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Johannes Lecküchner/No illustrations

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The typical Wiktenauer style is to break up the Recital into verses in a standard fashion according to their rhyme scheme. In the case of Lecküchner, however, the Recital is already broken into discrete lines in most extant copies, but the precise separation varies from copy to copy. The format of the various copies has therefore been preserved in this table in order to allow comparison (even though that means leaving the Vienna version completely un-separated).

This table includes the Lew gloss for comparison, to show the places where Lecküchner borrowed from it. The transcription of the Augsburg version is used since it's oldest known copy, but this was probably not the one that Lecküchner referenced.

Partial Translation (from the Heidelberg) Unfinished translation
by Grzegorz Żabiński, Russell A. Mitchell, Falko Fritz

Draft Translation (from the Munich) Draft translation
by Grzegorz Żabiński, Russell A. Mitchell, Falko Fritz

Augsburg Lew (1460s) [edit]
Transcribed by Dierk Hagedorn

Salzburg Version (1491) [edit]
Transcribed by Dierk Hagedorn

Heidelberg Version (1478) [edit]
Transcribed by Grzegorz Żabiński, Russell A. Mitchell, Falko Fritz

Munich Version Ⅰ (1482) [edit]
Transcribed by Carsten Lorbeer, Julia Lorbeer, Johann Heim, Robert Brunner, Alex Kiermayer

Vienna Version (1512) [edit]
Transcribed by Dierk Hagedorn

Glasgow Version (1533) [edit]

Dresden (Mair) Version (1542) [edit]
Transcribed by Pierre-Henry Bas

Vienna (Mair) German Version (1550s) [edit]

Munich (Mair) Version (1540s) [edit]

Vienna (Mair) Latin Version (1550s) [edit]

Munich Version Ⅱ (1556) [edit]

[1] This is the art and charter on the Messer of Sir Hans Leckuchner of Nürnberg, which he did and put together himself, the text and the explanation of it.

This is the art and charter on the Messer of Sir Hans Leckuchner of Nürnberg, which he did and put together himself, the text and the explanation of it to His Highness Prince and Duke Philip, Count Palatine of Rhein, Arch-Cup-bearer and Prince Elector, and Duke in Bavaria.


The foreword

Pay attention on the following
As far as Messer fencing is concerned
Learn things that decorate you
And reward in friendly and in serious combat
By means of that you frighten
and edify skillfully the masters

Here begins the foreword on the Messer and states that who wants to fight well with the Messer, should learn the proper art and obey to this art and skill written below. This way, he will be able to stand with the rightful art in front of the princes and lords, and his art will be better rewarded to him than to other masters who do not know these things and cannot perform them. Namely, there are many masters of the sword who do not know the art of the Messer and cannot excogitate it properly. Who is able to perform this thing and this art, there are numerous serious elements by which he can beat the masters well and skillfully force them so that they must let themselves be beaten, thrust, led, thrown and held against their wish.

[2r.2]  Dye vor red.

Ob dw wild achten
Messer vechten betrachten
So leren dinck daß dich zyrtt
Zw schympff zu ernest hofirtt
Da mit dw erschreckest
Und dy meyster kunstenlich erbeckest

Hye hebt sich an dy vor rede ym messer und sagtt wer woll vechten ym messer das er soll lerenen [2v.1] rechte kunst und sich geben auff dyse nach geschriben art und kûnst so mag er wol pestan mitt rechter kunst vor fuersten und vor herren ym soll aych pillicher seyner kunst paß geluenet werden den anderen meysteren dye dyser dinck nicht wyssen und sich nicht dar eyn kunnen schicken wann eß syn vill meysteren des swercz dye nicht wyssen von der artt deß messers noch rechtt aussynnen mugen wer sich aber yn dyse ding und artt schicken kann der findt vill ernestlicher stuck da mit er dy meyster wol mag uff wecken und kunstenlichen weschlyssen daß sy sich an danck schlagen stossen fueren werffen halten mussen lassen Sequitur textus

[138r] Der zetel des Duseggen Fechtens

Ob du Nimpst acht
das duseggen fechten recht betracht
So lern dinng das dich ziert
zu schinpff zu Ernst hofiert
Damit du Erschreckest
die Maisterfrey kunstlich erweckest

Wellicher will Lernen Fechten Inn Duseggen. der soll Lernen rechte Kumst / vnnd sich geben auf dise Nachgeschribne Art. So mag Er wol bestan vor fursten vnnd herzen. Im soll auch seinner Kunnst billich bas gelonnt werden dann anndern Mai= [138v.1] stern die des dinngs nit wissen. Vnnd. sy nit kinden darem schicken wann es seind vil Maister des schwerts die nichts wissen der Art des duseggen. noch recht auszinnen mögen. Wer sich Inn diese dinng vnnd art schicken kann. der finndt vil ernnstliche stuckh dar Inn er die Maister wol mag aufwecken. vnnd kunnstlich beschliessen. das sy sich on danck schlagen. stossen. fieren. werffen vnnd hallten muessen lassen.


Who displaces only
Will be hurt by the entire art

Here the master ended the foreword and now he gives you a good teaching. Understand it this way: when you come to a man in the Zufechten, you should not stand still with the Messer and wait for his strokes. That is because the swordsmen who only want to displace are beaten a lot, because as they try to displace, they cannot perform any rightful art and this way, as they do not want to do anything but displace and they want to look at other men’s strokes and work, they are beaten and weakened in spite of their entire art.

[1r.3] Wer newer versetzet
Mit allen kunsten wirt er geletzet

So nw der meyster geendet hatt dy vor rede nw gibt er dir ein gutte ler dy verste alzo Wenn dw mit dem zwuechten ze dem man kumbst so soltu nicht stil sten mit dem messer vnd seynen heẅen nach wortten wenn dy vechter dy newer wellen versetzen dy werden ser geschlagen wann dy weil sy versetzen mügen sy [1v.1] kain rechte kunst treyben vnd so sy anders nicht thun wollen dan versetzen vnd auff ander lewt schleg vnd erbeyt wollen sehen So werden sy geschlagen vnd geswecht bey allen iren kunsten.


“Simultaneously,” “before” and “after,” these words
are the keep of the entire art
“Weak” and “strong”-check them wisely
So that you are fencing skillfully

Here the master states and announces the base of the Messer fencing and says: “simultaneously,” “before” and “after,” etc. You should understand it this way that you should learn properly before all other things these two things, that is the “before” and the “after” and the “strong” and the “weak,” and the word “simultaneously,” as the base of the entire art of fencing comes therefrom. And if you learn and understand these things properly, and additionally you do not forget the word “simultaneously” in all the elements you have performed, you can be well a good master of the Messer and you can teach the princes and lords so that they stand well with the rightful art in friendly and in serious combat.

[04v] Das ist das du vor allen dingen solt recht vernemen vnd versteen die zwej dinck das ist das vor vnd das nach vnd swech vnd stercke vnd das wort Indes Wann daraus kommet der gantz grůnt aller kůnst des vechtens Wann du die dinck recht vernÿmpst vnd versteest. Vnde [05r.1] Zu vorauß des wortz Indes nicht vergissest In allen stucken die du treibest So pistu wol ein gutter maister des swertz vnd machst wol lernen fürsten vnd herren das sie mit rechter kůnst des swertz mügen besteen Inn schimpff vnd In ernst etc.

[46v.2] Indes / vor / vnd noch / die wort
Sin aller kuenst ein hort
Schwech / vnd sterck / prieff wißlich
Ob du wilt vechten kuenstlich

Hie saget der meinster vnd meldett den gruent des messers vechten vnd sprichtt Indeß vor vnd noch etc Daß soltu also verstan daß du vor allen dingen recht vernemen solt die zweÿ ding dz ist daß vor vnd noch vnd die schwech vnd sterck vnd daß wort indeß wan darueß kuemptt aller gruentt aller der künst deß messers vechtens vnd [47r.1] wen dü die ding recht vernÿempst vnd verstoest vnd zue vor an daß wortt Indes nit vergist In allen stuecken die du triben bist So magstu wol eyen guetter meinster deß messers sin vnd magst fuersten vnd heren leren dz sie mit rechter kuenst woll besten In schÿmff vnd In ernst ~

[3r.2] Yndeß vor und nach dy wortt
Seyn aller kunst eyn hortt
Swech und sterck prueff weyslich
So dw wild vechten kunstenlich

Hye sagt der meyster und meldt [3v.1] den gruntt deß messer vechtenß und spricht ÿndes vor und nach etc Daß soltu alzo verstan daß dw vor allen dingen recht vernemen sollt dy czwen dyng daß ist daß vor und daß nach und dy swech und dy sterck und daß wortt yndeß wann dar auß kumbt aller grund aller der künst deß vechtenß und wenn dw dy ding recht vernymbst und verstest und zw vor an deß worcz yndeß nicht vergist yn allen stucken dy dw treyben pist So magst dw wol eyn gutter meyster deß messerß seyn und magst leren fursten und herren daß sy mit rechter kunst wol bestan yn schympff und yn ernest etc


Then, the “before” is that if you are coming with a stroke sooner than he so that he has to displace. So work “simultaneously” skillfully with the Messer in front of you or with other elements and do not let him come to any work afterwards. This way, you have acquired the “before.”

[3v.2] Item daß vor ist do dw ee kumbst mit dem haw den er daß er dir verseczen müß So erbayt yndeß behentlich fuer dich mit dem messer oder mit andern stucken und laß yn dar nach zw kayner erbait kummen [4r.1] alzo hastu ym an gebunnen daß vor

[139r.2] Das vor

Item das vor Ist so du Ehe kumpst Mit dem Duseggen oder mit dem haw dann er. das er dir versetzen muosz. so ar= [139v.1] bait Indes behenndigclich mit dem Duseggen fur dich oder sunnst mit anndern stuckhen vnnd lasz In darnach zu kainner arbait kummen also hastu Im abgenommen das vor.


And if he comes sooner than you with the work or with the stroke and you have to displace it, work “simultaneously” skillfully with the Messer or otherwise with the elements. This way, you take the “before” from him with your “after,” and this is called the “before” and “after.”

[05r.3] Item wann er ee kommet mit dem hawe dann du das du Im versetzen [05v.1] můst so arbeit Indes mit versatzung behendiglich mit dem swert oder sunst So benÿmpstu Im das vor mit dem nach Das heist vor vnd nach etc.


Then, you should also know before all other things the “weak” and the “strong” of the Messer. Be aware that from the hilt to the middle of the Messer there is the “strong” and from the middle down to the point there is the “weak.” And how you should fence therefrom, you find written afterwards, and also what the word “simultaneously” is.


Learn six strokes
first-hand against the defense
Put the left hand on the back or
on the chest if you want to twitch the defense

Here teaches the master how one should hold himself in the Messer fencing and how one should prepare to it. And firstly, you should fence with one hand with the Messer and you should have the other one on the back. If you want to fight with the empty hand, as in Messer-taking, grasping, clenching the arms etc., you should turn the hand from the back to the chest when you want to perform something on him on the inside over the arm.

[47r.5] Sechs heulb lere
Aus eyner hant wider die were

[47v.1] Die linck hant leg vff den rucken
Vff die prust wiltu verzucken

Hie lert der meinster wie man sich schuecken sol in dem vechten deß messers vnd wie man sich darin schuecken sol vnd zuem ersten soltu mit eyner hant fechten mit dem messer vnd die ander vff dem ruecken halten Ob du aber willt mit lerer hant vechten als mit messer nemen vber grieffen arm beschlueßen etc So soltu die hant von dem rueck vff die bruest wenden waß du wiltt Inlbendig uber den arm triben etc

[4r.4] Sechs hew lere
Auß eyner handt wyder dy were
Dy linck handt leg auff die rucken

[4v.1] Auff dye prüst wiltu wer czucken

Hye lert der meyster wye man sych halten sol yn dem vechten deß messerß und wye man sich dar eyn sol[1] schicken und züm ersten söltu mit eyner hendt vechten mit dem messer und dy ander soltu auff dem rück haben ob dw aber wild mit lerer hand vechten alz mit messer nemen ubergreiffen arm beschlyssen etc So solt dw dy hand von dem rück auff dy prust wenden waß dw ym wild ynbendig vber den armen treyben etc

[1v.6] Sechs hew lere
Auß eyner handt wyder dy were

[2r.1] Dy linck handt leg auff den rucken
Auff dy prust wiltu were zucken

Hye lert der meyster wye man sich halten sol yn dem vechten des messer vnd wye man sich dar ein sol schicken vnd zum ersten So soltu mit eyner hendt vechten mit dem messer vnd dy ander soltu auff dem ruck haben ob dw aber wildt mit lerer handt vechten alz mit messer nemen vber greffyen arme beschlissenSo soltu dy handt von dem ruck auff dy prust wenden waß dw ym wildt ynbendig vber den arme treyben


Secondly, the six hidden strokes are described and mentioned in the text, from that many good elements come, if one can perform them right and know how to prepare them skillfully. And how you should perform them with three elements, you will be taught afterwards.

[6r.2] Merck das sein funff verporgene hew Wer die mit rechter kunst on schaden prechen kan Der wirt gelobet von andern maistern vnd ist billich das Im seiner kunst pas gelonet sol werden denn einem andern Vnd wie du die hewe hawen solt mit dreien stucken Das vindestu alles hernach geschrieben etc.


The Zornhau, Wecker
Entrüsthau, Zwinger,
Geferhau with Wincker

Here the master names the six hidden strokes, as each is called with its name, so that you can learn the elements in a better way. And he says that the first is called the Zornhau, the other the Wecker, the third the Entrüsthau, the fourth the Zwinger, the fifth the Geferhau and the sixth is called the Wincker. These are the six elements and are the main elements, as you will see afterwards.

[6v.2] Merck hie werden dir genant die rechten haubtstuck der kunst des swerts wie sie heissen yeglichs mit seinem namen Darümb das du desterpas vernemen vnd versteen könnest Merck des ersten die funff hewe [7r.1] Der erst haisset der zorn haw Der ander der krůmpp haw Der dritt der zwer haw Der vierd der schilhaw Der funfft der schaittler haw


The Bastei, displace
Draw after, overrun and set off
The change through, twitch
Run through, press the cutting off
Run off, take over
Go through, bow, take the defense
Hang, the windings against the openings
Strike the stroke from below, learn to discourage

Here the master lists the other main elements: these are seventeen. The first are the four guards-they are referred to as the text says: the Bastei.

[7r.2] Das erst sein die vier huten

[5r.2b] Dy pasteyn, versecz
Nachrayß, uberlauff, und absecz
Den wechsel, durchczuck
Lauff durch, dy abschnydt, druck

[5v.1] Ablauff, penymb
Durchgee, pogen, dy wer nymb
Heng, dy wind, gen plossen
Slag, dy straych ler verdrossen

Hye czelt der meyster dy andren hawbt stuck der seyn sybenczehen daß erst Das erst seyn dy vyer leger dy werden peruert so der text sprich dy pasteyn du

[2r.4] Dy pasteyn versetz
Nachrayß vberlauff vnd absetz
Den wechsel durch / zuck
Lauff durch dy abschneydt druck
Ablauff benym
Durchge pogen dy wer nymb
Heng dy winden gen plōssen

[2v.1] Schlag dy straych: ler verdrossen

Hye zelt der meyster dy anderen hawbtstuck Der seyn sibenzehen Das erst seyn dy vyer leger dy werden werürt So der text spricht dy pasteyen


Then, the other element is called displacing-it is referred to as the text says: displace.

[7r.3] Das ander die vier versetzen


Then, the third are the drawing after-it is referred to as it is said: drawing after.

[7r.4] Das dritt das nachreissen


Then, the fourth are overrunning-it is referred to as it is said: run over.

[7r.5] Das vierde das überlauffen


Then, the fifth are setting off-it is referred to as it is said: set off.

[7r.6] Das fünfft das absetzen


Then, the sixth are changing through-the master refers to it as he says: change through.

[7r.7] Das sechst das durchwechseln


Then, the seventh is called twitching-it is referred to as he says: twitch.

[7r.8] as sibend das zucken


Then, the eighth are running through-they are referred to as it is said: run through.

[7r.9] Das acht das durchlauffen


Then, the ninth are cutting off or the four cuts-it is referred to as it is said: cutting off.

[7r.10] Das neunde das abschneiden


Then, the tenth is called pressing the hands-it is referred to as he says: press.

[7r.11] Das zehent das hendtrucken


Then, the eleventh are running off-it is referred to as he says: run off.


Then, the twelfth are taking over-it is referred to as he says: take over.


Then, the thirteenth are going through-it is referred to as he says: go through.


Then, the fourteenth is called the bow-it is referred to as he says bow.


Then, the fifteenth is called taking the Messer-it is referred to as it is said: take the defense.


Then, the sixteenth are the hangings-they are referred to as it is said: hang.

[7r.12] Das ailfft das sein die hengen


Then, the seventeenth are winding with the Messer-the master refers to it for us as he says: wind against the openings.

Thus, you have the main elements which are twenty-three. [The text] follows.

[7r.13] Das zwelfft das sein sie winden etc.

[7v.1] Also sein der hewe vnd der stuck sibentzehen


What is turned against you
The Zornhau point break it well
If you want to ashame him
Learn to take away on the Messer

As the master divided the Messer fencing into the different techniques and described each of them with a name. Now he begins to speak about the first part of the division, that is about the Zornhau. And one is to know that the Zornhau Ort breaks all the strokes from above but is still nothing else but a simple peasant stroke.

[07v] Item wisse das der zornhawe [08r.1] mit dem ortt bricht all öberhaw Vnd ist doch nit me dann ein slechter pawern schlack


Then, do it this way: when he strikes from above from the right side to the head, strike from your right side[2] also from above angrily[3] above together to displace him. Then Let “simultaneously” your point shoot forwards towards his face or the chest and “simultaneously” turn your Messer against his, so that the long edge stands above and the short edge is below. If he becomes aware of the point, wind again the point on his left side towards the face, so that always the long edge is above. If he becomes aware of the point, pull up the Messer on the upper Messer’s blade against his Messer and strike to him at the other side to the head. This is called taking away on the Messer.

[08r.2] Vnd den treibe also Wann er von der rechten seitten oben zu dem kopf hawet So hawe von deiner rechten seitten auch von oben mit Im zörnigklichen gleich on alle versatzung oben auf sein swert vnd las Im den ortt gerichts fürsich einschiessen zu dem gesichte oder der prust Wirt er dann des orttes gewar vnd versetzet mit sterck So reiß mit deinem swertt übersich auf an seins swertz klingen oben ab von seinem swertt Vnd hawe Im zu der andern seitten an seines swertz klingen wider ein zu dem kopffe Das heist oben ab genommen etc.

[48v.10] Item den tribe also wan er von der rechten syten oben zue dem koppff schlecht So haulb von diner rechten syten auch von oben mit Im zorniclichen glich an al versatzüng [49r.1] oben In Indeß loß den ortt fur In schuessen Im zue dem gesiecht oder brust vnd wend Indes din messer gegen dem sinen dz die lang schnide oben ste vnd die kurtz vntten wuertt er dz orttz gewar so wende wider vff sin lincken siten den ort zu dem gesicht dz euechling die lange schnid oben ste wurtt er dz ortz geware so rieß im messer vff an das messers clingen wider von sinen messer vnd haulb im von zu der andern siten zu dem kopff dz heist ab genomen Im messer etc

[7r.2] Item treyb den alzo wenn er von der rechten seytten oben zw dem kopff schlecht so haw von deyner rechten seytten auch von oben mit ym zörnycklich gleych an alle versaczung oben eyn yndes laß den ort gerichtes füer eyn schyssen zw dem gesichtt [7v.1] oder prust und wendt deyn messer gegen dem seynen daß dy lang sneydt oben stee und dy kurcz unten wirt er deß orcz gebar so wyndt wyder auff seyn lincke seytten den ort zw dem gesicht daß ewchling dy lang schneyd oben stee wirt er deß orcz gewar so reysß am messer uff oben an deß messerß klingen von seynem messer und haw ym zw der andren seytten an seyneß messerß klyngen wyder zw dem kopff daß heysset abgenumen etc


The Zornhau Ort is turned against you
strike the receipe: lower the long point and thrust at the chest.

Here the master teaches the break against the Zornhau Ort, and the text states: The Zornhau Ort, etc. You should understand it this way: if he delivers the Zornhau with the Ort against you, strike to his hand on the wrist inside of his same hand.


Then, if he delivers the Zornhau Ort to you and wants to thrust at your face, lower your Messer with straight arm and lower the point to his chest and push him well back and put the left leg well back.


Then, if he strikes from above his right side, strike also angrily together with him and turn the point to the face against the Messer, so that the right edge is above. If he becomes aware of the thrust, let your point “simultaneously” go down and go between you and him high with it and strike to his right side from above to the head with the long edge etc.


You should lower through the point
weaken the head with reaching it with the cross stroke

Here the master teaches an element: when you have done the Zornhau Ort, lower the point down between you and him in front of your body and strike to him with the cross stroke and with the long edge to his right ear.


If he wants to strike crosswise to the ears
Lower the point down to the chest if you want to dupe him.

Here the master teaches a break against the element described above and says: If he wants to strike crosswise, etc. You should understand it in this way: If he is stroking the cross stroke to your ears and is high with the arms, lower the hanging point into his chest and push him with the Messer from you.

[35] Then, you can also do it with the short edge and also strike or you can strike to the head with the Entrüsthau, as soon as you let the point sink, it all goes right, so that you can perform it rightfully.

[97r.27] Item auch magstu das mit der kůrtzen schneiden vnd auch also schlahen oder mit dem entrist mustu zu [97v.1] dem kopff hawen / als offt du ein ort last sincken das ghet alles recht zů / so du das recht treyben kanst /

[36] You can also do the doubling in it, which is also quite good in the work.


From the Zornhau, learn to deliver low to the right
Strike shortly or learn to cut through the mouth

Here the master teaches an element that you should deliver out of the Zornhau, and says: From the Zornhau learn, etc. You should understand it this way: if you have done the Zornhau on him, you should lower the point and you should go with the lowered Messer with the arm high between you and him, so that the hilt is standing above. Then, “simultaneously” bend your hand and strike with the short edge in his face or cut through his face with the short edge.


If he has bound with the short edge
Wind the point in the rightway so you will find him

Here the master teaches a breaking against the element described above, and he says: If he wants with the short edge, etc. You should understand it this way: if he wants to cut or strike at you with the short edge to your face, as it is described before, wind “simultaneously” the point against his Messer and thrust at his face on his right side.


Learn to directly take away
Strike a good deal long with the edge to the head

Here the master teaches the taking away with the long Messer and says: Directly to take away, etc. If you strike the Zornhau, wind your Messer against his one, so that the long edge is standing above itself. “Simultaneously” wind again to your right side against his left side, so that the long edge is below and the blunt one is above, and thrust straight at his face. “Simultaneously” strike skillfully along the Messer to his right side with the long edge to the head.


If he has taken away straight on the Messer
remember to step sideways
Remain, strike, cut or thrust
turn your flat on his one which breaks the takings away.

Here the master teaches the breakings against the takings away and says: On the Messer straight, etc. You should understand it this way: if he takes away on you with straight Messer, as it is stated above, “simultaneously” step aside to your right side well away out of his stroke and remain standing still, and strike to him with the long edge of your Messer on his head. Or turn your Messer against his one, so that the long edge is standing upwards, and thrust to his face or strike with the short edge to his face.


Then, if he takes you away on the Messer, turn your Messer with the back of your Messer a bit on his one and strike at him from above to the opening, so that you strike through his head, amen.


Then, or drive with the flat of your Messer on his Messer during the taking away and strike to his head with the long edge. And notice, as you fall with the flat on his Messer, that you hit it cleanly. “Simultaneously” go high with the long edge and strike to his head, as it is depicted below.

[43] Then, another breaking against the taking away:

“Simultaneously” as he takes away, step sideways away from the stroke and work to his next opening with the stroke.

[44] Then, another breaking: “simultaneously” as he takes away, thrust at his face.


If you want to break the taking away with the flat of the Messer
Wind in the rightway if you want to take revenge.

Here the master teaches a breaking against the breaking described above and says: If you want the flat, etc. You should understand it this way: if you have taken away on the Messer and he stands still with the Messer and lets you take away and if “simultaneously” he falls with the flat of his Messer on your one, and wants to strike you to the head, “simultaneously” wind against his Messer on his right side, so that you touch him at the head, as it is depicted below. Or, wait till he goes high and wants to strike to the head-then, go also high and wind over his Messer to his left side, so that the short edge is standing above, and thrust to the face to the same side. This is a very good breaking. The text follows.


If he wants to hurt you with taking away
Learn to set the point to the face in the right way.

Here the master teaches a breaking against the takings aside and says: If he wants with taking aside, etc. You should understand it this way: if he has taken away on the Messer with the long edge, wind your flat on his one, and remain standing there. Then, put the thumb on the flat of your Messer and thrust to his face of his right side.


If he sets the point to the face to the right
Lower the point, go straight to the chest-this is the keep

Here the master teaches a breaking against the breaking described above and says: If he sets to the face, etc. You should understand it this way: if you want to take away and he wants to break it with the point, as it is described above, lower your point with a straightened arm and put the left foot well back and thrust straight to his throat or chest.


Strike, thrust, notice
In the binding whether “soft” or “hard”
Pay attention to “before”, “after” and “simultaneously”
Consider rightfully the course of the “war”

Now, the master has said about the first element, that is about the Zornhau. Now he says a good teaching, that is, if one strikes or thrusts together with you, you should notice well, as one Messer sparks on the other, whether he is “soft” or “hard” in the binding. And as soon as you realise this, work “simultaneously” in the “war” according to the “soft” and to the “hard” to the next opening.

Strike, thrust, notice
In the binding whether “soft” or “hard”
Pay attention to “before”, “after” and “simultaneously”
Consider rightfully the course of the “war”

Now, the master has said about the first element, that is the Zornhau. Now he says a good teaching, that is, if one strikes or thrusts together with you, you should notice when one Messer touching the other, whether he is “soft” or “hard” in the binding. And as soon as you realise this, work “simultaneously” in the “war” according to the “soft” and to the “hard” to the next opening.

[09r.1] Das ist ein lere Wann er dir mit einem haw oder mit einem stiche an dein swert pint So soltu dir mit dem krieg, das ist mit den winden nicht zu gach lassen sein Du merckest dann vor gar eben wann sein swert an das ander glitzet oder Im pant waich oder hert ist Vnd also balde du das enpfindest So winde Indes vnd arbeit mit dem krieg nach der waich vnd nach der herte zu der nechsten plösse

[49r.6] Haulb / stich / merck
Im band / weich / oder hert /

[49v.1] Vor / vnd nocht / indes / hab acht
Die leuff des kriegs recht betracht

So nuen der meinster von dem ersten stueck hat gesaget als von dem zorn haulb Nu saget er eyn gut lere dz ist wan eÿner mit dir zue haulbt oder sticht So soltu eben mercken wan eyn messer an daß ander glitz ob er Im bandt wiechtt oder hart ist vnd als bald du daß entpfindest So arbeÿtt Indes mit dem krÿeg noch der weich vnd noch der hartt zu der nesten ploß /

[49] Know that if you can work properly with the “war” and you lead it well, he is hardly able to escape from you You can do your work on him, so that he is hardly able to come from you without having been beaten. And what is “before” and “after,” you have heard before, and what is the “war” you will be taught afterwards. The text follows.

And what is “before” and “after,” you have been taught before.

[09r.2] Vnd was heist das [09v.1] vor vnd das nach das pistu vor gelert worden etc.

[8v.2]  Wyß wenn dw mit dem krig recht erbaytten kanst und den recht füerst so kann er dir hartt entgen dw macht dwu ym erbat machen daß er kawm von dir vngeschlagen kumen mag und waß daß vor und daß nach ist daß hastu vor gehort und [9r.1] waß aber der kryeg ist daß wirstu hyn nach unterricht etc Sequitur textus


The “war” dissolve
Above and below, wait for the openings

Here the master says what the war is and what one should perform therefrom towards the four peaks, that is to the four openings. Now, it is to be known that the war are the “windings” in the Messer and the work therefrom with the point to the four openings. This is called the “war”.

The “war” dissolve
Above and below, wait for the openings

Here the master teaches what the “war” is and what one should work therefrom towards the four peaks, that is to the four openings. Now, it is to be known that the “war” are the “winding” in the Messer and the work therefrom with the point to the four peaks. This is called the “war”.

[09v.2] Wisse das die winden vnd die arbeit daraus mit dem ortt zu den vier plössen Dasselb heist

[51] Now, you should perform the war this way: if you strike the Zornhau together with him, as soon as he displaces, go high with the arm and wind him the point on his Messer from above to the face to his left side. If he sets the thrust aside, go to the lower peak to his right side and set him the point on. If he follows your Messer with the displacement, seek another peak with the point, downwards to the left side. If he becomes aware of the point, seek the fourth peak with the point, to the face to his right side. And when you want to prepare for the war, you should cleverly understand to always go high with the arm in front of the head, and sink the point to the peaks.

Now, perform the war this way: if you strike the Zornhau on him, as soon as he then displaces, go high with the arm and wind him the point on his Messer from above to the face on his left side. If he displaces the thrust aside, go high to the other side to the other peak under his right arm on the chest. In case he follows the thrust, work to the next opening that you can find.

[09v.3] der krieg den treibe also Wenn du Im mit dem zornhaw ein hewest alsobald er dann versetzet so far auff mit den armen vnd wind Im den ort an seinem swert oben ein zu der öbern plösse seiner lincken seitten Setzt er dann den obern stich ab so beleib also steen mit dem winden vnd lasse den [10r.1] ort vnttersich nider sincken zu der vnttern plösse ober seiner lincken seitten Volget er dann mit der versatzung deinem swertt nach So suche mit deinem ortt die unttern plösse seiner rechten seitten Volget der dann fürpas mit der versatzung so far auff mit dem swertt auff die lincken seitten vnd heng Im den ort oben ein zu der obern plösse seiner rechten seitten

[49v.4] Nu den krieg trib also wan du mit im zuhauelbest den zorn haulb als bald er den versetz So far vff mit dem arm wind im den ortt an sin messer oben In zue dem gesichtt siner lincken siten Setz er den stich ab So far in in die vnttern zÿnnen vff sin rechte siten vnd setz im den ortt an folget er dan dinen messer noch mit der versatzüng So stich mit dem ortt die [50r.1] die andern zÿnnen vntten vff die linck siten wurtt er deß ortz gelbar so stich die vierde zynnen mit dem ortt zu dem gesicht vff siner rechten siten vnd wend du dich in den krieg wil legen So soltu dich weißlich versehen dz du alllbegen mit dem arm vff farest in die hoege fur daz haupt vnd senck den ortt vff die zinnen

[9r.3]  Nü den kryeg soltu alzo treyben wenn dw mit ym eyn hawest den czorenhaw alzo pald er denn verseczt So far auff mit dem armen wyndt ym den ortt an seyn messer oben eyn zw dem gesicht seyner lincken seytten Seczt er denn den stich ab so far yn dy unteren czynnen auff seyn rechte seytten und secz ym den ortt an volgt er denn deynem messer nach mit der versaczung so suech mit dem ortt dy andern [9v.1] czynnen unten auff der lincken seytten wirtt er deß orcz gewar so süech dy vyertten czynnen mit dem ortt zw dem gesicht auff seyner rechten seytten und wenn dw dich alzo yn den kryg wild legen so soltu dich weyslich versehen daß dw albegen mit dem armen auff farest yn dy hoch fuer daß hawbtt und senck den ortt auff dy czynnen

[142v.2] Item den krieg mach also. Wann du mit Im ein hawest. den zornhaw. als hab er den versetzt. so far auf mit dem arm. vnnd winnd Im den Ort an seinnem Duseggen oben ein zu dem gesicht seinner linncken seitten. setzt den stich ab. so far Inn die vnndern [143r.1] Zinnen seinner rechten seitten Vnnd setz Inn den Ort an. volgt er dann deinnem Duseggen nach mit der versatzunng so stich mit den Ort zu der anndern zinnen. vnnden auf die linnckh seitten. wirt er des orts gewar. so stich die vier zinnen mit dem Ort zum gesicht auf seinner rechten seitten. Vnnd wann du dich also Inn den krieg wildt Legen so soltu dich weyszlich fursehen. das du alwegen mit dem arm auf farest Inn die höche fur das haupt. vnnd sennckh den Ort fur die zinnen.

[52] I tell you that if you have practiced the war and its properties with prudence, your adversary will be weakened from above and from below. The text follows.

[10r.1] Vnd also wirt er mit dem krieg untten vnd oben beschempt Ist das du In recht treibest etc.

[53] There are four peaks
That you should acquire
The vigilant notices
Where they are with risk

Here the master says that you in the Zufechten, that is, while you come to the man, should not strike to his Messer, but you should diligently attack the four peaks.

There are four peaks
That you should acquire
The vigilant notices
Where they are with risk

Here the master teaches that you in the Zufechten, that is, while you come to the man, should not strike to his Messer, but you should remember the four peaks.

[11r.2] Das ist wann du mit dem zu vechten zu dem mann kommest wiltu dann gewiß fechten So soltu Im mit namen zu dem swert nit hawen wann du solt remen der vier plösse

[9v.3] Vyer seyn der czynnen
Dy dw sölt gewynnen
Der wach nymb war
Wo sy sey mit gefar

Nw sagt der meyster daß dw ym [10r.1] zw vechten so dw zw dem man kumbst söltu mit nicht dem man nach dem messer hawen Sünder dw sölt dich fleysig remen der vyer czynnen


The first one is the right side, the other is the left side also above the belt of the man.

The first one is the right side above the belt, the other is the left side also above the belt.

[11v.1] das ist die rechten seitten die andern die lincke oberhalb der gürttel des mannes


The two other peaks are the left side and the right one below the belt of the man.

The two other are below the belt of the man.

[11v.2] Die andern zwo plösse das ist die lincke vnd die rechten seitten niderhalb der gürttell

[56] Take one of the openings and do not pay attention to what he does against you. Strike to it bravely; in case he displaces, strike quickly to the other peak, to the next opening that you can acquire. You should also wait for the body of the man and not for the Messer. The text follows.

Take the peaks with no fear and do not pay attention to what he does against you. Strike to it bravely; in case he displaces, strike quickly to the other peak, to the next opening that you can acquire.

[11v.3] Derselbigen plösse nÿm dir eine für vnd hawe den künlichen zu vnd acht nicht was er gegen dir vichtet Versetzt er dann so arbeit In der versatzung bald zu der negsten plösse Also wartt aus des leibs vnd nit des swerts etc.

[57] If you have grasped that
The peaks are acquired
If you want to take revenge
And break skillfully the four peaks
Double from above
And mutate from below

Here the master says that if one strikes to you honestly and you want to take revenge on him and break skillfully the peaks, so that you can beat him at his own game, be it pleasant or painful to him, perform the doubling against the “strong” of the Messer and the mutating against the “weak.” I tell you for the truth that he is hardly able to guard himself against the strokes and is hardly able to come to the strokes before your strokes.

If you have grasped that
The peaks are acquired
If you want to take revenge
And break skillfully the four peaks
Double from above
And mutate from below

Here the master says that if one strikes to you honestly and you want to take revenge on him and break skillfully the peaks, perform the doubling against the “strong” of the Messer and the mutating against the “weak.” I tell you for the truth that he is hardly able to defend himself against the strokes and is hardly able to come to the strokes.

[12r.1] Das ist wann dir einer ernst lichen ein hewet Wiltu dich dann an Im rechen die plösß mit künstigkeit prechen das er sich on seinen danck slagen muß lassen So treib die dupliren gegen der sterck des swerts vnd das mutiren gegen der sweche So sage ich dir für war das er sich vor slegen nit gehüten kan, vnd mag dauor zu schlegen nit kommen etc.

[50r.7] Hastu daß vernümen
die zÿnnen sint gewünen
Wiltu dich rechen

[50v.1] die vier zinnen kuenstlich brechen
Oben duplier / Vnten gantz muettier

Hie sagett der meinster von eyner ernstlichen Inhaulbüng als von den zynnen wie du dich regchen soltt vnd saget der meinster hie von dem dupliren ~

[10r.5] Hastü daß vernümmen
Dÿ czynnen seyn gebunnen

[10v.1] Wiltu dich rechen
Dy vyer czynnen Künstenlich prechen
Oben dwplir
Do nyder gancz mütir

Hye sagt der meyster ob dir eyner ernestlich eyn hawett wiltu dich denn rechen an ym und dy czynnen kunstenlich prechen daß dw yn uber seynen danck magst schlagen eß sey ym lyeb oder laydt so treyb dy dwpliren gegen der sterck deß messerß und daß mutiren gegen der swech Ich sag dir fuer war daß er dich hartt vor schlegen hutten kann und vor deynen schlegen hart zw schlegen kummen mag etc

[144r.3] Hastu das vernommen
die zinnen send gewünnen
Wiltu dich rechen
die zinnen künnstlich prechen

[144v.1] Oben duplier
da niden mutier

Item wann dir ainner Ernstlich einnhawt. wildu dich ann Im Rechen vnnd die zinnen kunstlich prechen das du In vber seinn dannckh magst schlachen. es sey Im lieb oder laid. so treib das dupliern gegen der sterckh des Dusegens. vnnd dz Mutieren gögen der schwech. Ich sag dir fur war. das er von deinnen schlegen hart vngeschlagen kummen kann


Then, perform the doubling this way: if he strikes to you from above coming from his right shoulder, so strike from your right with strength the same way as he from above to the head. If he displaces the stroke with the strength, wind the hilt under your right arm and go quickly high with the arm and strike him with the long edge behind the blade of his Messer to the head.

[12r.2] Item das dupliren treib also wann er dir oben zu hawet von seiner rechten achseln So hawe auch von [12v.1] deiner rechten mit Im gleich starck oben ein zu dem kopffe Versetzt er den hawe mit sterck so far auf bald mit den armen vnd stos mit deiner lincken hant deinen knauff vntter deinen rechten arm vnde slag In mit der langen schneiden auß gecreutzten armen hintter seiner swertz klingen auf den kopff etc.

[10v.2] Item daß dwpliren treyb also wenn er dir oben zw hawet von seyner rechten achsel so haw auch von deyner rechten mit ym geleich starck oben zw dem kopff versecz er denn [11r.1] den haw mit sterck so wendt daß gehultz unter deyn rechten armen und far pald auff mit dem armen und schlag yn mit der langen schneyden hynter seyneß messerß klingen auff den kopff


Then, if you strike to him from your left side and bind him on his Messer with the long edge, go quickly high with the arm and remain standing on the Messer and strike to him behind the blade of his Messer with the blunt edge.


Then, it was said about the doubling. Now, it is said about the mutating that you should perform it this way: if you strike to him from your right shoulder strongly from above and he displaces and is “weak in the Messer,” wind to him on your left side on to his Messer and go with it well high with the arms. Then, hang the point to him from above over his Messer and go with the arm high over his Messer, and thrust at him to the other peak.

[11r.3] Item Nw gesagt ist von dem dwpliren und wye man daß treyben söl nw wirt gesagt von dem mutiren und daß mütiren treyb alzo wenn dw ym von deyner rechten achseln oben starck eyn hawest verseczt er und ist waych ym messer so wynd auff deyn lincke seytten an seynz messer und far wöl auff mit dem armen und heng ym den ortt oben uber seyn messer und far da mit [11v.1] dem armen auff uber seyn messer und stich ym zw der anderen czynnen etc

[144v.3] Das Mvnndiern

Item das Mvndiern treib also wann du von deinner rechten Achsel oben. ein starckh hawest. versetzt en vnnd ist waich Im Duseggen. so winnd auf dein Linncken seiten auf sein Dusegen. vnd


Then, have you bound from your left side with the long edge at his Messer: go high with the arm and remain with the same edge at his Messer and wind to his left side over his Messer and thrust at him to the other peak of his left side. This way you can perform the two elements from all the strokes after you have feeled whether he is “soft” or “hard” “on the Messer.”


If he wants to mutate
Twitch the point-this will decorate you

Here the master teaches a breaking against the mutating and and speaks: If he wants, etc. You should understand it this way: if he wants to do the mutating, at the moment when he wants to go over your Messer with his own one, wind with your Messer to your left side in the hanging point and thrust at him quickly to his face.


If he wants to do the mutating to the right
Wind in the hanging point and you should be guarded

Here the master teaches how one should break the mutating and speaks: If he wants, etc. You should understand it this way: if he wants to do the mutating to your right side, wind against him quickly the hanging point so that the right edge is above.


The hanging point to your left side
Wind: if you want to deflect the mutating

Here the master teaches how one should break the mutating on the left side and speaks: The hanging point, etc. You should understand it this way: if he does the mutating on your left side, wind against him the hanging point and thrust at him to the next opening.


If you have deflected the mutating in the hanging point
You may hurry straight to the face

Here the master teaches a breaking against the mutating and says: The mutating in, etc. You should understand it this way: if you have wound against the mutating and you are in the hanging point, go “simultaneously” to his face with the long point and thrust at him into the face.


Do the Wecker skillfully
Turn the point to the face
Who is doing Wecker well with steps
Stretches many strokes a lot

Here the master has explained and told about the first chapter with his characteristics. Now he commences to the other chapter and says: Do the Wecker skillfully, etc.

[50v.4] Weck vff behend
Den ortt zu gesicht wind
Wer mit schritten wol wecket
Vil haulb er sere strecket

Hie saget der meinster von eymen haupt stueck vnd von [51r.1] eynen haulb vnd ist genat der wecker haulb der ander

[11v.3] weck aüff behendt
Den ort zw gesicht wendt
Wer mit schritten wol becket
Vil hew er ser strecket

So nw der meyster daß erst stuck auß gelegt hat und erczelt mit seyner eygenschafft nw hebt er an [12r.1] daß ander stuck und spricht weck auff wehendt etc


Now notice that the Wecker is one of the four displacements against the four guards, as with it one obtains the Stier and the Eber, and the strokes from below.

[13v.1] Wiß das krump haw ist der vier versetzen eins wider die vier hut Wann damit kriegt man den ochsen vnd auch den eber, Vnd den untterhaw


Then, perform the Wecker this way: when you come to a man with the Zufechten and he stands against you and holds his Messer in front of the head in the guard of the Stier on his left side, put your left foot forwards and have your Messer on your right shoulder or in the Schrankhut at the right leg and leap with the right foot well to your right side and strike to him with the right edge well on his Messer. “Simultaneously” wind the point into his face.

[13v.2] den treib also Wann du mit dem zufechten zu Im komst Steet er denn gegen dir vnd helt sein swert vor dem kopff In der hut des ochsen auf seiner lincken seitten So setz den lincken fuß für vnd halt dein swert an der rechten achseln yn der hut vnd auß der hutt springe mit dem rechten fusse wol auff die rechten seitten vnd schlag In mit der langen sneiden aus ge= [1] creutzten armen über sein hende etc.


The Wecker turns the point to the face
Overcoming the point is the end

Here the master teaches a breaking against the Zornhau Ort and speaks: The point to the face, etc. You should understand it this way: if he does the Wecker against you and wants to thrust to your face on your left side, “simultaneously” wind against his Messer on his right side and thrust to his face on his right side.


Learn to do the Wecker to the right
Shorten, you should angle it out

Here the master teaches an element from the Wecker and speaks: Learn to the right, etc. You should understand it this way: if you do the Wecker from your left side against him on his right side, “simultaneously” as you have done the Wecker, strike against him with the short edge to his head, as it is depicted below.


Do the Wecker with the point to the right
Hang it or stretch straight

Here the master teaches how you should use the point from the Wecker, and speaks: To the right with the point, etc. And you should understand it this way: if you have done the Wecker on his right side from your left side, “simultaneously” wind against his Messer in the hanging point, so that the long edge is above and thrust to the face on his right side.


Do the Wecker, let the point go to the face
Wind again to the left, you should not spare with the point

Here the master states a breaking against the element described above and speaks: Do the Wecker, to the face, etc. You should understand it this way: if he thrusts with the hanging point to your face, “simultaneously” let your Messer go down below his arm and go high with the long point and thrust to his face.


Then, know that the Schranckhut is good and one can perform many elements therefrom.

[74] You should also perform the Wecker therefrom on both sides and perform the Schranckhut this way: When you come with the Zufechten to the man, put your left foot forwards and hold your Messer with the point to your right side on the ground and the long edge be turned upwards on the Messer, and expose yourself with the left side. If he strikes to you from above to the opening, leap out of the stroke with your right foot well to the right side and wind the hilt of the Messer under your arm and strike to him with the long edge to his Messer and turn the blunt edge to his head.

You should also perform the Wecker therefrom on both sides and perform the Schranckhut this way: if you come with the Zufechten to the man, put your right foot forwards and hold your Messer with the point on the ground on your left side, so that the blunt edge is against the man. And expose yourself with the right side. If he strikes from above to your opening, leap out of the stroke with your left foot well to his right side and wind the hilt of your Messer under your arm and strike with the long edge on his Messer and turn the short edge on his head and work “simultaneously” as you know it well.

[12r.4]  Und den wecker soltu dar [12v.1] auß machen von payden seytten nw yn dy schranckhütt schick dich alzo Wenn dw mit dem zw vechten zw dem man kümbst so secz deyn lincken fues fuer und hallt deyn messer mit dem ortt auff deyner rechten seytten auff der erden daß dy lang schneyd oben gebendt sey am messer und gib dich alzo ploß mit der lincken seytten hawtt er dir den zw der plöß oben eyn so spring ausß dem haw mit dem rechten fueß wol auff dy recht seytten und wynd daß gehulcz deß messerß unter deyn armen und schlag ym mit der langen schneyden auff seyn messer und wendt ym dy stumpff schneyd auff seyn hawbt

[145v.3] vnnd den wecker soltu darausz treiben von baiden seitten Nunn Inn die schrannckhut schickh dich also wann du mit dem zufechten zu dem Mann kompst. so setz den linncken fuosz fur. vnnd halt dein Duseggen mit dem Ort auf deinner Rechten seiten auf der Erden. das die kurtz schneid oben stee an dem Duseggen. vnnd gib dich also plosz ander linncken seitten hawt er dann zu der plosz oben ein. so spring ausz dem haw mit dem rechten fuosz. wol auf dein Rechte seitten vnnd wennd das [146r.1] gehultz des Duseggen vnnder dein Arm vnnd schlag. In mit der kurtzen schneid auf seinn Duseggen bey der hannd. vnnd wind Im die stumpff schneide auf sein haupt vnnd arbait Indes als du wol bericht bist seinner nechsten plösse zu.

[75] Then, assume the Schranckhut on the left side this way: if you come with the Zufechten to the man, put your right foot forwards and hold your Messer with the point at your left side on the ground, so that the short edge is above on the Messer. And expose yourself with the right side. If he strikes to your opening, step with your left foot well out of the stroke to your left side and strike at him while stepping with the short edge over his Messer near the hand and turn the long edge to his head or thrust at his face as before.

Then, perform the Schranckhut on your right side in this way: when you come with the Zufechten to the man, put your left foot forwards and hold your Messer with the point to your right side so that the point is on the ground and the short edge is against the man, and expose yourself with the left side. Then, step with your right foot well out of the stroke to your right side and strike to him with the short edge on his Messer close to the hand. Then, turn the long or the short edge on his head or thrust to his face as before. You can also perform the Wecker to the Stier, as it is depicted below.

[51r.5] Item Also schick dich in die schranckhutt zu der lincken siten wan du mit dem zu vechten zu dem man kümpst so setz din rechten fus für vnd halt dein messer mit dem ortt [51v.1] nahent diener lincken siten vff der erden dz die kürtz schnid im messer oben sy vnd gib dich mit der rechten siten ploß haut er dir dan zu der ploß So schrit mit dinen lincken fuß wol vß dem haulb vff din lincke siten vnd schlag in mitten der kurtzen schniden uber sin messer by der hant vnd wind im die lang schnid vff sin hauptt oder stich im zu dem gesicht

[12v.2] Item alzo schick dich yn dy schranckhut zw der lincken seytten wenn dw mit dem zw vechten zw dem man kümbst so secz den rechten fuß fuer und hallt deyn messer mit dem ort neben deyner lincken seytten uff der erden daß dÿ kurcz schneyd [13r.1] an dem messer oben stee und gib dich mit der rechten seytten ploß hawt er dir den zw der plöß so schreyt mit dem lincken füß wol ausß dem haw auff deyn lincke seytten und schlag yn mit yn dem schrit mit der kurczen schneyd uber seyn messer pey der hand und wendt ym dy lang schneyd uff seyn hawbt oder stich ym zw dem gesicht alz vor etc


Do not do the Wecker to the left, strike short
Change through the right and strike

Here the master states an element against the guard from the Luginsland and against the Stier. And perform it in this way: when you come with the Zufechten to the man and he stands in these guards or stances announced above, and you stand in the Schranckhut, do as if you wanted to strike the Wecker to him to his left side, but do not deliver the stroke. Instead, “simultaneously” change through to the other next peak and thrust at his face to his right side, or as you change, strike the short edge over his Messer to his right side and let the point fall well over his Messer to his left side, and strike with the right edge through his head. Amen.

[15v] Das ist ein pruch wider die hut auß dem ochsen Den treib also Wann du mit dem zufechten zu dem mann geest Steet er dann In der hut vnd helt sein swertt In seiner lincken seitten vor dem haubt So würff dein swert an dein rechte achseln vnd thue als du Im mit dem krumphaw wöllest an sein swert pinden vnd haw kurtz vnd wechsel damit vnden durch Vnd scheuß Im den ort zu der andern seitten langk ein zu der plösse so muß er versetzen Damit kompstu zu slegen vnd zu ander arbaitt mit dem swert etc.

