The Starhemberg Fechtbuch (Cod. 44.A.8) is a German fencing manual created in 1452.[1] The original currently rests in the holdings of the Biblioteca dell’Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei e Corsiniana in Rome, Italy. This manuscript is commonly attributed to Peter von Danzig zum Ingolstadt, but in fact the text only cites him as author of the final section. The rest of the manuscript is a compilation text consisting of treatises on a variety of martial topics, by several different masters who stood in the tradition of Johannes Liechtenauer.
The known provenance of the Starhemberg Fechtbuch is:[2]
- Compiled and written in 1452 by an unknown scribe.
- 1554 - Owned by Theo Wittigschlager (term of ownership unknown).
- 1568 - Owned by Sir Erasmus von Starhemberg (term of ownership unknown).
- 1813 - Donated to the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei e Corsiniana by D. Antonia Corsini.
1r - 2v
Draft Translation  by Michael Chidester
Transcription by Dierk Hagedorn
Need Teaches Prayer
Theo Wittigschlager
[In a banner:] Watch Who You Trust
[Ir] [At the top:] Col=44=A=8-
Nodt lernnt Petten
Thö wittigschlager
Traw Schaw Wem °
15 :Y[?]P: 55
Codex 1449
A collection of brief books written by various authors in the Teutonic language, on fencing and on grappling.
Manuscript, i.e. Codex Bombarini, with 117 folia.
[IIr] Cod: 1449 ~
Collezzione di opuscoli di varj Auttori scritti in Lingua Teutonica Sulla Schirma e sulla Lottare
MSS. ossia Codice Bombarini di Carte 117 ~
Index of booklets
1st: The Art of Fencing, compiled and written by Master Johannes von Liechtenau. Text and commentary. ––– Folio 3
2nd: Some Precepts of Fencing and Grappling, written by Master Andre von Legnica. ––– Folio 73
3rd: Precepts of Fencing, both on foot and on horse, written by Master Martin Huntfelz. ––– Folio 87
4th: Precepts of Grappling, written by Master Ott, who was Wrestler to the Princes of Austria. ––– Folio 100
- back
5th: Precepts of Fencing, written by Master Peter von Danzig in Ingolstadt. ––– Folio 108
[IIIr] Indice degli Opuscoli
1o L’Arte della Scherma compilata e scritta da Mrõ Giovanni da Liechtenau Testo e commento –––– Fol. 3.
2o Alcuni Precetti di Scherma e Lotta scritti da Mrõ Andrea da Lignitz –––– Fol. 73
3o Precetti di Scherma tanto a piedi che a cavallo scritti da Mrõ Martino Hundtfeltz –––– Fol. 87
4o Precetti di Lotta scritti da Mrõ Ottone già Lottatore del Principe d’ Austria –––– Fol. 100
- tergo
5o Precetti di Scherma scritti da Mrõ Pietro di Danckgs in Ingolstadt –––– Fol. 108
The present Codex was written in 1452 and was in the possession of Sir Erasmus von Starhemberg in Year 1568; and in the year 1813 it came to the Corsiniana Library in Rome as a gift from Her Highness, the Princess Lady D. Antonia Corsini.
[IIIv] Il presente Codice scritto nel 1452 fu’ di pertinenza del Sige Erasmo di Stachemberg nell’ Anno 1568; e nell’ anno 1813 vinne alla Biblioteca Corsiniana a Roma per dono di S. E. la Siga Principessa D. Antonia Corsini
12 January 1568
V.V.M.F. (meaning unknown)
Sir Erasmus von Starhemberg
[1r] 1568 12. Januarij
Eraßm Herr von Starhemberg
The Plow
- The Ox
[1v] pflu~g
- ochs
From the Roof
- The Fool
[2r] vom tag
- alwer
3r - 9r
Recital by Johannes Liechtenauer
9v - 38v
Gloss of Liechtenauer's Recital on long sword fencing by Pseudo-Peter von Danzig
39v - 52r
Gloss of Liechtenauer's Recital on mounted fencing by Pseudo-Peter von Danzig
53r - 72r
Gloss of Liechtenauer's Recital on short sword fencing by Pseudo-Peter von Danzig
73r - 79r
Short sword fencing by Andre Lignitzer
80r - 80v
Sword and Buckler by Andre Lignitzer
81r - 84v
Wrestling by Andre Lignitzer
85r - 86r
Dagger by Andre Lignitzer
87r - 90v
Short sword fencing by Martin Huntsfeld
90v - 93r
Armored grappling by Martin Huntsfeld
94r - 96v
Dagger by Martin Huntsfeld
97v - 100r
Mounted fencing by Martin Huntsfeld
100v - 107v
Grappling by Ott Jud
108r - 113v
Gloss of Liechtenauer's Recital on short sword fencing by Peter von Danzig zum Ingolstadt
Draft Translation  by Michael Chidester
Transcription by Dierk Hagedorn
In this Year of Our Lord One Thousand Four Hundred and Fifty Two
M. H. I. T. Thanks be to God
[113v] Annodominimilesimoquadringentesimo · quinquagesimosecundo
※ · M · H · I · T · ※ deo gratias
Additional Resources
- ↑ Internally dated on folio 113v.
- ↑ According to the modern front matter.
Copyright and License Summary
For further information, including transcription and translation notes, see the discussion page.