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Paulus Hector Mair/Image comparison

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Incomplete Translation Unfinished translation
by Keith P. Myers

Dresden I Transcription (1540s)

Vienna I Transcription (1550s)

Munich I Transcription (1540s)

[1] The Zornhaw against the Thrust

It happens that you stand with the Zornhaw (Wrath Strike) with the left foot forward. Then follow after with the right and hit him strongly from above to the left side. If he deflects this, then strike nimbly to the next opening.

If he strikes you wrathfully like this, then wind against the Zornhaw in the Hanging Point and let your point properly go forward shooting in (Einschiessen) to the face or chest. If he perceives this thrust, then drive with the sword well up over your head, spring with your right foot to his left side and cut him with the Zwirchhaw (Across Strike) to the head.

If he strikes towards your head like this with the Zwirchhaw with crossed arms, then displace this with your long edge, then immediately yank back your sword (as in illustration) and wind your point from your left side to his face or chest.

MS Dresd.C.93 022r.png
Cod.10825 001r.png
Cod.icon. 393 I 018r.jpg

[2] The Krumphaw from Both Sides

When you come to the closing with the opponent, set the left foot forward and hold your sword with the point at your right side and remain hence standing in the Krumphaw (Crooked/Off-line strike). If he then strikes you from above to an opening, step outward with your right foot and give him a Krump to his right side and strike him at the nearest opening.

If he gives you a Krump like this and you stand with your right foot forward likewise in the Krumphaw, then step in with your left leg and displace his strike with your long edge. Then immediately follow outward with the right foot and drop a Krump onto his sword with your short edge and with that cut through his head.

MS Dresd.C.93 022v.png
Cod.10825 001v.png
Cod.icon. 393 I 018v.jpg

[3] The Zwirchhaw from Both Sides

When you come to the closing with the opponent, stand with the right foot forward such that the short edge is wound towards you. Then follow outward with your left leg and strike the Zwirchhaw with crossed arms. If he displaces this, then wind in the weak and strike him long to the upper opening.

If rather you stand with the left foot forward and likewise lie against him in the Zwirch with crossed arms, then follow outward with your right foot and turn your hand so that the flat of the sword stands in front of him and strike with the Zwirch in towards his left ear. If he displaces your Zwirch, then let a double feint pass and strike him to the top of his head on the right side.

MS Dresd.C.93 023r.png
Cod.10825 002r.png
Cod.icon. 393 I 019r.jpg

[4] The Schillerhaw (Squinting Strike) from Both Sides

When you come to the closing with the opponent, set your left leg out in front such that the short edge is wound under. Then step out with your right foot, wind your pommel beneath your right arm and set upon him with the point.

If he sets upon you with the point like this, then displace it and immediately wind in the Zwirch, hang with your sword against the Zwirch on your right side and step out with the left foot. Then wind the point in between his arms such that the short edge stays on top (as in illustration).

If he winds his point in between your arms like this, then set this aside with your long edge. With that press downward and let the weak run and strike him with the long edge to his head.

MS Dresd.C.93 023v.png
Cod.10825 002v.png
Cod.icon. 393 I 019v.jpg

[5] Schaitlerhaw (Vertex Strike)

Stand with the left leg in front and lift your sword above your head with extended arms (as in illustration). Then spring in towards him with the right foot and strike with the long edge directly to the top of his head. Then sink the point downward to his face or chest.

When he then does the Schaitler to you, displace it with the Kron (Crown) such that the point and the hilt of your sword both stand above you.

If he then fires out to thrust the point upwards towards you, wind your sword through under his Kron with the edge against his arm and with that cut him over both of his arms.

If he cuts over your arms like this, then step back with your right foot and set his cut aside with the Krumphaw with your short edge and with that cut to his right side.

MS Dresd.C.93 024r.png
Cod.10825 003r.png
Cod.icon. 393 I 020r.jpg

[6] The Ochs from Both Sides

It happens like this in the Ochs (Ox). Stand with the left foot forward and hold your sword with crosswise hands above your head. Then wind and step with your right foot to his right side. If he perceives this Upper Hanger, then strike in the Zwirchhaw with crossed arms.

If he strikes the Zwirch towards you like this, displace it and immediately wind and hang the point towards the face or chest. Then strike in strongly from above to his head. If he displaces this, strike the double feint, then immediately quickly take (the opening) before you from which to work a strike, thrust or cut.

If you then stand with the right foot opposite him and he works quickly at you, then set this aside with doubled cuts on both sides and immediately strike with the Zwirch with crossed arms to the right side of his head. If he displaces the Zwirch with the long edge, then let off and strike with the short edge from above.

MS Dresd.C.93 024v.png
Cod.10825 003v.png
Cod.icon. 393 I 020v.jpg

[7] The Pflug from Both Sides

Step in towards the opponent with the right foot and hang the sword at your left side. Then drive up with the hilt over your head, step across with your left leg, and strike the Zwirch. If he perceives the Zwirch and displaces it, then spring across with your right leg and strike to the top of the head.

But if you stand opposite him in the Pflug (Plow) and he does the Schaitlerhaw to you, then wind upwards into the Prechfennster (Speaking Window) so that you are looking out through the arms and your right foot stands forward. Then drop down and strike in with the half edge to the left ear.

If he strikes you like this, then displace it with your long edge and then immediately wind with your point to his left face or chest. Then let off (Ablassen) with your sword, step with the left foot in front of his right, and strike from above to his head.

