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Bondì di Mazo
Translation: Reinier van Noort et al. The Spada Maestra of Bondì di Mazo. 2016.
- http://www.scrimipedia.it/mediawiki/index.php?title=Bondi_di_Mazo
- Bibliografia Generale della Scherma del Cav. Jacopo Gelli. Firenze. Tipografia Editrice di L. Niccolai. 1890.
The information we have on <Bondì of Mazo> are highly uncertain . In the Bibliography military <D'Ayala> is registered in the book of <Bondì Mazo> and nothing more.
Maybe <Bondì> alteration of <Abbondio> ( Ughi writes in the Journal of the Scholars and the Curious p. 195 , n . 57 , 1884 ) , family name Venetian cittadinesca , however if the stock is < Mazo > may belong to the family <Maggi> , also called <Mazzi> or <dei Mazi> .
In zibaldoni dell'Ughi is in fact the memory of a family or <Bondì> <Buondì> , of Mantua, where he was born that <Vincenzo Bondì> , Doctor in Venice in the sixteenth century , the author of various translations . So it could also be admitted that the author of the Treaty of fencing is descended from the illustrious doctor .
The Stork, in a note to the brand new Library Venetian <Giampaolo Gaspari> , Diche the <Bondì of Mazo> was jew . And it will be deducted from a kind of horoscope circumstances of the work of <Bondì Mazo> , engraved in copper with Hebrew characters, and even a sonnet in praise of Grace Venetian Jewish priest .
L'Illustre abbot <Perrau> , p. 297 Journal of the aforementioned , it also believes that it <Bondì of Mazo> jew . <Bondì> Is the version of IOM Tov ( good morning, good day) name common to many Jews . The Jewish family <Majo> , <Mayo> or <Mazo> lived in Venice. Well known is the rabbi <Mosè Majo well Jakob-ha-Levi> of said city . When <Mosè Majo> etc. . , Died , was published in Venice (1708 ), a poem in praise of the extinct Jewish ( truly worthy , very worthy ) and in comparison to the survivors , titled: Goblet of Consolations ( Cus Tanchumim ) consisting of <Josef David-ha-Levi> well .
- File:Bondi di Mazo - La Spada Maestra - by RvN.pdf
- http://www.nova-assalto.com/files/treatises/diMazo-cleaned.pdf
- http://www.bruchius.com/docs/DiMazo%2001%20by%20MB%20FL%20RvN.pdf
Bondi di Mazo
Italian (Venice), active late 17th century
La spada maestra di me, Bondi di Mazo da Venetia: Libro dove si trattano i vantaggi della nobilissima professione della scherma si del caminare, girare, & ritararri, come del ferire sicuramente, e difendersi.
(The Masterly Sword, by Me, Bondi di Mazo from Venice: A Book wherein Are Treated the Benefits of the Most Noble Profession of Fencing, in the Advancing, Turning, and Retreating, as well as How to Strike with Certainty, and Defend Oneself)
Venice, 1696
La spada maestra. Libro dove si trattano, i vantaggi della nobilissima professione della scherma, si del caminare, girare e ritirarsi, come del ferire sicuramente e difendersi
Author: BONDI DI MAZO da Venetia
Title: La spada maestra. Libro dove si trattano, i vantaggi della nobilissima professione della scherma, si del caminare, girare e ritirarsi, come del ferire sicuramente e difendersi
Year: 1696
Size: 173 pages
Images: 80
Language: Italian
Located in: British Museum
Published: Dominico Lovisa A. Rialto, Venetia, 1696
The following is a list of publications containing scans, transcriptions, and translations relevant to this article, as well as published peer-reviewed research.
- Mazo, Bondì di (2016). The Spada Maestra of Bondì di Mazo. Trans. by W. Jherek Swanger; Reinier van Noort; Matteo Butera; Francesco Lanza. Self-published. ISBN 9788269038200.