Draft Translation  by "Alex and Almirena"
Transcription by Dierk Hagedorn
The First Piece: Neck-lever/hold
Let yourself be seized by him, even if you could prevent it. If he has seized you under the arms around the chest and pressed you against him, then he intends to lift you up. In that case, you must let yourself sink down and seize him under the knee. Resist his pressing and bend him with both hands so that the head goes behind over his back. In this way you, as a weaker one, can throw a strong man to the ground.
[66r] Hie heben sich an gu°tte ringen vnd ander gu°tt brich ~~
Gib Im zu fessen also Daß du das kündest brechen jo Wenn er dich nun gefasst hat / vnde~ den armen an der statt / Druckt er dich an in / darnach stät och sin sÿn daß er dich will vffheben mitt den armen soltdu nider schweben In vnder daß knÿ zefassen In sine~ trucken ste wol mitt hassen Im das haupt über den ru~ck mitt baÿden arme~ du nitt zu~ck Also wirfest du den starcken man mitt diner schwachait vff die ban etc~
The Second Piece: Throw at the Hair
If you want to seize someone and he sets an arm-lever/hold, then let go immediately of his arm and grab him in the hair. Tear him by the hair to your shoulder, and then run his head against the wall. Thus he is defeated.
[66v] Ain ander stuck
Wenn du dich mitt aine~ wilt fassen / vnd nims nÿmst in mitt zorn vñ mirtt hassen / Wenn er dir tu°t den schwüch So lauß den arm farn Schnell ruck in bÿ den harñ Darzu° ruck heb vff mitt bant Vff die achsel all zu° handt / mitt sine~ hawp haupt lauff an die wand do / er ist deñ also versto ~~·~~ :~
The Third Piece: Throw
Note: If you and your opponent approach each other and he pulls both arms to you, then step with the left side forward. Let the left arm slide rapidly wrongly around his neck, the right between his legs. In this way throw him over the head: then he is stunned.
Ain ander stuck
Zuo dem ersten mal mörck nun wenn du mitt aine~ le luffest zu° / Vnd er och die baiden arm zuckcet / mitt gancze~ lÿb vnd [67r] zucket So lauff an in mitt der lincken sÿtten den lincken arm lass schnell gleÿten Die zwer vmb sinen halß zu° hand die rechte zwischen sin bain bekant vnd stürcz in über daß haüpt darmitt wirt er bedau~pt ~~
The Fourth Piece: Out-levers/Out-locks
If you and an equally strong opponent approach each other, then you MUST not hesitate. If you seize him in full run, he cannot prevent it. Grab him from below and throw him in that way. But take care that it does not happen to you!
Ain ander stuck ~
Wenn du zu° lauffest mitt aine~ glÿchen Siner störck solt du nitt wÿchen In follem lauff zu° dem fassen / er mag er warlich nitt gebüssen Vnd fach in vnden mitt den henden / vnd stürcz in vff die lenden / Doch ko lug daß es dir nitt geschiech (noch)
The Fifth Piece: Throw over the Shoulde
From a full run, seize his right hand with your left and hold on tightly. Duck through under his right arm, pass your left hand through and seize his thigh. Take him then on the shoulders and throw him on his head.
[67v] Mitt / Ain ande~ stuck ~
Mitt v follem lauff grÿff im sin rechte hand / mitt dine~ lincken turck tück lau~ff thu~ Im begant Durch sinen[13] arm gar schnelle mitt behende~ lauff mach dir ain gefelle Nÿm in bÿ dem schenkel faste doch sin hand halt veste Vñ secz in vff daß haupte sin nach allem willen din Ich globß nitt
The Sixth Piece: Turning your Opponent
If you and your opponent approach each other, then grab his left arm with your left, and his left leg with your right arm. Pull (tear) at him quickly, then he must turn his back to you. Then you can hit him on the head or punch him to the ground.
However, if he ducks rapidly and slips through under your arm, then he has repelled this technique.
Ain ander stuck
Wenn du mitt aine~ laffest zu° sinen lincken arm fach du nür Gar schnell vß der ebichen hand mitt der rechten sÿn bain sÿ dir [68r] bekant Vnd mitt dem selbe~ zucken mu°ß er dir kören den rucken So magstu du vff sin haupt ain gefell oder stoß in gar schnell kain besser bu°ß ist dowider / dann er buck sich schnell nÿder Vñ schlÿff durch den arm din So hat er gewoñen die bu°ß din ~
The First Wrestle
The first entrance to wrestling: lead your lower arm over his upper arm in front of his neck, and the other arm in the hollow of the knee. This works for both sides.
