with the directly flatt opposite against the enimie, & wardinge all the bodie, the enimie will not resolue himselfe to giue a thrust but onely against those partes which are so well couered by the Buckler, as, the head, the thighes, or some parte of the bodie, being found discouered by ill bearing of the Buckler. And seeing that these thrustes, hauing to hit home, ought to enter so farre in, as is from the buckler to the bodie & more (and that it is the length of an arme) they maye easily and without doubt (making lesse motion, and therefore in little time) be driuen outwardes by the Buckler before they come to the bodie.
There are many other commodities to be gathered by so holding of the buckler, which at this present are not to be recyted.
Wherefore being to finish this Chapter, I say, that the Buckler ought not to defend, but onely down to the knee and lesse. And reason would that it should defend no farther than the arme can stretch it selfe, that is to the middle thigh. In the act of fighting a man standeth alwaies somewhat bowing, therefore a little more is allowed. The rest of the bodie downwardes, must be warded with the Sword onely.
Of the hurt of the high warde at Sword & Buckler.
BEcause it is a verie easie matter to ward both the right and reuersed blowes of the edge: And for that a man may easily strike vnder them, I will not lay down either for the one or the other their strikings or defendings, but onely talke of the thrust. I saye, the thrust aboue may be