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Here is a side-by-side comparison of their [[gloss]]es. This comparison is intended to demonstrate how masters from the same lineage and even the same teacher might present different interpretations of their tradition.
Here is a side-by-side comparison of their [[gloss]]es. This comparison is intended to demonstrate how masters from the same lineage and even the same teacher might present different interpretations of their tradition.
== Text ==
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Revision as of 03:34, 4 June 2020

Only two members of the Fellowship of Liechtenauer are known to have taught the armored fencing according to Johannes Liechtenauer's Recital on the Short Sword, namely Peter von Danzig zum Ingolstadt and Sigmund ain Ringeck.

Here is a side-by-side comparison of their glosses. This comparison is intended to demonstrate how masters from the same lineage and even the same teacher might present different interpretations of their tradition.

Draft Translation Draft translation
Open for editing

Rome Version (1452)
by Dierk Hagedorn

Verse Unfinished translation by Mike Rasmusson
Dresden Gloss Unfinished translation by David Rawlings

Dresden Transcription (1504-19) [edit]
by Dierk Hagedorn

In St George's name here begins the art.

[88r] In sant Jorgen namen höpt an die kunst ~~ ~&

[1] Here begin the comments and explanations of the art of armored dueling, created and written by Peter von Danzig in Ingolstadt. They treat the text set down by Johannes Liechtenauer in secret and cryptic words. He has done this so that everyone can understand these words better.

[108r] ~//~//~Hÿe hebt sich an die glos vnd die auslegu~g der kunst des kampffechtens die do geticht vnd gemacht hat Peter von danckgs zu° Ingelstat vber den text den do hat gesatzt Johannes liechtenawer mit verporgen vnd ver dackten worten vnd hat das getan das die selbigen wort ÿeder man dester pas versten sol ~

[1] Here begins the earnest fight on horse and foot. It begins here with Mr Johann Liechtenauer's fence in the mail coat. This he has put down in secret words. That stands now laid out and explained, therefore every fencer can understand the art, who already understands how to fence.

[89r] Hie höpt sich an der ernstlich kampff zu° roß vnd fu°ß ~ Alhie hept sich ann Maiste~ Johannsen Liechtennawers vechten Im harnash zu° kampff Daß er hät laussen schriben mitt verborgen worten Das stet hie nach in disem biechlin glosiert vnnd vßgelegt Das ain ÿede~ fechte~ vernem~en mag die kunst de~ and anderst vechten kan ~

[2] This is the Text

1 Whoever dismounts,
 Begins fencing on foot.
2 He may judge from his spear.
 Defense in two stances right from the beginning.

Glosa: Note how you should set up gallantly with matching weapons, so that you neither give your opponent nor overlook any advantage.

Das ist der text

Wer absÿnnet
fechtens zu° fuess begÿnnet
der schick sein sper
zwaÿ sten an heben recht were

Glosa merck das ist das du dich schicken solt ritterlich mit geleicher were das du deine~ veint chain vortail geben noch vbersehen solt lassen ~

[2] Fight with the spear

1 He who dismounts
 begins fencing on foot
2 He places his spear
 two stances to wield weapons right

When two fight together in coats of mail, then each of them will have three different weapons: A spear, a sword and a dagger. And the begining of the fight will occur with the spear. So you should prepare yourself with two ground positions, just as is now explained.

Die vor red mitt dem text

Wer absumet /
fi vechten zu° fu°ssen beginnet /
Der schick sin sper /
Zwaÿ sten an heben recht [89v] wer ·:

Glosa Mörck daß solt du also versten Weñ zwen zu° fu°ssen in hamasch mitt ain ander fechten wollen So soll ÿeder man haben drÿerlaÿ wär / ain sper ain schwert vnd ain degenn Vnd daß erste anheben soll geschechen mitt dem lang langen sper Domitt solt du dich mitt rechter wer schicken In dem anheben In zwaÿen stendt alß du hernach hörn wirst ~ ~ ~~  

[3] This is the Text

3 Spear and point, thrust before.
 Thrust without fear.

Glosa: Note that when you’ve positioned yourself and made ready to throw your spear, then cast the throw with concern. If you hit successfully, run in immediately. Do this even if you stand and do not want to throw. If you do not hit the opening correctly with the throw or the thrust, do not plunge with the spear, so you’re not losing your balance so that he can throw you down, but take up the sword.

Das ist der text

Sper vnd ort
den vorstich stich an voricht

Glosa merck das ist wenn du° dich hast recht gesetzt oder geschickt mit deinem sper zu°m[1] schiessen So scheus den vorschus an alle sarg Trifstu so volg pald dem schuss nach Also tu°e auch ob du wilt stechen vnd nicht schiessen Nu° merck ni trifstu nicht recht die plöss mit dem schiessen oder stechen so fall nicht in dein sper das du dich nicht gebst aus der wag vnd er dich nyder werf sunder greif zum swert ~

[3] The first ground position

3 Spear and point then before stabs,
 stab without force
4 Spring wind attack him
 onward disengage to face him on

When you are both down from the horses, Then stand with your left foot forward and hold the spear ready to throw. And close to him thus; so that the left foot always stays in front. And wait, so that you can throw before him. And follow on at once shooting forward with the sword, then he cannot safely cast against you, and grip the sword.

Der text von zwaien stend~

Sper vnd ort /
den vorstich Stich on forcht
Springe winde secz recht an /
wert er zucke daß gesigt im an ·:

Glosa Daß ist der erst stand mitt dem sper [90r] Wann ir baÿde von den rossen abgetretten sind So stand mitt dem lincken fu°ß vor vnd halt din sper zu° dem schuß / vñ tritt also zu° im daß allweg din lincker fu°ß vor blÿb Vñ wart dz du ee schüsst den er vñ folg bald dem schuss nach zu° im mitt dem schwert So kan er kaine~ gewissen schuß vff dich haben Vñ grÿff zu° dem schwert ~

[4] This is the Text

4 Spring, thread, set upon him correctly.
 If he defends, twitch. That will defeat him.

Glosa: Note that if you want to stay with the long weapon and work or stand with the spear and not throw it, then be quick, and jump and stab with artistry. Once you have it set up in his face or under the armpit, inside his glove or elsewhere you have found open to attack, wind your spear under your armpit and press forward. See if you can beat him in the side. You can pierce his foot with the same or between his feet, jerking your sword until he surrenders. Seek no other advantage, unless you have it completely secure and without any doubt. If he forbids the setting of your point from there, if it is recognized as just described, then twitch your spear and set with him again to the opening with skill, where you can. Work with the point or wrestling techniques, which are described below. If he thrusts, jump off to one side by the spear.