Ain ander stuck ~
Das erst ringen / Nÿm din vndern arm v~ber sin obern arm / vor dem halß alß ferr du magst Vnnd den andern arm In knÿkelen daß gat zu° von bavden sÿtten ~ ~~~
The Second Wrestle
One break: Turn over the hand that is above, and seize him in the front at the neck, with the other hand on his leg.
Der bruch
Der ai arm der oben ist den wechsel vñ grÿff [68v] im fornen an den halß mitt der andere~ hand aber an daß bain /
If you can't achieve the first wrestle-hold, then turn over (or change) both hands, so that one is at his neck and the other is at his leg. This works for both sides. This break is called the Leg-break (at the leg set technique) at the arm.
Item wann du zu° dem ersten Ringe~ nicht komen kanst So wechsel die vnderen handt oben vnd die obern vnden Also daß die ain hand sÿ an dem halß vñ die andern an dem bain daß trÿb von baiden sÿtten Der vil ringen gert Vnnd haisset der bainbruch an dem arm ~ ~ ~ ~
The Third Wrestle
Strike your lower arm over that of his, seize also with the second hand and shift the foot of the same side to the rear. And throw him in front of you on his face. This works for both sides.
~ Ain stuck ~
Daß dritt ringen Welchen arm du vnden häst den schlach über sin arm vñ grÿff mitt der anderen hand der zu° hilff vnd [69r] versecz den fu°ß derselben sÿtten von sine~ bain wol hin dan vñ wirff in für dich vff daß antlicz Das get vff baÿden sÿttezn zu° ~ ~~
Or else seize with both hands interlinked, pull him down by the neck and step him[14] with the feet behind you. These are the three Wrestles. One can execute these from the approaching-in on both sides, and also the defence techniques from them.
It~ schlüß die vndersten hand in die obresten vñ zeüch in bÿ dem halß nider I vnd tritt in mitt den füssen hinder dich Daß sind die drÿ dreuÿ ringen die mag man triben och zu°lauffents vff baiden sÿtten Vnnd och die brüch die da wider sÿenn / ~
If someone holds you under the arms and intends to carry you away or throw you with force:
Ain ander stuck
Ob ain man baide arm vnde~ gaffen hätt vnd wolt dich weg tragen oder werffen mitt störck
Counter-technique 1
Attack him with both arms to his throat and press there.
[69v] Der bruch
Fall im mitt baide~ armen an sin kel vñ truck in ~
Counter-technique 2
Turn his head around with both hands, one at the chin, the other one at the back of his head.
Ain ander bruch
Wennd im den kopff vmb baiden henden die ain hand an daß kün die l ander hinden an dz hau~pt
Counter-technique 3
Both thumbs to the throat and the other fingers in his eyes.
Baid daumen vnden an die kell vn die andern finge~ an / die ogen ~~~
Counter-technique 4
Press both thumbs against his temples.
Druck in mitt den daumen an den schlau°ff ~
The Seventh Piece: Leg Pull
If you and your opponent approach each other, then lock both arms in front of the chest and punch him against the neck. Then bend down, seize his leg underneath the calves, and throw him.
Ain ander stuck
Wilt du mitt aine~ ringen zu° lau~ffen So / schu~ß schlu~ß baÿd arm über din bru~st Vn stos in für den halß Da mitt bück dich vñ griff in bÿ dem bain vnde [70r] den waden mitt baide~ hende~ vñ wurff in überdich ~
Counter-technique: Finger-lever/hold
When someone grabs you from behind around the hips, seize the index finger of his upper hand. Turn yourself around to face him and step yourself behind him. From there you can wrestle as it pleases you. And also bend his finger.
Ob dich hinder In begrifft In der mitt So nÿm sines fingers war / des zaigers an der obrosten hand vnnd wed wend dich vmb vñ volg hinder den man Darmitt trÿb ain ringe~ dar nach din bestes ist / also thu° oben vñ och vmb och mitt dem finge~ daß haiset ain lem bruch etc
Counter-technique: Leg-pull
When someone grabs you from behind around the hips, then turn yourself around a little and step with both feet close to his feet, on any side. Seize the next leg with both hands above the knee. If he does not release you, then throw him on his head.
Den andern bruch
Wend dich ein wendig vmb vñ tritt mitt baiden füssen nahent sine~ füssen vff welche sÿtten du wilt Vnd begriffe im daß nechste bain ober dem knÿ [70v] mitt baiden henden Last er dich nitt so wirff in vff dz haupt
Counter-technique: ?
Seize someone from behind you between the hands, and press him with that.
