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'''Henry de Sainct Didier, Esq.''' was a [[century::16th century]] [[nationality::French]] [[fencing master]]. He was born to a noble family in Pertuis in the Provence region of France, son of Luc de Sainct Didier. Sainct Didier made his career in the French army, ultimately serving 25 years and seeing action in Piedmont, Italy from 1554 - 1555. He wrote of himself that he "lived his whole life learning to fight with the single sword" and eventually "reached a point of perfection" in his art. Apparently he became a fencing master of some renown, for in ca. 1573 he secured a royal privilege for a period of ten years for treatises on a number of weapons, including the [[dagger]], single [[side sword]], double side swords, sword and [[buckler]], sword and cloak, sword and dagger, sword and [[shield]] (both rotella and targe), and [[greatsword]]. Unfortunately, only his treatise on the single side sword, titled ''[[Les secrets du premier livre sur l'espée seule (Henry de Sainct Didier)|Les secrets du premier livre sur l'espée seule]]'' ("Secrets of the Premier Book on the Single Sword") and printed on 4 June 1573, is known to survive; it seems likely that the others were never published at all.
'''Henry de Sainct Didier, Esq.''' was a [[century::16th century]] [[nationality::French]] [[fencing master]]. He was born to a noble family in Pertuis in the Provence region of France, son of Luc de Sainct Didier. Sainct Didier made his career in the French army, ultimately serving 25 years and seeing action in Piedmont, Italy from 1554 - 1555. He wrote of himself that he "lived his whole life learning to fight with the single sword" and eventually "reached a point of perfection" in his art. Apparently he became a fencing master of some renown, for in ca. 1573 he secured a royal privilege for a period of ten years for treatises on a number of weapons, including the [[dagger]], single [[side sword|sword]], double swords, sword and [[buckler]], sword and cloak, sword and dagger, sword and [[shield]] (both rotella and targe), and [[greatsword]]. Unfortunately, only his treatise on the single sword, titled ''[[Les secrets du premier livre sur l'espée seule (Henry de Sainct Didier)|Les secrets du premier livre sur l'espée seule]]'' ("Secrets of the Premier Book on the Single Sword") and printed on 4 June 1573, is known to survive; it seems likely that the others were never published at all.
== Treatise ==
== Treatise ==
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all weapons, which includes sword and dagger, cape, targe, buckler, rondel; two handed swords; and dual-wielding swords with portraitures that show the weapon in hand for throwing strikes to defend and offend at the same time, both offensively and defensively, which is very useful and advantageous to become a skillful noble and disciples of Mars; written for the art, order, and practice.
all weapons, which includes sword and dagger, cape, targe, buckler, rondel; two-handed swords, and dual-wielding swords with portraitures that show the weapon in hand for throwing strikes to defend and attack at the same time, both offensively and defensively, which is very useful and advantageous to become a skillful noble and disciples of Mars; written for the art, order, and practice.
''Written by Provencal Gentleman Henry de Saint Didier.''
''Written by Provencal Gentleman Henry de Saint Didier.''
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PARIS, ''Printed by Jean Mettayer, and Matthurin Challenge, and is sold at Jean Dalier, on the Saint Michel bridge, to the sign of the White Rose,'' 1573.
PARIS, ''Printed by Jean Mettayer, and Matthurin Challenge, and is sold at Jean Dalier, on the Saint Michel bridge, at the sign of the White Rose,'' 1573.
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| The third: how many strikes the aggressive enemy can offend the defender and to give the same explanation.
| The third: how many strikes the aggressive enemy can attack the defender and to give the same explanation.
| Le troisiesme, de combien de coups l’ennemy aggresseur peut offencer le deffendeur & en donner pareille raison.
| Le troisiesme, de combien de coups l’ennemy aggresseur peut offencer le deffendeur & en donner pareille raison.
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|The fifth is namely for all those who make or will make it their profession by teaching fencing: being able to defend and offend at the same time some strike or strikes that one can throw, and thus if they do not know how can they teach their disciples.
|The fifth is namely for all those who make or will make it their profession by teaching fencing: being able to defend and attack at the same time some strike or strikes that one can throw, and thus if they do not know how can they teach their disciples.
| Le cinquiesme, sçavoir, à tous ceux qui font, ou feront, cy aprés profession de monstrer audites armes : soy deffendre & offencer à un mesme temps de quelque coup ou coups qu’on peut tirer, & par ainsi s’ils ne les sçavent comment les pourront ils monstrer à leurs disciples.
| Le cinquiesme, sçavoir, à tous ceux qui font, ou feront, cy aprés profession de monstrer audites armes : soy deffendre & offencer à un mesme temps de quelque coup ou coups qu’on peut tirer, & par ainsi s’ils ne les sçavent comment les pourront ils monstrer à leurs disciples.
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| Some stand on the right foot, others on the left foot, however none give good reasons for one step or the other. But rest assured when he must take the sword in hand, knowing which of the two said steps is best and most effective is necessary to execute the art.
| Some stand on the right foot, others on the left foot, however none give good reasons for one step or the other. But rest assured when he must take the sword in hand, knowing which of the two steps is better, more certain, and more effective is necessary to keep to execute the art.
| Les aucuns se tiennent sur le pied droict, les autres sur le pied gauche, toutefois en donnent bien peu de raisons, soy tenant sur l’une ou sur l’autre desmarche. Mais pour estre bien asseuré quand il est besoing de mettre l’espée au poing, faut sçavoir laquelle desdites deux desmarches est la meilleure & la plus certaine & superlative & en icelle comme dit est se faut tenir pour executer ledit art.
| Les aucuns se tiennent sur le pied droict, les autres sur le pied gauche, toutefois en donnent bien peu de raisons, soy tenant sur l’une ou sur l’autre desmarche. Mais pour estre bien asseuré quand il est besoing de mettre l’espée au poing, faut sçavoir laquelle desdites deux desmarches est la meilleure & la plus certaine & superlative & en icelle comme dit est se faut tenir pour executer ledit art.
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| As for me I favor with experience and proof that the step which is done by standing on the left foot initially in putting sword in hand is better and more effective, both for attacking and for defending. How little that our past demonstrators keep to either on one or the other, give very little reason. For this reason I will conclude that there are no more than two steps in all the art to start this off.
| As for me I favor with experience and proof that the step which is done by standing on the left foot initially in putting sword in hand is better and more effective, both for attacking and for defending. How little that our previous demonstrators keep to either on one or the other, give very little reason. Because of this I will conclude that there are no more than two steps in the entire art to start this off.
| Quant à moy je soustiens avec l’esperience & preuve la desmarche qui se faict, soy tenant sur le pied gauche, pour la premiere foys, en mettant l’espée au poing, est la plus certaine & meilleure, tant pour l’assaillant que pour le deffendant. Combien que peu de noz encestres demonstrateurs s’y tiennent, & soy y tenant, tant sur l’un que sur l’autre, en donnent bien peu de raison. À ceste cause je concluray qu’il n’y a que deux desmarches en tout l’art, pour bien commencer iceluy.
| Quant à moy je soustiens avec l’esperience & preuve la desmarche qui se faict, soy tenant sur le pied gauche, pour la premiere foys, en mettant l’espée au poing, est la plus certaine & meilleure, tant pour l’assaillant que pour le deffendant. Combien que peu de noz encestres demonstrateurs s’y tiennent, & soy y tenant, tant sur l’un que sur l’autre, en donnent bien peu de raison. À ceste cause je concluray qu’il n’y a que deux desmarches en tout l’art, pour bien commencer iceluy.
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| The third point that one must know is how many strikes the attacking enemy can offend the defender. As for me I say that the attacker and defender can offend with no more than three strikes. Which are:
| The third point that one must know is how many strikes the attacking enemy can attack the defender. As for me I say that the attacker and defender can attack with no more than three strikes. Which are:
* Right-Hand,
* Right-Hand,
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| The fourth point is that attacking and defending can offend with no more than three said strikes: it is true that they can be multiplied and adapted as have been promised above at six distinct targets on a person, either in attacking or in defending, and whoever knows the means to defend and offend with the three strikes at the same time when multiplied can know a hundred strikes, which is above and will be defined later.
| The fourth point is that attacking and defending can attack with no more than three said strikes: it is true that they can be multiplied and adapted as have been promised above at six distinct targets on a person, either in attacking or in defending, and whoever knows the means to defend and attack with the three strikes at the same time when multiplied can know a hundred strikes, which is above and will be defined later.
| Le quatriesme poinct est, que l’assaillant & deffendant ne se peuvent offencer que desdicts trois coups : bien est vray qu’ils se peuvent multiplier, & adapter comme avons promis si dessus en six lieux propres sur la person ne, soit en assaillant, ou en deffendant, & qui scaura le moyen de soy deffendre, & offencer à un mesme temps, comme ce peult, desdicts trois coups, qui sont cy dessus & seront si aprés definis, estant multipliez il en scaura cent.
| Le quatriesme poinct est, que l’assaillant & deffendant ne se peuvent offencer que desdicts trois coups : bien est vray qu’ils se peuvent multiplier, & adapter comme avons promis si dessus en six lieux propres sur la person ne, soit en assaillant, ou en deffendant, & qui scaura le moyen de soy deffendre, & offencer à un mesme temps, comme ce peult, desdicts trois coups, qui sont cy dessus & seront si aprés definis, estant multipliez il en scaura cent.