Das ist der text

Spring wind setz recht an
Wert er zuck das gesigt Im an

Glosa merck das ist ~~ [108v] wiltu pleiben vnd arbaitten mit der langen were oder mit dem sper nach dem stich vnd nicht wil vor schiessen das sper So pis rasch vnd spring vnd stich mit künsten vnd als pald du hast an gesetzt in sein gesicht oder vnder sein vchsen oder in sein hantschuech Inwendig oder wo du ein plöss hast gefunden so wind dein sper vnder dein vchsen vnd druck für sich ob du Im magst die seittñ an gewinnen sich magstu In stechen durch sein fuess welicher das seÿ oder durch sein fuß zuck dein sper nicht vntz das er sich ergeb vnd su°ch kain ander vortail du magst in deñ habñ gar gewis an allen zweifel Wert er aber dem ansetzen deins ortz wo die ansatzu~g sey als vorgeschriben ist So zuck dein sper vnd setz ÿm wider an wo du magst an die oder an der plöss mit kunst vnd arbait mit dem ort oder sich auf die ringen als hernach geschriben stet vnd wenn er sticht so spring auf ein seittñ aus dem sper ~

[4] The second ground position

When you would not shoot [throw] your spear, then hold it next to your right side in the lower guard and go to him thus. And stab him bravely from underneath at his face, before he does it [to you]. If he jabs at the same time or sets aside, then drive up in the high guard. So that his point remains on your left arm. Stab him at once with the point over his arm into his face. If he then drives up and sets aside with his left arm then jerk down and set the point in the opening of his left arm pit.

Der ander stand im sper

Mörck ob du din sper nitt verschiessen wilt So halt es nebe~ dine~ rechten sÿtten zu° der vndern hu°tt vñ gee also zu° im Vnnd stich im ku~nlich von vnde~ vff zu° de~ gesicht Ee wann er dir Sticht er a dann mitt dir glich ein oder versectzt [90v] So far vff mitt dem sper in die obern hu°t So blÿpt dir sin ort vff dinem lincken arm Vnd mitt dem so heng im den ort über sine~ arm in sin gesicht / fört er dann vff vnd versetzt mitt dem lincken arm So züch vnd secz im den ort vnde~ sin lincke v~chsen in die blöß ~

[5] This is the Text

5 If you will thrust before,
 Learn to break the resistance with twitching.

Glosa: If you miss your thrust and have not made it so that you hurt him, to bring you advantage, then twitch your spear. Thrust again and attack of his body with your grappling, as is described below. One must know that the twitch is as follows: Take your spear in both hands in the same manner as the half-sword, so that the thumbs stand together. If you want to twitch, pull the spear with your right hand back and let your spear run with a light touch in your left hand. Then when you have made a free thrust below on the hands or elsewhere, then thrust with twitching above to the visor.

Das Ist der text

Wiltu vor stechen
mit zucken ler wer prechen

Glosa merck das ist Ist das du stichst felst vnd in nicht hast getroffen das Im schädlich seÿ vnd frum dir pringen mag So zuck dein sper vnd stich wider vnd wart In auf sein leip mit [109r] deinen ringen als her nach stet geschriben Es ist zu° wissen das Das zucken zu° get also Nÿm dein sper in ped hënd in aller mass als das halb swert das die daume~ zu samen sten vnd wenn du wild zucken so zeuch das sper mit der rechten hant hindersich vnd mit linden fülñ dein sper gen lest in der dencken hant Hastu denn vnden gestochen einen freÿen stich zu° den henden oder anders wo wo es seÿ so stich mit zucken Im zu° dem fisir oben ~

[5] The jerk with the spear

5 If you will stab ahead
 with disengaging break the defense

When you stab from the lower guard, and he sets [it] aside with his spear, and his point to the side and goes beyond you [pushes out], then jerk through and stab him to the other side. Or if he stays with the point before his face, then don't jerk. But remain with the spear on his and wind to the next opening, that he opens to you.

Der text wie man zucken soll

Wilt du mitt stechen /
mitt zucken lern vor brechen ·:

Glosa Mörck daß ist / daß du wol lernen solt daß du also zuckest Vnnd vernÿm daß also wann du im vß der vndern hu°t zu° stichst Versectz er mitt dem sper / dz sin ort besÿzt besÿtz neben dir vß gat So zuck durch vnd stich im zu° der andere~ sÿtten Oder pleibt er dir mitt der andern [91r] versaczüng mitt dem ort vor de~ gesicht So zucke nicht / vñ pleÿb mitt de~ sper an dem sÿnen / vñ arbait mitt dem winden zu° der nechsten blöß die dir werden mag ~ ~

[6] Item: You can also move through under his spear, or twitch and always start again at any opening. Do not do anything else.

Item du magst auch zucken vnden durch an sein sper oder wechselñ vnd wider an setzen ye zu° der ploss vnd wider an setzen nicht anders ~

[7] This is the Text

6 If he wants to pull back
 And escape
7 Then you shall approach him
 And wisely deploy grabs.

Glosa: If you twitch and destroy your opponent’s skill and his devices, do not let him come to strike or thrust. If his weapon has become too long or too short and he tears with his hands your point from the side on which you have planted it, or pulls it, or if he intends to take to draw a sword or dagger and escape, or go backwards, then you shall follow his lost balance, with your short or long weapon, whichever seems you best. So if you will grab him or throw him with certainty, stay with your short weapon and not the long, so you have the advantage to grapple his body. This breaks his strength.

Das ist der text

Merck wil er zyehen
von schaiden vnd wil er fliehen
So soltu Im nahen
Zu weislich wartes fachen

Glosa merck das ist das wenn du Im zuckest vnd Im sein kunst vnd stuck zu° nicht machst vnd In nicht lest kumen zu° schlegen oder zu° stichen vnd Im sein were zu° lanck vnd zu° kurtz worden ist vnd mit seinen henden dein ort aus wil reissen von der seittñ do du Im hast angesetzt oder chihen oder wil zu° dem swert oder degen greiffen das sein vnd wild fliechen [109v] oder tretten hinder sich So soltu Im nach volgen nach seine~ verloren gewicht mit deiner kurtzen oder langen were was dich das pest gedunckt Also wiltu In fachen oder werfen weislich vnd pald so pleib peÿ der kurtzen were vnd nicht peÿ der langen so hastu deñ die vorgreiffen zu° seine~ leib das pricht sein sterck ~~

[6] The traveling after with the spear.

6 Mark if he will pull back
 from injury and will fly
7 Then you should close
 to wisely deploy blocks

When you stab and he sets aside and loosens himself from the bind, then follow quickly with the point. Strike him with it. Then press [push] him in that way back. If he now wishes to flee backwards before the stab and turns aside close to you. Then run in on this side and grip him with such wrestling grips and arm breaks, just as you find described in the following.

Der text

Mörch will er ziechen /
võ schaid~ vñ will fliechenn
Solt solt du im nachen :
Ja wÿßlich wart deß fachen ·:

Glosa Merck daß ist wie du solt nachraisen mitt dem sper Mörck wañ du vorkumst mitt de~ stich verseczt er vñ will sich am sper abziechen So volg im nach mitt de~ ort / triftest du in do mitt So dring in für dich Will er dañ vß dem ort hindersich fliechen vnd wendt dir zu° ein sÿtten So wart dz du im zu° derselben sÿtten ein lauffest Vnd in wÿsslich begrÿffest mitt ringe~ [91v] vñ mitt armbrüchen alß du hernach geschriben fündest ~

[8] This is the Text

8 If you will wrestle,
 Learn to jump right behind the leg,
9 Put a stop
 To lock the leg skillfully.
10 From both hands,
 If you want to stop skillfully.

