy eye, thy foot, & thy hand accord in thy defence . the cause of stroke aventure is called . for a man turns his back on his enemy.
[T]he .5. cowntr is an halfe rownde of ye secnde foete . & than smyte .ij. dobil haukys & bothe sides hole . & brokë enter hÿ wt ye ferst foete . wt a dobil qrter . & so smyte a cartr stroke but tne hym wt a stroke auëture wt hole defence . & thvs smyte ths cownter bothe of & on . & lete thy eye . thy foete . & thy honde a corde in thy defence ye cause of stroke auëture is callyd . for a ma tnyth hys bak to hys enmy.
The 6th counter is bearing in with 3 foins on both feet . & look thou turn hand & foot & smite a large quarter . & bear in a step with thy back naked borne . & smite a large hauke with fierce heart & draw him strongly up to the sky.
[T] he .6. cowntr ys beryng in wt .iij. foynys on bothe fete . & loke thou t¨ne hond & foete & smyte a large qrter . & ber in a stop wt thy bak nakyd born . & smyte a large hauke wt fers hert & draw hym sor vp to ye skye.
The 7th counter is meant 3 meant foins & transpose them both going & coming . & smite thy foins with in thy single quarter . & at the last quarter smite a large spring with a lusty step forward & then a chase foin.
[T]he .7. cowntr ys menyd .iij. menyd foyns & träspose hä bothe goyng & comyng. & smyte thy foynys wt in thy sengyl quartr . [84v] & at ye last quartr smyte a large sprynge wt a lusty stop a fore & then a chace foyne.