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| '''{{red|H}}ere begins Master Liechtenauer’s Art of fencing with the sword on foot and mounted as well as with Armour and without.'''
| <p>{{red|b=1|H}}ere it begins, Master Liechtenauer's Art of Fencing with the Sword on Foot and on Horse, Bare and in Harness. And before any incidents and confrontations, you shall note and know that there is just one art of the sword and it may have been invented and conceived many hundred years ago. And this is a foundation and core of all of the arts of fencing and Master Liechtenauer had internalized and applied it quite completely and correctly.</p>
At first, you should note and know that there is only one art of the sword, and this art may have been developed  some hundred years ago. And this art is the foundation and the core of any fencing art and Master Liechtenauer understood and practiced it in its completeness. It is not the case that he invented this art – as mentioned before – but he has travelled many lands, willing to learn and experience the same real and true art.
<p>Not that he invented and conceived it himself, as was written before, rather he had traveled through many lands. And through that sought the legitimate and truthful art for the sake that he would experience and know it. And this art is earnest, complete and legitimate; and everything proceeds from it the nearest and shortest, simple and direct. Just as if one would hew or stab someone and that person then bound a thread or cord to his point or edge of his sword and guided or pulled that very point point or edge to the opponent's opening. For he should hew or stab according to the nearest and shortest and most decisive of all. For one would prefer to deliver just that, because that same legitimate fencing will not have handsome and obvious parries nor wide fencing-around.</p>
And this very art is honestly real and true and it is about moving straight and simple, to the nearest target, taking the most direct way. For example, if someone intends to strike or thrust, it goes just like if a string would be attached to the sword and the tip or edge would be pulled to an opening of the adversary  - who should be the target for the strike or thrust  - resulting in taking the shortest way to the nearest target as possibly. That is why the same true fencing will never employ beautiful and wide parries nor large round moves which are just useful to entertain spectators.
<p>With those, people choose to procrastinate and delay themselves. As one finds according to many illegitimate masters, that say they have invented and conceived and possess for themselves from day to day some new art, better and greater. But I would like to see one that would conceive and perform just one application or one hew that does not come from Liechtenauer's art. Just that they will often mix-up and pervert an application. So with that, they give it a new name, each according to their head. Furthermore that they conceive wide fencing-around and parrying and often do two or three hews in place of a single hew. They will be praised by the uncomprehending just for the liveliness of it as they fiendishly arrange themselves with those beautiful parries and wide fencing-around and deliver wide and long hews slowly and sluggishly. With those they quite severely delay and hew-ahead of themselves and also with those give themselves firm openings because they have no measure in their fencing. And anyway, that is not called for in earnest fencing.</p>
There are some ''Leychmeister'' (false masters) that tell they would invent new art and think that the art of fencing would get better day by day. I however would like to see just one who should come up with a fencing technique or a strike that is not part of Liechtenauer’s art. They just often try to change a technique just by giving it a new name, everyone just as he sees it fit. They also invent wide and large swinging moves and parries, and often use two or three strikes before the real strike. And all this just because they want to be praised by the uneducated people! They practice wide and beautiful parries and swings when they begin to fence for show, and execute long and far-reaching strikes slowly and clumsily and by doing this they miss and cannot recover again quickly – and thus exposing themselves easily. That is because they don’t have control and measure in their fencing; this really is not part of serious fencing. For school fencing and for practice using this may be useful, but serious fencing moves simply, directly and straight, without any hesitation and pause, just like a string or like everything would be exactly measured and calculated.
<p>In some cases, it could possibly be somewhat good in school fencing for exercise and enjoyment. But earnest fencing will proceed swift, straight and quite direct without any hesitation nor delay like a string or something like it determined the measure and trajectory. When one shall slash or stab whoever stands there before them, then truly no strike or stab backwards or to the side helps him, nor any wide fencing nor multiple hews. They that would like to end it with someone, they procrastinate and delay themselves so that they preclude the moment of truth.</p>
If someone intends to strike or thrust another who stands in front of him, no strike or thrust in any other direction or wide swings or many strikes will help. If he wants to bring it to a quick end, and yet hesitates and is slow, he should just leave the ''Schantze'' (place of combat)!
<p>Rather, one must initiate their hew straight and directly to the person, to the head or to the body according to what is closest and surest. Just as he is able to attain it and judge it, swiftly and quickly and preferably with one strike. Because with four or six, he would give himself away with them. And that one comes effortlessly as opposed to all those because the fore-strike is a great advantage of this fencing as you will hear it hereafter in the text where Liechtenauer names just five hews with other plays that are sufficient for earnest fencing and teaches it according to the correct art, conducted straight and direct toward the closest and surest as it simply can approach and leaves all of the confusing work and new found hews foolishly considered by the illegitimate masters that nevertheless thoroughly depart from his art.</p>
