manner, because it beareth a long edge, it doth commodiously cut, as soone as the edge hath founde the enimies sword, and especially on those partes of the bodie which are fleshly and full of sinnowes. Therefore speaking of deceite or falsing, a man must alwaies with the sword and round Target and such like, goe and encounter the enimies blowes, being accompanied to gether. And as soone as he hath found the enimies sword, he shall within it, cute either the face or the leggs, without any farthar recouerie of his sword, to the intent to deliuer either thrustes, or greater edgeblowes: for if one would both defende and strike togeither, this is the most shorte waie that is.
But when the enimie discouereth some parte of his bodie, thereby prouoking his aduersary to strike, and then would beate off the blowe and strike withall: in this case, either a man must not strike if he perceue not that his sword is more neare the enimy, then his owne Target is to the enimies sword, or else if he strik and be further off, he must recouer his sword & void the enimies blowe, striking comodiously ether aboue ether some wher els. And it is a very easie mater to lose much time, for the Target and such like are heauie, And if these motions meete with no obiect or steye, they passe beyond their strength. But if it so happen or chaunce, as I haue before saide, that a man findes himselfe more neare to hurte the enimie, then the enimie is readie to defend himselfe, then he must not false a blow first, & then recouer his sword, but strik & driue it home at the first, as resolutlie, & as nimblie as he may possiblie: & this maner of striking pertaineth rather to true art then to deceit or falsing.