halfe pace, and found the enimies sword, he must encrease an other halfe pace forwardes, and strike him, costing and forcing the enimies sworde, on that side where it may do no hurt. And this maie be vsed both within and without: But he whome it pleaseth, and who doubteth not to be entangled in the Cloake, maie (finding himselfe within) carrie his left foot making a pace therewith, and betweene his cloake & his sworde, close the enimies sworde, and deliuer a thrust with the encrease of a pace of the right foote: And sinding the enimies sword without, he may vse the selfe same encrease and thrust. But if he finde not the enimies sword, he may deliuer a litle edgeblow from the wrist of the hand, in such sorte, that the enimy haue no leasure to enter in: And hauing found the Sword, to to discharge a right or streight thrust, or else not voyding the enimies sword by the encrease of a left pace, to driue a thrust from aloft downwards, lifting vp the fist somewhat high, and deliuering it with the increase of a pace of the right foote.
Of the defence of the lowe VVarde at Rapier and Cloak.
TO the ende a man may warde himselfe from all the thrustes reckned in the hurtes of this warde, he neither ought, neither happely may doe any other thing then voide his bodie from the straight line, wherein the enimie purposeth to strike, making a left pace forwards, somewhat thwarting or crossing and striking the enimie safely. The which doth not so chaunce, when one defendeth himselfe