Therefore, he must instantly strike simply and directly to the man, at his head or body right to the nearest and most accessible target that he may reach there. And this he should do quickly and nimbly and better with one strike than with four or six, or spending precious time by looking and analysing. Also move lightly and nimbly.
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The ''Vorschlag'' is a great advantage in fencing and you will hear more about this later in the text. Liechtenauer says only five strikes, with their following techniques are useful as opening methods for fencing. And he teaches these, according to the real art, to execute these straight and simply to the nearest and most accessible target as possible. And by this he leaves all the useless work and the newly invented methods of the ''Leychmeister'' that are falsely derived from his art.
| '''[13v] {{red|H}}Ie hebt sich an meister lichtenawers kunst des fechtens mit deme sw°te czu fusse vnd czu rosse / blos vnd yn harnüsche /''' Vnd vor allen dingen vnd sachen / saltu merke~ vnd wissen / das nür eyne kunst ist des swertes / vnd dy mag vor manche~ hvndert Jare~ seyn fvnden vnd irdocht / vnd dy ist eyn grunt vnd kern aller künsten des fechtens / vnd dy hat meist° lichtnaw° gancz vertik vnd gerecht gehabt vnd gekunst / Nicht das her sy selber habe~ fvnden vnd irdocht / als vor ist geschreben / Sonder / her hat manche lant / durchfaren vnd gesucht / durch der selbñ rechtvertigen vnd warhaftige~ kunst wille / das her dy io irvare~ vnd wissen welde / Vnd dy selbe kunst ist ernst gancz vnd rechtvertik / Vnd get of das aller neheste vnd <del>kors</del> körtzste / slecht vnd gerade czu / Recht zam wen eyn° eyne~ hawe~ ader stechen welde / vnd das man im deñe eyne~ vadem ader snure an seyne~ ort ader sneyde des sw°tes bünde / vnd leytet aber czöge dem selben ort ader sneide off ienes blössen '''[14r]''' den her hawe~ ader stechen selde / noch dem aller nehesten / kortzsten vnd endlichsten / als man das nür dar brege~ mochte / wen das selbe rechtvertige vechten / wil nicht hobisch vnd weislich paryre~ habñ / vnd weit vm~efechte~ / mit deme sich lewte mochte~ lassen vnd vorzümen / Als man noch manche leychmeistere vindet dy do sprechen / das sy selber newe kunst vinden vnd irdenke~ vnd meyne~ das sich dy kunst des fechtens von tage czu tage besser vnd mere / Aber ich wölde gerne eyne~ sehn der do / möchte nür ey~ gefechte / ader eyne~ haw / irdenke~ vnd tue~ / der do nicht aus lichtnaw°s kunst gynge / Nür das sy ofte eyn gefechte vorwandeln vnd vorkeren wöllen / mit deme / das sy im newe name~ gebñ / itzlicher noch seyme hawpte / Vnd das sy weit vm~efechten vnd paryrn irdenken / vnd oft vör eyne~ haw / czwene ader dreye tue~ / nür durch wolstehens wille / do von sy von den unvorstendige~ gelobt wolle~ werden / mit dem höbsche~ paryrn vnd weit vm~efechte~ / als sy sich veyntlich stellen / vnd weite vnd lange hewe dar brenge~ lanksam vnd trege / mit deme sy sich gar sere vorhawen '''[14v]''' vnd zeüme~ / vnd sich auch do mite vaste blos gebñ / we~ sy keyne mosse yn ire~ fechte~ nicht haben / vnd das gehört doch nicht czu ernstem fechte~ / zonder czu schulfechten durch vbunge vnd gebrawchu~ge wille mochte is wol eczwas gut seyn / Aber ernste vechten wil risch slecht vnd gar gerade dar gehen / an alles lassen vnd zümenüss / zam noch eyn° snure~ / ader zam itzlichs besunder gemessen vnd gewegen were / wen sal eyner eyne~ slaen ader stechen / der do vor im stet / zo hilft in io key~ slag ader stich / <del>vor sich vn ader</del> hindersich / ader nebñ sich / noch keynerley weitfechte~ / ader vil hewe / das m<sup>t</sup> eyme möchte ende~ / mit deme her sich zümet vnd last / das her dy schantcze vorsleft / Sonder her mus ir / slecht vnd gleich czuhawe~ / czu~ mañe / czu kop / ader czu leibe / noch dem aller nehesten / vnd schiresten als her in nür gehabñ mag vnd in eiche~ / v/risch vnd snelle vnd liber m<sup>t</sup> eyme slage we~ m<sup>t</sup> viern ader seche~ m<sup>t</sup> deme her sich möchte lassen / vnd das iener leichte queme deñe her / wen der vorslag / eyn gros vorteil ist / of deme vechten / als du es als hernoch wirst hore~ yn dem texte / Do neñet lichtnaw° / nür fümff hewe / mit andñ stöcken / dy do nütcze sey~ czu erstem vechten / vnd leret dy noch '''[15r]''' rechter kunst slecht vnd gerade dar brege~ noch dem aller neheste~ uvnd schireste~ / als mag is nür dar komen / Vnd lest alles trum~elwerk / vnd new fvnde~ hewe vnderwege~ / võ den leichmeistere / Dy doch gru~tlich aus syner kunst dar kome~ /
| Also know and note that one cannot really talk about fencing in a meaningful manner or explain it with written words, as some might like. You can only show it and instruct it by hand. So use all your senses and pay close attention to the art and practice it more for fun and play. so it will be ready for you faster for fencing seriously. That is because practice is better than art, your practice may very well be useful without art, but your art is useless without practice.
| <p>Also note this and know that one cannot speak and explain or write about fencing quite as simply and clearly as one can easily show and inform it with the hand. Therefore act on your judgement and consider the best of it and therein, exercise the bulk of that yourself in play which you think is of the best in earnest. Because practice is better than empty art, for practice is fully sufficient without art but art is not fully sufficient without practice.</p>
| Auch merke das / vnd wisse das mã nicht gar eygentlich vnd bedewtlich von dem fechten mag sage~ vnd schreibñ ader auslege~ / als mã is wol mag / <del>is wol mag</del> czeige~ vnd weisen mit der hant / Dorvm~e tu of dyne syñen vnd betrachte is deste bas / Vnd ube dich doryñe deste mer yn schimpfe / zo gedenkestu ir deste bas in er~ste / wen ubu~ge ist besser weñe kunst / de~ne übu~ge <del>tag w</del> tawg wol ane ku~st aber ku~st tawg nicht wol ane übunge /