MS Dresd.C.93 025r.png
Cod.10825 004r.png
Cod.icon. 393 I 021r.jpg

[8] The Alber and the Guard Vom Tag

Stand with your left foot forward with outstretched arms such that the point is directed at the ground and the short edge is up (Alber/Fool, at left of illustration). Then fly up with your sword with crossed arms in front of your head in the Versazung (Parry Position), step in with your right leg, and shove the point into the left side of his face.

If you should perceive this thrust and stand with your right foot opposite him in the guard vom Tag (from the Roof, at right side of illustration), then take away the thrust with a Krumphaw and strike with the Zwirch. Then immediately drop down and cut through the face.

If you perceive that he intends to cut you like this, then push away his cut with your long edge and immediately wind with your point towards the left side of his face or chest. Then follow with the left foot in front of his right and strike his right forearm.

If he strikes towards your arm like this, displace it with the long edge, step with your left foot in front of his right, and let the weak of your sword run and strike him to the top of his head.

MS Dresd.C.93 025v.png
Cod.10825 004v.png
Cod.icon. 393 I 021v.jpg

[9] The Strong and Weak with Which to Instantly Note Evenness

You stand with the right foot forward and bind his sword with your Schweche (weak). Then determine whether he is soft or hard at his sword. When he is soft at the sword drop down on his left side, step out with your left leg, and Zuck (yank) all hits you will throw at the opponent.

When you stand opposite him likewise in the weak and he does the Zucken (yank) against you, then step back with your right foot and strike a Creizhaw (Crossing Strike) to his right ear. If he displaces your Creizhaw, then drop down and shoot the point double to the face and with that strike his head from above.

If he hits towards your head like this, then do not displace this. Rather step away from the strike to his right side and Zwirch to his head.

MS Dresd.C.93 026r.png
Cod.10825 005r.png
Cod.icon. 393 I 022r.jpg

[10] A Nachraisen (Traveling After) with a Cut

You stand with your left foot forward in the Unterhau (Upward Strike) and he adheres to your hands from above (as in illustration). So step outward with your right foot and drop a Krump on him at your left side.

If he drops a Krump on you and you stand with your left foot forward, then drop down quickly and step out with your right leg. With that strike him from above to the right side of his head. When he displaces this, strike him from below to his left side with your long edge. Then immediately step back and strike him from above a long one to the head. If he travels after, then set the point in his chest. If he sets aside your point, then strike with extended arms back away from him.

If he strikes back away from you like this, then travel after him double with cuts and strikes from above and below, whatever he makes you do.

MS Dresd.C.93 026v.png
Cod.10825 005v.png
Cod.icon. 393 I 022v.jpg

[11] Another Nachraisen

When you stand with your left foot forward, step outward with your right foot and strike from your right shoulder with an extended blow to his head.

If he strikes a long one like this to your head and you stand with your left foot forward, then adhere to him with the short edge, step outward with the right foot and wind to his left ear such that the hilt stands in front of your head. Should he perceive the winding and displace it, then hang and pass through with your sword and strike him to the nearest opening.

If he seeks your opening like this, then strike against him with your long edge and set this aside below and above, extend your trunk and arms well and seek with your point the opening at his face or chest. Then immediately strike a Zwirch to his head with crossed arms.

If he does the Zwirch towards you like this, then displace it with your long edge and wind the short edge to his left ear. Then yank your right foot back once again and strike to his right ear.

MS Dresd.C.93 027r.png
Cod.10825 006r.png
Cod.icon. 393 I 023r.jpg

[12] A Nachraisen with the Hangenden Ort

Stand with your left foot forward and strike in from your left shoulder to the right side of his head.

When he then strikes like this towards you and you stand with your right foot forward, drop into the Hangenden Ort (Hanging Point) (as in illustration) and let the weak of your sword pass, then spring in behind his right side and hit to his head. If he displaces this, Doplier (double) high and Muntier (transform) low and set the point on his neck.

If he sets upon you with his point like this, then push him away with your long edge, follow with your right leg outward and strike from below to his right arm. If he displaces this, then step with your left foot in front of his right and hit him with a double Feler (feint) to the top of his head.

If he strikes high towards you like this, then displace him and wind with your short edge at his left ear. Then immediately run off and strike around again to his left side with your long edge.

MS Dresd.C.93 027v.png
Cod.10825 006v.png
Cod.icon. 393 I 023v.jpg

[13] Another Nachraisen

When you stand with your right foot forward hold your sword extended in front of your face such that the short edge stands towards you and step out with your left leg as you wind to his chest. If he displaces the point, then yank back and strike from above to the next opening.

If he then strikes you like this, set your left foot forward and spring with your right foot well to his left side and drop in with the Creuzhaw. If he displaces this, then step back with your right leg and strike to his left arm.

If he strikes you like this, then displace this with the Krumphaw such that it adheres on your sword. Then immediately step outward with the right foot and strike high to his head.

If he strikes high towards you like this, then set this aside with the Krump with your short edge on your right side, and with that cut into the upper opening.

MS Dresd.C.93 028r.png
Cod.10825 007r.png
Cod.icon. 393 I 024r.jpg

[14] A Nachraisen from the Right Side

You stand with your right foot forward and hold your sword at your chest with the point opposite his face (left side of illustration), then step in with your left leg and guard yourself with crossed arms in the Versazung (Parry/Ready Position). Then step outward with your right foot and strike high to his right side.

If he strikes high towards you like this and you stand with your right foot forward, the sword on your right side with extended arms to fire amidst the opponent (right side of illustration), then step outward with your left foot and hold the hilt in front of your head such that the point stands to the rear with crossed arms, and strike to his right side. If he displaces this, then travel to his left side with your short edge and then immediately wind upward with the Rose on his sword and strike with the Zwirch with crossed arms to the right side of his head.