[13r.2] Weck linck nicht kürcz haw
Den wechsel recht paw

Hye sagt der meyster eyn prüch wyder dy hut auß dem luginsland und auß dem stiren den pruch treyb alzo wenn dw mit dem zw vechten zw dem gest stet er den yn dysen ob gemelten hutten eyner und dw stest yn der schranckhuet so thw sam dw ym den wecker wollest hawen zw seyner lincken seytten und verpring den haw nicht sunder wechsel yndeß [13v.1] durch uff dy andern negsten czynnen und stich ym zw dem gesicht oder ym wechsel so schlag dy kurcz schneyd uber seyn messer auff seyner rechten seytten und senck den ort wol uber seyn messer uff seyner lincken seytten und haw ym dy recht schneyd durch seyn kopff amen Sequitur textus

[97v.21] Weck linck nit kurtz hew der wechsel recht pruch

Hie sagt der meister eynen bruch dy hůt In lůginßland vnd auß dem styren / den bruch treyb also wan du mit dem zuvechten zu dem man gheest stat er Im messer der obgnanten hůt oder leger eyner / vnd [98r.1] du steest in der schranck hůt / so thů gleych ob du welest In dem messer hawen zu seiner lincken seyten / vnd verspring den hew nit / sunder verwechsel In des durch auff dy nechsten anderen zynnen / vnd stich Im zu dem gesicht auff sein r. s. oder In den wechsel so schlach Im dy kurtz schneid vber sein messer auff der rechten seyten vnd senck den ort wol vber sein messer auff sein lincken seytten vnd haw Im dy recht schneyd durch sein kopff


If he has done the Wecker to the left with changing through
Remain straight, he will be stretched

Here the master teaches a breaking against the changing through in the Wecker and speaks: Changing through to the left, etc. You should understand it this way: if he wants to change through in the Wecker from his right side to your right and does as if he wanted to strike to your left side, “simultaneously” as he changes through and thrusts at your face to your right side, remain standing with the Messer and thrust at him with the long direct point in a stretched manner to the face. And put the rear foot far outside so that you are able to reach further.


Strike the Wecker to the left
Show the changing through with it

Here the master states a good element. If one stands in the guard of the Luginsland or in the Stier or so, and strikes to you from the Luginsland, rest in the Schranckhut on your left side and strike to him with the blunt edge to his Messer and “simultaneously” go high with the arm and change through and thrust at his face or chest to his left side.

[146v.2] Den weckher linck haw
dürchwechsel. damit. schaw

Item mer ain gut stuckh Inn der hut luginsland oder Inn dem Stier oder so er auf dich schlecht ausz dem luginslannd. so lig Inn der schrannckhut. auf der linncken seitten vnnd haw die stumpff schneid [147r.1] auf sein Duseggen. Indes far hoch auf Mit dem Arm. vnnd wechsel Im durch vnnd stich Im zum gesicht oder der prust auf sein lincke seitten.


Then, if you want to try him, let “simultaneously” your Messer with the point to his left side and strike to him again to his left side with the long or the blunt edge.

Then, if you want to try him, let ”simultaneously“ your Messer with the point to your left side and strike to him again to his right side with the sharp or the short edge.


If he strikes the Wecker from the left and wants to save the point
Let the point go down directly, thrust at the throat

Here the master teaches a breaking against the changing through from the Wecker, if he wants to do the Wecker from his left side to your right side, and speaks: If he strikes the Wecker from the left, etc. You should understand it this way: if he strikes the Wecker from his left side to your right side and “simultaneously” wants to change through to your left side, remain directly with your Messer to his left side and thrust at his with the direct point or Messer to the throat or the face, as it is depicted below.

[81] Do the Wecker to the flats
Of the masters, if you want to weaken them
As it clashes above
Stand away-this I want to praise

Here the master states a good element that you should perform this way: if you come to the man with the Zufechten, put your Messer on your right side in the Schranckhut or hold it on your right shoulder. If he strikes to you from above to the opening, strike also firmly against his stroke with the right edge. And as soon as the Messers spark together, wind “simultaneously” to the face with the point and thrust at him to the upper peaks. Or do the element that is also meant in the text: as soon as the Messers spark together, strike “simultaneously” with the short edge to the head to his left side. And “simultaneously” strike skillfully to the other opening to his right side. “Simultaneously” skillfully again to the other lower peak of his left side, “simultaneously” again to the upper peak of his right side, etc.

Do the Wecker to the flats
Of the masters, if you want to weaken them
As it clashes above
Stand away-this I want to praise

Here the master states a good element that you should understand this way: if you come to the man with the Zufechten, put your Messer in the Schranckhut or hold it on your right shoulder. If he strikes to you from above to the opening, strike also firmly against his stroke with the right edge. And as soon as the Messers spark together, wind “simultaneously” the point to the face and thrust at him to the upper peaks. Or do the element that is also meant in the text: as soon as the Messers spark together, strike “simultaneously” with the short edge to the head to his left side. And strike “simultaneously” again skillfully from one peak to the other, as you know it.

[52r.3] Weck die flech
den meinstern wiltu sie schwechen
So eß pucht oben
So stant ab dz wil ich loben

Hie saget der meinster aber ein gut stueck dz soltu also verstan wan du mit dem zu vechten zu dem man kümpst oder halt daß vff diner rechten achsell haut er dir dan oben zu der ploß so haulb auch starck gegen sinem haulb mit der rechten siten schniden vnd als balde die messer zu samen glitzen So wind [52v.1] Indes den ortt zu dem gesichtt vnd stich im inder obern zÿnnen oder mach s daß stueck dz auch die meÿnung deß text ist

[14r.2] Weck dy flechen
Den maystren wiltü sy swechen
So eß pücht oben
So stand ab daß will ich loben

Hye sagt der meyster aber eyn gut stuck daß soltu alzo treyben wenn dw mit dem zwvechten zw dem man kümbst so leg deyn messer uff deyn rechte seytten yn dy schranckhüett oder hallt daß auff deyner rechten achsel hawt er dir dann oben zw der plöß so haw starck gegen seynem haw mit der rechten schneyden und alz pald dy messer zwsammen kliczen [14v.1] So wynd yndeß zw dem gesicht den ort und stich ym zw der obreren czynnen, oder mach daß stuck daß ist auch dy maynung deß textz alz bald dy messer zw sammen kluczen so haw yndeß mit der kurczen schneyden zw dem kopff yndeß pehendtlich haw zw der andren czynnen auff seyn rechte seytten yndeß pehentlich wyder zw der anderen unteren czynnen seyner lincken seytten yndeß wyder zw der oberen czynnen seyner rechten seytten etc


He does the Wecker around so
Hanging point-he hits the chest

Here the master states a common breaking against the Wecker and speaks: He does the Wecker, etc. You should understand it this way: if one does a Wecker on you, notice, as one Messer is going to spark on the other, “simultaneously” wind your Messer against your left side and hang the point to his chest and push him well from you.


If he is going to expose himself with the Wecker
You should hook the head long

Here the master teaches another breaking against the Wecker and speaks: With the Wecker, etc. You should understand it this way: if he has done the Wecker on you, notice, as he has stroke against your Messer, “simultaneously” twitch your Messer towards you and let the point go down towards your left side and strike to him over his Messer directly to his head, as it is depicted below.


If he wants to use the Wecker
Twitch, go through to the right-you should dupe him

Here the master teaches a breaking against the Wecker and speaks: If he wants to use the Wecker, etc. You should understand it this way: if he does the Wecker on you as above, “simultaneously” go through to his right side over his Messer and thrust at him to the head or face, as it is depicted below.


If he has struck the Wecker
Strike the Entrüsthau, twitch, be fond of the point

Here the master teaches a breaking against the Wecker and speaks: If he has done the Wecker, etc. You should understand it this way: if he strikes the Wecker from his right side to your left side, “simultaneously” wind your Messer to your left side and go with the hanging point high and strike to him with the Entrüsthau to his head. Or, set him the point on, as you know it well.

[86] Do the Wecker to the flat roughly with commoners
Stand away: or remain above

Here the master states a good element against these who cannot fight or against the “peasant strokes.” And do it this way: if one strikes to you with a great peasant stroke, and wants to strike you honestly through the head with the Messer, hold your Messer in the Schranckhut or at the shoulder or at the knee, so that the point is against the face of the man. And as you stand then in a stance, you can use the element, and do it on him this way: if he strikes to you, strike also together with him between the Messer and the man with the long edge. And as soon as the Messers spark together, go around the head with the Messer, and strike him to the neck. If you do not want to hurt him hard, strike to his arm. If it occurs at a “Fechtschul” tournament, strike to his stomach to his left side, roughly and peasantly, so that he feels it well. The text follows.

Do the Wecker to the flat roughly with commoners
Stand away: or remain above

Here the master states a good element against these who cannot fight or against the “peasant strokes.” And do it this way: if one strikes to you with a great peasant stroke, and wants to strike you honestly through the head, hold your Messer in the Schranckhut or at the right shoulder or at the knee, so that the point of your Messer is against his face. And as you stand then in a stance, you can use the element, and do it on him this way: if he strikes to you, strike also together with him between the Messer and the man with the long edge. And as soon as the Messers spark together, go “simultaneously” to your left side around the head towards your right side with your Messer, and strike him to the neck. If you do not want to strike to his neck or head, strike to his left arm or to the stomach to his left side, roughly and peasantly, so that he feels it well.

[14v.2] Weck dy flech grob mit doben
Stand ab oder pleyb oben

Hye sagt der meyster eyn gut stuck wyder dye dy nicht vechten kunnen oder wyder dy paweren straych und macht daß alzo hawt eyner auff dich mit eynem grossen pawren schlag und wyll dich durch den kopff ernestlich hawen mit dem messer so haltt deyn messer aber yn der schranckhüt [15r.1] oder pey der achsel oder ob dem knÿ daß dy spicz gegen dem antlicz stee deß manß und wye dw den yn eynem stant stest so magstu daß stuck prauchen und thw ym alzo hawt er auff dich so haw gleych mit ym eyn czwischen messer und man mit der langen schneydern und alz pald dy messer zw sammen kliczen so far umb den kopff mit dem messer und haw ym zw dem halz wiltü yn nicht hart wünden so schlag yn auff den armen ist aber daß auff eyner vechtschullz so schlag yn yn den pawch auff seyner lincken seytten grob und pewrisch daß erß wol enpfindt etc Sequitur textus


Learn to set off with the bow
And harm what is rough

Here the master teaches a breaking against the element announced above and speaks: With the bow, etc. You should understand it this way: if he wants to strike around his head and wants to strike to your neck, bend under his Messer and displace with the bow if you want.[12] “Simultaneously” wind over his Messer to his right side and “simultaneously” step behind him and strike to his head.


If he wants to do the Wecker and look roughly
Thrust firmly to the throat-this dupes him

Here the master teaches a breaking against the element announced above and speaks: If he wants to roughly, etc. You should understand it this way: if he wants to strike a rough stroke to your stomach or to your head, notice, as soon as he wants to go around his head and wants to strike to you, go “simultaneously” skillfully to his neck or face. And thrust at him and push him with it from you, as it is depicted below.


Do the Wecker politely with squinting
To the right from the left

Here the master teaches a nice element from the Wecker and speaks: Do the Wecker politely, etc. You should understand it this way: do the Wecker from your right side to his left side and “simultaneously,” as soon as one Messer sparks on the other, turn your hand always against his Messer, so that the short edge touches him slightly on his left side. “Simultaneously” let your point go down towards the ground and go between yourself and him high to your left side and strike to him to his right side, with the short or the long edge to the head. Or, thrust, cut or do what you want.

[90] Notice the weak
Take the neck without danger

Then, the master states an element against the “weak” in the displacement and perform it this way: if you have “bound” him firmly with the Wecker on his Messer, and he is “weak in the binding”, wind “simultaneously” your Messer to his right side and take him by his neck. And come to help your right hand with the left one on the “binding,” and as you have pressed him a bit down, let the left hand go from the Messer, and hold him firmly with the right one. If he raises his Messer with the “strong,” strike to him again quickly below his Messer to his head or neck.

Notice the weak
Take the neck without danger

Then, the master states an element against the “weak“ in the displacement and perform it this way: if you have bound him firmly with the Wecker on his Messer, and he is “weak in the binding,” wind “simultaneously” your Messer to his right side and take him by his neck. If he raises his Messer with the “strong,” strike to him again quickly below his Messer to his head to his right side.

[15r.2] Der swech nymb war
Den halz nym ungefar

Hye sagt der meyster eyn stuck wyder dye swach yn der versaczung sÿn und treyb daß alzo so dw ym mit dem [15v.1] wecker starck auff seyn messer pyndest ist der den swach ym pant so wyndt yndeß auff seyn rechte seytten deyn messer und nymb yn pey dem halz und kum der rechten zw hilfft mit der lincken an daß pandt und so dw yn eyn wenick nyder gedruckt hast so laß dy lincken hant wyder von dem messer und hallt yn mit der rechten vest hebt er den mit der sterck auff seyn messer so haw ym wÿder snel unter seyn messer zw seynem hawbt oder halz

[91] If he is so “strong” and you want to wind to the neck, work quickly with the “weak” to the other next peak.

If he is so “strong” that you cannot perform this element, work quickly with the “weak” to the next peak of the other side.

[92] Then, you should know that you cannot have one for long with the Messer on his neck with one hand. That is why notice that as soon as you work towards his throat, thrust at him to his face or do as it is stated above.

Then, you should know that you cannot hold one for long with the Messer on his neck with one hand. That is why notice that as soon as you work towards his throat, thrust at him to his face.


As when you go to the throat, the meaning is not that you should hold him there for long, but that you also deceive them and “simultaneously” do what you want. [The text] follows.

[15v.4]  wann so dw zw dem halz ferst ist dy maynung nichtt daß dw yn da lang halten sölt sünder [16r.1] daß dw yn auch verfuerest und yndeß machest waß dw wild etc Sequitur


The Entrüsthau takes
What comes from above

Here the master commences to speak about the third element in the Messer and explains it with its features and speaks: the indignation etc. Now notice that the Entrüsthau breaks the guard from the Luginsland and all the strokes that are struck from above downwards. And perform it this way:

The Entrüsthau takes
What comes from above

Here the master commences to speak about the third element and paragraph in the Messer and explains it with its features. Now notice that the Entrüsthau breaks the guard from the Luginsland and all the strokes that are struck from above downwards. And perform it this way:

[16v.2] Merck der Zwer haw pricht die hut vom tag vnd alle haw die vom tag oben nider gehawen werden, vnd die zwer die treib also

[52v.4] der entrüest nÿmpt
[53r.1] Waß von oben dar kümp

Hie saget der meinster von dem entrusch haulb Nü merck den entruest haulb

[95] If you come to him with the Zufechten and he stands against you and holds his Messer with the stretched arm above the head in the guard and waits for you, notice, as you come close to him, put your left foot forwards and hold your Messer to the ground, so that the flat is against your torso on your right side. If he steps to you and endangers you with a stroke, you should go “before” and leap with the foot well to your right side. And while leaping turn your Messer with the hilt in front of your head, so that the thumb is downwards. And strike to him with the blunt edge to his left side to the upper peak. However, if he comes sooner with the stroke than you, leap with the right foot and with the displacement described above out of the stroke well to your right side and strike to him with the Entrüsthau long from the arm to his head.

If you come to him with the Zufechten and he goes against you and holds his Messer with the stretched arm over the head in the guard Luginsland, and waits for you, notice, as you come close to him, put your left foot forwards and hold your Messer to the ground, so that the flat is against your torso on your right side. If he steps to you and endangers you with a stroke, you should go “before” and leap with the foot well to your right side. And while leaping turn your Messer with the hilt in front of your head, so that the thumb is downwards. And strike to him with the blunt edge to his left side to the upper peak. However, if he comes sooner with the stroke than you, leap with the right foot and with the displacement described above out of the stroke well to your right side and strike to him with the Entrüsthau long from the arm to his head.

[16v.3] Wann du mit dem zufechten zum man geest Steet er dann gegen dir vnd helt sein swert mit auffgerichten armen übersich hoch über dein haubt In der hut vnd wart auf dich So merck wann du nahent zu Im kommest so setz den [17r.1] lincken fuß für vnd halt dein swert mit der flech an deiner rechten achsel Dritt er dann zu dir vnd drewet dit zuslahen so kumm du vor vnd spring mit dem rechten fusse wol auf dein rechte seitten vnd Im sprung wende dein swert mit dem gehültze vor deinem haubt das dein dawmen vnden kommen vnd slag In mit der kurtzen sneiden zu der lincken seitten seins kopffes etc.

[16r.3] wenn dw mit dem zw vechten zw dem man gest stet er denn gegen dir und helt seyn messer mit auff geracktem armen uber daß hawbt yn der hüt und wart auff dich so merck wenn dw nohent zw ym kümbst so secz deynen lincken fuß fuer und hallt deynn messer auff der erden daß dy flech gen dem leyb stee an deyner rechten seytten drit er den zw dir und tzawet dir [16v.1] zw schlagen so soltu vor kummen und spring mit dem fuß woll auf deyn rechtne seytten und ym sprung wendt deyn messer mit dem gehulcz fuer deyn hawbt daß der dawm unten stee und schlag ym zw mit der stumpffen schneyden zw seyner lincken seytten zw der oberen czynnen kumbtt er aber ee mit dem haw den dw so spring mit dem rechten fuß und mit der vorgeschriben versaczung auß dem haw wol auff deyn rechte seytten und schlag yn mit dem entrusthaw lanck auß dem armen zw seyner haubt


Do the Entrüsthau to the strong
Notice your work with it

It is to be known that when you strike to him with the Entrüsthau, you should do it with the “strong” of your Messer. If he displaces, go high with the “strong” of your Messer to the “weak” of his Messer. If you grasp with the “strong” his “weak,” you should mutate to him over his Messer to the other peak from above to the neck. In case you cannot come to this, work from the doubling behind the blade of his Messer and strike to his head. If he is too strong in the displacement, so that you cannot come to these elements, work with the crosspiece or with the “guarding nail” and push his Messer with it aside, and strike with the Entrüsthau to the other peak.

[17v] Merck das ist wann du In mit der zwer zu hewest, das soltu ton mit sterck Versetzt er dann so far auff mit der stercke deines swertz nach der swech seins swertz Begreifstu den mit der stercke seine swech So arbeit mit dem mutiren Im über sein swert zu der vndern plosse oder oben zu dem halse Magstu dartzu nicht kommen so arbeit auß dem duplieren hintter seinem swert mit dem slag zu dem kopffe etc. Ist er dir aber mit der versatzung zu starck das du zu den stucken nit kommen magst So stos mit dem ge= [18r.1] hültz sein swert hin weck vnd slag In mit der zwer zu der andernn seitten

[16v.2] Ruest zw der sterck
Deyn erbat da mit merck

Eß ist zw wyssen wenn dw ym mit dem entrusthaw zwhawest daß soltu thun mit sterck deyneß messers versecz er den so far uff mit der sterck deyneß messerß nach der swech seyneß messers So dw pegreuffest [17r.1] mit der sterck seyn swech so soltu mutiren ym uber seyn messer zw der andren czynnen oben czben zw dem halz so dw aber nicht dar zw magst kummen so erbat auß dem dwpliren hynter seyneß messers klyngen und schlag ym zw dem kopff Ist er aber mit der versaczung zw starck daß dw zw den stucken nicht kummen magst so erbayt mit dem krawcz oder wernagil stoß seyn messer da mit hyn weck und schlag yn mit dem entrusthaw zw der anderen czynnen etc


Do the Entrüsthau to the peaks
If you come in, you will succeed

Here you are taught that you should always remember the four peaks, so that you can have the man the surer and you can strike to him bravely. And do not strike to the Messer, as you were taught before. If one comes to you in the Zufechten and stands against you in the guard of the Luginsland, leap with the right foot against him well to your right side and strike to him with Entrüsthau to the upper peak. If he displaces, strike quickly to the lower peak of his right side-that is, strike the stroke from one peak to the other and if you want to be successful, you should strike with every Entrüsthau to another peak. If he displaces, strike quickly to the upper peak of his right side-that is, strike the stroke from one side to the other and if you want to be successful, you should leap far with every Entrüsthau to the side, and move well around with your arm. This way, you have the man the surer and you can give a good stroke to his head. “Simultaneously” you should pay attention that you hold your shield, that is, the displacement, well in front of your head.

[18v.2] Item wann du mit dem zu vechten zu Im kommest Steet er dann gegen dir In der hut vom tag so spring mit dem rechten fusse gegen Im wol auf dein rechte seitten vnd slag In mit der zwer auß gantzer [19r.1] kunst oben zu dem ochsen seiner lincken seitten Versetzt er denn Slag In bald untten zu dem pflug seiner rechten seitten vnd treib dann fürpas die zwersleg behendiglichen albeg, einen zu dem ochsen Den andern zu dem pfluge creutzweiß von einer seitten zu der andern zu kopff vnd zu leibe etc. [19r.2] Item Auch soltu gedencken das du mit einem yeden zwerslag alle wegweit solt außspringen auf ein seitten So magstu In wol damit zu dem haubt treffen vnd wartt das du die weil oben vor dem haubt mit dem gehültz wol bedackt seist etc.

[17r.2] Rust zw den czynnen
Kumbst dar eyn dir wirtt gelyngen

Hye wirst gelertt daß dw dich fleyssig solt remen der vyer czynnen so magstu den man dester gewyser haben und den künstenlichen zw hawen und nicht haw zw dem messer alz dw den vor unterricht pist wenn [17v] eyner mit dem zw vechten zw dir kumbt stet er denn gegen dir ynn der hüt luginslandt So spring mit dem rechten fuß gegen ym woll auff deyn rechte seytten und schlag yn mit dem entrust haw zw der öberen czynnen versecz er den so schlag aber pald zw der unteren czynnen seyner rechten seytten alzo haw den haw von eyner czynnen zw der anderen und wildw daß dir geling so soltu mit yetlichen entrust haw zw den oberen czynnen schlagen versecz er den so schlag aber pald zw der oberen czynnen seyner rechten seytten alzo haw den haw von eyner czynnen zw der anderen und wildw daß dir geling so soltu mit ytlichem entrusthaw weyt auß springen auff eyn seytten und mit dem armen gib dich wol hyn umb so hastu den man dester gewyser und magst ym an seyn haubt eyn gute ruer geben yndeß soltu dich pebaren daß dw deyn schilltt daß ist dy versaczung soltu woll fuer deyn hawbt etc Sequitur textus


The feint deceives
It strikes the peaks as it wishes

Here the master teaches how one should feint with the Entrüsthau, as with the feints the masters who want to displace only and who strike to one’s Messer are duped a lot.

[53v.2] Feler verfueret
die zinnen noch wünsch er rürett

Hie saget der meinster wie man mit dem entrusch haulb fellent sol wan mit dem feller werdent die meinster sere gepluet die do nuer versetzen willentt [54r.1] vnd haulben noch dem messer des mans vnd nichtt zu den zÿnnen des mans


Now, perform the feint this way: do as if you wanted to strike with the Entrüsthau to the upper peaks of his left side, and while striking, as you are close to the Messer, stike to him to the other peak of his right side to the head.


If you feint in a double manner
Cut the cuts with force

Then, you should understand it this way: hold your Messer on your right side, so that the point is on the ground and the thumb is below on the flat of the Messer. And when he is high in the Luginsland and you have noticed that he let himself be deceived easily and follows eagerly with the displacement, go high in front of your body with the Messer and let the point hang towards the ground and go with the Messer above your left shoulder till over the middle of your head, so that the point goes out over the back and the hilt is against the man. And do as if you wanted to strike to his left side and “simultaneously” strike to his right ear with the Entrüsthau.

[18r.3] Ob dw felest czwiüach
Dy schnydt schneyd mit mach

Item daß soltu alzo verstan haltt deyn messer auff deyner rechten seytten [18v.1] daß der ortt auff der erden sey undt der dawm unter auff der flech deß messers und so er den hoch ligt ym luginsland und dw hast gemerckt daß er sich leychtiklich verfuren lest und gerne der versaczung nach get so far auff fuer deyn leyb mit dem messer laß den ort hangen gegen der erden und far mit dem messer uber deyn lincke achsel und uber dy mit deynes hawbcz daß der ortt uber ruck hyn auß gee und das gehulcz gegen dem man stee und thw sam dw yn wöllest schlagen zw seyner lincken seytten yndeß schlag yn zw dem rechten oren mit dem entrusthaw

[98r.15] Ob du felest zwifach / dy schneyd mit mach /

das saltu also verschtan / halt dein messer auff dein r. s / das der ort auff der erden sey vnd der dawm vnten [98v.1] an der flech des messers / vnd so er do nach leyt Im lüginsland vnd du hast gemerckt das er sich leychtlich  verfuren lost vnd gegen der versetzung laufft / so far auff für dein leyb mit dem messer vnd loß den ort hengen gegen der erden vnd far mit dem messer vber dein l. a. vntz voer dy mitte deines haupt das der ort vber růck hinaus ghee vnd das gehültz gegen dem man stee vnd thu sim [!] du wellest zu schlahen zu s. l. s In des schlach In zu dem rechten ore mit dem entristhaw

[150v.2] Ob du felest zwifach
den schnit damit mach

Item das soltu Also versteen. hallt dem Duseggen auf deinner rechten seitten. das der Ort auf der Erden stee. vnnd der dawm vnnden stannd an der flech. des duseggens vnnd so er dann hoch leit Im luginslannd vnnd hast gemerckt das er sich leychtlich verfieren last. vnnd geren der versatzunng nach geet. so far auf mit dem leyb vnnd lasz den Ort hanngen. gegen der Erden. vnnd far mit dem Duseggen vber [151r.1] sein rechte achsel. vnnden vber die Mitte deinnes hals das der Ort vberzuckh hinnausz gee. vnnd das gehultz gegen dem Mann stee. vnnd thu samm du Im wollest schlagen seinner linncken seitten zu. Indes schlag zum rechten arm. mit dem Entrusthaw.


Then, if you want to do the feint to the right, do this way: stand with the left foot forwards as above. While you lead your Messer in front of your body, step with the right foot to your left one and menace him as if you wanted to strike to his left side. Then, nod with the upper part of your body towards his left side for a moment and “simultaneously” step with your left foot towards his right side and strike with the Entrüsthau to his right ear. “Simultaneously” go high with the Messer and do as if you wanted to strike to his left side and nod a bit with the body to his left side. “Simultaneously” step with your right foot behind his right one and strike again to his right side with the doubling and strike the short edge behind the blade of his Messer to his face. “Simultaneously” step again around him and go high with the Messer as above, and step with the left foot well behind his right one and strike to his neck. “Simultaneously” go high and step behind him and strike to his stomach-this is called the hitter. “Simultaneously” even step around him well and strike again to his neck.

[18v.2] Item wiltu den feler recht machen so thu ym alzo stee mit dem lincken fuß fuer alz vor so dw nw daß messer fuer deynen leyb ferwest so schreytt mit dem rechten fuß zw deynem lincken und traw ym alz dw wollest zw seyner lincken seytten schlagen und wenck mit dem obren tayl deyneß leybs [19r] gegen seyner lincken seytten dy weyl yndeß schreyt mit dem lincken fuß auff seyn rechte seytten und schlag yn mit dem entrusthaw zw dem rechten oren yndeß far auff mit dem messer und thu aber sam dw wöllest schlagen auff seyn lincke seytten und wenck eyn wenick mit dem leyb uff seyn lincke seytten yndeß schreyt aber mit dem rechten fusß hynter seynen rechten und schlag yn wyder zw der rechten seytten eyn mit dem dupliren und schlag ym dy kurcz schneyd hynter seyneß messerß klingen yn daß an gesichtt yn deß schreytt nach paß umb yn und far aber auff mit dem messer alz vor und schreytt mit dem lincken füß wol hynter seynen rechten und schlag yn ynn seyn genick yndeß far aber auff und schreyt aber hyn hynter und schlag yn ynn den pauch daß hayst der treffer yndeß umbschreyt yn gar und haw ym [19v.1] wyder zw dem nack etc

[151r.2] Mer von dem Feler

Item wiltu den Feler machen. so thuo also. stannd mit dem linncken fuosz fur. alsz vor. so du Nun den Duseggen vor deinnem leyb fierst. so schreit mit dem rechten fuosz zu seinem linncken vnnd treib In also als wollestu zu seinner Rechten seitten schlagen. vnnd wennck mit dem obern thail deinnes leybs zu seinner linncken seitten. Indes schreit mit deinnem linncken fuosz auf sein rechten vnnd schlag In mit dem Entristhaw zu dem rechten arm. Indes far auf mit deinnem Duseggen vnnd thu aber als wollestu schlagen auf sein linncken seitten vnnd wennck ain wenig mit dem leyb auff sein linncken seitten. vnnd Indes schreit aber mit deinnem Rechten fuosz hinder seinnen rechten. vnnd schlag Im wider zu seiner rechten seitten mit dem Dupliern vnd schlag Im die kurtz schneidin hinder seinnes Duseggen klingen In das angsicht. Indes schreit nach vas vmb In. vnnd far auf mit dem Duseggen. als vor. schreit mit dem linncken [151v.1] fuosz wol hinnder seinnen rechten Vnnd schlag In Inn sein geinckh Indes far auf schreit aber hin hinndert vnnd schlag In Inn den pauch vnd das haist der treffer Indes vmb schreit In gar vnnd haw Im wider zu dem nackh.


Then, if you do not want to perform this element announced above, cut him with the doubling through his face. Or, if he wants to go “simultaneously” from the binding, cut him firmly to the next opening.


If he wants to do the Entrüsthau and measure to the peaks
You should not forget the Sprechfenster

Here the master teaches a breaking against the feints and Entrüsthaue and speaks: If he wants to, etc. You should understand it this way: if he wants to do feintswith the Entrüsthau, you should break it with the Sprechfenster, that is with the long point, and seek the openings with it in a masterly way, as you know it well.

[104] The Zwinger breaks,
As a buffalo strikes or thrusts,
Who wants to draw the changing,
The Zwinger wants to rob him

Here the master says about the fourth element and chapter that is called the Zwinger. Perform it this way: if you come with the Zufechten to the man, put your left foot forwards and hold your Messer on the ground with the point, so that the thumb is below on the Messer. If he strikes from above to the head, turn your Messer and strike against his stroke with the blunt edge long from the stretched arm from above over his Messer to his face. If he defends against it cleverly, and falls with this, and changes through below, remain with the long point long in front of his face, so that he is able to do nothing and cannot come through below.

The Zwinger breaks
What a buffalo strikes or thrusts
Who trusts in changing
The Zwinger wants to rob him

Here the master says about the fourth element and chapter that is called the Zwinger. Perform it this way: if you come with the Zufechten to the man, put your left foot forwards and hold your Messer on the ground with the point, so that the thumb is below on the Messer. If he strikes from above to the head, turn your Messer and strike against his stroke with the blunt edge long from the stretched arm from above over his Messer to his face. If he defends against it cleverly, and falls with this, and changes through below, remain with the long point long in front of his face, so that he is able to do nothing and cannot come through below.

[22v.2] Item den schiler treib also Wann du mit dem zufechten zu dem man kompst So setz den lincken fusß vor vnd halt dein swert an deiner rechten achseln Hawet er dir dann von oben zum kopffe So verwend dein swert vnd spring zu mit dem rechten fus vnd haw gegen seinem haw mit der kurtzen schneiden langk aus gestrackten armen oben über sein swert Im zum gesichte oder der prust, Ist er dann also gescheid vnd verfelet mit dem haw deines swertz vnd wechselt vnden durch So beleib Im mit dem ort auß langen ar= [23r.1] men vor dem gesichte so mag er dir nicht geschaden noch vnden durch kommen etc..

[19v.3] dEr czwynger eyn pricht
So der puffel schlecht und sticht
Wer wechsel will trawen
Der czwynger will yn perawben

Hye sagt der meyster von dem vyerden stuck daß do heysset der czwynger den treyb alzo wenn dw mit dem zw vechten zw dem man kumbst so secz deynen lincken fuß fuer und halt deyn messer uff der erden mit dem ort daß der dawm unter sey uff dem messer hawt er dan von oben [20r.1] zw dem hawbt so verbendt deyn messer und haw gegen seynem haw eyn mit stumpffer schneyden lanck auß gestracktem armen oben uber seyn messer ym zw dem gesicht Wer er aber alz listig und felet mit dem haw und wechslet unten durch so pleyb mit dem langen ort lanck auß gestrackten armen vor seym gesicht so mag er nicht schaffen noch schaden und kann dir unten nicht wol durch kumen etc


Then, you can break this with the Zwinger when one wants to thrust at you from the Eber. And this goes from both sides, and if you want otherwise, from above.

[23r.3] Item ein anders

Wenn du gegen Im steest vnd hast dein swert an deiner rechten achseln Steet er [23v.1] dann wider gegen dir In der hut des pflugs vnd trewet dir untten zu stechen So verwende den haw Im mit der kurtzen schneiden lanck oben ein so mag er dich vndten mit dem stich nicht erlangen.

[54v.2] ein anders

Item du magst mit dem zwinger dz brechen [55r.1] So dir eÿner will zu stechen vß dem eber vnd dz gatt von beÿden syten zue wiltu dich dan sünst vben ~


The Geferhau with its point
Waits for the face and the chest

Here the master speaks about the Geferhau, the fifth element and chapter. You should do it this way: if one stands in the guard of the Bastei, and as you come with the Zufechten to him, put your left foot forwards and hold your Messer with the stretched arm high above your head in the guard of the Luginsland. Then, leap to him with the right foot and strike with the long edge from above, and remain with your arm high and move your point downwards to his face or chest.

[27r.2] Item den Schaitteler treib also Wann du mit dem zufechten zu Im kommest, legt er sich dann In die hut alber So setz den lincken fus für vnd halt dein swert mit aufgereckten armen hoch über dein haubt In der hut vom tag vnd spring zu Im mit dem rechten fus vnd haw mit der langen schneiden starck von oben nider Vnd bleib mit den armen hoch vnd sencke Im den ort vnttersich zu seinem gesichte oder der prust

[20r.3] dEr gefer mit seyner artt
Deß antlicz und der kunst prust wartt

Hye sagt der meyster von dem funften [20v.1] stueck alz von dem geferhaw den soltu alzo machen ligt eyner inder hut der pasteyn und so dw mit dem zwvechten zw ym kumbst so secz deynen lincken fues fuer und halt deyn messer mit auff gerackten armen hoch uber deyn hawbt yn der hut luginsland und spring zw ym mit dem rechten fuß und haw mit der langen schneyden oben eyn und pleyb mit dem armen hoch und senck ym der ort untersich zw seynem gesicht oder prust etc


Strike the Geferhau
Simultaneously show the changing through

Then, you should deliver the element this way: if he stands against you in the Luginsland, as you come to him, strike against his Messer. If he goes high and wants to set the stroke aside, “simultaneously” let your point go down forwards and change through and thrust to his right side at the face with the stretched arm, and “simultaneously” do what you prefer.

[20v.2] Gefer haw
Durchwechsel yndeß schaw

Item daß stuck soltu alzo treyben ligt er gen dir ym luginslandt so dw zw ym kumbst so haw gegen seynem messer ist er hoch und wil dir den haw abseczen yndeß laß deyn ort foren nyder sincken und wechsel durch und stich ym auff seyn rechte seytten [21r.1] zw dem gesicht mit gestracktem armen yndeß mach waß dir eben ist etc


You should shoot the Wincker
And provoke the masters with it
Learn to do the Wincker in a double manner
To the right from the left

Here the master speaks about the sixth element that is called the Wincker and is one of the main elements in the Messer and strikes well the “free fighters” who displace freely, and is a new stroke and element in the Messer, and is peculiar and good.

[55v.2] Den wincker soltu erstrecken
Vnd die meinster do mit wecken
Zwifach ler wincken
Zu der rechten von der lincken

Hie sagett der meinster von dem sechsten stueck dz do heissett der wincker vnd ist der haubt stueck eyns im messer vnd gehoerett woll vff die frÿen vechtern die da frÿ versetzen vnd ist eyn nulber haulb vnd stueck im messer [56r.1] Vnd ist seltzam Vnd guet

[21r.2] dEn Wyncker soltu erstrecken
Und dy meyster da mit erbecken
Czwiüach ler wyncken
Zw der rechten von der lincken

Hye sagt der meyster von dem sechsten stuck daß da heysset der wyncker und ist der hawbtstuck eyneß ym messer und geret woll auff dy freyvechter dy frey verseczen und ist eyn newer haw und stuck ym messer und ist setlzam und gut

[152r.3] Der winnckerhaw Mit seinnen stuckhen

Den winncker solltu erstrecken
die Maister damit weckhen

[152v.1] Zwifach Leere winncken
zur rechten vnd zur lincken


If you want to do the element, do to him this way: stand with your left foot forwards and hold your Messer on your right shoulder. If he stands in the Luginsland, strike from your right shoulder with the stretched arm long to him with the long edge. And as you strike wind against his Messer and strike to his head with the short edge. “Simultaneously” let your Messer go down towards your body and go through “simultaneously” to your left side with the lowered point and strike to his head towards his left side with the short edge.

[21r.3]  wiltu daß stuck machen so thw ym alzo stee mit deynem lincken fuß fuer und halt deyn messer auff deyner rechten achseln stet er denn ym luginslandt so haw von deyner rechten [21v.1] achseln mit gestracktem armen zw ym lanck eyn mit der kurczen schneyden und ym haw so wyndt gegen seynem messer und schlag yn auff daß hawbt mit der kurczen schneyden yndeß laß deyn messer sincken fuer deyn leyb und ge durch yndeß auff se deyn lincke seytten mit gesencktem ortt und schlag yn auff den kopff auff seyner rechten seytten mit der kurczen schneyden etc


Then, put your Messer on your left side, so that the point remains on the ground and the thumb is above on the Messer, or stand in the Schranckhut, so that the right foot is forwards. If he stands in the guard of the Luginsland, strike always to his right side with the short edge. “Simultaneously” go through with the Messer and lower the point and go with the Messer to his left side. This way, you have the element in a double manner from both sides.

[56r.3] Ein ander stueck

Item leg dyn messer vff dyn lincken syten dz der ortt vff der erden ste vnd der thum oben vff dem messeg [!] lig oder ste in der schranckhutt dz der rechtt fuß vor ste lyett er dan in der hut lueginßlant So haulb eÿchling In zue siner rechten syten die kuertz schnid Indes gee dürch mit dyem messer vnd senck den ortt vnd far mit dem messer vff syn lincken siten also [56v.1] hastu dz stueck zwyffach von beyten seÿten

[21v.2] Item leg deyn messer uff deyn lincke seytten daß der ortt uff der erden stee und der dawm oben auff dem messer lige oder stee yn der schranckhutt daß der recht füß vor stee ligt er den ynder hut luginsland so haw ewchling eyn zw seyner rechten seytten dy kurcz schneyd yndeß gee durch mit dem messer und senck den ortt und far mit dem messer uff seyn lincke seytten alzo hastu daß stuck czwiuach von [22r.1] paeden seytten etc

[152v.3] Item leg dein Duseggen auf dein linncke seiten das der ort auf der Erden stee. vnnd der dawm oben auf der wehr/ [153r.1] Lig oder stee Inn der schrannckhut das der Recht fuosz vor stee. leit er dann Inn der hut luginslannd. so haw Im ein zu seiner rechten seitten. die kurtz. schneidin. Indes gee durch mit deinnem duseggen. vnnd senckh den Ort vnnd far mit dem Duseggen auf sein lincken seitten. also hastu das stuckh zwifach von baiden seitten.


Then, if you do not want to go through, so that it is the last thing for you to go through from his right side, remain standing with the Messer and wind towards your left side, so that the short edge is below, and thrust at him at the face.

[22r.2] Item wiltu aber nicht durchgen daß eß dich zw lecz dunckt durch zw gen von der rechten seytten so pleyb alzo ligen mit dem messer und wynd gegen deyner lincken seytten daß dy kurcz schneyd unten stee und stich ym zw dem gesicht etc


Wind to the left in hitting
Strike long to the right, if you want to dupe him

You should understand it this way: if he stands against you in the Luginsland, strike from your right shoulder directly from above an upper stroke to him with the long or stretched arm to his left side. Now notice, in the stroke, as the stroke goes to the head, “simultaneously” wind towards his Messer, so that the short edge is below, and do not complete the stroke. Instead, in the stroke, let your point go down and go down through with your Messer to your left side and strike to him with the short edge to the head. “Simultaneously” wind your Messer towards you and strike to him to the same side to the head with the long edge, and “simultaneously” do what you prefer. This element can also be done on both sides.

[56v.3] Winck linck ym treffen
Haulb recht lang wiltu in effen

Daß soltu also verstan Stott er gegen dir in lügenßlant So haulb von dÿner rechten achßell gerad oben In zu Im In eynem ober haulb mit langem ortt gestracktem arm zu syner lincken syten Nu merck Im haulb dÿweill der haulb nach dem kopf get Indeß wind gegen synenm messer dz die kuertz schnid vnten stee vnd verend den schlag nicht sünder In dem schlag loß den ortt sincken vnd ge vnten duerch mit dem messer vff din lincken syten [57r.1] vnd schlag In mit der kurtzen schniden vff den kopff Indes wind din messer gegen dir vnd schlag in vff die selbigen syten vff den kopff mit der langen schniden Indes mach wz dir eben ist dz stueck gat auch zue beÿden seyten ~

[22r.3] Winck linck ym treffen
Haw recht lanck wiltu yn effen

Daß soltu alzo verstan stet er gegen dir ym luginsland so haw von deyner rechten achsel gerad oben eyn zw ym Ee eyn oberhaw mit langen gestracktem armen zw seyner lincken seytten Nw merck ym haw dy weyl der haw nach dem kopff gett yndeß wynd gegen seynem messer daß dy kurcz schneyd oder stumpff schneyd unten stee und verendt den schlag nicht sünder [22v.1] ym schlag laß den ort sincken und gee unter durch mit dem messer auff deyn lincke seytten und schlag yn mit der kurczen schneyden uff den kopff ynder wenndt deyn messer gegen dir und schlag yn auff der selbigen seytten auff den kopff mit der langen schneyden yndeß mach waß dir eben ist daß stuck get zw zw payden seytten etc

[153r.3] Winck linck Im treffen
haw recht lang wiltu In effen

Item das soltu also Verst on. steet er gegen dir Im luginsland. so haw von deinner Rechten Achsel gerad oben ein zu Im einen oberhaw mit der lanngen schneid oder mit gestracktem arm. zu seinner linncken seitten Nun merckh Im haw. dieweil der haw nach dem kopff geet. so wind gegen seinnem duseggen das die kurtz schneid vnden stee. vnnd verwend den schlag mit svnnder In dem schlag lasz den ort lincken vnnd ge vnnden durch mit dem duseggen. auf dein lincken seitten. vnd schlag In mit der kurtzen schneid Indes mach was dir eben ist. das stuckh [153v.1] geet auch zu baiden seitten.


Then, as you strike with the long edge to his right side to his head, “simultaneously” wind your Messer towards yourself and go high with the arm and thrust at his face to his right side. “Simultaneously” wind again towards him to his right side and thrust to his right side again to his face.


If you want to deceive the masters
You should enjoy the Wincker
What comes in a crooked manner or wrongly
This is rightful for the Wincker

Here the master speaks about the element that is called the Wincker and speaks: If you want… the masters, etc. You should understand it this way that this element goes rightfully to anyone who displaces in a crooked manner or wrongly, then this element has its priority.[18]

[57r.3] Wiltu die meinster pleulben
des winckers soltu dich freulben
Waß kümpt krüm oder schlecht
daß ist wincker als gerecht

Hie saget der meinster von dem stueck dz do heÿssett [57v.1] der wincker vnd spricht wiltu die meinster plulben daß soltu also verstan dz daß stuck recht zu gett vff eym ÿttlichem er versetz kruem oder schlechtt So hat dz stuck synen fur ganck vnd were dem stuck rechtt kan thun der schlecht gar viell luede ~~

[22v.3] Wiltu dy meyster plewen
[23r.1] Deß winckerß soltu dich frewen
Waß kumbt krump oder schlecht
Daß ist dem wincker alz gerecht

Hye sagt der meyster von dem stuck daß do heysset der wincker und spricht wiltu dy meyster etc das soltu alzo verstan daß daß stuck recht zw gett auff eynem ytlichen er versecz krump oder schlecht so hatt daß stuck seynen fuerganck und wer dem stuck rechtt kann thun der schlecht gar vil lewt


Do to him this way: if he displaces in a crooked manner, strike from your right shoulder from above a free upper stroke to his Messer and as you strike, turn your Messer before one sparks on the other, and go high with the arm and strike the short edge to his head.


Then, if you have not hit him, as it is already stated, with the stroke, go with the point against your left side and thrust at his throat or chest, or take away on the Messer, as you know it well.

[23r.3]  hast yn nicht getroffen mit dem haw so far mit dem ortt [23v.1] auff deyn lincke seytten und stich ym czw der kelen oder prust oder nymb ab auff dem messer etc

[153v.5] hastu In nit getroffen mit dem haw. so far mit dem ort auf dein [154r.1] linncke seitten. vnnd stich Im zu der Kelen oder prust. oder Nimb ab auf dem Duseggen. als du dann wol bericht bist.


You should praise the four guards
If you want to win in the Messer combat
Bastei and the Luginsland
Stier and the Eber should be known to you

It is to be known that the master has stated and explained the six strokes or chapters. Now he speaks here about the seventh chapter and main element. And first about the four stances in the Messer, which one can consider and defend himself from them with the rightful art.

[23v.2] Vyer leger solt absynnen
Ym messer vechten wildt begynnen
Basteyn und luginsland
Styr und eber seyn dir pekandt

So nw der meyster gesagt und außgericht hatt dy sechß hew nw sagt er von den andren hawbt stuck und czwm ersten wirt gesagt von den vyer legeren ym messer da von man halten solt und sich mit rechter kunst dar auß sol weren


Then, the first stance or guard is called the Bastei. Assume it this way: put your left[20] foot forwards and hold your Messer with the stretched arm in front of you with the point on the ground, so that the short edge is above.

[23v.3] Item daß erst leger oder hut dy heyst dy pasteyn und schick dich yn dy also secz deynen lincken fuß fuer und halt [24r.1] deyn messer mit gestracktem armen vor dir mit dem ort uff der erden daß dy kurcz schneyd oder stumpff oben stee etc

[98v.18] Item das erst leger oder hůt heysset dy pasteÿ schick dich also setz deinen [rechten fuß vor vnd halt dein messer mit gestracktem][17] [99r.1] arm vor dir mit dem spitz auff der erden das dye kurtz schneid oder stumpf schnid oben stee


Then, the other guard or stance is the Luginsland—assume it this way: put your left[21] foot forwards and hold your Messer with the stretched arm high in in front of your head and the long edge or the sharp edge stands against the man.


Then, assume the Stier this way: put your left foot forwards and hold your Messer on the left side with the hilt in front of your head, so that the short edge is against you and the point against the face.


Then, assume the Stier on the other side side as it is depicted below.


The fourth guard is called the Eber. Assume it this way: hold your Messer at the right leg on the right side with the hilt at the hip, so that the blunt edge is above and the point is forwards against the face of the man.

[24r.4] Item dy vyerdt hut hayst der eber yn dy schick dich alzo halt deyn [24v.1] messer bey dem rechten payn auff der rechten seytten mit dem gehultz neben der hüff daß dy stumpff schneydt oben stee und der ortt fur sich auff stee dem man gegen dem gesicht etc

[123] Then, you should also perform the guard from the left side with the Messer. And assume the guard this way: hold your Messer at your left side at the left hip, so that the long edge is turned upwards and the point stands upwards against the face of the man. The text follows.

Then, you should also perform the Eber from the left side with the Messer. And assume the guard this way: hold your Messer at your left side at the hip, so that the long edge is turned upwards and the hilt is a bit lowered towards the ground and the point stands upwards against the face of the man, as it is depicted below.

[28v.3] Item zu der lincken seitten schick dich also In den pflug Setz den rechten fuß vor vnd halt dein swert neben deiner lincken seitten vnttersich zu deiner lincken hüfft das die lang sneid oben gewant sej vnd der ort übersich stee dem man ge= [29r.1] gen dem gesichte etc.

[24v.2] Item dw magst dy hut ausß der lincken seytten auch treyben mit dem messer und schick dich yn dye alzo haltt deyn messer neben deyner lincken seytten untersich auff dy lincken huff daß dy lang schneyd oben gewendt sey und der ort ubersich stee dem man zw dem gesicht etc Sequitur textus


You should love the four displacements,
If you want to win the stances,
Mind yourself not to displace,
Displacing makes a man have efforts

Here the master speaks about the eighth chapter or element. These are the four displacements that break the four guards.

You should refrain from the four displacements
If you want to force the stances
Mind yourself not to displace
Displacing makes a man have efforts

Here the master speaks about the eighth chapter or element. These are the four displacements that break the four guards.

[58v.3] Die versetzen soltu mynnen
Wiltu die leger bezwingen
Vor versetzen dich huett
Versetzen dick den man muett

Hie saget der meinster von dem achsten stueck dz sintt die vier versetzen die selbigen die brechen [59r.1] die fuer hutt


Now you should know that there are four displacements and know that no displacement against the four guards belongs here because the four strokes which break the four guards.

[29v.2] So soltu nu wissen was da sein die vier versetzen damit du die vier hut prechen solt Wisß das kein versetzen dartzu nit gehört wann vier hew die prechen die vier hut etc.