Den dritte~ bruch
Griff hinder dich aine~ zwischen die händen vñ truck in do mitt
The Eighth Piece: Finger-lever/hold
Seize one of his hands with both your hands, in any case two fingers right next to each other, and tear them apart.
Ain ander stuck
Begrÿff aine~ man mitt baide~ henden In ainer hand In ÿegclich hand zwen finge~ die bÿ ain ande~ steen vñ zuck die finge~
The Ninth Piece: Punch to the Neck
In approaching: punch against him with the second hand against the neck; and then wrestle.
von ain ander
Daß ist zu° loffents Stos in mitt der anderen hand vnde~ den halß vnd domitt ring ~
Grÿff in ~~
The First Hold
Seize in the wrestle with your right hand to his right arm behind his right hand, and seize with your left hand at his elbow. And lay his arm in your arm, step behind him, and hold him firmly. If you do not have him defeated, then seize his right leg under the calf with the right hand and throw him on his nose. And hold him with both hands, or with one hand, as you please, and you can also alter which hand you use on his arm.
Daß erst vnde~halten
Grÿff in dem ringen mitt dine~ rechten hand an sine~ rechten [71r] arm hinde~ sine~ rechten hand Vñ grÿff mitt dine~ lincken hand an sinen elnbogen Vnnd leg sin arm In din arm din arm vñ tritt hinder in vñ halt in föst Haust du in nicht gefölt So begriff im sÿn rechten fu°ß vnder den waden mitt diner gerechten hand Vñ wirff in vff die nasen Vñ halt in mitt baiden henden oder mitt aine~ wie du wilt / oder magst och zu° der anderen hand thu°n Sonder wechsel din hand an sinen arm ~ ~~
The Second Hold
If you throw someone onto his back, then attack him with the left knee on his right arm, exactly on the joint. And attack him with the left arm on his neck, and press hard. Seize his left hand with your right, and hold him then with your left hand then you can do whatever you please with the right hand. This works also for the left side.
Das ander vnderhalten
Wirffest du ain vff den ruck so fall im mitt dem lincken knÿ [71v] vffe den rechten arm mitten in dem glencke Vñ fall im mitt dem lincken arm In sin halß vnd druck in hart Vnnd begrÿff im sin lincke hand mitt dine~ rechten vñ bring im sin lincke in s din rechte hand vñ fasß in den mitt dine~ lincken hand so magstu im thon mitt de~ rechten waß du wilt Daß magst du och thon zu° der lincken sÿtten ~~~~~~~~~~
If you wish to throw someone onto his back, then seize his legs (in falling) under the knee with both hands. And lift, as high as you can, and attack him between his legs with both knees into the testicles. And bend down, so that you can hold both of his legs with one hand, then you can use your other hand as you please.
Daß dritt vnde~halten
Item so du ain magst werffen vff den ruck in dem selben begrÿff im baide knÿ baÿ bain vnder dem knÿ mitt baiden [72r] henden vñ heb im die bain vff so du höchst känst vñ fall mitt baiden knien knÿen zwischen sine bain vff s sin hoden Vnd büg daß du mitt ainer hand sine baÿde baÿn gehalte~ magst So erwerst du mitt der anderen hand nach dine~ willen ~~
The First Ground Technique
If you wish to apply the first ground technique, then allow yourself to fall down. Lift the knee as high as possible and hold him firmly about the back. Pull him with you on the knee; if you then stretch out your leg, he will slide off. Follow through with both the hands and feet, and immobilize him with one of the holds.
Daß erst vff ston
Wilt du daß erst vff ston brechen in dem ringen so fall selbert nider mitt guottem willen Vñ heb die knÿ vff so du höchst magst vñ halt in bÿ dem ruck Züch den man hart nach dir vff die knÿ dar nach streck [72v] ain knÿ welches du wilt so glet er ab So folg im nach mitt baiden hendenvñ füssen vñ halt in vnder dir mitt aim vnde~halten alß du wol waist ~~~ · :
The Second Ground Technique
If your opponent applies an upper grasp, then duck down until your head is under his chest and pull him with you. Bend your knee, seize him with any hand between the legs and throw him over you. Then throw yourself over him to make a hold.
Das ander vff ston
Item bewÿß dem man ain obern gry griff damitt so buck daß hau~pt im vnde~ die brust / vnd züch in nach dir / vñ fall nider vff den ruck / vnd beug dine knÿ so du höchst magst / vñ grÿff im die griff zwischen den bain mitt welcher hand du magst Vnnd wurff in überdich / vnd biß schnell vff in / vñ thu° ain vnderhalden welches dir eben ist oder werde~ mag ~ ~~ :·
The Third Ground Technique
If a man has you under him, then observe which of his hands is above. Seize on the same side at his arm. This is called a Leg-break and is often used in wrestling. Seize with the full strength of your hands and your legs and with your entire body, until you have brought the man under you. Then make one of the holds described above.
