then theire aduersarie is: Of which their folish opinion they are all beastlie proud and arrogant:
And because it hath manie times happened them, either with a false thrust, or edge blowe, to hurte or abuse the enemie, they become loftie, and presume thereon as though their blowes were not to be warded. But yet for the most part it falleth out, that by a plain simple swad hauing onely a good stomack and stout courage, they are chopt in with a thrust, and so miserablie slaine.
For auoiding of this abuse, the best remedie is, that they exercise themselues in deliuering these falses onlie in sport, and (as I haue before said) for their practise & pastime: Resoluing themselues for a truth, that when they are to deal with anie enemie, & when it is vpon danger of their liues, they must then suppose the enemie to be equall to themselues aswel in knoledge as in strength, & accustome themselues to strik in as litle time as is possible, and that alwaies beeing wel warded. And as for these Falses or Slips, they must vse them for their exercise & pastimes sake onelie, and not presume vpon them, except it bee against such persons, who are either much more slow, either know not the true principels of this Art. For Disceit or Falsing is no other thing, then a blow or thrust deuered, not to the intent to hurt or hitt home, but to cause the enemie to discouer himselfe in some parte, by meanes whereof a man maie safely hurt him in the same part. And looke how manie blowes or thrusts there maie be giuen, so manie falses or deceits may be vsed, and a great manie more, which shal be declared in their proper place: The defence likewise whereof