fast in his hand may in my opinion be tearmed Weapon. Yet notwithstāding, because, as I haue before said, they be innumerable so that if I shold perticularly handle euerie one, besides the great toile and trauaile I should sustaine, it would also doubtles be vnprofitable, because the principels and groundes which are laid downe in this Art, serue only for such weapons as are commonlye practised, or for such as happely men will vse: and so leauing al those which at this present make not for my purpose, I affirme, that amongst al the wepons vsed in these daies, there is none more honorable, more vsual or more safe then the sword.
Comming therefore first to this weapon, as vnto that on which is grounded the true knowledge of this Art, beeinge of reasonable length, and hauing edges and point, wherein it seemeth to resemble euerie other weapon, It is to be considered, that forasmuch as it hath no more thē two edges and one point, a man may not strike with anie other then with these, nether defend himself with anie other then with these. Further all edg blowes, be they right or reuersed, frame either a circle or part of a circle: Of the which the hand is the Center, and the length of the sworde, the Diameter.
Whereupon he that would giue either an edg blow in a great compasse, either thrust with the point of the sword, must not onely be nimble of hand, but also must obserue the time of aduātag, which is, to know when his own sword is more