Then, the first stroke is the Wecker. It breaks the guard from the Stier.


The other is the Entrüsthau. It breaks the guard from the Luginsland.

[29v.4] Das ander das ist der zwer haw [30r.1] der pricht die hut vom tag.


Then, the third is called the Zwinger. It breaks the guard from the Eber.

[129] Then, the fourth is the Geferhau. It breaks the guard that is called the Bastei. How you should perform the elements, you have been taught to a great degree before, as the strokes are dealt with, and how one should break the four guards with them.

Then, the fourth is the Geferhau. It breaks the guard that is called the Bastei. How you should perform the elements, you have been taught to a great degree before, as the strokes are dealt with, and how one should break the four guards.

[30r.3] Das vierde das ist der Schaittel haw der pricht die hut die da heist Alber vnd wie du die rechten stuck aus den vier hewen gegen den huten treiben solt


Then, the text also speaks: Mind yourself not to displace. This to say that you should not displace a lot, if you do not want to be ashamed and beaten otherwise, as you have been taught before.

[30r.4] Das vindestu dauor In den hewen geschrieben Darumb hüt dich vor versetzen gegen den huten wiltu anders mit slegen nit geschendet werden etc.

[25r.7] Item eß spricht der text von verseczen [25v.1] dich huet etc Daß ist alz vil geredt daß dw nicht vil verseczen solt wil dw anderß nicht geschendt und geschlagen werden alz dw denn vor unterrichtt pist etc


If the Eber and the Stier intend to defend themselves
You should turn the ready long point to him

Here the master teaches a breaking against the Eber and the Stier and speaks: If...intend, etc. You should understand it this way: if he stands in the Eber on his left side and wants to thrust at you to your right side, go with long stretched point “simultaneously” to his face, and fall with the rear foot well outside, so that you hit him at his face. And you should know that the breakings with the long point are better than these announced above from the strokes, as the strokes cannot protect themselves on their own against the long point and they are broken with it.


Then, if he stands in the Eber on his right side and wants to thrust at you from the guard to your left side, put the Messer on the ground so that the thumb is above on the flat and the short edge is against the man, and go with the ready long point to his face, as it is depicted below.


Then, if he stands in the Stier on his right side and wants to thrust at you from the same guard, “simultaneously” go readily high and thrust at his face with the long point, as it is depicted below.


Then, if he stands in the Stier on his left side and wants to thrust at you as before, go high with the stretched point and thrust at his face or throat or chest, as it is depicted below. And with these breakings you break the four guards always in the best way.


You should set on
And hurt him on the four ends
If he comes from above or from below
The straight point is bound to him

Here the master speaks about the settings on and the setting on is a good honest element and it goes close to the four peaks. And it should be performed as soon as you want to finish with the Messer, and perform the settings on this way: assume the guard of the Bastei, and if he wants to strike or thrust from above from his right side, come “before” and shoot the long point to his next opening of his left or right side.

[59r.8] Du solt an setzen ~
[59v.1] An vier enden In letzen
Er küm oben oder vnten
Ort gerad ist In verbünden

Hie saget er von an setzen vnd dz ist die ansetzen ist ein gut gantz erntstlich stuck vnd gat nahentt die vier zÿnnen vnd gehorett ze triben als bald du endt willt geben mit dem messer vnd trib die an setzen also leg dich in die huett des stÿer oder des ebers wil er dan oben In haulben oder stechen von syner rechten syten so küm vor vnd schuß im den langen ortt In zu der nesten ploß siener lincken syten vnd wart allbegen dz du im an setzest

[25v.2] dw sölt an seczen
Und an vyer enden yn leczen
Er kum oben oder unden
Ort gerad ist yn verbunden

Hye sagt der meyster von dem [22] stuck alz von den anseczen und daß ist eyn gucz ernestlichß stuck und gat nohent den vyer czynnen und gehort zw treyben alz pald dw end wild geben mit dem messer und treyb dy anseczen alzo leg dich yn dy hut deß stiren oder deß eberß will er [26r.1] den oben eyn hawen oder stechen von seyner rechten seytten so kum vor und schewß ym den langen ort eyn zw der negsten plöß seyner lincken seytten und wart albeg daß dw ym an seczest etc


Then, if he strikes from above from his left side, come “before” with the displacement and shoot the long point long to his right side to the next opening.


Then, if he strikes at you from below from his right side, shoot the point long to him to the next opening of his left side.

[31v.3] Item oder hewet er dir zu von vnden auff von seiner rechten seitten [32r.1] So scheusse Im den ort langk ein zu der nechsten plösse seiner lincken seitten etc.


Then, or if he strikes to you from below from his left side, shoot the point long to him to the lower opening of his right side. If he becomes aware of the shoot and displaces, remain with the Messer on his one, and work skillfully to the next opening.


Then, you should also know that as soon as you come together in the Zufechten, and as soon as he only raises his Messer and wants to strike around, you should fall in the point and thrust at the next opening.

[26r.5] Item dw solt auch daß wyssen alz pald [26v.1] Ir zwsammen kumbt und alz pald dy er seyn messer newer hebtt und umb schlagen will alz pald soltu yn den ortt fallen und stechen nach der negsten ploß


If he does not want to go with the Messer, you should go yourself with your Messer. And as often as you end a stroke, fall “simultaneously” in the point. If you can perform the settings on properly, he is hardly able to go without injury from you. The text follows.


Learn to draw after
Make the cuts point to the defence
Learn to do them in a double manner
You should expose yourself with the art

Here the master speaks about the tenth and element, that is the drawing after, which are numerous and diversified, and should be practiced with great care against the “free fighters,” who fight with long free strokes and do not know the rightful art of the Messer and against those who cannot do much in the rightful art but still believe that they know a lot, although they know nothing. And against those who strike to the stomach and grab at the openings for the sake of being praised. The drawing after should also be done against those who withdraw from the man or deliver strokes that miss.

Learn to draw after
Make the cuts point to the defence
Learn to do them in a double manner
You should expose yourself with the art

Here the master speaks about the ninth chapter and element, that is the drawing after. They are numerous and diversified, and should be practiced with great care against the “free fighters,” who fight with long free strokes and do not know the rightful art of the Messer. And they deliver strokes that miss and strike to the breakings and to the sides and who withdraw from the man.

[32v.1] Item merck der nachreissen ist vnd mancherlej vnd gehöret zu treiben mit grosser fürsichttigkeit gegen den vechtern die da auß freien langen hewen fechten vnd sunst von rechter kunst des swertz nichtz halten etc.

[26v.3] lEr nach raysen
Zw wer dy schnydt thw ym weysen
Czwiuach ler dy machen
Mit kunsten dich solt pesachen

Hÿe sagt der meyster vonn dem zehenten newden stuck daß ist daß nach reysen daß ist vil und manigerlay und daß gehortt zw treyben mit grosser fursichtikayt gegen den freyfechteren dy ausß [27r.1] langen freyen hewen fechten und suest von rechter kunst deß messerß nicht halten und zw den dy nicht vill kunnen in rechter kunst und si doch maynen si wyssen will wye wol si nichtz wyssen und wÿder dye dy dem nach nach dem pauch schlagen und greuffen nach den plössen von romeß wegen auch gehoren dy nachraysen auff dye dy sich vor dem man abczyhent oder sich verhawen etc


And do the drawing after this way: if you come with the Zufechten to the man, put your left foot forwards and stand in the guard of the Luginsland and see what he does against you. If he strikes from above long from his right shoulder to you, make sure he does not reach you with the stroke and notice, in the moment as he lets his Messer go down towards the ground with the stroke, leap with the right foot and strike to him from above to the opening of his right side sooner than he comes high again with the Messer.

[32v.2] Item das erst stuck aus den nachreissen

das treibe also wann du [33r.1] mit dem zu fechten zu Im kommest so setz den lincken fus für vnd stee In der hut vom tag vnd sihe gar eben was er gegen dir ficht, hewt er dir dann oben langk ein von seiner rechten achseln so versetze Im nicht vnd wart das er dich mit dem hawe nit erlange So mercke die weil sein swert mit dem hawe vnttersich geet gegen der erden So spring zu Im mit dem rechten fus vnd hawe Im oben ein zu der plösse seiner rechten seitten ee wann er mit dem swert wider auf kommet So ist er geslagen etc.

[60v.2] Ein noch reisen

Item daß noch rÿßen ist wan du mit dem ze vechten zu dem man kümpst so setz dÿnen lincken fus fur vnd ste in der hut luginßlant vnd sich oben waß er gegen dir tribt oder vichtt hautt er dan oben lang in von syner rechten achßell So wartt dz er dich mit dem haulb mit erlange Nu merck die will er sin messer vnttersich mit dem haulb let gen gegen der erden So spring mit dem rechten fus zu vnd haulb im oben ze der ploesß syner rechten syten [61r.1] E wan er mit dem messer kümptt So ist er gar gnaulb gesclagen ~~

[27r.2] Item daß erst stuck auß dem nachraysen wenn dw mit dem zw vechten zw dem man kumbst so secz deynen lincken fuß fuer und stee ynder hut luginsland und sich eben waß er gen dir vicht hawt er dir dann oben lanck eyn von seyner rechten achseln So wart daß er dich nicht mit dem haw erlang und merck dy weyl er seyn messer untersich mit dem haw lest gen gegen der erden so spring mit dem rechten fuß zw und haw ym oben zw der plöß seyner rechten [27v.1] seytten ee wenn er mit dem messer auff kumbt so ist er gar genawen geschlagen etc


Then, another element. If he delivers a stroke that misses and you strike to him “after,” and he goes quickly high with the Messer and displaces, remain firmly with the right edge on his Messer. If he raises his Messer, leap with you left foot well behind his right one and strike to his head to his right side. “Simultaneously” do what you want to do.

[33r.2] Item ein ander stuck

Wann er sich verhewet vnd du Im nach hewest fert er dann bald auf mit dem swert vnd versetzet So beleib mit 33v.1 der langen sneiden auf seinem swert starck Hebt er dann mit dem swert übersich So spring mit dem lincken fus wol hintter seinen rechten vnd slage In mit der zwer oder sust zum kopffe seiner rechten seitten


And notice always whether he is “soft” or “hard” in the binding. That is why you should know the “feeling of the Messer.”

[33v.2] vnd arbait bald widerumb zu seiner lincken seitten mit dem duplieren oder sust mit andern stucken darnach du enpfindest ob er hertt oder waich ist am swertt Vnd das ist die eusser mÿnne etc.


Then, an element: if he delivers a stroke that misses in front of you, and you strike at him “after,” and then you bind on his Messer towards his left side. If he strikes then from the displacement with the Entrüsthau quickly around you to your right side, come “simultaneously” with the Entrüsthau forwards under his Messer against his left side to his neck. Or, perform the cuts, or go high with the hilt and lower the point to his face or chest and push him backwards. “Simultaneously” work towards the peaks.

[33v.2] Item aber ein ander stuck

Wann er sich vor dir verhewet vnd du Im nach heuest Bindestu dann auf sein swertt gegen seiner lincken seitten Schlecht er dann aus der versatzung mit der zwer bald uber dich zu deiner rechten seitten So [34r.1] kumm Im In des mit der zwer forn für vntter seinem swertt gegen seiner lincken seitten an seinem hals Oder spring mit dem lincken fus auff sein rechte seitten vnd haw seinem hawe nach zu der rechten seitten Oder treib den snid Im über sein arm zum kopffe etc.

[27v.4] Item aber eyn stuck wenn er sich vor dir verhawet und dw nach hawest pyndest dan uff seyn messer gegen seyner lincken seytten schlacht er dann auß der versaczung mit dem entrusthaw pald umb dich zw deyner rechten seytten so kumb yndeß mit dem entrusthaw foren unter seyn messer gegen seyner [28r.1] lincken seytten an seynen halz oder treybn dy schnydt oder far auff mit dem gehultz und senck den ort yn seyn antlicz oder prust und schewb yn alzo zw ruck yndeß erbat nach den czynnen etc


Then, a drawing after: if you stand in the guard of the Bastei and he falls with his Messer on yours before you raise it, remain below “on the Messer” and raise up. If he wants to strike at you “on the displacement” or wind in “on the Messer,” do not let him come away “from the Messer” and work “simultaneously” to the next peak.

[34r.2] Item aber ein nachreissen

Wann du gegen Im fichst aus vntterhawen oder auß den streichen Oder legstu dich gegen Im In die hut alber Felt er dir dann mit dem swert auf das dein ee dann du auf kommest So beleib also vntten am swertt vnd heb übersich will er dir dann auß der versatzung ein hawen oder am swert einwinden [34v.1] So las Im vom swert nit abkommen vnd volge Im daran nach vnd arbeit damit zu der nechsten plösse.


Then, an element: assume the guard of the Bastei, stand with your left foot forwards, and if he wants to strike from his right side to the Messer, “simultaneously” avoid the stroke with the Messer on his right side and thrust at him with the stretched arm over his Messer.

[159r.2] Mer ain nachraisen

Item leg dich Inn die hut der Pastey vnd stee mit deinem lincken fuosz fur. will er dir dann von seiner rechten seitten einhawen. so weich ausz dem haw mit dem Duseggen auf sein rechten seitten. vnnd stich Im mit [159v.1] gestracktem armen vber sein Duseggen.


If he is skilled and displaces the stroke, go high skillfully with the stretched arm, wind to his Messer the point firmly at his face.

[28r.4]  ist eyner alzo pehendt [28v.1] und verseczt den stich yndeß far auff mit gestracktem armen behendlich wyndt auff seyn messer ym den ort starck zw dem gesicht


Then, you can do the drawing after on both sides and also bring cuts to it. And do him this way: if he delivers a stroke that misses in front of you, be it from the right or the left side, strike to him merrily to the opening. If he goes high and binds you from below on the Messer, notice as soon as one Messer sparks on the other, go “simultaneously” with the long edge to his arm, and press with the cut downwards, or cut “simultaneously” through his face.

Then, you can do the drawing after on both sides and also bring cuts to it. And do him this way: if he delivers a stroke that misses in front of you, be it from the right or the left side, strike to him merrily to the opening. If he goes high and binds you from below on the Messer, notice as soon as one Messer sparks on the other, go “simultaneously” with the long edge to his arm, and press with the cut downwards, or cut through his face.

[36r.1] Das ist das du die nachreissen solt treiben zu beiden seitten vnd den schnid auch darein brengen Vnd das vernyme also Wenn er sich vor dir verhewet es sej von der rechten seitten oder von der lincken seitten So hawe Im frolich nach zu der plösse Fert er dann auf vnd pint dir untten an das swert So mercke alsbald ein swert an das ander glitzet so falle Im Indes mit der langen schneiden auff sein arm vnd druck mit dem schnid unttersich oder schneide Im nach dem maul etc.


If he wants to sway around the head
You should strike to the neck to the left

Here the master teaches a drawing after and speaks: Around the head, etc. You should understand it this way: if he remains in the horizontal stance on his left side against your right, and wants to strike around his head to your left side, remain “simultaneously” with your Messer and go readily down and strike to his neck, as it is depicted below.


If the duffers deliver strokes that miss
Give the draw after to the old hood

You should understand it this way: if one wants to strike to your stomach, and wants to leap away with it, notice, as soon as he goes down with the stroke, strike to his head, as it is depicted below.


Bowing with the shield to the right should defend you
If he wants to go after in the drawing after

Here the master teaches how one should displace the drawing after and speaks: Bowing with, etc. You should understand it this way: if you have delivered a stroke that missed to your right side, you should go with bowing under his Messer, so that the thumb is below on your Messer and the hilt is against your left side. If he wants to draw after, catch the stroke on the flat on your Messer, so that the short edge is against him.


Overwind the bowing, learn to thrust at the cheek
And to break the bowing with the point

You should understand it this way: if he wants to go high with the bowing and displace the drawing after, wind “simultaneously” over his Messer to his right side and thrust with the point to his right cheek to his right side.


If he wants to enjoy the overwinding with the point
Go over with the pommel, strike to the face and do the thrusting

Here the master teaches a breaking against the counter-breaking and you should understand it this way: if he winds to your right ear and wants to thrust at your cheek as before, “simultaneously” go with the hilt over his “weak” of the Messer and strike or thrust at his face.


You should bow to the left
If the drawing after wants to dupe you

You should understand it this way: if you have delivered a stroke that missed to yout left side and he wants to attack you after, go with the bowing under his Messer, so that the long edge is against him, as it is depicted below.


Wind the point to the left to the bowing
Do the war and he will be duped

You should understand it this way: if he goes against you with the bowing from his left side, work against him with the war to his ear of his left cheek and wind to his left side, so that the thumb is inside against you and the long edge is below, and thrust at his face or where you want.


If he winds and lets the point show
Go high, thrust the point or you may strike

Here the master teaches a breaking against the breaking announced above. If he winds to your face as above, strike “simultaneously” high with the lowered point with the long edge to his face or thrust at his throat.


If he wants to strike as before
The straight point gives him horrors

You should understand it this way: if he strikes to you face as announced above, or he wants to thrust at it, remain standing and thrust with the long point with the stretched arm at his face, thus he is not able to reach you with his stroke.


Overrun the lower hurt
Be strong and ashame him
If the displacement is delivered to it
Be considerate, wind the point short

Here the master speaks about the tenth chapter, that is about the overrunning, and speaks: Overrun, etc. Understand it this way: if you come with the Zufechten to the man and he strikes to you from below, do not displace it but notice, as his lower stroke or half-stroke goes to you, strike to him from your right shoulder from above long and shoot the point long to his face, and set on to him, so that he is not able to reach you from below. If he goes from below high and displaces, remain with the long edge firmly on his Messer and “simultaneously” go high with the arm, wind and hang the point to his face. Amen.

[36v] Das ist wenn dir einer von vnden zu ficht wie du In solt überlauffen Das vernyme also Wann du mit dem zufechten zu Im kommest Hewet der dir dann vnden zu das versetze Im nicht Svnder mercke wann sein vnderhaw gegen dir geet so hawe Im von deiner rechten achseln von oben lanck vnd scheusse Im den ort langk ein zum gesichte [1] oder der prust Vnd setze Im an so kan er dich vnden nit erlangen Vnd fert er denn von vnden auf vnd versetzt so bleib mit der langen schneiden starck auf dem swert vnd arbeit behendiglichen zu der nechsten plösse etc.

[61r.3] Vber lauf die vnder raem
Sterck vnd in beschem
Ist die versatzüng dar bracht
Ort wind kurtz piß bedocht

Hie saget der meinster von dem zehenden stueck als von dem vberlauffen vnd spricht vberlauffen Daß verste also wan du mit dem ze vechten [61v.1] ze dem man kümpst hautt er dir dan vntten zue daß vesetz im nicht Sünder merck wan syn vntter haulb oder halb haulb gegen dir gegent So haulb im von diner rechten achßell von oben lang in vnd schus im den ortt lang in zue dem gesicht vnd setz im an So kan er dich vntten nicht gereÿchen fertt er dan von vntten vff vnd versetzt So plyb mit langen ortt oder schniden starck vff sin messer vnd indes far vff mit dem arm wind vnd henge im den ortt zue dem gesichtt

[28v.3] uber lauff dy unteren ram
Sterck und yn bescham

[29r] Und dy versaczung dar pracht
Ortt byndt kurcz piß pedacht

Hye sagt der meyster von dem eylften zehenden stuck alz von dem uberlauffen und spricht uberlauff etc Daß vernymb alzo wenn dw mit dem zw vechten zw dem man kumbst hawt er dir dan unten zw daß versecz ym nicht sunder merck wenn seyn unterhew oder halphew gegen dir genen so haw ym von deyner rechten achsel von oben lanck eyn und scheuß ym den ort lanck eyn czw dem gesicht und secz ym an so kann er dich unten nicht der raychen fert er dan von unten auff und ferseczt so pleyb mit der langen oder scharpffen schneyden starck auff seynem messer und yndeß far auff mit dem armen wynd und heng ym den ort zw dem gesicht amen Sequitur textus

[99r.28] Vber lauff Die vnder ram mit sterck vnd In bescham Ist die versatzung dar bracht ortt wind kurtz biß bedacht

Hye sagt der meyster von den zehen stucken als von dem vber lauff vnd spricht vber lauf das [verstee also wan du mit dem zuüechten][17] [99v.1] Zu dem man kumest hewet er dir dan vnden zu dem versetz Im nicht Sunder merck wan sein vnderhaw oder happhaw gegen dir geyn So haw Im von deyner r. s. von oben lanck zů Im vnd schuß Im den ortt lang Im zu dem gesicht vnd setz Im an so kan er dich vnden nit erreychen fert er dan von vnden auf vnd versetzt So pleyb mit dein langen oder scharffen schniden starck auff sein messer vnd indes far auff mit dem arm wind vnd heng Im den ortt zu dem gesicht

[160] Strike the Entrüsthau to him, overrun
Wind and raise the pommel

Here the master says how one should overrun in the Messer and speaks: Strike the Entrüsthau to him, etc.

Strike the Entrüsthau to him, overrun
Wind and raise the pommel

Here the master says how one should overrun in the Messer and speaks: Strike the Entrüsthau to him, etc.

[160v.1] Entrist In vberlaüff
wind vnnd erhoch den knopff

Item hie findstu Wie man ausz dem Entrist vberlauffen soll.

[161] Understand it this way: if he stands in the guard of the Luginsland, hold your Messer on the right side, stand with the left foot forwards and go with the Entrüsthau to his left side, quickly to him. “Simultaneously” go from below above his Messer with the hilt to your left side and pull your Messer on his Messer back, and go high with the hilt, and strike witht the left hand in the middle of your Messer. Then, thrust at his face with the armed hand or “simultaneously” hit him with a “thunderstroke” to his head or go with the “weak” downwards to his lower peaks.

Understand it this way: if he stands in the guard of the Luginsland, hold your Messer on the right side, stand with the left foot forwards and go with the Entrüsthau to his left side, quickly to him. “Simultaneously” go from below over his Messer with the hilt to his righ side and pull your Messer on his Messer back, and go high with the hilt, and drop your left hand onto the middle of your Messer. Then, thrust at his face with the armed hand or so.

[61v.3] Daß verste also ligt er in der hut lueginßlant so hab din messer vff diner rechten siten Ste mit dinem lincken fus vor vnd ge mit dem entrueest haulb ze syner lincken siten vast an In Indes far vnten vff uber sin messer mit dem [62r.1] gehueltz vff sin rechten syten vnd zueck vff sin messer din messer ze rueck vnd far vff mit dem gehultz vnd fal mit der lincken hant in die mit dines messers vnd stich im in dz antluetz mit gewoppnetter hantt / oder indes schlag im den dimessers schlag vff sin hauptt oder far im mit der schwech wider zu der vndern zÿnnen

[160v.2] vnnd thu Im also. ligt er Inn der hut luginsland / so heb dein Duseggen auf der rechten seitten. vnnd stee mit dem lincken fuosz vor. vnnd gee mit dem Entristhaw zu seinner lincken seitten fast an In / Indes far vnnden vber sein Duseggen mit dem gehultz auf sein rechten seitten vnd zuckh auf sein duseggen dein Duseggen. zuruckh vnnd far auf mit dem gehultz. Indes fall mit der lincken hand Inn die mit deinnes Duseggen. vnd stich Im Inn das angesicht mit gewappneter hand. oder schlag Im Indes den dunnerschlag auf sein haupt. oder far Im mit der schwech nider zu der vndern zinnen /


Overrun with the striking point
To the head, to the stomach, the neck, strike the death stroke

You should understand it this way: as you have gone over his Messer, as it is stated before, and you have pulled your Messer towards yourself, strike in the middle of your Messer with your left hand and turn the right hand on your Messer around, so that the thumb stands above, and strike to him with the hilt at his head. Then, step “simultaneously” with the right foot well behind his right one and step with your left foot also well behind him and strike to him with no displacement with the hilt at his stomach. “Simultaneously” step behind him once again and strike to him with the hilt at his neck.


If you want to get through with overrunning
Grab the neck and learn to throw over the leg

Here the master says how you should overrun the man and grab at the neck and throw. And you should understand it this way: go to the man as before from your right side to his left, and “simultaneously” wind firmly with the hilt over his Messer and come to help to your right hand. Then, go with the left hand in the “weak” of your Messer blade and go to his throat to his left side. Then, press him firmly with the hand or arm below his throat and step with your left leg behind his right leg and push him over it.

[62r.2] Wiltu dich uber lauffens mossen
Hals vach uber peyn lere stossen

Hie saget der meinster wie du im solt vberlauffen den man by dem hals vohen vnd werffen vnd solt dz also versten ge ze dem man als vor von diner rechten syten ze syner lincken syten Indeß wind starck aber mit dem gehultz vber sin messer vnd küm der rechten hant zu hilff vnd far mit der lincken hant in die schwech dines messers clingen vnd far im in den hals syner lincken siten vnd druck in mit dem elnbogen starck vntter sin hals vnd schrit mit dem rechten peyn hintter syn rechtes peyn oder mit dinen lincken [62v.1] hinter sin rechtes beyn vnd stoß Im also darueber

[29v.2] Wiltu dich uberlauffenß mössen
[30r.1] Halß vach uberpayn ler stössen

Hye sagt der meyster wye dw solt ym uberlauffen den man pey dem halß vahen und werffen und solt daß alzo verstan gee czw dem man alz vor von deyner rechten seytten czw seyner lincken seytten yndeß wyndt starck aber mit dem gehultz uber seyn messer und kum der rechten hand zw hilff und far mit der lincken hant yn dy swech deyneß messerß und far ym an den halz seyner lincken seytten und druck yn mit den ölpogen starck unter seyn halz und schreyt mit dem rechten payn hynter seyn rechteß payn oder mit dem lincken hynter seyn rechteß peyn und stoß yn dar uber etc Sequitur textus

[160v.3] Wiltü dich vberlauffens massen
hals fach vber bain leer stössen

Item das soltü Allso verstan Gee zu dem Mann als vor. von deinner rechten seitten. zu seinner linncken. Indes wind starckh. [161r.1] Mit dem gehultz vber sein duseggen Kum der rechten hannd zu hilff. vnnd far mit der linncken hannd Inn die schwech deinnes Duseggen klingen. far Im an den hals. seinner lincken seitten truckh In mit dem Elenpogen starckh vnnder seinnen hals. vnnd schreit mit dem Rechten pain vnnder sein rechts pain. vnnd stosz In also daruber


Turn your edge
Cut, be skilled with the point
If he wants to fight hand-to-hand and press
Push, fight hand-to-hand, learn to twitch the weapon

Here the master states a breaking against the verses announced before and their elements. And first of all, against the first two verses, as he speaks: Strike the Entrüsthau to him, etc.

[30r.2] Deyn schneyd wendt
Schneyd mit ort piß behendt

[30v.1] Wil er ryngen und drücken
Stoß ryng wer ler czucken

Hye sagt der meyster pruch wyder dy wye ee gemelten verß und yren stuck und zum ersten wyder dy ersten czwen verß so er spricht Entrust yn etc


Then, do the first breaking this way: if he goes high with the hilt over your Messer back as it is announced before, and wants to thrust at your face with the armed hand with the short point, “simultaneously” as he goes high with the hilt to your Messer, windt your edge over against him and cut him with the long edge over his hand and press firmly downwards to his left side.


Then, another breaking: if he goes with the hilt as before and wants to thrust at your face with the armed point, wind your Messer against your left side so that the long edge is above and “simultaneously” lower your point to his chest and push him “simultaneously” with the thrust firmly backwards. Amen.

[62v.4] der ander ~

Item eyn ander bruch fertt er dir mit dynem gehultz als vor vnd will dich mit gewoppneter ortt in daß gesichtt stossen So wind din messer [63r.1] gegen syner lincken syten dz die lang schnid oben ste Indes senck din ortt vff sin brust vnd im stich schüb in ze rueck ~

[30v.3] Item eyn ander pruch fert er dir mit [31r.1] dem gehulcz alz vor und wil dich mit geboppenden ort yn daß gesicht stechen so wynd deyn messer gegen deyner lincken seytten daß dy lang schneyd oben stee yndeß senck den ort auff seyn prust und ym stich scheub yn da mit zw ruck amen etc


Then, a breaking: if he goes with the hilt as before and wants to thrust at your face as before, set the thrust aside with the empty hand and drop your Messer. “Simultaneously” grab the blade of his Messer close at his hilt with your right hand, and also with your left turned hand, as you have displaced with it. Grab the “weak” of his Messer and press upwards from you and pull with your right hand below between both his arms and pull firmly to your right side, so that you take his Messer.


Here the master states breakings against the other two verses and elements, as: If he wants to fight hand-to-hand, etc.


Then, do the first breaking this way: if he goes over your Messer with the hilt and comes with the armed hand on your neck and wants to push you through his right or left leg, break it this way. Grab with your right hand from behind at his elbow and push him well to your right side, and grab with your left hand between both his arm well at his throat to his right side. Then, step with your left foot well behind his left one and throw him over your left hip.

[162r.2] Der viert Prüch

Item fert er vnder dein Duseggen mit dem gehultz vnnd kumpt dir an deinnen hals. vnnd will dich trucken vber sein rechten oder linncken fuosz. so prich das also. greiff mit der rechten hannd. hinnden In sein Elenpogen. vnnd scheub In wol auf sein rechten seitten. vnd greiff [162v.1] mit deinner linncken hannd Zwischen seinne beed Arm wol hinausz. an seinnen hals. seinner rechten seitten vnnd schreit mit deinnem lincken fuosz wol hinnder seinnen lincken. vnnd wirff In vber die linckh huff.


Then, another breaking: if he goes over your Messer with the hilt, as it is stated before, grab with your left hand at his left one and with your right push him at the elbow from you. Then, leap with your right foot to his left and deprive him of his balance.


Then, another breaking: if he goes with the hilt as before, grab with your left hand in his right arm close at the hand and pull it downwards on you. “Simultaneously” hit with your right arm firmly over his left one and press both arms well to your body. Then, step with your right foot to his both feet and swing to your left side.

[162v.3] Der sechst Pruch

Item mer ain Pruch. fert Er mit dem gegultz als vor. so greiff mit deinner lincken hannd In seinnen rechten arm nachent [163r.1] bey der hannd vnnd ruckh den Vndersich an dich. Indes schlag deinnen rechten arm starckh vber sein linncken vnd gee durch seinne beed arm/ wol an seinnen leib. vnnd trit mit dem rechtne fuosz wol fur seinne bed fusz. vnnd schwing dich auf dein lincken seitten. so wirfstu In.



Then, another breaking: grab with your left hand over his Messer close to the handle or bind and pull down and go high with your right hand between his both arms in the “weak” of his Messer and press towards him firmly down. Then, pull firmly to your left side, so that you take his Messer.

[32r.3] Item aber eyn ander pruch greuff mit deyner lincken hand uber seyn messer nohend pey der hand hab und reyß untersich und far mit deyner rechten hand uff czwischen seyn pede arem yn dy swech seyneß messerß und druck gegen ym fast nyder und reyß starck [32v.1] auff deyn lincke seytten so nymbstu ym aber daß messer etc

[163r.3] Der Acht pruch

Item greyff mit deinner lincken hand vber sein duseggen. nachent bey dem hefft darmit vnndersich. vnnd far mit deinner rechten hanndt auf zwischen seinne baid arm Inn die schweche seinnes Duseggen. [163v.1] vnnd truckh gegen Im fast. Nider vnnd reisz starckh auf sein lincken seitten. so nimbstu Im den duseggen.


Then, another breaking: grab above over his right arm in the blade of his Messer with your right hand close at the hilt and pull towards your right side. “Simultaneously” grab with your left turned hand in the “weak” of his Messer and pull firmly to your right side, in that way you strike his Messer at his head.


Then, another breaking: if he stands as before and has you at the throat as before, and you grab at his Messer over his right arm and you feel that he is too strong for you and you cannot pull the Messer to your right hand, “simultaneously” grab with your left hand behind his right hand at the hilt and pull downwards firmly to your left side.

[163v.3] Der Zehend Prüch

Item fert Er als vor Vnd hat dich aber bey dem hals. vnnd du greyffest Im Inn sein Duseggen. vber seinnen rechten [164r.1] Arm. vnnd du aber empfindest. das Er dir zu starckh. ist. das du Im sein duseggen nit kanst reissen. auf sein rechten seitten. so greiff mit deinner linncken hannd hinder sein rechte an das gehultz. vnnd Reisz vnnder sich starckh auf dein lincke seiten. so nimbstu Im den Duseggen.


Then, a breaking: if he goes over your Messer as before and holds you at your neck as before, go high with your left hand behind his right one between his hands and hilt, and press with it firmly to your right side and turn quickly to the side announced before.

[32v.4] Item aber eyn ander pruch fert er uber deyn messer alz vor und helt dich pey dem halz alz vor so far auff mit deyner [33r.1] lincken hand hynter seyn rechte czwischen seyn hand und gehulcz und druck da mit starck auff deyn rechte seytten und wend dich geswynd auff dy ee gemelt seytten etc


Then, if he holds you as before, thrust at him between both his arms with the “weak” over his right arm at the joint and raise with the hilt firmly to his left arm at the joint of the elbow and press from above downwards firmly to his right side. The text follows.

[164r.3] Der zwelfft prüch

Item hellt Er dich als vor. so stich Im Indes seinne baid Arm mit der schwech vber sein rechte arm. Inn das gelaich. vnnd heb mit [164v.1] dem gehultz starckh auf sein lincken Arm bey dem gelaich des Elenpogens. auszwenndig vnnd truckh von oben nider starckh auf seinn rechte seitten


Then, he has you at your neck as before: grab with your left hand forwards to his left one and push your Messer under his right arm to his chest and turn yout right hand around. Then, press him firmly on his left arm with the Messer and turn his left hand with your left one well around and step with your right foot to his both ones. Then, swing to your left side and throw him on the face. This way he is clenched, and step with your left foot on the hilt of the Messer in the measure and form, as it is depicted below.


Then, another breaking against the counter-breaking. If he wants to do the breaking against the holding with the foot, and he is about to throw himself on his back, grasp the Messer and strike at him as he turns around to his right arm, so that he cannot stand up well. If you want, step with both feet on the Messer, with each foot on the end.[25] This element serves for the combat, as an armoured man is thrown and clenched, so that he is not able to stand up. You should keep this element in secret and not show it to anyone, as one should not strew the roses for the swine.[26]


Then, if he has grabbed you at the neck as before and wants to push you over the leg, go with the short-point to him between his both arms and set the point on his throat, as it is depicted below.


Then, another different breaking: if he has grabbed you at the neck as before, go with your point of your Messer to your left side and hit him with the hilt between both his arms at the face or the throat, as it is depicted below.


Then, another breaking: if he goes over your Messer with his hilt and wants to take you at the neck as before, push his hilt away with yout hilt and step with your right foot well to his right side and strike to him with the hilt at his head, as it is depicted below.


Then, another different breaking: if he goes over your Messer with the hilt as before, “simultaneously” go quickly over his hand close to his hilt at the joint of his hand on the outside. Then, go with the left hand to the “strong” of his Messer and pull with both hands firmly to your left side, so that you take his Messer.


Then, another breaking: if he has grabbed you at the neck as before, drop your Messer. Grab him with your right hand behind his left elbow and push him with it from you to his right side. “Simultaneously” grab him with your left hand in his left knee-bending and throw him to his right side.


Then, another different breaking: if he has grabbed you at the neck as before, drop your Messer and go with your right hand behind his left elbow and grab with your right hand in the middle of his body on his right side, and with your left hand in the middle of his left side. Then, lift him firmly up and turn him around on your chest and throw him with the head to the ground, as it is depicted below.


Then, another breaking: if he wants to go with the hilt over your Messer as before, pull your Messer under his hand with the long edge, so that the hilt is against your right side. “Simultaneously” go with your hilt and with the armed hand over his right hand from outside and pull firmly to your right side, so that you take his Messer.


Then, another breaking: if he wants to go with the hilt over your Messer as before, go with the long edge on his hand between the hilt and the hand, so that your Messer comes over the horizontal in front of you. “Simultaneously” take to the armed hand and thrust at him on the inside through his arm with it. Then, come on the outside to his elbow and press with the “weak” with yout Messer and your elbow firmly down, and press with your right hand and Messer also his right hand firmly. Then, lay down firmly on his arm. This way you have clenched him skillfully and masterly and you can hold, press or throw him.


Then, another breaking: if he wants to go over with the hilt as before, go “simultaneously” with your left hand on the inside over his Messer and take to the armed hand in the middle of your Messer and go with the “weak” from outside on his joint of the hand, and press firmly in the joint to your right side, so that you take his Messer.


Pass over, aim quickly
You should take the throat with the point

Here the master teaches a good element from going over in the Messer and speaks: Going over, etc. You should understand it this way: go close to him and overrun his Messer with your hilt, so that his Messer comes under your right shoulder or arm. “Simultaneously” fall with your left hand in the middle of your Messer and go up beneath and outside his right hand and thrust at his face or throat. If he wants to withdraw, step merrily after him and press his arm down with force.


Go over firmly, cut the joint
Swing his Messer to the ground

Here the propagator of the art teaches another element from the overrunning with the hilt and speaks: Go over firmly, etc. You should understand it this way: if you go over his Messer with your hilt, go down through, so that his Messer comes under your right shoulder. Then, go on the outside to the joint of his hand and press towards the ground quickly down, so that you take his Messer.


If you want to start the Messer taking
Go over with the hilt and learn to pull inside

Here the propagator of the art teaches an element from the above depicted art and speaks this way: Messer taking, etc. You should understand it this way: go with the hilt on the outside over his Messer and let then your “weak” go down inside, and go with the hilt from outside to the joint of his hand. Then, swing “simultaneously” to your right side and pull firmly with the hilt on it, as it is depicted below, so that you take his Messer.


The Messer taking with one hand
Go over with the one hand and be skillful

Here the propagator of the art teaches how one should take the other’s Messer with one hand, and when one has one hand only or is lame in the left hand, so that he even though can take the other’s Messer quickly and with force. Understand it this way: go across with your Messer to his left side close to his hilt, so that the long edge is against the man. “Simultaneously” drop your Messer over the head and go with your right hand on the outside over his hand. Wind over them, so that they come outside again and “simultaneously” pull with it firmly with the one hand to your right side, so that you take his Messer easily without any trouble.


Learn to pull with an empty hand towards yourself
And press firmly with both arms

Here the master and the propagator of the art teaches a good element that works also with an empty hand. If you come to him as before, drop your Messer and go over his arm as before. Then, wind the arm around so that his right hand comes under your right shoulder and your right hand on his elbow, and the left arm is stroke over his right arm. Then, press his right arm firmly to your body or chest and hold him as it is depicted below. If you want to throw him, step with your left leg in front of his both legs and throw him over it. Or, fall on your arse, so that he falls on his face and cannot stand up unless you let him cordially stand up.


If he also goes, go over
Strike over from the left, and do not spare pulling to the right

Here the master teaches a breaking against the going over with the hilt and speaks: If he goes, etc. You should understand it this way: if he goes with the hilt over your Messer as before, go also with your hilt “simultaneously” over his right hand on the outside and pull firmly the hand to your right side. Then, turn with your body to his left arm and pull his hand with the Messer well to your chest. Then, strike your left arm over his right elbow and take his Messer. Or, step with the left foot in front of his both ones and throw him over it.


Learn to set off
And defend strokes and thrusts skillfully
From four ends
Learn to turn aside the strokes and thrusts

Here the master says how one should set off in the Messer, be it strokes or thrusts. If you come with the Zufechten to him, and he stands against you as if he wanted to thrust, put your left foot forwards, assume the guard of the Eber on your right side against him, and expose yourself with the left side. If he thrusts at your opening, wind with your Messer on your left side against his thrust, so that the short edge comes on his Messer and set with it aside, so that the point stands against his face or against his body. Then, thrust at his face or chest.

[37v] Item merck Wann du mit dem zufechten zu Im kompst stelt er sich dann gegen dir als wöll er stechen So setz deinen lincken fus für vnd lege dich gegen Im Inn pflug zu deiner rechten seitten vnd gib dich plos mit deiner lincken Sticht er dich dann zu der plösse so wind mit deinem swert auf dein lincke seitten gegen seinem stiche die kurtzen schneiden an sein swert vnd [38r.1] setz damit abe das dein ort gegen Im pleib steen vnd schreitt damit zu dem rechten fusse vnd stich Im Indes zum angesicht oder der prust etc.

[33r.3] [D]y abseczen lere
Hew stich künstenlich were
Von vyer enden
Hew stich ler ab

Hye sagt der meyster wye man sol ym messer abseczen eß seyn hew oder stich merck wenn dw mit dem zwvechten [33v.1] zw ym kumbst stelt er sich dan gegen dir alz woll er stechen so secz deynen lincken fuß fuer und leg dich gegen ym yn dy hut deß eberß zw deyner rechten seytten und gib dich ploß mit deyner lincken seytten sticht er dir den zw der ploß so wynd mit deynem messer auff deyn lincke seytten gegen seynem stich daß dy kurcz schneyd an seyn messer kum und secz da mit ab daß deyn ort gegen seym gesicht stee oder gegen dem leyb und stich ym zw dem gesicht oder zw der prust etc

[164v.2] Das absetzen

Die absetzen Leer
haw stich künstlich weere
Vonn vier ennden
haw stich leer abwennden

Item merckh wie Mann soll absetzen Im Duseggen. es seien haw oder stich. vnnd machs allso. wann du mit zufechten zu dem Mann kumpst. stellt er sich dann gogen dir als woll er stechen. so setz. deinnen lincken fuosz fur vnnd leg dich gogen Im. Inn die hut des Ebers zu deinner rechten seitten. vnnd gib dich plosz mit deiner lincken seitten sticht. [165r.1] er dich oben zu der plösz. so winnd Mit deinnem Duseggen. auf dein linncken seitten gogen seinnem stich. die kurtz schnein an sein Duseggen. vnnd setz dennt ab. das der Ort gegen seinem gesicht stee. oder gegen dem leyb. vnnd stich zu dem gesicht oder prust.


Then, another element: if you stand on your right side in the Eber and he strikes to your left side from above to the opening, and wind with it to your left side against his stroke, so that the hilt comes in front of the head to the Stier. Then, step with the right foot forwards and thrust at his face or chest. You can perform these elements on both sides from the four guards.

Then, another element: if you stand on your right side in the Eber and he strikes to your left side from above to the opening, go high with the Messer and wind with it to your left side against his stroke, so that the hilt comes in front of the head to the Stier. Then, step with your foot forwards and thrust at his face or chest. You can perform these elements on both sides from the four guards.

[63v.2] eyn anders

Item eyn ander stuck wan du stest zu dyner rechten syten in dem eber hautt er dir zu der lincken siten oben zu der ploß So far vff mit dem messer vnd wind do mit vff die lincke seyten [64r.1] gegen synen haulb dz dz gehultz vor dz hauptt kuem in den stier vnd schrit mit dem fus zu vnd stich im zu dem gesicht oder brust die stich magstu triben vß den viern legern ~


Changing through, this element
Pushes the masters back
Notice its art and teaching
Thrust painfully from both sides

Here the master speaks about the changing through and speaks: Change through, etc.


Now it is to be known that the changing through are numerous and various. You can do them from all the strokes against the fighters who strike to the Messer and not to the peaks of the man. Now, you should perform the changing through with great care so that one does not set on against you while you change through.

[38v] Item wisß der durchwechseln ist vil vnd mancherlei Vnd die magstu treiben aus allen hewen gegen den vechtern die da hawen zum swert vnd nicht zu den plössen des mans Vnd die soltu gar wol lernen treiben mit fürsichttigkait das man dir icht an setze dieweil du Im durchwechselst


Then, perform the changing through this way: if you come with the Zufechten to the man, strike at him from above long to the head. If he strikes then against you to the Messer and not to the body, let the point change through below while striking before he binds you on the Messer, and thrust at him to the other peak. If he is aware of the thrust and goes with the Messer after the stroke with the displacement, change through to the other side. Perform it always when he follows your Messer with the displacement. You should perform it on both sides.

[34r.3] Item den durchwechseln treyb alzo wen dw mit dem zw vechten zw dem man kumbst so haw ym oben lanck eyn zw dem kopff hawt er dan gegen dir zw dem messer und nicht zw dem leyb so laß den ort mit dem haw unter durchwischen ee er dir an daß [34v.1] messer pyndet und stich ym zw der andren czynnen wirt er dan deß stichß gewar und fert mit dem messer dem stich nach mit der versaczung so wechsel aber durch zw der andren seytten daß treyb albeg wenn er dir nach dem messer fert mit der versaczung daß soltu treyben zw payden seytten etc


Then, another changing through: if you come with the Zufechten to him, set your left foot forwards and hold the long point against his face. If he strikes at you from above or from below to the Messer and wants to strike it away or bind on it, “simultaneously” let the point go down through below, and thrust at him to the other side. You can do it against all the strokes.

[39r.2] Item aber ein durchwechseln

Wann [39v.1] du mit dem zufechten zu Im kompst So setz deinen lincken fus für vnd halt Im den langen ort gegen dem gesichte Hewet er dir dann von oben oder von vnden zu dem swert vnd will dir das hin weck slahen oder dauon pinden las den ort unttersich sincken vnd stich zu der andern seitten vnd thue das gegen allen hewen etc.


Then, a good teaching

Then, notice a good teaching and the third element. If he has displaced or has bound otherwise on your Messer, and he does not hold his point on the Messer against your face or the opening of your body, and lets his point go out sideways at you to the side, change through merrily. But if he remains with the point against the face or against the openings, do not change through, but remain on the Messer and work with it to the next opening, so that he is not able to draw after to you or set on.

[39v.2] Item das stuck mercke gar eben

Wann er dir versatzt hat oder sust an dein swert gepunden, helt er dir dann am swert seinen ort nicht gegen der plösse deins leibs vnd lest den neben dir beseit außgeen auf die seiten So wechsel Im künlich durch Oder [40r.1] pleibt er dir mit dem ort vor dem gesicht oder gegen den plössen So wechsel nit durch vnd pleibe am swertt vnd arbaitt Im damit zu der negsten plösse So mag er dir nit nach reissen noch angesetzen.

[64v.3] eyn gut lere

Item eyn gut lere Vnd daz tridt stueck mach gere eben wan er dir versetz hat oder sünst an [65r.1] din messer hat gebünden helt er dan am messer sin ortt nicht gegen dem gesichtt oder bloß dines libes vnd lest den ortt nebent sich besitz vß gon vff eyn syten So wechsel im frelichen durch plibet er aber mit dem ortt gegen dem antluetz oder gegen den ploßen So wechsell im nicht durch sünder plyb im messer vnd arbeytt im do mit zu der nesten ploß So mag er dir nit noch reÿßer oder an setzen etc

[34v.3] Item eyn gutte ler daß dritt stuck merck gar eben da wenn er dir verseczt hat oder sunst an deyn messer hat gepunden hellt er den am messer seyn ort nicht [35r.1] gegen dem gesicht oder ploß deyneß leybß und lest den ort neben dir peseyt außgan uff dy seytten so wechsel ym kunlich durch pleybt er aber mit dem ort vor dem gesicht oder gegen den plössen so wechsel ym nicht durch sunder peleyb am messer und erbatt ym da mit zw der negsten plöß so mag er dir nich nach geraysen noch an seczen etc Sequitur textus

[202] If you want to strike long from the left from below
You should enjoy the changing through

Here the master teaches how one should change through in the Messer from long straight strokes from below from both sides and firstly to the left side. Notice, go to him with strokes from below from your left side, so that the right foot goes forwards and the left one follows the right and the feet come together while stepping. And strike the strokes from a straightened arm long. Thus, if you come in the Zufechten to him, do as if you wanted to shoot the point to his right side at the face, and “simultaneously” change through from below close at the hilt and thrust at his face to his left side.

If you want to strike long from the left from below
You should enjoy the changing through

Here the master teaches how one should change through in the Messer from long straight strokes from below from both sides and firstly from the left side, so that the right foot goes forwards and the left one follows the right and the feet come together while stepping. And strike the strokes from a straightened arm long. Thus, if you come in the Zufechten to him, do as if you wanted to shoot the point to his right side at the face, and “simultaneously” change through from below at the hilt and thrust at his face to his left side.

[65r.2] Wiltu linck lang vnter haulben
durch wechsel soltu dich freulben

Hie leret der meinster durch wechsell man sol im messer vß langen geradnen vnter haulben von beiden siten zu vor vß von der lincken siten dz der recht fus fur ste vol ge zu im in vntter haulben vnd der linck dem rechten noch volget also dz die fus in schritten zu samen kümen vnd haulb die heulb vß gestrackten arm lanckg in So du dan im zu vechten zu im kümest So thun glich als du im den ortt in wollest schissen zu siner rechten siten zu dem gesicht Indes wechsches vntten durch [65v.1] bÿ dem gehueltz vnd stich im in sin angesichtt vff siner lincken syten ~

[35r.2] Wiltu linck lanck unterhawen
Durchwechselß soltü dich frawen

Hye lert der meyster wye man durchwechsellen solt ym messer auß langen geraden unterhewen von payden seytten zw vor auß zw der lincken seytten Nota gee zw ym yn unterhewen von deyner lincken seytten daß der recht fuß vor gee und der linck dem rechten nachvolg alzo daß dy fuß yn schritten zw sammen kummen und haw dy hew außgerackten armen lanck eyn so dw den yn dem zw vechten czw ymb kumbst so thw geleich [35v.1] alz dw ym den ort wollest eyn schyssen zw seyner rechten seytten zw dem gesicht yndeß wechsel unten durch nohent bey dem gehulcz und stich ym yn seyn angesicht auff seyner lincken seytten etc

[203] From the left let shoot long to the right
Wind, thrust, it will annoy him

Here the master teaches a good element from the strokes from below announced before and says: From the left long, etc.