MS Dresd.C.93 028v.png
Cod.10825 007v.png
Cod.icon. 393 I 024v.jpg

[15] A High and a Low Nachraisen

You stand with your left leg forward and your sword at your right chest with the long edge turned towards the opponent (as in illustration). Step in with your right leg, drop down on his left side and strike him there with your long edge.

You then stand with the right foot forward, so take away the strike with the half edge, follow outward with the left leg and strike to his right ear. Should he perceive this strike and displace it, wind the Zwirch to his left side and then immediately drop down and strike him again to the left side.

If he strikes double towards you like this, displace this with your long edge, then immediately step outward with your right leg and cut to his neck with the short edge. With that turn the long edge on him and cut to his head and his body.

MS Dresd.C.93 029r.png
Cod.10825 008r.png
Cod.icon. 393 I 025r.jpg

[16] An Uberlauffen (Running Over) with a Sword Capture

You do an extended strike while stepping in with the right leg and he likewise strikes in high. Step outward with your left leg, wind your pommel to your right side in over his arm (Uberlauffen) and jerk inward to your right side so that you capture his sword (as in illustration).

If he intends to capture your sword like this, then set your left leg in front of his right, release your sword to him and forcefully and quickly thrust to his left shoulder as you jerk his right leg backwards with your left. Thus you throw him forward onto his face.

If he will throw you onto your face like this, then yank your right leg at once towards you and step behind your left as you cut to his head.

If he intends to cut you like this and has both swords, then grab his left elbow with your right hand and his left knee with your left hand. Thus you throw him over and over.

MS Dresd.C.93 029v.png
Cod.10825 008v.png
Cod.icon. 393 I 025v.jpg

[17] An Uberlauffen with a Sword Capture

Step in with the right leg and strike him directly to the head, then follow outward with your left leg and strike to his right side.

If he strikes towards you like this, then wind your pommel in over his arm as you pivot to your left side (Uberlauffen), thus you capture his sword (as in illustration).

If he intends to capture your sword like this, then set your right foot in front of his left and quickly throw him. Or set your left hand high upon him and yank the right against you. Thus you lock his arm.

If he will lock your arm like this, then let your sword drop, grab his right hand with your left and under his right shoulder with your right and capture him at the shoulder. Thus you may throw him or carry him away with an armlock.

MS Dresd.C.93 030r.png
Cod.10825 009r.png
Cod.icon. 393 I 026r.jpg

[18] The Oberhaw with the Sword Capture

When you come to the closing with the opponent, set your right leg forward, follow outward with the right leg and strike long to his head.

If you strikes towards you like this and you stand with your left foot forward, then displace his Oberhaw (Downward Strike), step outward with your right foot or leg and grab inward over his right arm with your left to his hilt (as in illustration). Then travel towards your left side so that his sword is captured.

If he has captured your sword like this, then set your left hand on his right elbow and the right on his left, and with that shove him away from you.

If he shoves you away from him like this, then let both swords drop and immediately spring turning backwards, run your pommel between his legs with extended arms, and with that lift upward and stand him on his head.

MS Dresd.C.93 030v.png
Cod.10825 009v.png
Cod.icon. 393 I 026v.jpg

[19] A High and a Low Thrust

Stand with your right foot forward and fire the point at the opponent from your left side to his chest. Should he perceive this thrust and displace it, then wind him the Zwirch with your left leg in, step with the left foot around to your right side and strike to his left ear.

If he strikes towards you like this, then block his Zwirch such that your left foot is forward (as in illustration) and strike high to his head. If he displaces this, then wind the point to his face or chest. Should he perceive this thrust, then wind him the hanging point such that your right foot stands forward and strike with the Zwirch to the left side of his head.

If he strikes towards you like this, then displace this with the Krumphaw (also matches illustration) and immediately cut to his head.

If you should perceive a cut like this, then cut at this right side and immediately step back with your right foot and wind the Zwirch to his left ear.

MS Dresd.C.93 031r.png
Cod.10825 010r.png
Cod.icon. 393 I 027r.jpg

[20] A High Winding with an Oberhaw

Stand with your right foot forward and strike to his upper opening.

If he strikes against you like this, then displace him and wind the short edge at his right ear (as in illustration). If he displaces this, then wind opposite him in the hanging point and then go against him with a Schaitlerhaw. He displaces this, so drop out of the Schaitler and immediately Krumphaw and cut him through his mouth or wherever you want.

Should you perceive this cut, then set the Krump on his sword again. With that you have broken his cut and may also cut to his head.

When he has broken your cut like this and cuts towards your head, step back with the left leg and wind the hilt out in front of your head and immediately strike to his right side.

MS Dresd.C.93 031v.png
Cod.10825 010v.png
Cod.icon. 393 I 027v.jpg

[21] A High and a Low Einschiessen (Shooting In)

So you stand with your right foot forward and he is opposite you with his left and shoots the point in against your face or chest. Strike high over his position to his head (as in illustration), then step outward with your left leg, hang and with that wind to the next opening.

If he then hangs and winds towards your head, step with your right leg in front of his left and strike towards the left side. If he should perceive this strike, then step back with your left leg and wind him the hanging point such that your hilt stands before your head. Then immediately step in with your left leg again and wind him your point with crossed hands from your left towards the right side of his face. If he displaces this, then follow outward with your right leg and strike him high directly with your long edge.