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| The fifth is that it is necessary to be defending and offending at the same time with the three strikes, adapting and throwing at the targets, both in attacking and in defending observing the time that is required. All of which will then be shown and declared at length in the instruction of the sword alone.
| The fifth is that it is necessary to be defending and attacking at the same time with the three strikes, adapting and throwing at the targets, both in attacking and in defending observing the time that is required. All of which will then be shown and declared at length in the instruction of the sword alone.
| Le cinquiesme est, qu’il fault sçavoir soy deffendre & offencer à un mesme temps desdits trois coups, adaptez & tirez aux susdits lieux, tant en assaillant qu’en deffendant observant bien le temps qui est requis. Dont le tout sera cy aprés monstré & declaré au long à l’instruction de ceste espée seule.
| Le cinquiesme est, qu’il fault sçavoir soy deffendre & offencer à un mesme temps desdits trois coups, adaptez & tirez aux susdits lieux, tant en assaillant qu’en deffendant observant bien le temps qui est requis. Dont le tout sera cy aprés monstré & declaré au long à l’instruction de ceste espée seule.
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| The sixth and last point is one of the good ones that is required to know in all of the art, which is to decide which strikes could be thrown, both in attacking and in defending, because being able to decide easily will be provide a remedy; otherwise it will be hard. And to do this we must look at the sword point and never lose sight of it and in doing so, we will easily decide which strike we will find to defend and offend at the same time, as promised.
| The sixth and last point is one of the good ones that is required to know in all of the art, which is to decide which strikes could be thrown, both in attacking and in defending, because being able to decide easily will be provide a remedy; otherwise it will be hard. And to do this we must look at the sword point and never lose sight of it and in doing so, we will easily decide which strike we will find to defend and attack at the same time, as promised.
| Le sixiesme & et dernier poinct est un des bons qui soit requis de sçavoir en tout l’art, qui est juger du coup qui se peut tirer, tant en assaillant qu’en deffendant, car le jugeant facilement on y trouvera son remede, autrement non. Et pour ce faire faut regarder la pointe de l’espée, & ne la perdre jamais de veue, & en ce faisant, facilement on jugera du coup, le jugeant on trouvera moyen de soy deffendre & offencer, comme j’ay promis à un mesme temps.
| Le sixiesme & et dernier poinct est un des bons qui soit requis de sçavoir en tout l’art, qui est juger du coup qui se peut tirer, tant en assaillant qu’en deffendant, car le jugeant facilement on y trouvera son remede, autrement non. Et pour ce faire faut regarder la pointe de l’espée, & ne la perdre jamais de veue, & en ce faisant, facilement on jugera du coup, le jugeant on trouvera moyen de soy deffendre & offencer, comme j’ay promis à un mesme temps.
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| And so I come attacking Fabrice first, and say to him, "Sir Fabrice, before discussing presently with you about none other than fencing, I want to know how many strikes the attacking enemy can offend the defender. And yet with your grace, I pray you tell me."
| And so I come attacking Fabrice first, and say to him, "Sir Fabrice, before discussing presently with you about none other than fencing, I want to know how many strikes the attacking enemy can attack the defender. And yet with your grace, I pray you tell me."
| Et alors je me viens atacquer premierement audit Fabrice, & luy dis Seigneur Fabrice, avant que tirer à present avec vous, ny avec autre ausdites armes, je veux sçavoir de combien de coups l’ennemy assaillant peut offencer le deffendant. Et pourtant, de grace vous prie, le moy dire.
| Et alors je me viens atacquer premierement audit Fabrice, & luy dis Seigneur Fabrice, avant que tirer à present avec vous, ny avec autre ausdites armes, je veux sçavoir de combien de coups l’ennemy assaillant peut offencer le deffendant. Et pourtant, de grace vous prie, le moy dire.
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| And so Fabrice saw that I was shaking my head, meaning that he did not answer me pertinently. Fabrice comes to his senses and gives another answer and says that there are five blows that the attacking enemy could offend the defender: And again I told him to define them, and this time he says:
| And so Fabrice saw that I was shaking my head, meaning that he did not answer me pertinently. Fabrice comes to his senses and gives another answer and says that there are five blows that the attacking enemy could attack the defender: And again I told him to define them, and this time he says:
* Mandritti,
* Mandritti,
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| And to answer and conclude to what was said above we need to know how many strikes the enemy can offend us, to know how to remedy and defend our body and honor, like a camp master who has a camp of a hundred or fifty thousand men because it is in our specific interest. As for me, I say with the learned that what can be done with less is better than what can be done with more. Because of this I will remove two of the five blows that Fabrice have because I say they are redundant, which is Fendente and Imbrocatta, and so remain no more than three, which is defined above and will be next.
| And to answer and conclude to what was said above we need to know how many strikes the enemy can attack us, to know how to remedy and defend our body and honor, like a camp master who has a camp of a hundred or fifty thousand men because it is in our specific interest. As for me, I say with the learned that what can be done with less is better than what can be done with more. Because of this I will remove two of the five blows that Fabrice have because I say they are redundant, which is Fendente and Imbrocatta, and so remain no more than three, which is defined above and will be next.
| Et pour respondre & conclure, à ce que dessus est dit nous avons autant de besoin de scavoir de combien de coups l’ennemy nous peut offenser, pour scavoir à iceux remedier & deffendre nostre corps & honneur, comme un Maistre de camps qui a un camp de cent ou cinquante mille hommes car c’est nostre interest particulier. Quant à moy je dis avec les doctes que ce qui ce peut faire avec peu est meilleur que ce qui ce fait avec beaucoup. À ceste cause j’osteray deux desdites cinq bottes que tient le dit Fabrice par ce que je les dy estre superflus, qui sont Fendant, & Imbronccade, & n’en demeurera plus que trois, qui sont cy dessus par moy definis, & seront cy apres.
| Et pour respondre & conclure, à ce que dessus est dit nous avons autant de besoin de scavoir de combien de coups l’ennemy nous peut offenser, pour scavoir à iceux remedier & deffendre nostre corps & honneur, comme un Maistre de camps qui a un camp de cent ou cinquante mille hommes car c’est nostre interest particulier. Quant à moy je dis avec les doctes que ce qui ce peut faire avec peu est meilleur que ce qui ce fait avec beaucoup. À ceste cause j’osteray deux desdites cinq bottes que tient le dit Fabrice par ce que je les dy estre superflus, qui sont Fendant, & Imbronccade, & n’en demeurera plus que trois, qui sont cy dessus par moy definis, & seront cy apres.
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| ''Here is the end of every requirement to know and to understand for whoever wants to be skillful in fencing.''
| ''Here is the end of every requirement to know and to understand for whoever wants to be skillful in fencing.''
To truly understand fencing and discover the art, order and pratice of it, he must imagine three personas: the first is the Author, the second the Lieutenant, the third the Provost. The Author will describe all of the orders that the Lieutenant and the Provost must follow in the art of the sword alone, which follows next and is now commencing.
To truly understand fencing and discover the art, order and pratice of it, he must imagine three personas: the first is the Author, the second the Lieutenant, the third the Provost. The Author will describe all of the orders that the Lieutenant and the Provost must fulfill in the art of the sword alone, which follows next and is now commencing.
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Of arms and art, and Henry your father
Of arms and art, and Henry your father
The valiantly magnanimous and your brother Francis.
The valiantly magnanimous and your brother Francis.
And you my Lord and King whose illustrious grandeur
And you my Prince and King whose illustrious grandeur
Creates and promises France so much success
Creates and promises France so much success
And so too your brothers, these Princes born in greatness
And so too your brothers, these Princes born in greatness
Then in this common misfortune you are such a victor
By your perfections having gifts from heaven
All the best in you as though a demi-god
Malevolent stars divert the influence
That from the sky above produces in abundance
Without heavy spirits imperfections is nullified
But noble, and happy, lively, divine, and perfect.
