The right edgeblowe may in like manner be warded with the single sworde or cloake: but when it cōmeth aloft, it shall not be commodious to encounter it with the single cloake, for by that meanes the eyes blinde themselues. How much this importeth, let others iudge. But, when the saide right blowe commeth in a manner lowe, so that it may well be warded, keeping the enimie in sight, then the cloake is to be opposed, with the encrease of the left pace, & presently thereupon, a thrust to be discharged, with the encrease of a right pace.
When one opposeth the single sworde against the right blowe, he must driue a thrust at the face, & fetch a compas with his hinder foote, cutting the face with the saide thrust, and staie himselfe in the broad ward. The selfe same must be done, when he defendeth him selfe with both together, to wit, with the sword and cloake.
Against the reuersed blowe, the selfe same manner is vsed in warding to wit, either with the one, or with the other, either with both ioyned together.
With the cloake, by the encrease of a pace, and by encountring the enimies sworde, as farre forwards as is possible, that thereby it may be done the more comodiously, deliuering a thrust therewithall vnderneath, with the encrease of a pace of the right foot.
With the single Rapier, the same defence may suffice, which is layde downe in the treatise of the single Rapier, and that is, to discharge a thrust at the enimies thigh, the which withstandeth the fall of the reuersed blowe.
Nowe, if one would defend himselfe with both