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| Also know that a good fencer should at first grip his sword safely in a secure manner with both hands between the cross and the pommel because this way he will hold his sword safer than by having one hand holding the pommel. He will also strike harder and more accurate this way if the pommel overthrows itself, swinging in behind the strike. This results in a much harder strike compared to having one hand at the pommel and drawing the strike. Drawing the strike this way is not as perfect and strongly, because the sword is like a pair of scales. If the sword is large and heavy, the pommel also must be heavy just like on a pair of scales.
| <p>Also know that a good fencer shall, ahead all confrontations, command and clasp his sword certainly and surely with both hands between the hilt and the pommel. Because like this, he holds the sword much surer than when he clasps it by the pommel with one hand and also strikes much harder and surer like this, because the pommel overthrows itself and swings itself in accordance with the strike, so that the strike arrives much harder than when he clasps the sword with the pommel, because like this, he restrains the strike with the pommel, such that he may not arrive so completely and so strongly, because the sword is just like a scale. For if a sword is large and heavy, so must the pommel also be accordingly heavy, just like a scale.</p>
| Auch wisse das eyn guter fechter sal vör allen sachen syn swert gewisse vnd sicher füren vnd fassen / mit beiden henden / czwische~ gehilcze vnd <del>l?c</del> klos / wen alzo helt her das sw°t vil sicher / den das hers bey dem klosse vasset mit eyn° hant / vnd slet auch vil harter vnd sürer / alzo / wen der klos öberwirft sich vnd swenkt sich noch de~ slage das der slag vil harter / dar ku~pt / den das her das swert mit dem klosse vasset / wen alzo / czöge her den slag / m<sup>t</sup> dem klosse weder / das her nicht zo voelkömlich vnd zo stark möchte dar kome~ / Wen das swert '''[15v]''' ist recht zam eyn woge / den ist ey~ sw°t gros vnd swer / zo mus der klos auch dornoch swer syn / recht zam noch eyn° wogen
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| Also know when it comes to fencing one against another, he should be well aware of the adversary’s steps and be secure and well-trained with his own, just like he would be standing on scales. So he can step backwards or forwards, as appropriate, be adaptive and tread sparingly but also quickly and nimbly. Your fencing should be accompanied with a positive and resolute attitude and also with wits and your common sense and without any fear. You will learn about that later.  
| <p>Also know that when one fences with someone, so shall he fully take heed of his steps and be sure in them just as if he shall stand upright upon a scale, shifting backwards or forwards according to that as necessitates itself, connected and nimble, swiftly and quickly. And with good spirit and good consciousness or consideration shall your fencing proceed and without any fear as one will hear that hereafter.</p>
| Auch wisse wen eyn° mit eyme ficht / zo sol her syner schrete wol war neme~ / vnd sicher in den sey~ / wen her recht zam of eyner woge~ stehe~ sal / hindersich / ader vorsich czu trete~ / noch deme als sichs gepürt / gefüge vnd gerinklich / risch vnd snelle / vnd gar m<sup>t</sup> gute~ mute / vnd guter gewissen ader vornu~ft / sal deyn fechte~ dar gehe~ / vnd an alle vorchte / als mã das h°noch wirt höre~ /
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| Also you need control and measure in your fencing as it is appropriate and you should not step too far, forwards or backwards, so that you don’t lose time while recovering from your first step. So you still can step as appropriate. Also it is often advisable to do two small steps instead of one long step, and often it is necessary that one has to do a little run with many small steps. Also doing an explosive step or a jump is often necessary.
| <p>You shall also have measure in your applications accordingly as it necessitates itself and shall not step too wide, so that you may better adjust yourself to another's steps, done backwards or forwards according to that as it will necessitate itself. Also often itself necessitating two short steps for one long and often necessitates itself that one must do a little pre run with short steps and often that one must do a good step or spring.</p>
| Auch saltu mosse habñ yn deyme gefechte dornoch als sichs gepürt / vnd salt nicht czu weit schreite~ / das du dich deste bas ey~s- andñ schretes irholen magest / hinderdich / ader vordich czu tue~ / noch deme als sich wörde gepure~ / <del>vnd das</del> / Auch gepüren sich oft czwene korcze schrete vor eyne~ lange~ / vnd oft gepürt sich das eyñ e lewftche mus tue~ / mit korcze~ schrete~ / vnd oft das eyñ eyne~ gute~ schret ader spru~k mus tue~ /
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| That what one intends to execute for fun or in earnest, should be made strange and confusing to the eyes, so that the adversary will not notice what is going on.
| <p>And whatever one will readily conduct in play or in earnest, they shall make that foreign and confusing so that the opponent does not notice what this is meant to conduct against him. And as soon as <ref>The silver "soon" was added later above the line</ref> the opponent then comes at him and also has the measure of the opponent so that he thinks he will have and reach in the opponent well, so shall he brazenly hurry to the opponent and drive swiftly and quickly to the head or to the body. He hits or mises and shall always win the fore-strike and allows the opponent to come with nothing as you will better hear hereafter in the common lore, etc.</p>
| Vnd was eyñ redlichs wil treibñ czu schimpfe / ader czu ernste / das sal her eyme vor den ogen / fremde vnd vorworren machen / das ieñ nicht merkt was deser key~ im meynt czutreiben /
