the Buckler, there be a sharpe poynt or stert of Iron, to the end the enimie may be stroken therwith when occasion serueth.
The manner how to handle the Buckler.
IF a man would, that the Buckler worke the saide effect, to wit: that it may be hable with his smalnesse to couer the whole bodie, he must holde and beare it in his fist, as farre off from the bodie as the arme may possibly stretch foorth, mouing alwaies the arme & buckler together, as one entire and solide thing, hauing no bending, or as if the arme were vnited to the buckler, turning continually al the flatt thereof towards the enimie. From which kinde of holding proceed all these commodities following.
1 The first is, that the arme (standing directly behinde the Buckler) is wholy couered, neither may be strooken by any manner of thing which is before it.
2 The second, that all edgeblows are of force encountred in the firste and second parte thereof, where they carrie least force: neither can it fall out otherwise, if the enimie woulde (in manner as he ought) strike either at the head or bodie. For if the enimie would strik them, it is necessarie, that his sword come within the buckler so much as the arme is long: for otherwise it shal neuer hit home. And in this case he may well warde each great blow, and therewithal easily strike, and that in short time.
3 The thirde commoditie is, that all thrustes are most easily warded: for the Buckler being rounde,