Glosa: These are the grapples that you shall have to try in the duel...

Das ist der text

·Ob du wil ringen
Hinder pain recht lere Springen
Rigel für schiessen
das vor pain kunstlich schliessen
von paiden henden
ob du mit kunst gerest wenden

Glosa merck das ist vnd sind ringen die du treiben vnd suechen soldest Im kampf

[7] The battle wrestle.

8 If you would wrestle
 legs back rightly teach springing
9 trap before shooting
 That you shoot front leg artfully

When you come in to fight him, then you should know, just as you should step in front or behind his leg, you should no longer need to step.

Der text von ringen zu° kampffe

Ob du wilt ringen /
hinder pein recht lern springe~
Rigel für schiessen
daß vorbain künstlich beschliessen ·:

Glosa Daß ist Wenn du mitt im kumst zu° ringe~ So solt du wissen wie du forne~ oder hinden für daß bain springe~ solt Vñ soll gescheche~ nicht mer dañ mit aine~ zu° tritt

...The first: Spring behind his leg, or go quickly behind his back with your right foot behind his left leg or side. Then push down with your right knee behind his left knee. Approach it vigorously with your body and pull him backward above also with the right hand, in a way that the knee below and the hand above pull and press together.

das erst ist hinder pain zu° springen oder Im rasch hinder sein ruck zu° tretten mit deinem rechten fuess hinder sein lincks pain oder seiten so dauch vnden mit deine~ rechten knÿe sein linck knÿepüg vnd nahen Im fast mit deine~ leib vnd oben mit der rechten hant zeuch auch zu° ruck Also das das knÿe vnden vnd die hant oben mit ein ander gee mit dem zÿehen vnd dauchen

[8] When you [come to] each other, then be aware which foot he sets forward, then strike him to the left side with your right [foot]. From the beating aside, spring to him with your right foot behind his left, and press behind his knee joint with your right knee, and using both hands tear him backwards over your knee.

Item mörck de~ thu° also Wenn du in angriffest mitt ringen / vnd er dich wide~ / Welche~ fu°ß vor secz / hat er den lincken vor so schlach im sin lincke hand vß mitt diner rechten Vnnd mitt dem vßschlage~ so spring mitt dine~ rechten fu°ß hinden sine~ lincken [92r] vnd truck in mitt dem rechte~ knÿ hinde~ hinden In sin linck knÿckel vñ ruck in mitt baiden henden über daß selbig knÿ

[9] Item: You can also quickly spring or step behind his back, and put your knee in his back. Push him from you and pull up on his helmet toward you. Be careful that he does not grab your knee or leg and turn around. So you should better avoid this, because there are many breaks.

Item du magst auch hinder ruck springen oder tretten mit schnellichait vnd mit deine~ knÿe in sein ruck gesetzt vnd druck von dir vnd oben peÿ seiner hauben gezogen zu° dir hu°tt dich aber das er dein knÿe oder pein nicht begreiff vnd sich [110r] vmb drät Dar vmb ist es pesser vermiten wenn es hat vil pruch ~

[10] Item: The second grapple is to cast a bar before one or both legs. It is on both sides are good and safe. Then see which leg he has set before him and sit the same steps to lock it. Is it the right leg, closer up to him and sit him with your right leg between his, so that your right knee is just to his right.

Item das ander ringen Ist der rigel für schiessen fur einen oder paide pain vnd von paiden seitten ist es albeg gu°t vnd gewis Also siech welches pain er vor gesetzt hat das selb setz Im auch für fur einen rigel Ist das er setzt für das recht pain so nah im nach vnd setz dein rechts pain Im zwischen sein paide das dein rechte scheib wol stee an seiner rechten scheiben ~

[11] Above all, to unbalance him you must first take his right wrist with your left hand and with your right hand on the outside of the elbow toward you. With your right hand or your right arm you should reach in your hand from below, so that your arm is up. Draw up his arm to you and press down with your bar away from you. Cast him on your right side on his face or break his arm.

Doch vor allen sachen so müstu vor begreiffen sein rechte hant in der wag Im gelenck mit deiner lincken vnd dein rechte hant auswendig in der püg zu° dir mit deiner rechten hant oder mit deine~ rechten arm~ von vnden auf dein hant seÿ vnd dein arm~ oben seÿ so zeuch oben den arm~ zu° dir vnd dauch mit deine~ rigel vnden von dir vnd würf In auf dein rechte seitten auf das maul oder arm~ prich

[12] Item: The third grapple is when you artfully block the front leg. Thus notice the leg that is closest to you. If you want to throw him in battle and come to your advantage, drive with your two legs around his leg, with your knee caps to his kneecap. Push both knees firmly together so that he and his knee can not escape from you. Push him up by his helmet and tear with one or both hands. If he does post back with jerking or breaks down and goes back, follow him and attack him on the other side.

Item das dritt ringen ist das vor pain kunstigklich schliessen Also merck auf sein   pain das dir am nagstenn ist wenn du in der arbait in wild werfen vnd mit vortail dar zu° ku~men magst So far mit deinen paiden offen painen vmb sein pain das da vor stet vmb sein knÿscheib mit deinen paiden scheÿben vnd druck dein paidew knÿe zu° sam~en fast Also das sein scheÿb seins pains nicht von dir chöme [110v] vnd stos in oben peÿ seiner hauben So ruck mit einer oder mit paiden henden pricht er mit hinder rucken oder zucken vnd trit hindersich folg ÿm nach vnd gewin Im an die ander seitt ~

[9] Or try the following: When you spring with your right foot behind his left, then go with your left foot between his legs. Clamp his left knee between both of your legs and hold it firmly. Push/thrust him in front against his forehead with your left hand, and with your right draw him backwards to behind him.

Item mörck ain anderß wenn du springst mitt de.~ rechten fu°ß hinder sine~ lincken So schrÿtt mitt dem lincken hin nach zwischen sine baide bain vñ faß sin linckes knÿ zwischen din baÿde knÿ vñ halt es domitt föst Vnnd stoß in mitt der lincken hand vorne~ an die haw~ben vñ mitt de~ rechtz zeüch in hinden vff die sÿtten

[10] The Text

10 From both hands
 if you would conclude well with art

You should control all wrestling techniques on both sides. therefor you'll counter all that he attempts against you. When you have sprung with your right foot behind his left foot and he climbs back with his left foot, then follow him quickly to the other side with your left foot to behind his right foot. And throw him over over your knee with or lock his knee with both of your legs, as described earlier.

