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Fiore de'i Liberi/Sword vs. Dagger
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Paris |
Morgan Transcription |
Getty Transcription |
[1] I know how to cover cuts and thrusts with my dagger. Here begin sword against dagger plays, and you will have a significant advantage if you know how to do these.[1] The Master waits in a guard named Boar’s Tusk, a guard that will protect me from both cuts and thrusts. As I beat back[2] my opponent’s sword, I pass backwards with my right foot, for I know the Narrow Play so well it cannot fail me. Attack me one by one as you wish. None of you will escape as I destroy each of you with this turn of my dagger.[3] |
Here the sword and the dagger begin to play. The advantage is great to he who knows how to do it. The Master awaits in this guard with the dagger, and the guard is called Boar's Tusk. Come cuts or thrusts, I know how to guard myself from these: I will withdraw my right foot as I deflect. I understand the narrow play so well that I cannot possibly fail. Come one by one whoever wants to work against me, and if you don't flee from me, I will waste you in one turning. [In the Morgan, the Master is missing his crown.] |
[18r-d] Aqui comenza spada e daga a zugare, lo avantazo si e grande a chi lo sa fare. Lo magistro spetta in questa guardia cum la daga. E lla guardia se chiama dente de zenghiaro vegna tagli e punte che di quelle me so guardiar lo pe dretto cum lo rebatere indredo lo faro tornar. lo zogo stretto so a mente e non lo posso falar. A uno a uno vegna chi contra mi vole fare, che se ello non me fuzi. Io lo guastaro in uno voltare. |
[19r-a] ¶ Qui cominza Spada e daga a zugare. La vantazo e grande a chi lo sa fare. Lo Magistro spetta in questa guardia. E la guardia se chiama dente di zenghiaro. Vegna tagli e punte che di quelle mi so guardare. Lo pe dritto cum rebatter in dredo lu faro tornare. Lo zogo stretto so a mente e non lo posso fallare. A uno a uno vegna chi contra me vol fare. Che se ello non me fuzi io lo guastaro in un voltare. |
[35a-a] Cum mia daga so de taglio e punta covrir |
[2] The proof is found depicted here: I have made the cover against the thrust that my Master showed you, and now I quickly strike my opponent in the face or the chest. With dagger versus sword you should always aim to close with your opponent.[4] Here, since I am at close range I can strike you effectively, and like it or not, you will have to endure it. [In the Getty, the Scholar's left foot is outside of (behind) his opponent's.] |
This is made plain in the picture, constructed with great care, having been pointed out by a witness. My Master makes this cover against the thrust and immediately strikes to the face or to the chest. And with dagger against sword, I always seek the narrow play. Here I am in the narrow and I can strike you well. Like it or not, you must suffer. [In the Paris, this Scholar is the Master and his left foot is outside of (behind) his opponent's.] |
[18v-a] Lo mio magistro contra la punta fa tal coverta e subito fieri in lo volto overo in lo petto. E cum daga, contra spada, sempre vole zogo stretto. Aqui son stretto e ti posso ben ferire. O voi o non tu lo convene sofrire. |
[19r-b] ¶ Lo mio magistro cotra[!] la punta fa tal coverta e subito fieri in lo volto overo in lo petto. E cum daga contra Spada sempre vole zogo stretto. Qui son stretto e ti posso ben ferire, o vogli o no tu lo conven sofrire. |
[35a-b] La prova aqui se trova dipenta |
[20r-a] ¶ Hoc patet in textu pictura teste docente. | ||
[3] The sword has won against the dagger here, If the attacker[5] in the previous picture had known how to defend himself, he would have reached across with his left hand and seized the opponent behind his left elbow, turning him in the manner shown here. Then he would have no need of a counter to the remedy of the dagger Master.[6] |
Your dagger is not strong; I set your back in motion so that I have compelled [you] to turn If the Player that came before me had known to do this defense, he would have put his left hand to the Scholar behind his elbow in this way, turning him in the way that is demonstrated here. Then I should have had no need to make the counter to the Master who is in guard with the dagger. [In the Morgan, the Master is missing his crown.] |
[18v-b] Se lo zugadore che m'e denanci avesse sapindo fare tal defesa. S'ello avesse la mane stancha al scolaro posta aquesto modo dredo lo suo cubito voltandolo per tal modo che aqui se monstra. A me non bisognava far contrario dello magistro che sta cum la daga in posta. |
[19r-c] ¶ Si lo zugadore che m'e denanci avesse sapuda fare tal deffesa, Se ello avesse la mano stancha al scolaro posta a questo modo dredo lo suo cubito voltandole per tal manera che qui si mostra, a me non bisognava far contrario del magistro che sta cum la daga in posta. |
[35a-c] La spada qui cum la daga a'vinto |
[20r-d] ¶ Nil valuit tibi daga / cito tam terga coegi | ||