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| And then, if he manages to get to him, and he knows the measure and thinks the adversary can and will reach him now, so he should hurry to him without fear, quickly and nimbly, going for the head or body, not caring if he hits or misses. So he should win the ''Vorschlag'' and not let the adversary come to his own fencing. About this you will learn more in the general teachings.
| <p>One shall also always prefer to target the upper openings rather than the lower and one drives in over the hilt with hews or with stabs, bravely and quickly. Because one reaches the opponent much better and further over the hilt than under it. And one is also much surer of all fencing like this. For the upper contact one is much better than the lower one. But if it comes to be as such that one were nearer to the lower, then he must target that as this often occurs.</p>
| '''[16r]''' Vnd als<sup>bald</sup> we~ her deñe czu im ku~pt vnd dy moße also czu im hat das in dünkt her welle in im wol haben vnd irreichen / zo sal her ku~lich czu im hurte~ vnd vare~ / snelle vnd risch / czu koppe ader czu leibe / her treffe ader vele / vnd sal io den vorslag gewyñen / vnd iene~ m<sup>t</sup> nichte lassen czu~ dinge~ kome~ / als du bas h°noch wirst hören yn der gemeyne~ lere etc
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| Also one should preferably aim for the upper openings and less to the lower openings, and also above the cross and not below. So all fencing is much safer and the upper openings is much better (to reach) than the lower openings – except that it occurs that the lower opening is closer and then one should aim for the lower opening, but that doesn’t happen too often.
| <p>Also know that one shall always come to the right side of the opponent in his applications. Because he may better have the opponent in all confrontations of fencing or wrestling than immediately in front of. And whoever knows this part well and delivers well, they are not a bad fencer.</p>
| Auch sal eyn° allemal liber den öbñ blößen reme~ / deñe den vndñ / vnde eyme ober deme gehilcze yn vare~ / m<sup>t</sup> hewe~ ader mit stiche~ / künlich vnd risch / we~ eyn° irreicht eyne~ vil bas / vnd / verrer öber dem gehilcze / den dorvnder / vnd eyn° ist auch alzo vil sicher alles fechtens / vnd d° obñ rure eyne / ist vil besser deñe der vndñ eyne / Is we~ deñe / das is alzo queme das eyner neher hette czu der vndñ das her der reme~ müste / als das ofte ku~pt
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| Also know that one should move to someone’s right side with his attacks instead of moving directly in from the front, because, when one knows of this method, practices and succeeds in doing this in all fencing or wrestling, he certainly is not a bad fencer.
| <p>Also know when one will earnestly fence, they contemplate a polished play, whichever he wishes that is complete and correct there and earnestly internalize that and keep it in his intent and spirit. Whatever he wishes upon someone just as if he would say: "This I mean to truly conduct" and so this shall and must go forward with the help of god, so it might fail him in nothing. He does what he should when he bravely hurries and charges there with the fore-strike, as one will often hear hereafter.</p>
| Auch wisse / das eyner sal io eyme of dy rechte seiten kome~ / yn seyme gefechte / wen her eym~ do yn allen sachen / des fechtens ader ringens / bas gehabñ mag / deñe gleich vorne czu / vnd wer dis stöcke wol weis / vnd wol dar brengt / der ist ist nicht ey~ bözer fechter /
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| Also know, when one wants to fence in earnest, he should plan a ready technique, whichever he like, and that technique should be complete and well-practiced. And he should take this seriously into his mind and will, just if he should say “That I want to do”. And then he must gain the initiative and with the help of God it will not fail. He succeeds in doing what he should do, if he bravely hurries and rushes in with the Vorschlag; about that you will later hear often.
| <p>{{red|b=1|I}}n all fencing<br/>&emsp;Requisite is: the help of god of righteousness,<br/>A straight and healthy body,<br/>&emsp;A soundly manufactured sword,<ref> lit: entirely finished sword</ref> especially,<br/>Before, after, weak, strong<br/>&emsp;Within, with that word, hearken.<br/>Hews, stabs, cuts, pressing,<br/>&emsp;Position, defending, shoving, feeling, disengaging,<br/>Winding and hanging,<br/>&emsp;Backing, strikes, springs, grabbing, wrangling,<br/>Speed, audacity,<br/>&emsp;Prudence, astuteness and ingenuity<br/>Acumen, premeditation, ability<br/>&emsp;Dimensions, obscuration,<br/>Practice and good spirit,<br/>&emsp;Motion, flexibility, good steps.<br/>In these seven couplets<ref>lit: verses</ref><br/>&emsp;The fundamental principles<br/>And concerns<br/>&emsp;And the entire matter<br/>Of all of the art of fencing are labelled for you.<br/>&emsp;You shall consider this correctly<br/>As you will also actually<br/>&emsp;And in particular hereafter<br/>Hear or read<br/>&emsp;Each according to it's qualities.<br/>Fencer, take heed of it<br/>&emsp;So will these arts reveal to you the art, indeed,<br/>Of the entire sword<br/>&emsp;And many good lively attacks.</p>
| '''[16v]''' Auch wisse / wen eyñ ernstlich wil fechten / der vasse im eyn vertik stöcke vör / wels her wil / das do gancz vnd gerecht sey / vnd neme im das ernstlich vnd stete in seyne~ syn vnd gemüte / wen her of eyne~ wil / Recht zam her sölde spreche~ das meyne ich io czutreibñ / vnd dal sal vnd mus vorgank habñ m<sup>t</sup> der hölfe gotes zo mag is im m<sup>t</sup> t nichte velen / her tut was her sal / wen her ku~lich dar hort vnd rawscht / m<sup>t</sup> dem vorslage / als mã das hernach oft wirt horen /
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[This includes a stamp: "Germanisches Nationalmuseum".]
| <poem>{{red|O}}h, all fencing
