Kunst des Messerfechtens ("The Art of Messer Fencing", Cgm 582) is a German fencing manual completed by Johannes Lecküchner on 19 January 1482 and dedicated to Philip "the Upright" of Wittelsbach, Elector Palatine of the Rhine.[1] The original currently rests in the holdings of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek in Munich, Germany. This manuscript is based on Lecküchner's earlier 1478 work contained in the manuscript Cod.Pal.Germ. 430, but unlike the CPG 430, the Cgm 582 is fully illustrated; it also seems to have a significant amount of new and expanded content.
Complete Translation by Grzegorz Żabiński, Russell A. Mitchell, Falko Fritz
Transcription [edit] by Grzegorz Żabiński, Russell A. Mitchell, Falko Fritz
[Cvr] [Museum sticker, upper left corner] Cgm. 582.
- [Pencil]
Cgm 582
To His Highness Prince and Lord Philip Ludwig Palatine of Rhein, Duke in Bavaria, Count of Veldentz and Svohaim, my graceful Prince and Lord.
[Neo-Gothic sixteenth century script] Sein Durchlauchten hochgebornen Fürstenn vnnd Herrin Phillips Ludwigenn Pfaltzgrauenn beÿ Rhein Hertzegenn in Baÿern, Grauenn zue Veldentz vnndt Svonhaim Meinen gnedigen Fürstenn vnndt Herren
- [Sticker of museum crest]
Bibliotheca Palatina
[Pencil] Ehemals (1664) in Dūsseldorf vgl. Cbm C. 555
Obedient Subject
- A super-commissary of the Castle of Lengsfeldt
- [Neo-Gothic sixteenth century script]
Vntertheniger Gehorsamer
- Sūperintendens Zue Būrck-Lengefeldt
- Johan Tettelback u. 24 Augusti 1579.
[Ir] Cgm. 582
[Iv] J. i67
1r - 216v
Messer by Johannes Lecküchner
216v - 217v
Complete Translation by Michael Chidester
Transcription [edit] by Carsten Lorbeer, Julia Lorbeer, Johann Heim, Robert Brunner, and Alex Kiermayer
This material was composed by the Reverend Johannes Lecküchner, at that time of the parish in Herzogenaurach, in the year of our Lord 1478, but this book was written and completed in the 82nd year on the eve of St. Sebastian.
[216v] Composita Est materia illa per dominum Johannem Leckuchner
tunc tempore plebanus Jn hertzogaurach Anno domini Ⅿº ⅽⅽⅽⅽº
septuagesimo octauo sed iste liber scriptum est et completus
Anno 8º secundo Jn vigilia sancti Sebastiani etc[2]
[Cvr] [Museum paste-in]
Nr. 2379
Ausgang : Sept. 1961
I. Schaden : j b l m n r 34 zu 30
II. Behandlung : 4567837
III. Besonderheiten : 3840
A collation diagram for this manuscript is available on the
index page.
Additional Resources
- ↑ Dated on folio 216v; see translation in table of contents.
- ↑ Auflösung und Übersetzung nach Hils: “Der Gegenstand (dieses Buches) ist von mir, Johannes Lecküchner, derzeit Pfarrer in Herzogenaurach, im Jahre 1478 erarbeitet worden; dieses Buch aber wurde geschrieben und fertiggestellt im Jahre 1482 in der Nacht des Hl.Sebastian”
Copyright and License Summary
For further information, including transcription and translation notes, see the discussion page.