time as is possible, taking this alwaies for a most sure and certaine rule, that he moue the armes & feete, keeping his body firme and stedfast, so that it go not beastly forwarde, (and especially the head being a member of so great importance) but to keepe alvvaies his bodie bovved rather backvvard than forvvard, neither to turne it but onely in a compasse to voide blovves and thrustes.
More ouer, it shall not be amisse, after he hath learned to strike, (to the end to strengthen his armes) if he cause an other to force at him, either vvith a cudgell, or some other heauie thing, both edgeblovves & thrustes, and that he encounter & sustaine them vvith a sworde, & ward thrustes by auoyding his bodie, and by encreasing forvvardes. And likevvise vnder edgeblovves, either strike before they light, or els encounter them on their first partes, vvith the encrease of a pace, that thereby he may be the more readie to deliuer a thrust, and more easily sustaine the blovve. Farther, vvhen he shall perceiue, that he hath conueniently qualified and strengthned this instrument of his bodie, it shall remaine, that he onely haue recourse in his minde to the fiue aduertisements, by the vvhich a man obtaineth iudgement. And that next, he order and gouerne his motions according to the learning & meaning of those rules. And aftervvardes take aduise of himselfe hovv to strike & defend, knovving the aduantage in euery perticular blow. And there is no doubt at all, but by this order he shall attaine to that perfection in this Arte vvhich he desireth.