Now I wil come to my second, and wil declare the reasons and waies by which a man strikinge with the point striketh straightly. And I say, that when soeuer the sworde is moued by the onelie mocion of the Arme, it must alwaies of necesitie frame a cirkle by the reasons before alleaged. But if it happen, as in a manner it doth alwaies, that the arme in his motion make a circle vpwardes, and the hand mouing in the wrist frame a part of a circle downewards then it wil com to passe, that the sword being moued by two contrarie motiōs in going forwards striketh straightly.
But to thentent that this may be more plainlie perceiued, I haue framed this present figure for the better vnderstāding wherofit is to be known, that as the arme in his motion carrieth the sworde with it, and is the occasion that beeing forced by the saide motion, the sworde frameth a circle vpwards, So the hand mouing it selfe in the wrist, maie either lift vp the point of the sword vpwards or abase it downwards. So that if the hand do so much let fal the point, as the arme dothlift vp the handle▪ it commeth to passe that the swords point thrusteth directly at an other prick or point then that it respecteth.
Wherefore let A. B. be the circle which is framed by the motion of the arme: which arme, if (as it carrieth with it the sword in his motion) it would strike at the point D. it should be constrained through his motion to strik at the point B. And from hence procedeth the difficultie of thrustinge or