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Codex Amberger

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Codex Amberger
Private Collection
Cod.Amberger 14r.jpg
Anbinden auch ettwan der schnitt (folio 14r)
Date ca. 1550s
Language(s) Early New High German
Author(s) Unknown
Illustrator(s) Unknown
Material Paper, bound in 1840
Size 16 folia (279 mm × 195 mm)
Format Single-sided; one illustration per page,
with scattered text
Script Bastarda
Treatise scans Digital scans (varies)

Codex Amberger is a German fencing manual probably created in the mid 1500s.[1]. The original currently rests in the private collection of Christoph Amberger in Towson, MD (USA). The manuscript is a fragment, containing only nine plays of wrestling, three of messer, and one each of dagger, long sword, and staff. It has no consistent foliation, and was probably originally part a larger work.[2] Based on the images released thus far, the manuscript seems to be largely a copy of Christian Egenolff's 1530s fencing anthology Der Allten Fechter gründtliche Kunst. A few of the images may instead be related to the manuscripts of Paulus Hector Mair.



1r - 8r Illustrations of grappling pieces
9r - 10r Illustrations of dagger pieces
11r - 13r Illustrations of messer pieces
14r Illustration of long sword pieces (captioned "Anbinden auch ettwan der schnitt")
15r Illustration of staff pieces


Amberger Cover 1.jpg
Cod.Amberger 07r.jpg
Folio 8r
Cod.Amberger 08r.jpg
Amberger dagger 1.jpg
Folio 11r
Cod.Amberger 11r.jpg
Amberger messer 1.jpg
Folio 14r
Cod.Amberger 14r.jpg
Folio 15r
Cod.Amberger 15r.jpg
Folio 15v
Cod.Amberger 15v.jpg

Additional Resources

The following is a list of publications containing scans, transcriptions, and translations relevant to this article, as well as published peer-reviewed research.


  1. According to its 1840 binding it dates to 1512, but this doesn't fit with the timeline suggested by the content of the manuscript.
  2. J. Christoph Amberger. "Two-handed Sword; Germany, c. 1550". Fencing Classics. 30 January 2009. Retrieved 24 November 2010.

Copyright and License Summary

For further information, including transcription and translation notes, see the discussion page.

Work Author(s) Source License
Images J. Christoph Amberger Fencing Classics
Translation Chris Treichel Document circulated online
Transcription Dierk Hagedorn Index:Codex Amberger