| <p>{{red|b=1|M}}otion, that beautiful word,<br/>&emsp;Is the heart and crown of fencing<br/>The entire matter<br/>&emsp;Of fencing with all concerns<br/>And the sound components<br/>&emsp;Of the fundamentals, the movements<br/>Are named with names<br/>&emsp;And will be revealed better hereafter<br/>However then one simply fights,<br/>&emsp;So are they well directed<br/>And stay in motion<br/>&emsp;And not pause when he<br/>Begins to fence with<br/>&emsp;So he drives-in with correctness<br/>Continually and decisively<br/>&emsp;Bravely one after the other<br/>Stay in a rush<br/>&emsp;Without intervals, immediate.<br/>So that the opponent cannot come<br/>&emsp;To strikes therefore takes this advantage<br/>And harming the opponent.<br/>&emsp;Because he cannot be unstruck<br/>From this coming.<br/>&emsp;Just do this according to the advice<br/>And according to the learning<br/>&emsp;That is written now<br/>For I say to you truthfully,<br/>&emsp;The opponent does not defend themselves without danger.<br/>If you understand<br/>&emsp;He cannot come to blows with anything.</p>
:requires the help of the righteus God
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a straight and healthy body,
:a complete and well-crafted sword
before, after, weak, strong,  
:indes the word you must remember,
strikes, thrusts, cuts. pressing,
:guards, parries, shoves, feeling, pulling,
winding and hanging,
:moving in and out, swipes, jumps, grabs, wrestles
wisdom and bravery,
:carefulness, deceit, and wits,
measure, concealment,
:sense, pre-anticipation, skilfulness
practice and positive attitude,
:movement, agility, good steps.</poem>
These verses should be your foundation principles and these should permeate the whole matter of the art of fencing. You should carefully observe these and later you will especially hear or read about these, and what each of these principles mean and contain.
| <poem>'''[17r]''' {{red|C}}zu allem fechten /  
gehört dy hölfe gotes von rechte /  
Gerader leip vnd gesvnder /  
eyn gancz vertik swert pesu~dñ /  
Vor noch swach sterke /  
yndes das wort mete czu merke~ /  
Hewe stiche snete drücke~ /  
leger schütcze~ stöße fülen czücke~ /  
Winden vnd he~ge~ /  
rücken striche sprönge greiffen range~ /  
Rischeit vnd kunheit /  
vorsichtikeit list vnd klugheit /  
Masse vörborgenheit /  
vernu~ft vorbetrachtunge fetikeit /  
Vbunge vnd guter mut /  
motus gelenkheit schrete gut / </poem>
In den seben versen da / sint dir fu~dament pñcipia / Vnd ptine~cia / benumet vnd dy gancze mate~ia / Aller kunst des fechten / das saltu betrachten rechte / Als du auch eigentlich / hernocher vnd sönderlich / wirst hore~ ader lesen / itzlichs noch seynem wezen /  
| <poem>Fencer this understand
| <p>Here note that constant motion is the beginning, middle and end of all fencing according to this art and lore. As such that one completes the beginning, middle and ending in one rush without pause and without the hindrance of his counter-fencer and does not allow the opponent to come to strikes with anything. Of this, the two words come: before, after. That is, the fore-strike and after-strike. Immediately and at one time as if left without any middle<ref>latin</ref></p>
:so the complete art will be revealed to you
| {{section|Page:MS 3227a 17v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
of the whole sword
:and many good techniques</poem>
| <poem>ffechter des nym war /
zo wirt dir beu~kst bekant dy ku~st dy kunst gar /
Of dem gancze~ swerte /
vnd manch gut weidelich geverte /</poem>
| <poem>{{red|M}}otus the word alone
:is the heart and the crown of all fencing
and the whole matter
:of fencing, with all principles
and the termini
:of the foundation
previously mentioned
:will be quickly understood.
When one fences,
:he should be well instructed in these
And always stay in motion
:and don’t hesitate when you
begin fencing with someone
:So work righteously and bravely
with increasing speed
:one after another.
In one constant rush,
:without break, that
your adversary cannot come
:to strikes. It takes away his will
and causes him damage
:when he cannot get away
without being struck,
:however you can get away before him.</poem>
| <poem>'''[17v]''' {{red|M}}Otus • das worte schone /
ist des fechtens eyn hort vnd krone /
der gancze mat~iaz /
des fechtens / mit aller pertine~ciã /
Vnd der artikeln gar /
des fundamentes / dy var /
Mit name~ sint genant /
vnd werden dir hernoch bas bekant /
Wy deñe eyñ nur ficht /
zo sey her mit den wol bericht /
Vnd sey stetz i~ motu /
vnd nicht veyer wen her nit /
An hebt czu fechte~ /
zo treibe her mit rechte /
Vm~er in vnd endlich
eyns noch dem andñ künlich /
In eyme rawsche stete /
an vnderlos imediate /
Das iener nicht kome /
czu slage des nympt deser frome~ /
Vnd iener schaden /
wen her nicht ungeslage~ /
Von desem kome~ mag /
tut nur deser noch dem rat / </poem>
| <poem>And after the teaching,
:which is written here,
So I tell you truthfully,
:no one defends safely
Have you learnt it,
:he will not come to strikes.</poem>
| <poem>Vnd noch der leren /
dy itczunt ist geschreben /
So sag ich vorwar /
sich schützt iener nicht ane var /
Hastu vornome~ /
czu slage mag her mit nichte komen / </poem>
| Here learn the frequens motus which paralyses your adversary in begin, medium and end of all fencing according to this art and teaching. You should execute begin, medium and end in one rush without break and without being stifled by your adversary and under no circumstances let him gain the opportunity to strike. This is the meaning of the two words vor and nach, which means Vorschlag und Nachschlag, striking him just like one. And this should fool him prior I even have to move.<ref>This has proven as untranslatable so far and here I can only guess the meaning! I guess this is about the concealed quality of the strikes, but I am not sure.</ref>
| Hie merke~ das / freque~s motus / beslewst in im / begy~nis / mittel vnd ende / alles fechtens / noch deser kunst vnd lere / alzo das eyñ yn eyme rawsche / anhebu~ge / mittel vnde endu~ge / an vnderlos vnd an hindernis synes wedervechters volbrenge / vnd iene~ mit nichte lasse czu slage kome~ / we~ of das ge~t dy czwey wörter / vor / noch / das ist / vorslag vnd nochslag / i~ mete r i~ vna hõ / q~si dm p9 i~liqm sine ãqo meo /

