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| '''Chapter I: Of Fencing in general'''
| <p>'''Chapter I:'''</p>
1) There is nothing in the world to which Nature, wise mistress and benign mother of the universe, with greater genius, and more solicitudinous regard, than for the conservation of one’s self provides him (of which Man is, more so than any other noble creature, demonstrating himself very dear of his safety), as the singular privilege of the hand, with which not only does he go procuring all things necessary for the sustenance of his life, but if he arms himself yet with the sword, noblest instrument of all, protects and defends himself, against any willful assault of inimical force; nonetheless following the strict rule of true valor, and of the art of fencing.
| '''CAPITOLO I Della scherma in generale.'''
<p>'''Of Fencing in general'''</p>
1 Non è cosa al Mondo alla quale la Natura, savia Maestra & benigna Madre dell’universo, con maggior ingegno & più sollecitudine riguardi che alla conservatione di se stessa, della quale essendo l’huomo, sopra ad ogn’altra, nobilissima creatura, mostrandosi molto tenera della sua salute, lo provvide, come di singolar privilegio, della mano, con la quale non solamente va procurando tutte le cose necessarie per sustentatione della vita, ma si arma ancor di spada, nobilissimo instrumento di tutti, per riparare & difendersi con essa contra qual si voglia assalto di forza nemica, però secondo la dritta regola del vero valore & dell’arte della scherma.
<p>[1] There is nothing in the world to which Nature, wise mistress and benign mother of the universe, with greater genius, and more solicitudinous regard, than for the conservation of one’s self provides him (of which Man is, more so than any other noble creature, demonstrating himself very dear of his safety), as the singular privilege of the hand, with which not only does he go procuring all things necessary for the sustenance of his life, but if he arms himself yet with the sword, noblest instrument of all, protects and defends himself, against any willful assault of inimical force; nonetheless following the strict rule of true valor, and of the art of fencing.</p>
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| 2) Hence if one would clearly discern how necessary to man, how useful, and honorable may be the said discipline, and how it is that to everyone it may be necessary, and good to them, and maximally in demand, those armed of singular valor are inclined to the noble profession of the military, to which this science is subordinate in the guise of an alternative or subservient discipline, as is the part to the whole, and the end of the middle is subject to the final end.
| <p>[2] Hence if one would clearly discern how necessary to man, how useful, and honorable may be the said discipline, and how it is that to everyone it may be necessary, and good to them, and maximally in demand, those armed of singular valor are inclined to the noble profession of the military, to which this science is subordinate in the guise of an alternative or subservient discipline, as is the part to the whole, and the end of the middle is subject to the final end.</p>
| 2 Onde si puote chiaramente discernere quanto all’huomo sia necessaria, utile & honorata la detta disciplina & come che ad ogn’uno faccia mestieri, & stia bene a quegli, & massimamente richiesta, i quali armati di singolar valore sono inclinati alla nobile professione della militia, alla quale questa scienza è sottoposta, guisa di disciplina alternativa, o servente, sì come la parte al tutto & il fine di mezzo all’ultimo fine è suggetto.
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| 3) The aim of fencing is the defense of self, from whence it derives its name; because “to fence” does not mean other than defending oneself, hence it is that “protection” and “defense” are words of the same meaning; whence one recognizes the value and the excellence of this discipline is such that everyone should give as much care thereunto, as they love their own life, and the security of their native land, being obligated to spend that lovingly and valorously in the service thereof.
| <p>[3] The aim of fencing is the defense of self, from whence it derives its name; because “to fence” does not mean other than defending oneself, hence it is that “protection” and “defense” are words of the same meaning; whence one recognizes the value and the excellence of this discipline is such that everyone should give as much care thereunto, as they love their own life, and the security of their native land, being obligated to spend that lovingly and valorously in the service thereof.</p>
| 3 Il fine della scherma è la difesa di se stesso, dalla quale ancora prese il suo nome, perchè schermire non vien a dire altro che difesa, e schermo & difesa sono parole di medesimo significato; onde si conosce il pregio, & l’eccellenza di questa disciplina, che ad ogn’uno debba essere tanto cara quanto ama la sua propria vita & la salute della Patria sua, essendo obbligato a spender quella amorevolmente & valorosamente in servitio di questa.
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| 4) Thence it is yet seen that defense is the principal action in fencing, and that no one must proceed to offense, if not by way of legitimate defense.
| <p>[4] Thence it is yet seen that defense is the principal action in fencing, and that no one must proceed to offense, if not by way of legitimate defense.</p>
| 4 Indi si vede ancora che la difesa è la principale attione nella scherma & che nessuno debba procedere all’offesa, se non per la via della legittima difesa.
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| 5) The effective causes of this discipline are four. Reason, nature, art, and practice. Reason, as orderer of nature. Nature, as potent virtue. Art, as regulator and moderator of nature. Practice, as minister of art.
| <p>[5] The effective causes of this discipline are four. Reason, nature, art, and practice. Reason, as orderer of nature. Nature, as potent virtue. Art, as regulator and moderator of nature. Practice, as minister of art.</p>
| 5 Le cause efficienti di questa disciplina sono quattro: la Ragione, la Natura, L’Arte & l’Esercitio. La Ragione come dispositrice della Natura. La Natura come virtù potente. L’Arte come regola & moderatrice della Natura. L’Esercitio come ministro dell’Arte.
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| 6) Reason orders nature, and the human body in fencing, is its defense, in reason is considered judgment and volition. Judgment discerns and understands that which must be done for its defense. Volition inclines and stimulates one to the preservation of self.
| <p>[6] Reason orders nature, and the human body in fencing, is its defense, in reason is considered judgment and volition. Judgment discerns and understands that which must be done for its defense. Volition inclines and stimulates one to the preservation of self.</p>
| 6 La Ragione dispone la Natura & il corpo humano alla scherma e sua difesa; nella Ragione si considera il giuditio & la volontà. Il giuditio discerne & intende quello che deve fare per sua difesa. La volontà l’inclina & stimula alla conservatione di se stesso.
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| 7) In the body, which in the guise of servant executes the commandments of reason, is to be considered in the body proper greatness: in the eyes the vitality, and in the legs, in the body, and in the arms, the agility, vigor, and quickness.
| <p>[7] In the body, which in the guise of servant executes the commandments of reason, is to be considered in the body proper greatness: in the eyes the vitality, and in the legs, in the body, and in the arms, the agility, vigor, and quickness.</p>
| 7 Nel corpo, il quale a guisa di servitore esseguisce i comandamenti della Ragione, si considera nella persona la giusta grandezza, nell’occhio la vivezza e nelle gambe, nella vita e nelle braccia la scioltezza, gagliardezza e prestezza.
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| 8) Nature orders and prepares matter, is the sketch, is the accommodation to such extent in order to contain the final form and perfection of art.
| <p>[8] Nature orders and prepares matter, is the sketch, is the accommodation to such extent in order to contain the final form and perfection of art.</p>
| 8 La Natura dispone & prepara la materia e l’abbozza e l’accommoda alquanto per ricever l’ultima forma & perfettione dell’Arte.
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| 9) Art regulates nature, and with more secure escort guides us according to the infallible truth, and by the ordinance of its precepts to the true science of our defense.
| <p>[9] Art regulates nature, and with more secure escort guides us according to the infallible truth, and by the ordinance of its precepts to the true science of our defense.</p>
| 9 L’Arte regola la Natura & con più sicura scorta ci guida per l’infallibile verità e per l’ordine de’ suoi precetti alla vera scienza della nostra difesa.
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| 10) Practice conserves, augments, stabilizes the strength of art, of nature, and more so than science, begets in us the prudence of many details.
| <p>[10] Practice conserves, augments, stabilizes the strength of art, of nature, and more so than science, begets in us the prudence of many details.</p>
| 10 L’Esercitio conserva, augmenta, istabilisce le forze dell’Arte, della Natura & oltre la scienza partorisce in noi la prudenza in molte particolarità.
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| 11) Art regards nature and sees that owing to the small capacity of matter, it cannot do all that which it intends to do, and however considers in many details its perfections and imperfections, and in the guise of architect takes thereof and makes such a beautiful model that it is thus refined, and sharpens the rough-hewn things of nature, reducing them little by little to the height of their perfection.
| <p>[11] Art regards nature and sees that owing to the small capacity of matter, it cannot do all that which it intends to do, and however considers in many details its perfections and imperfections, and in the guise of architect takes thereof and makes such a beautiful model that it is thus refined, and sharpens the rough-hewn things of nature, reducing them little by little to the height of their perfection.</p>
| 11 L’Arte riguarda alla Natura & vede che per la poca capacità della materia non può fare tutto ciò che intende di fare & però considera in molti particolari le sue perfettioni & imperfettioni, & a guisa d’Architetto ne prende & fa qualche bel modello e così affina & assottiglia le cose della natura dirozzate, riducendola a poco a poco al colmo della sua perfettione.
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| 12) From nature art has undertaken in defending oneself the ordinary step, the third guard for resting in defense, and the second and fourth for offense, the tempo, or the measure, and the manner as well of the placement of the body, with the torso now placed above the left leg for self-defense, now thrown forward and carried on the right leg in order to offend.
| <p>[12] From nature art has undertaken in defending oneself the ordinary step, the third guard for resting in defense, and the second and fourth for offense, the tempo, or the measure, and the manner as well of the placement of the body, with the torso now placed above the left leg for self-defense, now thrown forward and carried on the right leg in order to offend.</p>
| 12 Dalla Natura l’Arte ha preso, nel difendersi, il passo ordinario, la guardia terza per stare in difesa & la seconda & quarta per offesa, il tempo o la misura, sì come ancora la positura della persona con la vita, hora posata nella gamba manca per difendersi, hora spinta innanzi e caricata nella gamba dritta per offendere.
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| 13) Because without doubt the first offenses were those of the fists, in the making of them is seen the ordinary step. The third, the second, and fourth, it is yet seen, that many do the punch mostly in tempo and measure.
| <p>[13] Because without doubt the first offenses were those of the fists, in the making of them is seen the ordinary step. The third, the second, and fourth, it is yet seen, that many do the punch mostly in tempo and measure.</p>
| 13 Perchè senza dubbio le prime offese furono quelle della pugna, nel fare alle quali si vede il passo ordinario, la terza, la seconda e quarta; si vede ancora che molti sanno fare alle pugna molto a tempo & a misura.
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| 14) Against this offense of the fist, of course was found the art of the stick, and this defense not yet sufficing, iron; I believe it is, that of this material were made little by little many diverse weapons, but always one more perfect than all others, owing to the multiplicity of its offenses, to wit that the sword was discovered, the perfect weapon, and proportioned to the proper distance, in which mortals naturally can defend themselves.
| <p>[14] Against this offense of the fist, of course was found the art of the stick, and this defense not yet sufficing, iron; I believe it is, that of this material were made little by little many diverse weapons, but always one more perfect than all others, owing to the multiplicity of its offenses, to wit that the sword was discovered, the perfect weapon, and proportioned to the proper distance, in which mortals naturally can defend themselves.</p>
| 14 Contro questa offesa delle pugna, senz’altro fu trovato dall’Arte il bastone &, non bastando ancora questa difesa, il ferro; e credo io che di questa materia si facessero di mano in mano molt’armi diverse, ma sempre una più perfetta dell’altra, secondo che moltiplicavano le offese, in fin che fu trovata la spada, arme perfetta & proportionata alla giusta distantia, nella quale i mortali naturalmente si possono difendere.
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| 15) The weapons which are of length exceeding the distance of natural defense and offense are discommodious and abhorrent for use in civic converse, and the excessively short ones are insidious and with danger to life; owing to which, in republics founded upon justice of good laws, and of good customs, it always was, and is, prohibited to carry arms of which can be born treacherous and heedless homicides. On the contrary, in the ancient Roman republic, the true ideal of a good government, the use of arms was entirely prohibited, and to no one, however noble and great that there was, was it licit to carry a sword or other weapon, except in war, and those who in time of peace were discovered with arms, were proceeded against as against murderers.
| <p>[15] The weapons which are of length exceeding the distance of natural defense and offense are discommodious and abhorrent for use in civic converse, and the excessively short ones are insidious and with danger to life; owing to which, in republics founded upon justice of good laws, and of good customs, it always was, and is, prohibited to carry arms of which can be born treacherous and heedless homicides. On the contrary, in the ancient Roman republic, the true ideal of a good government, the use of arms was entirely prohibited, and to no one, however noble and great that there was, was it licit to carry a sword or other weapon, except in war, and those who in time of peace were discovered with arms, were proceeded against as against murderers.</p>
| 15 L’armi che di lunghezza eccedono la distantia della difesa & offesa naturale sono scommode & abborescenti dall’uso della conservation Civile, e le troppo corte son insidiose e con pericolo di vita; per il che nelle Repubbliche fondate nella Giustitia delle buone leggi e dei buoni costumi sempre fu & è proibito di portar l’arme, onde possano nascere tradimenti & disaveduti homicidij. Anzi nella Republica Romana antica, ov’era idea d’un buon governo, fu del tutto interdetto l’uso dell’armi & a nessuno per nobile e grande che fosse era lecito portare la spada o altr’arme fuor che nella guerra, & contro quelli che a tempo di pace si trovavano con armi, procedevano come contro omicidiali.
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| 16) And the Roman soldiers, immediately upon arriving home, put down their arms together with their short uniforms, and soldiery, and assumed again their long civil robes, and attended to the studies and the arts of peace, because no Roman exercised the body (as says Salustio) without the brain, each one attending beyond the studies of war, to each office of peace, therefore desirous, the burden of war, themselves supported, and yet immediately upon the end of war, they heard no more of captain, of soldier, nor of military wages.
| <p>[16] And the Roman soldiers, immediately upon arriving home, put down their arms together with their short uniforms, and soldiery, and assumed again their long civil robes, and attended to the studies and the arts of peace, because no Roman exercised the body (as says Salustio) without the brain, each one attending beyond the studies of war, to each office of peace, therefore desirous, the burden of war, themselves supported, and yet immediately upon the end of war, they heard no more of captain, of soldier, nor of military wages.</p>
| 16 Et i soldati Romani, subito che arivavano a casa deponevano l’armi insieme con l’habito soldatesco & repigliavano la veste lunga e Civile & attendevano alli studij & all’arti della pace, perchè nissuno Romano esercitava il corpo (come dice Sallustio) senza l’ingegno: ogn’uno attendeva oltre allo studio della guerra ad uno offitio della pace, per cui desiderio le gravezze della guerra si sopportano; & però subito finita la guerra non s’intendeva più nè Capitano, nè soldato, nè soldo nessuno.
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| 17) In these times soldiers are a greater burden to Princes and to Lords, and more so to the populace in times of peace than in war, and because they are not trained in other studies than those of war, they hate peace, and much of the time they are the authors of turbulence and wretched counsel.
| <p>[17] In these times soldiers are a greater burden to Princes and to Lords, and more so to the populace in times of peace than in war, and because they are not trained in other studies than those of war, they hate peace, and much of the time they are the authors of turbulence and wretched counsel.</p>
| 17 A questi tempi i soldati sono di maggior gravezza a i Principi & alle Signorie & maggiormente a i Popoli nel tempo della pace che della guerra, & perchè non sono avezzi ad altri studij che a quelli della guerra, odiano la pace & il più delle volte si fanno autori de turbolenti e cattivi consigli.