Der text

Von baÿden henden /
ob du mitt kunst gerst zu° enden ·:

Glosa Daß ist daß du alle ringen solt wissen zu° tribenn võ baiden sÿtten Ist daß du mitt kunst enden wilt dar nach [92v] alß du an in kumst Vnd dz vernÿm also Wañ du mitt dem rechte~ fu°ß springst hinder sine~ lincken Tritt er dann im spru~g mitt sine~ lincken fu°ß zu° rucke So volg im bald nach zu° der andern sÿtten mitt dine~ lincken fu°ß hinder sine~ recht~ vñ wirff in über dz knÿ Oder verschlaiß im dz sin knÿ mitt dine~ bain alß vor geschriben stät ~

[13] This is the Text

11 If it ends thusly,
 That sword is drawn against spear,
12 Pay attention to the thrust.
 Spring, catch, wrestle with him.
13 Strike immediately with the left hand.
 Spring surely and start then.
14 If he wants to draw
 From the scabbard, catch and press him,
15 So he gives up his openings
 With the point of the sword.

Glosa: If you have a sword and he had a spear with which he stands out to you to attack you from a distance, where it strikes a long free thrust to your body, it should be noted that when it stings, you should calmly and quickly jump away from the spear thrust. Seize him and cast him with the aforementioned wrestling before he strikes again. But if you don’t have a weapon in your hands, deflect with empty hands as described in the Roßfechten. If you have a sword, strike from the left side of his spear. Once you meet his spear and he does not or cannot twitch, when he thrusts after you and you hit well and have jumped or moved to him, then catch or grab him with circumspection, and throw. If he will draw a sword or dagger and let the spear fall, watch for the drawing of the dagger, messer or sword before he draws. Do not let him, but take the front of his hand or his body and send him down, as described above in the wrestling. When you get close to him, he can do you no harm with his sword, neither with setting the point nor with the pommel, because both of you are too close together, so that it can not happen.

Das ist der text

·Ob sich vor ruckt
das swert gegen sper wirt gezuckt
der stich Ju war nÿm
spring vach ringes eil zu Im
linck lanck von hant slach
spring weislich vnd deñ vach vnd druck
Ob er wil zuchen
von schaidñ vach vnd druck In
das er die plöss
mit swertes ort verdröss

Glosa merck das ist hastu ein swert vnd er ein sper vnd er auf dich sticht mit dem sper vnd dich vber lengen wil vnd sticht einen langen freÿen stich zu° deinem leib So nÿm war wenn er sticht so spring weislich vnd rasch aus dem stich des spers vnd begreif in vnd würf in mit dem vorgeschriben ringen ee er wider sticht H·astu aber kein were In deinen henden So streich ab mit lerer hend als Im ross vechten geschriben stet Hastu aber ein swert so streich von der lincken seittñ zu° seine~ sper vnd als pald du sein sper trifst vnd dir nicht zuckt oder zucken mag Also wenn er sticht vnd du wol trifst zu° Im gesprungen oder getretñ hast so vach oder begreif in mit vernüft [111r] vnd würf Wil er aber zucken swert oder degen vnd wil das sper fallen lassen So lug auf den degen oder messer oder swert zyehen Ee er zeucht vnd lass in nicht dar zu° chu~men Sunder begreif Im vorñ sein hant oder sein leip vnd druck in dar nÿder mit kunsten als vor geschriben ist Im ringen vnd du Im nahent zu° chumpst so mag er dir kainen schadñ zu° zÿehen mit seine~ swert weder mit an setzen weder mit slachen mit dem kloß wenn ir seit paid zu° nahent an ein ander das er nicht mag dar zu° chömen ~

[11] Sword against spear. Parry with the halfsword.[2]

11 If you've been reversed
 the sword against spear will go seek
12 The weapon will take the stab
 Spring to wrestle reach to him

When you have thrown your spear and he has kept his, then place yourself in the following position: Grip your sword in the middle of the blade and place it before your left knee in the guard. Or hold it next to your right side in the lower guard.

Daß ist der text wie man sich sol schicken mitt dem sper wide~ daß schwert ~~

Ob er sich ver ruckt /
daß schwert gegen sper wu~rd gezu~ckt
Der stÿch war nÿm
Spring fahe ringens eÿl zu° im

Glosa Mörck daß ist wann du din gleffen ver schosse~ hãst Vnd er behelt die sinen So [93r] schick dich also gegen im mitt de~ schwert Griff mitte der lincken hand mitte~ in die clingen vñ leg das schwert für dich mitten vff dz knÿ din linckes knÿ In die hu°t oder halt es neben diner rechten sÿtten In der vndern hu°t ~~~ ~ ~


[13] If he then jabs with the spear, drive high and parry the stab before your left hand with sword the on the left side, and spring to him and set the point on him. If this is not possible, then let your sword fall [drop it] and go over in the wrestle.

[14] When he jabs towards you and you stand in the lower guard, then set [aside] his stab from with the sword before your left hand on his right side, and go over in setting aside or the wrestle.

Item sticht er dir zu° mitt der glefen wañ du stäst in der vndern hu°t So secz im den stich ab mitt dem schwert vor [93v] diner lincken hand vff sin rechte sÿtten vnd wart deß anseczents oder der Ringen ~ ~ ~

[15] Parry with the open hand.

13 Hit long from left hand
 Spring wisely and then see
14 If he will seek away
 from injury and hit
15 so that his openings
 are harassed by the sword's point

When you stand in the lower guard, and he jabs above to you, and he holds the spear, so that the point in front broadly juts over the hands. Then strike his spear down to the side with your left hand , and spring to him setting the point on him.

[16] When he stabs underneeth with his spear, to your guts. Then grab his spear with your left hand and hold it firmly. At the same time stab him underneath in the gut. And if he then wants to pull strongly on the spear and jerk it from your hand, then press the spear up over and let him go. So that he gives you an opening. Grab your sword at once with your left hand, follow to him and set the point on him.

[14] This is the Text

16 Leather and gauntlets,
 Under the eyes. Search the openings carefully.
17 The forbidden wrestling
 Surely learn to use.
18 Find closing,
 So overcome the strong.

Glosa: This deals with the openings which you should look for in fencing or if you have thrown him and overpowered him. You shall thrust him down in the gauntlet or under his armpit, or to all points on the abdomen. Beware not to pierce deeper than to the testicles, otherwise he can run up and throw you, too.

Das ist der text

Leder vnd hantschuech
vnder augen die plössen recht suech
Verpotne ringen
weislich zu° lere pringen
zu° schliessen finde
die starcken do mit vberwinde

Glosa merck das ist vnd sind die plöss die du suechen solt Im fechten oder wenn du In geworffen hast vnd sein mächtig pist also du solt Im stechen vnden zu° dem hantschuech oder stich Im vnder sein vchsen oder stich zu° allen pauchflecken vnd huett dich das du zu° nider nicht stichst als zu° den hoden Anders er vber lauft dich vnd wirft dich auch ~ ~

[17] When you set the point to an equipped (armoured) man.

16 Leather and gloves
 under the eyes seek the openings rightly

Then you must quickly recognise his openings. At first try and strike him in the face, but also in the armpits, in the palms of the hands, or in from behind the gloves, or in the knee pits, between the legs and on all the limbs, where the coat of mail joins inside. Because these are the best place in which to strike him. And you should know precisely, how you can strike these openings. Therefore you will not aim at a more remote one, when you could hit a closer one with greater ease. Practice with all the arms, that pertain to the fight.