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{{master begin
{{master begin
  | title = Side Sword
  | title = Single Sword
  | width = 90em
  | width = 90em
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''Next is to declare how the Provost will have defended his knee and will have thrown a right-hand at the Lieutenant's arms.''
''Next is to declare how the Provost will have defended his knee and will have thrown a right-hand at the Lieutenant's arms.''
And to do this, the Provost being on his left leg, having made one of the three drawings, guards, and placement, and staying on the guard marked number 14 above, the Provost to properly execute, defend, and offend at the same time this said low right-hand, pulls his left foot back and throws a right-hand at the Lieutenant's sword arm, and unlike other ignorant demonstrators who crosses sword against sword when a strike comes from below, which is fine because by that he defends himself; but this strike is better because he defends himself and offends thereby doing two good things, I recommend that you take the better one, as the Provost also does in executing this said strike, keeping the left hand as shown at the portraiture marked number 16.  
And to do this, the Provost being on his left leg, having made one of the three drawings, guards, and placement, and staying on the guard marked number 14 above, the Provost to properly execute, defend, and attack at the same time this said low right-hand, pulls his left foot back and throws a right-hand at the Lieutenant's sword arm, and unlike other ignorant demonstrators who crosses sword against sword when a strike comes from below, which is fine because by that he defends himself; but this strike is better because he defends himself and attacks thereby doing two good things, I recommend that you take the better one, as the Provost also does in executing this said strike, keeping the left hand as shown at the portraiture marked number 16.  
''This is the defense of the low right-hand at the knee defended by the Provost against the Lieutenant.''
''This is the defense of the low right-hand at the knee defended by the Provost against the Lieutenant.''
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| ''The following is the second counter and continuation for the Lieutenant and the Provost of the first strike of the sword alone, which is a right-hand.''
| ''The following is the second counter and continuation for the Lieutenant and the Provost of the first strike of the sword alone, which is a right-hand.''
And to complete this second continuation by the Lieutenant, he must still be on the right foot and having made the second counter and continuation, having seen the Provost defending himself, the Lieutenant again for this second continuation steals away<ref>In modern fencing, dérobement is a fencing term for disengage.</ref> his sword below the Provost's sword hilt and throws a high right-hand at the Provost, keeping the back of the sword hand down and the nails up, and the left hand right of his face, as shown above at the portraiture and figure marked number 19.
And to complete this second continuation by the Lieutenant, he must still be on the right foot and having made the second counter and continuation, having seen the Provost defending himself, the Lieutenant again for this second continuation disengages<ref>In modern fencing, dérobement is a fencing term for disengage. In French it means to shirk or to avoid.</ref> his sword below the Provost's sword hilt and throws a high right-hand at the Provost, keeping the back of the sword hand down and the nails up, and the left hand right of his face, as shown above at the portraiture and figure marked number 19.
''The end of the second continuation of the first strike for the Lieutenant.''
''The end of the second continuation of the first strike for the Lieutenant.''
Line 1,042: Line 1,049:
''Next will show how the Provost must defend himself of the second counter and continuation thrown by the attacking Lieutenant.''
''Next will show how the Provost must defend himself of the second counter and continuation thrown by the attacking Lieutenant.''
And to guard himself effectively, the Provost must watch the Lieutenant's sword point, and when he steals away below the Provost's sword hilt to throw the high right-hand at him, the Provost not removing the step of the right foot, will cross the right-hand that is thrown at him by the Lieutenant with the strong on weak and will present a thrust to the Lieutenant's face, keeping the left hand right upon his shoulder, as shown above at the portraiture and figure marked number 20.
And to guard himself effectively, the Provost must watch the Lieutenant's sword point, and when he disengages below the Provost's sword hilt to throw the high right-hand at him, the Provost not removing the step of the right foot, will cross the right-hand that is thrown at him by the Lieutenant with the strong on weak and will present a thrust to the Lieutenant's face, keeping the left hand right upon his shoulder, as shown above at the portraiture and figure marked number 20.
''This is the end of the second counter and continuation of the first strike for the Provost.''
''This is the end of the second counter and continuation of the first strike for the Provost.''
Line 1,141: Line 1,148:
| ''Declaration of the second counter of the second strike for the Lieutenant and the Provost.''
| ''Declaration of the second counter of the second strike for the Lieutenant and the Provost.''
And to do this, the Lieutenant needs to be under the step of the right foot to steal away his sword under the Provost's sword hilt, and to throw again either a high reversal or high thrust for the second counter and continuation of his choice on the right side, keeping the nails on sword hilt facing left, and the left hand straight at his face, as shown above at the portraiture marked number 27.
And to do this, the Lieutenant needs to be under the step of the right foot to disengage his sword under the Provost's sword hilt, and to throw again either a high reversal or high thrust for the second counter and continuation of his choice on the right side, keeping the nails on sword hilt facing left, and the left hand straight at his face, as shown above at the portraiture marked number 27.
''The end of the second counter for this Lieutenant on the second strike.''
''The end of the second counter for this Lieutenant on the second strike.''
Line 1,219: Line 1,226:
| ''The following is the first counter and continuation for the Lieutenant and the Provost, for the third strike of the sword alone.''
| ''The following is the first counter and continuation for the Lieutenant and the Provost, for the third strike of the sword alone.''
To do this first counter and continuation for the third strike effectively, which is a high right-hand the Lieutenant must be under the right foot having thrown the right-hand against the Provost, as shown in the figure and portraiture number 31 above. And in an instant in order to execute and make the first counter and continuation effectively the Lieutenant must steal away his sword in passing a back-hand below the Provost's sword hilt, and throw a high reversal or high back-hand at the Provost's left shoulder, as shown above in the figure of the Lieutenant, marked number 33.
To do this first counter and continuation for the third strike effectively, which is a high right-hand the Lieutenant must be under the right foot having thrown the right-hand against the Provost, as shown in the figure and portraiture number 31 above. And in an instant in order to execute and make the first counter and continuation effectively the Lieutenant must disengage his sword in passing a back-hand below the Provost's sword hilt, and throw a high reversal or high back-hand at the Provost's left shoulder, as shown above in the figure of the Lieutenant, marked number 33.
''The end of the counter and continuation of the third strike for the Lieutenant.''
''The end of the counter and continuation of the third strike for the Lieutenant.''
Line 1,225: Line 1,232:
''The following is the defense of the first counter and continuation of the third strike for the Provost against the Lieutenant.''
''The following is the defense of the first counter and continuation of the third strike for the Provost against the Lieutenant.''
And to do this, this said Provost must be on the right foot. And when the Lieutenant steals away and passes his sword underneath the Provost to throw a back-hand at his right side of the sword, the Provost holding firm on the right foot to defend this continuation will cross his sword on the attacking Lieutenant's sword, strong on weak, as defined above many times at the other counters and continuations, keeping the nails on the sword hand down, presenting a thrust at the Lieutenant's stomach, and also keeping his left hand right of his nipple, as shown above at the portraiture and figure marked number 34.
And to do this, this said Provost must be on the right foot. And when the Lieutenant disengage and passes his sword underneath the Provost to throw a back-hand at his right side of the sword, the Provost holding firm on the right foot to defend this continuation will cross his sword on the attacking Lieutenant's sword, strong on weak, as defined above many times at the other counters and continuations, keeping the nails on the sword hand down, presenting a thrust at the Lieutenant's stomach, and also keeping his left hand right of his nipple, as shown above at the portraiture and figure marked number 34.
''The end of the first counter of the third strike for the Provost.''
''The end of the first counter of the third strike for the Provost.''
Line 1,245: Line 1,252:
| ''The second counter and continuation of the third strike for the Lieutenant and the Provost.''
| ''The second counter and continuation of the third strike for the Lieutenant and the Provost.''
And to effectively do the second counter and continuation of the third strike for the Lieutenant, the Lieutenant must be on the right foot and with the Lieutenant sword having reversaled, with the step of the same right foot, he will pass and steal away his sword below the Provost's sword hilt and throw the second counter and continuation with a fore-hand<re>read: right-hand</ref> on the Provost's left shoulder, keeping the nails on the sword hand facing left and the left hand right of the face, as shown above at the portraiture marked number 35.