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| 18) But turning to our matter, I say that the sword is the most useful and just arm, because it is proportioned to the distance at which offense is naturally performed, and all arms, to the degree that they differ from this distance of natural defence and offense, are to that extent more bestial and adverse to nature, and therefore useless to civic converse; the one is the way of virtue and of true reason, and the other burdensome and coarse, from which nature never departs, keeping company with sin and ignorance, and sliding about by many routes; one is the straight line, which none but the artful knows how to do; the oblique lines are infinite, and anyone can do them. Whence in our times we see offenses and defences multiply themselves and the art unto infinity, human endeavour imitating nature from principles; and while it follows the traces thereof it is useful and advantageous to the human life, but as soon as it departs from the footprints of nature, it begins to degenerate from the nobility of its origin, and hurls itself into the snares of harmful fancy, and plunges human kind into the abyss of ignorance, leading it from the age of gold into the filthiness of mud.
| <p>[18] But turning to our matter, I say that the sword is the most useful and just arm, because it is proportioned to the distance at which offense is naturally performed, and all arms, to the degree that they differ from this distance of natural defence and offense, are to that extent more bestial and adverse to nature, and therefore useless to civic converse; the one is the way of virtue and of true reason, and the other burdensome and coarse, from which nature never departs, keeping company with sin and ignorance, and sliding about by many routes; one is the straight line, which none but the artful knows how to do; the oblique lines are infinite, and anyone can do them. Whence in our times we see offenses and defences multiply themselves and the art unto infinity, human endeavour imitating nature from principles; and while it follows the traces thereof it is useful and advantageous to the human life, but as soon as it departs from the footprints of nature, it begins to degenerate from the nobility of its origin, and hurls itself into the snares of harmful fancy, and plunges human kind into the abyss of ignorance, leading it from the age of gold into the filthiness of mud.</p>
| 18 Ma tornando alla nostra materia, dico che la spada sia arme utilissima & giustissima, perchè è proportionata alla distantia nella quale naturalmente si fa l’offesa & tutte l’arme quanto più si discostano da questa distanza della difesa & offesa naturale, tanto sono più bestiali & più avverse alla natura & però inutili alla conservation Civile: una è la strada della virtù & della vera ragione, è quella faticosa & aspra, dalla quale la Natura mai si diparte; al vitio & all’ignorantia si discorre e sdrucciola per molte vie; una è la linea retta, la quale non sa fare se non l’artefice, le linee oblique sono infinite & le può fare ogn’uno. Onde vediamo a’ nostri tempi multiplicarsi l’offese e le difese in infinito; l’arte & l’industria humana da principio imita la Natura & mentre che seguita l’orme sue è utile & giovevole al vivere humano, ma subito ch’esce dalle pedate della Natura incomincia a tralignare dalla nobiltà della sua origine & si precipita per li trabucchi della nocevol curiosità e sprofonda la generation humana nell’abisso dell’ignoranza, conducendola dal secolo d’Oro nella bruttura del fango.
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| 19) From the force of nature, art, and practice, as efficient causes of the defense of which, up until now we have treated, is born the advantage and disadvantage of arms, but principally derives from the just height of body and from the length of the sword; because a man, large of frame, and that carries a sword proportioned to his body, without doubt will come first to the measure. In regard of this, in order to compensate for the natural imperfections of those who are found to be inferior of height, I believe, that it is prohibited in certain lands to make the blade of a sword longer than another, which does not seem a just thing, that one, who is through nature superior, loses advantage still from art, necessitating to him to suffice the privilege of nature, which without manifest indignity, wanting to equalize him with the smaller, not able to take away from him in general, with bestowing a sword less long to him, than to those who are short, who by chance could have other advantages of art and of practice, which exceed those of nature, in which cases human prudence is not sufficient to provide imparticular things.
| <p>[19] From the force of nature, art, and practice, as efficient causes of the defense of which, up until now we have treated, is born the advantage and disadvantage of arms, but principally derives from the just height of body and from the length of the sword; because a man, large of frame, and that carries a sword proportioned to his body, without doubt will come first to the measure. In regard of this, in order to compensate for the natural imperfections of those who are found to be inferior of height, I believe, that it is prohibited in certain lands to make the blade of a sword longer than another, which does not seem a just thing, that one, who is through nature superior, loses advantage still from art, necessitating to him to suffice the privilege of nature, which without manifest indignity, wanting to equalize him with the smaller, not able to take away from him in general, with bestowing a sword less long to him, than to those who are short, who by chance could have other advantages of art and of practice, which exceed those of nature, in which cases human prudence is not sufficient to provide imparticular things.</p>
| 19 Dalle forze della Natura, dell’Arte & dell’Esercitio, come cause efficienti della difesa delle quali fin’hora habbiamo trattato, nasce ogni vantaggio & disvantaggio dell’armi, ma principalmente deriva dalla giusta altezza della persona & dalla lunghezza della spada, perchè un huomo grande di persona & che porta una spada proportionata alla sua altezza, senza dubbio verrà prima a misura. In riguardo di questo, per soccorrere all’imperfettione naturale di quegli che si trovano inferiori di grandezza, credo che sia prohibito in certi paesi di fare una lama di spada più lunga dell’altra, chè non pare cosa giusta che quello ch’è di natura superiore si prevalga ancor dell’avantaggio dell’Arte, dovendo bastare il privilegio della Natura, il quale, senza manifesta indegnità, volendogli pareggiare con li più piccoli, non se li può torre in generale con attribuire una spada meno lunga a loro che alli piccoli, i quali per aventura potrebbono havere altri vantaggi dall’arte & dall’esercitio che avanzassero quelli della natura; a’ quali casi la prudenza humana non è sufficiente a provedere così in particulare.
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| 20) The art of fencing is most ancient, and was discovered in the times of Nino, King of the Assyrians, who, through use of the advantage of arms, was made monarch and patron of the world; from the Assyrians the monarchy passed to the Persians; the praise of this practice, through the valor of Ciro, from the Persians, came to the Macedonians, from these to the Greeks, from the Greeks it was fixed in the Romans, who (as testifies Vegetius) delivered in the field masters of fencing, whom they named “Campi doctores, vel doctores” which is to say, guides, or masters of the field, and these taught the soldiers the strikes of the point and of the edge against a pole. Nowadays we Italians equally carry the boast in the art of fencing, although more in the schools than in the field, and in the use of the militia, considering that in these times war is made more with artillery, and with the arquebus, than with the sword, which moreover almost will not serve in order to secure victory.
| <p>[20] The art of fencing is most ancient, and was discovered in the times of Nino, King of the Assyrians, who, through use of the advantage of arms, was made monarch and patron of the world; from the Assyrians the monarchy passed to the Persians; the praise of this practice, through the valor of Ciro, from the Persians, came to the Macedonians, from these to the Greeks, from the Greeks it was fixed in the Romans, who (as testifies Vegetius) delivered in the field masters of fencing, whom they named “Campi doctores, vel doctores” which is to say, guides, or masters of the field, and these taught the soldiers the strikes of the point and of the edge against a pole. Nowadays we Italians equally carry the boast in the art of fencing, although more in the schools than in the field, and in the use of the militia, considering that in these times war is made more with artillery, and with the arquebus, than with the sword, which moreover almost will not serve in order to secure victory.</p>
| 20 L’arte della scherma è antichissima & fu trovata a i tempi di Nino Re delli Assiri, il quale per uso e avantaggio dell’armi si fece Monarca & patrone del Mondo; dalli Assiri con la Monarchia passò a’ Persiani la lode di questo esercitio, per il valore di Ciro; da’ Persiani pervenne a’ Macedonesi, da questi a i Greci, da i Greci si fermò ne’ Romani, i quali (come testimonia Vegetio) menavano in Campo Maestri di scherma, i quali nomavano Campi ductores, vel doctores, che vuol dire guide o Maestri del Campo; & questi insegnavano a’ soldati di ferire di punta e di taglio contro a un palo. Hoggidì noi Italiani parimente portiamo il vanto nell’arte della scherma, ben che più nelle Scuole che in Campo, e nell’uso della Militia, atteso che a questi tempi le guerre si fanno più con l’artiglierie e con gl’archibusi che con la spada, la quale per altro non serve che per esequire la vittoria.
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| 21) This discipline is art, and is not science, taking that is, the word “science” in its strictest sense, because it does not deal with things eternal, and divine, and that surpass the force of human will, but it is art, not done from manuals, but rather active, and serves very closely the civil science; because its effects pass together with its operation, in the guise of virtue, and being passed, they do not leave any chance of labor or of manufacture, as are employed in performing the plebian and mechanical arts, all of which, although some of them are celebrated with the name of nobility, at great length it surpasses and exceeds.
| <p>[21] This discipline is art, and is not science, taking that is, the word “science” in its strictest sense, because it does not deal with things eternal, and divine, and that surpass the force of human will, but it is art, not done from manuals, but rather active, and serves very closely the civil science; because its effects pass together with its operation, in the guise of virtue, and being passed, they do not leave any chance of labor or of manufacture, as are employed in performing the plebian and mechanical arts, all of which, although some of them are celebrated with the name of nobility, at great length it surpasses and exceeds.</p>
| 21 Questa disciplina è arte e non scienza, preso però il vocabolo “scienza” nel suo stretto significato, perchè non tratta delle cose etterne & Divine & che trapassino le forze dell’arbitrio humano, ma è arte, non fattiva nè manuale, anzi attiva & ministra molto stretta della scienza civile, perchè li suoi effetti passano insieme con l’operation sua, a guisa della virtù, & essendo passati non lasciano nessuna sorte di lavoro o di manifattura, come usano di fare l’arti meccaniche & plebee, le quali tutte, quantunque alcune di esse con il nome della nobiltà si celebrano, di gran lunga trapassa & avanza.
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| 22) The material of fencing is the precepts of defending oneself well with the sword; its form, and the order is the truth of its rule, always true and infallible.
| <p>[22] The material of fencing is the precepts of defending oneself well with the sword; its form, and the order is the truth of its rule, always true and infallible.</p>
| 22 La materia della scherma sono i precetti di ben difendersi con la spada; la sua forma e l’ordine & la verità delle sue regole, sempremai vere, è infallibile.
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| 23) But it is time at last, that gathering all up, which heretofore we have said in brief words, we come to lay the foundation of this discipline, which is its true and proper definition, following the rule from which we will guide and direct the rest of all its precepts.
| <p>[23] But it is time at last, that gathering all up, which heretofore we have said in brief words, we come to lay the foundation of this discipline, which is its true and proper definition, following the rule from which we will guide and direct the rest of all its precepts.</p>
| 23 Ma è tempo hormai che raccogliendo il tutto che fin’hora habbiamo detto in brevi parole, veniamo a porre il fondamento di questa disciplina, il quale è la sua & propria difinitione, di cui incaminaremo & indirizzaremo il rimanente de tutti i suoi precetti.
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| '''Chapter II: The definition of fencing, and its explanation.'''
| <p>'''Chapter II:'''</p>
24) Fencing is an art of defending oneself well with a sword.
| '''CAPITOLO II La difinitione della scherma & la sua dichiaratione.'''
<p>'''The definition of fencing, and its explanation.'''</p>
24 La scherma è un’arte di ben difendersi con la spada.
<p>[24] Fencing is an art of defending oneself well with a sword.</p>
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| 25) An art, because it is an assembly of perpetually true and well-ordained precepts, useful to civil converse.
| <p>[25] An art, because it is an assembly of perpetually true and well-ordained precepts, useful to civil converse.</p>
| 25 E’ arte perchè è una ragunanza de precetti perpetuamente veri e ben ordinati & giovevoli alla conservation Civile.
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| 26) The truth is a disposition of precepts of fence; it must not be measured following the ignorance of some, who teach and write owing to the long use of arms that they have; and not owing to knowledge, but rather more often they make of shadow, substance; and of chance, reason; mixing gourds with lanterns, and pole-vaulting in shrubbery; but one must esteem those who constrain themselves to the truth of its nature.
| <p>[26] The truth is a disposition of precepts of fence; it must not be measured following the ignorance of some, who teach and write owing to the long use of arms that they have; and not owing to knowledge, but rather more often they make of shadow, substance; and of chance, reason; mixing gourds with lanterns, and pole-vaulting in shrubbery; but one must esteem those who constrain themselves to the truth of its nature.</p>
| 26 La verità e dispositione de’ precetti della scherma non s’ha da misurare secondo l’ignoranza d’alcuni, che insegnano & scrivono per l’uso lungo dell’armi che hanno & non per scienza, & però il più delle volte fanno dell’ombra sostanza & del caso ragione, mescolando zucche con lanterne & saltando di palo in frasca, ma si deve estimare da sè & ristretta nella verità della sua natura.
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| 27) Their utility is manifest, because they teach the mode of defense, that is very naturally just, and honest, and that cannot be doubted to be of the greatest utility that it delivers to human life, because daily they discern it manifestly in its effects. For as much as that the sword is a commodious weapon to defend oneself in just distance, in which one and the other can naturally offend, we see that the combatants, almost always resting in the defense, rarely come to the offense, which is the last remedy for saving their life, which they would not have, if the arms were disproportionate, that is, either greater or lesser than the natural defense looks for.
| <p>[27] Their utility is manifest, because they teach the mode of defense, that is very naturally just, and honest, and that cannot be doubted to be of the greatest utility that it delivers to human life, because daily they discern it manifestly in its effects. For as much as that the sword is a commodious weapon to defend oneself in just distance, in which one and the other can naturally offend, we see that the combatants, almost always resting in the defense, rarely come to the offense, which is the last remedy for saving their life, which they would not have, if the arms were disproportionate, that is, either greater or lesser than the natural defense looks for.</p>
| 27 L’utilità loro è manifesta, perchè insegnano il modo della difesa che è molto naturale, giusta & honesta, & non si può dubitare del grandissimo giovamento che arreca al vivere humano, perchè giornalmente si scorgono manifestamente i suoi effetti. Imperocchè essendo la spada arme accomodata a difendersi in giusta distanza, nella quale l’uno & l’altro può naturalmente offendere, vediamo che restando i combattenti quasi sempre nella difesa, rare volte vengano all’offesa, la quale è l’ultimo rimedio di salvar la sua vita; il che non averebbe se l’arme fosse sproporzionata, cioè o maggiore o minore che ricerca la difesa naturale.
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| 28) The aim which separates fencing from all other sciences, is to defend oneself well, however with the sword.
| <p>[28] The aim which separates fencing from all other sciences, is to defend oneself well, however with the sword.</p>
| 28 Il fine che separa la scherma da tutte l’altre scienze è il ben difendersi, però con la spada.
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| '''Chapter III: The division of fencing that is posed in the knowledge of the sword.'''
| <p>'''Chapter III:'''</p>
29) There are two parts to fencing, the knowledge of the sword, and its handling. The knowledge of the sword is the first part of fencing, that teaches to know the sword to the end to handle it well.
| '''CAPITOLO III La divisione della scherma, ch’è posta nel conoscimento della spada.'''
<p>'''The division of fencing that is posed in the knowledge of the sword.'''</p>
29 Due sono le parti della scherma, il conoscimento della spada & il suo maneggio. Il conoscimento della spada è la prima parte della scherma, che insegna a conoscere la spada a fine di maneggiarla bene.
