cause it may easily happen, there shall be here layde downe some defence for it: calling this principle before any other to remembrance, (He that is nearest, hitteth soonest,) to the ende, that knowing what way either sworde maketh, each man may resolue himselfe to deliuer a thrust vnder an edgeblowe, by the which is preuented the fall of the saide blowe.
But because none, but such as are endued with deepe iudgement, great actiuitie, and stout courage, do or may safely put this in practise: And to the end also, that those, who accustom to defend euery blow, perfourming that in two times which might aswell be done in one, may rest satisfied: I will laye downe the defence of the edgeblow.
Therefore, whensoeuer edgeblows are giuen, they are either right or reuersed, high or low.
Against the right high blowe, either the onely dagger is to be opposed, either the sworde and Dagger both together. When the onely dagger is vsed, then a straight pace must be encreased, & the dagger hande lifted vp to encounter the enimies sword in the weakest parte thereof, & being suddenly found a straight pace is to be encreased, and a thrust vnderneath (alreadie prepared) to be discharged. But if the sword and dagger be both together opposed, they both must be lifted vp, and as soone as the blowe is encountred, the enimies face is to be cut by discharging a reuerse, with the onely turne of the hand, resting & staying it selfe in the brode warde.
The right blowe, giuen beneath, or belowe, must be warded after no other manner, then by driuing a thrust at the enimies thigh, which thrust is to this pur-