Der text von den blossen

Leder vnnd handschüch
Vnnd den augen die blöß recht su°ch ·:

Glosa Das ist wañ du aine~ gewapnete~ man an seczen wilt So solt du der blöß eben war nemen Der ersten [94v] In daß gesicht / oder vnder den v°chsen / oder in den teñern / ode~ hinden in die handtschu°ch Oder in die knÿkeln oder zwischen den bainen oder in allen glidern da der harnosch sin gelenck iñen hat Wann an den stetten ist de~ man am besten zegewinnen vñ die blossen solt du recht wissen zu° su°chen / dz du nach aine~ nicht wÿt griffen solt wañ dir ain nächere werden mag / Daß tu° mitt aller were die zu° dem kanpff gehörent ı&~

[15] Note: If you have the correct thrust below into his gauntlet or on the leather and you realize that you have hit and it bleeds through the thrust or not, then do not wrestle. Instead, push him away from you with your point to the ring until he surrenders. Thrust him also directly in his visor and do not twitch your point while you can keep it there. If he wants to counter with his devices, break them and wrestle. Follow him always and do not flee before himor give up the advantages you previously won in the opening.

[111v] Merck hastu recht an gesetzt den ort vnden in sein hantschuech oder zu°m leder vnd merckest das du hafst vnd er plu°tt vom stich oder nicht so ring nicht Sunder druck in mit deine~ ort von dir zu°m kraiß vntz er sich ergeit das selb setzt du Im recht an in sein visir zuck nicht dein ort die weil du magst vnd wenn ers prechñ wil mit seinen stucken so prichß vnd ring vnd volg Im albeg vnd fleuch nicht von Im vnd vber gib Im nicht der vor gewunnen vortail mit der ploss ~

[16] Note: When you come with your weapon to his opening under the gauntlet to keep it open and you have overcome your opponent on the side and want or need to wrestle, then look on the other side. Seize his leg with both your hands. Go on like this with one hand in front between his two legs and supporting it with your other hand behind up to his buttocks. Locking your two hands together, lift and throw him immediately to his side. Do not bend down with your head in the grab, but direct it up and to the front, and sink with the buttocks down and the head back if necessary. Then you can feel well if he is long or short. Or throw him with the aforementioned wrestling. Search with good sense for your advantage in the same way to any opening, be it one or the other. Or throw him with the aforementioned wrestling. Search with good sense for your advantage in the same way to any opening, be it one or the other.

Merck eben ist das du Im mit deiner were alc? also chumen pist In sein plöss vnder den hantschu°ch vnd In also auf sperrest vnd die seitt also gewunnen hast deinem veint Ju ringen wilt oder müest So wart der nagsten seittñ do begreif Im sein pain mit deinen paiden henden Also far mit deiner ainen hant vorñ durch sein paide pain vnd chum ir zu° hilff mit deiner anderñ hant hinden hoch pey seinem archs vñ schleus dein paide hendt in ein ander heb vnd würf in pald auf sein seitten vnd puck dich nicht nÿder mit dem haubt in dem ringen sunder prüst dich auf forñ vnd senck dich mit nider mit dem arch vñ das haubt hindersich Ist es not das emphinstu wol an seiner leng oder kürtz [112r] Oder würf in mit dem vor geschriben ringen Also suech deine vortail geleicher weiß in allen plössen die oder ander nach deiner vernüft ~

[18] Secret wrestling techniques.

17 Bring the forbidden wrestlings
 to the lesson wisely,
18 to lock find
 the strength to wend over with

When he runs in, then drop your sword and use carefully the wrestling, that belong to the battle fight. These shall not be taught or shown in publicly accessible fencing schools, so is it from all to show sword mastery closed. Because he will to the earest fight to use dignity, and there are arm breaks, leg pieces, testicle thrusts, death strikes, knee thrusts, finger breaks and eye grips [gouges] and more.

Der text von dem verborgnen ringen

Verbotten Ringen /
wÿßlich zu° lern bringen /
Zu° schlissen finde
die starcken domitt über winde ~

Glosa Das ist wañ ainer dem andern andern ein laufft So lauß din schwert fallen vñ wardt [95r] domitt wÿßlich der ringen die zu° dem kampff gehören / vñ verbotte~ sin von allen wÿsen maistern des schwerts Daß man die vff offenbare~ schu°len nÿemancz lernen noch seche~ lasen sol daru~ daß sÿ zu° dem kampff fechten gehörn vñ daß sind die armbrüch / Bainbruch / hoden stoß / mortstoß / knÿstoß / vinger lausunge / äugen griff / vnd dar zu° mer ~ ~ ~ 

[19] The first technique.

The cast over the leg to behind: When he seizes you you above and then draws you to him with strength to him or will thrust you from him, then strike the right arm outside over his left hand, just behind his hand. Press his arm with both hands at the breast, spring with your right foot behind his left and throw him over your knee.

Hie solt du morcken die ringen

Item grifft dich an ainer oben mitt ringen vñ will dich mitt störck zu° im rucken oder võ im stossen So schlach den rechten arm vssen über sin lincken forne~ vorne~ bÿ siner hand vnnd truck den mitt baiden henden an din brüst vñ spring mitt dim [95v] rechten fu°ß hinde~ sinen lincken Vñ wirff in über dz knÿ vß dem füß ~

[20] Cast over the leg in front, and break the arm when he siezes you above but doesn't grip firmly. Then grab his right hand with your right, draw him to you with your left hand and grab his elbow. Step with your left foot in front of his right and pull him over that. Or fall with your breast onto his arm and break it so.

Item grifft er dich an mitt ringen vñ halt er dich dann nitt fast vast So begrÿff sin rechte hand mitt dine~ rechten vñ ruck in zu° dir mitt der lincken begrÿff im den elnbogen vñ schrÿtt mitt de~ lincken fu°ß für sinen rechten Vñ ruck in also darüber Oder fall im mitt der brust vff den arm vñ brich im den also It~ grÿff mitt der lincken hand sin lincke vorne~ bÿ der hand vñ ruck in zu° dir vñ schlach din rechte~ arm mitt störck über sin lincken In das glenck der armbu~ge vnd brich mitt der lincke hannd sin lincke v~ber sin rechte~ vnd spring

[21] Grip his left hand with your left hand, just above the hand, and tear him to you. Strike your right arm strongly over his left arm (in the bend) and break it over your right using your left. Spring with your right foot behind his right and throw him over that.

[96r] mitt dem rechte~ fu°ß hinde~ sinen rechten vñ wirff in also darüber etc~

[22] When he drives through under your right arm with his left arm and wants to catch you around the body, then strike with your right arm strongly from above and outside into his left elbow joint and turn away from him.

[23] When he has you gathered in his arms and you also have him in the same way, and he stands with a straight leg. Then stamp against his straight leg, so you break his leg.

[24] You will also thrust with the knee or foot into the testicles. But be aware that he does not catch your leg.

