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Sigmund ain Ringeck/Sandbox

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Select one or more fencing styles using the checkboxes below to view the associated treatises.

The number in brackets at the beginning of each translation box is a paragraph number assigned by Wiktenauer; clicking it will take you to the translation page. The numbers in brackets in the transcriptions with an "r" or "v" are manuscript folio numbers; clicking them will take you to original page scan with the transcription alongside for comparison. If you want to sort a column by number, click the black triangles in the table headers.

Whenever the Glasgow version mentions an illustration, the scan is included in the illustration column whether it has a picture or not. The Rostock version has no illustrations at all in this section, so it is not pictured when it mentions them.

Long sword


Glasgow Version


Draft Translation Draft translation (2022) by Christian Trosclair

Featured Translation (all versions) Featured translation (2015) by Christian Trosclair

Draft Translation (Dresden only) Draft translation (2010) by Keith Farrell

Incomplete Translation (Dresden only) Unfinished translation (1999-03) by Jörg Bellinghausen and David Rawlings


Attributed to Sigmund Ainring:

Dresden Version (1504-19) by Dierk Hagedorn

Glasgow Version (1508) by Dierk Hagedorn

Rostock Version (1570) by Dierk Hagedorn


Salzburg Version (1491) by Dierk Hagedorn

Augsburg Version (1553) by Werner Ueberschär

Short sword




Incomplete Translation (Dresden only) Unfinished translation (2003) by David Rawlings

Incomplete Translation (Dresden only) Unfinished translation (1999) by Jörg Bellinghausen



Dresden Version (1504-19) by Dierk Hagedorn

Vienna Version (1512) by Dierk Hagedorn

Rostock Version (1570) by Dierk Hagedorn

Mounted fencing


Glasgow Version


Draft Translation (Glasgow only) Draft translation (2020) by Stephen Cheney



Dresden Version (1504-19) by Dierk Hagedorn

Glasgow Version (1508) by Dierk Hagedorn