And to effectively do the second counter and continuation of the third strike for the Lieutenant, the Lieutenant must be on the right foot and with the Lieutenant sword having reversaled, with the step of the same right foot, he will pass and disengage his sword below the Provost's sword hilt and throw the second counter and continuation with a fore-hand<re>read: right-hand</ref> on the Provost's left shoulder, keeping the nails on the sword hand facing left and the left hand right of the face, as shown above at the portraiture marked number 35.
''The end of the second counter and continuation of the third strike for the Lieutenant.''
''The end of the second counter and continuation of the third strike for the Lieutenant.''
Line 1,316: Line 1,323:
| ''The following is the first counter and continuation of the fourth strike for the attacking Lieutenent against the defending Provost.''
| ''The following is the first counter and continuation of the fourth strike for the attacking Lieutenent against the defending Provost.''
And to do this, this Lieutenant must remain on the step of the left foot and at the same instance that he throws the high reversal, he steals away his sword below the Provost's and throws a high right-hand at the Provost as the first counter, being as stated on the left foot, keeping the nails on the sword hand up and the left hand right of his chest, as shown above at the portraiture and figure marked number 40.
And to do this, this Lieutenant must remain on the step of the left foot and at the same instance that he throws the high reversal, he diengages his sword below the Provost's and throws a high right-hand at the Provost as the first counter, being as stated on the left foot, keeping the nails on the sword hand up and the left hand right of his chest, as shown above at the portraiture and figure marked number 40.
''The end of the first counter for the demonstrating Lieutenant.''
''The end of the first counter for the demonstrating Lieutenant.''
Line 1,342: Line 1,349:
| ''The following is the second and last counter for the fourth strike, which is a high reversal, and will also begin on the left foot for this attacking Lieutenant and defended by this Provost.''
| ''The following is the second and last counter for the fourth strike, which is a high reversal, and will also begin on the left foot for this attacking Lieutenant and defended by this Provost.''
And to do this, this Lieutenant in order to execute the second counter effectively must, without leaving where he's currently planted which is on the left foot, steal away the sword below the Provost's and throw a high reversal, which is the proper strike, keeping the sword hand up and the left hand right of the chin, as shown above at the portraiture and figure marked number 43 behind the bonnet.
And to do this, this Lieutenant in order to execute the second counter effectively must, without leaving where he is currently planted which is on the left foot, disengages the sword below the Provost's and throw a high reversal, which is the proper strike, keeping the sword hand up and the left hand right of the chin, as shown above at the portraiture and figure marked number 43 behind the bonnet.
''After having declared the second counter by the attacking Lieutenant, stay to perform and declare the second counter for the defending Provost.''
''After having declared the second counter by the attacking Lieutenant, stay to perform and declare the second counter for the defending Provost.''
Line 1,416: Line 1,423:
| ''The following is the first counter and continuation of the fifth strike which is the high thrust thrown by the attacking Lieutenant against the defending Provost.''
| ''The following is the first counter and continuation of the fifth strike which is the high thrust thrown by the attacking Lieutenant against the defending Provost.''
And to do this, the Lieutenant must be on the step of the right foot to do this counter and continuation a little after he has thrown the thrust, the fifth strike with the right-hand, the Lieutenant steals away his sword below the Provost's sword hilt that he has thrown at this Lieutenant, for the first counter and continuation another on the reversal, which is on the Provost's right side, keeping the left hand right of the nipple as shown above at the portraiture and figure marked number 49. And if the Lieutenant is left-handed, he must throw the strike at the opposite of what is described, holding the opposite step of the counter and continuation, that is to say that if the Lieutenant throws a right-handed reversal, the Provost if left-handed would have to beat it down with a right-hand using his left hand.
And to do this, the Lieutenant must be on the step of the right foot to do this counter and continuation a little after he has thrown the thrust, the fifth strike with the right-hand, the Lieutenant disengages his sword below the Provost's sword hilt that he has thrown at this Lieutenant, for the first counter and continuation another on the reversal, which is on the Provost's right side, keeping the left hand right of the nipple as shown above at the portraiture and figure marked number 49. And if the Lieutenant is left-handed, he must throw the strike at the opposite of what is described, holding the opposite step of the counter and continuation, that is to say that if the Lieutenant throws a right-handed reversal, the Provost if left-handed would have to beat it down with a right-hand using his left hand.
''The end of the counter for the Lieutenant.''
''The end of the counter for the Lieutenant.''
Line 1,422: Line 1,429:
''Next will be declared the defense of the first counter and continuation of the fifth strike for the Provost against the agressive Lieutenant.''
''Next will be declared the defense of the first counter and continuation of the fifth strike for the Provost against the agressive Lieutenant.''
And to do this, the Provost is to also be on the right foot while the Lieutenant steals away his sword to throw the first counter at him which is a high thrust on the right. The Provost seeing this, being on his right foot crosses his sword on that of the Lieutenant with strong on weak, keeping the back of the sword hand up and presenting a thrust to his neck, keeping the left hand right of his left nipple as shown above at the portraiture and figure marked number 50.
And to do this, the Provost is to also be on the right foot while the Lieutenant disengages his sword to throw the first counter at him which is a high thrust on the right. The Provost seeing this, being on his right foot crosses his sword on that of the Lieutenant with strong on weak, keeping the back of the sword hand up and presenting a thrust to his neck, keeping the left hand right of his left nipple as shown above at the portraiture and figure marked number 50.
''This is the end of the counter for the Provost.''
''This is the end of the counter for the Provost.''
Line 1,442: Line 1,449:
| ''The following is the second counter and continuation of the fifth strike fo the sword alone, which is a high thrust for the attacking Lieutenant and for the defending Provost.''
| ''The following is the second counter and continuation of the fifth strike fo the sword alone, which is a high thrust for the attacking Lieutenant and for the defending Provost.''
In order to declare and understand the second counter and continuation for this Lieutenant effectively, he must be on the step of the right foot, as he had been when he threw the fifth strike, the high thrust, passing his sword to steal away the back-hand below the Provost's sword hilt, and in an instant the Lieutenant for the second continuation throws again his choice of a high thrust or high right-hand at the defending Provost's left side, keeping the back of the sword hand down, the nails up, and the keeping left hand right of the nipple as shown above at the portraiture and figure marked number 51.
In order to declare and understand the second counter and continuation for this Lieutenant effectively, he must be on the step of the right foot, as he had been when he threw the fifth strike, the high thrust, passing his sword to disengage the back-hand below the Provost's sword hilt, and in an instant the Lieutenant for the second continuation throws again his choice of a high thrust or high right-hand at the defending Provost's left side, keeping the back of the sword hand down, the nails up, and the keeping left hand right of the nipple as shown above at the portraiture and figure marked number 51.
''The end of the second counter for the Lieutenant.''
''The end of the second counter for the Lieutenant.''
Line 1,503: Line 1,510:
| ''The following is the sixth and last strike and target of the sword to be multiplied, which is a high thrust on the reversal thrown by the attacking Lieutenant against the defending Provost.''
| ''The following is the sixth and last strike and target of the sword to be multiplied, which is a high thrust on the reversal thrown by the attacking Lieutenant against the defending Provost.''
And to do this, this Lieutenant must be on the guard and said step shown above at the portraiture marked number 53. This Lieutenant being on the right foot as stated will pretend to make a thrust at the Provost's left side on the right foot, and in an instant will advance the left foot, stealing away his sword below the Provost's sword hilt, and throwing a thrust at his right, keeping the sword hilt and the fingertips on the hand holding it facing left, and keeping the left hand right of his left nipple, as shown above at the portraiture marked number 55 behind the collar of the Lieutenant.
And to do this, this Lieutenant must be on the guard and said step shown above at the portraiture marked number 53. This Lieutenant being on the right foot as stated will pretend to make a thrust at the Provost's left side on the right foot, and in an instant will advance the left foot, disengaging his sword below the Provost's sword hilt, and throwing a thrust at his right, keeping the sword hilt and the fingertips on the hand holding it facing left, and keeping the left hand right of his left nipple, as shown above at the portraiture marked number 55 behind the collar of the Lieutenant.
''The end and declaration of the sixth and last strike of the sword alone for the attacking Lieutenant.''
''The end and declaration of the sixth and last strike of the sword alone for the attacking Lieutenant.''
Line 1,531: Line 1,538:
''This is shown by the author Henry d S. Didier what the Lieutenant must do to effectively attack the Provost with the last strike and target of the sword alone, following the art and order of this.''
''This is shown by the author Henry d S. Didier what the Lieutenant must do to effectively attack the Provost with the last strike and target of the sword alone, following the art and order of this.''