[4] If someone would attack me with a sword to my head, If the dagger Master is attacked with a downward strike to the head, he passes forward immediately making the cover shown, turns his opponent by pushing his elbow, and then strikes him immediately. He can also bind the opponent’s sword with his arm, as shown in the fourth play of the sword in one hand.[7] You will also find this Middle Bind shown in the third play of the dagger,[8] which is made a hands-breadth from the face.[9] |
And whoever would have struck the sword into me and under the crown of the head, If, to the Master that stands in guard with the dagger against the sword, someone comes attacking with a downward blow to his head, he steps forward and he makes this cover quickly, and from the turn [the Master] pushes his elbow and then he can immediately strike him. Also, he can bind the sword with his arm in the way that the fourth play of the sword in one hand is done, and you can also find the Middle Bind in the third play of the dagger (where the hold is a hand's width from the face). |
[18v-c] Se allo magistro che sta in posta cum la daga contra la spada gli vene trato de fendente per la testa. Ello passa innanzi, e questa coverta ello fa presta e dagli volta penzando lo cubito. E aquello po ferir ben subitto. Anchora la spada cum lo brazo gli po ligare,[10] per quello modo che lo quarto zogo de spada d'una mano sa fare, e anchora in la daga allo terzo zogo troverai, aquella ligadura mezana. Che apresso lo volto sta serada a una spanna. |
[19r-d] ¶ Si a lo magistro che sta in posta cum la daga cum spada gli vene tratto de fendente per la testa, Ello passa inançi e questa coverta ello fa presta e dagli volta penzando lu cubito. E quello po ferir ben subito. Anchora la spada cum lo so brazo gli po ligare per quello modo che lo quarto zogo di spada d'una mane sa fare. E anchora in la daga allo terço zogo troverai quella ligadura mezana. che apresso lo volto sta serada ad una spana. |
[35a-d] Si uno me trasese cum la spada per la'testa |
[5] Because you have not struck me in the back, |
[35b-a] Perche tu non m'abii a'ferir in la schena |
[6] This match is one of dagger to sword: This is one way to defeat[12] dagger against sword. The man with the dagger grabs the man with the sword by the collar[13] and warns: “I will strike you with my dagger before you can draw your sword from its scabbard.” The man with the sword says “Try and strike me then, for I am ready.” And as the man with the dagger attacks, the man with the sword responds in the manner shown in the next picture. |
This is a match which is of the dagger against the sword. He who has a dagger and holds the swordsman by the chest says "I will strike with my dagger before you draw your sword from the scabbard." He of the sword says "Attack, for I am ready." And with that, the swordsman does that which is depicted hereafter. [In the Morgan, the Master is missing his crown.] |
[18v-d] Questo e uno partito ch'e de daga contra la spada Aquello che ha daga e tene aquello dela spada per lo cavezo dise io te feriro cum mia daga innanzi che tu cavi la spada dela guagina. Quello della spada dise pur tra che sono aparechiado. E cum quello dela spada fa segondo ch'e dipento aqui de dredo. |
[19v-a] ¶ Questo e un partido de daga contra spada Quello che a daga e tene quello della Spada per lo cavezo, dise io te feriro cum mia daga inançi che tu cavi la Spada dela guagina. E quella dela spada dise tra puro che son aparechiado. E come quello dela daga vol trare, quello dela spada fa segondo ch'e depento qui driedo. |
[35b-b] De daga a'spada si'e el'partito |
[7] In this fashion the sword defends against the dagger: When the man with the dagger raises his arm to strike me, I immediately press the sheath of my sword against his dagger arm in such a way that his arm is jammed. I then quickly draw my sword, and I can strike him before he has a chance to even touch me with his dagger. I could also take the dagger from his hand using the method of the First Dagger Remedy Master,[14] or I could put him into the middle bind, using the third play of the First Dagger Remedy Master.[15] |
When he lifts his arm to give it to me with the dagger, instantly I put my scabbard on his dagger arm in such a way that he cannot give me grief. And quickly I draw my sword, and I can strike before he can touch me with his dagger. Also, I can take the dagger from his hand in the same way as does the First Master of dagger. And again, I can bind him in the Middle Bind, which is the third play of the dagger (of the First Master who is Remedy). |
[17r-a] Quando costui leva lo brazo per darme della daga. Subito io gli o posta lada[!] guagina apozada allo brazo suo della daga per modo che non mi po far impazo. E subito io sguaino la mia spada, e si lo posso fer inanzi ch'ello me possa tochar cum sua daga. Anchora poria torgle la daga dela mano per lo modo che fa lo primo magistro de daga. Anchora poria ligarlo in la ligadura mezana, ch'e lo tezo[!] zogo della daga, dello primo magistro ch'e remedio. |