MS Dresd.C.93 032r.png
Cod.10825 011r.png
Cod.icon. 393 I 028r.jpg

[22] A Thrust with the Pflug Abzunemen (Parry Position)

You stand with your left foot forward with arms extended in front of your face such that the point stands opposite your opponent. Then step outward with your right foot and wind the point into his face.

Should you stand opposite him in the Pflug with the right foot forward and perceive this thrust (as in illustration), then follow outward with your left foot and wind the point out on your right side and then strike him at the upper opening. Should he perceive this strike and displace it, then strike with the Zwirch to his right side with crossed arms.

If he strikes towards your right side like this, set your right foot forward and hang the blade at the right side so that he strikes it. Then immediately follow outward with your left leg and strike to his upper opening.

If he strikes high towards you like this, displace this with your long edge as you drive out in front of your head. Then set the edge on his left arm near your crossguard and with that shove him on his right side. Thus you may cut him as well.

MS Dresd.C.93 032v.png
Cod.10825 011v.png
Cod.icon. 393 I 028v.jpg

[23] Two Thrusts from which One goes into Winding

You stand with the right foot forward and fire the point at the opponent (as in illustration). Then follow outward with your left leg and wind the point in the face or chest with extended arms. If he displaces this, then step backwards with your left leg and wind into the Prechfennster (Speaking Window) such that your hilt stands before your head.

If he lies in the Prechfennster like this, wind the point in his face out of the Rosen (Rose) such that your right foot stands forward, then step outward with your left leg, set your right foot behind his left and wind with the short edge to his head. Then immediately strike with the long edge to his right arm.

If he strikes towards your right arm like this, follow outward with your left foot and set a Krump onto his sword and with that cut to his head and body.

Should he cut towards you like this, then bite another Krump and with that strike to his next opening.

MS Dresd.C.93 033r.png
Cod.10825 012r.png
Cod.icon. 393 I 029r.jpg

[24] A Durchlauffen (Run Through) with a Ringen (Grapple)

When you come to the closing with the opponent, strike high to his head as you step inward with your right foot in front of his right. If he displaces this, then let your sword fall over behind your back, run your head through his right arm, grab with your right hand around his body towards his left side and with your left hand to the back of his right knee (as in illustration before dropping sword). Thus you throw him.

If you will break this, then let your sword fall and drop your right arm high over his left. Thus you may lift him with that.

If he has grabbed you like this, then yank your right leg back, release your right hand from his body and grab behind his right knee with it. Then thrust with your left hand into his chest. Thus you throw him back.

MS Dresd.C.93 033v.png
Cod.10825 012v.png
Cod.icon. 393 I 029v.jpg

[25] A Zucken (Yank/Snatch) to Half Sword with a Thrust

You stand with your left foot forward and hold your sword in front of your head with crossed arms, the point opposite his face (as in illustration), then step outward with your right foot and wind the point to his face or chest.

If he winds one towards you like this, then stand with your right foot forward and set aside the thrust Krumb on his right side.

If he then sets aside your thrust Krumb, yank your sword towards you to half blade and shoot the thrust in again towards his face with the short edge. If he displaces this, then step outward with your left foot and strike him a long one high to the next opening.

If he strikes a long one towards you like this, then displace this with your long edge, follow outward with your left leg and strike him with the Zwirch with crossed hands to his right arm.

MS Dresd.C.93 034r.png
Cod.10825 013r.png
Cod.icon. 393 I 030r.jpg

[26] A Grappling at the Sword with a Throw

You come to the opponent at the closing, so set your left leg between his feet, release the left hand from your sword, grab him below his left arm around his body towards his left side, and trap him at the hip and carry him away (as in illustration) or throw him from you onto his face.

If you would counter this, then drop your left hand around his neck and your right hand around his left foot. Thus you may likewise throw him.

MS Dresd.C.93 034v.png
Cod.10825 013v.png
Cod.icon. 393 I 030v.jpg

[27] A Thrust out of the Hacken (Leg Hook)

When you come to the opponent at the closing, step in with your right foot and strike high to his head.

If he then strikes one like this towards you, displace it and yank his right leg towards you with your left (the Hacken or Leg Hook). Then release the left hand from your sword, go in under his right arm and set upon his chin. With that thrust him high away from you (as in illustration).

If he then sets upon your chin like this and will throw you, let your sword drop and take the right arm and set it on his left elbow. Then grab his left hand with your left hand in front and pivot to the right side. Thus you lock the arm.

If he would lock your arm and you have the sword in your right hand, then thrust with your pommel to his right elbow. Thus you throw your left arm free.

MS Dresd.C.93 035r.png
Cod.10825 014r.png
Cod.icon. 393 I 031r.jpg

[28] An Entry with a Grapple

You come to the closing with the opponent, so set your right leg forward and strike high and long to his head. Then release your left hand from your sword and set it on his right elbow, follow outward with your left leg and shove him away from you.

If he shoves you away from him like this and you stand with your left foot forward, then drop your left arm onto his right (as in illustration) and wind his right arm under your shoulder. Set your right front in front of his left, go under his neck with your right arm, and wrench your sword pommel downward.

If he intends to wrench you downward with his pommel, then press with your neck so that he wrenches around further. Then immediately drop your pommel over his left arm, take it again low with your left hand and with that push strongly downward. Thus you cut him through his head.

MS Dresd.C.93 035v.png
Cod.10825 014v.png
Cod.icon. 393 I 031v.jpg

[29] [A Throw at the Sword]

When you come to the closing with the opponent Zwirch high to his head with your long edge, then let your sword drop and grab between his arms with your right hand to his neck around on his right side. Then immediately step with your left leg behind his left and yank low towards yourself (as in illustration). With that throw him to your right side.