[73r] Das dritt vff ston
Ob dich ain man gar vnder im hätt So nÿm war weche hand er oben hätt hat / die selben griff nach der sÿtten an dem arm Daß haisst ain bainbruch Vnnd gat in vil ringe~ / Ind em griff vol mitt henden vñ mitt bainen / vñ mitt gancze~ lÿb / bÿß du den man vnder dich bringst So thu° der vnderhalden ains alß vor geschriben stat ~ ~~ :·
The First Death-blow
Seize the man with the left hand above the belt, where you want. At the same time punch with your left fist with your full strength against his heart. Then seize him with wrestling, whichever you can do best, and follow the wrestling with breaks and Widerbrche.[15] You can apply the same breaks and opposing breaks in all situations: on horseback, on foot, prepared[16] or unguarded, in coming in close, lying down or standing.
Von mort stossen Der erst
Greÿff den man an mitt der lin lincken hand ober der gürtel wo du wilt Do mitt stoß in mitt diner gerechten hand zu°geschlossen [73v] mitt kröffen an sin hercz Do mitt greÿff ain ringen So es dir beste werden mag Vnnd folg dem ringen mitt brüchen vnd wide~ brüchen Die selben brüch vñ wider brüch thu° in allen ringe~ Zu° rosß / zu° füssen / gewäpnet oder bloß / zu° laff lauffens oder ligend oder vffstendig ~~
The Second Death-blow
Seize the man with the left hand above the belt and punch your knee from underneath against his testicles. Then set about immediately with strong wrestling.
Der ander mort stosß
Grÿff den man an mitt der lincken hand ob der gürtel vñ stoß im mitt aine~ knÿ mitt welchem du wilt von vnden vff an sin hoden Vnd do mitt ain starcks ringe~ etc~
In all wrestles set the holds, when necessary, and also the ground techniques. Afterwards use also the death-blows and the throws over the leg (leg-breaks).
Item in allen ringen die du tu°st [74r] so nÿm war vnderhalden ober gepürt vñ och vff ston Darnach nÿm war ob es dir nott tu°t mort stöß vñ bain brüch ~
The Third Death-blow
Seize the man with the left hand above the belt. With the right fist, punch him as hard as possible against the temples. Then set about immediately with strong wrestles.
Der dritt mort stoß
Greu~ff den man an mitt der lincken hand ob der l gürtel vñ schlach in mitt gerechten hand zu° geschlossen an den schlauff So du hertest magst vñ do mitt ain starck ringen vff din bestes etc
The First Under-break
This is the usual wrestle at the arms, which is called under-break drive it by force. And if you seize his right arm, then step with the right leg to the rear and set the left foot in front of his leg. Then punch him in front of you over the hip.
Von bain brüchen Der erst bain bruch ~
Das ist das gemain ringen an armen Daß do haist ain bain bruch das trÿb mitt kröfften Vnd begrÿffest du im den gerecht~ arm [74v] so tritt in mitt dem rechte~ fu°ß hindersich vñ ver secz im mitt dem lincken fu°ß für sin bain Vñ stoß in für sich über die huff damit volg ~ ~~ : ~
The Second Under-break
Seize whichever hand he reaches toward you. Grab the arm with both hands behind his hand and turn your back in front of his stomach. In turning around, lift his arm on your shoulder and force it down. Thus you break his arm. If he tries a counter-grip, then turn yourself around and wrestle.
Ain ander bainbruch
Mitt welcher hand ain man dich an grifft / der hand nÿm war vnd begrÿff den arm mitt baÿden hende~ hinde~ sine~ hand / vñ wend vmb sÿn din ruck für sein buch bau~ch an[17] dem vmbwenden so heb sin arm vff din nächste achsel vñ druck do/mitt nider So brichst du im do/mitt den arm Ob dir der bruch volgt wend dich vmb vñ ring / ~~
The Third Under-break
If someone stretches his hand forward and wants to attack you with clasping around you, punching, or wrestling, then seize his hand. Take it from underneath with the left. With the right hand drive through under the same shoulder, close in and step with the right foot behind his right leg. Press him to the rear over your hip, and hold him tightly with a grip.
