ing back of the arme or loosing of time. And vvhilest the arme is borne straight on high (to the end it may be borne the more streight, & vvith lesse paines) the feete also vvould stand close and vnited together, & that because, this vvard is rather to strike than to defend, and therefore it is necessarie that it haue his increase prepared: so that vvhen the thrust is discharged, he ought therevvithall to increase the forefoote so much that it make a reasonable pace, and then to let fal the hand dovvn to the lovve vvarde, from the vvhich if he vvould depart againe, and assend to the high vvard, he must also retire his forefoot, neer vnto the hinder foote, or els the hinderfoote to the forefoot, And in this manner he shall practise to deliuer his thrust oftentimes alvvaies placing himselfe in this high vvarde vvith his feet vnited, discharging the thrust vvith the increase of the fore foot. But vvhen it seems tedious and painfull to frame this vvarde, then he must vse, for the lengthninge of his arme, to fasten his hande and take houldefast on some nooke or stafe, that standeth out in a vvall, as high as he may liftvpp his arme, turning his hand as if he held a svvord, for this shall helpe very much to strengthen his arme, and make his bodie apt to stand at his vvarde. Novv vvhen he hath applied this excercise, for a reasonable time, so that he may perceiue by himselfe that he is nimble and actiue in deliuering these blovves and thrusts simplie by themselues, then he shall practise to compound them, that is to saie, after a thrust to deliuer a right blovve from the vvrist, then a reuerse, and after that an other thrust, alwaies remembring vvhen he deliuereth a blovve from the vvrist, after a thrust to compasse his hinderfoote, to the end, the blovve may be the longer: And vvhen, after this right blovve, he vvould discharge a reuerse, he must encrease a slope pace, that presently after it, he maie by the encrease of a streight pace, forse on a stronge thrust vnderneath. And so to exercise himselfe to deliuer manie of those orderlie blovves togeither, but yet alvvaies vvith the true motion of the feet and bodie, and vvith as great nimblenesse, and in as shorte
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