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Page:DiGraſsi his true Arte of Defence (Giacomo di Grassi) 1594.pdf/73

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And therefore he shall proue himselfe but a foole, who trusting to the Cloth wrapped about his arme, doth encounter any right edgeblowe therewith. For seeing the Cloake is not flexible in that parte (which flexibilitie is his onely strength) litle preuaileth either length or largenes, wrapped about a solide substāce. But being opposite in that parte thereof, where it hath length, largenes and flexibilitie (which is from the arme downwardes) it is auailable: for all three being ioyned togither will warde any edgeblow: which manner of warding should not be so sure, if the cloake had onely length and flexibilitie: For hauing behind it litle ayre, which is the thing that doeth strengthen it, it may easily be beaten too, and cut, by any great blowe. Therefore, if a man haue so much leisure, he ought to wrapp his Cloake once or twice about his arme, taking it by the Cape or coller, and folding his arme therein vp to the elbowe, and therewithall to warde all edgeblowes from the flanke thereof downwardes, aswell on the right side, as on the left side, alwaies remembring to carrie his foote differing from his arme, for the auoyding of danger that may rise by bearing his legg on the selfe same side, neere his cloak knowing the Cloak wardeth not when there is any harde substance behind it.

Thrustes also themselues, may be giuen without, if with the Cloake, or with the hand in the Cloak, the enimies sworde be beaten off, one handfull within the poynt thereof. For the edge hauing but small power in that case, is not hable in so litle time, to cut the hand. The blowes also, aswell of the poynt, as of the edge, from the slanke vpwardes, ought to be