[19v-b] ¶ Quando costuii leva lo brazo per darme dela daga subito gl'o posta la guagina apozada al suo brazo dela daga per modo che non mi po far impazo. E subito sguagino la mia spada, e si lo posso ferire inançi ch'ello mi possa tochare cum sua daga. Anchora poria torgli La daga dela mano per lo modo che fa lo primo magistro de daga. ¶ Anchora porave ligarlo in ligadura mezana che lo terço zogo dela daga del primo magistro ch'e rimedio. |
[35b-c] Per questo modo la spada da la daga se defende |
[8] Here is another way for the sword to defeat the dagger. In this one I hold my sword with its point on the ground, as you see drawn here, and I say to the man with the dagger, who has grabbed me by the collar: “Go ahead and attack me with your dagger from this position. And when you try I will strike against your arm with my sword still in the scabbard, then I will draw my sword as I pass backwards with my right foot, and in this way I will be able to strike you with my sword before you are able to strike me with your dagger.[16] |
That best moving of what will have been played, and [is] careful in the art. |
[19v-c] ¶ Questo si e un altro partito de spada e daga Quello chi tene la spada cum la punta in terra per modo che vedete, dise aquello dela daga che lo tene per lo cavezo, Tra pur cum la daga a tua posta che in quello che tu vora trare cum la daga, io sbatero la mia spada sopra lo tuo brazzo, e in quello sguaginero la mia spada tornando cum lo pe dritto in dredo, E per tal modo ti poro ferire inançi cum mia spada che tu mi fieri cum tua daga. |
[20v-d] ¶ Optimus iste movens ludendi et cautus in arte. | ||||
[9] This is another odd match: This is a similar defense to the one shown before, although it is done slightly differently. As the man with dagger raises his arm to strike, I quickly raise my sheathed sword up under his dagger, aiming the point of my sheathed sword into his face, while at the same time passing back with my lead foot.[17] From here I can strike him as you see drawn in the next picture. [In the Getty, the Scholar wears a crown.] |
[19v-d] ¶ Questo e simile partito a questo qui dinanzi, Ben che non si faça per tal modo ch'e ditto e qui dinanzi. Questo zogo se fa per tal modo ch'e ditto qui dinanzi, che quando questo cum la daga levera lo brazo per ferirme, Io subito levero la mia spada in erto sotto la tua daga metendote la punta dela mia guagina dela spada in lo volto, tornando lo pe ch'e dinanzi indredo. E chossi te posso ferire segondo ch'e depinto dredo a me. |
[35b-d] Questo e un altro stranio partito |
[10] I will strike the eye in your face with my scabbard This is the continuation of the play of the Master who made the preceding defense. And I am performing it exactly as he said to do it. And as you can plainly see, you will give me no trouble with your dagger. |
[20r-a] ¶ Questo zogo si'e del Magistro che fa lo partito qui dinançi. Che segondo ch'ello ha ditto per tal modo io faço. Che tu vedi bene che tua daga tu no mi poii fare nissuno impazo. |
[36a-a] Cum la guaghina te feriro l'ochio dela testa |
- ↑ Meaning “if you know how to use a dagger to fight against a sword”.
- ↑ The word Fiore uses is “rebatter” which means “to beat back”. This suggests a hard block, not a gentle parry.
- ↑ Fiore just writes “with a turn” (“in un voltare”), but I have added language to make it clearer that he is talking about the move with his dagger as well as the footwork.
- ↑ Here Fiore literally says “you need the close game”. Note that “zogo stretto” can mean both “Narrow Play”, or the “Narrow Game”, or simply “close range”. Here I believe the translation “close with your opponent” works best.
- ↑ “Zugadore” means “player”. Here I’ve used “attacker” to make the translation more understandable.
- ↑ Fiore is pointing out that this play is made early, after the opponent has made cover with his dagger but before the opponent has had time to launch a Remedy. Since the Remedy was never launched, no Counter is needed. Note Fiore calls the man with the dagger “the Master who waits in guard with his dagger”. I have shortened this to “dagger Master”.
- ↑ See Getty 20v-c and 20v-d.
- ↑ See Getty 10v-c.
- ↑ I can see no relevance to Fiore’s comment here that the middle bind is made “a hands-breadth from the face”. The middle bind technique in the dagger section is NOT made close to either your own face or your opponent’s face. It remains a mystery, other than to point out that the entire text of the Getty is written in loose rhyme. Here Fiore chooses the word “spana” to rhyme with the earlier word “mezana”. That appears to me to be the sole reason for its use here.
- ↑ Corrected from "u" to "a".
- ↑ Added later: "scilicet si".
- ↑ Meaning here is a play where the attacker with the dagger is defeated.
- ↑ Cavezo means “collar”, that is, the front of the tunic up at the neck. In modern terminology it is a lapel grab.
- ↑ See Getty 10v-a.
- ↑ See Getty 10v-c.
- ↑ The conclusion to this play is not illustrated in Fior di Battaglia, but does appear in Blume des Kampfes; see Cod.5278 202r, MS B.26 32v, and Cod.10799 199r.
- ↑ Fiore literally says “returning my foot that is in front to the back”. This refers to a passing step backwards with the right foot.