From the left let shoot long to the right
Wind, thrust, it will annoy him

Here the master teaches a good element from the strokes from below announced before and says: From the left long, etc.


You should understand it this way: go to him with a stroke from below from your left side to his right side with the straightened arm and with a twofold step as before, so that the thumb is above on the flat of the Messer and the blunt edge goes forwards. Then, if you come to the man, shoot the long point directly to his face, so that the thumb is above. If you have not hit him with the point, remain standing with the Messer and wind your Messer to your left side on his Messer, so that the short edge is above and the right edge is below. Then, step well to his right side with the left foot, and step well around him and thrust at his face. If you want, do “simultaneously” the doubling to his right side behind the blade of his Messer. You can hit him with it, but before you hit him you should do a double feint.

You should understand it this way: go to the man with the strokes from below from your left side to your right side with the straightened arm and with a twofold step as before, so that the thumb is above on the flat of the Messer and the blunt edge goes forwards. Then, if you come to the man, shoot the long point directly to his face, so that the thumb is above. If you have not hit him with the point, remain standing with the Messer and wind your Messer to your left side on his Messer, so that the short edge is below and the right edge is above. Then, step well to his right side with your left foot, and step well around him and thrust at his face. If you want, do the doubling to his right side behind the blade of his Messer. You may hit him with that.

[65v.3] dz stuck mach

Daß stueck soltu also verstan ge vff den man mit vnter haulben von diner lincken siten zu siner rechten siten mit gestracktem arm vnd mit eynem zwieffachen drÿtt als for dz der thum oben ste vff der flech des messers vnd die stümpff schniden vor ge So du dan zu dem man kümpt so schueß im den langen ortt gerad In zu dem gesicht dz aber der thüm oben sy hastü in dan mit dem ort nicht getroffen So blib also sten mit dem messer vnd winde din messer vff din lincke syten an sin messer dz die kurtz schnid vnten ste vnd die rechte oben vnd dritt wol vff sin rechte mit dim lincken fus schrit woll vmb in vnd stich im noch dem gesicht wiltu dan so magstu Indes dupliren zu siner rechten Hinder sins messers clingen auch machstu den treffer [66r.1] darin machen du solt aber vor dem treffer machen ein zwiffachen feller ~

[35v.3] daß soltu also verstan gee auff yn yn eynem unterhaw von deyner lincken seytten zw seyner rechten seytten mit gestracktem armen und mit eynem czwiuachen trit alz vor daß der dawm oben auff der flech lig deß messerß und dy stumpff schneyd for gee so dw dan zw dem man kumbst so scheuß ym den langen ort gerad eyn zw dem gesicht daß der dawm oben stee hastu yn dan mit dem ort nicht getroffen so pleyb alzo stan mit dem messer und wind deyn messer uff [36r.1] deyn lincke seytten gegen seynem messer daß dy kurcz schneyd oben stee und dy recht schneyd unden und trit wol auff seyn rechte seytten mit dem lincken fuß schreyt wol auff seyn rechte und stich ym zw dem gesicht wiltu den so mach yndeß daß dupliren zw seyner rechten seytten hinter seyneß messerß klyngen auch magstu den treffer dar eyn machen dw solt aber vor dem treffer machen eyn czwiuachen feler

[99v.16] das soltu also versteen gee auf den man mit vnderhewen von deiner l. s. mit gestrackten arm vnd Im zuüechten trit also vor dz der thume oben stee auf die schle fleche des messers vnd die stumpf schnid vor gee So du dan zu dem man kumest So schnid In mit dem langen ort gerad Im zu dem gesicht das aber der thům oben sey hastu In dan mit dem ort nit getroffen So pleyb mit dem ort sten mit dem mesß das die kurtz schnid vnden stee vnd rechten schnid obenn stee vnd drit wol auff seyn r. s. mit dem lincken fuß schrit wol vmb Im Indes duplieren zů s. r. s. hinder seinß messers klingen auch magstu den treffen dar In machen du [100r.1] solt aber den treffer machen ein triffach feller


Who can do the wheel
Is able to double the changing through

Here the master speaks about the element that is called the wheel and speaks: Who can do the wheel, etc.


You should understand it this way: if you want to do the wheel, strike at him from your right shoulder a direct driving stroke with the stretched arm and stand with the left foot forwards and go with the point above yourself so that the blunt edge is above. And let it go away from above from your right shoulder well behind yourself and again high from below, so that the point is always against the man. And do as if you wanted to shoot the point at his face to his left side and “simultaneously” go high with the point and change through to his right side at the face.

[36r.3] daß soltu alzo verstan wiltu daß rad machen so haw zw ym von deyner rechten achsel eyn geraden treybhaw mit gestracktem armen und stee mit dem lincken fuß fur und far mit dem ort [36v.1] ubersich daß dy stumpff schneyd oben stee und laß oben von deyner rechten achsel wol hyntersich abgen und von unten wyder auff alzo daß albeg der ort gegen dem man stee und thu sam dw ym den ort zw dem gesicht wollest schyssen zw seyner lincken seytten yndeß far auff mit dem ort zw seyner rechten seytten zw dem gesicht


Then, stand with your left foot forwards and do the wheel from your left side and step with your right foot forwards and with the left foot always follow the right one till you come to it. When you can reach him with the point, do as if you wanted to shoot the point from your left side to his right side and “simultaneously” let the point sway through down at his hilt and thrust at his face to his right side. Thus, you can also change through with the other strokes, as from the strokes from below, and driving strokes. The text follows.

Then, stand with your left foot forwards and do the wheel from your left side and step with your right foot forwards and with the left foot always follow the right one till you come to it. When you can reach him with the point, do as if you wanted to shoot the point from your left side to his right side and “simultaneously” let the point sway through down at his hilt and thrust at his face to his right side. Thus, you can also change through with the other strokes, as from the strokes from below, driving strokes, half-strokes and twofold strokes from below.

[66r.4] eyn ander stueck //

Item Ste mit dinem rechten fus fur Vnd mach dz rad von diner lincken siten vnd schrit mit dynem rechten fus fur vnd mit dem lincken [66v.1] alwegen dem rechten noch vntz du zu dem man kümpst So du dan in errauechen magst mit dem ortt So thuen du als wollest den ort eyn schuessen von diner lincken syten zu siner rechten siten Indes loß den ort bÿ sinem gehultz vntten durch wueschen vnd stich im zu dem gesicht siner rechten syten also magstu auch mit dem andern haulben durch wechschell als vß den streich haulben vnd zwiffach vnter haulben


Twitch from the hits
Of the masters if you want to dupe them
If he wants to bind on you
Twitch quickly, so you will find him

Here the master says how one should twitch in the Messer and know that twitching is also one of the main elements and twitchings are numerous and various, and they are to be performed against the masters who bind firmly on the Messer with the displacement and also against those who remain standing “on the Messer” and wait whether one wants to get away from them. If you want to dupe and deceive such masters, do the twitching against him.

Twitch from the hits
Of the masters if you want to dupe them
If he wants to bind on you
Twitch quickly, so you will find him

Here the master says how one should twitch in the Messer and know that twitching is also one of the main elements and is numerous and various, and they are to be performed against the masters who bind firmly on the Messer and are strong in the displacement. If you want to dupe and deceive such masters, do the twitching against him.

[40v.1] Wisß das zucken gehort zu treiben gegen den maistern die da starck mit der versatzung an das swert pinden vnd gegen den die da am swert pleiben steen vnd wartten ob man sich vor In wölle verhawen oder sich vom swert abziehen Wiltu dann dieselben maister teuschen oder effen So treib das zucken gegen Ine also

[66v.2] Zueck die treffen
Die meinster wiltu sie effen
Wil er vff dich pinden
zueck schnel so wuerstu in vinden

Hie saget der meinster wie man im messer zuecken sol Vnd wiß dz zuchcken ist auch der haupt stueck eins der ist auch vil vnd mancheleÿ vnd gehoertt zu triben vff die meinstern die starck an das messer pinden vnd starck in der versatzüng sin vnd auch gegen den die im messer stan plyben vnd warten ob man sich [67r.1] vor im wil ab zyehen oder verhaulben wiltu die selbigen meinster tueschen vnd effen So mag die zuecken gegen im also

[209] Bind with the Entrüsthau on his Messer on his left side and “simultaneously” strike with the same stroke to his right side and as the Messers spark together, “simultaneously” twitch back with the arm and do a thrust from the stroke, and thrust in the twitching to his left side at the face.

Bind with the Entrüsthau on his Messer on his left side and “simultaneously” strike with the same stroke to his right side and as the Messers spark together, “simultaneously” twitch a little back with the arm and do a thrust from the stroke, and thrust in the twitching to his left side at the face.

[37r.2]  pynd mit dem entrusthaw gegen ym an seyn messer auff seyn lincke seytten yndeß haw mit dem selben haw zw seyner rechten seytten und wen dy messer zw sammen czkliczen yndeß [37v.1] czuck mit dem armen zw rück und mach außdem schlag eyn stich und stich ym czucken ym auff seyn lincke seytten zw dem gesicht

[210] Then, if you want, let the Messer go through and strike at him again with the blunt or the sharp edge at his right side to the upper peak. And what the going through is, you will be taught afterwards.

Then, if you want, let the Messer go through and strike at him again with the blunt or the sharp edge at his right side to the upper peak. And what the going through is, you will be taught afterwards. And make sure that you do the going through according to my meaning, as I have stated them to be different in the Messer than in the sword.

[168r.3] wiltu dann so lasz den Duseggen. durchgeen. vnnd schlag Im wider ein mit der kurtzen oder scharpfen schneidin zu seiner Rechten seitten. auf die obern plosse. vnd was das /. [168v.1] durch geen ist. das wirstu hernach bericht Vnnd sich oben das du die durchgeen machest nach meinner Mainnung. wann ich die Im duseggen annderst bedeut dann Im schwert


Then, strike to him from the right side from above firmly to the head. If the goes to it and wants to displace, twitch your Messer to yourself before he binds on it and thrust at his other peak of the other side. Do it in all the hittings of the Messer.

[40v.2] Hawe Im von der rechten seitten oben starck ein zum kopffe Fert er dar vnd will versetzen so zuck dein swert an dich ee wann er daran pindet So stich Im zu der andern seitten vnd das tue In allen treffen des swertz etc.


Then, if he has bound on your Messer and stands against you on the Messer and waits whether you want to pull back, do as if you wanted to pull back and do as if you wanted to twitch, and remain on the Messer and twitch your Messer till the middle of the blade towards yourself. Then, thrust on the Messer again quickly at the face or chest.

Then, if he has bound on your Messer and stands against you and waits whether you want to pull back and [do] as if you wanted to twitch, and remain on the Messer and twitch your Messer till the middle of the blade towards yourself. Then, thrust on the Messer again quickly at the face or chest. And if you want to twitch, you always have to wind your Messer against his one, so that the long edge is above, as you have heard it before.

[40v.3] Item ein ander Zucken

Wann er [41r.1] an dein swert gepůnden hat Steet er dann gegen dir am swert vnd wart ob du dich vom swert wöllest abziehen So tue als du wöllest zucken vnd pleib am swertt vnd zuck dein swert bis an die helfft der clingen an dich vnd stich Im am swert bald wider ein zum gesichte oder der prust Triffestu In nit recht mit dem stich so arbeit mit dem dupliren oder sust mit andern stucken was dir das pest ist.

[67r.5] ein anders

Item hat er an din messer gebünden vnd stat er dan gegen dir am messer vnd wartt ob du dich wellest ab ziehen So thun als ob du dich [67v.1] Wellest ab ziehen vnd also du wellest zuecken vnd blib im messer vnd zueck din messer vntz an die mitt der clingen an dich vnd stich am messer wider in pald zu dem gesichtt oder brust So du also wilt zucken So müstu din messer alwegen winden gegen sinem dasz die lang schnid oben ste als du vor gehortt hast

[37v.4] Item hat er an deyn messer gepunden und stet er den gegen dir am messer und wart ob dw dich wollest abczyhen so thu alz dw dich wollest abczyhen und thu alz dw wollest czucken und pleyb am messer und czuck deyn [38r.1] messer uncz an dy mit der klingen an dich und stich am messer wyder eyn pald zw dem gesicht oder prust

[168v.3] Mer ain anders Zucken

Item hat er dir an dein Duseggen. gepvnden. vnnd steet daran still vnnd wart ob du dich wollest abziechen. so thu gleich als wollest. abziechen oder vom duseggen zuckhen / zuckh aber nit. sonder bleib dar= [169r.1] an stehen. vnnd zuckh dein duseggen. Mit der klinngen an dich. vnnd stich am duseggen wider bald ein zu dem gesicht oder prust. so du allso wildt zucken. so magstu dein duseggen allweg wennden gegen dem seinnen / das die lanng schneid oben stee. alls du vor gehort hast.


Then, if you do not hit him rightly with the thrust, work with the doubling or with other good elements.


Then, another twitching. If you stand in the Bastei and he strikes from above at you to your left side, step in a twofold manner to your right side out of the stroke and twitch your body out of the stroke. Then, strike at his upper opening and do not let yourself be bound on the Messer.


Then, if he strikes at you from the Luginsland and you also stand it in, twitch your Messer to yourself while he strikes and do not let him come on it. Instead, if he strikes from his right side to your left one, twitch your Messer to yourself and step to his right side with a twofold step and strike at his upper peaks. You can perform it on both sides.


Then, if he has bound you on the Messer on your left side and wants to strike around to the other peak, do not displace. Instead, strike to the other peak and step in a twofold manner away to his right side and strike at his neck or at his head.


Then, a quite good twitching. If you want to do it, do it this way: if you stand in the guard of the Luginsland and he has bound you on your Messer on your left side and wants to strike around to your right side, twitch your Messer towards yourself and raise the hilt to the head, so that the short edge is against you, and let the point go down to your left side. Then, set the point in his throat or chest and push him with it backwards.


If the gate stands open
Go into it in the feint with the point

Here the master teaches how one should work with the point and how to twitch in the feints, and speaks: If stands open, etc. You should understand it this way: go crosswise close to the man to his left side and do as if you wanted to strike to his right side. Go over your head so that you come above the middle of your head so that the point comes out backwards and the hilt is against the man. Then, strike again to his left side, and as you surely come to his left side to the Messer, do not strike to his Messer so that you hit it. Instead, do as if you wanted to hit it and “simultaneously” twitch your Messer close at his crosspiece towards yourself, and thrust at his face to his right side, so that the short edge is below and the thumb lies on the flat.


Strike your flat to the Luginsland
Twitch the point through to the hand
If he has displaced the thrust
Fall simultaneously in a twofold manner and he will be wounded

The sense or the meaning of the text you should understand this way: if he stands in the guard of the Luginsland, strike from your right shoulder with the flat against his Messer, so that the long edge is against you. And as you strike, step with your right foot well to his right side to his right foot and strike equally to his Messer. And as the Messers are surely to spark together, “simultaneously” twitch your Messer to yourself with the hilt against your left side, and thrust the point firmly with no displacement rudely at his face to his right side.

[67v.2] Haulb din flech zuem lueginßlant
Durch zuck den ort zuehant
Hat er den stiech versetz
Indes fell zwiffach er wurt geletz

Die meÿnüng des text Soltu also verstan Stat er in der hut lüginßlant So haulb von diner rechten siten oder achschell mit der flech gegen sinem messer dz die lang schnid gegen dir ste vnd im haulb so schrit mit dinem rechten fus woll vff sin rechten siten zu sinem rechten fus vnd haulb glich zu sinem messer vnd so die messer schier zu samen glitzen Indes zueck din messer an dich mit [68r.1] gehultz gegen diner lincken siten vnd stich im den ortt strack an alle versatzüng grob zu dem gesicht siner rechten siten

[38v.3] Haw deyn flech zum luginslandt
Durchzuck den ort zw handt

[39r.1] Hat er den stich verseczt
Yndeß fel czwiuach er wirt geleczt

Daß solt dw alzo verstan stet er yn der hut luginslandt so haw von deyner rechten achseln mit der flecht gegen seynem messer daß dy lang schneyd gegen dir stee und ym haw so schreyt mit deynem rechten fuß wol auff seyn rechte seytten zw seynem rechten fuß und haw gleich zw seynem messer und so dy messer schir zw sammen wellen kliczen yndeß czuck deyn messer an dich mit dem gehulcz gegen deyner lincken seytten und stich ym den ort starck und grob zw dem gesicht seyner rechten seytten


And make sure that you step after your left foot with your right foot as you thrust, so that the step is twofold.


Then, whether you have hit him with the thrust or not, wind after the thrust “simultaneously” to your left side, so that the thumb is below on the Messer and the long edge is turned against the man. And go with your Messer over the middle of your head to your right side and do as if you wanted to strike at his left side. “Simultaneously” go again to his right side and “simultaneously” go again high with the Messer so that the thumb is below. And step with your right foot well to his right one and strike again at him to the same side behind the blade of his Messer, with the short edge to his face. And step well with your left foot behind his right one and strike at his neck. “Simultaneously,” if you want, you can hit him.

[39r.3] Item hastu yn mit dem stich getroffen oder nicht so wynd nach dem stich yndeß auff deyn lincke seytten daß der dawm an dem messer unten sey und dy [39v.1] lang schneyd sey gegen dem man gekert und far mit deynem messer uber dy mit deyneß haubcz zw deyner rechten seytten und thu samb dw ym zw seyner lincken seytten schlagen wollest yndeß schlag ym wyder zw seyner rechten seytten yndeß far wyder auff mit dem messer daß der dawm aber unten sey und schreyt aber mit deynem rechten fuß woll auff seyn rechten und schlag ym wyder eyn zw der selben seytten hynter seyneß messerß klingen dy kurcz schneyd ym yn daß angesicht und schreyt aber mer mit deynem lincken fuß woll hynter seynem rechten und schlag yn yn den nack wiltu denn so magstu den treffer dar eyn auch machen etc


If he is strong
Run through primarily
You should approach to the hands and the arms
And wait cleverly the grabbing
You should observe the limbs
You should reach for knee-bending

Here the master speaks about a main element, that is about the running through and how one should run through the other.

If he is strong
Run through primarily
You should approach to the hands and the arms
And wait cleverly the grabbing
You should observe the limbs
You should reach for knee-bending

Here the propagator of the art speaks about a main element, that is about the running through and how one should run through the other.

[39v.2] Ob er starck ist
Dürchlaüff zw aller frist
Der handt und armen soltü nahen

[40r.1] Und weyslich wart deß vahen
Der glyder solt war nemen
Der knyepueg soltu dich remen

Hye sagt der meyster aber von eynem haübtstuck alz von dem dürchlaüffen und wye man den man dürchlauffen söl

[223] Now notice that the running through and hand-to-hand combat belong against the masters who rush in eagerly and are high with the arms and displacement, and want to push you over with force.

Now notice that the running through and hand-to-hand combat is to be performed against the masters who rush in eagerly and are high with the arms and displacement, and want to push you over with force.

[41v.1] Item die durchlauffen vnd die ringen gehören zetreiben gegegn den maistern die gern ein lauffen vnd die treibe also Wann er dir versetzt vnd fert hoch auff mit den armen vnd leuffet dir ein vnd will dich oben mit stercke über tringen

[224] Now, do the running through this way: if he strikes against you with an upper stroke, strike also together with him the Entrüsthau closely, so that the hands touch surely on each other, and “simultaneously” grab with your left hand behind his elbow on the outside and push him from you to his left side. “Simultaneously” drop your Messer and grab with your right hand or arm on the outside at his right knee-bending and lift him up and throw him away from you.

Then, do the running through this way: if he strikes against you with an upper stroke, strike also together with him the Entrüsthau close to him, so that the hands touch surely on each other, and “simultaneously“ grab with your left hand behind his elbow on the outside and push him from you to his left side. “Simultaneously” drop your Messer and grab with your right hand or arm on the outside at his right knee-bending and lift him up and throw him in front of you.

[40r.3] nw dy dürchlaffen mach also hawt er gegen dir mit eynem oberhaw so haw auch gleych mit ym eyn den entrusthaw nohent daß schir dy hend an eyn ander rüeren yndeß greüff mit deynem lincken hand hynter seynen ölpogen aüßbendigß und scheüb yn von dir auff seyn lincke seytten yndeß laß deyn messer fallen und greuff mit deyner rechten hand oder armen außbendigß yn seyn rechte knyepueg [40v.1] heb yn auff und wirff yn von dir etc


Then, if you both have bound, grab his right hand with your left one and raise with it high, and come to help your left hand with your right hand. Then, turn with your back against him and break his arm over your right shoulder with both hands.


Then, if you both have bound as before, grab with your right hand at his right one and come to help your right hand with your left hand forwards at the joint, and turn your left shoulder against his right arm. Then, raise it high above it and break his arm over your left shoulder. And take care that the elbow comes always on the shoulder, and do it as it is depicted below.


Then, if he has run into you and you against him, grab his right hand with your left one on the inside and turn it from you. Then, raise his arm well high and “simultaneously” run with the head through his arm to his right side, and put his right arm with your left hand on the neck and over your left shoulder. Then, rise well high with the neck and with the shoulders and break his arm firmly over it.


Then, another element: if he has run into you and you have also done so, grab his right hand with your left one and lift his arm well above you. Then, go with the head through the arm and grab with your right hand at his right knee-bending, and lift him up with the shoulders. Then, grab with your right hand in his right knee-bending and lift him up at the leg and throw him over the back.

[40v.4] Item eyn anderß stuck hat er dir eyn geloffen und dw ym auch so pegreuff [41r.1] seyn rechte handt mit deyner lincken und heb ym seyn armen wol ubersich und gee mit dem haubt dürch den armen und greuff mit der rechten handt yn seyn rechte knyepug und heb yn mit den schultren und pey den payn aüff und wirff yn uber den ruck auff den kopff


Then, an element: grab with your left hand in his right one and turn it from you to your left side. Then, step with your right foot behind his right one and grab with your right hand from the front around his body and throw him forwards over the hip of your right leg.


Then, another element: if he runs into you with the stretched arm and you do against him, run him through with the head through his right shoulder under his right arm on his right side, and step with your right foot in front of his right one. Then, go with your right arm under his right one and around his body from behind and lower your stance a bit, and grab him on your right hip and throw him behind yourself.

[41r.3] Item eyn anderß stuck wenn er dir eyn laüfft mit auff geracktem armen und dw ym wyder so lauff ym durch mit dem haubt unter seyn rechten armen zw seyner rechten seytten und schreyt mit dem rechten fuß voren fur seynen rechten und far ym mit dem rechten armen unter seyn rechten armen [41v.1] durch hynten umb seyn leyb und senck dich eyn benig nyder und faß yn auff deyn rechte hüff und wirff yn hynterdich etc


Then, if one runs into you to your right side and is high with the arms, and you are also, hold your Messer at his one and go with the hilt over his right hand and turn yourself to him with your left side towards his right one. And leap with your left foot in front of his right one and go with the arm well around his body from behind, and lower your stance a bit. Then, catch him on your left hip and throw him forwards on his face. Or, let him fall on your Messer, as you certainly know.

[69v.3] ein anders

Item laüfft dir eyner eyn zu diner rechten siten vnd ist hoch mit dem arm vnd du auch so halt din messer zu dem seynen vnd far im mit dem gehultz vber sin rechte hant vnd wind dich an In mit diner lincken siten an sin rechte vnd spring mit dem lincken fus fur sin rechten vnd far mit dem arm wol hinten vmb [70r.1] sin lib vnd senck dich ein wenig nider vnd fas in vff din lincke huefft vnd wurff in fur dich vff sin antzlutz oder laß in In din messer fallen als du woll weÿst ~


Then, if he is too strong for you, so that you cannot throw him easily over your hip, go with the hilt of your Messer firmly on the nape of his neck and pull with it to your right side, so that you throw him certainly.


Then, if one runs into you and holds his Messer and his arms low, grab with your left turned hand in his right one on the inside and leap with your right foot behind his right one. Then, go with your right hand from the front around his neck and throw him over the right hip.

[41v.3] Item wenn er dir eyn laüffet und helt seyn messer nyder und dy hand so greuff mit deyner lincken verkerten hand seyn rechte ynbendig und spring mit dem rechten fuß hynter seynen rechten und far mit dem rechten armen voren umb den halz und wirff yn alzo uber [42r.1] dy rechten huff etc


Then, if you have grabbed him on the outside at his right arm with your right hand, pull his right one firmly with your right one, and go with the left hand around his neck on the outside and throw him over your left leg or hip.


Then, if one runs into you on the Messer and holds his hand low, go with your hilt on the outside up over his arm over the right hand, and press with it firmly down. Then, pull it well to your chest and grab him with the left hand at his right elbow and leap with the left foot in front of his right one and push him over it.


Then, go to him as before and push him with your left hand to his left side on his right arm and go with your right hand “simultaneously” behind his right elbow and push him well to his left side. Then, go with your left hand on the inside to his right knee-bending and step with your left foot in front of his left one and throw him in front of you.


Then, the text speaks: The joints you should, etc. If you come to him in the Zufechten, fall with the left hand on the inside from above over his Messer and grab “simultaneously” with your left hand down to your Messer in the middle of it. Then, go firmly with your Messer on his one on the outside, and leap with the entire body “simultaneously” to his left side, in this way you take his Messer.

[42r.4] Item der text spricht der glider etc daß soltu alzo verstan wenn dw zw ym kümbst ym zwvechten und er zw dir so fall ym mit der lincken handt [42v.1] ynbendigs oben uber seyn messer und greuff mit deyner lincken hand unten an deyn messer yn dy mit deyneß messerß und far starck mit deynem messer an seyn messer und spring mit ganczem leibn yndeß auff deyn lincke seytten so nymbstu ym daß messer


Then, go on him as before and go with your left arm over his Messer. “Simultaneously” go with your left hand in the middle of your Messer and let the point go out on your left side. Then, go from inside with the hilt on his hand and leap to your left side, in that way you take his Messer.


Then, if he strikes at you, leap with the bowing under his Messer and grab with your left hand over his Messer. Then, grab “simultaneously” your Messer with your left hand in the middle, and raise the point to his right side, and press into his wrist of his right hand with the sharp edge, in that way he has to drop the Messer.


Then, do him as before: fall over his right arm and come to help the right hand in the reach as before, and go with the front part of the Messer between his and the Messer on the inside and press firmly, in that way you take his Messer. This way you should work in the joints of the arm and the hand.

[42v.3] Item thue ym alz vor fall ym uber seyn rechte armen und kumb der rechten zw hilff yn maß alz vor und far mit dem fodren teyl deß messerß czwischen seyn hand und messer und druck fast so nymbstu ym aber daß messer [43r.1] alzo soltu erbaytten yn dy glider deß armens und der handt etc


Then, you can also cut with the point of the Messer on the inside into his palm.

[242] Then, a Messer-taking. Do him as before: if you have come with the left hand to help your Messer, go down with the pommel or the hilt from on his right side on the inside above over the hand to the joint and pull firmly to your right side, in that way you take his Messer.

Then, a Messer-taking. Do him as before: if you have come with the left hand to help your Messer, go down with the hilt, go through below to his right side, and on the outside go up over his right hand and pull firmly to your right side, in that way you take his Messer again.


Then, go to the man as before and go over his Messer with your left hand and fall in the middle of your Messer as before. Then, go with the hilt on the inside over his hand and pull to your right side.


Then, strike the Entrüsthau at his right side, and “simultaneously” fall with the armed hand to the same side, and go with your hilt up over his arm. Then, go outside over his arm and wind his hand with your hilt firmly to his right side above, in that way you take his Messer.


Then, an element: fall with your left hand over his right on the inside and pull it to your left side. Then, drop your Messer, and “simultaneously” grab with the right hand in his knee-bending and throw him in front of you.


Then, as you have found the joints of the hand with the “weak” of the Messer and the point, you can also find them with the hilt of the Messer on the outside and inside, and you can take his Messer, as you have been taught above.


Armed wind the weak through to the hand
Take the Messer, let your edge be wound outside

Here the master teaches a good element and a Messer-taking and speaks: Armed wind through, etc. You should understand it this way: strike with the Entrüsthau close to him at his left side and strike around to his right side. “Simultaneously” fall to the armed hand and wind the “weak” over on the inside to the joint of his hand and wind through over his hand and press it firmly to your right side, in that way you take his Messer.


If he has wound the armed weak over the hand
Wind, having lowered, you should bind to the left with the short

You should understand it this way: if he goes into your hand and wants to wind as before with the “weak” of his Messer in the armed way, lower “simultaneously” the point of your Messer towards the ground and go with the Messer to his left side, and strike the short edge onto his head.


If he strikes short and goes eagerly
Be quick, strike in the armed way the chest

It is to be known that the propagator of the art states a counter-breaking against the breaking announced above and speaks: if he strike short, etc. You should understand it this way: if he goes with the hanging Messer to your left side and wants to strike at your head with the short edge, fall “simultaneously” quickly in the armed hand and thrust at his face or chest. And go rapidly close to him.




Run through, strike the Entrüsthau,
Take the elbow, turn the hand to the chest,
Be willing to leap around to the right,
Break the arm to the right skillfully

Run through, strike the Entrüsthau
Turn the elbow, the hand to the chest
Be willing to leap around to the right
Break the arm to the right skillfully

Here the master teaches a running into with the Entrüsthau and do him this way: go with the Entrüsthau to the man firmly, so that the thumb is below on the Messer on the flat and strike to his right side to the head with the blunt edge. Then, pull firmly to him with the hilt, so that the hands touch each other, and “simultaneously” drop your Messer and grab his hand at the joint, in which he has the Messer, and turn it around and take the balance at the elbow. Then, leap into the scale, and throw him over your left leg or hip.

[43r.4] Dürchlauff entrust
Nymb den olpogen reyb hand zw prüst
Recht wiltu umbspring

[43v.1] Auff recht armen prich gewinst gering

Hye lert der meyster eyn eynlaüffen mit dem entrusthaw und verste den text alzo gee mit dem entrusthaw an den man starck daß der dawm unten stee am messer auff der flech und haw ym zw der rechten seytten zw dem kopff mit der stümpffen schneyden und ruck fast an yn mit dem gehulcz daß dy hend an eyn ander rueren yndeß laß deyn messer fallen und pegreuff seyn hand pey dem gelenck dar yn er daß messer hat und reyb dye umb und nymb daß gebicht bey dem ölpogen und spryng yn dy wag und wirff yn uber deyn linckeß payn oder ölpogen etc

[253] Then, if you want to do another element, let your left arm hang, and hit with your left shoulder at his elbow from behind and pull with your right hand his right one to your chest and press with the right hand his right one firmly over your chest, and leap firmly to your right side.

Then, if you want to do another element, let your left arm hang, and as you have grabbed his right arm on your chest, hit with your left shoulder and press with your right hand on his right arm firmly over your chest, and leap firmly to your right side.

[43v.2] Item wiltu daß ander stuck machen so laß deyn lincken armen hangen und stoß mit deyner lincken achsel hynten an seynen olpogen und czeüch mit deyner rechten hand seyn rechte auff deyn prust und druck mit der rechten handt seyn rechte fast uber deyn prust [44r.1] und spring starck auff deyn rechten seytten etc

[254] Then, an element: if one runs into you and holds his arms high, run also firmly to him, so that the hands come together, and rush high upwards with the arms and “simultaneously” drop your Messer and go down with the arm and grab with them both his legs in the joints of the knee-bending and raise him on the shoulder of your right side, and throw him over the back on the head.

Then, an element: if one runs into you and holds his arms high, run also firmly to him, so that the hands come together, and rush high upwards with the arms and grab with them both his legs in the joints of the knee-bending and raise him on the shoulder of your right or left side, and throw him over the back on the head.


Then, grab with your left hand your right one and drop your Messer, and wind with your left one his right one well around to your left side, and step with your right foot towards his right one. Then, strike your right arm firmly over his right one and press firmly “simultaneously” to your right side and swing to your left side, and throw him over the right leg.

[256] Then, an element: if one runs into you to your right side, grab his right hand with your left turned hand, and “simultaneously” step with your right foot well to his right one, and go with your right hand under his right elbow above his arm with the right hand. Then, pull his right arm with both hands to your chest and swing firmly to your left side and throw him over your right leg. And this is an element by Master Andreas of armoured combat.[36]

Then, an element: if he runs into you to your right side, grab his right hand with your left turned hand, and “simultaneously” step with your right foot well onto his right one, and go with your right hand under his right elbow on the outside over his arm. Then, pull his right arm with both hands to your chest and swing firmly to your left side and step with your right foot to his right one and throw him over your right leg.

[44r.3] Item aber eyn stuck laufft dir eyner eyn zw deyner rechten seytten so pegreüff seyn rechte hand mit deyner lincken verkerten handt yndeß schreyt mit deynem rechten fuß wol auff seyn rechte und far mit deyner rechten hand unten seyn rechten olpogen uber seyn armen mit der rechten hand und czeüg mit payden henden seyn rechten armen auff deyn prust und swing dich starck auff deyn lincke seytten [44v.1] und wirff yn uber deyn rechteß payn und daß ist meyster andreß stuck von chamb


Then, grab with your right hand in his right one on the outside and step with your left foot to his left one. “Simultaneously” strike your left arm into his right one, lift with your right hand to his right over your left arm and press your left arm firmly to your chest and press with the right downwards and throw him in front of you over your left leg.


If he takes the balance
Take against it, and it turns it into nothing
“Simultaneously” work with quickness
So that his art is led down

Here the master states a breaking against the verses as it is stated: Run through, strike the Entrüsthau, etc. And he speaks: Take the balance, etc.


You should do the breaking this way: if he falls to your right hand with his right turned hand and wants to take the balance with the left hand at your elbow, “simultaneously,” as you feel that he grabs your right hand with his right, “simultaneously” grab skillfully with your right one also in his right one and grab with your left hand also in his right elbow and leap with your left foot in front of his right one and do the element that he wanted to do on you and be skillful.


Then, a breaking: if he wants to grab you as [before], go with your hilt over his hands and fall with the left hand in the middle of your Messer and assume an armed stance with your left arm and Messer firmly on his arm. Then, press and pull firmly to your right side, and step with your left foot in front of his right one.


Then, if he has grabbed your right hand with his right turned one, and wants to take the balance at your elbow, “simultaneously” let your hilt go down over his hand towards the ground, and grab with your left hand below his hand in your hilt of the Messer in order to help your right hand. Then, pull with both hands firmly downwards and strike through his head.


Then, a breaking: if he has grabbed you as before and “simultaneously” while he wants to take the balance at your elbow, go skilfully down with your elbow firmly down and to your body and hurry with your Messer to his head etc. The text follows.

Then, a breaking: if he has grabbed you as before and “simultaneously” wants to take the balance at your elbow, etc. You find this element as this one that stands before.

[71v.3] aber eyn bruch

Item aber eyn bruch hat er dich gefast als vor Indes wil er dir dyn gehultz nemen bÿ dem elnbogen so far geswind nider mit dem elnbogen starck vnd wol nider vnd an din lib vnd schnell [72r.1] In mit dynem messer vff syn koppff ~

[45v.3] Item aber eyn prüch hat er dich gefast alz vor yndeß weyl er dir daß gebicht will nemen bey dem ölpogen so far geswynd nyder mit deynem ölpogen [46r.1] starck woll nÿder und an deyn leÿb und schnel yn mit deynem messer auff seÿn kopff etc Sequitur textus


Grab left in the opposite manner, take the balance
If you hit at the elbow, it breaks the arm

Here the master teaches a nice element with that one can break one`s arm if it is done otherwise properly. And do him this way: grab with your left hand into his right one and pull with it high to your left side. “Simultaneously” grab with your right hand below at his elbow and press with your left one below his hand towards your left side, and do not stretch him the arm completely, and do not let his arm be too crooked, either. Then, “simultaneously” lift his elbow with your right hand well upwards and step with your right foot behind his right one.


Then, a breaking against taking the balance, as it was stated: Run through, strike the Entrüsthau. If he has grabbed you as before and “simultaneously” wants to take the balance at your elbow, go well downwards with the elbow firmly to your right side, quickly downwards to your body and flick the short edge of your Messer on his head.


Then, if he has grabbed you at your right hand with his right one and wants to take the balance with his left one at your elbow, “simultaneously” grab against with your right one firmly at his right hand and pull it towards yourself. Then, strike your left arm over his both arms and step with your right foot in front of his right one and swing to your right side and throw him in front of you.


Shoot right with pulling
You should press the arm over the Messer

Here the master teaches a special element and speaks: Shoot right, etc. You should understand it this way: grab his right hand with your left turned hand and pull it with it a bit to yourself and shoot your Messer under his arm and go outside on his elbow and over his arm. Come with the short edge below his neck on his throat, and put your hilt “simultaneously” outside on the nape of your neck and let your right hand go from your Messer and come to help your left one forwards with your right one forwards on his right hand. Then, step with your foot behind his right one and pull his arm firmly downwards.

[267] Learn to shoot over the arms
And clench then skillfully
So that you can lead him
Force to run or not to move

Here the master speaks about a skillfull element with which one can bind and clench and hold one. And when one wishes, one forces the man with this element that he must stand still. And when you want to do it, so that he must run quickly or slowly-thus, he must do it. And you also force him so that he himself has to crawl into a bag, if you want to have it done. That is why the element is called by masters the “Hidden Grab,” as one should not make this element common and should not let anyone know it. Thus, this element is well-paid.

Learn to shoot over the arms
And clench then skillfully
So that you can lead him
Force to run or not to move

Here the master speaks about a skillfull element with that one can bind, clench and hold one, when one wishes, so that one forces the man with this element that he must stand still or run. And you force him that he has to crawl into a bag, if you want to have it otherwise. That is why the element is called by skilled masters the Unnamed, as this element should not become common. One should also not make it common or let any-one know it, thus it will be well-paid to him.

[72r.2] Ler arm vber schussen
Ja künstlich den beschlussen
Do mit in magstu furen
Noten zu lauffen vnd nicht ze ruren

Hie saget der meinster von eynem kuestlichem stueck do mit man eynen bynden vnd bescluessen mag vnd halten vnd wan er will so noet er den man mit dissem stueck dz er still mueß stan vnd wan du wilt machen dz er sere oder gemach sol lauffen also mueß er thun du nottest In auch mit dyssem stueck dz er selbs In eynen sack mueß kryechen wiltu es anders gehet haben daruemb so wuertt daß stueck von koestlichen meinstern der verborgen griff genant vff dz dz man stueck nit gemeyn sol machen vnd neyman [72v.1] sol loßen wissen den dz stueck werd gar woll bezalt

[46r.2] Ler armen uberschyssen
Ja kunstenlich den beschlyssen
Da mit yn magst furen
Nöten zw laüffen oder nicht zw rüren

Hye sagt der meyster von eynem kunstenlichen stuck da mit man eynen pynten und beschlyssen und halten mag und wenn er will so nöt er den man mit dysen stuck daß er still muß stan und wenn dw wild machen daß er ser oder gmelich söl lauffen alzo muß er thuen dw nötest yn ach mit dysem stuck daß er selbs yn eyn sack muß krychen so dw eß gehabt wild haben und darumb wirt daß stuck von den meystern genandt der verporgengriff [46v.1] auff daß daß man daß stuck nicht gemayn sol machen und nymant sol lassen wyssen denn daß stuck wer wol peczalt

[268] It is also a pity that careless men or masters would know this element, who make this element common because of the wish to be famed, so that they are praised by people thanks to it.

Then, you should not spread the element depicted above to the careless men or masters who want to spread this element out of wicked will, so that they are praised by the other. “As one should not throw noble pearls or roses for the swine, so that they are not profanated and trampled down into the mud by them.”[43]


Now, it you want to do the element, do him this way: if he runs into you in the Messer, drop your Messer and turn your right hand and grab with it at his right one and turn the hand downwards around and with your left hand. And with your left hand grab him with it at the right elbow and leap with the left foot forwards and raise his right hand up and hit it above your left arm and lift him up with it.

Now, it you want to do the element, do him this way: if he runs into you in the Messer, drop your Messer or hold it in your right hand, and grab with your right turned hand into his right one on the outside, and turn the hand downwards around. And with your left hand grab him at his right elbow and leap with your left foot in front of his right one and lift his right hand up with your right hand. If you still have your Messer in your hand, raise the same right hand up with the crosspiece of your Messer and hit it over your left arm and raise it with it upwards and press firmly down with your left hand.

[270] If he is very strong, grab with your right hand from above at his right shoulder and acquire the balance on him, in that way you can lead, strike, throw and hold him and do what you want.

Or, if he defends firmly, grab with your right hand from above at his right shoulder and acquire the balance on him, so that you can lead, throw, strike, hold or force him as you wish. Namely, you have this element, as it is depicted above before.

[46v.4]  ob er aber ser starck wer so greuff mit deyner rechten hand oben auff seyn rechte achsel und gebyn ym dy wag an so magst yn furen schlagen werffen und halten und thuen waß dw [47r.1] wild etc


Then, if you do not want to drop your Messer, as you have done the element announced above, go to him with the Entrüsthau or with an upper stroke and go precisely to him, so that the hands touch together. “Simultaneously” go with the hilt high over his right arm to the joint of the hand with the cross, and raise his hand with the hilt over your left arm.

[72v.5] aliud

Item wiltu aber din messer vallen loßen so thun dz egemelt stück wilt machen so ge an in mit dem entruest haulb oder mit eynen ober [73r.1] haulb gnaülb an In dz die hend zue samen rüren Indes far vff mit dem gehultz vber sin rechte arm in dz glenck der hend mit dem kruetz vnd heb sin hant mit dem gehultz vber din lincken arm ~


Then, if you come to the man, grab him as it is stated before, and as you have grabbed him, fall “simultaneously” close to him on your arse, and as you fall, turn your back on his right side and hold him firmly. You can also play board games, eat and drink, so that he cannot stand up unless you let him cordially up, otherwise he has to rot under you.

[273] Then, if you want to throw him into a bag, so secretly appoint two men with your bag, who stay behind the people. Then, grab him as it is announced before and tell the two to raise the bag and press him firmly and make him crawl to it. If he does not want to crawl into, grab with your right hand on the outside at his right knee-bending and throw him into it in the name of God.

Then, if you want to throw him into a bag with the element announced before, so secretly appoint some men who have a hidden bag with them at the swordsmanship competitions and stand behind the people. Then, grab him as it is depicted before, and as you have brought him in the scale, lead him with force to these who stand with the bag and make him crawl to it. If he does not want to do it voluntarily, when they hold the bag open, grab with your right hand at his right leg close at the bone on the outside and lift him with it high to your right side and step with your left foot in front of his left one and throw him in the name of God into the bag and then do to him what you want.

[274] If you do not want to throw him, keep your Messer and make him do as you wish with it.

[275] Then, another clenching: as you come together in the Zufechten, grab him above his right arm with your left hand, and as you grab, go with your Messer below his right arm and fall with the left hand in the middle of the blade, and go with it to his elbow from behind. Then press firmly down and step exactly to him and raise with your right hand firmly up with the Messer, in that way he is clenched again.

Then, another clenching: as you come together in the Zufechten, grab him above his right arm with your left hand, and as you do it, go with your Messer below his right arm and fall with the left hand in the middle of the blade of your Messer, and go with it to his right elbow from behind. Then press firmly down and step exactly to him and raise with your right hand firmly up with the Messer, in that way he is clenched again.

[276] Then, another clenching with the Messer. Do as before and press the arm on the outside firmly down and turn to him with your left side as before. If he is strong, so that you cannot press him down and you cannot come to the element, turn again your right side quickly to him to his right side, and wind on the inside up with the hilt to the joint of the elbow, so that the hilt comes outside under the arm to the elbow and the weak of the Messer comes to the hand. And lay with the body firmly on his arm and take his hand and do not let him from the clench and step with your right foot behind his right one and push him over it.

[47v.3] Item eyn anderß peschlyssen aber mit dem messer Thu ym alz vor und druck ausbendigß den armen fast nyder und wendt dich an yn mit deyner lincken seytten alz vor ist er den starck daß dw yn nicht nyder drucken kanst und zw dem stuck nicht kumen magst so wendt dich wyder schnel gegen ym deyn rechte seytten an seyn rechte und wynd ynbendigß [48r.1] auff mit dem gehulcz yn daß gelenck deß ölpogenß daß daß gehulcz aussen unter den armen kum an den olpogen und dy swech deß messerß kum an dy handt und gib dich mit dem leib fast an seyn armen und nymb seyner handt war und lauß yn nicht auß dem schloß und schreyt mit deynem rechten fuß hyn ter seynem rechten und druck yn dar ueber etc

[277] Then, another clenching: fall over his right arm with your left one and grab “simultaneously” below in the middle of your Messer and go with the hilt below through his arm in the joint of the elbow and turn your left side on his right one and press firmly downwards and step close to him, so that he cannot come out from the binding. This way you have locked and closed him.

Then, another clenching: fall over his right arm with your left one and grab “simultaneously” below in the middle of your Messer and go with the hilt below through his arm in the joint of the right elbow on the outside and turn your left side on his right one and press with the hilt with the armed hand quickly from above downwards and step close to him, so that he cannot come out from the binding. This way he is locked and closed.


Learn to pull the hand to the chest
If you want to do the Unnamed on the strong
Leap and rush
Strike the left arm over

Here the master teaches a skillful holding and element, and as you fall on your arse while doing the element, you can hold the man so that he cannot stand up. And the element is called the Unnamed and is one of the best elements and is to be performed against the strong men.

[48r.3] Ler hand zw prust reyben
[48v.1] Wiltu den ungenanten den starcken treyben
Spring und iag
Den lincken armen uber schlag

Hye lert der meyster eyn konstenlich halten und stuck und so dw fellest yn dem stuck auff deyn arß so magstu den man halten daß er nich auff mag stan und daß stuck hayst der ungelnant und ist der peste stuck eyneß und gehort zw treyben gegen den starcken


Then, if you want to do the element, do him this way: strike at his left side with the Entrüsthau and “simultaneously” pull close to him on his hilt with your [Messer]. “Simultaneously” drop your Messer and grab with your right turned hand at his right one and turn it around and turn around with your left side on his right one, and step with the left foot in front of his right one and pull the arm to your chest and strike the left arm over his right arm and lie down with the entire strength on it, and leap to your right side, in that way you break his arm.

Then, if you want to do the element announced before, do it this way: strike at his left side with the Entrüsthau and “simultaneously” pull close to him on his hilt with your Messer. “Simultaneously” drop your Messer and grab with your right turned hand at his right one and turn around with your left side on his right one, and step with your left foot in front of his right one and pull his arm to your chest and strike your left arm over his right arm and lie down with the entire strength on it, and leap to your right side, so that you break his arm, as it is depicted before.

[73r.3] ein anders

Item wiltu dz stueck machen so thun im also haulb zu syner lincken syten mit dem entruest haulb Indes [73v.1] ruck nahent an in an syn gehultz mit dyenem Indes loß din messer fallen vnd griff mit dyner verkerten hant sin rechte hant vnd wind dich vmb vnd wind dich mit dyner lincken siten an sin rechten vnd trett mit dem lincken fus vor sin rechte vnd ruck den arm vff din brust vnd schlag dyn lincken arm vber syn rechten arm vnd leg dich mit gantzer starck daruff vnd spring vff din rechte syten so brischstu im den arm

[48v.2] Item wiltu daß stuck machen so thu ym alzo haw zw seyner lincken seytten mit dem entrusthaw yndeß ruck nohent an yn an seyn gehulcz mit deynem yndeß laß deyn messer fallen und greuff mit deyner rechten verkerten hand seyn rechte hand und wendt dy umb und wendt dich mit deyner lincken seytten an seyn rechten und trit mit dem lincken fuß [49r.1] fur seyn rechte und ruck den armen auff deyn prust und schlag den lincken armen uber seynen rechten und leg dich mit ganczer sterck dar auff und spring auff deyn rechte seytten so prigstu ym den armen

[280] Then, if you want to throw him and hold so that he cannot stand up, “simultaneously” as you have turned on your right side, fall on the arse on the ground, so that he has to fall with you, and he falls on his face. You can also give him a dagger in his left hand as he lies at you and let him thrust, but he cannot do anything to you if you can hold him correctly and perform the element correctly.

Then, if you want to throw him and hold so that he cannot stand up, “simultaneously” as you have turned on your right side, fall on your arse on the ground, so that he has to fall with you, and he falls on his face close to you. This way he cannot stand up until you let him cordially up, and do to him as it is depicted below.


Grab his right to the left
Hit the shoulder, leap behind in fighting

Then, perform the element this way: when you come to the man in the Zufechten, grab his right hand with your left turned hand and turn it around to your left side, and pull it well towards yourself. And do as if you wanted to hit im with the hilt at the face, and “simultaneously” step with your right foot behind his right one and hit him with the hilt or with your right arm firmly to the front of his shoulder. Then, turn a bit with the body to your left side and throw him over your right leg.