And to do this, the Lieutenant is to be on the left foot, having thrown the sixth strike as shown above at the portraiture marked number 55. His sword being on the back-hand and to execute the first counter effectively, this Lieutenant will steal away his sword below the Provost's sword hilt, and will throw at him a thrust on the right-hand for the first counter, turning the nails on the sword hand up and the left hand right of his face, to protect against the Provost's sword point as shown above at the portraiture and figure marked number 57 behind the collar of the Lieutenant.
And to do this, the Lieutenant is to be on the left foot, having thrown the sixth strike as shown above at the portraiture marked number 55. His sword being on the back-hand and to execute the first counter effectively, this Lieutenant will disengage his sword below the Provost's sword hilt, and will throw at him a thrust on the right-hand for the first counter, turning the nails on the sword hand up and the left hand right of his face, to protect against the Provost's sword point as shown above at the portraiture and figure marked number 57 behind the collar of the Lieutenant.
''The end of the first counter and continuation of the sixth strike and target for the attacking Lieutenant.''
''The end of the first counter and continuation of the sixth strike and target for the attacking Lieutenant.''
Line 1,559: Line 1,566:
| ''This is the second and last counter and continuation of the sixth strike being multiplied, which is a high thrust on the reversal, coming from the thrust on the Lieutenant's right-hand executed against the Provost.''
| ''This is the second and last counter and continuation of the sixth strike being multiplied, which is a high thrust on the reversal, coming from the thrust on the Lieutenant's right-hand executed against the Provost.''
And to do this, this said Lieutenant must be on the left foot and his sword at the first counter, which is a right-hand or thrust, as shown at the portraiture marked 57. And to execute the second and last counter for the Lieutenant, he must steal away his sword below the Provost's sword hilt and throw another thrust on the back-hand, keeping the back of the sword hand up, his left hand right of the face to defend against the Provost's sword point if in case he drives it more forward, as shown above at the portraiture marked number 59 behind the hat.
And to do this, this said Lieutenant must be on the left foot and his sword at the first counter, which is a right-hand or thrust, as shown at the portraiture marked 57. And to execute the second and last counter for the Lieutenant, he must disengage his sword below the Provost's sword hilt and throw another thrust on the back-hand, keeping the back of the sword hand up, his left hand right of the face to defend against the Provost's sword point if in case he drives it more forward, as shown above at the portraiture marked number 59 behind the hat.
''This is the end of the second and last counter and continuation for the attacking Lieutenant against the defending Provost.''
''This is the end of the second and last counter and continuation for the attacking Lieutenant against the defending Provost.''
Line 1,667: Line 1,674:
| ''The following is the second counter and continuation which is a high thrust or high right-hand, originating from the triangle strike for the attacking Lieutenant against the defending Provost.''
| ''The following is the second counter and continuation which is a high thrust or high right-hand, originating from the triangle strike for the attacking Lieutenant against the defending Provost.''
And the Lieutenant again for the second counter of the triangle, if the Lieutenant sees that the Provost defends against the first counter and throws a back-hand as marked number 66 at the Provost, and if he is skillful; the Lieutenant staying on the same right foot step steals away his sword below the Provost's sword hilt by a back-hand, and feints a back-hand at the Provost's cuisse, raising at the same time his sword up, and to execute the second counter he crosses the Provost's sword strong on weak and presents a thrust to the body or the face, shifting the right foot which is on the corner of the triangle or number 3 and puts it on the footprint marked 2, keeping the nails of the sword hand up and the left hand right of the face, as shown at the portraiture marked number 67 behind the hat.
And the Lieutenant again for the second counter of the triangle, if the Lieutenant sees that the Provost defends against the first counter and throws a back-hand as marked number 66 at the Provost, and if he is skillful; the Lieutenant staying on the same right foot step disengage his sword below the Provost's sword hilt by a back-hand, and feints a back-hand at the Provost's cuisse, raising at the same time his sword up, and to execute the second counter he crosses the Provost's sword strong on weak and presents a thrust to the body or the face, shifting the right foot which is on the corner of the triangle or number 3 and puts it on the footprint marked 2, keeping the nails of the sword hand up and the left hand right of the face, as shown at the portraiture marked number 67 behind the hat.
''This is the end for the Lieutenant against the Provost.''
''This is the end for the Lieutenant against the Provost.''
Line 1,745: Line 1,752:
| ''The first counter and continuation of the rectangle for the Lieutenant and the Provost.''
| ''The first counter and continuation of the rectangle for the Lieutenant and the Provost.''
And in order to continue to execute the first counter or continuation of the rectangle for the Lieutenant, he again needs to make a continuation seeing if the Provost is skillful and not ignorant and waiting if he defended himself well, the Lieutenant needs to steal away his sword below the Provost's sword hilt and take the left foot on the footprint marked number 3. In passing a right-hand, throwing the body a little back, and removing the right foot on the place marked number 2.<ref>Dupuis thinks 75 represents this correct and that 73 is incorrect.</ref> And as shown above at the portraiture marked number 73 behind the hat.
And in order to continue to execute the first counter or continuation of the rectangle for the Lieutenant, he again needs to make a continuation seeing if the Provost is skillful and not ignorant and waiting if he defended himself well, the Lieutenant needs to disengage his sword below the Provost's sword hilt and take the left foot on the footprint marked number 3. In passing a right-hand, throwing the body a little back, and removing the right foot on the place marked number 2.<ref>Dupuis thinks 75 represents this correct and that 73 is incorrect.</ref> And as shown above at the portraiture marked number 73 behind the hat.
''This is what the Lieutenant must do for the first counter as required for the rectangle strike.''
''This is what the Lieutenant must do for the first counter as required for the rectangle strike.''
Line 1,773: Line 1,780:
| ''The following is the completion of the rectangle which is a high right-hand or high thrust thrown by the Lieutenant against the Provost.''
| ''The following is the completion of the rectangle which is a high right-hand or high thrust thrown by the Lieutenant against the Provost.''
To complete the rectangle for the Lieutenant against the Provost, the Lieutenant must have the right foot on the footprint marked number 4 and the left foot on the footprint marked 3, stealing away his sword below the Provost's sword hilt and throwing a high right-hand or high thrust to complete the rectangle, keeping the nails on the sword hand down and the left hand right of his face, as shown above at the portraiture marked number 75.
To complete the rectangle for the Lieutenant against the Provost, the Lieutenant must have the right foot on the footprint marked number 4 and the left foot on the footprint marked 3, disengaging his sword below the Provost's sword hilt and throwing a high right-hand or high thrust to complete the rectangle, keeping the nails on the sword hand down and the left hand right of his face, as shown above at the portraiture marked number 75.
''This is the completion of the strike made in the fashion of a rectangle for the Lieutenant against the defending Provost.''
''This is the completion of the strike made in the fashion of a rectangle for the Lieutenant against the defending Provost.''
Line 2,027: Line 2,034:
| ''The second grab shown by the Author to the Lieutenant and executed by him against the Provost, so that he can do this to another.''
| ''The second grab shown by the Author to the Lieutenant and executed by him against the Provost, so that he can do this to another.''
And to do this, this said Lieutenant must have been on the right foot, advancing the left foot, and throwing a high right-hand or high thrust at the Provost, stealing away with a reversal, passing the sword below the Provost's sword hilt, and at the same time, advancing the left foot and crossing the Provost's sword, strong on weak, and having taken his sword hilt with the left hand, hold it and pull so that he will be forced to leave it, seeing the point in front of him, and so will anyone else when we do the same to them as shown above at the portraiture marked number 93 behind the collar.
And to do this, this said Lieutenant must have been on the right foot, advancing the left foot, and throwing a high right-hand or high thrust at the Provost, disengaging with a reversal, passing the sword below the Provost's sword hilt, and at the same time, advancing the left foot and crossing the Provost's sword, strong on weak, and having taken his sword hilt with the left hand, hold it and pull so that he will be forced to leave it, seeing the point in front of him, and so will anyone else when we do the same to them as shown above at the portraiture marked number 93 behind the collar.
''This is the end of the second grab shown and executed by the Lieutenant at the Provost.''
''This is the end of the second grab shown and executed by the Lieutenant at the Provost.''
Line 2,245: Line 2,252:
| ''The fourth grab shown by the attacking Lieutenant to the defending Provost, as clearly shown and written below.''
| ''The fourth grab shown by the attacking Lieutenant to the defending Provost, as clearly shown and written below.''