<p>[29] There are two parts to fencing, the knowledge of the sword, and its handling. The knowledge of the sword is the first part of fencing, that teaches to know the sword to the end to handle it well.</p>
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| 30) The sword therefore is a pointed arm of iron, and apt to defend oneself in distance, in which one and the other can naturally and with danger of body offend.
| <p>[30] The sword therefore is a pointed arm of iron, and apt to defend oneself in distance, in which one and the other can naturally and with danger of body offend.</p>
| 30 La spada dunque è un’arma di ferro, apuntata & atta a difendersi in distanza, nella quale l’uno & l’altro può naturalmente & con pericolo di vita offendere.
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| 31) The material of the sword is the iron material of defense; without doubt it is found against that of wood it suffices little to beat aside, and disdain the injury, that one does daily to another.
| <p>[31] The material of the sword is the iron material of defense; without doubt it is found against that of wood it suffices little to beat aside, and disdain the injury, that one does daily to another.</p>
| 31 La materia della spada è il ferro, materia di difesa senza altro trovata contra quella di legno, poco bastante a ribattere e schifar l’ingiurie che l’uno a l’altro giornalmente usa di fare.
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| 32) Its exterior form is that it is pointed; because if it were blunt, it would not serve to hold the adversary at the distance of natural offense.
| <p>[32] Its exterior form is that it is pointed; because if it were blunt, it would not serve to hold the adversary at the distance of natural offense.</p>
| 32 La forma sua esteriore è che sia apuntata, perchè se fosse spontata non servirebbe a tener lontano l’aversario in distanza di offesa naturale.
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| 33) Its purpose is chiefly that of defense, which signifies chiefly to hold the adversary at a distance such that he cannot offend me, which sort of defense, and natural limits, enabling it to put into action, without injury of my fellow man. And in the Latin tongue, as it is already heard said with grammatical certainty, “defend” does not mean other than “avoid”, or truly to distance oneself from a thing that can harm, if one comes too near thereunto.
| <p>[33] Its purpose is chiefly that of defense, which signifies chiefly to hold the adversary at a distance such that he cannot offend me, which sort of defense, and natural limits, enabling it to put into action, without injury of my fellow man. And in the Latin tongue, as it is already heard said with grammatical certainty, “defend” does not mean other than “avoid”, or truly to distance oneself from a thing that can harm, if one comes too near thereunto.</p>
| 33 Il fin suo è la difesa, la quale significa primieramente tener lontano l’avversario tanto che non mi possa offendere, la qual sorte di difesa è massime naturale, potendola mettere in opra senza danno del prossimo mio. Et in lingua latina, come già udij dire ad un certo letterato, difender non viene a dir altro che scansar, o ver alontanar da una cosa che potesse nocere, se troppo si avvicinasse.
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| 34) Hence the words “to defend” signify “to offend”, and strike, which is the ultimate and subsidiary remedy of defense, in case the enemy should pass the boundary of the first defense, and advance himself near to such extent, that I came in danger of coming to harm from him, were I not to take heed for myself; because of the fact, that the enemy crosses the boundaries of defense, entering into those of offense, I am no longer obligated to carry any respect for the conservation of his life, as he comes to my turn, with some arm, commodious to harm me, naturally indeed, as I say in the distance of being able to arrive to me.
| <p>[34] Hence the words “to defend” signify “to offend”, and strike, which is the ultimate and subsidiary remedy of defense, in case the enemy should pass the boundary of the first defense, and advance himself near to such extent, that I came in danger of coming to harm from him, were I not to take heed for myself; because of the fact, that the enemy crosses the boundaries of defense, entering into those of offense, I am no longer obligated to carry any respect for the conservation of his life, as he comes to my turn, with some arm, commodious to harm me, naturally indeed, as I say in the distance of being able to arrive to me.</p>
| 34 Dipoi la parola difendere significa offendere & ferire, che è l’ultimo & sussidiale rimedio della difesa, caso che l’inimico trapassasse i termini della prima difesa & s’avvicinasse talmente che io venissi in pericolo di venir da lui offeso se io non mi provedessi; perchè di fatto che l’inimico trascorre i termini della difesa entrando in quelli dell’offesa, non son più obligato a portar rispetto alcuno alla conservation della sua vita, venga alla volta mia con qual si voglia arme accomodata ad offendermi, naturalmente pure, come dico, nella distanza di potermi arrivare.
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| 35) The purpose of the sword, which is to defend oneself in the said distance, is measured in its length.
| <p>[35] The purpose of the sword, which is to defend oneself in the said distance, is measured in its length.</p>
| 35 Dal fin della spada, il quale è difendersi nella detta distanza, si misura la sua lunghezza.
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| 36) Therefore the sword has as much for its length as twice that of the arm, and as much as my extraordinary step, which length corresponds equally to that which is from the placement of my foot, as far as it is beneath the armpit.
| <p>[36] Therefore the sword has as much for its length as twice that of the arm, and as much as my extraordinary step, which length corresponds equally to that which is from the placement of my foot, as far as it is beneath the armpit.</p>
| 36 Adunque la spada ha da esser lunga quanto il braccio doi volte o quanto il mio passo straordinario, la qual lunghezza parimente risponde a quella che dalla pianta del mio piede infino sotto alla ditella del braccio.
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| 37) There are two parts to the sword: the forte, and the debole. The forte begins from the hilt, extending as far as the middle of the blade; and the remainder is called the debole. The forte is for parrying, and the debole for striking.
| <p>[37] There are two parts to the sword: the forte, and the debole. The forte begins from the hilt, extending as far as the middle of the blade; and the remainder is called the debole. The forte is for parrying, and the debole for striking.</p>
| 37 Due sono le parti della spada, il forte & il debile. Il forte comincia dal finimento infino a mezza lama & il debile si chiama il rimanente; il forte è per parare & il debile per ferire.
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| 38) The edge is false, and true. The true is that which faces downward when the hand rests in its natural position, which, turning itself out, or from inside, outwards from its natural orientation, makes the false edge. The first orientation, that is, of the true edge, is to be recognized in third, which is the position of the sword in guard, and the other, that is, of the false edge, will appear manifested in the position of third, and second, which are orientations of the sword, not in guard, but in striking.
| <p>[38] The edge is false, and true. The true is that which faces downward when the hand rests in its natural position, which, turning itself out, or from inside, outwards from its natural orientation, makes the false edge. The first orientation, that is, of the true edge, is to be recognized in third, which is the position of the sword in guard, and the other, that is, of the false edge, will appear manifested in the position of third, and second, which are orientations of the sword, not in guard, but in striking.</p>
| 38 Il filo è falso & dritto. Il dritto è quello che sta in giù quando la mano sta nella sua natural positura, la quale voltandosi in fora o di dentro fuor del suo natural sito fa il filo falso. Il primo sito, cioè del filo dritto, si conosce nella terza, che è la positura della spada in guardia & l’altro, cioè del filo falso, apparirà manifesto nella postura della quarta & seconda, che sono siti di spada non in guardia, ma nel ferire.
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| 39) I divide only the debole into the true and false edges, and not the forte, because the consideration does not occur that is made in the forte, which serves no other purpose than to parry, and were it without edge, and dulled, it would not be at all amiss, in place of point in the forte and the hilt, not only for gripping the sword, but also for covering oneself and chiefly the head in striking.
| <p>[39] I divide only the debole into the true and false edges, and not the forte, because the consideration does not occur that is made in the forte, which serves no other purpose than to parry, and were it without edge, and dulled, it would not be at all amiss, in place of point in the forte and the hilt, not only for gripping the sword, but also for covering oneself and chiefly the head in striking.</p>
| 39 Divido solamente il debile nel filo dritto & falso & non il forte, perchè questa consideratione non accade che si faccia nel forte, che serve nonad altro fine che al parare, & però se fosse senza filo e rintuzzato, non sarebbe error nessuno; in luogo di punta nel forte è il finimento, non solamente per impugnare la spada, ma ancora per coprirsi, e principalmente la testa, nel ferire.
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| '''Chapter IV: On Measure'''
| <p>'''Chapter IV:'''</p>
40) Up until now we have discussed the first part of fencing, which consists of the knowledge of the sword; now we commence to treat of the second part, which is that of its handling.
| '''CAPITOLO IIII Della misura.'''
<p>'''On Measure.'''</p>
40 Fin hora habbiamo ragionato della prima parte della scherma, che consiste nel conoscimento della spada; adesso incominciaremo a trattare della seconda parte, che è quella del suo maneggio.
<p>[40] Up until now we have discussed the first part of fencing, which consists of the knowledge of the sword; now we commence to treat of the second part, which is that of its handling.</p>
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| 41) The handling of the sword is the second part of fencing, which shows the way of handling the sword, and is distributed among the preparation of the defense, and in the same defense, the preparation, and, in the first part of the handling of the sword, that places the combatants in just distance, and in convenient posture of body in order to defend themselves in tempo; and has two parts; in the first is discussed measure and tempo.
| <p>[41] The handling of the sword is the second part of fencing, which shows the way of handling the sword, and is distributed among the preparation of the defense, and in the same defense, the preparation, and, in the first part of the handling of the sword, that places the combatants in just distance, and in convenient posture of body in order to defend themselves in tempo; and has two parts; in the first is discussed measure and tempo.</p>
| 41 Il maneggio della spada è la seconda parte della scherma, che mostra il modo di maneggiare la spada & si distribuisce nella preparativa alla difesa & nella difesa istessa; la preparativa è la prima parte del maneggio della spada, chè mette i combattenti in giusta distanza & in convenevole postura di persona per difendersi a tempo, & ha due parti: nella prima si ragiona della misura & del tempo.
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| 42) In the second is treated of the disposition of the limbs of the body.
| <p>[42] In the second is treated of the disposition of the limbs of the body.</p>
| 42 Nella seconda si tratta della dispositione delle membra della persona.
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| 43) Measure is taken for a certain distance from one end to the other, as for example in the art of fencing is taken for the distance that runs from the point of my sword to the body of the adversary, which is wide or narrow. From then it is taken for an apt thing to measure the said distance, which in the use of fencing is the natural braccio <i.e. arm length>, which measures all distances, which in the exercise of this art, has all the qualities, and conditions, that are expected of an accomplished measure.
| <p>[43] Measure is taken for a certain distance from one end to the other, as for example in the art of fencing is taken for the distance that runs from the point of my sword to the body of the adversary, which is wide or narrow. From then it is taken for an apt thing to measure the said distance, which in the use of fencing is the natural braccio,<ref>I.e. arm length.</ref> which measures all distances, which in the exercise of this art, has all the qualities, and conditions, that are expected of an accomplished measure.</p>
| 43 La misura si prende per una certa distanza da un termine all’altro, come per essempio nell’arte della scherma si piglia per la distanza che corre dalla punta della mia spada alla vita dell’avversario, che è larga o stretta. Di poi si piglia per una cosa atta a misurare la detta distanza, la quale nell’uso della scherma è il braccio naturale, che misura tutte le distanze, il quale nell’esercitio di quest’arte ha tutte le qualità & conditioni che ad una compiuta misura si aspettano.
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| 44) The measure is a just distance, from the point of my sword to the body of my adversary, in which I can strike him, according to which, is to be directed all the actions of my sword, and defense.
| <p>[44] The measure is a just distance, from the point of my sword to the body of my adversary, in which I can strike him, according to which, is to be directed all the actions of my sword, and defense.</p>
| 44 La misura è una giusta distanza dalla punta della mia spada alla vita dell’avversario, nella quale lo posso ferire, secondo la quale si ha da indirizzare tutte le attioni della mia spada & difesa.
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| 45) The narrow measure is of the foot, or of the right arm; the measure of the foot is of the fixed foot, or of the increased foot.
| <p>[45] The narrow measure is of the foot, or of the right arm; the measure of the foot is of the fixed foot, or of the increased foot.</p>
| 45 La misura stretta è del piede o del braccio dritto; la misura del piede è del piè fermo o del piede accresciuto.
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| 46) The wide measure is, when with the increase of the right foot, I can strike the adversary, and this measure is the first narrow one.
| <p>[46] The wide measure is, when with the increase of the right foot, I can strike the adversary, and this measure is the first narrow one.</p>
| 46 La misura larga è quando con l’accrescimento del piede dritto posso ferire l’avversario, & questa misura è la prima stretta.
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| 47) The narrow fixed foot measure is that in which only pushing the body and leg forward, I can strike the adversary.
| <p>[47] The narrow fixed foot measure is that in which only pushing the body and leg forward, I can strike the adversary.</p>
| 47 La misura stretta di piè fermo è nella quale solamente spingendo la vita & gambe innanzi posso ferire l’avversario.
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| 48) The narrowest measure is when the adversary strikes at wide measure, and I can strike him in the advanced and uncovered arm, either that of the dagger or that of the sword, with my left foot back, followed by the right while striking.
| <p>[48] The narrowest measure is when the adversary strikes at wide measure, and I can strike him in the advanced and uncovered arm, either that of the dagger or that of the sword, with my left foot back, followed by the right while striking.</p>
| 48 La strettissima misura è quando a misura larga ferisco l’avversario nel braccio avanzato & scoperto, o sia quello del pugnale o quello della spada, con il piè sinistro indietro, accompagnato dal destro nel ferire.
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| 49) The first wide measure is of a tempo and a half, the second is of a whole tempo, the third is of a half tempo, regarding the three distances, which according to their size require more or less speed of tempo, and this is enough to have said of measure. Following now is the doctrine of tempo.
| <p>[49] The first wide measure is of a tempo and a half, the second is of a whole tempo, the third is of a half tempo, regarding the three distances, which according to their size require more or less speed of tempo, and this is enough to have said of measure. Following now is the doctrine of tempo.</p>
| 49 La prima misura larga è d’un tempo intiero & mezzo; la seconda è d’un tempo intiero, la terza è d’un mezzo tempo, rispetto alle tre distanze, le quali secondo la loro grandezza ricercano più o meno velocità di tempo; & questo basti di haver detto della misura. Seguita hora la dottrina del tempo.
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| '''Chapter V: Of Tempo'''
| <p>'''Chapter V:'''</p>
50) The word “tempo” in fencing comes to signify three different things; chiefly it signifies a just length of motion or of stillness that I need to reach a definite end for some plan of mine, without considering the length or shortness of that tempo, only that I finally arrive at that end. As in the art of fencing in order to come to measure, I need a certain and just tempo of motion and of stillness, it doesn’t matter whether I arrive there either early or late, provided that I reach the desired place. We pose the example that I move myself to look for the measure, and that I go very slowly to find it, and that my adversary is so much fixed of body that I find it, although I have arrived somewhat late, nonetheless not at all can it jeopardize my plan; because I have arrived in tempo, considering that, as much length of time as I am myself in motion, precisely so much had my adversary fixed himself; thus my motion equals the tempo of the stillness of my adversary, and his stillness measures my motion precisely, and because in remaining in guard, and searching for the measure, is only to be considered the correspondence of the tempo, that the combatants in moving themselves, and in fixing themselves, mutually consume, that they arrive to a certain point of measure; according to this, in the said actions, the speed of the motion, and the shortness of the stillness do not come into consideration, but rather through taking the just measure, it is more useful that they go, as is often said, with a leaden sandal , with the weight counterpoised, and placed over the left leg in ordinary pace, a posture of body most apt for coming with consideration and with respect to apprehend the due measure.
| '''CAPITOLO V Del tempo.'''
