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Fiore de'i Liberi/Sword vs. Spear
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English Translation (from the Getty and PD) |
Morgan Transcription [edit] |
Getty Transcription [edit] |
[1] These are three companions that want to kill this Master, who awaits with the sword in two hands. The first of these three wants to throw his sword at the Master. The second wants to strike the aforesaid Master with the edge or the point. The third wants to throw the two lances that he has matched as is painted here. | [31r-a] ¶ Questi sono tre compagni che voleno alcider questo magistro che a spetta cum la spada a doii mane. Lo primo di questi tre vole lanzare la sua spada contra lo magistro. Lo segondo vole ferire lo detto magistro de taglio o de punta. Lo terzo vole lanzare doii lanze ch'ello a parechiade, come qui depento. |
[2] I await these three in this stance, that is, in the Boar's Tusk (Dente di Zengiaro), and I could wait in other guards, that is in the Stance of the Queen on the Left (Posta de Donna la Senestra) and also in the Stance of the Window on the Left (Posta di Finestra Sinestra), with this method and defense that I will make in the Boar's Tusk. This method and this defense the aforesaid guards can [also] do. Without fear I await them, one by one, and I cannot fail [against] cuts nor thrusts nor hand-held weapons that are thrown at me; my right foot that I hold in front advances out of the way, and with my left foot I step on the traverse away from the weapon that I encounter, beating it with the backhand. And by this method I make my defense; the cover completed, I will quickly make my offense. | [31r-b] ¶ Io spetto questi tre in tal posta, zoe in dente di zengiarom e in altre guardie poria spettare, zoe in posta de donna la senestra, Anchora in posta di finestra sinestra, cum quello modoe e deffesa che faro in dente di zenghiaro. Tal modo e tal deffesa le ditte guardie debian fare. Senza paura io spetto uno a uno, e non posso fallire, ne taglio ne punta ne arma manuale che mi sia lanzada. lo pe dritto ch'i'o denançi acresco fora de strada, E cum lo pe stancho passo ala traversa del arma che me incontra rebatendola in parte riversa. E per questo modo fazo mia deffesa. Fatta la coverta subito faro l'offesa. |
[3] We are two Masters that await the throw |
I wait here in the Boar's Tusk for I know all cuts and thrusts, and I know how to turn away thrown lances, and swords, and darts, and I know how to recover from everything. And that which I do, the Stance of the Long Tail (Posta de Coda Longa) could also do: I step out of the way to the side, beating aside that which comes thrown toward me. When I have deflected the point I am doubtful of the advance of the weapon; so that the person doesn't strike me through another turn, it is best that I beat [his weapon] quickly. |
[18r-b] Io aspetto aqui in dente de zenghiar, tuti tagli e punte io so riversar, lanzi lance, e spade, e dardi chi lo sa fare, che de tuti me savero reparare. E zo che io faro, la posta de coda longa lo po fare altre tal. Io passo fora de strada alla traversa rebatendo, zo che me vene alanzado, e quando io hoe rebatuda la punta delo avanzo del'arma io dubito. Che non me fiera la persona per un'altra volta me lla conviene rebater subito. |
[16b-b] Noii semo duii magistri che spetamo lo lançare |