And to do this, the Lieutenant being on the left foot as shown above at the portraiture of the aforementioned position and the guard marked number 105, advanced the right foot and throws a high right-hand or high thrust on the Provost's left to test, as stated and shown above at the portraiture of the Lieutenant marked number 107, and the Lieutenant seeing that the Provost has defended the high right-hand or high thrust, this said Lieutenant in order to make the grab steals away his sword with a right-hand below the Provost's sword, and let his sword drop above the Provost's arms, turning the nails of the sword hand up, and with the left hand near the tip take the Provost's sword. With this the Lieutenant tells the Provost, "Listen, if I wanted to lower and press my left hand down you would be forced to let go of your sword, as you can do to me and in fact will do," as will be seen after provided that you do as shown above at this said portraiture and figure of the Lieutenant marked number 109.
And to do this, the Lieutenant being on the left foot as shown above at the portraiture of the aforementioned position and the guard marked number 105, advanced the right foot and throws a high right-hand or high thrust on the Provost's left to test, as stated and shown above at the portraiture of the Lieutenant marked number 107, and the Lieutenant seeing that the Provost has defended the high right-hand or high thrust, this said Lieutenant in order to make the grab disengages his sword with a right-hand below the Provost's sword, and let his sword drop above the Provost's arms, turning the nails of the sword hand up, and with the left hand near the tip take the Provost's sword. With this the Lieutenant tells the Provost, "Listen, if I wanted to lower and press my left hand down you would be forced to let go of your sword, as you can do to me and in fact will do," as will be seen after provided that you do as shown above at this said portraiture and figure of the Lieutenant marked number 109.
''This is the end of the fourth and last grab for the demonstrating Lieutenant against the defending Provost.''
''This is the end of the fourth and last grab for the demonstrating Lieutenant against the defending Provost.''
Line 2,251: Line 2,258:
''The following is what the Provost can do when he does not know how to counter-grab. For every grab there is a counter-grab which he did not do above but later will with the knowledge given to him by the Lieutenant.''
''The following is what the Provost can do when he does not know how to counter-grab. For every grab there is a counter-grab which he did not do above but later will with the knowledge given to him by the Lieutenant.''
And to do this, this said Provost being on the left foot in middle guard as shown above at the portraiture marked number 106 at the Provost to learn to make the aforementioned grab, having pulled the left foot back and remains on the right foot, and having crossed the high right-hand or high thrust that the Lieutenant has thrown, but the Lieutenant having circumvented him by stealing away with a right-hand to get the grab through and the Lieutenant having rendered the point to let go of the Provost's sword, and had he wanted to, he would have taken the sword but decided to leave it alone. Nevertheless the Provost having been tricked as shown above the portraiture marked number 110.
And to do this, this said Provost being on the left foot in middle guard as shown above at the portraiture marked number 106 at the Provost to learn to make the aforementioned grab, having pulled the left foot back and remains on the right foot, and having crossed the high right-hand or high thrust that the Lieutenant has thrown, but the Lieutenant having circumvented him by disengaging with a right-hand to get the grab through and the Lieutenant having rendered the point to let go of the Provost's sword, and had he wanted to, he would have taken the sword but decided to leave it alone. Nevertheless the Provost having been tricked as shown above the portraiture marked number 110.
''The end of what the Provost can do against his instructor the Lieutenant.''
''The end of what the Provost can do against his instructor the Lieutenant.''
Line 2,277: Line 2,284:
''The following is the execution of the fourth and last grab of the sword alone for the Provost against the Lieutenant his said demonstrator.''
''The following is the execution of the fourth and last grab of the sword alone for the Provost against the Lieutenant his said demonstrator.''
And to do this, this said Provost must be on the left foot and when he sees that the Lieutenant or another attacker will throw a high right-hand or high thrust, having advanced the right foot, the Provost will pull his left foot back, and at the same time steal away his sword below the Lieutenant's sword hilt, and without a moment to waste, let the sword point fall on the Lieutenant, and the Provost will forcefully take the Lieutenant's sword point with the left hand and pass and lower it, so it will force the Lieutenant to let go of his sword as shown above at the portraiture of the Provost marked number 112.
And to do this, this said Provost must be on the left foot and when he sees that the Lieutenant or another attacker will throw a high right-hand or high thrust, having advanced the right foot, the Provost will pull his left foot back, and at the same time disengage his sword below the Lieutenant's sword hilt, and without a moment to waste, let the sword point fall on the Lieutenant, and the Provost will forcefully take the Lieutenant's sword point with the left hand and pass and lower it, so it will force the Lieutenant to let go of his sword as shown above at the portraiture of the Provost marked number 112.
''This is the end of the fourth and last grab of the sword alone, both by the attacking Lieutenant as well as for the defending Provost.''
''This is the end of the fourth and last grab of the sword alone, both by the attacking Lieutenant as well as for the defending Provost.''
Line 2,384: Line 2,391:
''The following is everything that the Provost must do to defend and offend at the same time, with the low right-hand at the knee thrown by the Lieutenant against the Provost.''
''The following is everything that the Provost must do to defend and attack at the same time, with the low right-hand at the knee thrown by the Lieutenant against the Provost.''
And to do this, the Provost being in high guard as shown above at the other said portraiture marked number 118 that the Provost has now seen, the Lieutenant having thrown a low right-hand at his knee, the Provost recognizing this strike that he had done wrong to beat down the sword, and that only the step enough to guarantee himself from the right-hand, and so at this strike the Provost pulls the left foot back, and at the same time while defending, throws the right-hand coming from the high guard at the Lieutenant's sword arm and presents again a thrust at the Lieutenant's braies, keeping the sword hilt high enough and the nails up, and the left hand right of the left nipple, as shown above at the portraiture marked number 120.
And to do this, the Provost being in high guard as shown above at the other said portraiture marked number 118 that the Provost has now seen, the Lieutenant having thrown a low right-hand at his knee, the Provost recognizing this strike that he had done wrong to beat down the sword, and that only the step enough to guarantee himself from the right-hand, and so at this strike the Provost pulls the left foot back, and at the same time while defending, throws the right-hand coming from the high guard at the Lieutenant's sword arm and presents again a thrust at the Lieutenant's braies, keeping the sword hilt high enough and the nails up, and the left hand right of the left nipple, as shown above at the portraiture marked number 120.
Line 2,499: Line 2,506:
''Next is a treatise written by the Author about tennis and how it relates to fencing, with the points and reasons that will be declared later.''
''Next is a treatise written by the Author about tennis and how it relates to fencing, with the points and reasons that will be declared later.''
| ''Autre fort bon, & subtil coup pour le Lieutenent contre le Prevost, laissant ledit arrieremain sur le coude & tirer un estoc au ventre, comme est monstré icy.''
| ''Autre fort bon, & subtil coup pour le Lieutenent contre le Prevost, laissant ledit arrieremain sur le coude & tirer un estoc au ventre, comme est monstré icy.''
Line 2,516: Line 2,522:
''Sensuit cy aprés un traité composé par l’Auteur, qui est de la paulme avec les armes, avec les points & raisons cy aprés declarez.''
''Sensuit cy aprés un traité composé par l’Auteur, qui est de la paulme avec les armes, avec les points & raisons cy aprés declarez.''
| &nbsp;
{{master end}}
{{master begin
| title = Palm Game
| width = 90em
{| class="master"
! <p>Illustrations</p>
! <p>{{rating|C}}</p> by John Tse
! <p>[[Les secrets du premier livre sur l'espée seule (Henry de Sainct Didier)|Transcription]]<br/>by [[Olivier Dupuis]]</p>
| ''The following is a treatise on exercise and certain points required to know the tennis, for all those who love it, written by the Author, since it requires the same steps and to know the same strikes of fencing, as will be seen by this treatise, and the Author because of the affinity and friendship they have together, leads to alert and give instruction to the unlearned, which do not understand the terms of this exercise, and not for the learned and skillful.''
| ''The following is a treatise on exercise and certain points required to know the tennis, for all those who love it, written by the Author, since it requires the same steps and to know the same strikes of fencing, as will be seen by this treatise, and the Author because of the affinity and friendship they have together, leads to alert and give instruction to the unlearned, which do not understand the terms of this exercise, and not for the learned and skillful.''