[25] When he approaches you with an open hand or outstretched fingers, then try to seize a finger. Break it above, then you'll lead him to the edge of the arena, also weaken him on this side and win ever more advantage.

[96v] Item wann er nach dir grÿfft mitt offen henden oder mitt gerackten fingern So wart ob du im ainen finger begrüffen mügst Vñ brüch im den übersich Vnd für in domitt zu° dem kraÿß ~ ~~

Auch gewinst du Im do mitt die sÿtten an vñ sunst vill ander grosser vortail ~ Der text võ aine~ lere

Item aller lere /
den ort gege~ der blöß köre ·:

Glosa Daß ist daß du mitt allen drÿ wörn die zu° dem kampff gehörn allweg mitt dem ort zu° den blossen stechen solt die dir vorgenant sind / vnd sunst nicht / anders es bringt dir schaden etc~~  ~

[17] This is the Text

19 In all learning,
 Turn the point to the opening.

Glosa: You should set the point upon him at the opening, or where one can defeat the enemy, and you should not go out of balance.

Das ist der text

In aller ler
den ort gegen der plöss ker

Glosa merck das ist das du nÿndert solt an setzen den ort denn zu° der plöss oder do der man zu° gewinnen ist vñ du dich nicht vorgebst aus der wag

[26] Text of another teaching

19 With all weapons
 turn the point to the openings

[18] This is the Text

20 When we see that from the sheath
 Both draw their swords,
21 One should be strong,
 And defend well, remember.

Glosa: If you then come from the spears and both have a sword, strengthen your sword thus, that you take up your sword hilt with your right hand and your left hand is forward, near the center of the sword blade. Go to the opponent and try to reach him with blows and thrusts. Should he strike his pommel to you, deflext the blow with the half-sword. Set your point back to the opening: the visor, the chest, and down into his front hand. And remember the thrust when you move your sword, and deflect correctly and high enough and with equal strength, so he does not hit you and you can set your thrust to his opening again after his thrust. Or watch him carefully if he acts as if he would strike with the pommel, but does not hit and wrestles or thrusts to the hands.

Das Ist der text

Wo man von schaiden
swert zucken sicht von in paiden
do sol man stercken
die schutten recht eben mercken

Glosa merck das ist wenn Ir nu chu~men seit von den spiessen vnd paid swert habt so sterck dein swert also hab deins swertz hanthab mit der rechten hant vnd mit der lincken hant vorñ das swert nahent mitten in der clingen vnd gee auf den man vnd süech In mit schlegen vnd an setzen Schlecht er auf dich mit seiner kloßen vor setzt mit halbem swert den schlack vnd setz den ort Im wider zu° den plössen zu° dem visir zu° der prust oder vnden zu° seiner voderñ hant vnd merck eben die schütteñ Wenn du an ferst mit deinem swert das du recht vñ hochgenüg [112v] mit guter sterck Vor setzst das er dich nicht slach vnd das du nach seine~ slag den ort an mügst wider recht an gesetzt Oder merck eben auf in wenn er tu°t ob er mit dem kloß dich slachen wolt vnd nicht schlüg vnd griff zu° ringen oder zu° hend stechen ~

[27] The serious fight sword vs sword

20 Where one in defense
 draws the sword visibly to him
21 That one shall strongly
 defend right mark well

When both javelins have been thrown and the sword fight begins, then you should before all things pay attention to the four guards with the half sword. From them stab always to his upper opening. If he then jabs or binds with your sword. Then your should immediately notice if he is hard or soft at the sword. And when you have noted that, then use the strong against him, as is described in the following.

[97r] Der text wie man soll fecht~ Im schwert gegen schwert zu° kampff ~~

Wo man von schaiden /
schwert zucken sieht von In baiden /
So soll mã stercken
Die schutten eben recht eben merken mörcken ·:

Glosa Daß ist öb sÿ baidde die sper verschossen hetteñ vnd solten fechten vechten mitt den schwertern So salt du vor allen dingen mörcken vñ wissen daß die vier hu°ten mitt dem kurczen schwert / vnd daruß stich im allweg zu° der obern blöß Sticht er dañ mitt dir glich ein ode~ bindt dir an dz schwert So salt du zu° hand mercken ob er hert oder waich am schwert ist Vñ wenn du enpfunnden hau~st So trÿb die [97v] störck gegen im die du hernach geschriben wirst sechen ~~~  

[28] The first guard from the half sword.

Holding your sword with the right hand on the grip and the left in the middle of your sword, keeping it on your right side above your head and let the point hang down towards his face.

[29] If he then stands in the lower guard and wants to stab you underneath, then stab down from above between the sword and his closest hand. Press the pommel underneath, wind the point on his sword under and through to his right side and set the point on him.

[30] Stab him in the face from the first guard. If he fends that off then jerk or go through with the point to the other side, just as before. When you have set the point against him then put your sword under your right armpit with the hilt on your breast and push him from you.


Stab him in the face from the first guard, hust as before. If he puts the sword in front of him with the left hand in front and keeps the point in front of the face, and sets it sround to you. Then grip with the left hand the point of his sword and hold it tight. With your right hand stab him hard in the face.

Item mörck ain aid anders

Stich im zu° alß vor / verseczt er vor siner lincken hannd mitt dem schwert vñ blipt dir mitt dem ort vor dem [98v] gesicht vñ will diner dir anseczen so begrÿff mitt de~ lincken hand sÿn schwert bÿ dem ort vnd halt daß föst vñ mitt de~ kerechten hand stich im kröffticlichen zu° den gemächten

[32] If he then wants to jerk on the sword and pull it from your hand, then suddenly let it go, so he gives you an opening. Straight away grip your sword again in the middle with your left hand and follow straight away to him.


If you grab his sword and he grabs yours, then let go of his sword and grip yours again in the middle with your left hand, wind the point out and over his left hand and set the point at him.

Item ain anders

Begrÿffstu sin schwert vñ er das din So [99r] wirff sin schwert vß de~ lincken hand Vnd do mitt begrÿff daß din wide~ mitten inder clingen vnd wind im den ort ausen über sin lincke hand vñ secz im an ~ ~

[34] Or throw the sword in front of his feet. Grab his left hand with your left hand and set an arm break, or some other wrestle on.

[35] When you stab him to the face from the upper guard. And he with his left hand siezes your sword between your hands, then drives through with his pommel outside or inside above his left hand. Tear to your right side and set the point on him. When you do, you'll also strike him with the pommel from the upper guard.

Item wann du Im vß der obern hu°t zu° stichst fölt er dir dann mitt der lincken hannd in din schwert zwischen dine~ baid~ henden So far im mitt dem [99v] kr knopff vsswendig oder Inwendig über sin lincke hannd vñ reÿß vff din rerchte sÿtten vnd secz im an au~ch magst du vsß der obern hu°t mitt dem knopff wol schlachen wann es dir eben ist ~~ Die ander hu°tt mitt dem kurczen schwert zu° kampff

Merck halt din schwert mitt baiden henden vnd halt daß vndersich zu° dine~ rechten sÿtten mitt der handhäben neben dine~ rechten knÿ vñ dz din lincker fu°ß vor stee vñ din ort dem man gege~ din ge gesicht ~ ~ ~ : ~

[36] The second guard with the half sword

Hold your sword with both hands, down to your right side, with the grip next to your knee. Your left foot will stand forward and the point shall be directed at the face of your opponent.

