The Debrecener Ringbuch (MS R.605) is miscellanea manuscript containing a German wrestling manual, created between 1469 and 1474. The original currently rests in the holdings of the Tiszántúli Református Egyházkerület Nagykönyvtár in Debrecen, Hungary. This manuscript consists mostly of recipes for food, medicine, dyes, and other useful chemicals. The back side of the final folio contains the wrestling teachings.
1r - 32v
Various Latin and German recipes, mostly for dyeing
33r - 73v
Excerpts from Gottfried von Franken's fur book
73v - 116v
Recipes for cooking
110r - 112r
Esdra's prophecies (in Latin)
114r - 116r
Treatise on brandy
117r - 130r
Recipes for dying
133r - 140r
"Horse pharmacopeia" (Rossarzneibuch) by Master Albrant
No Translation 
Transcription by Antti Ijäs
[140v.1] Regule ad luctandum
Prima val mitt dem rechten
armm vnder sein Tencken vnd
dem rechten oben vber sein tenken
vnd chum ÿm mit dem
tencken ze hilf vnd wirff yn
vber dÿ huff.
[140v.2] Val mit dem Tencken armm
zwischen payder paÿn vnd
nÿm In mit der rechten handt
peÿ seinen tencken pain zuchkt
er das pain so nÿm das
ringen peÿ dem haupp.
[140v.3] Vall mit deiner rechten handt
durch sein payd pain vnd
greyff ÿm In ars vnd zeuch
In zu dir vnd setz ÿem dein
tencke handt auf sein
prust vnd tauch ÿn von dir
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For further information, including transcription and translation notes, see the discussion page.