[73v.2] Vach linck sinen rechten
Die achsell stos hinder spring Im vechten

Hie saget der meinster von eynem gutten stuck dz tribe also wan du mit dem zu vechten zu dem man kümpst so vahe im sin rechte hant mit diner lincken verkerten hant vnd rib die vmb vff dyn lincken siten vnd zuch die woll vmb sich dich oder vor dich heyn vnd thun sam dü wollest mit dem gehultz in dz angesicht stossen Indes schrit mit dynem rechten fus hinter synen rechten vnd stoß in mit dym gehultz oder mit dym arm [74r.1] starck vorn an sin rechte achsell vnd rib dich eyn wenig mit dem lib vff din lincken syten vnd wurff in vber dz recht peyn ~

[49r.3] Vach linck seynen rechten
Dy achsel stoß hynter spring ym vechten

Item daß stuck treyb alzo wenn dw mit dem zwvechten zw ym kummest so fach ym seyn rechte hand mit deyner lincken verkerten hand und reyb dy umb yn deyn lincke seytten und czeug dy woll fur dich [49v.1] hyn und thu sam dw yn wollest mit dem gehulcz yn daß angesicht stossen yndeß schreyt mit deynem rechten fuß hynter seynen rechten und stoß yn mit dem gehulcz oder mit deynem armen starck foren an seyn lincke achsellen und reyb dich eyn wenig mit dem leyb auff deyn rechte seytten und wirff yn uber daß rechtt payn etc Sequitur textus


If he want to hit the shoulder
You should discourage the elbow

Here the master states a breaking against the element announced before and speaks: The shoulder, etc. You should understand it this way: if he has grabbed your right arm with his left one and has stepped with the right foot behind your right one and wants to hit your shoulder, “simultaneously” as he wants to hit, take your left hand and go with it behind to his elbow and push him away from you to his left side. Or, strike your left arm firmly from above over his right one and turn firmly to your right side.

[49v.2] Dy achselen will er stossen
Den ölpogen solt verdrossen

Hye sagt der meyster eyn pruch wyder daß ee gemellt stuck und spricht alzo dy achsel etc Daß soltu alzo verstan hat er deyn rechten armen gefangen mit seynem rechten und ist mit dem rechten fuß geschriten hynter deynen rechten und will deyn achselen stossen yndeß so er stossen will so nymb deyn lincke hand und far da mit hynten an seyn ölpogen und scheub yn von dir auff seyn lincke seytten oder schlag deyn lincken armen starck [50r.1] von oben uber seyn rechte und schreit mit deynem lincken fuß fur seyn rechte und wendt dich starck auff deyn rechte seytten Sequitur textus


Then, another breaking: if he has grabbed you as before, strike your left arm firmly over his right one and step with your left foot in front of his right one and press his both arms from above firmly down with your left arm . Then, turn firmly to your right side, as it is depicted below.


If he strikes at you from the right
Strike the Entrüsthau and wait for the fighting
Grab his right with your left
Strike over with the right so that no damage may get near you

Here the master speaks about a good element and speaks: If he strikes at you, etc. You should understand it this way: go stretched to him with an Entrüsthau and grab his right arm with your left arm or hand. Then, turn it around and drop your Messer and go from below through his arm, and strike your right arm on the outside in the joint of the elbow. Then, pull his elbow to your chest and lie down firmly with the body on it. If you want to throw him, step with your right foot behind his right one.

[74r.3] Haut er vff dich rechtens
Entrust vnd wart vechtens

[74v.1] Mit linck sinen rechten vahen
Recht vber schlag so mag dir kein schad nohen

Hie saget der meinster aber von eynem gutten stuck vnd spricht haut er vff dich etc Das soltu also verstan Gee starck vff in mit dem entruest haulb vnd vahe syn rechten arm mit dynem lincken arm oder hant vnd kere dich vmb vnd loß din messer fallen vnd far ym vnten durch den arm vnd schlag ym den rechten arm vßwendig indaß gelenck des elnbogens vnd ruck syn[46] elnbogen an din brust vnd leg dich starck mit dem lib darüff wiltu yn dan werffen so schrit mit dynem rechten fus hinder sin rechten vnd wurff yn daruder [!] ~

[50r.2] Haüt er aüff dich rechtenß
Entrüst und wart vechtenß
Mit linck seynen rechten vahen
Recht ueberschlag so mag dir kayn schad nahen

Hye sagt der meyster aber von eynen guten stuck und spricht haut er auff dich etc Daß soltu alzo verstan gee gestrackt auff yn mit dem entrusthaw und vach seyn rechten armen mit deynem lincken armen oder hand und ker ym dye umb und laß deyn messer fallen und far ym unten durch den armen und schlag ym deyn rechten armen ausbendigß yn daß gelenck deß ölpogenß und ruck seyn ölpogen an deyn prust [50v.1] und leg dich starck mit dem leyb darauff wiltu yn den werffen so schreit mit deynem rechten fuß hynter seynen rechten fueß etc Sequitur textus

[285] If he wants in the fight
To strike over the right
You should go through him
And he is caught as if in yarn

Here the master states a breaking against the element announced before and speaks: If he wants, etc.

If he wants in the fight
To strike over the right
You should go through him
And he is caught as if in yarn

Here the master states a breaking against the element announced before and speaks: If he wants, etc.

[74v.2] Wil er im vechten
Vber schlagen den rechten
Den soltu durch faren

[75r.1] Er ist gefangen als in eym garn

Hie saget der meinster eyn bruch wider dz egemelt stuck vnd spricht also Wil er Im vechten etc

[286] You should understand it this way: if he falls with his left hand on your right one and wants to go with his right arm through from below through your right one, and wants to strike it on the outside in the joint of the elbow, “simultaneously” let your Messer go and pull your right hand out of his right one downwards, and go through under his arm from below. Then, go from behind above his right arm with your right hand and press his hand under your right shoulder on your body, and turn your left side on his right one, and fall with your left hand from above over his left shoulder and swing to your right side.

You should understand it this way: if he falls with his left hand on your right one and wants to go with his right arm through from below through your right arm, and wants to strike it on the outside in the joint of your elbow, “simultaneously” drop your Messer and pull your right hand out of his right one downwards, and go through under his right arm from below. Then, go from behind over his right arm under your right shoulder and press his hand on your body, and turn your left side on his right one, and fall with your left arm or hand from above over his left shoulder and swing to your right side or fall on your arse and hold him, and sit at him, as it is depicted below.

[50v.3] daß soltu alzo verstan felt er dir mit seyner lincken yn deyn rechte handt und mit seyner rechten will er unter durch faren durch deyn rechten und wil dir den schlagen außwendigß yn daß glenck deß ölpogenß yndeß laß deyn messer und deyn rechte hand reyb auß seyner rechten untersich und far unter seyn rechten armen unten durch [51r.1] und far hynter uber seyn armen mit deyner rechten hand und druck seyn hand unter deyn rechte vchsen an deyn leyb und wendt deyn lincke seytten an seyn rechte und fal mit deyner lincken hand oben uber seyn lincke achsel und swyng dich auff deyn rechte seytten etc


Then, what is depicted below, does not mean anything.


This does not [mean anything?]


Then, he grabs you with his left turned hand in your right [arm] and wants to strike his right [arm] over your right [arm] in the joint of the elbow as before. “Simultaneously” be skilled and drop your Messer and pull your right hand free from his left one on the inside, and go from below through his left arm with the stroke behind with your right arm over his left one, firmly from above downwards. Then, turn your right side on his left one and throw him firmly over your right hip.

[75r.3] alliud

Item griefft er dir mit dÿner lincken verkerten hant in dyn rechte vnd wil syn rechten vber din rechten in daß gelenck des elnboges [75v.1] als vor indes boeß behendenn vnd loß dyn mesß fallen vnd rieß din rechte hant Inlbendigks vß syner lincken vnd far vnten durch syn lincken arm mit dem schlag hinden mit dienem rechten arm vber syn lincken starck von oben nider vnd wind din rechte syten an syn lincke vnd wurff in starck vber dyn rechte huefften


Then, do him as it is depicted behind: as you have brought him on the hip, grab with your left hand behind yourself in his left knee-bending and lift him well on your shoulders and throw him in front of you to your left side.


Then, another arm-breaking: if he grabs you with his left hand as before, and wants to strike his right [arm] over your right [arm] on the outside, “simultaneously” turn your Messer with the “short” edge against him and let “simultaneously” the already mentioned edge fall quickly with the lowered point to his left elbow and go with the Messer between you both and with the edge from below through his right arm, and come with your left hand in the middle of your Messer. Then, press with it firmly on the outside of his right firmly down and turn with your left side into his right one and throw him over your left leg.

[51r.3] Item aber eyn ander pruch greufft er dir mit seyner lincken hand alz vor [51v.1] und will mit seyner rechten schlagen uber deyner rechten außbendingß alz vor yndeß wendt deyn messer mit der kurczen schneyden gegen ym und laß yndeß dy ee gemelt schneyden mit gesencktem ort an seynen lincken ölpogen schell ablaytten und far mit dem messer czwischen euch payden mit der klyngen unten durch seyn rechten armen und kum mit deyner lincken hand yn dy mit deyneß messerß und druck da mit außbendigß seynen rechten armen fast nyder und wendt dich mit deyner lincken seytten an seyn rechte und wirff yn uber deyn linckeß payn

[292] Then, if he grabbed you with his left hand as [before] and wants to strike his right one over, also as before, “simultaneously” lower your hilt well above his left hand and come with your left hand to help your right hand down on your hilt. Then, pull with your both hands firmly downwards and strike through his head strongly, and step “simultaneously” with the left foot back.

Then, if he grabbed you with his left hand as before, “simultaneously” lower your hilt well over his left hand and come with your left hand to help your right hand down on the hilt. Then, pull with your both hands firmly downwards and strike at his head, and step “simultaneously” with your left foot back.

[51v.2] Item hat er dich gefast mit seyner lincken hand alz und will seyner rechten uberschlagen auch alz vor yndeß senck deyn gehulcz woll uber seyn lincke handt und kum mit deyner lincken hand deyner rechten zw hilff unten an deyn gehulcz und reyb mit deynen payden henden starck untersich und haw [52r.1] yn durch den kopff starck und schreyt yndeß mit dem lincken fuß zw ruck

[293] You should also know that you should be quick in these breakings announced above, so that he does not bring you in the scale. The text follows.

You should also know that you should be quick with these breakings announced before, so that he does not bring you in the scale.

[294] Right with left, learn to clench the arms
Hold him firmly to discourage
Learn to dive the arms with the Messer
If you want to use the clenching

Here the master speaks about a clenching and speaks: Right with left, etc. You should understand it this way: if he strikes a stroke from above at you, and you strike against him the Entrüsthau together with him and come close to him, so that the hands come together. “Simultaneously” hold the right arm firmly on his right one so that your hand is always on his one, and strike “simultaneously” your left arm above his right one in the joint of the elbow of his right arm on the outside. Then, go with the left hand from inside on your right arm lie down with the chest on his arm, so that his elbow comes on your chest, and press firmly with your both hands, in that way he is clenched.

Right with left, learn to clench the arms
Hold him firmly to discourage
Learn to dive the arms with the Messer
If you want to use the clenching

Here the master speaks about a clenching and speaks: Right with left, etc. You should understand it this way: if he strikes a stroke from above at you, strike against him the Entrüsthau and come close to him, so that the hands touch. “Simultaneously” hold your right arm firmly on his right one so that your hand is always on his one, and strike “simultaneously” your left arm in the joint of his elbow of his right arm on the outside. Then, go with the left hand from inside on your right arm lie down with the chest on the same arm, so that his elbow comes on your chest, and press firmly with your both hands, so that he is clenched.

[52r.3] Recht mit linck ler armen peschlyssen
Hallt yn fast zw verdryssen
Mit messer ler armen dauchen
Willtu der beschlyssen prauchen

Hye sagt der meyster aber von eynem beschlyssen und spricht recht mit linck etc daß solltu alzo verstan hawt er auff dich eyn oberhaw und haw mit ym gleich eyn mit eynem entrusthaw und kum nohend an yn daß dy hend zwsammen rueren yndeß hallt deyn rechten armen starck an seynen rechten daß deyn hand euchlyng an der seyner [52v.1] stee und schlag yndeß deynen lincken armen uber seynen rechten yn daß gelenck deß ölpogenß seyneß rechten armeß außbendigß und far mit der lincken hand ynbendigß yn deyn rechten armen und leg dich mit der prust auff seynen armen daß seyn olpogen an deyn prust kwm und druck fast mit deynen payden henden alzo ist er aber peschlossen etc


Then, another clenching: grab with your left hand above his right arm well to the elbow and with the same left hand go on the outside behind his arm, and take your Messer in the middle with your left hand and let the point come out sideways at your left side. Then, step with your right foot behind his right one, and hit him with your Messer or arm to his right shoulder. Then, press his right arm with your left hand firmly to your left side, and throw him over your right leg. Or, put the hilt on the nape of the neck on his neck on his right side.

[76r.2] Item Aber eyn beschluessen griff mit diner lincken hant vber sin rechten arm Wol zu dem elbogen vnd mit der selbigen hantt [76v.1] far hÿnab vßwendig vnter sin arm vnd nÿm mit diner lincken din messer in der mitten vnd loß den ortt besitz nebent diner lincken hynuß ge vnd schrit mit diner rechten fus hinter synem rechten vnd stos in also mit dinem messer oder arm vff sin rechten achsell vnd druck mit diner lincken hant sin rechten arm vast in dim lincke siten vnd wurff im vber din rechte peyn oder leg im daß gehultz an den hals siner lincken siten oder vff siner rechten siten leg im dz gehultz in sin genueck hinten ~

[52v.2] Item aber eyn peschlyssen greuff mit deyner lincken hand uber seyn rechten armen wol zw deym ölpogen und mit der selbigen lincken hand far hyn ab außbendigsß unter seyn armen und nym mit deyner lincken hand deyn messer yn der mit und laß den ortt peseytt neben deyner lincken seytten hyn auß gan und schreyt mit deynen rechten fuß hynter seynen rechten und stoß yn alzo mit deym messer oder armen auff seyn rechte achsel und druck mit deyner lincken hand seynen rechten armen fast yn deyn lincke seytten und wirff yn uber deyn rechteß payn oder leg ym daß gehulcz an den halz [53r.1] seyner lincken seytten oder auff seyner rechten seytten leg ym daß gehulcz yn seyn genick hynden etc


Then, go through him with the Messer as before, so that his Messer comes under your left shoulder, and go with the hilt under his throat to his left side. Then, step with your right foot behind his right one and turn a bit to your left side, and push him over your right leg.


If he has clenched you
And he entangles you with pressing
You should lower your Messer
And learn to swing firmly to the left

Here the master teaches a breaking against the clenching announced before and speaks: If he has clenched you, etc. You should understand it this way: if he has grabbed you with the left arm in the joint of your right elbow on the outside and with his right [hand] under your right [arm] and has grabbed your arm on his chest and wants to press you with it over the back, “simultaneously” stand warlikely against him and let your Messer go down to your left shoulder. Then, grab with your left hand in his arm close to the shoulder, and step with your right foot behind his right one, and turn around to your left side, and throw him over your right foot.

[76v.2] Beschlossen so er dich halt
Mit trucken er dir mach mat
Din messer soltu sencken
Vff linck starck ler schwencken

Hie lert der meinster ein bruch wider die egemelt beschlussen vnd spricht beschlusß Daß soltu also verstan hat er dir griffen mit dem lincken arm Indas gelenck dines rechten elnbogens vßwendig vnd mit siner [77r.1] rechten vnder diner rechten vnd hat din arm vff sin brust gefast vnd will dich do mit vber ruck drucken Indes ste strittes gegen im vnd loß din messer sencken nider in din lincke vschen vnd griff mit diner lincken hant in sin arm nohent by der achsell vnd schrit mit dinem rechten fus hinter sinen rechten vnd rib dich vmb vff din lincke siten vnd wurff in vber din rechten fus ~

[53r.2] Beschlossen so er dich hatt
Mit drucken er dir mach nott
Deyn messer solt sencken
Auff linck starck ler swencken

Hye lert der meyster eyn pruch wyder dy ee gemelten peschlysssen und spricht peschlossen so er etc. Daß soltu alzo verstan hat er dir gryffen mit dem lincken armen yn daß glenck deyneß rechten ölpogenß außbendigß und mit seyner rechten Ist unter deynen rechten und hat deyn armen auff seyn prust gefast und will dich da mit uber ruck drucken yndeß stee streytteß gegen ym und laß deyn swertt messer sincken nyder yn deyn lincken uchsen und greuff [53v.1] mitt deyner lincken hand yn seyn armen nohent bey der achsel und schreyt mit dem rechten fuß hynter seyn rechten und reyb dich umb auff deyn lincke seytten und wirff yn uber deyn rechten fuß etc


Then, another breaking: if he has grabbed you with his right [arm] under your right one and stroke with his left [hand] in your right elbow as before, fall “simultaneously” in the middle of your Messer with your left hand and go high with the blade and go with your hilt above his both arms. Then, step with the left foot in front of his left one and press with the hilt firmly from above downwards, and with your left arm push firmly his shoulder down and throw him over your left leg.

[299] Then, another different breaking: if he grabs as before, grab with your left hand from below at your hilt to help the right hand and pull firmly downwards as you have been taught before and strike at him through his head from above. The text follows.

Then, if he has grabbed you as [before], hit with your left hand into his right elbow well to his right side and strike with your Messer to his head.

[53v.3] Item aber eyn ander pruch greufft er alz vor so greuff mit deyner lincken hand unten an deyn gehulcz der rechten zw hilff und reyß starck untersich alz dw vor [54r.1] unterricht pist und haw yn durch seyn kopff von oben etc Sequitur textus

[300] Do not forget the cuts
Two from below and two from above

Here the master speaks about the cuts and their peculiarities, and states that the cuts are four. The first two, the two from above, are to be performed against the fighters who go from the bind and who eagerly strike around with the Messer to the other side. Break it before with the cut in this manner: if he binds you on your Messer with displacing or else to your left side and with it strikes quickly around with the Entrüsthau or else to your right side, leap out of the stroke with the left foot to his right side and fall with the sharp or long edge above over his arm and press him with the cut from you. You should do this.

Do not forget the cuts
Two from below and two from above

Here the master speaks about the cuts and their peculiarities, and states that they are four. The first two, that is the two from above, are to be performed against the fighters who go from the bind and who eagerly strike around with the Messer to the other peaks. The cut breaks it this manner: if he binds you on your Messer with displacing or else to your left side and then he strikes quickly around with the Entrüsthau or else to your right side, leap out of the stroke with the left foot to his right side and fall with the sharp edge over his arm and press him with the cut from you. You should always do this when he strikes from the displacement.

[45v] Item merck die vier schnid Des [46r.1] ersten die zwen obern die gehören zetreiben gegen den vechtern die auß der versatzung ader auß dem pand des swertz gern umb slagen zu der andern seitten, Vnd das priche ee mit dem snid also wann er dir mit dem versetzen oder sust an dein swert bindet zu deiner lincken seitten vnd schlecht damit bald umb mit der zwer oder sust zu deiner rechten seitten So spring auß dem hawe mit dem lincken fus auf sein rechte seitten vnd falle Im mit der langen sneiden oben über pede arm vnd truck mit dem schnid von dir Das soltu treiben von baiden seitten albeg wann er auß der versatzung umb slecht etc.


Then, if he lies to your right side at the ear, and you lie on his Messer from below or from above, as soon as he wants to strike around to the other peak of your left ear, cut with the short edge into his right arm on the inside. This is the other cut.


Then, the two other cuts are to be performed agains the fighters who run in with high stretched arm and perform the cuts this way: if he binds you on the Messer, be it with displacing or else, and he then goes high with the arm and runs into you to your left side, turn your Messer so that the thumb is below and [cut] with the sharp [edge] under his hilt to his arm, and press upwards while cutting.

[46r.2] Item die zwen untter schnid gehörn [46v.1] zetreiben gegen den vechtern die da ein lauffen mit aufgerichten armen Vnd die treibe also. Wann er dir an dein swert pindet es sej mit versatzung oder sust Fert er dann hoch auf mit den armen vnd leuffet dir ein zu deiner lincken seitten So verwende dein swert das dein dawmen vnden kommen mit der langen schneiden vntter sein gehültz In sein arm vnd truck mit dem snid übersich


Then, if one runs into you to your right side, turn your Messer so that the thumb is below and come with the short edge under his hilt to his arm. And press upwards while cutting. Thus, you have the four cuts and if you can perform them well, you are able to perform them in all the bindings.

[54v.3] Item laufft er dir eyn auff deyn rechte seytten so verbend deyn messer daß der dawm unter kum mit der kurczen oder [55r.1] stumpffen schneyden unter seyn gehulcz yn seyn armen und druck mit dem schnydt ubersich alzo hast dy vyer schnydt und wenn dw dich recht dar eyn schicken wild so magstu dy treyben ym messer und ym swertt

[304] If he wants to pull from the binding
You should press his hand

Now the master speaks how you should change one cut into the other one, and speaks: If he wants, etc. Notice it this way: if one runs into you to your left side with the arm stretched high, turn your Messer with the long edge under his hilt to him arm and press firmly upwards and step with it to his right side. Then, wind the pommel through downwards with the Messer from his arm and turn the Messer from the cut from below into the one from above over his arm with the long edge.

If he wants to pull from the binding
You should press his hand

Here the master speaks how one should change one cut into the other one, and speaks: If he wants, etc. You should understand it this way: if you have bound one on his right side and you both assume the hanging point on the same side, “simultaneously,” as he strikes around, cut into his arms upwards with the short edge and “simultaneously” turn your Messer around on his arm and cut the upper cut over the same arm.

[47r] Das ist wie du die obern snidt solt wechseln auß den vnttern Das mercke also Wann er dir ein leuffet zu deiner lincken seiten mit aufgerichten armen So verwende dein swert mit der langen schneiden vntter sein gehültz In sein arm vnd truck vast übersich vnd schreit damit auf sein recht seitten vnd winde den knopf mit vnden durch vnd kumm mit dem swert mit von seinen armen vnd wende das swert aus dem vndern schnid In den obern über sein arm mit der langen schneiden etc.

[78r.3] Wil er vs dem pand rucken
Die hant soltu Im drucken

Hie saget der meinster Wie du eyn schnitt in den andern wechseln solt vnd spricht [78v.1] wil er vß etc daß merck also wan eyner dir in laufft zu diner lincken siten mit vff gerechten arm so verwind so verwind [!] din messer mit der langen schniden vntter sin gehultz in sin arm vnd druck fast vber sich vnd schrit do mit vff sin rechten siten vnd wend den kopff mit vnten durch mit dem messer von sinem arm vnd wind dz messer vß den vnten schnit in den obern vber sin arm mit der langen schniden

[55r.2] Will er auß dem pandt rucken
Dy hand soltu ym drucken

Nw sagt der meyster wye dw eyn schnydt yn den anderen wechsellen solt und spricht will er auß etc daß merck alzo wenn dir eyner eyn laufft zw deyner lincken seyten mit aufgerecktem armen so verbend deyn messer mit der langen schneyden unter seyn gehulcz ym yn seyn arm und druck fast ubersich und schreyt do mit auff seyn rechte seytten und wynd den knauff mit unten durch mit dem messer von seynen armen und wend daß messer auß dem unteren schnydt yn den oberen [55v.1] uber seyn armen mit der langen schneyden


Then, if one runs into you to your right side with the stretched arm, wind your Messer with the short edge under his hilt into his arm, and press firmly upwards and step to his left side, and let the hilt go through below. Then, turn your Messer with the long edge over his arm into the cut from above and press from yourself. You can also cut the man into his neck or his chest, and thereafter deliver the cuts according to as the man stands.


If he wants to cut the hand
You should not avoid the Messer-taking

Here the propagator of the art states how one should break the cuts and speaks: The hand, etc. You should understand it this way: if he cuts into your right arm on the outside, “simultaneously” keep your hilt and hand on his sword [sic!] and grab with your left hand from above into his hilt behind his hand and pull firmly to your right side.


If he cuts into your hand
The elbow push is to be known to you

Here the master states another breaking against the cuts and you should understand it this way: if you want to strike around to his right side, and he “simultaneously” cuts outside into your arm or hand, hit “simultaneously” with your right elbow into his Messer to the same side into which he cuts, and strike always the short edge on his head.


If he cuts to the hand opening
Overrun and thrust in the armed manner

Here the master teaches a breaking against the cuts and do it this way: if he cuts on the outside to your arm as before, go with the hilt on his Messer and fall with your left hand in the middle of your Messer and thrust at his face in the armed manner.


If he cuts from inside, go throught with the weak
Wind over, strike and thrust, and pain occurs to him

You should understand it this way: if he cuts from inside into your right arm, wind your Messer against his one, so that the long edge is above and the short one is against you. Then, let the point go down towards the ground and go with the weak below through to his right side with the short edge to his Messer. Then, strike “simultaneously” to his head to the same side with the long edge.


[No text]


If he has cut the hand inside
Strike the hand and the stroke may win

Here the master teaches a breaking against the cut from inside, and do it this way: if he cuts from inside to your hand or arm, “simultaneously” push his right arm down with your left hand, and strike at his head with the long edge, as it is depicted below.


Wait the inner cut to the hand
Go through to the right, the point thrusts long and hard

Here the master teaches another breaking against the cut on the inside and do it this way: as he cuts into your arm on the inside, “simultaneously” let your Messer go down and change the long point through to his right side, and thrust at his face to the same side. If you do not hit him with the long point, step close to him and wind the hanging point at his face to the same side.


Learn to turn your edge
And send the point with it

Here the master states an element from the cuts and speaks: Your edge, etc. You should understand it this way: as you have done the cut to his right side, “simultaneously” wind your Messer against his one and thrust at him with the hanging point at his face from above to the same side above his arms.


In the other cuts
Always work with the point

Here the master teaches how one should use the point in the other cuts and speaks: In the other, etc. You should understand it this way: if you cut into his right arm on the inside, “simultaneously” turn your Messer against his right arm and thrust the hanging point into his face, as it is depicted below. Thus, you have the thrust from the other cut.


Then, from the third cut do the thrust this way: as you cut with the long edge from below upwards to the side or to the arm to his right side, “simultaneously,” as the hilt of your Messer is at its highest, let the point go down under his shoulder or chest.


Then, from the fourth cut do the thrust this way: as you have cut to his chest or from inside to his right arm, “simultaneously” go with the long direct point to his face to his left side.


Showing the sun
If you want to bend with the Messer
Feel for the shoulder
Press firmly against the nape of the neck

Here the master speaks about an element that is called the sun showing. Do it this way: if he strikes at you or you at him, and as the Messers spark together, go with the hilt of your Messer above his Messer on his right side, and step with your left foot behind his right one. Then, grab with your left hand behind on his shoulder of his left side, and pull him firmly towards you, and go with the hilt and the crosspiece of your Messer under his throat, and press his throat firmly against the nape of the neck. This is called the sun showing in the Messer.

[78v.3] Das sünnen zeichen
Mit dem messer wiltu Im neigen
Die achsels dast

[79r.1] Gegen nack druck vast

Hie saget der meinster von eÿnem stuck dz heist er dz sünnen zeÿchen Daß mach also haut er zu dir oder du zu Im vnd so die messer zu samen glitzen so far mit dinem gehultz dines messers vber sin messer vff siner rechten siten vnd schrit mit dem lincken fus hinter sinen rechten vnd griff mit diner lincken hant hinten an sin achsell siner lincken siten vnd druck in fast zu dir vnd far mit dem gehultz vnd crütz dines messers vnter sin hals vnd druck sere gegen dem nack dz heisset im messer dz sünnen zeÿchen


If he feels for
And presses firmly towards the nape of the neck
Strike over the right arm
And take the balance at the elbow

Here the master states a breaking against the sun showing and do it this way: if he has gone with the hilt above your Messer under your neck, and with the left [hand] from behind to your left shoulder, drop your Messer and go with your right hand through his both arms, or between his both arms, and go with your right hand to his right arm from behind to the elbow. Then, pull with it firmly towards your right side and go with your left hand from outside under his right elbow to help your right hand, and turn your left side to his right one, and push with both hands with the entire force to your right side. This way, you will get his right arm clenched above your left one, and also his Messer.

[79r.2] Ob er dast
Vnd gegen nack druck vast
den rechten arm vber schlag
Bÿ dem elnbogen nim die wog

Hie saget der meinster eyn bruch wider dz sünnen zeychen vnd spricht vber tast etc Daß soltu also verstan ist er dir mit sinem [79v.1] gehultz gefaren vber din messer vnter dinem hals vnd mit der lincken hinten an din lincke achsel so loß din messer fallen vnd far mit diner rechten hant durch sin peide arm oder zwuschen sin beide arm vff vnd far mit der rechten hant vber sin rechten arm hinden an dem elnbogen vnd zuch do mit starck gegen diner rechten siten vnd far mit diner lincken hant vßwendig vnter sin rechten elnbogen diner rechten hant zu hilff vnd wind din lincke siten an sin rechte vnd schub mit peiden henden mit gantzer karfft vff din recht siten so kümpt dir sin rechten arm geschlossen vber den lincken vnd auch sin messer also hastu den verborgen griff genant gemacht ~


Then, if he has grabbed you with the hilt as before, and wants to do the sun showing, go with your Messer under his both arms to your left side, so that the point goes outside behind, and assume the armed hand, and go high with the hilt and with the right arm. Then, turn with your chest a bit backwards and “simultaneously” hit with your hilt firmly to his right elbow on the outside and step with your left foot in front of his right one and go with the hilt firmly above his right elbow, so that the point is above, and the hilt is towards the ground, on the inside to his arm and press firmly from above downwards with the armed hand to your right side.

[79v.2] alliud

Item hat er dich mit dem gehultz gefast als vor vnd will dir aber dz sünnen zeychen machen so far mit dem messer vntter sin beide arm vff din lincke siten dz der ortt hinden vssen ge vnd fal zu gewopenter hant vnd far vff mit dem gehultz vnd far vff mit dem rechten arm vnd wenck mit der prust eyn wenig zu ruck Indes stos mit dinem gehultz starck an sin elnbogen vswendig [80r.1] vff din recht siten vnd schrit mit dem lincken fus fur sin rechten vnd far mit dem gehultz starck vber sin rechten dz der ortt oben ste vnd dz gehultz gegen der erden vnd druck starck von oben nider mit gewopenter hant vff dim [!] rechten siten ~

[56v.2] Item hat er dich mit dem gehulcz gefast [57r.1] alz vor und will dir aber daß sunnen czaygen machen so far mit deynem messer unter seynen payden armen auff deyn lincke seytten daß der ortt hynter dich außhyn gee und fal zw gewoppender handt und far auff mit dem gehultz und mitt deym rechten armen und wenck mit der prüst eyn benig zw ruck yndeß stoß mit deym gehulcz starck an seynen lincken olpogen außbendigß auff deyn rechte seytten und schreyt mit dem lincken fuß fuer seyn rechten und far mit dem gehulcz starck uber seynen rechten daß der ort oben stee und daß gehulcz gegen der erden und druck starck von oben nyder mit geboppender handt auff deyn rechte seytten etc


Then, another different breaking: if he holds you as before with the sun showing, go under his both arms with the point to your left side and go with the hilt between his both arms upwards on the inside above his hand, and pull firmly with the hilt downwards and press firmly downwards with the blade of your Messer and swing to your right side.

[57r.2] Item aber eyn ander pruch hellt er dich alz vor mit dem sunnen czaygen so far aber under seynen payden armen mit dem ortt auff deyn lincke seytten und far mit dem gehulcz czwischen seynen payden armen auff oben ynbendigß uber seyn hand und reyß starck mit deym [57v.1] gehulcz untersich und druck oben fast nyder mit der klyngen deyneß messerß und swyng dich auff deyn rechte seytten etc


Then, another different breaking: is he has grabbed you with the sun showing as before, notice “simultaneously” at the moment as he goes with the left arm to your left shoulder, do not let him come around you with the arm. Instead, as he wants to rush against you and stretches his arm, “simultaneously” go with the point of your Messer with the weak between his both arms high to the joint of the elbow of his right arm. Then, go with the hilt and with the strong of your Messer from below high on the inside to the joint of his left elbow, and turn with your right side to his left one, and step with your right foot in front of his right one. Then, press rapidly to your left side. Thus, you have grabbed and locked him, so that you can lead him where you want without his wish, and you can also throw him so that he cannot stand up. And you can sit at him and play board games, eat and drink, in that way he has to rot unless you let him cordially stand up.

[57v.2] Item aber eyn ander pruch hatt er dich mit dem sunnen czaygen gefast alz vor so merck yndeß dy weyl er fert mit dem lincken armen nach deyner lincken achsel So laß yn umb dich mit dem armen nichtt kummen sunder weyl er tasten wil gegen dir und seynen armen streckt yndeß far mit dem ort deyneß messerß mit der swech czwischen seynen payden armen auff ynn daß gelenck deß olpogenß seyneß rechten armenß und far mit dem gehulcz und mitt der sterck deyneß messerß von unten auff außbendigß yn daß gelenck seyneß lincken olpogenß und wendt dich mit deyner rechten seytten an seyn lincke und schreyt mit dem rechten fuß fur seyn rechten und druck geswyndt auff deyn lincke seytten alzo hastu yn aber gefangen und verrigeltt daß dw yn fueren magst wo dw hyn wild uber seynen danck und magst yn auch werffen daß er nicht [58r.1] auff mag stan Und magst do neben ym syczen und ym pret spilen essen oder trincken so muest er erfaulen den dw lyest yn geren auff stan etc

[322] Then, if he holds you as before in the sun showing, go with the Messer with the armed hand to your left side as before, but sooner than he has grabbed your shoulder. “Simultaneously” as he stretches the arm against you, go high with the hilt between his both arms in front of his joint of the left elbow or the hand and turn your left side to his right one, and step with your left foot to his right one. [Then, pull with the hilt] his right arm or hand firmly down, and press with the blade of your Messer and with your elbow to his right shoulder firmly from you. Then, lay down with your arm and chest on the same shoulder.

Then, if he holds you as before in the sun showing, go with the Messer with the armed hand to his left side as before, but sooner than he has grabbed your shoulder. “Simultaneously” as he stretches the arm against you, go high with the hilt between his both arms and turn your left side to his right one, and step with your left foot in front of his right one. Then, pull with the hilt his right arm or hand firmly down, and press with the blade of your Messer and with your elbow to his right shoulder firmly from you. Then, lay down with your arm and chest on the same shoulder.


Then, if he has grabbed you as before, again in the moment when he wants to grab to your shoulder as before, go with your right arm outside firmly above his left on the outside to the joint and the elbow to his left side, and step with the left foot behind his right one and push him over it.


Go over with the hilt
Sense the joint with the weak

Here the master teaches a good element how one should take the Messer from a man with the armed hand with the weak. And do him this way: go to the man from your right side with the Entrüsthau to his left side. “Simultaneously” go with your hilt above his Messer on his right side, so that his Messer comes under your one, and “simultaneously” go with the weak of your Messer on the inside between his hilt and his hand, and pull firmly to your left side.


Then, another good element: go to him as before and go with your hilt above his Messer on his right side, and let the weak of your Messer go down through, and go on the outside in the joint of his right hand, and press firmly to your right side, in that way you take his Messer.


Go over, thrust in the armed manner
Move the point to the throat

Here the master teaches another good element how one should set on the point with the armed hand to a man, and do him this way: go above his Messer with the hilt on his right side and let the weak of your Messer go down to his left side, and thrust him on the inside at his face, so that his Messer comes under your right shoulder.


If he moves to the stroke
Take the defence to the left with the hilt

You should understand it this way: go with the hilt over his Messer as before, so that your weak comes through downwards to your left side, and his Messer comes under your right shoulder. Then, go with the hilt on the inside into the joint of his right hand and press with it quickly to your left side, in that way you take his Messer.


Go over with the hilt
With the hilt push the neck over the leg

You should understand it this way: go to him with your Messer as before and go with the hilt above his Messer also as before, and come through down with the weak to your left side. Then, go with your left hand in the middle of your Messer and go with the hilt to him on his neck, and step with your foot behind his right one, and swing a bit to your left side, and throw him forwards over yout right leg.


You should pull to him
And learn to press the hands

Here the master teaches another element how one should grab one at one’s hand, and do him this way: as you go with your hilt over his Messer as before, pull with your hilt on his Messer backwards, so that the weak of your Messer comes to his right hand. And “simultaneously” fall with your left one in both Messers, and also with your right hand from above in both Messers, and press with both hands firmly. Then, turn your left side to his right and do what you want.


If you want to run off
You should weave from both sides

Here the master teaches a main element and states how you should run off in the Messer and speaks: if you want to run off, etc.


You should understand it this way: if you come in the Zufechten to him, and you have close to him with the binding, and then you want to run off with the Messer, you should weave with it, as the women do when they unspool the yarn on both sides. And do as if you wanted to sit down with the Messer, and let the Messer go off from both sides, so that the thumb is always down on the flat of the Messer. And as you see that he follows your Messer with the displacement, do “simultaneously” a feint on the side on which you can have the man in the surest manner, in that way you hit him.

[80r.4] dz soltu also verstan wan du im zubechten zu im kümpst vnd hast nicht zu im mit dem anbinden wiltu dan ab lauffen mit dem messer so soltu do mit [80v.1] werffen als die fraulben wan sie dz garn ab haspeln von beiden siten vnd thün glich als wollest nider sitzen mit dem messer vnd loß dz messer von beiden siten ab gen doch dz der thüm alwegen vnten ste vff der flech des messers vnd wan du dan sihest dz er dinem messer noch get mit der versatzüng Indes mach eyn feller vff welcher siten du den man an dem gewisesten meinest zu haben so trifstu in

[58v.3] Daß soltu alzo verstan wenn dw ym zw vechten zw ymb kumbst vnd hast nohent zw ym mit dem an pynden wiltu den ablauffen mit dem messer so soltu da mit bayffen alz dy frawen wenn si daß garen abwynten oder wayffen [59r.1] von payden seytten und thue gleich alz dw nyder seczen wollest und laß daß messer von payden seytten abgen doch daß der dawm albegen unten stee auff der flech deß messerß und wenn dw den stigst daß er deynem messer nach gett mit der versaczung yndeß mach eyn feler auff welcher seytten dw den man am gebisten mogst zw haben so triffest dw yn

[332] Then, or as you run off from both sides,“simultaneously” as you have run off from above, strike quickly to one of the the lower peak, and “simultaneously” strike quickly again to the upper peak.

Then, or as you run off from both sides, “simultaneously” as you have run off, strike quickly to the lower peak, and “simultaneously” strike quickly again to the upper peak. Or, strike the point at his chest and strike “simultaneously” skillfully to the previous peak.


If he is in the hanging point
Take the Messer with no fear
You should move with the cross
And exercise yourself with both edges

Here the master teaches how one should assume the hanging point and what to do from it in both guards. And assume the hanging point on both sides as it is depicted below.


Then, here the master speaks about a main element, that is about the taking over.

[59r.4] Hye sagt der meyster aber von eynem haubtstuck daß ist von den pnemen ym [59v.1] messer


Now notice that the taking over in the Messer is while you come together in the Zufechten and you both stand in the hanging point.


If he stands against you in the hanging point on your right side and you stand as well on his right side in the hanging point, and you both stand againt each other and are in binding, go with the crosspiece to his left side on his Messer and push his Messer to his right side with your Messer. “Simultaneously” step well around to his left side with your right foot and strike with the blunt edge at his head.

[59v.4] Item ligtt er gegen dir ym hangattem ortt auff deyner rechten seytten und dw ligest auch auff seyner rechten seytten auch ym hangattem ortt und so ir alzo ligtt gegen eyn ander und alzo seit ym pandt so far mit dem kreucz oder gehultz auff seyn lincke seytten an seyn messer und scheub mit deynem messer auff seyn rechte seytten woll und schreit yndeß wol umb auff seyn lincke seytten mit deynem rechten fuß und schlag yn mit der stumpfen [60r.1] schneyden an seyn kopff Sequitur textus


Then, if you stand on his left side on his Messer in the hanging point, go with the crosspiece or the hilt to his right side on the blade of his Messer, and push his Messer to his left side. “Simultaneously” step with your left foot forwards to his right side and strike at his head with the long edge.

[80v.6] ligt im hangenden ort ligstu dan vff [81r.1] siner lincken siten an sinem messer so far mit dem crutz oder gehultz vff sin rechte siten an sin messers klingen vnd schub im also sin messer vff sin lincke siten Indes schrit mit dinem lincken fus vff sin rechte siten vnd schlag im zu dem kopff mit der langen schniden


Who stands in the hanging point
And exercises the taking over
To him you should go through
If you want to remain without injury

Here the master states an element against the taking over and a breaking and speaks: Who stands, etc.

Who stands in the hanging point
And exercises the taking over
To him you should go through
If you want to remain without injury

Here the master states a breaking against the taking over and speaks: Who stands, etc.

[339] Then, another breaking against the taking over and is better than the first breaking and element, as the first element and the first breaking go quite badly, but this element and breaking goes firmly rightfully and do it this way: if he stands in the hanging point to your right side and you also [stand] on his right side, “simultaneously,” as he pushes your Messer to your right side and wants to strike to your left side to the ear, “simultaneously” twitch your Messer to yourself from his Messer. Then, come sooner with the stroke, and strike to his ear to his right side.

You should understand it this way: if he stands in the hanging point to your right side and you also [stand] on his right side, “simultaneously,” as he pushes your Messer to your right side and wants to strike to your left side to the ear, “simultaneously” twitch your Messer to yourself close to your body from his Messer with the lowered point. Then, come sooner with the stroke, and strike to his ear to his right side.

[340] You should do the breaking this way: if he stands on your left side in the hanging point and you also stand on his left side in the hanging point, and he wants to take over your Messer with his Messer, notice, while he pushes your Messer, twitch your Messer to yourself, and come sooner with the stroke than him, and strike at his left ear. “Simultaneously” wind your Messer against him and thrust at his face.

Then, if you stand on your left side in the hanging point and he also stands against you on his left side in the hanging point and wants to take over your Messer with his Messer, notice, while he pushes your Messer, twitch your Messer to yourself close to your body, and come sooner with the stroke than him, and strike at his left ear. “Simultaneously” wind your Messer against him and thrust at his face if you want, etc. And the breaking is very bad and not the best, and if you cannot come any further, you can still help yourself with it.


Then, another breaking, and it is the best. If he wants to take over you as before, notice, as he strikes at your left ear, “simultaneously” go high with your Messer as before under his Messer and set the point on his neck to his right side and do “simultaneously” what you want.


Then, a breaking against the twitching in the hanging point: if he wants to twitch with his Messer in the hanging point, “simultaneously”, as he goes high with his hilt and wants to twitch, go with your point firmly to his face and raise your arm high, and do not let him come from the Messer. Then, follow after the opening and his Messer with the point.


Then, if he stands in the hanging point on your right side and you also stand on his right side, do as if you wanted to rush to his opening to the same side. “Simultaneously” twitch upwards with your hilt and Messer and thrust at him from above to the opening of his left side. The breaking above belongs to this element.


If you want to take over him
And take the weapon with the empty hand
Twitch, change if you want
Be cautious behind the shield

Here the master says how one should take over the man and [speaks]: If you want, etc. You should understand it this way: if you want to take his Messer, do it this way-if you both stand in the hanging point on his right side and he also [stands] on your right side, take over his Messer well on his right side. “Simultaneously” fall with your empty hand on his hand on the hilt of the Messer, and pull downwards in that way you take his Messer.

[82r.2] Wiltu In benemen
Mit lerer hant were nemen
Zuck wechsell ob du wilt
Die wacht hab hinter dem schult

Hie saget der meinster wie man den man benemen sol vnd spricht also wiltu In benemen dz soltu also verstan wiltu Im sin messer nemen so thün Im also so ir beide ligt im hangenden ort vff siner rechten siten vnd er ouch vff diner rechten siten so benÿm im sin messer woll vff siner rechten siten Indes fal mit diner lerer hant vff sin hant an [82v.1] dz gehultz desß messers vnd riß vntersich so nympstu im dz messer


Then, if you both stand as before, take over him with the empty hand, and do him this way: if you both stand in the hanging point, grab with your left [hand] to his left side through his Messer, and fall with the left hand on the outside and above between his Messer and your right hand. This way he is taken over with the empty hand.

[61r.2] Item ligt Ir payde alz vor so penymb yn aber mit lerer hand und thue ym alzo so Ir peyde ligtt ym hangattem ortt so pe greuff mit deyner lincken hand auff seyn lincke seytten durch seyn messer und [61v.1] fal außbendigß oben mit der lincken hand czwischen seyn messer und seyner rechten hand etc


Then, if you both stand in the hanging point, turn your hand from above always against his one, and grab “simultaneously” with your left hand in the middle of both Messers, and go with your hilt from below through his arm on the outside in the joint of his right hand. Then, pull “simultaneously” firmly to your right side with the hilt.


Then, if you stand in the hanging point as before, you can also twitch through, and change through or cut.


Then, do him as if you wanted to thrust at the lower peaks, and “simultaneously” thrust aside to his right side, and do not hit him with the thrust, but strike with the Entrüsthau to his left side to the upper peaks.


Then, if you both stand as before, “simultaneously“ wind with your Messer against his Messer so that the thumb is above, and thrust skillfully at his stomach. “Simultaneously” wind again to your left side, so that the blunt edge is below and thrust at him to the previous peak.


Then, if you stand as before, do as if you wanted to wind at his stomach, and thrust the long point “simultaneously” at his face.

[61v.5] Item so dw stest alz vor so thue samb [62r.1] dw ym zw dem pauch wollest wÿnden yndeß stich ym zw dem gesicht etc

[351] Be ready in winding,
So that your point hits and breaks his one,
You should resist the Messer-taking,
Turn to him with pulling

Here the master states a breaking against the changing through in the taking over and speaks: In winding, etc. You should understand it this way: if you stand in the hanging point against his right side and he stands against you on the same side and he winds his Messer against your one, and wants to go through “simultaneously” with the point to your face, “simultaneously” wind also against his Messer and go with it high to his face, so that your point hits and his one will be set off.

Be ready in winding
So that your point hits and breaks his one
If he resists the Messer-taking
Turn to him with pulling

Here the master states a breaking and speaks: In winding, etc. You should understand it this way: if you stand in the hanging point against his right side and he winds his Messer against your one, and wants to go through “simultaneously” with the point to your face, “simultaneously” wind also against his Messer and go with it high to his face, so that your point hits and his one will be set off.


Then, here the master states a breaking against the element where he thrusts at your stomach in the winding. And if you want to break it, do it this way: if he wants to go to your body and wants to wind against your Messer and thrust at your stomach, “simultaneously” as he has wound against your Messer, go high and thrust the long point at his face, as it is depicted below.


Then, another breaking against the twitching in the hanging point. If you have noticed that he twitchs his Messer to himself and wants to twitch through, “simultaneously,” as he goes high with the hilt and also the arm, go with the hanging point to his face and do not let him come from your Messer or twitch through.

[83r.3] Item eyn ander bruch wider dz zuecken Im hangenden [83v.1] ort so mercken bist dz er sin messer an sich zuck vnd wil dir durch zucken Indes so er vff fert mit dem gehultz vnd auch arm Indes far im mit hangenden ort zu sinem gesicht vnd loß in nicht ab kümen von dem messer noch durch zucken ~


Then, a breaking against the Messer-taking in the hanging point. If he takes over you on your right side and grabs with his left hand on the outside to your right hand in the hilt, and wants to take your Messer, “simultaneously,” as he presses downwards, fall with your left hand from below on the hilt and with your right hand go above on the hilt again, and pull with both hands firmly downwards, in that way you take the Messer from him again and strike through his head.


Then, break also the other Messer-taking with this breaking announced before, which is called “freely unbridled.”


Go through the peaks
Learn to find strokes, thrusts and cuts
You should consider well the elements
And weaken the masters with them

Here the master speaks how one should go through with the Messer, and going through is very good in the Messer and in the sword. Whether you stand close or far, you can use it with the point, strokes or cuts.

[83v.4] Durch ge die zÿnnen
[84r.1] Helbe stich schnit ler finden
die stuck soltu wol bedencken
Vnd do mit die meinster krencken

Hie saget der meinster wie man mit dem messer durch gen sol vnd dz durch gen ist sere gut im messer vnd im schwert du stost nohent oder fer so magstu die durch gen pruchen mit haulben oder mit dem ort oder mit schnitten ~ ~


Then, if you come together in the Zufechten and you want to do the going through, do it this way: strike an upper stroke from your right shoulder directly to his left side, and “simultaneously”, before you hit with the stroke, wind the blunt edge against his Messer and lower the point. Then, go between him and you to his right side, and strike to his head.

[63r.2] Item wenn Ir ym zwvechten zwsammen kumbtt wiltu den dy durchgen machen so thue ym alzo haw von deyner rechten achselen gerad eyn oberhaw zw ym eyn auff seyn lincke seytten yndeß ee dw triffest mit dem haw so wynd dy stumpff schneyd gegen seynem [63v.1] messer und senck den ortt nyder und gee czwischen yn und dir auff seyn rechte seytten und schlag yn zw dem kopff


Then, if he comes to you in the Zufechten, strike an upper stroke firmly to his left side to the head. “Simultaneously” wind the blunt edge against his Messer and let the point go down and go between you and him to his right side, and thrust him from above at his face, and turn your Messer so that the blunt edge is below.

[84r.3] Jtem kümpstu ze Im In dem zevechten so haulb aber In ober haulb starck vff syn [84v.1] lincken siten ze dem kopff Indes wind gegen sinem messer die stümpfen schniden vnd loß den ort mider sincken vnd far zwuschen dir vnd im vff sin rechte siten vnd stich im oben In ze dem gesicht vnd wind din messer daß die stümpff schnid vnten ste


Then, if you have also thrusted to his right side in the going through, you can also “simultaneously” twitch through and thrust againt to his left side.


Then, you may also try if you may thrust at him through both cheeks, and do it this way: if you come to the man in the Zufechten as before, “simultaneously” strike firmly an upper stroke at him as before. “Simultaneously” go through with the Messer to his right side and thrust at his face. “Simultaneously” twitch your Messer again towards yourself and thrust at his left side at the face.

