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Property:Display title of
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"Display title of" is a predefined property that can assign a distinct display title to an entity and is provided by Semantic MediaWiki. This property is pre-deployed (also known as special property) and comes with additional administrative privileges but can be used just like any other user-defined property.
Spada: Anthology of Swordsmanship +
Stuck im aufstreichen +
The Schoole of the Noble and Worthy Science of Defence (Joseph Swetnam) +
Traité ou instruction pour tirer des armes (Girolamo Cavalcabo) +
Trattato di Scientia d'Arme, con vn Dialogo di Filosofia (Camillo Agrippa) +
Trattato in Materia di Scherma (Marco Docciolini) +
Viridario (Giovanni Filoteo Achillini) +
Vollständiges Fecht- Ring- ûnd Voltigier-Bũch (Johann Georg Pascha) +
Vollständiges Ring-Buch (Johann Georg Pascha) +
Wapenhandelinghe van Roers Musquetten ende Spiessen (Jacob de Gheyn II) +
Zulaufenden ringen +
foaf:homepage +
foaf:knows +
owl:differentFrom +
Ιπποκομικη (Johann Fayser) +
Ιπποκομικη (MS Md 24) +
Οπλοδιδασκαλια sive Armorvm Tractandorvm Meditatio Alberti Dvreri (MS 26-232) +