The author having considered that tennis and fencing are closely related, as stated above, and whoever is able to play said tennis easily would also have learned to throw sword strikes, and so is the opposite, but the one better than the other is fencing because they preserve the health and honor of those who are afraid of losing it. Anyone could ask why fencing and tennis are related. The Author responds and says that the same strikes that one throws from fencing to overcome his enemy in times of peace or to win money or some celebration, which are:
The author having considered that tennis and fencing are closely related, as stated above, and whoever is able to easily play tennis would also have learned to throw sword strikes, and so is the opposite, but the one that is better than the other is fencing because it preserves the health and honor of those who are afraid of losing them. Anyone could ask why fencing and tennis are related. The Author responds and says that the same strikes that one throws from fencing to overcome his enemy in times of peace or to win money or some celebration, which are:
# Right-hand
# Right-hand
Line 2,526: Line 2,549:
# Thrust
# Thrust
It is true that one of the aforementinoed strikes must be removed, which is the thrust, and only two will remain which are:
It is true that one of the aforementioned strikes must be removed, which is the thrust, and only two will remain which are:
# Right-hand
# Right-hand
# Reversal
# Reversal
The reason why I remove the thrust is since the racket has no point, and thus one would not be able to make a thrust.
The reason why I remove the thrust is that the racket has no point, and thus one would not be able to make a thrust.
It is true that sometimes we strike and beat down with the racket when the ball comes straight to the face or higher, which is that we return the ball, and we beat it down with the racket when it comes from high or to the face keeping it straight, and leaning neither on the right nor left, and yet in the game of tennis, there are only the aforementioned two strikes, right-hand and reversal. But it is necessary to multiply them properly to 4 targets, from high and low, for example right-hand from below, and right-hand from above, reversal from below, and reversal from above, and thus it is necessary to be very dexterous and graceful to know how to strike because we strike at each other as we do with fencing. And knowing how to strike skillfully, we must observe the words of our ancestors who are skilled tennis players, who said whoever leaps to forsake the volley, will never be an esteemed player; it is necessary to take heed here, which is that when you can volley, you should never wait for a leap. The reason is that with a leap, several accidents can occur, yet on the volley, never, if one is well trained, and is safe.
It is true that sometimes we strike and beat down with the racket when the ball comes straight to the face or higher, which is that we return the ball, and we beat it down with the racket when it comes from high or to the face keeping it straight, and leaning neither on the right nor left, and yet in the game of tennis, there are only the aforementioned two strikes, right-hand and reversal. But it is necessary to multiply them properly to 4 targets, from high and low, for example right-hand from below, and right-hand from above, reversal from below, and reversal from above, and thus it is necessary to be very dexterous and graceful to know how to strike because we strike at each other as we do with fencing. And knowing how to strike skillfully, we must observe the words of our ancestors who are skilled tennis players, who said whoever leaps to forsake the volley, will never be an esteemed player; it is necessary to take heed here, which is that when you can volley, you should never wait for a leap. The reason is that with a leap, several accidents can occur, yet on the volley, never, if one is well trained, and is safe.
Line 2,619: Line 2,642:
King Charles of France by the grace of God. To our friends and foes, the people on the courts of Parliament, Bailiffs, Officials, Provosts, or their Lieutenants, and to all our justices and officers, and to anyone who wishes to be included, salutations and blessings. Our dear and good friend Provencal Gentleman Esquire Henry S. Didier, we have heard that he wrote certain books that he had dedicated to us in the manner of fencing, namely on the sword alone, the sword and dagger, sword and cape, sword and rondel, sword and targe, sword and buckler, two-handed sword, dual-wielding swords, and dagger alone, written for the art, order, and practice with the means to defend and offend at the same time with strikes that can be thrown both in attacking as well as in defending, which is very useful and notable for making skillful youths which similarly he will write for all of the weapons he would like to glady have printed and illuminated. However as something that he could only do with great expense and fees, he fears that after having incurred the expenses, no printer nor booksellers nor anyone else, to his serious detriment and damage, would reprint them if he did not have our permission and special privilege. To that end, we have humbly implored and requested him to provide this letter as necessary. We desire with these causes as much as possible for us to treat every people with knowledge to the maintenance and advancement of things that are useful and beneficial to the public. So to encourage everyone to more willingly strive to do the same, having audited S. Didier, we have granted by those present that he can be free to have the all of the books written by him on the same subjects mentioned above printed by any printer as he sees fit. And to that end, whoever the printers chosen will be in charge of the books, will be compensated for the fees as is acceptable for doing this effect. We have continued to inhibit and defend all other booksellers and printers in our Kingdom, land, and lordship of our obedience, that during the terms of ten consecutive years following to be counted from the day and date to its said books will have been printed, they cannot print neither large, small, nor any other form whatever form it takes, and do not sell the above said books, which will have been printed by no other than by him or those who will be in charge of said S. Didier, on pain of arbitrary fine, confiscation, and loss of all said books. If we mandate you, we commit and enjoin by those presents and to each of you in right be, if as it will belong to him, that according to our granted permissions and will, you make or have made express inhibitions and defenses by us on the penalties mentioned above, and other than that will be imposed on all printers and  booksellers remaining in your rights and jurisdictions that by afterwards, none of them other than the one who will have charge and express commission of said by S. Didier, do not print nor put for sale during the time of ten years the books above mention and if after the orders made you find any offenders proceed against them by condemnation of said penalties and otherwise also that will be done according to the requirements of the cases, because such is our pleasure, and because of the contents in those aforementioned present will be able to deal in several and various places. We want the vidimus<ref>A vidimus is a certified copy of an earlier act</ref> of these to be made under royal seal or collated by one of our notaries and secretaries done either as this present original and that by putting a brief or extracting the content in its said present at the beginning of the aforementioned books they are held as it should be, signaling to all the aforementioned booksellers and printers and others like them. Given in Paris on the twenty third day of January in the year of the Lord one thousand five hundred and seventy-three of the thirteenth reign<ref>of King Charles IX</ref>. Thus signed for the King by Brulart<ref>It must be either  Pierre or Jean Brûlart who both served on Parliament</ref> and sealed on a simple yellow wax queue<ref>If the seal is appended to the document with a strip of parchment, it is called a "queue". If there is a double strip, it is then called a "double queue".</ref>
King Charles of France by the grace of God. To our friends and foes, the people on the courts of Parliament, Bailiffs, Officials, Provosts, or their Lieutenants, and to all our justices and officers, and to anyone who wishes to be included, salutations and blessings. Our dear and good friend Provencal Gentleman Esquire Henry S. Didier, we have heard that he wrote certain books that he had dedicated to us in the manner of fencing, namely on the sword alone, the sword and dagger, sword and cape, sword and rondel, sword and targe, sword and buckler, two-handed sword, dual-wielding swords, and dagger alone, written for the art, order, and practice with the means to defend and attack at the same time with strikes that can be thrown both in attacking as well as in defending, which is very useful and notable for making skillful youths which similarly he will write for all of the weapons he would like to glady have printed and illuminated. However as something that he could only do with great expense and fees, he fears that after having incurred the expenses, no printer nor booksellers nor anyone else, to his serious detriment and damage, would reprint them if he did not have our permission and special privilege. To that end, we have humbly implored and requested him to provide this letter as necessary. We desire with these causes as much as possible for us to treat every people with knowledge to the maintenance and advancement of things that are useful and beneficial to the public. So to encourage everyone to more willingly strive to do the same, having audited S. Didier, we have granted by those present that he can be free to have the all of the books written by him on the same subjects mentioned above printed by any printer as he sees fit. And to that end, whoever the printers chosen will be in charge of the books, will be compensated for the fees as is acceptable for doing this effect. We have continued to inhibit and defend all other booksellers and printers in our Kingdom, land, and lordship of our obedience, that during the terms of ten consecutive years following to be counted from the day and date to its said books will have been printed, they cannot print neither large, small, nor any other form whatever form it takes, and do not sell the above said books, which will have been printed by no other than by him or those who will be in charge of said S. Didier, on pain of arbitrary fine, confiscation, and loss of all said books. If we mandate you, we commit and enjoin by those presents and to each of you in right be, if as it will belong to him, that according to our granted permissions and will, you make or have made express inhibitions and defenses by us on the penalties mentioned above, and other than that will be imposed on all printers and  booksellers remaining in your rights and jurisdictions that by afterwards, none of them other than the one who will have charge and express commission of said by S. Didier, do not print nor put for sale during the time of ten years the books above mention and if after the orders made you find any offenders proceed against them by condemnation of said penalties and otherwise also that will be done according to the requirements of the cases, because such is our pleasure, and because of the contents in those aforementioned present will be able to deal in several and various places. We want the vidimus<ref>A vidimus is a certified copy of an earlier act</ref> of these to be made under royal seal or collated by one of our notaries and secretaries done either as this present original and that by putting a brief or extracting the content in its said present at the beginning of the aforementioned books they are held as it should be, signaling to all the aforementioned booksellers and printers and others like them. Given in Paris on the twenty third day of January in the year of the Lord one thousand five hundred and seventy-three of the thirteenth reign<ref>of King Charles IX</ref>. Thus signed for the King by Brulart<ref>It must be either  Pierre or Jean Brûlart who both served on Parliament</ref> and sealed on a simple yellow wax queue<ref>If the seal is appended to the document with a strip of parchment, it is called a "queue". If there is a double strip, it is then called a "double queue".</ref>
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Revision as of 04:43, 14 January 2022

Henry de Sainct Didier
Born 1530s (?)