<p>'''Of Tempo.'''</p>
50 Il vocabolo Tempo nella scherma vien a significare tre cose diverse: primieramente significa un giusto spatio di moto o di quiete che mi bisogna per venire a un termine definito per alcun mio disegno, senza considerare la lunghezza o brevità di quel tempo, solo che io alla fine pervenga a quel termine. Sì come nell’arte della scherma, per venire a misura, mi bisogna un certo & giusto tempo di moto & di quiete, non importa se vi arrivo o presto o tardi, purchè io giunga al luogo desiderato. Poniamo esempio che io mi mova a cercare la misura & che io vada pian piano a trovarla & che l’avversario mio tanto si fermi di vita che io la trovi, ben che io sia arrivato alquanto tardi, nondimeno niente può pregiudicare al mio disegno, perchè son arrivato a tempo, atteso che quanto spatio d’hora io mi sono mosso, tanto apunto il mio avversario s’è fermato, così il mio moto aguaglia il tempo della quiete del mio avversario & la sua quiete misura apunto il mio movimento, & perchè nello stare in guardia & nel cercare la misura solo si considera la corrispondenza del tempo che li combattenti nel moversi e nel fermarsi scambievolmente consumano, infino che arrivano a un certo punto di misura, per questo nelle dette attioni non viene in consideratione la prestezza del moto & la brevità della quiete, anzi per pigliar la giusta misura è più utile che vadino, come si suol dire, con il calzar di piombo, con la vita contrepassata & posata sopra la gamba manca in passo ordinario, positura di vita attissima a venire consideratamente & con rispetto a prendere la debita misura.
<p>[50] The word “tempo” in fencing comes to signify three different things; chiefly it signifies a just length of motion or of stillness that I need to reach a definite end for some plan of mine, without considering the length or shortness of that tempo, only that I finally arrive at that end. As in the art of fencing in order to come to measure, I need a certain and just tempo of motion and of stillness, it doesn’t matter whether I arrive there either early or late, provided that I reach the desired place. We pose the example that I move myself to look for the measure, and that I go very slowly to find it, and that my adversary is so much fixed of body that I find it, although I have arrived somewhat late, nonetheless not at all can it jeopardize my plan; because I have arrived in tempo, considering that, as much length of time as I am myself in motion, precisely so much had my adversary fixed himself; thus my motion equals the tempo of the stillness of my adversary, and his stillness measures my motion precisely, and because in remaining in guard, and searching for the measure, is only to be considered the correspondence of the tempo, that the combatants in moving themselves, and in fixing themselves, mutually consume, that they arrive to a certain point of measure; according to this, in the said actions, the speed of the motion, and the shortness of the stillness do not come into consideration, but rather through taking the just measure, it is more useful that they go, as is often said, with a leaden sandal, with the weight counterpoised, and placed over the left leg in ordinary pace, a posture of body most apt for coming with consideration and with respect to apprehend the due measure.</p>
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| 51) Next this word “tempo” is taken in the sense of quickness, in respect of the length or brevity of the motion or of the stillness. Thus in the art of fencing there are three distances, and different measures of striking, and through this again are found three distinct tempos, and here it is not wished to consider only that one comes to a certain end, but that one arrives also with a certain quickness and velocity, because the wide measure, that is, of the increased foot, requires a tempo, that is, a severing of stillness, either of movement of the sword, or of the bodies of the combatants, fairly brief, but not so brief as the narrow measure of the fixed foot; and the narrowest measure requires a fastest tempo, because each little bit that I move myself with the point of my sword, and each little bit that my adversary fixes himself, in the distance of narrowest measure, suffices me to effect my plan, because this tempo is briefest; however we will call it half a tempo, and consequently the tempo that is spent in striking from the less narrow measure of the fixed foot will come to make a whole tempo, and the last tempo, which is employed in striking from wide measure, which is of the increased foot, will be a tempo and a half.
| <p>[51] Next this word “tempo” is taken in the sense of quickness, in respect of the length or brevity of the motion or of the stillness. Thus in the art of fencing there are three distances, and different measures of striking, and through this again are found three distinct tempos, and here it is not wished to consider only that one comes to a certain end, but that one arrives also with a certain quickness and velocity, because the wide measure, that is, of the increased foot, requires a tempo, that is, a severing of stillness, either of movement of the sword, or of the bodies of the combatants, fairly brief, but not so brief as the narrow measure of the fixed foot; and the narrowest measure requires a fastest tempo, because each little bit that I move myself with the point of my sword, and each little bit that my adversary fixes himself, in the distance of narrowest measure, suffices me to effect my plan, because this tempo is briefest; however we will call it half a tempo, and consequently the tempo that is spent in striking from the less narrow measure of the fixed foot will come to make a whole tempo, and the last tempo, which is employed in striking from wide measure, which is of the increased foot, will be a tempo and a half.</p>
| 51 Appresso si piglia questa parola tempo in luogo di prestezza, rispetto alla lunghezza o brevità del moto o della quiete: così nell’arte della scherma sono tre distanze e misure diverse di ferire & per questo ancor si trovan tre tempi apartati; & qui non si vuol solamente considerare che si giunga ad un certo termine, ma che si arrivi ancora con una certa prestezza & velocità, perchè la misura larga, ch’è di piede accresciuto, vuol un tempo, cioè una perseveration di quiete o di movimento della spada o della vita delli combattenti, breve assai, ma non tanto breve, che la misura stretta di piè fermo; & la strettissima misura ricerca un velocissimo tempo, perchè ogni poco ch’io mi movo con la punta della mia spada & ogni poco che si ferma il mio avversario nella distanza della strettissima misura mi basta ad essequire il mio disegno; & perchè questo tempo è brevissimo, però lo chiameremo mezzo tempo & consequentemente il tempo che si consuma nel ferire di misura manco stretta a piè fermo verrà a fare un tempo intiero & l’ultimo tempo che s’impiega nel ferire di misura larga, che è di piè accresciuto, farà un tempo intero & mezzo.
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| 52) In the first tempo, which is that of seeking the wide measure, one does not consider the quickness of the motion and of the stillness, nor is it necessary to measure it by half of a whole tempo, which manners of tempos are only to be regarded in striking. By which thing the posture of the body in the striking is entirely contrary to that which is observed in seeking the narrow measure; because the first posture is comfortable for going little by little to find the narrow measure, and the other is bold, and with speed one hurls oneself to strike.
| <p>[52] In the first tempo, which is that of seeking the wide measure, one does not consider the quickness of the motion and of the stillness, nor is it necessary to measure it by half of a whole tempo, which manners of tempos are only to be regarded in striking. By which thing the posture of the body in the striking is entirely contrary to that which is observed in seeking the narrow measure; because the first posture is comfortable for going little by little to find the narrow measure, and the other is bold, and with speed one hurls oneself to strike.</p>
| 52 Nel primo tempo, chè quello di cercare la misura larga, non si considera la prestezza del moto e della quiete & però non fa mestieri di misurarlo per mezzo tempo intiero, le qual maniere di tempi solamente si riguardano nel ferire. Per la qual cosa la positura della vita nel ferire è tutto contraria a quella che si osserva nel cercare la misura stretta, perchè la prima positura è agiata per andare a poco a poco a cercare la misura stretta & l’altra è ardita & con velocità si avventa a ferire.
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| 53) The tempo is not other than the measure of the stillness and of the motion; the stillness of the point of my sword measures the motion of the body of my adversary, and the motion of my adversary with his body measures the stillness of the point of my sword. Now, so that this tempo may be just, it is necessary that as much length of tempo as the body of my adversary is fixed, so much is the point of my sword moved, and thus, consequently, for example: I find myself in wide measure, with a will to come to narrow measure; now I move the point of my sword to come to the said terminus; meanwhile as I move myself it is necessary that my adversary fix his body, and thus the stillness of body of my adversary is the measurement of the point of my sword; and, however, if I moved myself to strike before my adversary finished fixing himself, because the tempo would be unequal, I would move myself in vain, or not without great danger to myself. We pose the case, that both of us move ourselves to find the measure, and the one and the other give each other to intend to have found it; both going to invest themselves, intervene so that the one and the other don’t hit, because the tempo in which they move themselves to strike won’t be just, in respect of the distance to which they must first arrive; in this example it is seen that the motion of my point measures the motion of the body of my adversary, and the motion of the point of my adversary measures the motion of my body. However in the times to come, many strike each other in contra tempo, having come at the same time to narrow measure.
| <p>[53] The tempo is not other than the measure of the stillness and of the motion; the stillness of the point of my sword measures the motion of the body of my adversary, and the motion of my adversary with his body measures the stillness of the point of my sword. Now, so that this tempo may be just, it is necessary that as much length of tempo as the body of my adversary is fixed, so much is the point of my sword moved, and thus, consequently, for example: I find myself in wide measure, with a will to come to narrow measure; now I move the point of my sword to come to the said terminus; meanwhile as I move myself it is necessary that my adversary fix his body, and thus the stillness of body of my adversary is the measurement of the point of my sword; and, however, if I moved myself to strike before my adversary finished fixing himself, because the tempo would be unequal, I would move myself in vain, or not without great danger to myself. We pose the case, that both of us move ourselves to find the measure, and the one and the other give each other to intend to have found it; both going to invest themselves, intervene so that the one and the other don’t hit, because the tempo in which they move themselves to strike won’t be just, in respect of the distance to which they must first arrive; in this example it is seen that the motion of my point measures the motion of the body of my adversary, and the motion of the point of my adversary measures the motion of my body. However in the times to come, many strike each other in contra tempo, having come at the same time to narrow measure.</p>
| 53 Il tempo non è altro che la misura della quiete e del moto; la quiete della punta della mia spada misura il moto della vita del mio avversario & il moto del mio avversario con la sua vita misura la quiete della punta della mia spada. Hora, acciò questo tempo sia giusto, bisogna che quanto spatio di tempo si ferma la vita dell’avversario, tanto si muovi la punta della mia spada; & così conseguentemente per essempio mi trovo in misura larga, con animo di venire a misura stretta, hora muovo la punta della mia spada per venire al detto termine, mentre che io mi muovo bisogna che l’avversario fermi la sua vita e così la quiete della vita del mio avversario è la misura del movimento della punta della mia spada. E però se io prima mi movessi a ferire che l’avversario mio finisse di fermarsi, perchè il tempo sarebbe diseguale mi moverei invano o non senza mio gran pericolo. Poniamo il caso che ambidue ci moviamo a cercare la misura e l’uno & l’altro si dia ad intendere di haverla trovata, andando ambidue ad investirsi: interviene che l’uno & l’altro non colpisca, perchè il tempo nel quale si mossono a ferire non fu giusto rispetto alla distanza alla quale dovevano prima arrivare; in questo esempio si vede che il moto della mia punta misura il moto della vita del mio avversario & il moto della punta dell’avversario misura il moto della mia vita. Però alle volte avviene che molti si feriscono l’un l’altro di contra tempo, essendo venuti ad un tempo eguale a misura stretta.
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| 54) The tempo that has to be considered in wide measure requires patience, and that of the narrow measure, quickness in striking and in exiting.
| <p>[54] The tempo that has to be considered in wide measure requires patience, and that of the narrow measure, quickness in striking and in exiting.</p>
| 54 Il tempo che si ha da considerare nella misura larga richiede patientia & quello della misura stretta prestezza nel ferire & nel partirsi.
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| 55) The tempo of the narrow measure is lost either through shortcoming of nature, or through defect of art and of practice.
| <p>[55] The tempo of the narrow measure is lost either through shortcoming of nature, or through defect of art and of practice.</p>
| 55 Il tempo della misura stretta si perde o per mancamento della natura o per difetto dell’arte e dell’esercitio.
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| 56) Through shortcoming of nature, by too much slowness of the legs, of the arm, and of the body, which derives either from weakness or from too much bodily weight, as we see to come to men who are either too fat or too thin.
| <p>[56] Through shortcoming of nature, by too much slowness of the legs, of the arm, and of the body, which derives either from weakness or from too much bodily weight, as we see to come to men who are either too fat or too thin.</p>
| 56 Per mancamento della natura per troppa tardezza delle gambe, del braccio & della vita, la qual deriva dalla debolezza o dal troppo peso della persona, come vediamo avvenire a huomini o troppo corpolenti o troppo sottili.
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| 57) Through defect of art, when one does not learn to find the narrow measure as is necessary, with weight carried on the left leg, with the ordinary pace, and with the right arm extended, because the things must move in company in order to produce one single effect, yet they have to move in a just distance; but if the point of the sword is very advanced and the leg back, or if the leg is advanced and the arm back, then the sword will never be carried with that promptness, justness, and speed, which is required; by which, those who come to find the narrow measure in disproportionate distance of limbs, although they arrive there, nonetheless they cannot be in tempo of striking, because they would lack the best tempo of the narrow measure, which is that of prompt justness, or quickness.
| <p>[57] Through defect of art, when one does not learn to find the narrow measure as is necessary, with weight carried on the left leg, with the ordinary pace, and with the right arm extended, because the things must move in company in order to produce one single effect, yet they have to move in a just distance; but if the point of the sword is very advanced and the leg back, or if the leg is advanced and the arm back, then the sword will never be carried with that promptness, justness, and speed, which is required; by which, those who come to find the narrow measure in disproportionate distance of limbs, although they arrive there, nonetheless they cannot be in tempo of striking, because they would lack the best tempo of the narrow measure, which is that of prompt justness, or quickness.</p>
| 57 Per difetto dell’arte quando la misura stretta non s’impara a cercare come si conviene, con la vita caricata in su la gamba manca, con il passo ordinario, & con il braccio dritto disteso, perchè le cose si hanno a muovere in compagnia, per producere ad uno effetto medesimo si debbono ancor muovere in una giusta distanza; però se la punta della spada è molto innanzi & la gamba addietro o se la gamba è innanzi & il braccio addietro, mai si porterà la spada con quella prontezza, giustezza & prestezza che si richiede; per la qual cosa quelli che in sé sproportionata distanza di membra vengono a cercare la misura stretta, benchè vi arrivono, nondimeno non possono essere a tempo di ferire, perchè li mancherà il miglior tempo della misura stretta, ch’è quella della pronta giustezza o prestezza.
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| 58) Through lack of practice, tempo is lost for the reason that the body is not yet well loose of limb, or when the scholars acquire some wretched habit, going back to the vanities of feints, and disengages, and counter-disengages, and similar things thus done.
| <p>[58] Through lack of practice, tempo is lost for the reason that the body is not yet well loose of limb, or when the scholars acquire some wretched habit, going back to the vanities of feints, and disengages, and counter-disengages, and similar things thus done.</p>
| 58 Per mancamento dell’essercitio si perde il tempo, per cagione che la persona non è ancora bene sciolta di membra o quando li scolari prendono qualche uso cattivo, andando dietro alle vanità delle finte & delle cavationi & contracavationi & simil cose così fatte.
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| 59) From this, which we have so far said, everyone will easily be able to understand to be falsest that which many say, that tempo is taken solely from the movement that my adversary makes with his body and sword; but it is necessary to have equal regard for my own motion, and not only to my motion and that of the adversary, but as well to our stillnesses; because tempo is not solely a measure of motion, but of motion and stillness.
| <p>[59] From this, which we have so far said, everyone will easily be able to understand to be falsest that which many say, that tempo is taken solely from the movement that my adversary makes with his body and sword; but it is necessary to have equal regard for my own motion, and not only to my motion and that of the adversary, but as well to our stillnesses; because tempo is not solely a measure of motion, but of motion and stillness.</p>
| 59 Da questo che fin’hora habbiamo detto, ogn’uno facilmente potrà comprendere esser falsissimo quello che molti dicono, che il tempo si prenda solamente dal movimento che fa l’aversario con la sua vita & spada, ma che bisogni aver parimente riguardo al moto mio proprio, e non solamente al moto mio & quel dell’avversario, ma ancora alla nostra quiete; perchè il tempo non è solamente misura del moto, ma del moto e della quiete.