[37] When you stand in this guard and he faces you in the upper guard and wants to set it in from above (stab at you). Then stab him first and set the point on his forward hand in the opening of the flat of the hand. Or stab through over his forward hand, press down with your pommel and set him to the other side.

[38] When he jabs at you from above, grab his sword with your left hand in front of his left hand, place the hilt on your breast and set the point against him.

Item wañ er dir oben zu° sticht So grÿffe mitt der lincken hand sin schwert vor sine~ lincken vñ mitt der rechten secz I din schwert mitt dem gehülcz [100v] an din brüst vnnd secz im an etc

[39] A break against the setting through

When you stab him from the lower guard and he stabs you from the upper guard between your forward hand and your sword and pushes his pommel down. Then go in to the upper guard and set on him at once.

[40] When you want to stab at him from the lower guard and he wants to drive through with the pommel under your sword and thus parry, then keep the point strong in front of his face and press his right hand down (underneath) then set upon him. You can also change through with the pommel and set aside his thrust.

Item stich im zu° vß der vndern hu°t fert er dann durch mitt dem knopff vnde~ din schwert vnd will domitt abseczen So blÿb im mitt dem ort starck vor dem gesicht vnd truck Im sin gerechte hand also vnder [122r] die wil wÿl er durch windt vñ secz im an ~~ ~~

[41] Note: Thrust to him strongly from the lower guard to the face. If he thrusts the same way to you, grasp his sword in the center to yours with your left hand inverted and hold the two swords fast together. And go through with the pommel under his sword, with the right arm jerking it over to your right side, so that you can take his sword.

[42] Note: this is the counter:

When he grabs your sword in the center and wants to take it away from you, note: when he has your sword held fast in his left hand, drive up into the upper guard and set upon him.

Item also brich daß

Wenn dir aine~ mitt sine~ lincken hand begrÿfft din schwert In der [122v] mitten zu° dem sinen Vñ will dir daß vsßrissen So mörck die wil er dir daß schwert fasst in die lincken hand zu° dem sine~ So far vff in die obern hu°t vnd secz im an ~ ~~

[43] Note: Thrust to his face from the lower guard while turning. If he displaces, yank and thrust to his face. If he displaces, move your pommel over his right shoulder and around his neck, jumping with your right foot behind his left, and tearing him over your leg with the pommel so that he falls.

[44] Note: This is the counter:

When he moves his pommel over your right shoulder and around your neck jumps with his right foot behind your left, grasp his left hand, And press it toward your breast, and turn from him to the right side; and throw him over your left hip.

[45] Note, you will also want to strike him from the lower guard, when he likewise has you.

[46] Third Half-Sword Guard

Hold your sword with both hands, as described before, over the left knee. And from it, break all his techniques by displacing.

Die dritt hu°tt mitt dem kurczen schwert

Item halt din schwert mitt baÿden henden alß vor geschriben stät vñ leg es über [125v] din linckes knÿ Vñ daruff brich im alle sine stuck mitt verseczen etc

[47] If he thrusts to your face from the upper guard, set the thrust aside to his right side with your sword in front of your left hand driving into the upper guard and setting the point upon him.

[48] Or drive up with the sword, displacing the thrust from above between your two hands. And drive with the pommel over his forward hand and with it jerk down; setting the point upon him.

[49] Move the pommel over his forward hand and then back through, and jerk him down with it. You can also change through below with the pommel and set aside his thrust.

Item far vnden durch mitt dem knopff über sin vorgeseczte hand vñ ruck domitt [101r] vndersich vñ secz im an Au~ch magst du vnden durch wechlen mitt dem knopff vñ im den stich abseczen ~~~~ : Item du vindest och hernach geschriben wie du vß der drÿtten hu°t die schläg die man schlächt mitt dem knopff verseczen soll

[50] Note, you wind and hereafter is described how you should do the third guard and how to strike your opponent with the pommel.

[51] The fourth guard with the half sword

As above hold your sword with both hands - holding it with the grip under the right armpit and place the hilt (in) on your breast on the right, so that the point sticks out to your opponent.

[52] In this guard you should come from all previous mentioned. Also when you have stabbed him to the opening and fixed the point in his armour then wind the hilt constantly in front of your breast and push him from you. And don't let him detatch from your point. So he can neither stand still, hew or stab.

[101v] hu°tten kumen Also weñ du im stichst zu° der blöß vñ dz de~ ort hafft in dem harnasch So winde allwege~ din gehu~lcz an din brust vnd dring in also von dir hinweg vnl vnd lauß in nitt von dem ort abkomen So mag er weder stechen noch haw°en noch schlachen ~~~ : ~

[53] When you have applied it and he has a longer reach than you, then push him thus from you, so that the point sticks out above and is set well into the rings of the chain mail.

[54] If he has a shorter reach than you let the pommel of your sword drop to your right hip and the point will jut out above and stick in the rings, just as above. Thus press him away from you and don't release him from the sword.

Ist er aber kürczer dañ du bist So lauß din schwert mitt dem knopff zu° diner rechten [102r] sÿtten vnder sich ab sincken bisß vff die rechten hüffe vnd daß din ort übersich stande Vnd im in die ring wol geseczt sÿ alß vor vnd dring in also für dich vñ lauß in von dem schwert nicht abkomen ~ ~ ~~ : ~

[19] This is the Text

22 Before and After: Consider these two things
 Calmly. Learn leaping away.
23 Follow in every encounter
 With strength, if you want to weaken them.
24 If he defends, then twitch, thrust.
 If he defends this, then follow him.
25 If he fights extended,
 You are skillfully prepared.

Glosa: You should always be present in all things in the “Before”, with thrusts, blows or wresling. But if you cannot come before your opponent does so, look wisely to the “After”, which is the break against all the things he wants and intends to do. Break all of his devices before he executes them, or he will overcome you.

Das ist der text

·:~Vor nach die zwaÿ dingk
prüf weislich lere mit abspringk
volg allen treffen
den starcken wiltu sÿ effen
wert er so zuck
stich wert er Jü zu° Im ruck
Aber lanck ficht
so pistu kunstlich bericht

Glosa merck das ist das du in allen sachen albeg solt vor chumen es seÿ mit stichen mit schlegen mit ringen magstu aber nicht chumen dar zu° ee deñ dein feint so wart klugklich auf noch das sind die prüch auf alle sach die er ver maint vnd begert zu° tu°n vñ prich ÿe sein stuck Im noch ee ers vor pringt oder er gesigt dir an

[55] The before and the after in the fight/fence

22 Before and after the two things
 teach testing wisely with springing away

You should in all things know the before and after. Because all skill in the fight comes from it. Take note, that you come before him with strikes and stabs, then he must move. And straight away, when he binds with his sword, set your techniques on, so he cannot get his techniques through your assult. This is the before.

