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Wassmannsdorff's Fechtbuch

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Wassmannsdorff's Fechtbuch
Location unknown
(No scans available)
Type Fencing manual
Date 15 December 1539
Language(s) Early New High German
Author(s) Unknown
Size at least 102 folia

Wassmannsdorff's Fechtbuch is a German fencing manual written in the 16th century. It was owned by Karl Wassmannsdorff in the late 19th century, but its location is currently unknown.

Wassmannsdorff describes it as a manuscript attached to a copy of the 1516 edition of Andre Paurenfeyndt's Ergrundung Ritterlicher Kunst der Fechterey; the manuscript portion includes the date 15 December 1539.[1] It contains at least two fragments of the wrestling treatise of Ott Jud, one of which was transcribed and included in Die Ringkunst des deutschen Mittelalters ("The Art of Wrestling of the Middle Ages", 1870), and the other of which was referenced extensively in the footnotes to his edition of the Augsburg version in the same book.[2]



1a - 92b Uncertain
93a - 98a Grappling by Ott Jud
98a - 101a Anonymous grappling teachings (Zulaufenden ringen)
102a - Anonymous(?) dagger treatise


As the manuscript is lost, no scans are available.

Additional Resources


  1. Wassmannsdorff 1870, p VI.
  2. Though it is not clear from the preface, Rainier Welle demonstrated that both of these texts come from the same manuscript through careful analysis of Wassmannsdorff's footnotes: a solitary footnote, note 7 on page 156, contains a reference to the latter fragment, and uses the same references notation as those for the former. See Welle, Rainer. "...und wisse das alle höbischeit kompt von deme ringen". Der Ringkampf als adelige Kunst im 15. und 16. Jahrhundert. Pfaffenweiler: Centaurus-Verlagsgesellschaft, 1993. pp 46-48.

Copyright and License Summary

For further information, including transcription and translation notes, see the discussion page.

Work Author(s) Source License
Transcription Karl Wassmannsdorff, Jay Acutt Index:Wassmannsdorff's Fechtbuch
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