No Translation
English Transcription (1625) by Michael Chidester
Dutch Transcription (1618)
French Transcription (1618)
German Transcription (1618)
Mars his Feild or The Exercise of Armes
And are to be sold by Roger Daniell at the Angell in lombard streete
The exercise of armes wherein lively figures is showne the Right Use and perfect manner of Handling the Buckler Sword and Pike with the words of Command and Brefe Instructions correspondent to every Posture.
Order yor. Pike.
In the first is showne how the Soldier standing in Order with his Pike shall carry the Buckler behind on his backe, and plant the Pike against his Right foot his Arme a little bended and his hand about the height of his eyes.
Shoulder your Pike.
The 1. Motion.
How before the first changing of hold hacing the Pike in his Right hand he shall souffer it a little to fall agaist his thumbe, and take it readily with the left hand close under the right.
The 2. Motion.
How for his second remove he must bring the Pike forward with his left hand, taking it backeward with the Right the more commodiously to shoulder the Pike.
March with ÿor Pike sloping.
The third Motion.
How he must carrÿ his Pike sloping that he maÿ march the more readily in close troupe without daunger of hurting his follower with the point of his Pike.
Prepare ÿor Buckler for ÿor. Pike
How in Marching he must carry his Buckler gracefully and keepe it neere to his Pike and to do that he must change the posture of his left foot and shakiny his left shoulder, bring the Buckler forward.
Present yor Pike.
How he must hold his left hand betweene the Brases and Center of his Buckler on the forepart of his bodÿ and again shoulder the Pike as is showne.
.1. Motion
How he shall Port or charge his Pike at three severall motions, and in the first he shall take the Pike forward with the left hand standing upright, the better to cast over the Pike.
2 Motion
Having presented the head of the Pike forward he shall take it at the butt and let it sinke handsomely downewards the better to passe throug the Port etc.
3. Motion
How if he will charge he shall hold it well in the Right hand, his arme being strecht out, setting his left elbowe fast against his hippe.
Order yor. Pike.
1. Motion
How he shall set downe the Pike at three motions and in the first he shall put downe the but and with his right hand, the easier to raise the point of the same.
2. Motion
How in the second he shall take the Pike as farre as he can easily reach with the right hand above the left bringing it downeward.
[Repeats on subsequent page]
Trayle yor. Pike.
How to trayle the Pike he must by Palming the handle the same backeward till he shall bring his right hand close to the head of it.
How thus trayling he must hold the Pike neare to the Point right against his girdle stead resting his hand on his hippe, as in the figure appeareth.
Make readÿ yor Buckler for ÿor sword.
How he must hold his Buckler ready for his sword bearing it a little from his body that he maÿ traverse the sword a croße within his buckler.
Laÿ downe ÿor Pike.
How he must lawÿ downe the Pike on the ground at his right foot, that is, he must bend to the same side, that the Pike may fall the more freely without daunger
How he must stand upright with his Buckler in readines, his Pike layd at his right foot expecting further command
Draw yor. sword.
How we shall most conveniently draw his sword that is he must hold his Buckler a little from his bodÿ that it may be no hinderance to the drawing of the same.
Present yor Sword.
How in presenting of his drawne sword he shall hold the same no higher then his face as appeareth.
Put yor sword between your Buckler and left shoulder.
How resting his Buckler against his body and left shoulder he must bring his sword betweene towards the left shoulder, attending in this posture further Command.
Guard ÿour selfe.
How to gard himselfe before the enemy he must rest his Target against his left thigh and shoulder firme, the hilt of his sword against the verge of his Target inward, and the left brimme of his morion against the inside of his Target to gard his sight and view the enemy.
A second garding Posture.
Here is represented how the Soldier may gard him self with his Target against the point of the enemies Pike. bearing his sword as in the precedent figure.
Releeve your selfe.
How standing upright it will be most expedient for him to set forward his left foot and shoulder that he may rest the Target against his body and that in a free and no enforced posture.
Put up yor. Sword.
How in sheathing his sword with the right hand he must beare the Buckler backeward on his body that he may do it without any impediment.
Draw yor. armed out of the braces of your Buckler
How when he shall draw his arme from out the braces of his Buckler he shall hold the Buckler firme with his right hand.
Put yor. Buckler behind yor. backe.
How when he removes againe the Buckler to his backe, it must be done with his left arme as appeareth in the figure.
How the Soldier standing upright with the Buckler at his backe shall attend further Command.
Take up yor. Pike.
How he must raise his Pike as high as he can standing firme with his right foot and drawing backe his left, that without forcing he maÿ bend himselfe sidewayes towards the Pike for the handling it again.
Here also is represented a Ran[...] to showe how they maÿ shut their [...] no waies hindering them) ÿet so th[...] quisite place, to the end that ea[...] draw his sword and use it agai[...][1]