Der text von den vor vñ nach

Vor vnd nach die zwaÿ ding /
brieffe wÿßliche~ lere mitt ab spring ·:

Glosa Das ist dz du vor allen sachen solt wissen daß vor vnd daß nach wañ vß den zwaÿen digne~ gätt gett alle kunst zu° kampffe Doch So gedenck daß du allweg y for vor [102v] komest ee dañ er Es sÿ mitt aine~ schlag ode~ mitt aine~ stich So mu°ß er dir verseczen vnd alß balde alß er mitt der vez versaczu~g an daß schwert bindt So trÿbe din stuck behentlich So mag er vor # sinen#dine~ stucken vor dine~ arbaÿt nicht komen Vnd daß haisst daß vor ~~~  

[20] Note: If he would throw you and he sets a barrier to you, come first and throw him on his back. If he turns you around in the wrestling, turn after him and throw him in the post-swing. Likewise if you are both ripping at a sword and everyone wants to have it.

·M·erck also wil er dich werfen vnd setzt dir ein schrãck so kum vor vnd wirf In zu° ruck swingt er dich vmb Im ringen so swing Im nach vnd würf in Im nach swang also geleicher weis wenn ir euch zerrett vmb ein swert paid vnd ein ÿeder es haben wolt ~


The after are all pieces (breaks) against the techniques that he sets against you. When it occurs, that you must set him aside. Then from that setting aside immediately use your point to find his next opening. So you go straight away from being defensive to being offensive. This is the after.

Item hie mörck daß nach

Daß sind die/brüch wide~ alle stuck die er vff dich trÿbt trÿpt Vnd daß ver nem nÿm also kumpt v er vor dz du im verseczen mu°st So su°ch zu° hand mitt de~ versäczüng mitt dem ort die nechsten blöß So gewinst du [103r] mitt dine~ versaczüng die arbait Vnnd dz haisst daß nach ~~  

[57] You should therefore respect that in the fight/fence you take no more than a step towards or away from him. When he is faster than you and you can no longer set him aside, then go backwards one step only with your left foot and be aware that you can step back in with the left foot and set in again or seize him with the wrestle.

[21] Note: If he will in the “before” strike to the head with his pommel, jump or step or move away from the strike to his side and throw him. If he is too strong for you, always follow after him in his affairs, setting upon him with strikes or thrusts. If you do, he can not come to blows, unless he will break your strikes. Look in this case to the “After.” Or, if he defends against you, then twitch and set upon him again. Follow him always with your twitching and do not let him leave not your[3] point. If you are coming to blows but he too strong for you, strike one blow after another as often as you can to his helmet, arms, elbows, hands, feet and whereever you can weaken him. If he fights extended and he stretches long and strikes wide and gives blows, you’ll be safe before him.

·M·erck wil er dich slachen zum kopf mit seine~ kloß mit dem vor So spring oder schreit oder trit klugklich ab dem slag [113r] auf sein seitten vnd wirff In Ist er dir aber zu° starck so volg Im albeg nach in seinen sachen es sey schlahen oder stechen mit deine~ an setzen vnd wenn du das tüst so mag er zu° slag nicht chumen er prech dir denn dein an satz so sich auf das nach Oder ist das er wert so zuck vnd setz wider an vnd volg albeg mit deine~ zucken Im nach vnd lass In nicht aus seinem ort kumpstu aber zu° vorsläg vnd er dir zu° starck ist so slach einen schlack nach dem anderñ als oft du magst zu° seiner hauben zu° seinen armen zu° seinen elpogen zw° seinen henden zu° seinen fuessen vnd wo du In geswechen magst vnd ist das er lanck ficht Also das er sich langk strecht vnd weit streicht vnd sleg tu°t So pistu vor Im sicher ~

[22] This is the Text

26 He also engages in strong,
 Defeating him throwing.
27 With its striking point
 He protects. Meet without fear.
28 Learning to turn the point to the eyes
 With both hands.
29 On the front foot
 You have to look with striking.

Glosa: If you want to strike your opponent to the head and helmet and he wants you set aside the strike strongly with the half-sword with both hands, threatening him with strikes above and bring your[4] sword into thrusting position. Thrust from above down between his arms near the hands at the wrist and press down with your sword. Do this is also from below up. Barrel then with your sword skillfully to strike again. Strike a powerful and certain blow without fear to your opponent with a striking point—this is the pommel of the sword. If he sets that aside with the half-sword and jump away, [set upon] him after the block with your point again to his eyes. If he doesn’t protect his leading foot with a step backwards, strike his of leg at the knee with the pommel. Do not commit to the strike so much that you come out of equilibrium, otherwise he will overcome you at the back and throw you down backwards or other such things as he has learned. You must know that you should only make one murder strike, unless you can hit him so that he falls down or take off an arm or otherwise disable a limb. Strike or thrust in this case as often you can bring it about. But this is not always possible, so wind your sword back again under your armpit and set your point upon him after each shot to his face, if he is too masterful for you.

Das ist der twext

Greift er auch sterck an
Das schiessen gesigt Im an
Mit seine~ schlahenden orte
Schutzt er sich trif an foricht
mit paiden henden
den ort zu° den augen lere wenden
Des voderñ fuess
mit schlegen du hüetten müest

Glosa merck das ist wenn du auf dein feint zw° dem kopf zu° der hauben slachen wild vnd er starck mit kurtzem swert mit paiden henden dir den slag vor setzen wil so drëw Im oben mit schlachen vnd pring sein swert wider [113v] Zw° dem sticht vnd stich zwischen sein paid arm~ von oben nÿder nahent peÿ den henden Im gelenck vnd druck nÿder mit deinem swert Das get auch zw° von vnden auff Dar nach so fass mit kunst dein swert zum slag wider vnd schlag an alle sarg ein grossen gewissen schlack auf dein veint mit dem schlachenden ort das ist der kloß deins swertz Ist das er vor setzt mit halbem swert vnd springt nach dem schlag deine~ ort Im wider zw° seinen augen vnd hüett er nicht wol seines vorsatzten fuess mit hÿnder triten So schlach ÿm zu°m pain zu° der knÿescheib mit dem kloß vnd verschlach dich nicht aus der wag Anders er gewüñ dir den ruck an vnd würf dich nider hinderwärtz oder sünst darnach vnd er gelerñt hiet Es ist zw° wissen das du nicht mer mortschleg süllest dann einen Es wär dann das du In treffen mügst das es nÿder fiel oder Im ein arm~ oder sünst ein nämlich led lam oder abschlügst so schlach oder stich als vil du mügst zu° w wegen pringen magstu aber nicht so wind albeg dein swert wider vnder dein vchsen vnd setz dein ort wider an zu° seinem gesicht nach ÿedem schlag Ist das er dir zw° maisterlich ist ~

  1. der letzte Buchstabe ist etwas unleserlich, da er ein ursprüngliches »z« überschreibt
  2. R. and V. seems to match the Pseudo-Peter von Danzig gloss.
  3. Literally “his”.
  4. Literally “his”.