Revision as of 01:00, 17 April 2018

Complete Translation Complete translation
by Thomas Stoeppler

by Dierk Hagedorn

Here it begins, Master Liechtenauer's Art of Fencing with the Sword on Foot and on Horse, Bare and in Harness. And before any incidents and confrontations, you shall note and know that there is just one art of the sword and it may have been invented and conceived many hundred years ago. And this is a foundation and core of all of the arts of fencing and Master Liechtenauer had internalized and applied it quite completely and correctly.

Not that he invented and conceived it himself, as was written before, rather he had traveled through many lands. And through that sought the legitimate and truthful art for the sake that he would experience and know it. And this art is earnest, complete and legitimate; and everything proceeds from it the nearest and shortest, simple and direct. Just as if one would hew or stab someone and that person then bound a thread or cord to his point or edge of his sword and guided or pulled that very point point or edge to the opponent's opening. For he should hew or stab according to the nearest and shortest and most decisive of all. For one would prefer to deliver just that, because that same legitimate fencing will not have handsome and obvious parries nor wide fencing-around.

With those, people choose to procrastinate and delay themselves. As one finds according to many illegitimate masters, that say they have invented and conceived and possess for themselves from day to day some new art, better and greater. But I would like to see one that would conceive and perform just one application or one hew that does not come from Liechtenauer's art. Just that they will often mix-up and pervert an application. So with that, they give it a new name, each according to their head. Furthermore that they conceive wide fencing-around and parrying and often do two or three hews in place of a single hew. They will be praised by the uncomprehending just for the liveliness of it as they fiendishly arrange themselves with those beautiful parries and wide fencing-around and deliver wide and long hews slowly and sluggishly. With those they quite severely delay and hew-ahead of themselves and also with those give themselves firm openings because they have no measure in their fencing. And anyway, that is not called for in earnest fencing.

In some cases, it could possibly be somewhat good in school fencing for exercise and enjoyment. But earnest fencing will proceed swift, straight and quite direct without any hesitation nor delay like a string or something like it determined the measure and trajectory. When one shall slash or stab whoever stands there before them, then truly no strike or stab backwards or to the side helps him, nor any wide fencing nor multiple hews. They that would like to end it with someone, they procrastinate and delay themselves so that they preclude the moment of truth.

Rather, one must initiate their hew straight and directly to the person, to the head or to the body according to what is closest and surest. Just as he is able to attain it and judge it, swiftly and quickly and preferably with one strike. Because with four or six, he would give himself away with them. And that one comes effortlessly as opposed to all those because the fore-strike is a great advantage of this fencing as you will hear it hereafter in the text where Liechtenauer names just five hews with other plays that are sufficient for earnest fencing and teaches it according to the correct art, conducted straight and direct toward the closest and surest as it simply can approach and leaves all of the confusing work and new found hews foolishly considered by the illegitimate masters that nevertheless thoroughly depart from his art.