[63v.4] und versuech dich ob dw yn durch payde wang mugst stechen und thue dem alzo so dw zw dem man kumbst yn dem zw vechten alz vor yndeß haw starck eyn oberhaw auff yn alz vor yndeß gee [64r.1] durch mit dem messer auff seyn rechte seytten und stich ym zw dem gesichtt yndeß czuck daß messer an dich und stich ym zw dem gesichtt seyner lincken seytten


Then, strike an upper stroke to his left side as before and go through and thrust at his right side at the face. “Simultaneously” go high with the Messer and go above your head, so that the thumb is below on the flat. And as you come above the middle of your head, so that the point is backwards above the head, and the hilt is against the man, “simultaneously” strike from above again to his right side at the head. Or, cut firmly at his arm, or work with the doubling, or “simultaneously” strike at the lower peaks.

[84v.4] alliud

Item haulb eyn ober haulb vff sin lincke siten als vor vnd ge aber durch vnd stich im vff [85r.1] sin rechten siten ze dem gesicht Indes far vff mit dem messer vnd far vff vber sin haupt dz der thüm vnten vff die flech sÿ vnd wan du vber die mit des hauptes kümpst dz die spitz hinten vber din kopff hien vff ste vnd dz gehultz gegem dem man Indes haulb oben nider in vff sin rechten siten ze dem kopff oder schnit im starck vber sin arm oder arbeit mit dem dupliren oder Indes haulb ze den vnderen zÿnnen ~


Bowing in a twofold manner
Do your work with it
From both sides
Learn to step twofoldly

Here the master speaks about a main element, that is about bowing and its peculiarities. It is to be noticed and to be known here that many good elements and Messer takings come from the bowing, and many elements are delivered from it.

[85r.2] Bogen zwifach
Din arbeit do mit mach
Von beiden sitten
Zwuffach lere schriten

Hie saget der meinster aber von eynem haupt stuck als von dem bogen vnd von siner eÿgenschafft dz ist Nu ze mercken oder ze wissen [85v.1] daß vß dem bogen vil gutter stuck vnd vil messer nemen kümen vnd vil stuck habem er dar bringen vß dem bogen

[64r.3] pOgen czwiüach
Deyn arbeytt do mit mach

[64v.1] Von payden seytten
Czwiüach ler schreyten

Hye sagt der meyster aber von eynem haubtstuck alz von dem pogen und von seyner eygenschafft daß ist nw zw wyssen daß auß dem pogen vill gutter stuck und vill messer nemen kummen und will stuck haben Ir dar pringen auß dem pogen


Then, do the bowing this way: hold your Messer on your left side above the knee, so that the point is against the man, and if he binds on you from his right side to your left side, bow with your Messer towards your body to your left side, so that the point is a bit lowered, the thumb is below, and the blunt edge stands against you. “Simultaneously,” as your Messer sparks on his one, step to his left side well out of the stroke with a twofold step, and strike through his head to his left side. Amen.

[128v.2] Item den pogen mach also hallt deyn messer auf deyner lincken seytten oberthalb des knys das der ortt gegen dem man stee So er denne auff dich pindt von seyner rechten seytten auff deyn lincke seytten so peug mit deynem messer fur deynem leyb auff deyn lincke seytten das der ortt eyn wenig gesenckt sey vnd der dawmen vntten stee vnd dy stumpff schneyd gegen dir stee // [129r.1] // Indes so seyn messer auff das seyn klitzt so schreytt auff seyn lincke seytten wol auß dem haw mit eynem zwiuachen tritt vnd haw Im durch seyn hawptt seyner lincken seytten


Then, perform the other bowing this way: stand with the Messer on your right side as before, and if he strikes to you to your left side to the opening, bow with the Messer below his Messer to your right side, so that the point goes to your right side, and the hilt is against your left one, and the thumb is below, and the long edge is against you. Then, step out of the stroke to his right side with a twofold step well around him, and strike to his head to his right side.

[85v.3] Bogen

Item den andern bogen trib also leg dich mit dim messer vff din rechte siten als vor vnd wan er vff dich hautt vff din lincke siten noch der ploß so peug mit dem messer vff vnter sin messer vff din rechten siten vnd dz der ort ge vff din rechte siten vnd dz daß gehultz ste gegen diner lincken siten vnd der [86r.1] thüm vnten vnd dz die lang schnid gegen dir ste vnd schrit vß dem haulb vff din rechte siten eyen zwiffachen drit woll vmb In vnd haulb im zue dem kopff siner rechten siten


Then, the third bowing is to be done this way: stand with your Messer to your left side, so that the thumb is above on the Messer, the point of the Messer is on the ground, and the blunt edge is turned against the man. And if he strikes at you, bow your Messer to your right side under his Messer, and have your shield, that is your displacement, well in front of your head. Then, step with your left foot well out of the stroke to his right foot and his right side, and strike “simultaneously” at him through his head on the right side. Amen.

[65r.2] Item den dritten pogen mach alzo leg dich mit dem messer auff deyn lincke seytten daß der dawm oben lig auff dem messer und der ortt deß messerß auff der erden und dy stumpff schneyd sey gekertt gegen dem man So er denn auff dich hawet so peug deyn messer auff deyn rechte seytten unter seyn messer und [65v.1] hab deyn schildt daß ist dy versaczung wol fuer deyn haubt und schreytt mit deynem lincken fuß wol fuer auß dem haw auff seyn rechte seytten und haw ym yndeß dürch seyn haubt seyner rechten seytten AMEN


Then, the fourth bowing is to be done on the left side, and do it this way: stand with the Messer on your left side, so that the point is on the ground, and the thumb is above on the flat, and expose yourself with your right side. If he strikes at the opening, bow your Messer well to your right side, so that the hilt is on your right side, and the point of the Messer is on your left side. Then, step in a twofold manner with both your feet well around him to his left side, well out of the stroke, and strike at him through his head to his left side. Amen.

[86r.3] alliud

Item der vierd bogen ist zu machen vff der lincken siten vnd thün dem also leg dich mit dem messer vff din lincke siten dz der ort vff der erden sÿg vnd der thüm oben ste vff der flech vnd gib dich ploß mit diner rechten siten [86v.1] schlecht er dir dan ze der ploß so puge din messer mit dem wol vff sin rechte siten dz dz gehultz ste vff diner rechten siten vnd der ort des messers vff diner lincken siten vnd schrit mit dinen beiden füssen wol vmb in vff sin lincke siten wol vß dem haulb vnd haulb im durch sin haupt siner lincken siten


Thus, you have the bowing in a twofold manner from both sides.


What comes long from bowing
The point takes it away rapidly
Learn to turn the short edge
And let it fall long to the head

Here the master states a breaking against the direct strokes that are stroke from the bowing, and you should do the breaking this way: if you strike at him and he bows his Messer down, and displaces and “simultaneously” strikes from above downwards with a direct upper stroke, “simultaneously” step always aside out of the stroke, and strike at his head. Or, wind “simultaneously” your Messer against his one, and thrust at his face. Or, if he strikes at you, turn your Messer with the short edge on his Messer, and “simultaneously” turn your hand and Messer against him with the long edge, and strike through his head.

[86v.3] Was vom pogen lang kümpt
Ort schnell dz ab nimpt
Die kurtz schnid ler wencken
Lanck zu haupt loß sencken

Hie saget der meinster eyn bruch wider die geraden haulb die von bogen gehaulbet werden vnd den bruch soltu also machen So du vff in haulbest vnd er hautt sin messer dar vnder vnd versetz vnd Indes schlecht er oben nider mit eynem geraden ober haulb Indes drit albveg besitz vß dem haulb vnd haulb im noch dem kopff oder wind Indes din [87r.1] messer mit der kurtzen schniden vff sin messer Indes wind din hant vnd messer gegen im mit der langen schniden vnd haulb im durch sin haupt ~



[177r.2] Mer von dem bogen Ainn guts stuckh.

Item hastu den Bogen geschoben wie vor. Indes greiff mit deinner linncken sein rechte hannd. vnnd thu. sam du In durch das Maul wollest hawen vnnd Im haw ker dich hinumb auf. [177v.1] sein rechten seitten. das dein ruckh Gegen Im stee. Indes lasz dein duseggen auf dein lincken Achsel fallen. das die kurtz schneid oben sey. vnnd truckh vornen fast nider. so prichstu Im den arm ab. wildu den Armpruch nit treiben. so wechsel Indes. durch. vnnd treib weitter was du wildt


With the Messer-taking
You can ashame him
Take the defence with the empty hand
Wind over to the left and press rapidly

Here the master states a main element, that is about the Messer-taking.


And do him this way: go firmly to him with the Entrüsthau to his left side, and in the binding, as the Messers spark together, go with your hilt high and over his Messer to his right side, and go with the crosspiece on the inside to his right elbow, and push with the crosspiece and the Messer firmly from you. With the left hand fall into his binding behing his right hand, and pull with your left hand firmly towards yourself, in that way you take his Messer.

[66v.2]  Nü wil dw eynen seyn messer nemen so thue ym alzo gee starck an yn mit dem entrusthaw zw seyner lincken seytten und ym an pynden so dy messer zwsammen kliczen so far mit dem gehulcz auff und uber seyn messer auff seyner rechten seytten und far mit dem kreucz ynbendigß yn seyn rechten olpogen und stoß mit dem kreucz und messer starck von dir und mit der lincken handt fal ym an seyn pynd hynter seyner rechten hand und reyß mit deyner lincken hand starck [67r.1] an dich so nymbstu ym daß messer etc

[100r.25] wiltu eim sein messer nemen So thů Im also schlag Im mit gestrackten arm Im mit dem entrist hew zů s. l. s vnd In anpinden So die mesß zu sammen glitzen So var mit deim gehiltz auf vnd uber sein mesß seiner r. s. vnd far mit dem kurtz [!] Inwendig seynes rechten elenpogens vnd stoß mit dem kurtz vnd [100v.1] messer starck von dir vnd mit der lincken hand starck ann dich andich nympstu Im das messer

[177v.3] Item gee starckh an In mit dem Entrusthaw. zu seiner lincken seitten. vnnd Im anpinden far mit dem gehultz vber sein duseggen. ann [178r.1] seinner rechten. far mit dem Creitz Innwendig Inn Sein rechten Elennpogen. stosz. starckh vnnd mit der linncken hand fall Im an seinnen pvnd vnnd hinder seiner rechten hannd. reisz starckh an dich. so nimbst du Im den duseggen.

[373] Then, if he strikes a stroke from above against you, strike also together with him. “Simultaneously” wind your Messer across a bit on his own and grab “simultaneously” with your left arm at both Messers, so that both points are outside behind you and under your left shoulder. “Simultaneously” go with your hilt from below through his right arm and with your hilt outside above his right arm and pull strongly upwards.

Then, if he strikes an upper stroke against you, strike also together with him. “Simultaneously” wind your Messer with the flat a bit on his own, and grab “simultaneously” with your left arm above both Messers, so that both points are outwards behind you and below your left shoulder. “Simultaneously” go with your hilt downwards through his right arm and wind your hilt over his right hand on the outside, and pull firmly upwards to your right side.

[67r.3] Item hawt er gegen dir eyn öberhaw so haw auch geleicz mit ym eyn yndeß wynd deyn messer mit der czwirch eyn wenig auff daß seyn und greuff yndeß mit deynem lincken armen uber peyde messer daß dy payd spiczen hyn ter dich und unter deyner lincken uchsen hyn auß steen yndeß far mit deym gehulcz unter durch seyn rechten armen und wynd [67v.1] außbendigß deyn gehulcz uber seyn rechte hand und reyß starck ubersich etc

[374] Then, grab his Messer as before and go with the hilt inside above his arm and pull strongly downwards to your right side.

Then, grab his Messer as before and go with the hilt over his arm on the inside, and pull firmly downwards to your right side.


Then, if you want to take his Messer with the empty hand, that is with your left hand, notice: if he strikes at your left side, bow your Messer under his Messer well to your left side. “Simultaneously” leap well to his right side under his Messer and grab his arm on the inside at the hand, and press with the left arm from inside between his hand and the hilt, firmly to your left side, in that way you take his Messer.

[87r.4] Item wiltu Im dz messer nemen mit lerer [87v.1] hant So merck hauptt er vff dich gegen diner lincken siten so peug din messer vnter sin messer wol vff din lincke siten Indes spring wol vff sin siten vnter sin messer vnd begriff sin arm Inlbendig bÿ der hant vnd druck mit dem lincken arm Inlbindigs zwiffach zwuschen sin hant vnd gehultz starck vff din lincke siten so nÿmpstu im aber sin messer ~


Then, grab with your left hand over both Messers again, and “simultaneously” go with your hilt on his hilt, so that your crosspiece comes behind or in front of his one, and wind with it to his right side, and push with the front part of your arm firmly, also to his right side, with the bent arm, so that the elbow is below. And push with it firmly, and pull “simultaneously” firmly from above downwards to your right side, in that way you take his Messer again.


If he has hit the joint
You should hurry against it
Take the hilt, fight hand-to-hand, pull
So that one praises you

Here the master states a breaking againt the first Messer-taking and speaks: If he wants to [hit] the joint, etc. You should understand it this way: if he falls with the hilt above your Messer into the joint of your elbow and wants to take your Messer at the binding with his left hand, notice: “simultaneously,” as he goes over with the hilt over your right hand, “simultaneously” go also quickly over his right hand, and go with the crosspiece into the joint of his right elbow. Then, push it from you and grab with your left hand at his hilt under his right hand, and pull firmly towards yourself to your left side. This way you break his element and do yourself what he had wanted to do.

[67v.4] Ist er daß gelenck prellen
Gleich solt wyder schnellen

[68r.1] Nymb gehulcz ring reyß
Daß man dir sag preyß

Hye sagtt der meyster eyn pruch wyder daß erst messer nemen nem und sprichtt wil er daß etc Daß sol dw alzo verstan felt er mit seym gehultz uber deyn messer yn daß gelenck deß ölpogenß und wil dir mit seyner lincken hand deyn messer bey dem pynd nemen so merck gleich yndeß so er uberfert mit dem gehultz uber deyn rechte hand yndeß far ym auch uber seyn rechte hand und far mit dem kreucz yn daß gelenck seyneß rechten ölpogenß und scheub den von dir und greuff mit deyner lincken hand an seyn gehultz und reyß starck an dich auff deyn lincke seytten alzo prigstu seyn stuck und machest selber daß stuck daß er hat wellen machen

[178r.2] Ein pruch yber des Obgeschriben

Ist er das gelennckh prellen
gleych soltu wider schnellen
Nimb gehultz Rinng reysz
das man dir sage preysz

Item so Er mit dem gehultz also dein rechte hannd Vberfellt. so far [178r.1] Im auch allso vber mit dem kreitz Inn sein Elenpogen. glenckh. Indes scheub vonn dir. greiff linnckh an sein gehultz vnnder seinner rechten vnnd reysz. starckh an dich. so kumpstu Im vor.


Then, a breaking against the Messer-taking with the empty hand. If he has grabbed your right arm with his left hand, and wants to press you to his left side, “simultaneously” come with your left hand to help your right hand, and grab with it your hilt from below, and pull firmly from above down, as you have heard before.

[88r.2] alliud

Iten aber eyn bruch wider dz ander stuck wil er dir dyn messer nemen mit lerer hant vnter [88v.1] dinem rechten arm mit syner lincken hant gefast hat vnd wil trucken in syn lincke syten Indes küm diner rechten hant zu hillff mit dyner lincken vnd begriff do mit dyn gehultz vnten vnd rieß starck von oben nider als du vor gehorett hast ~

[68r.2] Item eyn pruch wyder daß ander stuck will er dir deyn messer nemen mit lerer hand und so er deyn rechten armen mit seyner lincken [68v.1] hand gefast hatt und wil dich drucken yn seyn lincke seytten yndeß kum deyner rechten hand zw hilff und pegreuff da mit deyn gehulcz unten und reyß starck von oben nyder alz dw vor gehort hast


Then, if he has grabbed both Messers with his left arm and goes down through with the hilt on the outside to the joint of your hand, and he wants to pull towards his right side, “simultaneously” grab behind his left hand at the weak of the Messer in front, and pull firmly to your left side.


Then, do also this breaking against the fourth Messer-taking.


Go under the right to the left
Pull over with the hilt in fighting

Here the master teaches a Messer-taking that is very good and adventurous. If you want to do it, do it this way: stand with your left foot forwards and hold your Messer on your right side at the leg. If he strikes to your left side to the opening, “simultaneously” bow your Messer from your right side to your left side, and leap well to him, and put your left hand firmly on his right one below. “Simultaneously” go with your hilt also over his right hand on the inside, over his joint of the hand, and pull firmly to your right side, in that way you take his Messer again.

[88v.4] Linck vnter far den rechten
Mit gehultz vber riß im vechten

Hie saget der meinster eyn messer nemen vnd thun dem also Ste mit dynem lincken fur vnd halt dyn messer vff diner rechten siten beÿ [89r.1] dem peÿnd haut er dir dan zu diner lincken siten der bloß noch indes pulbg von diner rechten siten vff din lincke din messer Vnd spring woll vff in vnd leg din lincke hant fest an syn rechte vnten Indes far mit dem gehultz auch vber syn rechte hant auch Inlbindig vber syn gelenck der hant vnd reiß starck vff din rechte siten so nÿmbstu im dz messer ~

[68v.4] Linck unterfar den rechten
Mit gehültz uberreyß ym vechten

Hye sagt der merer der kunst aber von [69r.1] eynem messer nemen und thu dem alzo stee mit deynem lincken fuß fuer und halt deyn messer auff deyner rechten seytten bey dem payn haut er dir denn zw deyner lincken seytten der plöß nach yndeß peug von deynem rechten seytten auff deyn lincke deyn messer und spring wol auf yn und leg deyn lincke hand fest an seyn rechte unden yndeß far mit dem gehulcz auch uber seyn rechte hand ynbendigß uber daß gelenck der hand und reyß starck auff deyn rechte seytten so nymbstu ym daß messer etc

[178r.1] Ein annder duseggen Nemmen.

Linnckh vnnderfar den Rechten
mit gehultz yberreysz Im fechten

Item stee mit dem Linnckhen fuosz vor. vnnd halt. dein duseggen auf deinnen Rechten pain. hawt Er zu deinner lincken plösz. so far mit dem gehultz Innwendig vbers glaich seinner rechten hand. vnnd reiss starckh zur rechten. so nimpstu Im den duseggen.


Here the master teaches a breaking against the element announced above, and it is to be done this way: if he has clenched your hand as it is announced above, lower your Messer to your left side on his Messer, and go with your left arm over both Messers, and pull “simultaneously” to your left side, in that way you take his Messer. Or, pull downwards with your Messer, as you have heard before.


If you go with no defense
You are endangered to be overrun
If you cannon turn the back without harm
Stand, and you can merrily defend yourself

Here the master teaches an element that is called an emergency element, and it occurs when you have no defence and you are overrun and you cannot flee without harm, stand merrily if you must defend yourself, and nothing else may happen. Turn against him and stand with your left foot forwards and when he strikes at you from above downwards, step with your right foot against his right one, and well away aside. Then, go with the stretched [arm] well outside on his Messer on the flat on the outside, and go on the inside with your right arm above his Messer or arm, and press the arm well to your body, and turn your hand on his Messer. Then, fall with your left hand on his hilt or hand, and pull with your body firmly to your right side, in that way you take his Messer.

[89r.3] Gestu anbere were
Wurstu vber lauffen gefere

[89v] Ruck an schaden nicht kanst keren
Standt dich frelich magstu weren

Hie lert der meinster eyn stuck dz do heissett eyn nett stock vnd gat zu so du keyn were hast vnd wurst vber lauffen vnd kanst an schaden nicht entpflihen so stant frelich vnd so du dich were must vnd nit anders syn mag so wind dich gegen Im vnd ste mit dynen lincken fus fur so er dan vff dich haulbett von oben mÿder [!] so drett mit dynem rechten fus gegen synem rechten vnd woll besitz vß vnd far mit gestracken arm an syn messer an die flech vßwendig vnd far Inlbendig mit dynem rechten arm vber syn messer vnd druck den arm woll zu dem leb vnd wend dyn messer an syn hant vnd fal mit dyner lincken hant an syn gehultz oder hant vnd rieß mit dem lieb starck vff dyn rechten syten so nympstu im daß messer etc ~

[69v] Bestu on were
Wirst uberlauffen gefere
Ruck an schaden nicht kanst keren
Stand dich frolich magst weren

Hye lertt der meyster eyn stuck daß do geheyssen ist eyn not stuck und get zw so dw kayn wer hast und wirt uberloffen und kanst on schaden nicht enpflyhen So stand frolich so dw dich ye weren muest und nicht anders seyn kan So thue ym alzo wendt dich gegen ym und stee mit deynem lincken fuß fuer So er dan auff dich hauett von oben nyder So trit mit deynem rechten fuß gegen seynem rechten und wol peseytt auß und far mit gestracktem armen an seyn messer an dy flech außbendig und far yndeß mit deynem rechten armen wol zw dem leyb und wendt deyn hand an seyn [70r.1] messer und fal mit deyner lincken hand an seyn gehulcz oder hand und reyß mit dem leyb und hand starck auff deyner lincken rechten seytten so nymbstu ym daß messer


Then, if he strikes at you as before, stand with your right foot forwards and step with your left one to his left one, well out of the stroke, and go with your left [hand] above his Messer, and step with your right foot against his right one. Then, go with your right hand on his hilt at the hand under his Messer, and come with your left hand under his Messer to your right side, and swing firmly to your left side.


Then, if he strikes at you as before, step to his right side with your left foot and fall over his Messer with the left arm. Then, fall with your right hand to his hilt, and pull firmly to your right side.


Then, if he strikes at you as before, stand with your left foot forwards and step with your right foot to his right one well out of the stroke, and go over his Messer with your right arm, and with yout left hand on his hilt, and pull firmly to your left side.

[70r.4] Item hawtt er aber auff dich alz vor So stee [70v.1] mit deynem lincken fuß fuer und schreytt mit deynem rechten fuß auff seyn rechten wol auß dem haw und far uber de seyn messer mit deynem rechten armen und mit der lincken hand uber oder auff seyn gehulcz und reyß starck auff deyn lincke seytten etc Sequitur textus


If he is brave
And stands in skilfull cunningness
If you are captured, you should turn the Messer
Pull, the point does the end to him

Here the master states a breaking against the Messer-taking announced above: if you have stroke to one who has no Messer and he displaces with the arm, as it is stated above, and he goes above your Messer, “simultaneously” wind your Messer around, so that the short edge is below, and go high with your hilt, and set the point to his chest.

[90r.3] Ob er frische ist
Vnd stot in künstlicher list

[90v.1] Pist gefangen messer solt wenden
Ruck ort thut in enden

Hie saget der meinster eyn bruch wider die obgemelt stueck oder messer nemen so du off eynen gehaulben hast der keyn messer hat vnd er versetz dir mit dem arm als oben stat vnd er fertt dir uber dyn messer Indes wind dyn messer vmb dz die kurtz schnid vnten ste vnd far vff mit dynem gehultz vnd setz Im dyn ortt vff die bruest etc~

[70v.2] Ob er alz frisch ist
Und stat yn kuenstenlicher list
Pistu gefangen messer sölt wenden
Ruck ortt thuet yn enden

Hye sagtt der meyster eyn pruch wyder dy obgemelten messer nemen So dw auff eynen gehawen hast der keyn messer hatt und er verseczt dir mit dem armen alz oben geschriben stet und er fertt dir uber deyn messer yndeß wyndtt deyn messer umb daß dy kurcz schneyd unten stee [71r.1] und far auff mit deym gehultz und secz ym den ortt auff seyn prust oder yn daß angesichtt etc


Then, if he goes above your arm, you find the breaking where the text states: If he wants to show off. There, the breaking is taught.


If you want to harass the defence in the armed manner
You should overrun with the hilt
Pull firmly to your right side
Learn to step back with the foot

Here the master teaches how one should take the Messer with the armed hand from the other, and speaks: If you want in the armed manner, etc. You should understand it this way: if he strikes at you from his right side to your left one, bow with your Messer and with your left hand go “simultaneously” in the middle of your Messer and catch the stroke between your both hands on the Messer. “Simultaneously” go high with your hilt on the inside and from above downwards over his hand to the joint on the outside, and pull firmly to your right side, in that way you take his Messer.

[90v.3] Gewoppent wiltu were stossen
Mit gehultz soltu vber louffen

[91r.1] Ris starck vff din rechten
Mit dem fus ze ruck lere schritten

Hie lertt der meinster wie man eynem dz messer soll nemen mit gewoppenter hantt Daß solt also verstan hautt er vff dich von syner rechten syten vff dyn lincke so pug vff mit dynem messer vnd mit dyner lincken hant far Indes In die mit dyneß messers vnd fache den schlag zwuschen dyn peyd hend vff dz messer Indes far vff mit dynem gehultz Inlbendigs vnd von oben nider vber syn hant Indas gelinck vßwendig vnd rieß starck vff dyn rechte syten so nÿmpstu Im dz messer ~

[71r.2] Bebappendt wiltu wer strauffen
Mit gehulcz soelt uberlauffen
Reyß starck auff deyn rechte seytten
Mit dem fuß zw ruck ler schreytten

Hye lert der meyster wye man daß messer zw gewappunder handt eynem soel nemen und spricht gewoppend wiltu etc Daß soltu alzo verstan haüt er auff dich von seyner rechten seytten auff deyn lincke so peug auff mit deynem messer und mit deyner lincken hand far yndeß yn dy mit deyneß messerß und vach den schlag czwischen deyn peyde hende uff daß messer yndeß far mit deynem gehulcz ynbendigß und von oben uber seyn hand yn daß gelenck außbendig und reyß [71v.1] starck auff deyn rechte seytten so nymbstu ym daß messer etc


Then, you can also strike well to both ears in the armed manner and you can also do the feints in it. And you can change through, twitch through in the armed manner, and you can also do the feint with the armed point.


Then, if he goes to you, do as if you wanted to thrust at him in the armed manner from your right side and at his left side. “Simultaneously” strike with the hilt forwards at his left foot and when you want to strike, let the right hand go off the Messer and strike with the left hand, as you know well.


Then, you can fall in the armed manner with the point, and do it this way: as you have bound him in the armed manner, and you stay on his right side with the point in front of the face, “simultaneously” do as if you wanted to strike with your hilt to your left side, and as you come with the hilt a bit further towards his left side, go “simultaneously” with the point again to his right side at the face.


Then, if you stay on his left side in the armed hand, so that the pommel is against the face of the man, go “simultaneously” high with the pommel or the hilt over the middle of your head, and flick “simultaneously” with the hilt again around to the previous left side, and strike with the hilt at his head, or thrust at his face.


Then, you can also change through with the short point, and do it this way: if you lie as before with the armed hand on his left side, do as if you wanted to go with the point to his right side and thrust to the same side. “Simultaneously” go down with the point and change through to his left side, and thrust at his face to his left side.

[395] Then, if you come with the armed hand on the man, do the running off with the armed hand on both sides, and “simultaneously” fall in the running off or thrust. As while you run off and you have run off from both sides, that is, first with the hilt and then with the blade on his right side, “simultaneously” fall with the hilt to hilt left side over his Messer and on his neck to his right side and turn him at the neck around or throw him over your right leg.

Then, if you come with the armed hand on the man, do the running off with the armed hand on both sides, and “simultaneously” fall in the thrusts, cuts or strokes. Overrun his Messer, grab him at the neck and do with the armed hand what you want.

[71v.4] Item So dw kombst mit gewappender hand an man So mach dy ablauffen gewoppendt zw payden seytten yndeß fel yn den ablauffen oder stich und dy weyl dw ablauffest und von peyden seytten abgeloffen pist alz zwm ersten mit dem [72r.1] gehultz und dar darnach mit der klyngen auff seyner rechten seytten yndeß far mit dem gehulcz auff seyner lincken seytten uber seyn messer und an den halz seyner rechten seytten und dree yn bey dem halz alzo her umb und oder wirff yn uber deyn rechteß payn etc


If he wants to harass
And overrun with the hilt
Pull his weak to you
Step to the right and hit surely

Here the master states a breaking against the first element, that is against the Messer-taking with the armed hand, and speaks: If he wants to harass, etc. You should understand it this way: if he wants to take your Messer with the armed hand, notice, while he goes over your hand with his hilt, and wants to pull to his right side, “simultaneously” grab with your left hand in the weak of his Messer and turn your hilt with your right hand to his right, between his both hands, and pull “simultaneously” firmly to your left side.

[91v.3] Wil er strauffen
Mit dem gehultz vber louffen

[92r.1] Sin schwech zugt ze dir
Schrit recht stos schier

Hie saget der meinster eyn bruch wider dz stuck vnd sprichtt also wiltu dz messer nemen zu gewoppenter hant vnd sprichtt will er strauffen etc Daß soltu also verstan wil er dir dyn messer nemen zu gewoppent hant so merck eben dyn will er mit synem gehultz vber dyn hant fert vnd will ryssen vff sich syn rechte syten Indes griff mit dyner lincken hant in die schwech synes messers vnd wind mit dyner rechten hant dyn gehultz an syn rechte sc zwueschen syn beyde hende vnd rÿsß Indes starck vff dyn lincke syten

[72r.2] Wil er strauffen
Mit dem gehultz uberlaüffen
Seyn swech czeug zw dir
Schreyt recht stoß schir

Hye sagtt der meyster eyn prüch wyder daß erst stuck alz wyder daß messer nemen zw gewoppender hand und spricht wil er strauffen etc Daß soltu alzo verstan wil er dir deyn messer nemen zw gewoppender hand So merck dy weyl er mit seym gehultz uber deyn hand fertt [72v.1] und wil reyssen auff seyn rechte seytten yndeß greuff mit deyner lincken hand yn dy swech seyneß messerß und wend mit deyner rechten hand deyn gehulcz an seyn rechte czwischen seyn payd hend und reyß yn deß starck auff deyn lincken seytten etc


Then, another breaking. If he goes with the hilt over your arm as before, notice, while he goes over your Messer, fall with your left arm over both Messers and press them into your left side, and swing firmly to the same side.


Then, a different breaking: if he has grabbed your Messer as before, “simultaneously” grab with your left hand in his left one, and pull it to your left side. Then, step with your right foot in front of his right one, and strike quickly with your right arm firmly from behind to his left elbow.


Then, another breaking: if he falls with the hilt over your arm as before with the armed hand, notice, “simultaneously,” while he wants to go with the hilt above your hand, turn your Messer around on his one, so that the short edge is on his Messer, and strike at his head with the short edge.


Then, as you fall on his head with the short edge as before, “simultaneously” go from his Messer with your point against his left side between you and him with the lowered point to your left side. Then, move the point to his chest and step with your left foot back and strike at his head.

[72v.4] yndeß So far von seynem messer mit deynem ortt [73r.1] gegen seyner lincken seytten czwischen dich und yn mit gesencktem ortt auff deyn lincke seytten und schreytt mit deynem lincken fueß zw ruck und haw ym czw seynem kopff seyner rechten seytten


If you are to praise the art
And the Messer is taken
You should not delay
And unbridle the man

Here the master states a counter-breaking against the first breaking on the Messer and speaks: If you are, etc. You should understand it this way: if he has grabbed your Messer at the weak and pulls to his left side, and you feel that you cannot hold your Messer, fall with your left hand behind his left one on the hilt, and with the right one forwards to his right hand, and turn the hilt against him. Then, pull firmly downwards, in that way you take his Messer again and you strike at him through his head.

[92v.3] Ist dir künst zürünnen
Das messer ist gewünen
Nicht solt dich sümen
Vnd den man vs zaümen

Hie saget der meinster eyn bruch wider den bruch vnd spricht isst dir kunst zu runnen daß soltu also verstan hat er dir dyn messer begriffen by der schwech vnd rieß vff syn lincken syten vnd du entpfindest dz [93r.1] dz du dyn messer nit gehalten magst so fal mit dyner lincken hant hinter syn lincke an dz gehultz mit dyner rechten vorn zu syner rechten hant vnd wind dz gehultz gegen Im vnd riß starck vnter sich so nÿmpstu Im wider syn messer vnd haust In durch syn koppff ~

[73r.2] Ist dir der Kunst zw rünnen
Daß messer ist genümmen
Dw solt dich nicht sawmen
Und den man auß czawmen

Hye sagtt der meyster eyn wyder pruch wyder den ersten pruch deß messer nemenß und sprichtt ist dir etc Daß soltu alzo verstan hatt er dir pegriffen deyn messer bey der swech und reyst auff seyn rechte lincke seytten und dw enpfindst daß dw deyn messer nicht erhalten magst So fal mit deyner lincken hand hynter seyn lincke an daß gehülcz und mit deyner rechten [73v.1] foren zw seyner rechten hand und wendt daß gehulcz gegen ym und reyß starck untersich So nymbstu ym wyder seyn messer und hawest yn durch seyn kopff


You can rush to it
And take the neck with the hilt with the armed hand on the right

Here the master teaches an element how one should take the man with the hilt on his right side at the neck, and speaks: You can, etc. You should understand it in this manner: if you have bound him on his left side with the cross stroke, strike around at his right one, and before the stroke is completed, push him over with your hilt to his left side. Then, go on his neck to his right side, and step with your right foot behind his left one, and push him over it.


If it has succeded
And the hilt has acquired the neck
Go over with the hilt to the right
Grab the arm, the hand, and you win him completely

Here the master states a breaking against the element where one holds one at the neck with the hilt, and this is the first breaking, as the breakings are numerous and various.


Then, the first breaking: if one holds you firmly with the armed hand with the hilt at the neck, also take your Messer in the armed hand, and go with the hilt over his left hand on the inside to the outside over the joint, and press firmly downwards with the hilt. Then, raise with the left hand and with the blade of the Messer firmly upwards, and step with the left foot well in front of his right one, and press his left hand with the bind firmly on you to your right side. Then, push him up with your Messer firmly from you and throw him forwards down on the face over your right foot.

[93r.3] Item der erst bruch So dich eyner mit gewoppenter hant mit dem klotz by dem hals starck hellt So nÿm dyn messer auch zu gewoppenter hant vnd far mit dem klotz [93v.1] vber syn lincke hant vff vßwendig vber daß gelenck vnd druck vast vnderdich mit dem gehultz vnd heb mit der lincken hant vnd mit der klingen deß messers fast vber sich vff schrit mit dem lincken fus wol vor syn rechten vnd druck mit dem bindt syn linck hant fast an dich vff dyn rechte syten vnd schube im oben mit dem messer vast von dir vnd wurff in vor dich nider vff dz antlittz vber dyn rechten fus ~

[73v.3] Item der erst pruch ist so dich eyner mit gewoppender hand mit dem kloß bey dem halz starck heltt so nymb deyn messer auch zw geppuender hand und [74r.1] far mit dem kloß uber seyn lincke hand ynbendigß auff aussen uber daß gelenck und druck fast untersich mit dem gehulcz und heb mit der lincken hand und mit der klyngen deß messerß fast ubersich auff und schreyt mit dem lincken fuß woll fuer seyn rechte und druck mit dem pyndt seyn lincke hand fast an dich auff deyn rechte seytten und scheub yn oben mit deynem messer fast von dir und birff yn fuer dich auff daß antlicz uber deynen rechten fuß etc

[405] Then, another breaking. If he holds you at the neck as before, fall in the armed hand also as before and go with the blade from behind at his right arm to the joint of the elbow, so that the bind is down and the blade stands up, and step with your right foot behind his left one and push him over it.

[93v.2] a alliud

Item eyn ander bruch So er dich bÿ dem hals hat als vor so fal mit gewoppenter hant auch als vor vnd far mit dem lincken hinder In synem rechten arm Indaß gelenck des elnbogen dz daß pindt vnten ste vnd schrit mit dynem rechten fus hinter syn lincken fus vnd schueb in dar vber ~


Then, another breaking: if he holds you at the neck with the bind as before, drop your Messer and strike your left arm above his right one from above firmly downwards, and grab with your right hand in his joint of the hand. Then, leap with your left foot in front of his right one and press his left hand well into your right side, and swing with the body to your right side, and throw him over your left leg in front of you.

[93v.3] alliud ~

Item eyn ander bruch helt er dich mit dem hals mit dem pindt als vor so loß dyn messer fallen vnd schlag dyn lincken arm vber syn rechten starck nider vnd griff mit dyner rechten hant in syn gelenck der hant vnd spring mit dynem lincken fus fur dyn rechten [94r.1] vnd druck syn lincken hant woll in dyn rechten syten vnd schwing dich mit dem lieb wol vff dyn rechte syten vnd wurff In vber dyn lincken peind fur dich

[74r.3] Item aber eyn pruch hat er dich bey dem halz mit dem pynd alz vor So laß deyn [74v.1] messer fallen und schlag deyn lincken armen uber seynen rechten oben starck nyder und greuff mit deyner rechten rechten hand yn seyn glenck der hand und spring mit deynem lincken fuß fuer seynen rechten und druck seyn lincke hand woll yn deyn rechte seytten und swyng dich mit dem leyb wol auff deyn rechte seytten und wirff yn uber deyn linckeß payn fur dich etc


Then, another breaking: if he has you at the neck as before, take your right hand and go with it to the blade of his Messer to between his both hands close to his left one, and pull firmly towards yourself to your right side. “Simultaneously” as the hilt comes free from the neck, grab with your left above his right one to the hilt, and pull downwards to your right side, in that way you take his Messer.


Notice, if you want to do the Messer-taking, you should always fall to the weak of the Messer with your right hand.

[74v.3]  merck daß wenn dw dyseß messer nemen machen [75r.1] wiltu so soltu albegen yn dy swech deß messerß fallen mit deyner rechten hand etc


Then, another breaking: push him from you, but at his right elbow and grab with your right hand on his right leg close to the foot. Then, step with your left foot in front of his left one inside to his legs and throw him on his face, as it is depicted below.


Then, another breaking: push him from you with your left hand and take the balance at the elbow, and grab forwards with the right hand in his right one. Then, step with the left foot in front of his right one.


Then, another breaking: push him firmly from you with his elbow with your left hand, and push him to his right side. “Simultaneously,” drop your Messer and grab him outside at his joint of his right leg. Then, lift him high and throw him on his left side.

[94r.5] Item Aber eyn bruch schub In starck von dir mit synem elnbogen mit dyner lincken hant [94v.1] schueb In vff syn rechte sÿten Indes loß dyne messer vallen vnd griff im vßwendig in syn gelenck synen rechten peindt hab in vff vnd wurff in vff syn lincken syten


Then, another breaking: if he has grabbed you as before, push him from you to his left side with your left hand, and go with your right hand or arm around his body in the front. Then, step with your right foot behind his right one and throw him over your right hip on his back or head. Amen.

[413] Then, another breaking: push him from you at his right elbow and grab with your right hand at his right leg close to the foot, and throw him on his face. And make sure that you bring his foot under your right shoulder while throwing, and hold him at it, so that he cannot stand up. If he wants to get up on one side, throw him on the other, and stand with your body well between both his legs, in that way he cannot stand up.

Then, push him with his right elbow to his left side again and grab “simultaneously” his right foot with your right hand as before, and pull the same foot well under your right shoulder, and hold him at it, so that he cannot stand up. If he wants to get up on one side, throw him on the other side, and stand with your left leg and the body well between both his legs, so that he cannot hit you with the left leg. And hold him this way and throw him from one side into the other, as you wish.

[75r.4] Item aber eyn pruch scheub yn von dir aber bey seynem lincken rechtem ölpogen und greuff mit deyner rechten hand an seyn rechteß payn nohendt pey dem fuß und [75v.1] wirff yn auff seyn antlicz und gedenck daß dw ym berffen seynen fuß bringest unter deyn rechte uchsen und halt yn alzo do bey daß er nicht auff kan stan wo er auff eynen seytten sich auff pawmen wil so wirff yn auff dy andren und stee mit deynem leyb wol czwischen seynen peden payn so mag er nichtt auff stan etc


Then, another breaking: if he holds you at the throat with the armed hand as before, press firmly backwards with the neck. “Simultaneously” grab also with the armed hand in the blade of your Messer under his Messer and suddenly let your right hand go out of the bind, and step behind him to his right side, and strike with the hilt at his stomach. Then, step well behind him and “simultaneously” strike as you have done before.

[75v.3] Item aber eyn pruch heltt er dich bey dem halz gewoppend alz vor so druck fast zw ruck mit dem nack yndeß greuff auch zw gepappender handt yn deyneß messerß klyngen unter seynem [76r.1] messer und laß pluppling dy recht handt von dem pyndt und greuff yn dy klyngen deyneß messers und schreyt hynter yn auff seyn rechte seytten und schlag yn mit dem gehulcz ynn seyn pauch und schreyt wol hynter yn yndeß mach alz dw vor gehortt hast etc


Then, if he has put the hilt on your neck as before, go high with your Messer and fall in the armed hand, and go high with the hilt and thrust at his face from above, as it is depicted below.


Then, another breaking: if he has grabbed you at your neck as before with the hilt, “simultaneously” drop your Messer and go with your right hand behind his left one between his hand and the weak of his Messer, and turn “simultaneously” firmly to your left side. Then, pull firmly with your right hand to the same side.


Then, if he has you at your neck with the hilt again as before, “simultaneously” grab with your left hand in the middle of his Messer, and go high with your right hand and do as if you wanted to push the hilt into his face. “Simultaneously” hit the middle of his Messer firmly with your right hand or arm and swing to your left side.

If one wants to fight


Then, another breaking: if he has grabbed you with his hilt at your neck as before, grab with your left hand in his left close to the hand, and pull it to your left side. Then, “simultaneously” strike with your right arm over his both and quickly down and step with your right foot behind his right one and throw him over it, and swing a bit to your left side.


Then, if he has you at the neck as before and wants to push you over the leg as before, “simultaneously” fall in the armed hand and thrust at him from below between his both hands with the armed hand at his throat. And when you fall in the armed hand, go with your left arm from above over his right one.


Then, if he has grabbed you at the neck as before, “simultaneously” go with your Messer between both of you with the weak to your left side. Then, fall in the armed hand and hit him with the hilt at his throat, as it is depicted below.

[421] Out and above thrust through
Learn to break the defence with the armed hand
You can also clench the arms
If you are lucky, you can enjoy it

Here the master speaks about the thrusting through from above but he means if the elements succeeds well, it is with some luck.

Out and above thrust through
Learn to break the defence with the armed hand
You can also clench the arms
If you are lucky, you can enjoy it

Here the master speaks about the thrusting through from above and they are to be performed with great prudence and close to the man, so that you do not fail in them.

[94v.3] Vs vber durch stechen
Gewoppent lere were vs brechen
Ouch magstu arm beschissen
Wil gluck des kanstu genissen

Hie saget der meinster von dem vber durch stechen doch meynt er sollen die stuck woll [95r.1] gerotten so sy gluck do bÿ

[422] Now, if you want to do the thrusting through from above, do him this way: if you have bound with the Messer on his right side, “simultaneously” wind with your Messer over his one to his right side and lower the point of the Messer down and go with it under his right arm and fall with your left hand in the middle of your Messer, and press on the outside in his right arm to his left side. Thus, you take his Messer.

Now, do him this way: go to the man with your Entrüsthau to his left side and strike then around to the right side. Then, wind the weak of your Messer above his Messer to his left side and go through below his arm again to his right side,

[76r.3]  nw wiltu dy uberdurch stechen machen So thue ym alzo wenn [76v.1] dw hast an gepunden mit dem messer auff seyn rechte seytten yndeß wyndt mit deynem messer uber daß seyn auff seyner rechten seytten und senck den ortt deß messerß nyder und far da mit unter seyn rechten armen und fal mit deyner lincken hand yn dy mit deyneß messerß und druck aussen yn seyn rechten armen auff seyn lincke seytten So nymbstu ym daß messer

[423] Then, another element: thrust through as before and go with your left hand in the middle of your blade and press with it outside in his arm to the joint of the elbow. Then, turn your left side to his right one, and press with the left hand from above quickly downwards, and with the right one at the bind, and raise his hand up. This way he is clenched.

and fall with your left hand in the middle of the blade of your Messer, and press with it outside in the joint of his arm and elbow. Then, turn your left side to his right one, and press with the left hand from above quickly downwards, and with the right one at the bind, and raise his hand up. This way he is clenched.


Then, thrust at him over his right hand again and fall in the armed hand and come close to him, so that his right hand comes under your right shoulder, and fall in the armed hand with your Messer from behind on his right elbow. Then, lean with the chest firmly on it, and turn your left side to his right one, and leap with your left foot in front of his right one, and swing firmly to your right side.


Then, an element in thrusting through. Do it as before and “simultaneously” [go] with the hilt to his right shoulder on his neck well around to the nape of his neck, and lift him with the left hand well up, and turn your hand on your Messer, so that you lift stronger. Then, step with your right foot behind his right one and press him over it.

[95r.5] Item aber eyn ander stuck Im durch stechen thün im also vnd fal Indes mit dem gehultz vff [95v.1] syn rechten achseln an sin hals woll hin vmb sin nack vnd heb in mit der lincken hant wol vber sich vnd verwind din hant vff din messer dz du dester starcker hebst vnd schrit mit dem rechten fus hinter sin rechten fus vnd druck in dar vber

[77r.3] Item aber eyn ander stuck ym durchstechen thue ym alz vor und far yndeß mit dem gehultz auff seyn rechte achsellen an seyn halz wol hyn umb yn seyn nacken und heb yn mit der lincken hand wol ubersich und verbendt dy hand auff dem messer daß dw dester stercker hebst und schreyt mit dem rechten fuß hynter seynen rechten und druck [77v.1] yn dar uber etc


Then, go through him again with the weak over his right arm as before, and go down to your left side with the weak of your Messer, so that his Messer comes under your right shoulder, and hit him with the hilt to his throat or face.


Then, an element: if he is too strong for you so that you cannot clench the arm outside, as the first element says, do it this way as if you wanted to clench him outside, and “simultaneously” go outside above his arm to the shoulder, and step with your right foot behind his right one, and press him over it.

[76v.3] Item aber eyn stuck Ist er dir zw starck [77r.1] daß dw außbendigß den armen nichtt peschlyssen magst So thue alz dw yn außbendigß wollest beschlyssen yndeß far ynbendigß oben uber seynen armen an dy achsel und schreyt mit deynem rechten fuß hynter seynen rechten und druck yn dar uber etc


Then, a note: if you go to his arm on the inside with your Messer, step always with your right foot well behind his right one, so that his arm comes between you and him. Thus, it goes the right way.

[95r.4] Item wan du In Inlbendig in sin arm fast mit dem messer So dritt alwegen mit dinem rechten fus wol hinter syn rechten dz sin arm zwuschen dich vnd im kum ~ ~


Then, or put him the bind on his neck on his left side, and step with your right foot behind his right one and press the blade of your Messer on his arm firmly to your body, so that the point is out sideways on your left side.

[430] Who does the thrusting over through,
You should take revenge skillfully,
Wind to the right, be skilled,
Turn the point to the face

Who has thrusted over through
Learn to take revenge skillfully
Wind to the right, be skilled
Send the point to the face

Here the master states a breaking against the thrusting over through and speaks: Who thrusts over, etc. Now, if you want to break the thrusting over through in the Messer, do it this way: if he winds over your Messer and wants to go through with the point under your arm, wind “simultaneously” against him to his right side with your Messer on his own, so that the long edge is above, and thrust at his face, in that way he cannot come to the elements announced above.

[95v.3] Wer vber durch ist stechen
Künstlich vs lere rechen
Wind recht bis behende
Ort ze gesicht winde

Hie saget der meinster eyn bruch wider die vber durch stechen Nu wiltu die vber durch stechen machen So thun Im also wan er dir vber din messer wind vnd wil [96r.1] dir mit dem ortt vnter din arm durch geen Indes wind gegem Im vff sin rechten siten dein messer an dz sin dz die lang schnid oben ste vnd stich im oben zu dem gesicht also kan er zu dem obgemelt stuck nit kümen ~ ~

[77v.3] Wer uber durch thuet stechen
Kunstenlich daß auß solt rechen
Wyndt rechtt piß behendt
Den ortt zw gesicht wend

Hye sagtt der meyster eyn pruch wyder dy ober durch stechen und sprichtt wer uber etc nw wiltu dy durchstechen ym messer prechen So thue ym [78r.1] alzo wenn er dir uber deyn messer byndt und wil dir mit dem ortt unter den armen durchgen yndeß wyndt gegen dir auff seyn rechte seytten deyn messer an daß seyn daß dy kurcz schneyd undten stee und stich ym zw dem gesicht alzo kann er zw der obgemelten stucken nicht kummen


Then, another breaking on the thrusting over through, and notice: while he wants to thrust through under your arm and while he wants to grab down the middle of his Messer, “simultaneously” go high with the hilt and fall in the armed hand, and set the point on his throat.


Then, put your Messer on the neck on his left side with the armed hand, the weak of the Messer, and press the elbow well under his neck, and do as you have been taught before. This way, you have another breaking against the thrusting through.


Then, another breaking: if he wants to thrust through, in the moment while he presses your Messer down, “simultaneously” go high with the hilt and strike or cut through his neck on his left side. And it goes easy if one can perform it properly.

[78r.4] Item aber eyn pruch So er durchstechen [78v.1] wil yn dem dy weyl er deyn messer nyder drucket yndeß far auff mit dem gehültz und haw oder schneyd yn durch den halz auff Seyner[73] lincken seytten und daß gett alleß leychtiklich zw dem der eß recht treyben kan etc


If he wants to approach you
Learn to grab the right with the left
Set on the throat and shoulder
The penitence does the armed hand

Here the master states an element how one should perform it with the armed hand and speaks: If he wants, etc.