If he has trapped you like this high and low and intends to throw you, then press his arm with your arms together. Thus you counter him.

If he has trapped your arm like this and intends to counter you, then step inward with your right foot in front of his left and immediately pull your arm powerfully from him and take his sword out of his hand. With that turn to your right side and cut him with the long edge from above.

MS Dresd.C.93 036r.png
Cod.10825 015r.png
Cod.icon. 393 I 032r.jpg

[30] An Uberlauffen with a Grapple

When you go to close with the opponent stand with your left foot forward and strike him with a Krump. Then follow outward with your right leg and Zwirch to the other side. Should he perceive your Zwirch and displace it, drop both your hands between his arms such that your right hand stands high on his hilt and pass your left hand under his right around to the pommel. With that pull him towards you.

If he then pulls you towards himself like this, step with your right foot behind his left and let your sword drop. Then grab with your left hand under his left thigh and with your right forward on his neck. Then immediately throw him swiftly behind you.

MS Dresd.C.93 036v.png
Cod.10825 015v.png
Cod.icon. 393 I 032v.jpg

[31] A Grapple with a Cut

When you go to close with the opponent stand with your right foot forward and strike him to the top of the head.

If he then strikes against you, displace this and strike him with crossed arms in towards the right side of his head.

If he then strikes you one like this, displace his strike, let your sword drop and step outward with your right foot in front of his right. He lets his sword drop to cut through the face or wherever he may, so grab his right elbow with your right hand and with your left forward on the same (as in illustration). Thus with that you lock his arm. Then immediately yank towards yourself so you may also throw him.

MS Dresd.C.93 037r.png
Cod.10825 016r.png
Cod.icon. 393 I 033r.jpg

[32] An Underhaw with a Sword Capture

When you come to the opponent at the closing, strike with the Underhaw (low strike) stepping forward with your right foot such that the long edge stands upwards, then follow outward with your left leg and shoot the point double to the face or chest. If he displaces the thrust, then drop down in the Underhaw such that your hilt stands before your head.

If he stands like this in front of you, then set the Krump on his sword such that your right foot stands forward, grab both blades with your left hand high in front (as in illustration) and with that pull from your right to your left side. Thus you capture his sword.

If he intends to capture your sword like this, release it, step outward with your right leg, grab his right elbow with your left hand and the back of his right knee with your right hand and with that lift directly upwards. Thus you thrust him backwards.

MS Dresd.C.93 037v.png
Cod.10825 016v.png
Cod.icon. 393 I 033v.jpg

[33] An Einfallen (Dropping In) with a Cut

You strike with the Windthaw (winding/turning strike) and then turn out of it into a low cut towards his right side.

Should you perceive this cut, step in with your right foot and shove the cut out with your long edge. As you do this drop your long edge between his hands onto the hilt and immediately invert the right hand and sweep his sword down with the half blade the same as yours (as in illustration) and subsequently yank it out of his hands. Then cut in high or low and you have both swords.

If he will then cut like this towards you and has both swords held together, release your hands from your sword and step behind his right leg with your left and grab his waist with extended arms. Thus you throw him with both swords together.

MS Dresd.C.93 038r.png
Cod.10825 017r.png
Cod.icon. 393 I 034r.jpg

[34] A Cut through the Hand

You come to the closing with the opponent, so set your right leg forward and from here you will strike to the high opening. Then immediately drop down and strike again low to his right side. If he displaces this, then step behind his right leg with your left and wind the Zwirch out to strike to his high opening such that your hilt stands in front of your head.

If he then strikes high towards you like this and you stand with your right foot forward, release your right hand from your hilt and grab with it to the half blade and with the left hand pull up to the cross. With that displace his strike on the sword blade between your hands and sweep his sword blade low and high with both your hands (as in illustration), then with that turn to your left side so that you cut him.

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[35] Two Cuts from Above and from Below

When you come to the closing with the opponent stand with your right foot forward and strike him with the Wechsel (Changing strike). Then wind into the right Fligelhaw (Flying strike) such that your hilt stands in front of your head. Set upon him with the cut to his left side over both of his arms.

If he has set upon you with a cut like this, then step in with your left leg and set your strong outward onto both of his arms (as in illustration). Thus you counter his low cut with your high. Then follow outward with your right foot and drop a Krump over his arm.

If he does a Krump to you like this, then let the weak of your sword run, step in with your left foot and strike with the long edge high to his head. Then turn your short edge on his neck and shove him away from you. Thus he may come to no more work before you.

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[36] Two Lannge Orter (Longpoint) out of the Long Cut

When you come to the opponent step in with your right leg and strike him with your long edge to his right arm (as in illustration). If he displaces this, then wind into the Hanging Point such that the hilt stands in front of your head, step to your left side with your left foot and strike him with the Creizhaw (Crossing strike) to his right side with crossed arms.

If he strikes against you like this and you stand with your left foot forward, set his strike aside with the short edge, follow outward with your right foot and strike to the top of his head.

If he strikes towards your high opening like this and you stand with your left foot forward, displace this with your long edge, follow outward with your right leg and Zwirch him to the left side of his head.

Should you perceive this strike coming around, take it away with the Krumphaw and strike high to his head with the long cut.

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[37] A High Cut with the Schaitler

When you come to the closing with the opponent step forward with your left foot and strike a long one over both of his arms to his right side (as in illustration, though it shows the attack to the wrong side). Thus you may cut him low or high.