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| 60) And concluding this matter of tempo, I say that every motion and every stillness of mine and of my adversary make together a tempo, to such extant, that one and the other measures.
| <p>[60] And concluding this matter of tempo, I say that every motion and every stillness of mine and of my adversary make together a tempo, to such extant, that one and the other measures.</p>
| 60 E concludendo questa materia del tempo, dico che ogni moto & ogni quiete mia e del mio avversario fanno insieme un tempo, in quanto che l’uno l’altro misura.
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| '''Chapter VI: Of the body, and chiefly of the head.'''
| <p>'''Chapter VI:'''</p>
<br/>61) The head truly is the chief thing in this exercise; it lies indeed in its due place, because it is that which recognizes measure and tempo, hence it is necessary that it comes to be deployed in that place where it can serve as the sentinel, and reveal the land from every side.
| '''CAPITOLO VI Della persona, & primieramente della testa.'''
<p>'''Of the body, and chiefly of the head.'''</p>
61 La testa veramente è cosa principale in questo esercitio, posta però nel suo debito loco, perchè è quella che conosce le misure & i tempi, onde bisogna che venga collocata in luogo ove possa far la sentinella & scoprire il paese da ogni banda.
<p>[61] The head truly is the chief thing in this exercise; it lies indeed in its due place, because it is that which recognizes measure and tempo, hence it is necessary that it comes to be deployed in that place where it can serve as the sentinel, and reveal the land from every side.</p>
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| 62) The placement of the head, which lies in guard, and in seeking the measure, up to now is just and convenient when together with the sword it makes one straight line; because in this manner the eyes see all the stillnesses and movements of the sword and of the body of the adversary, and will recognize immediately the parts that they must offend and defend; the head being posted on the said parts, is nonetheless able to cast all the visual rays in a straight line, which they could not do if the head were borne higher or lower, so that its visual rays could not radiate from every side, and thus they would not be quick to seize or flee the tempo.
| <p>[62] The placement of the head, which lies in guard, and in seeking the measure, up to now is just and convenient when together with the sword it makes one straight line; because in this manner the eyes see all the stillnesses and movements of the sword and of the body of the adversary, and will recognize immediately the parts that they must offend and defend; the head being posted on the said parts, is nonetheless able to cast all the visual rays in a straight line, which they could not do if the head were borne higher or lower, so that its visual rays could not radiate from every side, and thus they would not be quick to seize or flee the tempo.</p>
| 62 Il sito della testa, nel stare in guardia & nel cercare la misura, all’hora è giusto & convenevole quando insieme con la spada fa una linea dritta, perchè in questa maniera gl’occhi vederanno tutte le quieti & tutti i movimenti della spada & della vita dell’avversario, & conosceranno subito le parti che si hanno ad offendere & a difendere, essendo posta la testa nelle dette parti, & però habili a gettar per tutto i raggi visuali in linea dritta, il che non farebbono se la testa si reggesse più alta o più bassa, chè non spargerebbono da ogni banda i suoi raggi & così non sarebbono pronti ad apprendere o fuggire il tempo.
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| 63) In lying in guard and in seeking the measure, the head reposes itself upon the left shoulder, and in striking it leans upon the right shoulder.
| <p>[63] In lying in guard and in seeking the measure, the head reposes itself upon the left shoulder, and in striking it leans upon the right shoulder.</p>
| 63 Nello stare in guardia & nel cercare la misura la testa si riposa sopra la spalla manca, & nel ferire sopra la destra spalla si appoggia.
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| 64) In lying in guard and in seeking the measure, the head has to retire as much as is possible, and in striking one wishes to propel it forward as much as one can.
| <p>[64] In lying in guard and in seeking the measure, the head has to retire as much as is possible, and in striking one wishes to propel it forward as much as one can.</p>
| 64 Nello stare in guardia & nel cercare la misura la testa si ha tanto a ritirare quanto sia possibile, & nel ferire si vuole spingere innanzi, tanto quanto si puote.
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| 65) In striking, the head will take care to be somewhat more to one side than to the other, according to whether one will strike to the inside or the outside, thus it will be covered by the hilt and the sword arm.
| <p>[65] In striking, the head will take care to be somewhat more to one side than to the other, according to whether one will strike to the inside or the outside, thus it will be covered by the hilt and the sword arm.</p>
| 65 Nel ferire, riguarderà la testa alquanto più da un lato che dall’altro, secondo che di dentro o di fuora si ferirà, sì che ella venga coperta dal finimento & dal braccio della spada.
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| 66) Other placements and movements of the head which are made in passing, in fleeing, and in moving the body out of the way in diverse sorts of guards, and in infinite means of striking, cannot be accepted as good ones, because they deviate from the straight line, which is called by me that which divides my body through the flank together with that of the adversary, as on the contrary the oblique line I name that which runs outside my body or that of my adversary, of one party as of the other, following the rule by which all of the play of fencing has to be that of measuring.
| <p>[66] Other placements and movements of the head which are made in passing, in fleeing, and in moving the body out of the way in diverse sorts of guards, and in infinite means of striking, cannot be accepted as good ones, because they deviate from the straight line, which is called by me that which divides my body through the flank together with that of the adversary, as on the contrary the oblique line I name that which runs outside my body or that of my adversary, of one party as of the other, following the rule by which all of the play of fencing has to be that of measuring.</p>
| 66 Altri siti & movimenti di testa che si fanno nel passare, nel fuggire & scansar la vita in diverse sorte di guardie & in infiniti modi di ferire, non possono ammettersi per buoni, perchè escono fuor di linea dritta, la qual da me vien chiamata quella la quale partisce la mia vita per il fianco, insieme con quella dell’avversario, come per il contrario linea obliqua chiamo quella la quale fugge fuori dalla mia vita o di quella del mio avversario, sì da una parte come dall’altra, secondo la regola della quale tutto il gioco della scherma si ha da misurare.
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| '''Chapter VII: Of the body.''' <i.e. the trunk>
| <p>'''Chapter VII:'''
67) In resting in guard and in seeking the measure, the body needs to be bent, and slopes to the rear, such that the angle which it makes with the right thigh is barely visible, and with the left thigh it comes to make an obtuse angle, so that the left shoulder is in line with the line of the left foot, and the right shoulder evenly passes through the middle of the pace of the guard.
| '''CAPITOLO VII Della vita.'''
<p>'''Of the body.'''<ref>I.e. the trunk.</ref>
67 Nello stare in guardia & nel cercare la misura la vita vuol essere piegata e pender a dietro a scarpa, sì che l’angolo che fa con la coscia dritta a pena apparisca & la coscia manca venga a fare un angolo ottuso, sì che la spalla manca alla linea del piè manco risponda & la dritta giustamente spartisca per il mezzo il passo della guardia.
<p>[67] In resting in guard and in seeking the measure, the body needs to be bent, and slopes to the rear, such that the angle which it makes with the right thigh is barely visible, and with the left thigh it comes to make an obtuse angle, so that the left shoulder is in line with the line of the left foot, and the right shoulder evenly passes through the middle of the pace of the guard.</p>
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| 68) In striking the body propels itself forward, so that the right thigh forms an obtuse angle with the body, and the point of the shoulder is in line with the point of the right foot, and the left thigh and calf carry themselves forward on the diagonal in an oblique line, extended to such a degree that the left shoulder divides the pace that is made through the middle.
| <p>[68] In striking the body propels itself forward, so that the right thigh forms an obtuse angle with the body, and the point of the shoulder is in line with the point of the right foot, and the left thigh and calf carry themselves forward on the diagonal in an oblique line, extended to such a degree that the left shoulder divides the pace that is made through the middle.</p>
| 68 Nel ferire la vita si spinge innanzi, sì che la coscia dritta con la vita formi un angolo ottuso & la punta della spalla risponda alla punta del piè dritto, e la coscia & gamba manca si porti innanzi a traverso in linea obliqua, talmente distesa che la spalla manca divida per il mezzo il passo che si fa.
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| 69) And when one goes to strike, the body needs to be pushed forward in a straight line, so that the diversity of striking, outside and inside, leaning somewhat more to one than to the other side, will deviate the least from the straight line.
| <p>[69] And when one goes to strike, the body needs to be pushed forward in a straight line, so that the diversity of striking, outside and inside, leaning somewhat more to one than to the other side, will deviate the least from the straight line.</p>
| 69 E quando si va a ferire, la vita vuol esser spinta innanzi in linea dritta, sì che per la diversità del ferire di fuora & di dentro, pendendo alquanto più dall’una che dall’altra banda, levi pochissimo dalla linea dritta.
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| 70) The objective of why the body should be thus angled, and this is of prime importance, is because in this way the parts which can be offended are more distanced, and more covered, and better guarded, and defended; because the more distant a target is, the more difficult it is to strike it; thus in striking the blows are carried longer, faster, and more vigorously, thus as much further away do the offenses originate, to such a degree are they safer and better.
| <p>[70] The objective of why the body should be thus angled, and this is of prime importance, is because in this way the parts which can be offended are more distanced, and more covered, and better guarded, and defended; because the more distant a target is, the more difficult it is to strike it; thus in striking the blows are carried longer, faster, and more vigorously, thus as much further away do the offenses originate, to such a degree are they safer and better.</p>
| 70 Il fine perchè la vita stia così piegata è questo: prima, perchè in questo modo più si allungano e più si cuoprano & meglio si guardano & difendono le parti che si possono offendere, perchè un bersaglio quanto più è discosto, tanto più è difficile a ferire; di poi, così, nel ferire si portano le botte più lunghe, più preste & più gagliarde, chè quanto più l’offese vengono da lontano, tanto più sono sicure & migliori.
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| 71) In addition to the bending of the body and of its form, which it takes in putting oneself in guard, in seeking the measure, and in striking, is to be considered similarly its concealment, which diminishes its length, as the bend diminishes and contracts its height.
| <p>[71] In addition to the bending of the body and of its form, which it takes in putting oneself in guard, in seeking the measure, and in striking, is to be considered similarly its concealment, which diminishes its length, as the bend diminishes and contracts its height.</p>
| 71 Oltre alla piegatura della vita & della sua forma che prende nel mettersi in guardia, nel cercar la misura & nel ferire, si considera similmente il suo scanso, il quale leva della larghezza sua, sì come la piega diminuisce & restringe la sua altezza.
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| 72) The concealment of the body needs to be such that no more is shown than the middle of the breast, not only in fixing oneself in guard, and in seeking the measure, but also in striking, because as much less of the breast is shown, so much more one goes and strikes in a straight line, and as much more is uncovered, so much more of measure and of tempo is lost.
| <p>[72] The concealment of the body needs to be such that no more is shown than the middle of the breast, not only in fixing oneself in guard, and in seeking the measure, but also in striking, because as much less of the breast is shown, so much more one goes and strikes in a straight line, and as much more is uncovered, so much more of measure and of tempo is lost.</p>
| 72 Lo scanso della vita vuol esser tale che altri non mostri più che il mezzo del petto, non solo nel fermarsi in guardia & nel cercare la misura, ma ancora nel ferire, perchè quanto meno di petto si mostra, tanto più si cammina & si ferisce in linea dritta & quanto più si scuopre, tanto più della misura & del tempo si perde.
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| 73) They who like the guards, and counterguards, and stringering, here, there, above, and below, the feints, and counterfeints, the slope paces, the voids of the legs, and the crossings, necessarily form and move their bodies in many strange ways; which, as things done by chance and that were founded in no reasons that are sound and true, we will leave to their authors.
| <p>[73] They who like the guards, and counterguards, and stringering, here, there, above, and below, the feints, and counterfeints, the slope paces, the voids of the legs, and the crossings, necessarily form and move their bodies in many strange ways; which, as things done by chance and that were founded in no reasons that are sound and true, we will leave to their authors.</p>
| 73 A chi piacciano le guardie e contraguardie & lo stringere di qua, di là, di sopra e di sotto, le finte & contrafinte, i passi a traverso, li scansi delle gambe e l’incrociate, necessariamente formano & movono la vita in molti strani modi, li quali, come cose fatte a caso & in nessuna ragione, che stabile & vera fosse fondata, consegnaremo a’ loro autori.
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| '''Chapter VIII: Of the arms.'''
| <p>'''Chapter VIII:'''</p>
74) In resting in guard and in seeking the measure, the right arm must rest somewhat bent, so that its upper part is stretched in an oblique line, so low that the elbow meets the bend of the body, and is in line with the right knee; and its lower part, withdrawn somewhat, forms together with the sword a straight line.
| '''CAPITOLO VIII Delle braccia.'''
<p>'''Of the arms.'''</p>
74 Nello star in guardia & nel cercare la misura il braccio dritto ha da stare alquanto piegato, sì che la parte sua superiore si distenda in linea obliqua in giù, tanto che il gombito scontri la piega della vita & risponda al ginocchio dritto & la sua parte inferiore, retirata alquanto, formi insieme con la spada una linea dritta.
<p>[74] In resting in guard and in seeking the measure, the right arm must rest somewhat bent, so that its upper part is stretched in an oblique line, so low that the elbow meets the bend of the body, and is in line with the right knee; and its lower part, withdrawn somewhat, forms together with the sword a straight line.</p>
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| 75) In resting in guard and in seeking the measure, the left arm together with the left thigh and calf have to serve as the counterweight of the body and the right leg; and the upper arm needs to be extended, so that it is in line with the left knee, and meets the bend of the left flank; and its forearm needs to be somewhat tucked in to oneself, in order by its motion to help to propel the body forward in striking, which it would not be able to do were it allowed to fall.
| <p>[75] In resting in guard and in seeking the measure, the left arm together with the left thigh and calf have to serve as the counterweight of the body and the right leg; and the upper arm needs to be extended, so that it is in line with the left knee, and meets the bend of the left flank; and its forearm needs to be somewhat tucked in to oneself, in order by its motion to help to propel the body forward in striking, which it would not be able to do were it allowed to fall.</p>
| 75 Nello stare in guardia & nel cercare la misura, il braccio manco insieme con la coscia & con la gamba sinistra ha da fare il contrappeso alla vita e alla coscia e gamba dritta, & la sua parte superiore vuol esser distesa, sì che risponda al ginocchio manco & scontri la piega del fianco sinistro, & la sua parte inferiore vuol stare alquanto in sè raccolta, per aiutare a spingere, con il suo moto, innanzi la vita nel ferire, il che non farebbe se stesse come se fosse abbandonato.
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| 76) In striking, the right arm needs to be extended in a straight line, turning the lower part of the hand and of the arm up, sometimes in, sometimes out, depending on from which side one strikes.
| <p>[76] In striking, the right arm needs to be extended in a straight line, turning the lower part of the hand and of the arm up, sometimes in, sometimes out, depending on from which side one strikes.</p>
| 76 Nel ferire il braccio dritto vuol esser disteso in linea dritta, voltando la parte di sotto della mano e del braccio in su, hor di dentro hor di fuora, secondo da che banda si ferisce.