You should understand it this way: if he comes to you in the Zufechten, stand with your left foot forward and hold your Messer on your right side and above your right knee, and so that the thumb is above and the point is against the man. And expose yourself with your left side. If he strikes at you to the opening, bow also your left side under his Messer and leap close to him. With your entire left arm grab firmly “simultaneously” over his right one close to the elbow and press his arm firmly to your left side, and “simultaneously” grab down his arm in the middle of your Messer and set the point on his throat or under his right shoulder. Or, hold your Messer in the left hand in the middle and let your right hand go from the bind of the Messer, and grab with the right hand in his right knee-bending, and throw him in front of you.

[96v.2] Item dz soltu also verstan so er im zubechten zu dir künpt so ste vor mit dinem lincken fus vnd halt din messer vff diner rechten siten vnd oben dinen rechten knüg vnd dz der thum oben ste vnd der ort gegen dem man ste vnd geb dich mit der lincken siten ploß schlicht er dir dan der ploß noch so pueg auch vnder sin messer vff din lincke siten vnd spring nohent vff in Indes griff mit diner gantzem lincken arm starck vber sin rechten nohent by dem elnbogen vnd druck sin arm fest in din lincke siten Indes griff vntter sin arm in die mit sines messers vff setz im den ortt an sin kellen oder behalt din messer inder lincken hant in der mit vnd loß din recht hant von dem pindt des messers vnd griff im mit [97r.1] in syn rechten knueg pug vnd würff In for dich

[78v.3] Daß soltu alzo verstan So er ym zwvechten zw dir kumbtt So stee vor mit deynem lincken fuß und haltt deyn messer auff deyner rechten seytten und ob deynem rechten knye und daß der dawm doben sey und der ort gegen [79r.1] dem man ste und gib dich mit der lincken seytten plöß schlecht er dir den der plöß nach so peug unter seyn messer auff deyn lincke seytten und spring nohend auff yn yndeß greuff mit deynem ganczen lincken armen starck uber seynen rechten nohend bey dem ölpogen und druck seyn armen fest yn deyn lincke seytten yndeß greuff unter seyn armen yn dy mitt deyneß messerß und secz ym den ortt an seyn kelen oder unter seyn rechte uchsen oder pehalt deyn messer yn der lincken hand yn der mit und laß dy rechten hand von dem pynd deß messerß und greuff ym mit deyner hand yn seyn rechte knyepug und wirff yn fuer dich etc

[156r.2] Das soltu also verstan So er Im zuuechten zu Ir dir kumbt so stee vor mit deynem lincken füß vnd halt deyn messer auff deyner rechten seytten vnd ob deynem rechten kny vnd das der dawmen oben stee vnd der ortt stee gegen dem mann vnd gib dich mit der lincken seytten ploß schlecht er dir denne der ploß nach so pewg auch vntter seyn messer deyn lincke seytten vnd spring nohent auff In mit deynem gantzen lincken arme Greyff starck Indes vber seyn rechten nohent bey dem olpogen vnd druck seyn arme fest In deyn lincke seytten Indes greyff vntter //[74] [156v.1] // seyn arme In dy mitt deynes messers vnd setz Im den ortt an seyn kelen oder vntter seyn rechte vchsen oder pehallt deyn messer In der lincken hand In der mitt vnd laß deyn rechte handt von dem pindt des messers vnd greyff Im mit der rechten handt In seyn rechte knypüg vnd wirff In furdich etc


Then, or turn your left side to his right one and step with your left foot in front of his right one and go with your hilt of your Messer on the outside on his neck, and step with your left foot in front of his right one and throw him in front of you.


Then, another breaking: if you have grabbed him at the arm, step with your right foot behind his right one and go with your right hand around his neck on the inside to his left side and throw him in front of you over your right hip.

[79r.3] Oder so dw yn bey dem armen gefast hast so schreyt mit deynem rechten fues hynter seynen rechten und far mit deyner rechten handt [79v.1] umb seyn halz auff seyner lincken seytten und wirff yn fuer dich uber deyn rechten huff etc Sequitur Textus


If he wants to show off
The arm is caught
Go over the throat with the arm
You should not fail with pressing

Here the master states a breaking against the element when one has grabbed your right arm with his left one and speaks: If he wants to show off, etc.


You should understand it this way: if your arm is grabbed with your Messer, go with your Messer outside over his arm and put the Messer with the edge forwards on his throat, and press firmly from you with the Messer with the armed hand.


Then, a better element: if you feel that he wants to fall over your arm, equally ”simultaneously” as he falls with his arm over your one, lift his left arm outside firmly up, and step with your right foot in front of his left one. Then, press with your right arm his left one firmly down, so that the joints of the elbows touch or come together. If he is strong, come with your left hand to help your right arm or hand, and throw him on the face over your right leg.

[79v.4] Item eyn pesserß stuck So dw enpfindest daß er wil uber deyn armen fallen gleych [80r.1] yndeß so er felt mit seynem armen uber deynen yndeß heb ym seyn lincken armen außbendigß starck auff ubersich und schreytt mit dem rechten fuß fuer seynen lincken und druck mit dem rechten armen fast nyder seynen lincken daß dy gelenck der olpogen zw sammen rueren oder kumen Ist er starck so kum der rechten hand oder arm zwhilff mit deynem lincken und wirff yn auff daß antlicz uber deyn rechteß payn


Then, or grab in the middle of your Messer with your left hand to help the right one, and pull firmly to your left side, and press from above downwards with the left hand, and leap with your right foot in front of his left one, and throw him over it. Thus, you have the breaking against the first element.


If he wants to press the throat with the Messer
You should pull the defence
Do not do delay for long
Set on or step to the right

Here the master states a counter-breaking against the announced breaking and speaks: With the Messer, etc. You should understand it this way: if you have fallen to one over his Messer and he wants to press your throat as it is stated above, “simultaneously” take his Messer at the blade with your right hand or the hilt, and press the blade of his Messer firmly on you to your right side. Then, go with your left hand high to his right one on the inside on the bind of his Messer, and pull firmly to your right side, in that way you take his Messer.

[80r.3] Mit dem messer wil er kelen drucken
[80v.1] Dy wer soltu rucken
Nit lang soltu peyten
Ansecz oder recht thu schreyten

Hye sagtt der meyster eyn wyder pruch wyden den ee gemelten pruch und spricht mit messer etc Daß soltu alzo verstan dw eynem uber seyn armen pist gefallen und er wil dir deyn kelen drucken alz oben geschriben steet yndeß nymb seyn messer bey der klyngen mit deyner rechten hand oder mit deym gehultz und dryng druck dy klyngen seyneß messerß fast an dich yn deyn rechte seytten und far mit deyner lincken hand oben auff seyn rechte ynbendigß an daß pynd seyneß messerß und reyß starck auff deyn rechte seytten So nymbstu ym daß messer etc


Then, another different breaking: if he wants to press in the throat with his Messer as before, “simultaneously” as his Messer is about to fall into the throat, fall between yourself and him with your Messer on his own one, and let your left hand go and fall in the middle of your Messer, and set the point on his throat.

[80v.2] Item aber eyn ander pruch wyder den [81r.1] pruch wil er yn dy kelen drucken mit seynem messer alzß vor yndeß dy weil seyn messer zw der kelen wil so fal czwischen dich und yn mit deynem messer an daß seyn und laß deyn lincke hand gan und fal yn dy mit deyneß messerß und secz ym den ortt an dy kelen


Then, another element: if you have grabbed his arm as before, and he wants to go to your throat, “simultaneously” swing to your right side well around, in that way he is not able to achieve anything.


Then, another breaking: if he wants [to go] to the throat with his Messer as before, “simultaneously” lower your left arm with your body down and press it firmly to your body, and bow with the back, in that way his intention is spoilt again.

[446] Then, if he goes to you with his Messer under the throat as before, go with your right hand in the weak of his blade and push it from the neck to the breast. “Simultaneously” grab with your left turned hand from above at the hilt of the blade of his Messer and pull firmly to your right side, so you take his Messer.

Then, if he grabbed you with the Messer behind the throat as before, grab with your right hand in the weak of the Messer and press firmly to your left side. “Simultaneously” grab with your left turned hand from above at the hilt behind his right hand and pull firmly downwards to your left side.

[447] Then, another different breaking. If he wants to press the Messer to your throat, notice: as soon as he has gone with his Messer and wants to get under the throat with it, “simultaneously” go with your right hand between yourself and him and his Messer, upwards on the chest with your right hand to your left shoulder. And while he wants to press his Messer under your throat, grab his Messer from above at the hilt above his hand with your right turned hand, so that your thumb is below and the little finger is above, and come to help your right hand with your left one also to the hilt from inside, and pull firmly to your right side. This way you take his Messer.

[81r.4] Item aber eyn ander pruch wil er dir daß messer yn dy kelen drucken so merck alz [81v.1] pald er mit seynem messer ist faren und wil unter dy kelen da mit yndeß far mit deyner rechten hand czwischen dich und yn und seynen messer auff der prust hoch auff mit deyner rechten hand zw deyner lincken achseln und dy weyl er seyn messer dir wil unter dy kelen drucken und dy weyl pegreuff seyn messer oben pey dem gehulcz ob seyner hand mit deyner rechten verkerten hand alzo daß deyn dawm unter sey und der klayn finger oben stee und kum deyner rechten mit deyner lincken zw hilff auch an daß gehulcz ynbendigß und reyß starck auff deyn rechte seytten So nymbstu ym daß messer etc


Then, another breaking: grab as before with your right hand at his right one, and pull his right arm firmly to your left shoulder. “Simultaneously” go with your left arm firmly around his throat on the outside and step with your left foot in front of his right one, and swing to your right side.


Then, grab his right arm as before and pull firmly over your left shoulder, and press firmly downwards. “Simultaneously” press also his left arm to where you have his right arm, and press with your left arm firmly to your left side.

[81v.3] Item pegreuff seyn rechten armen alz vor [82r.1] und reyß starck uber deyn rechte achsel und druck fast nyder yndeß druck auch deyn lincken darynnen dw seynen rechten armen vor hast und druck mit deynem lincken armen fast yn deyn rechte seytten etc

[450] If he wants to ashame you
And take the Messer at the hilt
Learn to pull his hand
You should press the elbow

Here the master states a breaking against the counter-breaking and speaks: If he wants, etc. You should understand it this way: if he grabs with his left hand at your hilt [and comes to help his left one with the right hand also at the hilt] and wants to take your Messer as it is stated above, “simultaneously” go with your left hand in his right one, and pull it downwards to your chest. And let your right hand go from the bind and go with the right hand [or arm from above downwards through his right one and lock your right arm over his right one and go with the right one] under his left one to your left hand and leap with the right foot in front of his left one and throw him over it with strength.

If he wants to ashame you
And take the Messer at the hilt
Learn to pull his hand
You should press the elbow

Here the master states a breaking against the counter-breaking. You should understand it this way: if he wants to take your Messer and grab with his left hand from above on your bind, and pushes your Messer down to your left side, and wants to take your Messer, “simultaneously” grab with your left hand in his left one, and pull firmly downwards to your left side. Then, strike your right arm from above over his left one, and go down through the same arm with your right hand, and swing well to your left side, and throw him over your right foot, as it is depicted below.

[98r.3] Wil er dich beschemen
Das messer pÿ dem gehultz nemen
Sin hant lere rucken
Den elnbogen soltu drucken

Hie saget der meinster eyn bruch wider den bruch vnd spricht wil er dich beschemen Daß soltu also verstan grifft er dir mit siner lincken hant in din gehultz vnd künpt siner lincken hant zu hillff mit siner rechten auch In das gehultz vnd wil dir dein messer [98v.1] nemen als oben geschriben stott Indes far mit diner lincken hant in sin rechte vnd rib die vnter stich vff din bruest vnd loß die recht hant von dem gehultz vnd far mit der rechten hant oder arm oben nider durch sin rechten arm vber sin rechten vnd far mit der rechten vff sin lincke hant vnd spring mit dinen rechten fus fur sin lincken vnd wurff in dar vber mit sterck ~


Then, if he wants to take your Messer at the bind, do [as if you wanted] to press your Messer under his throat. Notice, while he wants to grab with his right hand at your hilt or at your right hand, “simultaneously” grab at his right elbow and leap with the left foot behind his left one and push him with your left hand at his right elbow firmly over it. And pull with your Messer and your right hand firmly to your right side. This way you have two breakings with which you can break against those elements and breakings announced above, so that you can perform them otherwise.

[82v.2] Item wil er dir aber deyn messer nemen bey dem pynd so thue ym deyn messer unter dy kelen wild drucken So merck dy weyl er mit seyner rechten hand wil greu ffen nach deynem gehulcz oder nach deyner rechten hand yndeß so greuff an seynen rechten olpogen und spring mit dem lincken fuß hynter seyn lincken und scheub yn mit deyner lincken hand bey seynem rechten ölpogen starck dar uber und reyß mit deynem [83r.1] messer und deyner rechten hand starck auff deyn rechte seytten alzo hastu czwen pruch da mit dw dyse obgemelten stuck und pruch alle wyder prechen magst so dw dich anderß dar eyn schicken kanst

[452] Then, another breaking against the counter-breaking. Do him this way: if he has grabbed your Messer as before, fall with your left hand behind to his left elbow and pull with your hilt and the right hand firmly down over his left shoulder, and step with your left foot behind his left one, and swing to your right side.

[453] Then, another breaking against the counter-breaking: if he has grabbed your Messer as before, “simultaneously,” as he wants to push your weak to his left side, fall “simultaneously” with your left hand in the weak of your Messer to his hand in the middle. Then, push your Messer firmly to his throat, and press with your hilt against to his left shoulder. Then, step with your left foot behind his left one and swing to your right side.


If you want to take revenge
And break the right with the left
If you have leaped with the right to the left in defense
You can come with the right to help the left

Here the master states an arm breaking as he speaks above: If you want, etc. You should understand it this way and how you should break the arm: stand with your left foot forwards and hold your Messer on your right side and on the left leg so that the point is against the man. If he strikes at your opening to your left side, leap with your right foot forwards, and also with your left foot, well to him with the bowed Messer. “Simultaneously” fall with your left hand over his right elbow from behind on it, and press with entire strength to your left side. “Simultaneously” turn with your body from him, and leap with your left foot firmly to your right side with the entire body and force, in that way you break his arm. Amen.

[98v.3] Wiltu dich rechten
[99r.1] Recht mit linck prechen
Linck vff recht wer gesprüngen
Linck ze hilff recht magst kümen

Hie saget der meinster von eynen arm bruech als er dan oben spricht wilt dich rechen ~ merck wie du den arm bruch machen solt Ste mit dinen lincken fur vnd halt din messer vff diner rechten siten als vff dem lincken peind dz der ortt vff ste gegen dem man schlecht er dich dan noch der ploß vff din lincke siten so p spring mit dinem rechten fus auch mit dem lincken woll zu Im mit vßgebogen messer Indes fal mit diner lincken hant vber sin rechten elnbogen hinden an den vnd druck mit gantzer sterck in din lincke siten Indes wind din lib von im vnd spring mit dinen lincken fus starck vff din rechte siten mit gantzen lib vnd krafft so brichstu Im den arm

[83r.2] Wiltu dich rechen
Recht mit linck thu prechen
Linck auff rechtt wer gesprungen
Der linckn mit rechtt zw hilff magst kummen

Nw sagtt der meyster von eynem armenpruch alz er dan oben sprichtt wiltu dich rechen etc. Nw merck wye dw den armen pruch machen soltt stee mit deynem lincken fuß fuer und halt deyn messer auff deyner rechten seytten alz auff dem lincken payn daß der ortt auff stee gegen dem man schlechtt er dir den nach der ploß auff deyn lincke seytten So spring [83v.1] mit deynem rechten fuß auch mit dem lincken wol zw ym mit auff gepogem messer yndeß fal mit deyner lincken hand uber seynen rechten olpogen hynter an den und druck mit ganczer sterck yn deyn lincke seytten yndeß wendt dich mit dem leyb von ym und spring mit deynem lincken fuß starck auff deyn rechte seytten mit ganczem leyb und krafft So prichestu ym den armen amen


Then, another arm-breaking: if you come to him in the Zufechten, stand as stated above. If he strikes to your left side, go bowed with the Messer under his Messer and leap in a twofold manner to him as before. “Simultaneously” grab his right hand with your left one on the inside, and wind it around to your left side on your chest, and go with your right arm down on his right elbow and break firmly upwards. This way you break his right one over your right one. Amen.

[99r.2] Item eyn ander arm bruch wan du zum nesten zu im kümpst So ste als oben geschriben stott haut er dir dan oben zu diner lincken siten [99v.1] so far gebogen mit dinem messer vnter sin messer vnd spring zwueffach zu im als vor Indes begriff sin rechte hant mit diner mit diner [!] lincken inwendig vnd wind im die vmb vff din lincke siten an din bruest vnd far mit dinen rechten arm vnten an sinen rechten elnbogen vnd brich starck vber sich vff sin rechten


Then, stand as it is stated above and grab his right hand with your left one. “Simultaneously” strike your right arm firmly over his right one, and lift with your left hand on his right arm over your right arm, and press your both arms firmly together, and step with your left foot behind his right one, and throw him over it.


If he wants to turn to the right
And dislocate the arm
Learn to leap with the left behind the left
You should rush the shoulder to the right

Here the propagator of the art states a breaking against the arm-breaking, and speaks: If he wants to the right, etc. You should understand it this way: if he has gone with his left arm above your right one and wants to break it over his right side, “simultaneously” as he wants to turn around to his right side, leap with your left foot behind his left one and press with your left arm and elbow to his left shoulder. And if you want to push his shoulder, grab with your left hand over his arm in the middle with your Messer, and press upwards and downwards with the entire strength to your right side and throw him on his back.

[84r.2] Auff recht wil er bencken
Und deyn armen rencken
Linck hynter linck ler springen
Dy achsel auff recht solt dryngen

Hye sagtt der merer der kunst eyn pruch wyder den armenpruch und spricht alzo auff rechtt wil er bencken etc Daß soltu alzo verstan hatt er dir mit seynem [84v.1] lincken armen uber deynen rechten gefaren und wil dir den prechen uber seyn rechte seytten yndeß so er sich umb wenten wil von dir auff seyn rechte seytten so spring mit deynem lincken fuß hynter seynen lincken und druck mit deynem lincken armen und olpogen seyn lincke achsel und wenn dw seyn achsellen stossen wild so greüff mit deyner lincken hand uber seyn armen yn dy mit deyneß messerß und druck oben und unten mit ganczer machtt auff deynn rechte seytten und wirff yn auff seyn rucken etc


Then, another breaking against the other element and arm-breaking. If he has grabbed your right arm with his left one and has dropped his Messer as before, and strikes his right arm over your right one on the inside in your elbow, and wants to throw you over his right leg, “simultaneously” step with your left foot in front of his right one and go with the hilt from above over his right hand and pull firmly downwards. Then, strike your left arm from above over his arm and over his left hand. Then, swing to your right side and throw him on his face again.

[85r.2] Item aber eyn pruch wyder daß dritt stuck und armenpruch hatt er dir deyn rechten armen aber pegriffen mit seyner lincken und hatt seyn messer lassen fallen alz vor und schlechtt seyn rechten armen uber deyn rechten ynbendigß yn den ölpogen und wil dich werffen uber seyn rechteß payn yndeß schreytt [85v.1] mit deynem lincken fuß fuer seynen rechten und far ym mit dem gehultz oben uber seyn rechte hand und reyß starck untersich und schlag deynen lincken armen starck oben uber seynen armen und uber seyn lincke hand und swyng dich auff deyn rechte seytten und wirff yn aber auff seyn antlitz


Then, another breaking: if he has grabbed you with his left hand into your right one and has dropped the Messer and goes with his right arm under your right elbow and wants to break your right arm over it, “simultaneously” also drop your Messer and break your right hand out of his left one downwards, and go with your right hand down through his left arm, and go “simultaneously” under his right elbow and with your hand and arm firmly over his right arm. Then, press his right hand on your chest or under your right shoulder, and leap with your left foot in front of his right one, and strike your left arm also firmly over his right shoulder, and press firmly to your right side, and throw him in front of you on his face.

[100r.2] Item aber eyn bruch hat er dir mit siner lincken hant gegriffen in din rechte vnd hat dz messer lossen fallen vnd fert mit sinen rechten arm vnter din rechten elnbogen vnd wil dir din rechten arm also do mit dar uber brechen Indes laß din messer auch fallen vnd pruch din rechte hant vff din rechte hant vff siner lincken vntersich vnd far mit diner rechten hant vnten durch [100v.1] sin lincken arm vnd far im Indes sinen rechten elnbogen vnd wind din hant vnd arm starck vber sin rechten arm vnd druck sin recht hant an sin brust oder vnder din rechten vscheschen vnd spring mit dynen lincken fus vor sinen rechten vnd schlag din lincken arm auch starck vber sin rechte achsell vnd druck In starck vff din rechte siten vnd wurff in vor dich vff sin angesichtt ~ ~

[84v.2] Item eyn ander pruch wyder daß ander stuck und armen pruch hatt er dir mit seyner lincken hand gegriffen yn deyn rechte und hatt daß messer lassen fallen und fert er mit seynem rechten armen unter deyn rechten ölpogen und wil dir deyn rechten armen alzo da mit uber prechen [85r.1] yndeß laß deyn messer auch fallen und brich deyn rechte hand auß seyner lincken untersich und far mit deyner rechten hand unten durch seyn lincken armen und far ym yndeß unter seynen rechten olpogen und wynd deyn hand und armen starck uber seynen rechten armen und druck seyn rechte hand an deyn prust unter deyn rechte vchsen und spring mitt deynem lincken fuß fuer seynen rechten und schlag deynen lincken armen auch starck uber seyn rechte achsellen und druck yn starck auff deyn rechte seytten und wirff yn fuer dich auff seyn angesichtt etc


Beware of being hit
While the hand is grabbed
Pull, press, lead aside
Strike, thrust rapidly, be prepared

Here the propagator of the art teaches how one should liberate himself if one has grabbed the other’s hand, his right one with the left hand. And do it this way: if he has grabbed your hand and wants to do an arm-breaking or whatever, do not let him come to it, break your hand out of his one. Firstly, turn the short edge on the outside on his arm, so that the flat lies on it, and “simultaneously” pull firmly downwards with the lowered point to your left side, so that you are free. “Simultaneously” strike at him through the head or the arm with the long edge.

[100v.3] Huet dich vor dem treffer
[101r.1] Indes hant begriffen
Ruck druck ableiten
Schlag stich schnel pis bereite~

Hie saget der meinster wie man sol ledig werden so man eynen sich hant gefangen hat als mit der lincken hant sin recht vnd thün Im also hat er din hant gefangen vnd er will machen arm bruch oder was eß sy so loß nit dar zu kümen brich im sin hant vß sinen zu ersten / Also wind die kurtz schnid vßwindig an sin arm dz die flech daran an lein Indes riß starck vntersich mit gesenckten ort vff din lnicke siten so wurstu ledig Indes schlag in durch den kopff oder arm mit der langen schniden ~

[85v.2] Hüet dich vor den treüffen
Yndeß hand greüffen
Rück drück ableytt
Schlag stich schnel piß beraytt

Hye lertt der meyster wye man sol ledig werden so eyner eynem seyn rechte hand gefangen hatt mit seyner lincken und thu ym alzo hatt er deyn handtt gefangen und er wil machen armenpruch oder waß eß sey so laß yn dar zw nichtt [86r.1] kümen prich ym deyn hand auß seyner züm ersten alzo wendt dich kurcz schneyd außbendigß an seynen armen daß dy flech dar an layn yndeß reyß starck untersich mit gesencktem ortt auff deyn lincke seytten So wirstü ledig yndeß schlag yn durch den kopff oder durch den armen mit der langen schneyden


Then, another liberation: go with your hilt firmly above his left arm or hand, and pull firmly downwards to your right side, and strike “simultaneously” at his head.


Then, if he is strong so that you cannot pull him down with the hilt or if he comes to help his left hand with his right one, “simultaneously” grab also with your left hand in the bind to help your right hand, and pull firmly down to your left side, and strike through his head.


Then, if he has grabbed your right hand with his left one as before, “simultaneously” wind outside to his arm with the lowered point, go down through to the same arm and catch him with the armed hand at the neck. Then, step with your left foot behind his right one and throw him over it.


Then, if he has grabbed your right hand with his right one, pull with the hilt downwards as do as before. Or, wind your Messer to your left side with the lowered point and pull with it firmly to your left side.

Then, if he grabbed your right hand with his right one, pull with your hilt firmly downwards, and do it as before.

[86r.4] Item hatt er dir begriffen deyn rechte [86v.1] hand mit seyner rechten so reyß aber mit dem gehulcz untersich und thu alz vor oder wynd deyn messer auff deyn lincke seytten mit gesencktem ortt und reyß da mit starck auff deyn lincke seytten

[465] Then, these elements are to be performed if he drops his Messer and falls to your arm with his right or left hand.


Then, if he has grabbed your hand as before and you want to pull downwards with your hilt, and he is too strong for you, come to help your right hand with your left one to the hilt from below, and pull downwards as before.


Then, if he has grabbed your right hand as before, wind your Messer on the inside on his arm, and go down through on the outside on his arm.


Then, if he has grabbed your right hand as before, wind on the inside through to his right side on the outside on his arm and step “simultaneously” close to him and take him with the armed hand at the neck on his left side as before.

[469] Notice the rule
If he grabs firmly the hand and arm
Work quickly, be prudent
He can hardly come to the elements

Here the master states a teaching and states the rule, etc. You should understand it this way that you should know in the Messer the right time for a particular breaking. And you should also consider his defeat and have reason and do not let yourself be infuriated so that you do not forget the art. You should not solely think about the breakings, either, how you could perform them properly, but also about the elements, and so that you know how you should encounter every single one, and he does what he wants, so that you find an element or a breaking which is applicable. If you cannot do it, let yourself be taught by someone who knows and can do it, and if you know the art of all the masters and you do not know when and how and against whom and against which displacements and against which strokes, elements, breakings and cuts you should perform this or another [technique], your art is of no use for you. You should also have great quickness and proper position of strength in every particular breaking. That is, if one has run under your Messer and has grabbed a hand, arm, leg or foot, and if you have learnt the art, one does not hold you anymore. If you have understood the art properly, you will well remain the master for long.

Notice the rule
If he grabs firmly the hand and arm
Work quickly, be prudent
He can hardly come to the elements

Here the master states a good teaching and states the rule, etc. You should understand it this way that you should know in the Messer the right time for a particular element and breaking. You should also know when, how and where and against which, and you should have reason and do not let yourself be infuriated so that you do not forget the art. You should not solely think about the breakings, either, how you could perform them properly, but also about the elements, so that you know how you should encounter every single one, and let him do what he wants, so that you find an element or a breaking which is applicable. If you cannot do it, let yourself be taught by someone who can do it, and if you know the art of all the masters and you do not know when, how or where and against which displacements, strokes, elements, breakings and cuts you should perform this or another [technique], it is of no use for you. You should also have great quickness and proper position in every particular breaking, weak or strong. That is, if one has run under your Messer and has grabbed your hand, arm, leg or foot, and if you have learnt the art, one does not hold you anymore. If you have understood the art properly, you will well remain the master for long.

[86v.3] Dy regel merck
Begreüfft er hand armen sterck
Arbaytt schnel piß besunnen
Zw stücken mag er hartt kümmen

Hye sagtt der meyster eyn ler und sprichtt dy regel etc Daß soltu alzo verstan daß dw ym messer soltt wyssen dy rechte zeytt zw eynem yeczlichen [87r] prüch und soeltt auch seyn bol pesünnen und haben vernünft und soltt dich nicht lassen erczornen daß dw der künst nicht vergessest dw soltt auch nicht allayn aüff dy pruch gedencken wye dw so recht treyben muegst sünder auch auff dy stuck und daß dw wissesst wye dw soeltt eynem yetlichen pegegen er mach waß er wol daß dw eyn stuck oder eyn prucht findest der dar czw fuglich seÿ kanstu deß nicht So laß dich eß leren eynem der daß wayß und kan und kunest dw aller meyster künst und west nicht wenn und wye und gegen wem und gegen welchem verseczen und gegen welchen hewen stucken pruchen schnyten dycz oder geneß dw daß treyben schoellt so ist dir deyn künst nichcz nücz dw müest auch yn etlichen pruchen haben grosse schnellikayt und rechte an legüng der sterck daß ist wenn dir eyner deyn messer hatt unterloffen und hatt dir eyn hand oder armen pegriffen payn fuß hastu den dy künst gemerckt so er hellt er dich nymmer mer hastu dy künst [87v.1] recht verstanden so peleybest wol lang meyster


Notice that there are many breakings that go on before the man grabs the hand, and one should do them “simultaneously,” as he wants to grab the hand, “simultaneously” as he wants to strike above the arm, “simultaneously” as he wants to clench,“simultaneously” to thrust, strike, cut, clench, etc.

Note: many elements and many breakings go on before the man grabs the hand, and one should do them instantly “simultaneously,” as he wants to grab the hand, “simultaneously” as he wants to grab the arm or go “simultaneously” as he wants to strike, “simultaneously” as he wants to clench, “simultaneously” to thrust, strike, cut, etc.


Then, as there are many elements, as soon as he brings you in the scale, you can hardly release yourself.


It is a bad affair if one “lies down in the staff” [lies still] and cannot come anywhere. Know how to act accordingly.


Then, many elements go on as the man has grabbed firmly, and how the breakings fail if you delay for too long or wait. Many breakings also fail if you do them too quickly.

[474] Then, you have various elements and breakings, for amusement and serious combat. If you do not like one, take another one. If you understand it rightfully, you will like it.

Then, you have various elements and breakings, for amusement and serious combat. If you do not like one, take another one. Who understands the things rightfully and can perform particular one in its time, such a man likes these things.


If you want to measure up
Hit the hand down with the hilt
Do not forget the empty hand
Push with it on the outside and on the inside

Here the master states how one should do the elements and how one should hit down the arm with the hilt and how one can also do the same with the empty hand.

[102v.6] Wiltu dich mossen
Mit gehultz hant nider stossen

[103r.1] Lerer hant vergis nit
Vssen vnd Innen stos mit

Hie saget der meinster wie man die stuck machen sol dz man den arm mit dem gehultz nider stos vñ wie man auch dz glichen mag mit lerer hant


Now, firstly it is to be known that if he comes in the Zufechten to you, go against him with the Entrüsthau firmly to his left side. “Simultaneously” go with the hilt over his right hand on the outside and hit it firmly from above downwards towards the ground. “Simultaneously” go high with your Messer and strike through his face or cut through it. Amen.


Then, if you strike to his right side with an Entrüsthau or so, “simultaneously,” as the Messers spark together, hit on the inside with the hilt over his right hand or arm downwards towards the ground, and “simultaneously” strike through his head. Amen.

[88r.3] Item hawest ym auff seyn rechte seytten [88v.1] mit eynem entrüsthaw oder suest yndeß so dy messer zw sammen klyczen so stoß yn ynbendigß mit dem gehulcz uber seyn rechte hand oder armen nyder gegen der erden yndeß haw yn durch den kopff amen


Then, if he has gone with the hilt over your right hand and wants to press it down, “simultaneously” fall with your hilt above his right hand on the outside and “simultaneously” fall with your left hand into his hilt under his hand. Then, pull firmly with both hands downwards to your right side, in that way you take his Messer.

[103r.4] alliud

Itm~ ist er vber mit dem gehultz vber din rechte~ hant gefaren vnd wil dir die nider truecken Indes fal mit dem gehultz vber sin rechte hant vßwendig Indes fal mit diner lincke~ hant in [103v.1] sin gehultz vnter sint hant vnd riß starck mit beiden henden vntersich vff din rechte siten so nÿmbstu Im aber sin messer etc


Then, another breaking: hit his hand with the hilt on the inside downwards and grab with your left hand below at his hilt, and pull as before.


Then, another breaking: if he falls over your right hand as before with the hilt, also fall with your hilt over his arm and pull firmly down. “Simultaneously” grab with your left hand under his right one in his Messer, forwards at the hand into the blade, and pull firmly with both hands to this left side, in that way you take his Messer again.


Then, if he wants to take your Messer as it is announced before, and you feel that you cannot have your Messer at any rate, “simultaneously” grab with your right hand from above in his Messer or in his right hand, and go with your left hand downwards on his bind, and wind it upwards above his right hand on the outside. Then, pull firmly downwards to your left side, so that you take his Messer, and the breaking is called the Unbridled.


Then, if he goes with the hilt on the inside over your hand, “simultaneously“ go with your hilt also on the inside over his right hand, and go with the left hand on the inside over his Messer in the middle of your Messer. Then, pull firmly to your right side, in that way you take his Messer.


Then, if he goes on the inside over your hand with the hilt and wants to hit down your right hand, “simultaneously” also fall over his hand on the inside with the hilt and grab with your left hand in his blade and pull firmly to your left side, in that way you take his Messer again.


Then, a breaking against the counter-breaking: if you fall with the hilt over his right hand on the outside and he falls against you also over your hand, and he grabs with his left hand on your Messer behind on the hilt, and pulls with his right one firmly to his left side, and takes your Messer and your right hand is in front under his right hand-if you feel that you cannot hold your Messer any more with your right hand, fall with your left hand in the blade of his Messer close to the handle and press his hilt with your right hand against him. Then, pull the blade of his Messer with your left [hand] firmly to your left side, in that way you take his Messer.

[103v.5] Item eyn ander bruch wider den wider bruch felstu mit dem gehultz vber sin rechte hantt [104r.1] vßwendig vnd er felt dir widier vber din hant auch also vnd er grifft mit siner lincken hant an din messer hinden an dz gehultz vnd riß mit diner rechten hant starck vff sin lincke siten vnd nÿmpt dir also din messer Indes so leg din rechtt hant vor vnter sin rechte hant so du dan entspfindest dz du din messer nit merere magst behalten mit diner rechten hant so fall mit diner lincken hant in sins messers klingen nohent by der hant hab vnd druck mit diner rechten hant sin gehultz gegem Im vnd riß mit diner lincken hant sines messers klingen starck vff din lincke siten so nÿmbstu im aber sin messer

[89r.3] Item eyn prüch wyder den wyderprüch felstu ym mit dem gehulcz uber seyn rechte hand außbendigß und er feltt dir wyder uber deyn hand auch alzo und er ergreufft mit seyner lincken hand an deyn messer hynder an daß gehulcz und [89v.1] reyßt mit seyner rechten starck auff seyn lincke seytten und nymbt dir alzo daß messer yndeß so ligtt deyn rechte hand vor under seyner rechten So dw den enpfindest daß dw deyn messer nicht mer halten magst so greuff mit deyner lincken hand ynn seyneß messerß klyngen nohend bey der hant hab und druck mit deyner rechten hand seyn gehulcz gegen ym und reyß mit deyner lincken seyneß messerß klyngen starck auff deyn lincke seytten so nymbstu ym aber daß messer etc


Then, if you go over his arm with your hilt and he does the same to you and he pulls your hand down and grabs with his left [hand] under the hands of both of you in the blade of the Messer, and pulls firmly to his left side, “simultaneously” as you feel that you cannot hold your Messer anymore, fall with your left hand in the blade of his Messer. And as soon as your right hand is in front on his right one, “simultaneously” press with your right hand to his right one or against his right shoulder downwards, and pull his hilt firmly to your right side, in that way you also take his Messer.

[89v.2] Item ferstu ym uber seyn armen mit dem gehulcz und er dir wyder und er reyst nyder deyn hand und greüfft mit seyner lincken hand unter ewer peyd hendt yn dy klyngen deß messerß und reyst starck auff seyn lincke seytten yndeß so dw enpfindest daß dw deyn messer nicht mer halten kanst so fal mit deyner lincken hand yn seyneß messerß klyngen So ist deyn rechte hand vor an seyner rechten yndeß druck mit deyner rechten auff [90r.1] seyn rechte oder gegen seyner rechten achselen untersich und reyß starck seyn gehulcz auff deyn rechte seytten so nymbstu ym auch seyn messer


Then, if one goes to your arm on the inside with the hilt and wants to hit your hand down, “simultaneously” as he goes with the hilt to your hand, go with your left hand under his right hand and with your hilt also over his right [hand], also on the inside, and press your both hands and hilt firmly together and pull firmly “simultaneously” to your right side, in that way you take his Messer.

[487] Then, if he goes with the hilt over your hand on the outside, “simultaneously” turn your Messer with the long edge under your hand and fall with your left hand in the middle of your Messer and go with your hilt on the inside with the armed hand over his hand and pull firmly to your right side, in that way you take his Messer again.

[90r.3] Item fertt er dir mit dem gehülcz uber deyn hand außbendigß yndeß wendt deyn messer mit der langen schneyden unter deyn[87] hand und fal mit deyner lincken hand yn dy mit deyneß messerß und far mit deym gehulcz ynbendigß gewoppend uber seyn hand und reyß starck [90v.1] auff deyn rechte seytten So nymbstu ym aber daß messer etc


Then, if he wants to hit down your hand with the hilt on the inside, “simultaneously” turn your edge upwards and cut him at it, and go with the cut upwards to your left side, so that you cut him also on the outside at his hand.

[489] Then, if he wants to hit down your hand on the outside with his hilt, turn your edge outside to his hand and cut firmly downwards to your right side.


Then, if you have both bound as before and he wants to fall on the outside over your hand with the hilt, “simultaneously” wind your Messer with the hilt under your arm and lower the point to his shoulder or his side. Or, wind “simultaneously” the short edge to his head to his right side.

[491] Then, if he wants to hit your hand down with the hilt on the inside, “simultaneously” wind your Messer against his one so that the short edge is below and lower the point well and go with the hilt high in front of your head and set the point on his chest. Or, go with your Messer between both of you to his right side and strike at his right ear. As you go through with the Messer between both of you to his right side, you should always lower the point towards the ground and have the hilt high in front of the head.


Then, if he again wants to hit down your hand on the inside with the hilt, wind against him high with your Messer, and raise your hilt and fall in the armed hand. Then, set the point on his neck to his right side. If he wants to defend against it, work with the hilt to his left side on the inside over his hand and take his Messer as you have been taught before.

[91r.2] Item wil er deyn handt aber nyder stossen ynbendigß mit dem gehulcz So wyndt gegen ym auff mit deynem messer und erhoech daß gehulcz und fal zw gewoppender handt und secz ym den ortt an seyn halz seyner rechten seytten wil er dir daß weren So erbat mit dem gehulcz [91v.1] auff seyn lincke seytten ynbendigß uber seyn hand und nymb ym daß messer alz dw vor gelertt pist etc


Then, if he falls over your hilt on the outside over your hand, and you do the same to him, and he presses down and grabs with his left hand under the hands of both of you in the blade of your Messer, and he wants to take it, “simultaneously” fall with your left turned hand also in the blade of your Messer above his left hand, and step with your left foot behind his left one or in front of his left one. Then, press with your left hand and with the blade of his Messer firmly to his left side.


Then, if you strike at him or he strikes at you from above to your left side, strike together with him to his left side. “Simultaneously” hit his right arm with your left hand on the outside downwards to the ground, and strike with your right through his head to his right side.

[91v.3] Item hawest ym oder er dir von oben zw deyner lincken seytten So haw auch geleich mit ym eyn zw seyner lincken seytten yndeß stoß seyn rechten armen mit deyner lincken hand außbendigß nyder gegen [92r.1] der erden und haw ym mit deyner rechten durch seyn kopff auff seyner rechten seytten etc


Then, if he strikes an upper stroke from above at your left side, “simultaneously” bow your Messer under his one, and “simultaneously” hit with your left hand at his right one on the inside from above downwards and strike through his head. Amen.


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If one wants to fight


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Then, if one goes over your right hand on the outside, fall also over his right hand on the outside, and do “simultaneously” what you want.


Then, if he goes with his hilt over your right hand on the outside as before, “simultaneously” go also over it on the outside again, and pull well down and “simultaneously” hit the hilt of his Messer with your left hand firmly to your right side, in that way you take his Messer.


Learn to grab the elbow
Push to the left, strike to the right at the bag

Here the master speaks about an element which is to be performed for amusement. If you want to do it, do it this way: if you bind to him at his left side, “simultaneously” strike around to his right side. And as you strike go behind to his elbow, and hit it firmly from you towards his right side. And “simultaneously” as he gives you his back, strike behind at his hip. Or, if he has shifted a bag onto his arse, strike at it.

[104r.2] Den elnbogen lere fassen
Schub linck recht ze der teuschen

Hie saget der meinster von eynem bruch stuck dz do schmipflich ist zu triben Wiltu dz stuech machen so thun im also so du vff in pindest vff sin lincke syten Indes schlag im zu siner rechten syten vnd im [104v.1] sclag fart hintten an sin elnbogen vnd stos in fast von dir vff sin rechte siten vnd Indes gibt er dir den ruck so schlag in vff sin huefft hinten oder hat er eyn teschen vff dem ars geschoben so schlag in dar vff

[92r.3] Den olpogen ler fassen
Schewb linck haw recht zw der taschen

Hye sagtt der meyster von eynem stuck daß do schimphfflich ist zw treyben wil dw daß stuck machen So thue ym alzo So dw auff yn pyndest auff seyn lincke seytten yndeß schlag umb zw seyner rechten seytten und ym schlag far hynter an seynen rechten ölpogen und stoß yn fast von dir auff seyn lincke seytten und yndeß [92v.1] gibtt er dir den ruck so schlag yn auff seyn huff hynter oder hatt er eyn taschen auff den arß geschoben so schlag yn dar auff


Go over with the left
Simultaneously take notice
Turn the back against the stomach
Thrust skillfully through both legs

You should understand it this way: as you come together in the Zufechten to his left side, strike at his right side, and “simultaneously” turn your left side to his right side. Then, go with your left arm outside over his Messer, and turn your back against him. “Simultaneously” fall with your left [hand] in the middle of your Messer and thrust at him through both your legs. And hold yourself well with the back at him, so that he cannot pull his Messer out of the arms, and lean down forwards, and thrust at his stomach, and frequently withdraw the point again to your left hand, so that he cannot grab you from behind with the point of your Messer. And thrust one or four times skillfully at his stomach or at the private parts. And it is a ridiculous element to perform during a swordsmanship competition.

[104v.2] Lynck[89] vber far
Indes nÿm ware
Ruck gegen buch wend
Durch peiden bein stich behende

Daß soltu also verstan so du im zubechten zu im kümpst vff sin lincke siten so schlag im zu siner rechten siten Indes wind din lincke siten an sin rechte siten vnd far mit dinem lincken arm vber sin messer vnd wend den rucken gegen im Indes fal mit diner lincken hant in din messer in die mit vnd stich dich durch din beyde peynd vnd hab dich woll mit dem ruck an In dz er sines messers vß dem arm nit rucken mag vnd senck dich vorn nider vnd stich in den buch vnd zuch din ort vff wider in In die lincke hant dz er dich hinten nit mit dem ortt dineß messers begriffen mag vnd also schub in eyns oder vier mall behentlich in den buch [105r.1] oder vff dz gemechtt Es ist gar lecherlich vff der schull zu triben vor den luten ~

[92v.2] Linck uber far
Yndeß nymb war
Ruck gegen pauch wendt
Durch beyde payn stich wehendt

Daß soltu alzo verstan So dw ym zw vechten zw ym kumbst auff seyn lincke seytten So schlag ym zw der rechten seytten yndeß wendt deyn lincke seytten an seyn rechte seytten und far mit deynem lincken armen aussen uber seyn messer und wendt den ruck gegen ym yndeß fal mit deyner lincken hand yn deyn messer yn dy mit und stich durch deyn peyde payn und hab dich wol mit dem [93r.1] ruck an yn daß er seyneß messerß aüß deynem armen nicht rucken müg und senck dich foren nyder und stich yn ynn den paüch und czeüg deyn ortt offt wyder eyn yn deyn lincke hand daß er dich hynten nicht mit dem ortt deyneß messerß wegreuffen müg und alzo stopff yn eynß oder vyermal behentlich yn den pauch oder auff daß gemechtt eß ist gar lecherlich auff der schül zw treyben vor den lewten etc Sequitur textus


Hold the Messer at the right leg
Break the defense with violence
Set the left foot forwards
Hurt the stokes and thrusts with steps
From both sides
Hit the lame if you want to step

Here the master speaks about certain elements that are called the lame elements, since with them one can strike one lame, as the elements are to be done to the joints of the arms and the hand.

[93r.2] Daß messer zw rechtem payn haltt
Dy wer prich mit gebaltt
Den lincken füß fuer secz
Mit schritten hew stich lecz
Von payden seytten

[93v.1] Trift dy lem wiltu schreyten

Hye sagtt der meyster von etlichen stücken dye dy lem stuck heyssen da mit man eynem lam hawen mag wann dy stuck soll man machen zw den glidren deß armß und der handt


Then, if you want to do these elements, prepare to it this way: set your left foot forwards and hold your Messer on your right side and on your right leg, so that the point is against the man, and the thumb is above on the Messer, and stand as if in a guard. If he strikes at your opening to your left side, “simultaneously” step with your right foot well to his left side with a twofold step well out of the stroke to the weak of his right hand or arm, on the inside or where you have the closest way to the weak.

[105r.3] Item wiltu dz stuck machen so schick dich also Setz dinen lincken fus fur vnd halt din messer vff diner rechten siten vnd vff dinem rechten peindt dz der ortt gegem dem man ste vnd der thüm oben sy vff dem messer also als in eyner hut haulbett er dir dan zu der ploß vff diner lincken siten Indes schrit mit dinen rechten fus woll [105v.1] vff sin lincke siten ein zwiffachen dritt wol vß dem haulb im zu der lem siner rechten hant oder arm Inlbendig oder wo du zu der lem am nesten hast etc ~


Then, assume the stance on your left side with your Messer, so that the point is on the ground and the thumb is below on the Messer, and the right edge is against the man, and stand with your right foot forwards. If he strikes at you from above to the head, do not displace but step with your left foot well to his right side well out of the stroke, and step with your left foot after the right one. “Simultaneously” strike to his other outer weak of his right arm.

[93v.3] Item leg dich auff deyn lincke seytten mit [94r.1] deynem messer daß der ortt auff der erden sey und der dawm unter auff dem messer und dy rechtt schneyd gegen dem man stee und stee mit deynem rechten fuß fuer hawtt er denn auff dich oben zw dem kopff so versecz ym nicht sünder trit ym mit deynem lincken fuß wol auff seyn rechte seytten woll auß dem haw und schreyt mit dem rechten fuß dem lincken nach yndeß haw ym nach der andren aüßeren lem seyneß rechten armenß


Then, notice, as you stand with the Messer on the ground, go up with the edge at his arm as in tribunal.


Then, stand with your left foot forwards and hold your Messer on your right side, so that the point is against the man, and the thumb is above on the Messer, and expose yourself with your left side. If he strikes at your opening, pull your left foot backwards as far as possible, and strike at his hand in the joint.


Then, stand with your right foot forwards and put your Messer on your left side with the point on the ground, so that the thumb is below or on the back of the Messer, and the sharp edge is against the man. If he strikes at your right side to the opening, pull your right foot on you well backwards aside from that strike tribunal-like as you are positioned with the Messer with the sharp edge on the outside at the hand in the joint. Then, assume the guard again on your right side, so that the left side is forwards. If he strikes at your left side, do as it is stated before, and strike again at his joint on the inside, and assume the guard again on your left side. This way you can defend against anyone for amusement or in serious combat.


Then, stand on your right side as before: if he strikes at your left side, step out of the stroke with your left foot well to his right, and as he strikes strike at his right arm on the outside to the weak.

[94v.2] Item lig aber auff deyner rechten seytten alz [95r.1] vor hawtt er dir den nach deyner lincken seytten So schreytt aüß dem haw mitt deynem lincken fuß wol aüff seyn rechte und yn seynem haw so haw ym nach seynem rechten armen außbendigß nach der lem etc


Then, if he thrusts at your face with the hanging point at whatever side you stand with the Messer, pull the left foot quickly backwards, or the right one-which one stands forward, should be pulled back. “Simultaneously” strike on the outside or inside at his hand, and fall a bit sideways with your body as you strike.


Give notice shortly
Be quick in the bind
Strike firmly at his left
You should wave at the right hand

Here the master speaks about an element how one should strike at one’s hand or arm. You should understand it this way: if you want to do the element, you must be quite quick in binding, and do it this way: strike at his left side firmly from above a strike from above, and “simultaneously” as the Messers spark together above, strike quickly at his right hand or arm.

[105v.3] Kürtz dich mell
Ym pand pis schnell
Hau starck ze siner lincken
Der rechten hant soltu wincken

Hie saget der meinster von eynem stuck wie man eynem vff sin arm oder hant haulben sol vnd spricht kurtz dich mell etc Dz stuck mach also so müstu gar schnell sin am an pinden vnd thun im also haulb im zu siner lincken siten starck von oben in eyn ober haulb Indes die will die messer [106r.1] zu samen gluetzen oben so haulb im schnell vff sin rechten arm oder hant etc


If he wants to strike at the hand
You should enjoy the point
Wind the point at the face and the Messer
Work simultaneously-this is better

Here the master teaches a breaking against the element announced above, as one strikes one at the right hand, as it is written above, and speaks: At the right hand, etc. You should understand it this way: if he wants to strike at your right hand, you should break it this way-if he has bound you on your left side and wants to rapidly strike “simultaneously” at your hand or arm around at your right side, turn “simultaneously” your Messer against his one on your left side, so that the short edge is below and “simultaneously” thrust at his face and work further at the next opening.