Pertuis, Provence
Died after 1584
Paris, France (?)
Occupation Fencing master
Patron Charles IX of France
Influenced Salvator Fabris (?)
Genres Fencing manual
Language Middle French
Notable work(s) Les secrets du premier livre sur l'espée seule (1573)
Translations Traducción castellano
Signature Henry de Sainct Didier sig.png

Henry de Sainct Didier, Esq. was a 16th century French fencing master. He was born to a noble family in Pertuis in the Provence region of France, son of Luc de Sainct Didier. Sainct Didier made his career in the French army, ultimately serving 25 years and seeing action in Piedmont, Italy from 1554 - 1555. He wrote of himself that he "lived his whole life learning to fight with the single sword" and eventually "reached a point of perfection" in his art. Apparently he became a fencing master of some renown, for in ca. 1573 he secured a royal privilege for a period of ten years for treatises on a number of weapons, including the dagger, single sword, double swords, sword and buckler, sword and cloak, sword and dagger, sword and shield (both rotella and targe), and greatsword. Unfortunately, only his treatise on the single sword, titled Les secrets du premier livre sur l'espée seule ("Secrets of the Premier Book on the Single Sword") and printed on 4 June 1573, is known to survive; it seems likely that the others were never published at all.


Additional Resources

  • Hyatt, Robert Preston and Wilson, Devon. "The Single Sword of Henry de Sainct Didier." Masters of Medieval and Renaissance Martial Arts. Ed. Jeffrey Hull. Boulder, CO: Paladin Press, 2008. ISBN 978-1-58160-668-3
  • Sainct Didier, Henry de. The Single Sword of Henry de Sainct-Didier (Traicté Contenant Les Secrets Du Premier Livre Sur L'Espée Seule). Trans. Robert Preston Hyatt and Devon Wilson. Boulder, CO: Paladin Press, 2009. ISBN 978-1581607048
  • Slee, Chris. Secrets of the Sword Alone. LongEdge Press, 2014. ISBN 978-0646926353


  1. Pristin : ancien, antérieur
  2. Insertion du « a ».
  3. The "es" is a wooden board placed in the back wall of the tennis court which, if hit by a volley, is scored immediately. In modern tennis, this board is replaced by a grid.
  4. « L'es », habituellement orthographiée « ais », désigne une planche de bois placée dans le mur du fond de la salle de jeu de paume qui, si elle est touchée par un coup de volée, donne le point immédiatement. Dans le jeu de paume moderne, cette planche est remplacée par une grille. Il est possible que cet « ais » ait donné le terme anglais d'« ace » que les étymologies modernes confondent avec l'« as » du jeu de carte. Voir la définition d' « ais » de l'Encyclopédie de Diderot et d'Alembert.
  5. L’esteuf : ancien nom pour la balle.
  6. précéder. « Préaller » subsiste en français sous la forme « préalable ».
  7. Il s’agit très probablement du maître d’arme italien Fabris Salvator de Padoue (1544-1617). Voir la note sur Fabris Salvator de Vigeant p. 162 et aussi les références à ses publications (Vigeant p. 55-56)
  8. Version alimentaire de l’adage « blanc bonnet et bonnet blanc ».
  9. Transcription la plus sûre du texte : « gran d erre »
  10. Serviteur du grand prêtre venu arrêter Jésus au Mont des Olivier et dont l’oreille coupée a été immédiatement guérie. Selon la lecture du passage, il est parfois pris pour celui qui soufflète Jésus.
  11. Un des anciens nom de l’abeille.
  12. Sens incertain ; peut-être s'agit-il d'une mauvaise graphie de « filial ».
  13. drillant : étincellant, brillant (dictionnaire de Nicot).
  14. Correction du texte d’origine donnant « peid ».
  15. Cette correction sur les images d'Henri de Saint-Didier indique que celles-ci ont été réalisées avant la version finale du texte.
  16. Le « o » de troisiesme est curieusement placé en exposant.
  17. Suppression du doublement de l'esperluette.
  18. Dupuis states the original says left but is incompatible with the rest of the text and the engraving.
  19. Proposition de correction de l’édition originale qui donne « gauche », en incohérence avec la gravure et le texte plus bas qui confirme que la posture du Lieutenent est identique à celle de la section précédente où c’était bien le pied droit qui était reculé.
  20. Deuxième remarque de l'auteur sur les gravures montrant que le texte a été retouché après réception des gravures. À comparer avec une remarque similaire faite dans le i.33.
  21. Correction du texte d’origine donnant « Leiutenent ».
  22. In modern fencing, dérobement is a fencing term for disengage. In French it means to shirk or to avoid.
  23. Correction de l'édition originale qui omet lors d'un changement de page le début du mot « haute »
  24. The position of the hand illustrates the fingers down, in opposition to the text.
  25. La position de la main illustrée a les doigts au-dessus, en opposition avec le texte.
  26. Proposition de correction pour « bessoin »
  27. Proposition de correction pour « avan-main »
  28. Proposition de correction pour « couté »
  29. Proposition de correction pour « Vola ».
  30. Proposition de correction pour « ongle »
  31. Sens inconnu.
  32. La tuition est un synonyme de « garde », « défense », très souvent employé à cette époque pour appuyer le mot « défense ».
  33. Proposition de correction pour « Provost »
  34. Proposition de correction de « du–sixiesme »
  35. Proposition de correction pour « persent ».
  36. The triangle represented here is not correct. The one marked 65 seems to better reflect the proposed movement.
  37. Proposition de correction pour « le ongles ».
  38. Le triangle représenté ici n'est pas correct, celui cotté 65 paraît rendre mieux compte du déplacement proposé.
  39. Dupuis thinks 75 represents this correct and that 73 is incorrect.
  40. Proposition de correction pour « Lieutent ». La marque indiquant une contraction a probablement été omise.
  41. On pourrait compléter : « ...et le mettre en 4 ». L'illustration 73 est incorrecte puisque le pied gauche est resté sur la semelle 1 et n'est pas placé sur la semelle 3 (à gauche) comme demandé ; la position des pieds de l'illustration 75 correspond à ce qui aurait dû être représenté.
  42. The Provost shown at the portraiture does not correspond to the text since he is on the right foot
  43. Proposition de correction pour « dh’aut »
  44. Sic.
  45. Le prévôt représenté ici ne correspond pas au texte puisqu'il se tient sur le pied droit.
  46. The Provost of 80 isn't on the left foot as written but is coherent with 78.
  47. Le prévôt de la figure 80 n’est pas sur le pied gauche comme écrit et mais reste cohérent avec la figure 78.
  48. It is meant to read as Provost here.
  49. Il faut évidemment lire ici « Prevost ».
  50. Proposition de correction pour « suprint »
  51. Sic.
  52. Suppression du doublement de l'esperluette dans « sa cuisse gauche, & & tous ».
  53. Sic. Au XVIe siècle, le genre des mots était encore indécis.
  54. The author is announcing here another edition to augment his book which has never has been written.
  55. L’auteur annonce ici une prochaine édition augmentée de son oeuvre qui n’a a priori jamais eu lieu.
  56. Proposition de correction pour « ou ».
  57. Proposition de correction pour « mostré »
  58. Du latin médiéval « inquinatum » signifiant « pour combien »
  59. lit. bark or shell, outer layer. Idiom similar to "Don't judge a book by its cover.
  60. A vidimus is a certified copy of an earlier act
  61. of King Charles IX
  62. It must be either Pierre or Jean Brûlart who both served on Parliament
  63. If the seal is appended to the document with a strip of parchment, it is called a "queue". If there is a double strip, it is then called a "double queue".
  64. Dilection : attachement, amour pur.
  65. Un vidimus est la copie certifiée d'un acte antérieur.
  66. Il doit s'agit de Pierre ou Jean Brûlart (tout deux avait une charge au Parlement) qui signe pour le roi.