If he then strikes towards you one like this and you stand with your left foot forward, then take the cut away with a Krumphaw at your left side and with that cut him through the head.

If he cuts through your head like this, then drop another Krump on him and then likewise cut through his head on his right side. If he displaces this further, then take a double Feler (feint) to both sides and then immediately strike with crossed arms to his right ear.

Should you perceive this strike, displace it with the long edge, let the weak of your sword run, and with that strike to his right arm. Then step back and wind into the Hanging Point, immediately follow outward with the left leg and stick the point into his chest.

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[38] Another High Cut

Stand with your left foot forward and strike a long one like this over both of his arms near his right ear (as in illustration). Then follow outward with your right foot and strike a Zwirch to his left side. If you have then struck the Zwirch, yank your sword free up over your head and make as if you will strike to the top of his head. Then immediately step with your left leg around to his right side and cut over his arm.

If he cuts over your arm like this, displace this cut with the long edge, turn the sword with the short edge onto his blade and with that strike to his head.

Should you perceive this strike, displace it with your long edge and immediately shoot to his face or chest out of the Ochsen (Ox) with crossed arms. If he displaces this, then spring with your left foot onto his left side and strike with the Zwirch to his head.

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[39] An Inverting Cut with an Ansezen (Set Upon)

When you both come together at the closing stand with your left foot forward and take care of the opening over his left arm with your cut and set upon him with the long edge such that the cross stands on his elbow. Then shove him away from you (as in illustration).

If he then shoves you away like this, take your left leg and pivot to your right. Thus you go out of the cut. With that strike high to the right side of his head such that your left leg comes forward again. Then immediately follow outward with your right foot again and strike to his head with the long edge out of the stance vom Tag (from the roof). If he displaces this, then strike his right arm with a Fligelhaw (flying strike) from below. If he travels after the strike and will shove it away, then strike him to the high opening with your short edge.

If he strike towards you like this and you stand with your left foot forward, Zwirch to the right side of his head.

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[40] Another Inverting Cut

When you both come together at the closing take note of the level of the opening at his arm and set upon him with your long edge on his right shoulder and your cross below his right shoulder and with this shove him out in front of you.

If he shoves you away like this and you have your hands crossed in front of your head (as in illustration), then step out in front of you with your right leg, pivot backwards with your left and thrust your point in his face. If he displaces your thrust, then quickly take the timing in front of you and strike low and high to his four openings.

If he seeks your openings like this, then hang and wind out of the Pflug to strike him strongly from above. If he displaces this, then follow outward with your right leg, dopelier (double) high, ajundier (mutate?) low and with that seek his openings as well.

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[41] The First Cut from Below

When you come to the closing with the opponent pay attention to whether he seems high of low opposite you. If he goes high with his arms opposite you, then cut him from below. If he rather goes low with his arms opposite you, then cut him from above.

If you then stand opposite him with your left foot forward and he cuts from below towards you (as in illustration), then step back with your left foot and set the long edge upon his sword. Thus you have countered the cut from below and may work whatever you want low or high to his openings. Then immediately strike to his right ear with crossed arms. If he displaces this, then yank back your sword to half blade and strike again wherever you want. Then immediately wind with crossed arms and thrust your point into his face again from your left to his right side.

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[42] The Other Cut from Below

When you both come together at the closing, take note of the openings at his body low and high. If he then strikes high towards your head, cut in from below through his arm (as in illustration).

If he cuts towards you from below, step with your left leg in front of his right and strike the Zwirch with crossed arms to hit him at the right side of his head. Then spring to his right side with your right foot out of the Zwirch and strike long as you move away from him.

If he has struck away from you like this, then travel after him double with cuts and strikes and strike with the long edge to the high opening.

If he strikes high towards you like this and you have leaned backwards, then step in again with your left leg as you wind and hang up over your head with your blade on your right side so that his strike goes away off of your blade. With that strike high to his head.

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[43] A High Hanging from both Sides

When you come to the closing with the opponent, stand with your right foot forward and hold your sword on your right side with your hilt in front of your head (as in illustration). Follow outward with your left leg and wind your point into his face with crossed hands out of the Hanging.

If he winds the point towards your face like this and you likewise stand opposite him in the Hanging with your right set forward, then follow outward with your left leg and shove out into the winding with the long edge to your right side with crossed hands. Let the weak of your sword run and strike him high. If he displaces this, then Zwirch to his right side. If he displaces this as well, then follow outward with your right leg and Zwirch to the left side of his head.

If he Zwirches towards you on both sides like this, then set the Krump on his sword and cut to his head.

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[44] Another High Hanging

When you come to the closing with the opponent, stand with your left foot forward with crossed arms such that your point hangs towards the ground on your left side (as in illustration). Step in with your right foot and wind your point into his face such that your hilt stands in front of your head.

If he winds the point towards your face like this, then take his point away to your left side with the short edge. Then follow outward with your right foot and cut him through the head.

If he intends to cut you like this and you stand with your right foot forward, then set this aside with your short edge. Then immediately follow outward with your left foot and cut through his head also with the short edge. If he displaces this, then wind your pommel over his right arm and with that turn to your left side. Then immediately pivot around onto your right side. Thus you cut through his head.

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[45] The Prechfennster from Both Sides

It happens like this in the Prechfennster (Speaking Window): stand with your right foot forward and hold your hilt in front of your head such that your thumbs are underneath, the point is high on your right side, and you look out at the opponent between your arms (as in left side of illustration). Drop the sword down on your right side as you step in with your left foot and strike him powerfully to the head.

