or not to eschew daunger.
But to attain to this knowledg, it is most necessarie that he alwaies kepe stedfastly in memorie all these aduertisements vnderwritten, from which springeth al the knowledg of this Art. Nether is it possible without them to performe any perfect action for the which a man may giue a reson. But if it so fall out that any man (not hauing the knowledg of these aduertisements) performe any sure act, which may be said to be hand led with iudgement, that proceedeth of no other thing, then of very nature, and of the mind, which of it selfe naturally conceiueth all these aduertisementes.
1 First, that the right or streight Line is of all other the shortest: wherefore if a man would strike in the shortest lyne, it is requisite that he strike in the streightline.
2 Secondly, he that is neerest, hitteth soonest. Out of which aduertisment a man may reap this profit, that seeing the enemies sword farr off, aloft and readie to strik, he may first strik the enemie, before he himselfe be striken.
3 Thirdly, a Circle that goeth compassinge beareth more force in the extremitie of the circumference, then in the center thereof.
4 Fourthly, a man may more easely withstand a small then a great force.
5 Fifthly, euerie motion is accomplished in tyme.
That by these Rules a man may get iudgment,