[13v] HIe hebt sich an meister lichtenawers kunst des fechtens mit deme swerte czu fusse vnd czu rosse / blos vnd yn harnüsche / Vnd vor allen dingen vnd sachen / saltu merken vnd wissen / das nür eyne kunst ist des swertes / vnd dy mag vor manchen hvndert Jaren seyn fvnden vnd irdocht / vnd dy ist eyn grunt vnd kern aller künsten des fechtens / Vnd dy hat meister lichtnawer gancz vertik vnd gerecht gehabt vnd gekunst / Nicht das her sy selber haben fvnden vnd irdocht / als vor ist geschreben / Sonder / her hat manche lant / durchfaren vnd gesucht / durch der selben rechtvertigen vnd warhaftigen kunst wille / das her dy io irvaren vnd wissen wolde / Vnd dy selbe kunst ist ernst gancz vnd rechtvertik / Vnd get of das aller neheste vnd kors körtzste / slecht vnd gerade czu / Recht zam wen eyner eynen hawen ader stechen welde / vnd das man im denne eynen vadem ader snure an seynen ort ader sneyde des swertes bünde / vnd leytet aber czöge den selben ort ader sneide off ienes blössen / [14r] den her hawen ader stechen selde / noch dem aller nehesten · kortzsten · vnd endlichsten / als man das nür dar bregen mochte / wen das selbe rechtvertige vechten / wil nicht hobisch vnd weislich paryren haben / vnd weit vmbefechten / mit deme sich lewte mochten lassen vnd vorzümen / Als man noch manche leychmeistere vindet dy do sprechen / das sy selber newe kunst vinden vnd irdenken vnd meynen das sich dy kunst des fechtens von tage czu tage besser vnd mere / Aber ich wölde gerne eynen sehn der do / möchte nür eyn gefechte / ader eynen haw / irdenken vnd tuen / der do nicht aus lichtnawers kunst gynge / Nür das sy ofte eyn gefechte vorwandeln vnd vorkeren wöllen / mit deme / das sy im newe namen gebe/ itzlicher noch seyme hawpte / Vnd das sy weit vmbefechten vnd paryrn irdenken / vnd oft vör eynen haw / czwene ader dreye tuen / nür durch wolstehens wille / do von sy von den unvorstendigen gelobt wollen werden / mit dem höbschen paryrn vnd weit vmbefechten / als sy sich veyntlich stellen / vnd weite vnd lange hewe dar brengen / lanksam vnd trege / mit deme sy sich gar sere vorhawen [14v] vnd zeümen / vnd sich auch do mite vaste blos gebe/ wen sy keyne mosse yn irem fechten nicht haben / vnd das gehört doch nicht czu ernstem fechten / zonder czu schulvechten durch vbunge vnd gebrawchunge wille mochte is wol eczwas gut seyn / Aber ernste vechten wil risch slecht vnd gar gerade dar gehen / an alles lassen vnd zümenüss / zam noch eyner snuren / ader zam itzlichs besunder gemessen vnd gewegen were / wen sal eyner eynen slaen ader stechen / der do vor im stet / zo hilft in io keyn slag ader stich / vor sich vn ader hindersich / ader neben sich / noch keynerley weitvechten / ader vil hewe / das mit eyme möchte enden / mit deme her sich zümet vnd last / das her dy schantcze vorsleft / Sonder her mus io / slecht vnd gleich czu hawen / czum manne / czu kop / ader czu leibe / noch dem aller nehesten / vnd schiresten als her in nür gehaben mag vnd irreichen / v/risch vnd snelle vnd liber mit eyme slage wen mit viern ader sechen mit deme her sich möchte lassen / vnd das iener leichte e queme denne her / wen der vorslag / eyn gros vorteil ist / of deme vechten / als du es als hernoch wirst horen yn dem texte / Do nennet lichtnawer / nür fümff hewe / mit andern stöcken / dy do nütcze seyn czu erstem vechten / vnd leret dy noch [15r] rechter kunst slecht vnd gerade dar brengen noch dem aller nehesten uvnd schiresten / als mag is nür dar komen / Vnd lest alles trummel werk / vnd new fvnden hewe vnderwegen / von den leichmeistere / Dy doch gruntlich aus syner kunst dar komen /

Also note this and know that one cannot speak and explain or write about fencing quite as simply and clearly as one can easily show and inform it with the hand. Therefore act on your judgement and consider the best of it and therein, exercise the bulk of that yourself in play which you think is of the best in earnest. Because practice is better than empty art, for practice is fully sufficient without art but art is not fully sufficient without practice.

Also know that a good fencer shall, ahead all confrontations, command and clasp his sword certainly and surely with both hands between the hilt and the pommel. Because like this, he holds the sword much surer than when he clasps it by the pommel with one hand and also strikes much harder and surer like this, because the pommel overthrows itself and swings itself in accordance with the strike, so that the strike arrives much harder than when he clasps the sword with the pommel, because like this, he restrains the strike with the pommel, such that he may not arrive so completely and so strongly, because the sword is just like a scale. For if a sword is large and heavy, so must the pommel also be accordingly heavy, just like a scale.

