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Page:DiGraſsi his true Arte of Defence (Giacomo di Grassi) 1594.pdf/88

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forwardes, setling himselfe after the deliuerie thereof in the lowe warde.

Of the defence of the high warde at Sworde & Buckler.

AS a man standeth at the lowe warde he may easily defend both those loftie thrustes. When they come, he standing at the saide warde, it shall be best to driue them outwardes, with the encrease of a left pace, and with his sword and buckler to staie the enimies sworde. And because this left pace is a great increase: and likewise the enimie, driuing his thrustes, commeth with great force, it may easily come to passe that both may approch so neare one to the other, that he may with his bukler giue the enimie, the Mustachio, in the face, but that must be done when fit occasion is offered, and then further recouering his own sword to discharge a thrust vnderneath with the encrease of a pace of the right foote.

Of the hurt of the broad VVarde, at Sworde and Buckler.

IF a man would stepp forward, and strike as he standeth in the broad warde, it is not lawfull for him to vse any other than the thrust, considering the right & reuersed blowes may not be deliuered without great perill and danger. For in the site or placing of this warde, the sword is farre off from the bodie. And as he moueth to fetch a right or reuersed edgeblowe, his sworde of force wil be much farther: So that it may not be done without great danger. Therefore he shall vse the thrust onely: in forcing and deliuerie wherof,