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| 77) In striking, the left arm needs to be so extended that it makes a straight line with the right arm, turning it according to whether one strikes outside or inside; because each iota that one carries the arm forward, or that one fixes it in an oblique line, would significantly diminish the measure, and the quickness of the tempo.
| <p>[77] In striking, the left arm needs to be so extended that it makes a straight line with the right arm, turning it according to whether one strikes outside or inside; because each iota that one carries the arm forward, or that one fixes it in an oblique line, would significantly diminish the measure, and the quickness of the tempo.</p>
| 77 Nel ferire il braccio manco vuol essere tanto disteso che faccia con il braccio dritto una linea retta, voltandolo secondo si ferisce di fuora o di dentro, perchè ogni poco che si portasse innanzi il braccio o che si fermasse in linea obliqua, diminuirebbe assai della misura & della prestezza del tempo.
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| 78) The sword is regarded entirely as one limb with the arm, and it has to form a straight line with the forearm, which is properly aligned with the fold of the right flank, and has to divide the height and width of the body into two equal parts, because in resting in guard and seeking the measure, the reason why it will have to return properly to the fold of the flank is this: that every time that it is in this place, it will be quickest to come to the aid of all the parts that can be offended, being that the upper parts, that is, those from the top of the head down to the fold of the flank, are of a measure with the parts beneath from the fold of the flank down to the knee; and it doesn’t happen that one has to regard the calf, which being in the natural distance of the offense of the increased feet, cannot be offended without excessively leading one’s body forward into manifest peril.
| <p>[78]) The sword is regarded entirely as one limb with the arm, and it has to form a straight line with the forearm, which is properly aligned with the fold of the right flank, and has to divide the height and width of the body into two equal parts, because in resting in guard and seeking the measure, the reason why it will have to return properly to the fold of the flank is this: that every time that it is in this place, it will be quickest to come to the aid of all the parts that can be offended, being that the upper parts, that is, those from the top of the head down to the fold of the flank, are of a measure with the parts beneath from the fold of the flank down to the knee; and it doesn’t happen that one has to regard the calf, which being in the natural distance of the offense of the increased feet, cannot be offended without excessively leading one’s body forward into manifest peril.</p>
| 78 La spada si reputa tutto un membro con il braccio & con la parte inferiore del braccio ha da formare una linea dritta, che giustamente risponda alla piegatura del fianco destro & ha da spartire la vita in quanto alla sua lunghezza & larghezza in due parti uguali; però nello stare in guardia & nel cercare la misura la ragione perchè habbia a ritornare giustamente la piegatura del fianco è questa, che ogni volta che starà in questo sito sarà prontissima a soccorrere a tutte le sue parti che si possano offendere, essendo che la parte superiore, cioè quella dalla sommità della testa infino alla piega del fianco, misuri la parte di sotto dalla piega del fianco infino al ginocchio, & che non accade haver riguardo alle gambe, chè nella natural distanzia dell’offesa di piede accresciuto non si possono offendere senza trascorrere troppo con la vita in manifesto pericolo.
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| 79) The location and posture of the sword in striking is entirely one with that of its arm, turning the false edge up in striking, according to whether it strikes from the outside or inside.
| <p>[79] The location and posture of the sword in striking is entirely one with that of its arm, turning the false edge up in striking, according to whether it strikes from the outside or inside.</p>
| 79 Il sito e la positura della spada nel ferire è tutt’uno con quello del suo braccio, voltando nel ferire il filo falso in su, secondo se ferisce di fuora o di dentro.
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| 80) Take heed diligently that the point of your sword always is aimed at the uncovered parts of the enemy, which are those of the right flank and right thigh, and one must not let anybody divert one from this intention through uncovering of the left parts, which is fallacious measure and tempo, being that it may be plucked back in an instant, which doesn’t occur with the right parts, which necessarily are made targets.
| <p>[80] Take heed diligently that the point of your sword always is aimed at the uncovered parts of the enemy, which are those of the right flank and right thigh, and one must not let anybody divert one from this intention through uncovering of the left parts, which is fallacious measure and tempo, being that it may be plucked back in an instant, which doesn’t occur with the right parts, which necessarily are made targets.</p>
| 80 Avvertiscasi diligentemente che la punta della spada sempre guardi le parti scoperte dell’inimico, che sono quelle del fianco dritto & della coscia dritta, & non si lasci veruno disviare da questa intentione per lo scoprir delle parti sinistre, che è misura & tempo fallace, potendosi levare in un subito, il che non avviene dalle parti destre, che necessariamente fanno berzaglio.
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| 81) It is not good to rest in guard with the arm crouched in, because it does not cover the measure well in which I find myself; it is equally not good for seeking the measure, because the point of the sword is too far from the body of the adversary. Hence one cannot take the proper measure, thereby lacking the ability to strike in tempo; in addition to this, the arm thus retired does not have separation from the adversary of just distance, wherein he can strike me, and thus it does not do its duty. Through which the sword is chiefly found thus to not be useful in striking, because it will not be able to strike in the measure of the increased foot, which resting with its point so far from the adversary, it cannot properly take the said measure, which is so much more excellent than the narrower measures, as it is to strike the enemy from afar than from near. Furthermore it is not good for launching the blow, which together with the arm is discharged by the pressure that makes the body advance, and it is not true that the stretching out of the arm increases the measure, but rather it is done well with the stretching of the body and of the forward pace, because the weight of the forward leg and the body, while extending the arm with the sword, is poised over the left leg, on which is supported the entire body and right leg; which left leg during the launching throws the body and the thigh forward onto the right leg, which mutually form a pillar and buttress, sustaining all of the weight of the body, inclined forward to launch the blow.
| <p>[81] It is not good to rest in guard with the arm crouched in, because it does not cover the measure well in which I find myself; it is equally not good for seeking the measure, because the point of the sword is too far from the body of the adversary. Hence one cannot take the proper measure, thereby lacking the ability to strike in tempo; in addition to this, the arm thus retired does not have separation from the adversary of just distance, wherein he can strike me, and thus it does not do its duty. Through which the sword is chiefly found thus to not be useful in striking, because it will not be able to strike in the measure of the increased foot, which resting with its point so far from the adversary, it cannot properly take the said measure, which is so much more excellent than the narrower measures, as it is to strike the enemy from afar than from near. Furthermore it is not good for launching the blow, which together with the arm is discharged by the pressure that makes the body advance, and it is not true that the stretching out of the arm increases the measure, but rather it is done well with the stretching of the body and of the forward pace, because the weight of the forward leg and the body, while extending the arm with the sword, is poised over the left leg, on which is supported the entire body and right leg; which left leg during the launching throws the body and the thigh forward onto the right leg, which mutually form a pillar and buttress, sustaining all of the weight of the body, inclined forward to launch the blow.</p>
| 81 Il braccio raccolto non è buono a stare in guardia, perchè non scuopre bene la misura nella quale mi trova; non è parimente buono per cercare la misura, perchè la punta della spada è troppo lontana dalla vita dell’avversario, onde non può pigliare la giusta misura, nè manco ferire a tempo. Oltre a ciò così ritirato il braccio non tien lontano l’aversario dalla giusta distanza, nella quale mi può ferire & così non fa l’offitio per il quale la spada principalmente fu trovata; similmente non è utile nel ferire, perchè non potrà ferire nella misura di piè accresciuto, chè stando con la punta sua tanto lontano dall’aversario non potrà giustamente pigliare detta misura, la quale è tanto più eccellente delle misure più strette, quanto meglio è di ferire l’aversario da lontano che da vicino. Appresso non è buono per sparare la botta, la quale insieme con il braccio si scarica per la spinta che fa la vita innanzi e non è vero che lo stender del braccio accresca la misura, ma sibbene con lo stender della vita e del passo innanzi, perchè la gamba innanzi & la vita, nel cacciar il braccio con la spada, si posa sopra la gamba manca, sopra la quale si appoggia tutta la vita con la gamba dritta, la qual gamba sinistra nel sparare butta innanzi la vita e la coscia sopra la gamba dritta, la quale scambievolmente fa pilastro & contraforte, sostenendo tutto il peso della vita spinta innanzi per sparare la botta.
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| 82) I cannot approve of having the arm fully extended in guard and finding the measure, because it forces the sword out of the place which is proper and commodious to defend one’s own life, and to offend that of the adversary; and in striking it does not aid the body in launching the blow, and carries it with less vigor; other locations, and movements of the arm, are not desired in the play of striking in the straight line.
| <p>[82] I cannot approve of having the arm fully extended in guard and finding the measure, because it forces the sword out of the place which is proper and commodious to defend one’s own life, and to offend that of the adversary; and in striking it does not aid the body in launching the blow, and carries it with less vigor; other locations, and movements of the arm, are not desired in the play of striking in the straight line.</p>
| 82 Il braccio disteso del tutto in guardia & nel cercare la misura non posso provare, perchè sforza la spada fuori del suo sito giusto & accomodato a difendere la vita propria & ad offendere quella dell’aversario e nel ferire non aiuta nel sparare la botta e la porta con meno gagliardezza; altri siti & movimenti di braccia non desidera il gioco del ferire in linea dritta.
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| '''Chapter IX: Of the thighs, calves, of the feet, and of the pace.'''
| <p>'''Chapter IX:'''</p>
83) In resting in guard and in finding the narrow measure, the right calf with the thigh and its foot, point directly forward, and lean back in an oblique line, in the manner of a slope, and the left calf with the thigh and its foot point straight toward your left side, with the knee bent as far as a possible, so that the part inside the knee faces the point of the right knee.
| '''CAPITOLO IX Delle coscie, gambe, de i piedi e del passo.'''
<p>'''Of the thighs, calves, of the feet, and of the pace.'''</p>
83 Nello stare in guardia e nel cercar la misura stretta, la gamba dritta con la coscia e suo piede guardano innanzi drittamente & pendono adietro in linea obliqua a guisa di scarpa, & la gamba manca con la coscia e suo piede guarda dritto verso le parti sinistre, con il ginocchio piegato al possibile, sì che la parte di dentro del calcagnio dirittamente risponda alla punta del calcagnio destro.
<p>[83] In resting in guard and in finding the narrow measure, the right calf with the thigh and its foot, point directly forward, and lean back in an oblique line, in the manner of a slope, and the left calf with the thigh and its foot point straight toward your left side, with the knee bent as far as a possible, so that the part inside the knee faces the point of the right knee.</p>
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| 84) In striking, the knee of the right leg is bent so far as it can, so that the calf and the thigh come to make an extremely acute angle; and on the contrary, the left calf with its thigh is extended forward in an oblique line in the manner of a slope.
| <p>[84] In striking, the knee of the right leg is bent so far as it can, so that the calf and the thigh come to make an extremely acute angle; and on the contrary, the left calf with its thigh is extended forward in an oblique line in the manner of a slope.</p>
| 84 Nel ferire si piega il ginocchio della gamba dritta tanto quanto si puote, sì che la gamba & la coscia vengano a fare un angolo acutissimo & per il contario la gamba manca con la coscia si stende innanzi in linea obliqua in guisa di scarpa.
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| 85) The pace is a just distance between the legs, as much in fixing as in moving oneself, a point for placing oneself in guard for seeking the measure, and to strike; in regard of distance, the pace is either entirely narrow, or a half pace, or a just pace, or extraordinary.
| <p>[85] The pace is a just distance between the legs, as much in fixing as in moving oneself, a point for placing oneself in guard for seeking the measure, and to strike; in regard of distance, the pace is either entirely narrow, or a half pace, or a just pace, or extraordinary.</p>
| 85 Il passo è una giusta distanza delle gambe, tanto nel fermarsi quanto nel muoversi, atto a mettersi in guardia, a cercare la misura & a ferire; rispetto alla distanza il passo è o ristretto del tutto, o mezzo passo, o giusto passo o straordinario.
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| 86) In the use of fencing, I know of no pace so good as the ordinary, in which the body rests commodiously and carried well in guard, for seeking the narrow measure with a little increase of pace; as wanting to seek it with smaller paces, the narrow foundation is weak; it would not support the weight of the body, and would disconcert one, if not little by little, but with paces and half paces one seeks the measure, and losing the tempo, would not discharge the blow with so much speed, and if they are indeed the said good paces, they will serve outside of the measure for walking, and placing oneself in guard, and for returning into it.
| <p>[86] In the use of fencing, I know of no pace so good as the ordinary, in which the body rests commodiously and carried well in guard, for seeking the narrow measure with a little increase of pace; as wanting to seek it with smaller paces, the narrow foundation is weak; it would not support the weight of the body, and would disconcert one, if not little by little, but with paces and half paces one seeks the measure, and losing the tempo, would not discharge the blow with so much speed, and if they are indeed the said good paces, they will serve outside of the measure for walking, and placing oneself in guard, and for returning into it.</p>
| 86 Io nell’uso della scherma non fo buon passo alcuno, sol che l’ordinario, nel quale la vita sta commoda e ben caricata in guardia, per cercare con un poco d’accrescimento di passo la misura stretta, che volendo cercarla con passi più piccoli la base, troppo stretta e debile, non regerebbe il peso della vita e si sconcerterebbe; se non a poco a poco, ma con passi e mezzi passi si cercasse la misura e perdendo il tempo, non scaricarebbe con tanta prestezza la botta, & se pur son buoni detti passi serviranno fuor di misura per camminare e mettersi in guardia e per ritornare in essa.
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| 87) The pace of fencing, we will, for better understanding, name “military”, or “soldierly”, dividing it into the ordinary and the extraordinary. The ordinary is that in which one rests in guard and seeks the narrow measure. And the extraordinary is that in which one moves, lengthening the pace forward to strike.
| <p>[87] The pace of fencing, we will, for better understanding, name “military”, or “soldierly”, dividing it into the ordinary and the extraordinary. The ordinary is that in which one rests in guard and seeks the narrow measure. And the extraordinary is that in which one moves, lengthening the pace forward to strike.</p>
| 87 Il passo della scherma, noi, per miglior intelligenza, lo chiamaremo Militare o soldatesco, dividendo nell’ordinario & straordinario. L’ordinario è quello nel quale si sta in guardia & si cerca la misura stretta. Et il straordinario sale quello nel quale si move alargando il passo innanzi per ferire.
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| 88) The pace, regarding its position, is to be considered in more ways, forward, back, sideways, and diagonally, and this with the legs crossed or not, equally whether a single leg is moved or both, and whether the legs are moved to make an entire pace, either to diminish it or to change its position in order to allow the body to retreat or evade.
| <p>[88] The pace, regarding its position, is to be considered in more ways, forward, back, sideways, and diagonally, and this with the legs crossed or not, equally whether a single leg is moved or both, and whether the legs are moved to make an entire pace, either to diminish it or to change its position in order to allow the body to retreat or evade.</p>
| 88 Il passo rispetto al sito si può considerare in più modi, innanzi, adietro, da banda e a traverso, & questo con le gambe incrociate o no parimente si muove, o una gamba sola o ambedue, e si muovano le gambe per fare un passo intero, o per diminuirlo, o per mutarlo di sito per sfuggire, o scansar la vita.
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| 89) It appears to me, that there are not but two main ways of fixing and moving oneself with respect to the legs. The first way is that in which one appears in guard, and seeking the narrow measure, or avoiding it; the other serves for striking.
| <p>[89] It appears to me, that there are not but two main ways of fixing and moving oneself with respect to the legs. The first way is that in which one appears in guard, and seeking the narrow measure, or avoiding it; the other serves for striking.</p>
| 89 Al mio parere non son se non dui modi principali di fermarsi e di muoversi rispetto alle gambe. Il primo modo è quello che si aspetta alla guardia & al cercar la misura stretta o per schivarla; l’altro serve per ferire.