Auch wisse das eyn guter fechter sal vör allen sachen syn swert gewisse vnd sicher füren vnd fassen / mit beiden henden / czwischen gehilcze vnd lac klos / wen alzo helt her das swert vil sicher / den das hers bey dem klosse vasset mit eyner hant / vnd slet auch vil harter vnd sürer / alzo / wen der klos öberwirft sich vnd swenkt sich noch dem slage das der slag vil harter / dar kumpt / den das her das swert mit dem klosse vasset / wen alzo / czöge her den slag / mit dem klosse weder / das her nicht zo voelkömlich vnd zo stark möchte dar komen / Wen das swert [15v] ist recht zam eyn woge / den ist eyn swert gros vnd swer / zo mus der klos auch dornoch swer syn / recht zam noch eyner wogen

Also know that when one fences with someone, so shall he fully take heed of his steps and be sure in them just as if he shall stand upright upon a scale, shifting backwards or forwards according to that as necessitates itself, connected and nimble, swiftly and quickly. And with good spirit and good consciousness or consideration shall your fencing proceed and without any fear as one will hear that hereafter.

You shall also have measure in your applications accordingly as it necessitates itself and shall not step too wide, so that you may better adjust yourself to another's steps, done backwards or forwards according to that as it will necessitate itself. Also often itself necessitating two short steps for one long and often necessitates itself that one must do a little pre run with short steps and often that one must do a good step or spring.

And whatever one will readily conduct in play or in earnest, they shall make that foreign and confusing so that the opponent does not notice what this is meant to conduct against him. And as soon as [1] the opponent then comes at him and also has the measure of the opponent so that he thinks he will have and reach in the opponent well, so shall he brazenly hurry to the opponent and drive swiftly and quickly to the head or to the body. He hits or mises and shall always win the fore-strike and allows the opponent to come with nothing as you will better hear hereafter in the common lore, etc.

Vnd was eyner redlichs wil treiben czu schimpfe / ader czu ernste / das sal her eyme vor den ogen / fremde vnd vorworren machen / das iener nicht merkt was deser keyn im meynt czutreiben / [16r] Vnd als bald wenn her denne czu im kumpt vnd dy moße also czu im hat das in dünkt her welle in nu wol haben vnd irreichen / zo sal her kunlich czu im hurten vnd varen / snelle vnd risch / czu koppe ader czu leibe / her treffe ader vele / vnd sal io den vorslag gewynnen / vnd ienen mit nichte lassen czu(n?) dingen komen / als du bas hernoch wirst hören yn der gemeynen lere etc

One shall also always prefer to target the upper openings rather than the lower and one drives in over the hilt with hews or with stabs, bravely and quickly. Because one reaches the opponent much better and further over the hilt than under it. And one is also much surer of all fencing like this. For the upper contact one is much better than the lower one. But if it comes to be as such that one were nearer to the lower, then he must target that as this often occurs.

Also know that one shall always come to the right side of the opponent in his applications. Because he may better have the opponent in all confrontations of fencing or wrestling than immediately in front of. And whoever knows this part well and delivers well, they are not a bad fencer.

Also know when one will earnestly fence, they contemplate a polished play, whichever he wishes that is complete and correct there and earnestly internalize that and keep it in his intent and spirit. Whatever he wishes upon someone just as if he would say: "This I mean to truly conduct" and so this shall and must go forward with the help of god, so it might fail him in nothing. He does what he should when he bravely hurries and charges there with the fore-strike, as one will often hear hereafter.

In all fencing
 Requisite is: the help of god of righteousness,
A straight and healthy body,
 A soundly manufactured sword,[2] especially,
Before, after, weak, strong
 Within, with that word, hearken.
Hews, stabs, cuts, pressing,
 Position, defending, shoving, feeling, disengaging,
Winding and hanging,
 Backing, strikes, springs, grabbing, wrangling,
Speed, audacity,
 Prudence, astuteness and ingenuity
Acumen, premeditation, ability
 Dimensions, obscuration,
Practice and good spirit,
 Motion, flexibility, good steps.
In these seven couplets[3]
 The fundamental principles
And concerns
 And the entire matter
Of all of the art of fencing are labelled for you.
 You shall consider this correctly
As you will also actually
 And in particular hereafter
Hear or read
 Each according to it's qualities.
Fencer, take heed of it
 So will these arts reveal to you the art, indeed,
Of the entire sword
 And many good lively attacks.

Motion, that beautiful word,
 Is the heart and crown of fencing
The entire matter
 Of fencing with all concerns
And the sound components
 Of the fundamentals, the movements
Are named with names
 And will be revealed better hereafter
However then one simply fights,
 So are they well directed
And stay in motion
 And not pause when he
Begins to fence with
 So he drives-in with correctness
Continually and decisively
 Bravely one after the other
Stay in a rush
 Without intervals, immediate.
So that the opponent cannot come
 To strikes therefore takes this advantage
And harming the opponent.
 Because he cannot be unstruck
From this coming.
 Just do this according to the advice
And according to the learning
 That is written now
For I say to you truthfully,
 The opponent does not defend themselves without danger.
If you understand
 He cannot come to blows with anything.

Here note that constant motion is the beginning, middle and end of all fencing according to this art and lore. As such that one completes the beginning, middle and ending in one rush without pause and without the hindrance of his counter-fencer and does not allow the opponent to come to strikes with anything. Of this, the two words come: before, after. That is, the fore-strike and after-strike. Immediately and at one time as if left without any middle[4]

  1. The silver "soon" was added later above the line
  2. lit: entirely finished sword
  3. lit: verses
  4. latin