[75r] Der dritt bain bru~ch
Wie dir aine~ die hand zaÿgt vnd will dich grÿffen mitt schlengenn oder mitt stossen ode~ mitt ringen Der hand nÿm war vñ begrÿff sÿ võ vnde~ vff mitt der lincken hand Vñ grÿff mitt der rechten hand durch sin v°chsen an dem selbe~ arm bÿ der lincken hand zu° lauff lauff vñ versecz din rechte~ fu°ß hinde~ sin rechts bain vñ truck in hindersich über die lende Do mitt thu° ain griff vñ halt in föst ~~
The Fourth Under-break
Seize whichever hand someone is using to grab hold of you, as in the previous piece. And drive through with the head and body under the same arm, and then press hard against his arm. If you then pull away his following foot, he will fall.
[75v] Mit wölcher hand dich ainer angrifft Der selben hand nÿm war vnd begrÿff im die hand alß du tu°st in dem andern bainbrüchen Vñ wisch im mitt dem hau~pt vñ lÿb / durch den selben arm vñ truck im dann sÿn armhart Vñ ruck im denn sin nechsten fu°ß so fölt er ~ ~
The Fifth Under-break
There are two breaks possible against the leg:
In dem bain sind zwen brich
The First Break
Seize his leg with both hands, one over the ankle, the other at the knee. From this comes a leg break.
Der erst
Begrÿff im sin bain mitt baiden henden an / mitt de~ ainen hand ober dem enckel / mitt der andern an dz knÿ / dz gät dar alß der erst bainbruch ~~
The Second Break
Seize his leg with both hands over the ankle and tear it over the shoulder; with that you will break his leg.
[76r] Der ande~ bruch
Begreÿff Im ain bain ober dem anckel mitt baiden hende~ vñ ruck im dz über die achsel so brüchst du im dz bain ~
The Fourth Death-blow
Punch him with both fists against the neck, as hard as you can. After that, wrestle.
Ain mort stoß
Stoß in mitt baiden fernnsten hende~ zu° geschlossen So du hartest magst an den halß Darnach ring ring ring ~~~
Ain mort stoß
Tu° Im baÿde daumen in baÿde bachen vñ die andern finge~ oben an/daß haipt haupt vñ stoß in mitt de~ rechte~ hand mitt ganczer macht ~ ~ ~
The Fifth Death-blow: Hip-throw
Punch him with the right hand against the navel, as hard as you can.
[76v] Ain mort stöß
Stos in mitt der rechten hand an den nabel so du hertest magst ~~ ~~~ :~
Then seize his right arm at the height of the biceps with your left hand. With your right arm, grab him tightly around his left side. Hold him firmly by the jacket or the hose (pants, breeches, whatever), move your backside in front of his hips, so that your right leg stands in front of his right, and throw him thus over the hip.
Item Nÿm din lincken arm vñ grÿff im vff sin rechten arm vff die maüß vñ mitt dinem rechten arm hand fall im vmb sÿn lincke / sÿtten vnd halt in föst hinden bÿ der Juppen ode~ hosen Vñ wirff im deñ dinen arß in sin schoß Also dz din recht bain vor o sinem rechte~ stee vñ in dem selbige~ wirff in über die huff ~ ~~
A Break against the Fifth Death-blow
If someone wants to throw you over the hip, then sling his left arm around the neck. Tear him downward to your left side, then you throw him.
Ain bruch
It~ wann dich ainer über die [77r] huff will werfen So du hinder im stäst So nÿm din lincken arm vñ schlach im vmb sÿn halß vñ druck in hindersich gegen dine~ lincken sÿtten So wirffest du in ~
An Opposing Break against the Break against the Fifth Death-blow
If someone wishes to break your first piece, as described, then bend backwards, as if you were going to fall to the rear, seize his left leg with the left hand and tear (pull) it upwards: thus you throw him.
It~ wann aine~ hinder dich stät vñ will dir dz erst stuck brechen So buck dich hindersich sam du hindersich wöllest fallen Begriff im mitt de~ lincken hand sin linck bam bin bain vñ rucks im übersich so wirffst du In etc
Variation on the entrance to the Fifth Death-blow
Seize his right arm with the left hand at the height of the biceps. Grab him around the left side with your right arm. Set your right leg just inside to his right. At the same time turn him around to your right side and seize his right leg just under the buttocks with your left hand: thus you throw him.
It~ fall im mitt dine~ lincken hand vff sin rechten vff die mau~ß Vñ fall im och mitt dine~ rechten arm vmb sÿn [77v] lincken sÿtten vñ secz im din recht bain inwendig wol hin an zu° sine~ rechten bain Vnd in dem selbigen dree dich vmb gege~ diner rechte~ sÿtten Vnd begrÿff Im mitt diner lincken hand sin recht bain oben bÿ dem arßbacken so wirffest du in ~~~~~·:·≈ ~