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| 90) I do not know that stepping sideways serves other than to make a good show, and display animosity, and to scout out the strength of the adversary; when somebody goes to put himself in guard in this fashion of stepping, you will be able to avail yourself of all the narrow and just paces, although in my judgment in this the ordinary pace still carries the boast.
| <p>[90] I do not know that stepping sideways serves other than to make a good show, and display animosity, and to scout out the strength of the adversary; when somebody goes to put himself in guard in this fashion of stepping, you will be able to avail yourself of all the narrow and just paces, although in my judgment in this the ordinary pace still carries the boast.</p>
| 90 Il passeggiar da banda non so che serva ad altro se non per fare una bella vista e mostrare animosità e per riconoscere le forze dell’avversario; quando altrui va a mettersi in guardia, in quest’occasione di caminare ti potrai servire di tutti i passi stretti e giusti, ben che al mio giuditio ancora in questo l’ordinario porti il vanto.
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| 91) Nonetheless there are those that avail themselves of this stepping to the side when the adversary is poised on an oblique line with the sword in order to stringer him on the outside, but to me it seems that it would be a more expeditious way to seek the narrow measure immediately by the straight line, which follows from the rule of the play thereof. Still, there are those who avail themselves thereof through fading back of the body, while their adversary comes to strike them encountering him in fourth, and in second, either from outside or inside, according to the occasion, but so would they be able to encounter him, having in consideration the tempo and the measure of fourth and of second in the straight line, without traversing their legs.
| <p>[91] Nonetheless there are those that avail themselves of this stepping to the side when the adversary is poised on an oblique line with the sword in order to stringer him on the outside, but to me it seems that it would be a more expeditious way to seek the narrow measure immediately by the straight line, which follows from the rule of the play thereof. Still, there are those who avail themselves thereof through fading back of the body, while their adversary comes to strike them encountering him in fourth, and in second, either from outside or inside, according to the occasion, but so would they be able to encounter him, having in consideration the tempo and the measure of fourth and of second in the straight line, without traversing their legs.</p>
| 91 Sono ancora di quelli che se ne servono di questo caminare da banda quando l’aversario è posto in linea obliqua con la spada per stringerlo di fuora, ma al mio parere più spedita via sarebbe di cercar subito la misura stretta in linea dritta che secondare il suo gioco fuor di regola. Alcuni se ne servono ancora per fuggir di vita, mentre che l’avversario vien per ferirti, incontrandolo di quarta e di seconda, o di fuori o di dentro, secondo l’occorrenza, ma tanto potrebbono incontrarlo, havendo in consideratione il tempo e la misura, di quarta & di seconda in linea dritta, senza traversar le gambe.
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| 92) The crossing of the left foot toward the right side in performing an inquartata is worthless; it causes a shortcoming, because it hinders the body and shortens the motion of the right arm in striking, with loss of tempo; the void of the right leg toward the left side from the adversary in order to perform an inquartata is equally a thing done by chance, and sooner serves for an amicable assault than for the trial or dispute.
| <p>[92] The crossing of the left foot toward the right side in performing an inquartata is worthless; it causes a shortcoming, because it hinders the body and shortens the motion of the right arm in striking, with loss of tempo; the void of the right leg toward the left side from the adversary in order to perform an inquartata is equally a thing done by chance, and sooner serves for an amicable assault than for the trial or dispute.</p>
| 92 L’incrociate del piede manco verso le parti destre nell’inquartare sono inutili e se ne può far di manco, perchè impediscono la vita e scortano il moto del braccio dritto nel ferire, con perdimento di tempo; lo scanso della gamba dritta alle parti sinistre dell’avversario per inquartare è parimente una cosa fatta a caso e più presto serve per un amichevole assalto che per quistione o contese.
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| 93) The passatas are not good, because they lose measure and tempo, because while one is moving the left leg, at the same time the torso, and the right leg, and the sword arm, cannot move to strike with due speed, nor without danger of risposta.
| <p>[93] The passatas are not good, because they lose measure and tempo, because while one is moving the left leg, at the same time the torso, and the right leg, and the sword arm, cannot move to strike with due speed, nor without danger of risposta.</p>
| 93 Le passate non sono buone, perchè perdono di misura e di tempo intanto che si muovi la gamba manca, chè in quel mentre la vita e la gamba dritta con il braccio della spada non può muovere a ferire con la debita prestezza, nè senza pericolo di risposta.
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| 94) Retreats are necessary principally in striking, because in the act of striking I necessarily uncover my body, yet as I fix myself too much it could easily occur that my adversary could make a response to me.
| <p>[94] Retreats are necessary principally in striking, because in the act of striking I necessarily uncover my body, yet as I fix myself too much it could easily occur that my adversary could make a response to me.</p>
| 94 Le ritirate sono necessarie principalmente nel ferire, perchè nell’atto del ferire necessariamente scopro la vita e però se io mi fermasse troppo potrebbe facilmente avenire che l’avversario mi desse risposta.
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| '''Chapter X: Of defense, of the guard.'''
| <p>'''Chapter X:'''</p>
95) Up until now we have dealt of the first part of the handling of the sword, in which was taught to us the just distance, and the true position of all the members of the body, which are required for defense; now we will speak of that very same defense.
| '''CAPITOLO X Della difesa, della guardia.'''
<p>'''Of defense, of the guard.'''</p>
95 In fin’hora habbiamo trattato della prima parte del maneggio della spada, la quale ci ha insegnato la giusta distanza & la vera positura di tutte le membra della persona, che si richiede alla difesa; hora parlaremo dell’istessa difesa.
<p>[95] Up until now we have dealt of the first part of the handling of the sword, in which was taught to us the just distance, and the true position of all the members of the body, which are required for defense; now we will speak of that very same defense.</p>
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| 96) Defense is the second part of handling of the sword, which trains us to employ the sword for our defense, and has two parts, of which the first is the defensive, or guard, as we wish to call it, and the other is the offensive.
| <p>[96] Defense is the second part of handling of the sword, which trains us to employ the sword for our defense, and has two parts, of which the first is the defensive, or guard, as we wish to call it, and the other is the offensive.</p>
| 96 La difesa è la seconda parte del maneggio della spada, la qual ci ammaestra di adoperare la spada per nostra difesa & ha due parti, delle quali la prima è la difensiva, o guardia, come la vogliamo chiamare, l’altra è l’offensiva.
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| 97) The guard is a position of the arm and of the sword extended in a straight line in the middle of the offendable parts, with the body well accommodated to its ordinary pace in order to hold the enemy at a distance from any offense, and in order to offend him in case he approaches to endanger you.
| <p>[97] The guard is a position of the arm and of the sword extended in a straight line in the middle of the offendable parts, with the body well accommodated to its ordinary pace in order to hold the enemy at a distance from any offense, and in order to offend him in case he approaches to endanger you.</p>
| 97 La guardia è una positura di braccio & di spada, distesa in linea dritta nel mezzo delle parti offensibili, con la vita bene accomodata al suo passo ordinario, per tenere lontano l’aversario da ogni offesa & per offenderlo, caso che si avvicinasse con tuo pericolo.
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| 98) The third then is exclusively a guard, not indeed posed with the hilt outside the knee, but so that it properly divides the body though the middle, neither high nor low, but just in the middle of the parts that cannot be covered, through being equally prompt and near to all of their offenses and defenses.
| <p>[98] The third then is exclusively a guard, not indeed posed with the hilt outside the knee, but so that it properly divides the body though the middle, neither high nor low, but just in the middle of the parts that cannot be covered, through being equally prompt and near to all of their offenses and defenses.</p>
| 98 La terza dunque è solamente guardia, non già posto il finimento fuori del ginocchio, ma sì che giustamente partisca la vita per il mezzo, non alta, nè bassa, ma giusta nel mezzo delle parti che non si possano coprire, per essere egualmente pronta e vicina a tutte le sue offese e diffese.
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| 99) The first and the second are not guards, because they are not apt for seeking the measure, and uncover too much of the body that can be offended and defended; the fourth equally shows too much of the body; it is a way of striking, and not of guarding oneself.
| <p>[99] The first and the second are not guards, because they are not apt for seeking the measure, and uncover too much of the body that can be offended and defended; the fourth equally shows too much of the body; it is a way of striking, and not of guarding oneself.</p>
| 99 La prima e la seconda non son guardie perchè non son atte a cercare la misura e scuoprono troppo la vita e non sono egualmente vicine a tutte le parti della vita che si possano offendere & diffendere; la quarta parimente mostra troppo di vita e modo di ferire & non guardarsi.
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| 100) There are three reasons which make it difficult to hit the mark, namely: the distance to the target; because it is concealed, so that one is at pains to see through the impediment of the things that veil it; and even if it is uncovered, as the danger of the blow approaches, in a moment it is possible to cover it.
| <p>[100] There are three reasons which make it difficult to hit the mark, namely: the distance to the target; because it is concealed, so that one is at pains to see through the impediment of the things that veil it; and even if it is uncovered, as the danger of the blow approaches, in a moment it is possible to cover it.</p>
| 100 Tre cause sono le quali fanno difficile il tirare a segno, cioè la lontananza del bersaglio, perchè sta nascosto, sì che appena si può vedere per l’impedimento delle cose che l’adombrano &, se pure scoperto, è che avvicinandosi il pericolo del colpo in un subito si possa coprire.
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| 101) All of these virtues are contained in our guard; because it greatly distances the target and removes so much of it, that by means of the fold and concealment of the body, most of the parts that cannot be concealed can be excellently covered; one is quick to succor them, being in equal distance, and thus walks safely to take well the tempo and measure, which thing is the ultimate perfection of the guard.
| <p>[101] All of these virtues are contained in our guard; because it greatly distances the target and removes so much of it, that by means of the fold and concealment of the body, most of the parts that cannot be concealed can be excellently covered; one is quick to succor them, being in equal distance, and thus walks safely to take well the tempo and measure, which thing is the ultimate perfection of the guard.</p>
| 101 Tutte queste virtù in sè contiene la nostra guardia, perchè allontana assai il bersaglio e ne leva tanto quanto puote mediante la piegatura & lo scanso della vita; di poi cuopre benissimo le parti che non si possano scansare, e se pure ne rimangano delle scoperte sta pronta nel soccorrerle, bisognando, in egual distanza, e così camina sicura a pigliar bene il tempo e la misura, la qual cosa è l’ultima perfettione della guardia.
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| 102) Of changing one’s guard, in guard, to me is not legitimate to speak, it not being good, if not a single guard.
| <p>[102] Of changing one’s guard, in guard, to me is not legitimate to speak, it not being good, if not a single guard.</p>
| 102 Del mutarsi di guardia in guardia non mi è lecito parlarne, non facendo buona se non una guardia sola.
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| 103) Offense is a defense in which I seek the measure and strike my adversary.
| <p>[103] Offense is a defense in which I seek the measure and strike my adversary.</p>
| 103 L’offesa è una diffesa nella quale cerco la misura e ferisco il mio avversario.
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| '''Chapter XI: On the way of seeking the measure.'''
| <p>'''Chapter XI:'''</p>
104) There are two arts to offense: seeking the measure, and striking.
| '''CAPITOLO XI Del modo di cercare la misura.'''
<p>'''On the way of seeking the measure.'''</p>
104 Due sono le parti dell’offesa: il cercare la misura & il ferire.
<p>[104] There are two arts to offense: seeking the measure, and striking.</p>
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| 105) Seeking the measure is an offense in which, in the said guard, I seek the narrow measure in order to strike.
| <p>[105] Seeking the measure is an offense in which, in the said guard, I seek the narrow measure in order to strike.</p>
| 105 Il cercar la misura è un’offesa, nella quale io, in detta guardia, cerco la misura stretta per ferire.
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| 106) There are three ways of seeking the measure; because I seek it, either while I move and the adversary fixes himself, or when I fix myself and the adversary moves, or when I move and the adversary moves.
| <p>[106] There are three ways of seeking the measure; because I seek it, either while I move and the adversary fixes himself, or when I fix myself and the adversary moves, or when I move and the adversary moves.</p>
| 106 Tre modi sono di cercare la misura, perchè la cerco o mentre io mi muovo e l’aversario si ferma, o quando io mi fermo e l’aversario si muove, o quando io mi muovo e l’aversario si muove.
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| 107) The tempo of these actions needs to be just, and equal to the final boundaries of the wide measure, upon which the tempo of seeking the measure expires, and gives rise to the tempo of another action, which is that of striking.
| <p>[107] The tempo of these actions needs to be just, and equal to the final boundaries of the wide measure, upon which the tempo of seeking the measure expires, and gives rise to the tempo of another action, which is that of striking.</p>
| 107 Il tempo di quest’attione vuol esser giusto et eguale al termine finale della misura larga, chè all’hora spira il tempo di cercare la misura & si dà luogo al tempo di un’altr’attione che è quella del ferire.
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| 108) In order that this tempo may be just, it is necessary that you have patience up until you arrive at the said distance, and move yourself earlier to strike.
| <p>[108] In order that this tempo may be just, it is necessary that you have patience up until you arrive at the said distance, and move yourself earlier to strike.</p>
| 108 Acciò che questo tempo sia giusto bisogna che tu habbia patientia in fin che tu arrivi a detta distanza e non ti muovi prima a ferire.
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| 109) For example: I fix myself in guard to seek the measure, my adversary already being entered into the boundaries of offense; meanwhile, as he either seeks the measure, or pretends to strike me, he walks with his sword, it is necessary that I fix myself as much with the point of my sword, so that he arrives to the end of the wide measure, and I not move myself to strike earlier. Because in this action his motion has to measure my stillness, and my stillness his motion, and if I had moved myself from my stillness before he had come to the edge of the wide measure, the tempo would not be just, and I would not have sought the measure well; and in conclusion this motion and stillness are equal; so that one arrives to the principle that the narrow measure is one tempo, and it does not occur, however, as quick as it may be, that it may be equal and correspondent to the final terminus of the wide measure, and thus the end of the tempo of the wide measure is the beginning of the tempo of striking.
| <p>[109] For example: I fix myself in guard to seek the measure, my adversary already being entered into the boundaries of offense; meanwhile, as he either seeks the measure, or pretends to strike me, he walks with his sword, it is necessary that I fix myself as much with the point of my sword, so that he arrives to the end of the wide measure, and I not move myself to strike earlier. Because in this action his motion has to measure my stillness, and my stillness his motion, and if I had moved myself from my stillness before he had come to the edge of the wide measure, the tempo would not be just, and I would not have sought the measure well; and in conclusion this motion and stillness are equal; so that one arrives to the principle that the narrow measure is one tempo, and it does not occur, however, as quick as it may be, that it may be equal and correspondent to the final terminus of the wide measure, and thus the end of the tempo of the wide measure is the beginning of the tempo of striking.</p>
| 109 Per essempio, io mi fermo in guardia a cercare la misura, essendo già l’avversario intrato ne’ termini dell’offesa: mentre che egli, o cerchi la misura o pretenda di feririmi, camina con la sua spada, bisogna che tanto mi fermi con la punta della mia spada che pervenga al fine della misura larga e non mi muova prima a ferire. Perchè in questa attione il suo moto ha da misurare la mia quiete & la mia quiete il suo moto, chè se io mi movessi prima della mia quiete che egli venisse al fine della misura larga il tempo non sarebbe giusto & però non haverei ben cercato la misura; e questo moto e quiete eguale infin che si pervenga al principio della misura stretta è un tempo e non accade quanto sia presto, solo che sia eguale e corrispondente a l’ultimo termine della misura larga; & così il fin del tempo della misura larga è di cercare la misura stretta & il principio del tempo del ferire.