If he strikes high towards you like this and you likewise lie in the Prechfennster and stand with the left foot forward, then displace the strike with your long edge with crossed arms as you follow outward with your right foot. Then drop the short edge down and strike on the left side of his head.

If he strikes towards you like this, set this aside with your short edge, follow outward with your right leg and wind the short edge at his left ear.

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[46] Two Windings with Similar Free Points

It happens like this in the Winding: stand with your right foot forward such that your short edge is wound opposite of you with the point in the opponent’s face (as in illustration). Follow outward with your left leg, wind into the Krumphaw shooting the short edge over his sword and then strike to his head with your long edge.

If you then also stand like this in the Winding with the right foot opposite him and he shoots over you and strikes high, then let your wind run double and strike with the long edge against his strike. Follow outward with the left foot and you may work from there with strikes, thrusts, and cuts.

If he fires strikes and thrusts at you like this, then displace this with the Krieg (in-fighting) and work with his Schwech (weak) and Sterck (strong), in the Vor (before) and the Nach (after).

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[47] Two Winding In at the Sword

It happens like this with the Winding In: stand with your left foot forward and hold the short edge opposite the opponent with crossed hands with your left hand over your right arm (as in illustration). Wind through in the Rose and then immediately drop down at your left side, step in with your right leg and wind towards his face.

If he then winds like this towards your face and you likewise stand opposite him in the Winding with your right foot set forward, then wind your long edge on his long, drop downward with your short edge at your right side, and step well in towards him in the bind. Thus you will not become caught in the winding. Then immediately wind around and through, invert your hand and grab around the pommel such that you stand in the Einkhiren (Unicorn) and then stab with your point to his face or chest.

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[48] A Double Winding from which a Hanging Proceeds

It happens like this in the Winding: stand with your left foot forward and hold your sword with crossed arms with the flat at your left leg such that the point stands opposite the opponent (as in illustration). If he then intends to strike high towards your head, step in with your right leg with the hilt in front of your head to displace his strike. Then spring with your left leg behind his right and strike with the Creizhaw (Crossing Strike) to his head.

If he strikes towards your high opening like this and you stand with your left foot forward, displace his Creizhaw with your long edge, travel outward with your right foot, and cut towards his head and body.

If he intends to cut towards you like this, then shove out the short and long against him to work with the Winding to the waist and heart, from one opening to the other.

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[49] A Winding Aside from both free Right Sides

You come to the closing with the opponent in the Winding Aside and stand with your right foot forward (as in illustration). Follow outward with your left leg, wind the half edge downward, and shoot the long point into his face with extended arms.

Should you perceive this thrust and stand with your right forward, then set it aside, step in with your left foot, and set the short edge Krump onto his sword. His thrust is deflected like this.

If he deflects your thrust like this, wind aside and strike in over his arm to the right side of his head.

If he strikes towards you like this, displace it and then immediately follow outward with your right foot and strike with the short edge to his head.

If he strike towards you like this with short and long to your right side, displace this likewise with short and long edges, then follow outward with your right foot and seek his next opening.

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[50] A Thrust out of the Word “Inndes” (Simultaneously)

When you come to the closing with the opponent and he fires his long point against your face or chest, step with your right leg opposite him and set the thrust aside with your long edge (as in illustration). If you have then set his thrust aside like this, wind quickly downward and change high again to the face. If he displaces this, then step in with your left leg and strike with crossed arms to his right ear from above.

If he strike towards you like this and you stand with your right foot forward, then set it back again and wind your point double to his face or chest. If he displaces this once more, then strike into the Alber vom Tag (Fool from the Roof). If he then intends to strike towards your high opening, wind out with crossed hands into the Versazung (Parry Position), step in with your right foot and immediately wind and hang and strike high to his head.

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[51] A Thrust against the Einschiessen (Shooting In)

Strike like this at the closing with the opponent: set your left leg forward and shoot in the point to his face or chest such that your half edge stands downward.

If you then stand with your right foot opposite him and he fires the point at you like this over your crossed arms (as in illustration) and you have shot in at him as well, then wind your short edge to your right side and with that set his thrust aside. You may work from here whatever you will, weak and strong and take note of the word “Indes” (Immediately).

If he intends to work towards you like this weak and hard on your sword, take heed of the level of the opening at his body with your point. Then step outward with your right leg and at the same time strike with the long edge to his head.

If he works quickly on you like this, then displace him with the Krieg (war/in-fighting) from one side to the other. Because of this you may at the same time bring strikes, thrusts, and cuts.

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[52] A Thrust against a High Nachraisen (Traveling After)

It happens like this when you come to the opponent: stand with your right foot forward such that your long edge is wound upward and the hilt is in front of your head. Then fire the point opposite his face or at his throat.

If he fires the point opposite your face or chest like this, then stand with your left foot forward and travel after him long and high to his head with outstretched arms (as in illustration). Then follow outward with your right foot and wind into the Hanging Point and with that strike him again a high long one to his right side.

If he strikes towards you like this, then displace this with your long edge, step outward with your left foot, and strike with the Zwirch to the right side of his head. If he displaces the Zwirch, then yank back your strike and hit him again quickly.

If he strikes at you double like this, step away from his strike with a false step on your left side and strike him to the right.

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[53] A Zucken from Both Sides

Strike yourself into the Zucken like this such that your left foot stands forward and you strike to his right side with crossed arms (left side of illustration). Then immediately wind your sword at your right side, step in with your right foot, and strike yourself into the low Zucken such that your hilt stands in front of your head with your point opposite the opponent.

