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Hans Endter Fechtbuch

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Hans Endter Fechtbuch
Location unknown
(No scans available)
Type Fencing manual
Date before 1562
Language(s) Early New High German
Author(s) Johannes Liechtenauer
Compiler Hans Endter
Scribe(s) Hans Endter (?)
Illustrator(s) Unknown
Size 3 folia
Format Double-sided; text with one
miniature per side

The Hans Endter Fechtuch is a German fencing manual created by Hans Endter some time before 1562.[citation needed] It was previously held by the Germanisches Nationalmuseum in Nuremberg, Germany; it was lost during World War II, and its current location is unknown. The manuscript was analyzed by Carl Michael Wiechmann-Kadow in the 19th century, from whom we know that it is a fragmentary copy of Johannes Liechtenauer's Recital on the longsword; Wiechmann-Kadow speculated that it was based on the Starhemberg Fechtbuch,[citation needed] but this may simply be because he was not aware any other copies of the Recital.



1r - 3v


Additional Resources

The following is a list of publications containing scans, transcriptions, and translations relevant to this article, as well as published peer-reviewed research.


  1. Beneath is a small coat of arms with a duck swimming.
  2. There is then a small illustration of two knights in armour fighting with long swords.
  3. A coat of arms (without helm decoration) is shown comprising four red and yellow fields, a yellow cross with a crutch.
  4. The subsequent preface is almost the same as in the Starhemberg Fechtbuch, only with slightly different orthographics. At the bottom of the page is a short horizontal rule with knights fighting whilst riding on goats.
  5. The Zorenhawe, etc. Including two knights, one of whom wards off the blow of his opponent whilst on bended knee.
  6. Below are two knights whose swords form a cross.
  7. Contains no text, only a painting depicting two knights on horseback, who come to blows with swords held up at one another.

Copyright and License Summary

For further information, including transcription and translation notes, see the discussion page.

Work Author(s) Source License
Translation Jay Acutt Private communication
Transcription Carl Michael Wiechmann-Kadow Index:Hans Endter Fechtbuch
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