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| | [[File:MS B.200 118r-a.png|400px|center]] | | | [[File:MS B.200 118r-a.png|400px|center]] |
− | | <p>Lively and spirited, [with weapon] in hand; or it will shame the both of us.</p> | + | | <p>Lively and spirited, [with weapon] in hand; <br/>or it will shame the both of us.</p> |
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| <p>He who steps after cutting, <br/>will not be happy with his luck.</p> | | <p>He who steps after cutting, <br/>will not be happy with his luck.</p> |
Revision as of 16:48, 6 June 2022
The MS B.200 is a German commonplace book created in or around 1524; it seems to have been scribed by one Benedictus Rughalm, though he was probably not the author of any of it.[1] The original currently rests in the holdings of the Universitätsbibliothek Erlangen-Nürnberg in Erlangen, Germany. The manuscript is a compilation of a variety of disparate texts, and includes a brief series of fencing and wrestling devices based on the only two printed German books on fighting at the time, the anonymous Landshuter Ringerbuch ("Landshut Wrestling Manual") and Andre Paurenfeyndt's Ergrundung Ritterlicher Kunst der Fechterey ("Foundation of the Chivalric Art of Swordplay").
118r - 119r
Draft Translation  by Matt Galas
Transcription [edit] by Dierk Hagedorn
Lively and spirited, [with weapon] in hand; or it will shame the both of us.
He who steps after cutting, will not be happy with his luck.
[118r] frisch vndt frolich auf in der hand. oder es ist vns baiden schant
Wer trit nach heyen: darf sich nit gluckhes freyen
Whichever leg is forward, should be bent; the left extended; hold the body upright.
Welcher fues von stet sey pogen: der linck gstraks zirt den leib oben
Fence on high with your body stretched; make your attacks with force from a distance.
[118v] hoch gfochten mit gstraktem leib, Gwaltig possen aus dem leng treib
Strike and step with one another; and set the feet against each other.
Note what the flat is; don’t fight from the left if you are right[-handed].
Straich vnd trit miteinander, vnd setz den fües wider ein ander
Vermerk was dj flӑch ist, ficht nit linkh so du gerecht pist
Step close in the bind; otherwise you will be wounded.
If you scare easily, don’t learn how to fence.
[119r] Trit Nahent Inn pünt, Anders oder du wierst verwunt
Erschrickstu Gern, klain fechten du lernee
Fight close at the body; don’t avoid [giving] light hits.
Strike ‘before’ and ‘after’; don’t be too quick to run in close.
ficht nahent peym leib, die zekrüer nit vermeidt
Streich vor vndt nach, Einlauffen, zum, sei dir nit gach
119v - 121r
Draft Translation  by Matt Galas
Transcription [edit] by Dierk Hagedorn
Give way backwards and retreat.
[119v] weich hintersich vndt fleüg
Hold still; wait a while.
hab Stil laß dir der weil.
Strike quickly, I tell you; or I will give you a thrust.
[120r] schlag balt ich zue dir sprich. oder ich gib dir ainen stich
Strike, step—and cut together with [him].
schlag trit vndt darzüe hau
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Take note, that wreath is mine!
[121r] Der krantz ist mein merkh
I cannot prevent you from closing in; use Indes.
ein laüffen ich dir nit weren kan brauch indes
121v - 125r
Draft Translation  by Matt Galas
Transcription [edit] by Dierk Hagedorn
In Saint George’s name, begin; and watch to see whether your opponent goes high or low: That is the beginning [lesson] of wrestling.
[121v] In sant Jŏrgen namen heb an vnd schau, ob der man hoch oder nieder gang: das ist des ringens anfang.
If he grabs at you with his hand, then use the technique that is called Zucken (pulling).
So man mit hant tuet Nach dir Greyffen So nymb das stükh hayst das zügken
If he has lifted you up, then use the technique which you see here.
[122r] Wen er dich erhebt hat: So brauch du das stugk wie du da siegst
If he shoves you away from him when you are in the Haken (hook), then grab a piece of his jacket near the hip.
Wen er sich weit von dir scheybt so du Im hagkn stest: So nyms stük wamashuft[?]
This technique is called the Inwendig Schlent Hagkl (inside [?] hook). If you use that at full force, you will throw him.
[122v] Das stuck haist der Inwendig schlent hagkl So du das nymbst mit voller sterk so wirfst In
If your opponent grabs you first, then use this technique, which is called the Abstoss (shove-away).
Greifft dich der man züm ersten an, So nymb das stuk vndt haist der abstoß
If he stands upright and positions himself in the Balance.
[123r] Wen er sich aufricht vnd In dy wag setzt
If he pulls your head [under his arm] when you try to run in at him with the Hacken (hook), then use the technique called the Aüsser Hacken (outer hook).
wen er dir den kopf zückt. so du Im Inn hagken wilt lauffen. So nymb das stük haist der aüsser hagken
If your opponent grabs hold of you with fury, then use the Abwinden (turning aside). If he has lifted you up, act as if you are going to fall, [but instead] grasp hold of his right thigh and shove him away from you.
[123v] Greifft dich der man mit zoren an So nymb das abwinden Wen er dich erhebt hat tue als welst fallen greiff Im nach dem rechten schinkel vnd stöß In von dir hin
If he stands completely upright and strains backwards, then use the technique called the Schragen.
Wen er sich gantz aufricht vnd hinter sich strebt So nymb das stugk haisset der schragen
If he stands with his legs wide apart, then use the technique called the Halb Hufft (half hip).
[124r] Wen er weit mit painen stet • So nymb das stük haist der halb hufft
This is the hip in the Aüsser Hacken (outer hook). Use this with force. Wrestle with the legs and step forwards [to the?] hip.
das ist der hufft Im aüsseren hagken nymb solich mit sterk / Rng mit painen: nymb furtretüt ? hufft
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In words, in herbs, and in stones lies much power.
In warten In kreiteren in stainen leit vil krafft.
In verbis et in herbis et in lapidibus multa jacet vis
Images hosted by the Universitätsbibliothek Erlangen-Nürnberg.
Additional Resources
- ↑ Internally dated on 86v, and both dated and signed on 164r.
Copyright and License Summary
For further information, including transcription and translation notes, see the discussion page.