If you then stand like this opposite the opponent with your right foot forward and arms extended such that the long edge stands opposite him (right side of illustration), then hang on your right side, follow outward with your left leg, and strike high to the top of his head. If he displaces your strike, then strike the Zwirch towards the left side of his head.

If he Zwirches towards your left side like this, set this aside with your short edge, follow outward with your left foot, and strike to his right arm. If he displaces this, then wind to his face.

If he winds towards you like this, shove this out with your long edge, follow outward with your right foot, and strike to his high opening.

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[54] A Zucken with Short and Long Edges

It happens like this in the Zucken: stand upright with both feet together and lift the sword across in front of you with outstretched arms such that the short edge stands opposite you (as in illustration). Then take the Fligel (Flying Strike) in from below from your left side, follow outward with your left leg, and strike to his right side.

If he strikes the Fligel against your right side and you stand with your right foot forward, then drop a Krump on his sword and follow outward with the left foot. Thus you may cut him on both sides to the head and to the body wherever you want.

If he intends to cut you like this, displace it with winding on your sword, follow outward with your right foot, and strike with the short edge to his head. Then immediately yank back your sword and wind the point to his face or chest. If he sets this aside, then take all hits double and with that strike to the right side of his head.

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[55] A Binding with a Sword Capture

When you both come together at the closing and the other has you in the bind, step forward with your left foot and grab with your left hand over his right to his pommel. Thus you may capture his sword.

If he then grabs over your right arm like this and has caught your sword near the pommel, then thrust at his left elbow with your left hand as you set your left foot in front of his left (as in illustration). Thus you push him back and may well come out of harm from him.

If he intends to push you like this, let your sword drop, release your left hand from his sword, yank your left leg back and then immediately grab with both hands to his left foot and with that yank towards you. Thus you may throw him backwards.

If he will throw you like this, then catch him by his throat and turn his face against the sun.

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[56] A Krumb Aufsitzen (Set Upon) from Both Sides

When you both come together at the closing and have each struck your swords in the weak, take note of his weak and set the Krumb upon his hand with your short edge with crossed hands such that your left foot stands forward (as in illustration).

If he is setting the Krumb upon you like this and you stand with your left foot forward, follow outward with the right and strike Krumb against Krumb. Then with that cut high to the right side of his head. If he displaces this cut drive out with the short edge over your head and let the weak run on his left side. Then strike high to his head.

If he strikes high towards you like this, then displace this with the long edge and immediately strike with crossed arms to his right ear. If he displaces this, hang and wind and immediately thrust with your point to his face or chest. Then strike yourself back away from him.

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[57] An Aufsitzen with an Einschiessen

When you come together at the closing and both have thrown the high strike and the other intends to set upon you, then set your right leg in front, follow outward with your left , set the short edge over his hands, and with that press directly downwards to the ground (as in illustration).

If you then stand with the right foot opposite him and he sets the Krumb upon you, yank your right leg back, go out with your hilt in front of your head such that the point hangs to the rear, and hit him strongly from above. If he displaces this, then wind into the Zwirch and strike him double to the left side.

If he seeks the opening on your left side like this, then shove this out with the Krumphaw, immediately follow outward with the right foot, and cut to his head. Should he perceive this cut and take it away, then step with your left foot to his right side and strike him double.

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[58] The Underhaw with their Lower Uberlauffen

It happens like this in the lower Uberlauffen (Running Over): stand with your right foot forward and hold your sword in front of your face with extended arms such that the long edge stands high and the point is opposite the ground (as in illustration). Then follow inward with the left foot and strike from below to his right side with crossed arms.

If you then stand with the right foot opposite him and he intends to do the lower Uberlauffen, then shove out with the long edge, step with your left foot behind his right, and strike high to the top of his head.

If he strikes high towards you like this, then displace this with the long edge and wind into the upper Hanger on your right side. Then immediately follow outward with your right foot and strike with crossed arms to his right ear.

If he strike towards your right side like this, then displace this with your long edge, immediately follow outward again with the right foot, and strike once more to his right side.

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[59] The Mittelhaw from Both Sides

Conduct yourself like this in the Mittelhaw (Middle Strike) such that your left foot stands forward and your sword is extended from your body on the right side (as in illustration). Follow outward with your right foot and strike quickly through in front of the opponent in the Sturzhaw (Plunging Strike). Then step in with the left leg and strike to his right ear. If he displaces this, then strike again quickly to his head.

If then strikes towards you to the other side over your Versazung (Parry Position) and you stand with your right foot forward, then yank your sword upward from his blade, step backwards with your right foot, and with that stab to his chest with crossed arms.

If he stabs towards you like this, set this aside with your short edge, follow outward with your right foot, and with that cut to his head. If he displaces the cut, then step back with your right foot and shoot the point to his face.

If he fires the point at you like this, set it aside with the long edge, and with that Schill and Schaitler to his head.

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[60] A Feler at the Pflug upon Joining

When you will strike the Feler (Feint), it happens as follows: stand with your left foot forward and hold your sword extended in front of you with outstretched arms such that the long edge stands below (as in left side of illustration). Follow outward with your right foot and let the Feler run double on your left side to his right.

If you then stand opposite him in the Pflug with crossed hands and with your left foot forward such that the point is opposite the opponent (as in right side of illustration) and he strikes the Feler double at you, then step in with your right foot and wind out with the hilt over your head such that the point hangs to the rear on your right side and immediately Hang as he strikes. Then strike to the right side of his head. If he displaces this, follow outward with your left foot and strike with crossed hands to his right side.

If he strikes towards you like this, displace this with your long edge, follow outward with the left leg, and strike directly to the top of his head.

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