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| 110) Many in seeking the narrow measure make disengages and counterdisengages, feints and counterfeints, stringer a palmo <a unit of measure variously from a palm’s width up to 10 inches> and more of the sword, and step from every side, and twist their bodies and stretch them, and retreat in many eccentric fashions, which are things done outside of true reasons, and found through beguiling the doltish, and make the play difficult; nonetheless stringering of the sword, when I cannot do otherwise, seeking the measure in my guard, it is only necessary that I stringer the debole of my enemy’s sword in a straight line, with the forte of mine, and this straddling it without touching, but only in striking to hit with my forte the debole of the enemy’s sword, from the inside or the outside according to the circumstances of the striking.
| <p>[110] Many in seeking the narrow measure make disengages and counterdisengages, feints and counterfeints, stringer a palmo<ref>a unit of measure variously from a palm’s width up to 10 inches</ref> and more of the sword, and step from every side, and twist their bodies and stretch them, and retreat in many eccentric fashions, which are things done outside of true reasons, and found through beguiling the doltish, and make the play difficult; nonetheless stringering of the sword, when I cannot do otherwise, seeking the measure in my guard, it is only necessary that I stringer the debole of my enemy’s sword in a straight line, with the forte of mine, and this straddling it without touching, but only in striking to hit with my forte the debole of the enemy’s sword, from the inside or the outside according to the circumstances of the striking.</p>
| 110 Molti nel cercare la misura stretta cavano e contracavano, fanno finte e contrafinte, stringono d’un palmo & di più la spada, e caminano da ogni banda, e storcano la vita, & la prostendono e ritirano in molti giochi stravaganti, che sono cose fatte fuor della vera ragione & trovate per ingannare i goffi e far difficile il gioco; nondimeno lo stringer della spada quando non posso far altrimenti cercando la misura nella mia guardia è necessario, solo che stringa in linea dritta il debole della spada nimica con il forte della mia chè quella, cavalcandola, senza toccare, ma solo nel ferire hurtare col forte il debole della spada nimica di dentro o di fuora secondo l’occasione del ferire.
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| 111) To disengage, although good, is good in the situation in which the adversary has constrained me and removed me from the straight line; in that case it would be licit, indeed necessary, to retreat, disengaging with a little ceding of my body or feet, replacing myself immediately into the straight line in order to seek the measure; because disengaging is done against stringering, and as stringering is done while moving the sword forward, thus must the disengage be done while retiring it.
| <p>[111] To disengage, although good, is good in the situation in which the adversary has constrained me and removed me from the straight line; in that case it would be licit, indeed necessary, to retreat, disengaging with a little ceding of my body or feet, replacing myself immediately into the straight line in order to seek the measure; because disengaging is done against stringering, and as stringering is done while moving the sword forward, thus must the disengage be done while retiring it.</p>
| 111 Il cavare, se pure è buono, è buono nell’occasione che l’avversario mi havesse stretto e levato dalla linea dritta: all’hora mi sarebbe lecito anzi necessario il ritirarmi cavando con un poco di cedimento di vita o di piedi, rimettendomi subito nella linea dritta a cercare la misura, perchè il cavare è fatto contro lo stringere & sì come lo stringere si fa nel muover innanzi la spada così la cavattione si deve fare nel ritirarla.
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| '''Chapter XII: Of striking.'''
| <p>'''Chapter XII:'''</p>
112) Striking is the final offensive action of fencing, in which, having arrived at the narrow measure, I move myself, with my body, with my legs, and with my arms, all in one tempo thrown forward to be better able to strike my adversary, and this is done with the feet fixed or with the increase of the pace, according to the magnitude of the narrow measure, according to whether it comes to be more commodious for me to take more of one than of the other measure; because if through my tardiness, or through the fury of my adversary, the first measure vanishes, then I could avail myself of the second, striking with fixed feet, which in this case doesn’t happen, that greatly speeding the pace, with the bending only of the right knee, it does not behoove me to seek the narrower measure, so that I had time to increase the pace.
| '''CAPITOLO XII Del ferire.'''
<p>'''Of striking.'''</p>
112 Il ferire è l’ultima attione offensiva della scherma, nella quale arrivato che sono a misura stretta, mi muovo con la vita, con le gambe e con le braccia, tutt’in un tempo spinte innanzi a più potere, a ferire l’avversario; e questo si fa di piè fermo o con l’accrescimento del passo, secondo la grandezza della misura stretta e secondo che mi vien più commodo di prender più l’una che l’altra misura, perchè se per la mia tardanza o per furia dell’avversario si dileguasse la prima misura, mi potrei servire della seconda, ferendo a piè fermo, chè in questo caso non accade che maggiormente affretti il passo che con il piegare solamente il ginocchio dritto, non mi convien cercar più stretta misura, onde havessi ad accrescere il passo.
<p>[112] Striking is the final offensive action of fencing, in which, having arrived at the narrow measure, I move myself, with my body, with my legs, and with my arms, all in one tempo thrown forward to be better able to strike my adversary, and this is done with the feet fixed or with the increase of the pace, according to the magnitude of the narrow measure, according to whether it comes to be more commodious for me to take more of one than of the other measure; because if through my tardiness, or through the fury of my adversary, the first measure vanishes, then I could avail myself of the second, striking with fixed feet, which in this case doesn’t happen, that greatly speeding the pace, with the bending only of the right knee, it does not behoove me to seek the narrower measure, so that I had time to increase the pace.</p>
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| 113) Striking is done in three ways; because I can strike my adversary while I am fixed and he moves to seek the measure or to strike me; or while he is fixed and I move in order to seek the measure; or because both of us move ourselves to seek the measure and to strike; only this is the difference, that when he moves to strike me, I strike him with fixed feet, because when he moves through the said effect, I can poorly take the just measure to strike him with the increase of pace; on the contrary it is necessary that I cling to the narrower measure, and when he moves to seek the measure I strike him with the increase of pace.
| <p>[113] Striking is done in three ways; because I can strike my adversary while I am fixed and he moves to seek the measure or to strike me; or while he is fixed and I move in order to seek the measure; or because both of us move ourselves to seek the measure and to strike; only this is the difference, that when he moves to strike me, I strike him with fixed feet, because when he moves through the said effect, I can poorly take the just measure to strike him with the increase of pace; on the contrary it is necessary that I cling to the narrower measure, and when he moves to seek the measure I strike him with the increase of pace.</p>
| 113 Il ferire si fa in tre modi, perchè posso ferire l’avversario mentre che io mi fermo e lui si muove per cercare la misura o per ferirmi, o mentre che egli si ferma & io mi muovo per cercar la misura, o perchè ambidue ci moviamo a cercar la misura & a ferire; solo questa è la differenza, che quando egli si muove per ferirmi lo ferisca a piè fermo, perchè quando si muove per detto effetto, malamente possa pigliare la giusta misura di ferirlo con l’accrescimento del passo & però bisogna che m’appigli alla misura più stretta; & quando si muove per cercare la misura lo ferisca con l’accrescimento del passo.
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| 114) In consideration of the parts of the body with respect to the sword, I strike either from the inside or outside; from inside from fourth, and from outside from second, high or low according to the exposed parts of the body of the adversary, that he gives me measure, with respect to the point of my sword.
| <p>[114] In consideration of the parts of the body with respect to the sword, I strike either from the inside or outside; from inside from fourth, and from outside from second, high or low according to the exposed parts of the body of the adversary, that he gives me measure, with respect to the point of my sword.</p>
| 114 In consideratione delle parti della vita rispetto alla spada, ferisco o di dentro o di fuora, di dentro di quarta e di fuora di seconda, alto o basso, secondo la parte scoperta della vita dell’avversario che mi dà la misura rispetto alla punta della mia spada.
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| 115) Meanwhile, as I strike, I necessarily parry together, inasmuch that I strike in the straight line, and with my body in its due disposition, because when I strike in this manner, in tempo, and at measure, the adversary will never hit me, neither with point nor edge, because the forte of my sword goes in a straight line, and comes to cover all of my body.
| <p>[115] Meanwhile, as I strike, I necessarily parry together, inasmuch that I strike in the straight line, and with my body in its due disposition, because when I strike in this manner, in tempo, and at measure, the adversary will never hit me, neither with point nor edge, because the forte of my sword goes in a straight line, and comes to cover all of my body.</p>
| 115 Mentre che io ferisco paro necessariamente insieme, in quanto che io ferisco in linea dritta e con la persona nella debita dispositione: perchè quando ferisco in questa maniera, a tempo & a misura, l’avversario mai mi ferirà, nè di punta nè di taglio, perchè il forte della mia spada camina in linea diritta & tiene a coprire tutta la mia vita.
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| 116) The edge is of little moment, because I cannot strike with the edge in the said distance of the narrow measure, without entirely uncovering myself and giving the measure and tempo to my adversary to strike me, because of the compass of the arm and of the sword which I make, and although some usefulness is found in the cut, nonetheless in the same measure in the very same tempo more can be shown in the thrust.
| <p>[116] The edge is of little moment, because I cannot strike with the edge in the said distance of the narrow measure, without entirely uncovering myself and giving the measure and tempo to my adversary to strike me, because of the compass of the arm and of the sword which I make, and although some usefulness is found in the cut, nonetheless in the same measure in the very same tempo more can be shown in the thrust.</p>
| 116 Il taglio è di poco momento, perchè non posso ferire di taglio nelle dette distanze della misura stretta che, per il giro del braccio e della spada ch’io fo, non mi scuopra tutto e non dia misura & tempo all’avversario di ferirmi; & se pure si trova qualche utilità di taglio non è però che nella medesima misura & nell’istesso tempo non si possa mostrare una maggior della punta.
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| 117) But without a trace of doubt, on horseback it is better to strike with the cut than the thrust, because my legs are carried by another’s, and thus I am not commodious to seek the measure and the tempo, which are apt for propelling forward the body and the arm, but it is indeed true that I can wheel my arm about to my satisfaction, which is a proper motion to strike with the edge.
| <p>[117] But without a trace of doubt, on horseback it is better to strike with the cut than the thrust, because my legs are carried by another’s, and thus I am not commodious to seek the measure and the tempo, which are apt for propelling forward the body and the arm, but it is indeed true that I can wheel my arm about to my satisfaction, which is a proper motion to strike with the edge.</p>
| 117 Ma senza punto di dubio a cavallo è meglio ferir di taglio che di punta, perchè mi portano le gambe altrui & così non son accomodato a cercar la misura & il tempo che si conviene per spinger innanzi la vita & il braccio, ma è ben vero che io posso girar il braccio a mio beneplacito, che è moto proprio a ferir di taglio.
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| class="noline" | '''Chapter XIII: Of the dagger.'''
| class="noline" | <p>'''Chapter XIII:'''</p>
Of the dagger it will suffice us in this brief chapter to record only that it has been found better for saving oneself, in case the adversary, while I throw a blow without attending to the parrying, threw one at me where it turned more commodious to him, than for one to be unable to employ the dagger in order to avert the risposta. And as all commodious things delivered carry along some incommodious ones, still thus did it happen to the play of the dagger, which one cannot employ without uncovering somewhat more of the body, and shortening a little the line while striking. This is the end of the dagger, but the art is deviated thereby from its chief aim, given to it as it is done with the sword, various effects which may be better put into action with the single sword, without going on further at such length.
| class="noline" | '''CAPITOLO XIII Del pugnale.'''
<p>'''Of the dagger.'''</p>
118 Del pugnale ci basterà in questo breve capitolo ricordar solamente che sia stato trovato per salvarsi meglio, caso che l’avversario mentre che io sparo la botta senza attendere al parare mi tirasse dove li tornasse più commodo che meglio non si può adoprare il pugnale che per schivare la risposta. E sì come tutti i commodi arrecano & apportano qualche incommodo, così è avvenuto al gioco del pugnale, il quale non si puo adoprare senza scoprire alquanto più la vita e scortare un poco la linea nel ferire. Questo è il fine del pugnale, ma l’arte, disviata poi dalla sua prima mira, diede a esso, sì come fece ancora alla spada, diversi effetti, i quali meglio con la spada sola si metterebbono in opera, senza andar dietro a tante lunghezze.
<p>Of the dagger it will suffice us in this brief chapter to record only that it has been found better for saving oneself, in case the adversary, while I throw a blow without attending to the parrying, threw one at me where it turned more commodious to him, than for one to be unable to employ the dagger in order to avert the risposta. And as all commodious things delivered carry along some incommodious ones, still thus did it happen to the play of the dagger, which one cannot employ without uncovering somewhat more of the body, and shortening a little the line while striking. This is the end of the dagger, but the art is deviated thereby from its chief aim, given to it as it is done with the sword, various effects which may be better put into action with the single sword, without going on further at such length.</p>
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Ridolfo Capo Ferro da Cagli
Born 16th century
Died 17th century
Occupation Fencing master
Patron Federico Ubaldo della Roevere
Influences Camillo Aggrippa
Influenced Sebastian Heußler
Genres Fencing manual
Language Italian
Notable work(s) Gran Simulacro dell'Arte e dell'Uso della Scherma (1610)
Concordance by Michael Chidester

Ridolfo Capo Ferro da Cagli (Ridolfo Capoferro, Rodulphus Capoferrus) was a 17th century Italian fencing master. He seems to have been born in the town of Cagli in Urbino and was a resident of Siena, Tuscany. Little is known about the life of this master, though the dedication to Federico Ubaldo della Roevere, the young son of Duke Francesco Maria Feltrio della Roevere, may indicate that he was associated with the court at Urbino in some capacity. The statement at the beginning of Capo Ferro's treatise describing him as a "master of the great German nation"[1] likely signifies that he was faculty at the University of Siena, either holding a position analogous to dean of all German students, or perhaps merely the fencing master who taught the German students.

Capo Ferro authored a fencing manual on the rapier entitled Gran Simulacro dell'Arte e dell'Uso della Scherma ("Great Representation of the Art and Use of Fencing"); it was published in Siena in 1610 and refers to Federico by the ducal title. Though this treatise is highly praised by modern fencing historians, it is neither comprehensive nor particularly innovative and does not seem to have been terribly influential in its own time.


Additional Resources

  • Capo Ferro, Ridolfo. Italian Rapier Combat: Ridolfo Capo Ferro's 'Gran Simulacro'. Ed. Jared Kirby. London: Greenhill Books, 2004. ISBN 978-1853675805
  • Capo Ferro, Ridolfo. Rapier: The Art and Use of Fencing by Ridolfo Capo Ferro. Trans. Nick S. Thomas. SwordWorks, 2007. ISBN 978-1906512279
  • Leoni, Tom. Ridolfo Capoferro's The Art and Practice of Fencing: A Practical Translation for the Modern Swordsman. Wheaton, IL: Freelance Academy Press, 2011. ISBN 978-0-9825911-9-2
  • Garcia-Salmones, Eugenio. Ridolfo Capoferro, "Gran simulacro del arte y del uso de la esgrima", Traduccion al castellano. Editorial Sacauntos, 2009. ISBN 978-84-937207-0-4


  1. Capo Ferro da Cagli, Ridolfo. Gran Simulacro dell'Arte e dell'Uso della Scherma. Siena, 1610. p 1.
  2. I.e. arm length.
  3. I.e. the trunk.
  4. a unit of measure variously from a palm’s width up to 10 inches