[95v.2] Nach der hand wil er hawen
Deß ortteß soltü dich frawen
Wyndt ortt zw gesicht und messer
Yndeß arbaytt ist daß pesser

Hye lertt der meyster eyn prüch wyder daß ee gemeltt stuck so man eynem zw seyner [96r.1] rechten hand hawett alz oben stet und spricht alzo nach der hand etc Daß soltu alzo verstan wil er dir nach deyner rechten hand hawen daß soltu alzo prechen wenn er dir hatt an gepünden auff deyner lincken seytten und will dir yndeß schnel nach deyner rechten hand oder armen hawen umb zw deyner rechten seytten So wendt yndeß deyn messer gegen dem seynen auff deyn lincke seytten daß dy kurcz schneyd unten stee yndeß stich ym zw dem gesichtt und erbeyt furpaß zw der negsten plöß etc Sequitur textus


Shoot long from the hand
The point, if he strikes from the Luginsland

You should understand it this way: if you stand with your left foot forwards and hold your Messer on your right side on the leg, so that the point is against the man and the thumb lies above on the flat of the Messer, and he strikes at your left side to the opening, do not displace, but as he strikes, move the point directly with the stretched arm firmly at his face. And as you shoot, step to his left side with your right foot.

[96r.2] Lanck scheuß von hand
Den ortt schlecht er von luginßland

Daß soltu alzo verstan wenn dw stest mit deynem lincken fuß fuer und hast deyn messer auff deyner rechten seytten an dem payn alzo daß der ortt gegen dem man stee und der dawm lig oben [96v.1] auff der flech deß messerß hawet er dir dan zw auff deyn lincke seytten nach der plöß So versecz ym nichtt Sünder scheüß ym dy weyl er ym schlag ist den ortt gerad mit gestracktem armen starck yn daß gesichtt Und ym schüß schreytt auff seyn lincke seytten mit deynem rechten fuß etc


If he wants to shoot to the left from the arm
Shoot directly the point, wind and wave

Then, the master teaches a breaking against the shooting in and speaks: If he wants, etc. You should understand it this way: if he stands in the guard, so that he has his Messer on his right side on his right leg, so that the point is against the man, and as he shoots the point in at you, “simultaneously” shoot equally with him directly at his face, also with the stretched arm. “Simultaneously” wind your Messer on his one with the point to his face, so that the right edge is above and the left blunt one is below. And hold with your hilt well on your left side, and thrust at his face to his left side, and work “simultaneously.”

[106v.2] Wil er vs arm schissen linck
Schub gerade ort wind vnd winck

Daß in schuessen als oben gemelt ist lert der meinster eyn bruch dar wider etc Daß soltu also verstan stet er im dem leger also daß er sin messer vff siner rechten siten vff sinem rechten peind dz der ortt gegem dem man stee so er dir den ort In schusßt Indes schus gerad mit im in gerad in sin gesicht auch mit gestractem arm Indes wind din messer an dz sin den ortt zu dem gesicht also dz die rechte schnid [107r.1] oben ste vnd die linck stümpf vnten vnd halt mit dinem gehultz wol hinden vff din lincken siten vnd stich im zu dem gesicht siner lincken siten vnd arbeit Indes etc

[96v.2] Wil er auß armen schyssen linck
Scheuß gerad ortt wynd und winck

Hye lertt der meyster eyn prüch wyder daß eyn schyssen alz oben gemeltt ist und sprichtt will er auß etc Daß soltu alzo verstan stet er yn dem leger alzo daß er seyn messer hatt auff seyner rechten seytten auff seynem rechten payn daß der ortt gegen dem man stee So er dir den den ort eyn scheüst yndeß scheuß gerad mit ym eyn gerad zw seynem gesicht auch mit gestracktem armen yndeß wyndt [97r.1] deyn messer an daß seyn den ortt zw dem gesichtt alzo daß dy rechtt schneyd oben stee und dy stumpff unten und haltt mit deynem gehulcz wol hyn dan auff deyn lincke seytten und stich ym zw dem gesichtt seyner lincken seytten und erbayt yndeß etc Sequitur textus


You should lengthen the stork’s beak
Learn to bring the front leg backwards

Here the master teaches how one should do the element called the stork’s beak and do him this way: stand with your left foot forwards and hold your Messer on your right side at your right foot or above your right knee, so that the point is against the man, and expose yourself with your left side. If he strikes at the opening, pull your left foot well backwards as far as possible and raise your Messer with the stretched arm against his chest, and let him run into the point.

[97r.2] Den storchschnabel soltü erlengen
Daß fuer paÿn zw rück ler prengen

Hye sagtt der meyster wye man daß stuck daß do heysset der storch schnabel machen söl nw wiltu den storchschnabel machen So thue ym alzo stee mit deynem lincken fuß fuer und haltt deyn messer auff deyner rechten seytten bey deynem rechten fuß oder ob deynem rechten knye daß der ortt gegen dem man stee und gib dich ploß mit deyner lincken seytten hawtt er dir den alzo nach der plöß So ruck deynen lincken fuß [97v.1] wol zw ruck auff daß weytteß und heb deyn messer mit gestracktem armen gegen seyner prust und laß yn dar an laüffen


Then, stand as before as he strikes at you a stroke from above and pull your left foot backwards, and go high with the Messer directly and with the stretched arm. And go with the point at the hand or arm.


Then, these elements are to be performed against these who run into and eagerly fight high and short, or do the hurling strokes against the man, and also leap with hurling strokes to the man. Thus, you have the stork’s beak and against which element or peculiarity you should do it, you are just taught. [The text] follows.


Who wants to run into you
You should watch him with the point
If he wants to strike while leaping
Learn to sway the point backwards

Here the master teaches an element against the running in and against the fighters who run in eagerly. Prepare against him this way: assume the guard of the Bastei and as he wants to run into you, hold your Messer with the point forwards and let him run into it. If he wants to displace the point and goes to your Messer, change through “simultaneously” to the next opening.

[97v.3] Wer dir wil eyn laüffen
Mit dem ortt soltü yn gaüffen
Zw springent wil er schlagen
Ortt zw ruck lertt gagen

Hye lertt der meyster eyn stuck wyder dye eyn lauffen und wyder dy vechter dy geren eyn lauffen schick dich gegen yn alzo leg dich yn dy hut der pasteyn und wenn er dir dan eyn lauffen [98r.1] wil so haltt deyn messer mit dem ortt fuerdich und lasß yn dar an laüffen wil er dan verseczen den ortt und fertt nach deynem messer So wechsel yndeß durch zw der negsten ploß


Then, assume the guard of the Luginsland. If he wants to run into you, go high with the arm and lower the point to his face or chest and push him away from you.


Then, a note: in this element, as you go high with the Messer, you should wind the hilt under your arm well upwards in front of the head. Notice, if he falls to your point, strike at his head.


If he wants to strike from the bind
The point makes him fail
If he seeks the opening
Make him reluctant with the point

You should understand the text this way: if he has bound you on your Messer on your left side, and he wants to strike at your right side, “simultaneously” go high with the hilt under your arm and lower the point down and thrust at his neck or chest.

[98r.4] Wil er auß dem pandt schlagen
Der ort macht yn verczagen
Sücht er dy plöß

[98v.1] Mit ortt yn verdröß

Den text soltu alzo verstan wenn er dir an gepünden hatt an deyn messer auff deyner lincken seytten und er wil schlagen zw deyner rechten seytten yndeß far auff mit dem gehulcz unter deyn armen und senck den ortt nyder und stich ym zw dem halz oder zw der prust


Then, if he has bound you on your right side and wants to strike at your left, “simultaneously” do as before and set the point on him.


Then, a note: if something is being bound on you, you should always wind the point “simultaneously” at the face. If he displaces freely or in the crooked manner, you can always use the point from below or from above and defend the strokes or the thrusts with the point.


The scorpion with its speed
Is dangerous to the face
Let the short edge fall against the head
Strike right, let hit in the twofold manner

Here the propagator of the art speaks about an element that is called the scorpion, and perform the element this way: strike a stroke from above from your right shoulder at his left firmly at his head with the stretched arm. “Simultaneously” as you have struck, let the short edge of your Messer go down as if against your head, the short edge down on your left shoulder. “Simultaneously” thrust again at his face to the left side. If you have not hit him with the thrust, pull your Messer with the point downwards towards yourself, but this way so that the point is lowered to your left side, and strike with the short edge at his head to his right side. “Simultaneously” turn your hilt under your right arm and step with your left foot behind his right one, and strike the long edge at his head. And this element is called the scorpion.

[108r.4] Scorpion mit siner kar
Dem antlitz ist gefar
Die kürtz schnidt gegen dem haupt los fallen

[108v.1] Schlag recht zwiffach los prallen

Hie saget der meinster von eynen stuck heist des schorpion daß stuck tribe also haulb im von diner achsell zu siner lincken starck in zu dem haupt mit gestracketem arm in eynen ober haulb vnd Indes so du gehaulben hast so loß din kurtz schnid dines messers sencken glich gegem dem haupt die kurtz schnid vntz vff din lincke achsell Indes stich im wider zu dem gesicht siner lincken siten hastu in dan mit troffen mit dem stich so ruck din messer mit dem ort wider gegen dir doch dz der ort gesünck sÿ vff din lincke siten vnd schlag in mit der kurtzen schniden vff sin kopff siner rechten siten Indes wind din gehultz vnder den rechten arm vnd schrit mit dinem lincken fus hinder sinen rechten vnd schlag Im die lang schnid vber sin haupt daß ist der schorpion

[98v.4] Der scorpian mit seyner kar
[99r] Dem altlicz ist er gefar
Dy kurcz schneyd gegen haubt laß fallen
Schlag recht czwiuach laß prallen

Hye sagtt der merer der künst von eynem stück daß heysset der scorpian und daß stuck treyb alzo haw ym von deyner rechten achsel zw seyner lincken starck eyn zw dem haubt mit gestracktem armen eyn oberhaw yndeß so dw gehawen hast so laß dy kurcz schneyd deyneß messerß sincken gleich gegen deym haubt dy kurcz schneyd uncz auff deyn lincke achsel yndeß stich ym wyder zw dem gesichtt seyner lincken seytten hastu ym denn nicht troffen mit dem stich So ruck deyn messer mit dem ort wyder gegen dir doch daß der ort gesenckt sey aüff deyn lincke seytten und schlag yn mit der [99v.1] kurczen schneyden auff seyn kopff seyner rechten seytten yndeß wendt deyn gehulcz unter deyn rechten armen und schreytt mit deynem lincken fuß hynter seynen rechten und schlag ym dy lang schneyd uber seyn haubt und daß stuck heysset der scorpian etc


The basilisk with its face
Makes the masters poisoned
Poisons the chest without fear
And harms the head with the striking point

Now, do the basilisk this way: as you both have bound on the Messers and he is in the crooked displacement or so, lie on his Messer with the long edge and wait when he wants to strike at your right side. If he is close to you in the bind, notice, while he is striking, fall in the armed hand and thrust firmly at his left side at the upper peak at the ear. If he wants to displace and goes high with the Messer, go also high with your arm and thrust with the armed hand firmly at his chest. Then, if he wants to fall on your Messer with the displacement, strike the hilt of the Messer at his head. “Simultaneously” let your right hand again go from the middle of your Messer and grab your hilt again in the right hand and set the point again on his chest. Thus, you have done the basilisk. Thus, you have done the basilisk.

[99v.2] Der wbasiliscus mit seym gesicht
Dy meyster macht vergifft
Er vergift dy prüst an forcht
Und verseret daß hawbt mit schlagendem orcht

Hye sagtt der meyster eyn stuck daß der basiliscus heyst Daß soltu alzo machen So ir peyde an gepunden habtt an dy messer und er ist yn der krummen versaczung oder suest So leg dich auff seyn messer mit der langen oder scharpffen schneyden und wartt wan er dir zw [100r.1] deyner rechten seytten schlagen wil So er dan nohend bey dir ist ym pandt merck dy weyl er ym schlag ist yndeß fal zw gewappender handt und stich ym starck auff seyn lincke seytten zw der öberen czynnen zw dem oren So er denn will verseczen und fertt auff mit dem messer so far hoch auff mit dem armen und stich yn mit geboppender hand starck auff seyn prust will er den auff deyn messer fallen mit der versaczung So schlag ym daß gehulcz deß messerß uber seyn kopff yndeß laß deyn rechte hand wyder von der mitt deß messerß und pegreüff deyn gehulcz wyder yn dy rechte hand und secz ym den ortt wyder yn dy prust Alzo hastu den wasiliscum gemacht und daß stuck soltu treyben gegen den meystren dy nohend bey dem man vechten


The pommel with its way
Hits hard to the ears
“Simultaneously” be skillful
Turn the point to the chest in the armed way

Here the masters speaks about an element and speaks: The pommel with, etc. You should understand it this way: wind straight at his Messer and wait until he wants to strike with the crooked stroke to your left side, as you should stand with the left foot forwards. While he strikes to your left side, “simultaneously” fall in the armed hand and step with your right foot well to his right and hit him with the hilt of the pommel to his right ear. “Simultaneously” twitch the point with the armed hand to your left side sideways and set the point at his chest. If he displaces, work “simultaneously” with the striking point outside to the head, or go with the hilt from above on the inside above his hand and do the Messer-taking.

[109r.2] Klotz mit siner wartt
zu den oren stost er hart
Indes pis behende

[109v.1] Gewoppent ort ze prust wend

Hie sagt der meinster von eynen stueck vnd spricht der klotz mit siner etc Daß soltu also verstan wind im gerad vff sin messer vnd wartt wan er mit der krume wil haulben zu diner l/ siten wan mit dem lincken fus soltu versten die wiell er dir dan haulbt zu diner lincken siten Indes fal zu gewoppent hant vnd schrit mit dinem rechten fus wol vff sin rechten fus vnd stos im mit dem gehultz des messers zu sinem rechten oren Indes zuck mit gewoppenter hant den ort gegen siner lincken siten besitz ab vnd setz im den ortt in die prust versetz er dan so schag indes den schlagenden ort zu dem kopf vssen oder far mit dem gehultz oben vber sin hant vnd mach daß messer nemen

[100r.2] Der klocz mit seyner wartt
[100v] Zw dem oren stost er hartt
Yndeß piß behendt
Bewoppend ortt zw der prust wend

Hye sagtt der meyster von eynem stuck und spricht der klocz mit etc Daß soltu alzo verstan wynd ym gerad auff seyn messer und wartt wenn er mit der krum wil hawen zw deyner lincken seytten wann mit dem lincken fuß soltu vor sten dy weyl er dir dan hawet zw deyner lincken seytten yndeß fal zw gewoppender hand und schreyt mitt deynem rechten fuß wol zw seynem rechten und stoß yn mit dem gehulcz deß messerß zw seynem rechten oren yndeß czuck mit gewoppender hand den ortt gegen deyner lincken seytten peseytz ab und secz ym den ortt yn dy prust verseczt er denn So erbeyt yndeß mit dem [101r.1] schlagenden ortt zw dem kopff oder far mit dem gehulcz oben ynbendigß ober seyn hand und mach daß messer nemen etc Sequitur textus


In the armed way with the pommel
Hit at the chest
In the armed way or so
Displace rightfully, this gives you pleasure

Here the master says how you should hit the man at the chest with the pommel, that is with the hilt. And do it this way: if he strikes at your ear or at your head to your right or left side, fall in the armed hand and lower the point to his chest. “Simultaneously” work with the blade of your Messer above firmly to the head or go with the armed hand sideways aside and set it at his face or chest.

[109v.2] Gewoppent mit dem klotz
zu der brust stos
Gewoppent oder sünst
Versetz recht es git dir luest

Hie saget der meinster wie du mit dem klotz dz ist mit dem gehultz soltu den man in die brust [110r.1] stossen vnd thün im also Schlecht er dir zu den oren oder zu dem kopf diner rechten oder lincken siten so fal zu gewoppenter hant vnd senck im dz gehultz vff sin brust Indes arbeit mit der klingen dines messers oben starck zu dem kopff oder far mit gewoppenter hant besitz ab vnd setz im den ortt in dz gesicht oder brust

[101r.2] Bewoppend mit dem kloß
Zw der prüst stoß
Bewoppend oder süst
Verseczt rechtt eß gibtt dir lüst

Hye sagtt der meyster wye dw mit dem kloß daß ist mit dem gehülcz solt den man yn dy prust stossen und thue ym alzo schlecht er dir zw dem oren oder zw dem kopff deyner rechten oder lincken seytten So fal zw gewoppender hand und senck ym daß gehulcz auff seyn prust yndeß erbeyt mit der klyngen [101v.1] deyneß messerß oben starck zw dem hawbt oder far mit geboppendem ortt peseytz ab und secz ym den yn daß gesichtt oder yn dy prust


Then, if he strikes at your right side so that you both are close at each other, “simultaneously” as he strikes at your right side, go high with the arm and set the point on his chest with the armed hand. If you want, you can go with the point under his hilt, and you can set the point on his face with the armed hand.


Then, if he is in the bind with you and wants to strike at your right side at the upper peak, “simultaneously” go at his chest with the armed point, that is with the armed hand. “Simultaneously” go with your right arm over his Messer and with the front part [of your Messer], also with the armed hand, go between his hilt or the hand and push his Messer with your left elbow to your right side, in that way you take his Messer.

[101v.3] Item ligtt er ym pandt mit dir und wil dir aber schlagen zw deyner rechten seytten zw der oberen czynnen yndeß far aber auff seyn prust gewoppend mitt dem ortt daß ist mit gewoppender hand yndeß far mit deynem rechten armen uber seyn messer und mit dem fodren teyl deß messerß und auch gewoppend far ym [102r.1] czwischen daß gehultcz und dy hand oder stoß daß seyn messer mit deynem lincken olpogen auff deyn rechte seytten so nymbstu ym daß messer etc

[531] Then, there are many elements in the Messer which are not common, as armed elements and certain thrustings over, thrustings through and free fighting elements about which I say nothing.


If he wants to hit
At the chest with the pommel
You should rush to the displacement
And capture the defense

Here the master states a breaking if one wants to hit the other with the pommel or with the hilt at the chest and speaks: If he wants with the hilt, etc.


Then, do the breaking this way: if you want to strike at his right ear, and “simultaneously” he goes with the armed hand with the hilt at your chest, “simultaneously” grab forwards with your left hand at his hilt behind his right hand and hit with your right arm firmly the blade of his Messer and step with your right foot to his right one and push firmly towards your left side.


Then, if you hit him towards your left side and he displaces it with the hanging point, “simultaneously” wind with your Messer with the mutating on his Messer at his chest or face.


Then, if you strike at one’s left ear with the Entrüsthau and he goes with the hilt with the armed hand to your chest, “simultaneously” go with your hilt against his right side over the blade of his Messer and grab with your left hand at his hilt firmly downwards at your right side. And with your left hand push firmly from you to your right side downwards, and with your left hand push firmly from you to your right side, in that way you take his Messer again.

[102v.2] Item schlecht dw eynem zw seynem lincken oren mit dem entrusthaw und er fertt dir mit dem gehulcz gewoppend auff deyn prust yndeß far mit deym gehulcz gegen seyner rechten seytten uber seyneß messerß klyngen und greuff mitt deyner lincken hand yn seyn gehulcz zw seyner rechten hand und reyß mitt deym gehulcz starck yn deyn rechte seytten nyder und mit deyner lincken hand scheub starck [103r.1] von dir auff deyn rechte seytten So nymbstu ym aber daß messer etc

[536] Then, also break the two elements, as he sets the point at your chest to your both sides, break them with these two elements or breakings. You may also drop your Messer and do the breakings depicted before with both hands. The text follows.


There are four hangings
Therefrom learn to recognise strokes, thrusts and cuts
In every action
Guards, soft or hard

Here the master states how you should do the four hangings in the Messer and how they are called. Thus, he calls each particular one with the name, one after the other.

[103r.3] Vyer seyn der hengen
Dar auß ler hew stich schnydt erkennen
Yn allem gefertt
Leger weych oder hertt

Hye lertt der meyser wye dw dy vyer hengen machen söllt ym messer und wye dy genant seyn alzo nendt er eyn yetlichß [103v.1] mit seynem namen eyneß nach dem anderen etc


Then, the first one is called the Eber from both sides, and the other the Stier from both sides. And you should be quite well-trained in them, so that you could do the work from them quite well. You should also know that there are four hangings, the two from below and two from above, and how they are called, you have heard above.


Now, from the four hangings you should bring eight windings and you should consider these eight windings, so that you should do and deliver from particular windings a thrust, a stroke and a cut. These are the four windings.


Then, notice now how you should perform eight windings from the four hangings. The first upper hanging has two windings and perform it this way: if you come with the Zufechten to him, stand from your right side in the Stier. If he strikes from above at your left side, wind against his stroke, the short edge on his Messer, again to the Stier. If he sets the thrust aside from his left side, remain on the Messer and wind again to your right side again to the Stier, with the flat on his Messer, and thrust from above at his face. This is one hanging from the right side with two windings on his Messer.

[52r.2] Item hie merck Wie du aus den vier hengen solt treiben acht winden Das erst über hengen hat zwu winden das treib also Wann du mit dem zufechten zu Im kommest So stee von deiner rechten seitten In dem ochsen Hewet er dir dann oben ein zu deiner lincken seitten so winde gegen seinem hawe die kurtzen sneiden an seinem swert aber Inn ochsen vnd stich In oben ein zum gesicht Das ist das einwinden Setzt er den stich ab seiner lincken seiten so bleib am swert vnd wind wider auf dein rechte seiten In den ochsen die langen schneiden an sein swert vnd stich Im oben ein Zum gesicht Das ist ein hengen [52v.1] von deiner rechten seitten mit zwejen winden an seinem swert

[103v.4] Item hye merck wye dw aüß den vyer hengen solt treyben acht wynden daß erst uben hengen hatt czwey wynden und treyb daß alzo wenn dw mit dem zw vechten zw ym kumbst so ste von deyner rechten seytten [104r.1] yn den stiren schlechtt er den oben eyn zw deyner lincken seytten so wyndt gegen seynem haw dy kurcz schneyden an seyn messer wyder yn den stiren daß ist eyn bynden seczt er den den stich ab von seyner lincken seytten so peleyb am messer und windt wyder auff deyn rechte seytten wyder yn den stiren dy flech an seyn messer und stich ym oben zw dem gesicht daß ist eyn hengen von der rechten seytten mit czwayen wynden an seynem messer etc


Then, another upper hanging with two windings. Do it this way: if you come to him with the Zufechten, stand from your left side in the Stier. If he strikes from above at your right side, wind against his stroke, the long edge on his Messer, and thrust at his face from above-this is another winding. If he sets the thrust aside against your right side, remain on his Messer and wind again to your left side, again in the Stier, with the flat on his Messer. And thrust from above at his face to his left side, so that the blunt edge is below while thrusting. Thus, you have two windings on his Messer.

[52v.2] Item das ander ober hengen aber mit zweien winden das treibe also Wann du mit dem zufechten zu Im kompst So stee von deiner lincken seitten Im ochsen Hewet er dir dann oben ein zu deiner rechten seitten so winde gegen seinem hawe die langen sneiden an sein swert vnd stich In oben ein zum gesicht. das ist aber ein winden Setzt er den stich ab gegen seiner rechten seitten So beleib am swert vnd wind wider auf dein lincke seitten In den ochsen die kurtzen schneiden an sein swert vnd stiche In oben ein zum gesicht Das ist das ander [53r.1] über hengen von der lincken seitten aber mit zweien winden an seinem swert etc.

[104r.2] Item eyn ander oberhengen mit czweyen wynden daß treyb alzo wenn dw mit dem zw vechten zw ym kumbst so stee von deyner lincken seytten yn den stiren hawt er dan oben zw deyner rechten seytten so wyndt gegen seynem haw dy scharpffen schneyden an seyn messer und stich ym oben zw dem gesicht daß ist aber eyn wynden Seczt er den stich den ab gegen seyner rechten seytten so pleyb ym [104v.1] am messer und wynd wyder auff deyn lincke seytten wyder yn den stiren dy flech an seyn messer daß dy stümpff schneyd unten stee und stich ym oben eyn zw dem gesicht von seyner lincken seytten aber mit czwayen wynden an seynem messer etc


Then, you should also know that you should also perform the four windings with all their attacks from the two lower hangings, that is the Eber from both sides. And as often as you wind, think in every particular winding about the stroke, the thrust and the cut. Thus, from the eight windings there come twenty-four and from which and against which element and against which strokes, thrusts or cuts you should deliver the stroke and the cut, you have been to a good extent taught before.

[53r.2] Item Nun soltu wissen das du aus den zweien vndern hengen, das ist der pflugk von baiden seitten, Auch soltu treiben vier winden mit allen Iren geferten als auß den obern Das sein die acht winden Vnd als offt du windest so gedencke In einem yeglichen winden besunder an den haw vnd an den stich vnd an den schnid Also kommen aus den acht winden viervndzweintzigk Vnd aus welichem winden vnd gegen welchen stucken vnd gegen welchen hawen du den haw oder den stich oder den schnid treiben solt Das vindestu alles [53v.1] vor In den stucken geschrieben etc.

[111v.3] Item du solt auch wissen dz vß den vnter zwiehen [112r.1] hengen dz ist der eber von beiden siten triben solt auch vier winden mit allen iren geferten als vß dem eber dz sint die acht winden vnd als vff du windest gedenck in yttlichem winden an den haulb an den stich an den schnit also kümen vß den acht winden xxiiij vnd vß wellichem winden vnd gegen wellichen stucken haulben stichen schnitten den du dust dz bistu zu gutter mossen vor wol vnderrichtt

[543] Direct the point in the Bastei
Make the running in useless
If he rampages and jumps
The point does constrain him

According to the meaning of the text there is that you should defend yourself from the long point in the Messer from the guard of the turrer against those who fight high and run in with the arm and the Messer high and against the foolish who leap from one side to the other and dance and do the villain strokes above the head to the man.


Then, if you want to defend yourself from the Bastei, do him this way: if you come surely to him with the Zufechten, put your left foot forwards and hold your Messer with the point towards the ground as you have been well taught. If he comes against you as it is stated above, go with your stretched arm high with the point at his face or chest. If you have hit him with the point and he gets frightened and twitches the body or head back, fall “simultaneously” again with your Messer in the guard of the Bastei, and pull your right foot again back. And do not let bring yourself from the guard of the Bastei without harm and do it this way also on your left side.

[112r.3] Item Wiltu dich vß der pasteÿn weren so thün im also wan du mit zuvechten zu im kumpst so setz dinen lincken fus for vnd halt din messer mit dem ortt gegen der erden als du woll vndericht pist kümpt er dir engegen als oben geschriben ist so far mit dinem gestrackte arm [112v.1] vff mit dem ortt im zu sinem gesicht oder in brust hastu in troffen mit dem ortt vnd er herschrickt vnd zuck den lib oder kopff zu rueck Indes fal wider herab mit dinem messer in die haut der pasteyn vnd zuck dinen rechten fus wider zu ruck vnd loß dich an schaden nicht vß der hut pasteyn bringen also thün im auch vß der lincken siten ~

[105r.2] Item wiltü dich aüß der pasteyn weren So thu ym alzo wenn dw mit dem zwvechten schir zw ym kumbst So secz deynen lincken fuß fuer und haltt deyn [105v.1] messer mit dem ortt auff der erden alz dw wol unterricht pist kümbtt er dir engegen alz oben geschriben ist so far mit gestracktem armen auff mit dem ortt ym yn seyn gesichtt etc oder yn dy prust hastu yn getroffen mit dem ortt und er erschrickt und czückt den kopff oder leyb zw ruck oder hyntersich yndeß fall wyder her ab mit deynem messer yn dy hut der pasteyn und czeüg deynen rechten fuß wyder zw ruck und laß dich an scheden nicht auß der hut der pasteyn pringen und alzo thu ym auch auff deynen lincken seytten etc


Then, if you stand in the guard of the Bastei, be it on the left or the right side, and you see that he wants to “crook” to it with the Messer or fall on it otherwise, change through below as you know well.


Then, if he is high in the binding, go with the point at the face or chest. If he is low with the arm, await the hand-to-hand combat.

[105v.3] Item ist er hoch ym pandt so far ym mit dem ortt zw dem gesichtt oder [106r.1] prüst ist er aber nyder mit dem armen So wartt der ryngen etc Sequitur textus


If he wants to climb the peaks
The Bastei point makes him abort
What is being struck from the Luginsland
The Bastei point stripps it off

A note: the meaning of the text is that if you stand in the guard of the Bastei and he wants to strike in the Zufechten to your four peaks, you should defend against it with the point, as it is stated above.


Then, the other meaning of the text is that what is to be struck to the upper peaks, you should displace it with the point from the guard of the Bastei. But for a better explanation you should know that one should defend himself with the long point against all the bindings, and use the point against them. If he strikes or thrust, the long point breaks it quite well, as the long point is the best defense in the Messer and the sword, and who can fight from it, forces the man that he must let himself be beaten against his wish. And if he wants to acquire the “before,” you can take it from him with the long point and work “simultaneously” with your Messer according to the “after.”

[48v.2] So soltu nu wissen das das Sprech fenster ist ein hut darInn du wol sicher magst sten vnd die hut ist der lang ortt der ist die edelst vnd peste were [49r.1] am swertt Wer daraus recht fechten kan der zwinget den man damit das er sich on seinen danck slagen muß lassen vnde mag dauor zu slage nit wol kommen etc.

[106r.3] Item dy ander maynüng deß text ist waß den oberen czynnen zw geschlagen wirtt daß soltu mit dem langen ortt verseczen aüß der hutt der pasteyn Doch zw [106v.1] merer erklerung soltu wyssen daß man sich mit dem langen ortt gegen allen anpyntten weren sol und den ortt praüchen dar wyder er haw oder stech So pricht daß daß der lang ortt gar wann der lang ortt ist dy pest wer ym messer und ym swertt und wer dar auß vechten kan der czwyngtt den man daß er sich uber seyn danck müß schlagen lassen und ob er daß vor wollt gewynnen ym messer So magstü ym daß vor yndeß mit dem langen ortt mit gewaltt nemen yndeß erbeyt mit deym messer nach dem nach alzo gedenck albegen daß dw ym daß vor und daß nach angewynst etc


Then, put your left foot forwards and assume the guard of the Bastei. If he strikes from the guard of the Luginsland at your left side at the head, go high with your Messer and change through to his right side and push his Messer with your Messer. Or, pull the Messer a bit aside and strike with the long edge through his face or cut through his right arm, and assume again the guard announced above.


Then, stand as before-if he strikes at you from the guard of the Luginsland, go directly high with the stretched arm under his Messer to his right side and while changing through step with your right foot forwards to his right one and thrust with the stretched Messer at his face to the right side. If you want, you can do the doubling or going through. If you do not want, assume again the Bastei.


Then, in the same way as you do things if you stand in the guard of the Bastei on your right side and the left foot is forwards, you can also change through if you stand in the guard of the Bastei on your left side and the right foot is forwards, and you can strike, thrust and cut therefrom. Things go a bit worse from the left side than from the right, and it appears quite uncomfortable for someone untrained in the Messer.

[113r.3] Item glich als du die ding machest so du ligst in der hut der pastey vff diner rechten siten so der linck fus vor stott also machstu durch wechselln [113v.1] so du stost in der hut pasteyn vff diner lincken siten so der recht fus fur stott vnd daruß haulben stechen vnd schnitten den dz eß von der lincken siten letzer zu gett dan vff der rechten vnd eym vngabten im messer gar vnlbege dünckt


Who aims at the Bastei
Is hurt from the Luginsland
If he rushes to the binding
You should wind the point at the face

Here it is to be known that the meaning of the text is that what is struck or thrusted to the lower peaks, you should defend against it from the guard of the Luginsland, also with the long point. And if you have failed with the point, wind always your Messer with his one into the Stier. This takes place on both sides.

[106v.2] Wer der pasteyn zw seczt
Vom lüginsland wirtt er geleczt
Dringtt er ym an pÿnden

[107r.1] Den ortt zw gesicht solt wynden

Item dy maynung deß textz ist als waß den unteren czynnen wirt zw geschlagen oder gestochen daß solt dw prachen oder weren auß der hut lüginsland mit dem langen ortt und ob dw mit dem ortt hast gefeltt so pyndt albegen deyn messer gegen dem seynen yn den stiren von peyden seytten get daß zw etc


Then, if you stand in the guard of the Luginsland, stand with your leg well in balance and hold your Messer stretched and let him do what he wants. If you can do it well, he cannot make anything, no matter whether he changes through or does what he wants. You can also assume this guard on his Messer, also stretched, and do therefrom what you want, and seek all the openings. And where you can see a window standing open, thrust merrily to it with your point or with your stroke, and “simultaneously” do what you have been taught before.

[107r.2] Item ligstü yn der hut lüginslandt So stee mit deynen paynen wol yn dy wag und haltt deyn messer gestrackt und laß yn machen waß er wil Thüstu ym recht so kann er nicht schaffen er wechsel durch oder mach waß er wol dw magstu dich auch yn dyse hut legen auff seyn messer alzo gestrackt und alzo machen dar auß waß dw willst Dw magst auch alle ploß da mit suchen und wo dw daß fenster sigst offen stan da gee küenlich dar eyn mit deynem ortt und mach [107v.1] yndeß alz dw vor unterrichtt pist etc


Then, you can defend against all the strokes from below from the guard of the Luginsland with the point, by means of stretching and shooting the point from above at his face, and “simultaneously,” if you want to change through.


Who displaces in the crooked manner
Wind, thrust and he is hurt
You should take care of windings
Learn to take away wisely on the crook

Here the master states how you should hold yourself against one who displaces with the crooked stroke. If you both have bound and you also lie on his Messer and he lies under your one, do it this way: if he lies on your left side against you or on you against your right side, and you have bound on his Messer, so that the blunt edge is against the man, “simultaneously” wind your Messer with the long edge on his head.


Then, if he goes high and raises his arm high so that you cannot come to the head with the Messer, and you have learnt or you can see that he goes high, wind high over his Messer against your left side to his right one, and fall with the point from his Messer to his throat or chest.


Then, if he stands in the crooked displacement as before on your right side, wind the long edge against his head. If he goes high with the arm and wants to displace as before, notice, in the winding, as you have wound against the head on his Messer on his left side, strike the short edge on his head, so that the thumb is below and on the flat of your Messer.

[114r.3] Item lig er in der krüme versatzung als vor vff diner rechten siten so wind die lang schnid gegem [114v.1] sinem haupt fert er dan aber hoch vff mit den armen vnd will versetzen als vor so vnd merck in winden die will du gegem dem haupt bist winden vff sin messer aber vff sin lincke siten vnd schlag im die kurtz schnid an sin haupt dz der thüm vnten sÿ vnd leg vff der flecht des messers


If he displaces the stroke and falls on it with his Messer, pull again skilfully on his Messer at the head, with the short edge. If he has displaced this, wind again high the long edge against his head, and let your point fall to your left side and at his right side at his throat or chest.

[108r.3]  versecz er dann den schlag und felltt [108v.1] dar auff mit seynem messer so reyß wyder wehentlich an seyn messer zw dem hawbtt aber mit der kürczen schneyden hatt er daß auch verseczt So wyndt wyder auff dy land schneyden gegen seym haubtt und laß den ortt aber fallen auff deyn lincke seytten und zw deyner rechten seytten yn dy kelen oder prust etc


If you want to deceive him as he winds
You should double in a twofold manner
If you want to take revenge well
Learn to thrust through the cheeks

Here the master states how one should double from the crook. If you want to do the doubling on him, do it this way: if you both have bound and he is on your right side and you are on his left side, and you stand with your Messer on his one, so that your thumb is below on your Messer, “simultaneously” wind the long edge on his head and “simultaneously” strike at his left ear with the Entrüsthau on the blade of his Messer with the blunt edge well around at the head. If you want to take away on the Messer, you can also do this.

[114v.3] Im winden wilt verfuren
Zwueffach soltu dupliren
Wiltu dich bas rechen
Durch die wangen ler stechen

Hie saget der meinster Wie man vß der krümen sol dupliren Wiltu im dz dupliren machen So thün im also so ir nü beÿd habt an gebünden vnd er ligt dir vff diner rechten siten vnd du im vff siner lincken siten vnd du ligst mit dinem messer vff dem synen dz der [115r.1] thüm vnten an dinem messer ste Indes wind die scharpfen schnid vff sin haupt vnd indes schlag im zu sinem lincken oren mit dem entruesch haulb vff sins messers klingen mit der stümpfen schniden wol vmb zu dem hauptt Wiltu dan ab nemen am mesß dz magst auch thün ~

[108v.2] Ym wynden wiltü yn verfueren
Czwiuach soltu dupliren
Wiltu dich aber paß rechen
Dürch dy wang ler stechen

Hye sagtt der meyster wye man auff der krum sol dupliren wiltu daß dwpliren machen so thu ym alzo So ir nw peyd habtt an gepunden und er ligtt dir auff deyner rechten seytten und dw [109r.1] ym auff seyner lincken seytten und dw ym auff seyner lincken seytten und dw ligst mit deynem messer auff dem seynen daß der dawm unten an deynem messer sey yndeß wynd dy scharpffen schneyd auff seyn hawbtt und yndeß schlag ym zw seynem lincken oren mit dem entrusthaw auff seyneß messerß klyngen mit der stümpffen schneyden wol umb zw dem hawbtt wiltu den abnemen am messer daß magstu auch thun


Then, if he stands on your right side against you as it is described before, do as if you wanted to wind the point at his face to his left side to his left cheek, and stretch the arm well from you to your side, and wind the point at his face.


Then, as you have done the elements on the right side, you can also do them on the left side. And what peculiarities the windings have had from the right side, they have the same ones also from the left side. You can also do the taking away and strike at the head. Then, if you wind on the left side against your head, you can strike with the blunt edge, and you can also thrust at his right cheek.

[109r.3] Item alz dw dy stuck gemacht hast auff [109v.1] der rechten seytten alzo magstu dy machen auff der lincken seytten und waß dy wynden eygenschafft gehabt haben von der rechten seytten dy selben haben sy auch von der lincken seytten dy abnemen magst dw auch machen und zw dem kopff schlagen den wen dw auff der lincken seytten gegen dem hawbtt wyndest so soltu mit der stümpffen schneyden schlagen auch magstu zu dem rechten wang stechen etc


Then, if you want to take his Messer, if he stands in the hanging point on his left side, and you also lie on his [Messer], wind “simultaneously” over his Messer the long edge and the point to his side, and do the mutating. “Simultaneously” step skillfully to him with your left foot, so that his Messer goes out with the point sideways at your right side, and “simultaneously” fall with your left hand behind his right one, and pull firmly with it at the bind to your right side, and push him firmly with the point of your Messer at his body.

[109v.2] Item wiltu ym daß messer nemen so er ligtt ym hangatten ortt auff seyner lincken seytten und dw ligst auff dem seynen so wyndt yndeß uber seyn messer dy lang schneyden den ortt yn seyn seytten und mach daß mutiren yndeß tritt wehentlich auff yn mit deynem lincken fuß daß seyn messer neben deyner rechten seytten beseyt mit dem ortt hyn auß gee yndeß fall mit deyner lincken hand [110r.1] hynter seyn rechte und reyß starck do mit bey dem pynd auff deyn rechte seytten und stoß yn mit dem ortt deyneß messerß starck yn seyn leyb etc


Then, if he stands in the hanging point on his right side and you lie under his [Messer], “simultaneously” fall with your left hand over his Messer and “simultaneously” fall in the middle of your Messer and go with the point on his throat, or put the blade of your Messer on his neck on his left side. And step with your left foot behind his right one and push him over it.


Then, if you lie on his Messer and he lies as before, “simultaneously“ go with your left arm over his Messer and hit with your Messer on his one, with the crosspiece firmly from above at his hilt or at the blade of his Messer, close at the hand, firmly to your left side, in that way you take his Messer.

[110r.3] Item ligstu auff seynem messer und er ligt alz vor yndeß far mit deynem lincken armen uber seyn messer und stoß mit deynem messer ym an seyn messer mit dem kreucz starck an seyn messer oben an seyn gehulcz oder an seynß messerß klyngen nohent bey der hand [110v.1] starck auff deyn lincke seytten so nymbstu ym daß messer etc


Then, if you lie on his right side and on his Messer, and he lies in the hanging point as before, “simultaneously” wind against his neck and press the Messer at the nape of his neck. And if he is too strong for you, so that you cannot press his Messer down, come with your left hand from behind on his hilt to help your right hand. “Simultaneously” fall with your left hand from above on his Messer on the hilt at his hand, and press it over his back and over your Messer, in that way you take his Messer.


Then, if he lies on his right side in the hanging point as before, “simultaneously” fall with your left arm over his Messer and do as if you wanted to thrust at his face with the hilt of your Messer. If he goes high with his hilt and wants to displace the thrust, “simultaneously” hit with your hilt firmly to your left side, in that way you take his Messer and strike him with it through his mouth.

[110v.3] Item ligtt er auff seyner rechten seytten ym hangatten ortt alz vor und dw ligest aüch auff seynem alz vor yndeß fal mit deynem lincken armen uber seyn messer und thü samb dw ym mit dem gehulcz deyneß messerß wollest stossen [111r.1] yn seyn angesicht so er den auff fertt mit seynem gehulcz und wil dir den stoß da mit verseczen yndeß stoß mit deynem gehultz czwischen seyn handt und seyn gehulcz auff deyn lincke seytten starck So nymbstu ym aber daß messer und hawest yn da mit durch daß maul etc

[567] Then, if he lies as before and you do as well, “simultaneously” go with your left arm over his Messer and hit with your hilt behind over his Messer between his arm and body on the inside on his hilt or on the outside on the blade at the hand firmly to your right side.


Go over with the arm, if he wants to strike,
Take the Messer, you should hit with the hilt

Then, you should understand it this way: if you come to the man with your Entrüsthau to his left side, strike at his right side and “simultaneously” go with your left arm over his Messer over the blade and do as if you wanted to hit with the hilt at his face. “Simultaneously” hit with the hilt in the joint of his right hand on the outside firmly towards your right side.


Then, fall over his Messer as before and if his hilt in the hand looks over on the inside, hit with your hilt between his hand and hilt firmly to your left side, in that way you take his Messer, as it is depicted below.


Strike the Entrüsthau, wind over the weak
Long wins the head

Here the master teaches how one should wind over the man with the weak of the Messer, and do it this way: strike with an Entrüsthau at his right side and “simultaneously” turn your hand around, and wind the weak of your Messer on his Messer, and strike “simultaneously” with the long edge on his head.


If you want to dupe him
As you have lied under
Wind to the left, go through in winding
Learn to find strokes, thrusts and cuts
To the head, to the body
Perform what you desire
In every action
Test the soft or the hard

Here the master and the propagator of the art ends the last element with its peculiarity and speaks: If you want to dupe him. That is, if you both have bound and he lies on your right side with the crooked displacement and you lie under his Messer also in the same displacement, “simultaneously” wind your Messer to his left side against his opening, and wave well at it. Then, it has been said a lot that you should grab to the opening a bit and quickly go through from the same left side with the Messer in front of your body, with the lowered point to your left side, and strike at his head to his right side, or set the point on his face or the chest.

[115r.2] Wiltu in betrigen
So du bist vnten ligen
Linck wind durch ge In winden
Heu stich schnit lere finden
Zue kopff zu lip
Was du gerest das tribe
In allem gefert
preuff weich oder hartt

Hie endet der meinster Vnd der merer der künst dz lest stuck mit siner eygenschafft Vnd spricht wiltu In betrigen dz ist wan ir beid an gebünden habt ligt er dir dan vff der rechten siten mit der krümen versatzung vnd du ligst vnden sin messer auch in der selbigen versatzung Indes wind din messer vff [115v.1] sin lincke siten gegen siner ploß vnd winck woll gegen der selbigen daß ist also vil gesprochen als dz du solst noch der ploß griffen ein wenig vnd auch von der selbigen siten schnell dürch gen mit dem messer fur din lip mit gestrecktem ortt vff din lincke siten vnd schlag im noch dem haupt siner rechten oder setz im der ortt zu dem gesichtt

[111r.3] Wiltü yn betryegen
So dw pist unter lygen
Linck wynck dürchge yn wynden

[111v] Hew stich schnyd ler finden
Zw kopff zw leyb
Waß dw pegerst daß treyb
Yn allem gefertt
Pruff weych oder hertt

Hye endet der meyster und der merer der künst daß leczt stuck mit seyner eygenschafft und sprichtt will dw yn betrygen etc Daß ist wenn Ir beyde an gepunden habtt ligtt er dir den auff der rechten seytten mit der krümmen versaczung und dw ligst unter seynem messer auch ynder selben versaczung yndeß wynd deyn messer auff seyn lincke seytten gegen seyner ploß und winck wol gegen der selbigen daß ist alz vor gesprochen daß dw nach der ploß solt greüffen eyn wenig und und doch von der selbigen lincken seytten soltu schnel [112r.1] durchgeen mit dem messer fuer deyn leyb mit gesencktem ortt auff deyn lincke seytten und schlag ym zw dem haubt seyner rechten seytten oder secz ym den ortt zw dem gesicht oder zw der prüst

[211v] Wiltu In betrygen
So du pist vnterligen
Linck windt durchgee In winden
Hew stich schnytt ler vinden
Zu kopff zu leyb
Was du pegerst das teyb
In allem gefertt
Prüff weych oder hertt

Hye endt der meyster vnd der merer der kunst das letzt stuck mit seyner Eygenschafft vnd spricht wiltu In betrigen das ist wenne Ir payde an gepunden habtt ligtt er dir denn auff deyner rechten seytten mit der krummen versatzung vnd du ligest vntter seynem messer auch In der selben versatzung Indes windt deyn messer auff seyn lincke seytten gegen seyner plöß vnd winck woll gegen der selben // [212r] // Das ist als vill gesprochen das du nach der ploß sollt greyffen eyn benig vnd dich von der selbigen lincken seytten schnell durchgen mit dem messer fur deyn leyb mit gesencktem ortt auf deyn lincke seytten vnd schlag In zu dem haubtt seyner rechten seytten oder setz Im den ortt zu dem gesicht oder zu der prust etc

[572] Then, if you set the point to one’s face or chest and he goes with the hanging point from his left side to your Messer and displaces, “simultaneously” wind quickly against his Messer or on his Messer against his left side, so that the thumb is above on the flat and lower the hilt a bit and thrust upwards under his Messer at his face. “Simultaneously” wind soon again against his right side and lower the point again to his chest or strike with the lowered point at his right ear.

[573] Then, if you wind to his face with the lowered hilt so that the thumb is on the flat and he strikes “simultaneously” to your head, “simultaneously” wind against his left side so that the thumb is below. Thus, the stroke is displaced. If he strikes again around to your right side, cut him firmly over his right arm on the outside and twitch with it.

[112r.3] Item windestu ym zw dem gesichtt mit gesencktem hulcz daß der dawm auff der flech stet und er schlecht dir yndeß [112v.1] nach deym haubtt yndeß wyndt gegen seyner lincken seytten daß der dawm unten stee So ist der schlag versecz schlecht er dan wyder umb zw deyner rechten seytten So schneyd ym starck uber seyn rechten armen außbendigß und czeüg da mit ab etc


Then, if you stand on his right side, and he does as well on the same side as before, “simultaneously” wind your Messer under his Messer well around, so that you touch him a bit to his right side to his right shoulder with the short edge or the flat. “Simultaneously” go through with your Messer with the lowered point between your both sides or bodies, so that the long edge goes first. “Simultaneously” set the point around in his chest or strike with the short edge at his left ear, and hold your Messer always in front of the head with the hilt well upwards, so that the thumb is below on the flat of the Messer.

[115v.4] Item ligst also vff siner rechten siten vnd er auch vff der selbigen als vor Indes winde vnten sinem [116r.1] messer dim messer gar vmb also dz du in vff siner rechten siten mit der kuttzen schniden oder flech sin rechten achsel rurest ein wenig Indes far durch mit dem messer mit dem gesenctem ort zwuschen vber beyde siten oder lip dz die lang schnid vor ge Indes setz in den ort in sin brust oder schlag im mit der kurtzen schniden zu sinem lincken oren vnd hab din messer allvegen fur din haupt mit dem gehultz wol vber sich dz der thüm vnten vff der flech des messers ste


Then, if you lie on his Messer on his right side, and he again lies in the hanging point and across, wind “simultaneously” the short edge firmly to his head, and go high with the hilt. If he wants to follow it with the displacement, strike “simultaneously” with the horizontal stroke at his ear to his right side with the short edge.

[576] Then, if you lie on his Messer as before on his left side, “simultaneously” wind and strike with the long edge to his head and go high with the hilt. If he goes high and wants to displace the stroke, “simultaneously” strike to his left ear so that the thumb is below on the flat.


Then, if you lie on his Messer on his right side as before, grab with your left arm over the blade of his Messer, and grab below in the armed hand, so that the point of your Messer is on your left side. Then, go high with the hilt and hit firmly with it on the blade of his Messer close to the hand to your left side, in that way you take his Messer again.


Then, strike from above directly a long upper stroke with the stretched arm directly and freely at his head to his left side, and as the stroke is delivered directly, wind against his Messer the short edge on it, so that the thumb is below, and flick the short edge at his left ear.

[113r.3] Item haw von oben gerad zw eynen eyn eynen langen oberhaw mit gestracktem armen gerad und frey zw seynem kopff seyner [113v.1] lincken seytten yndeß so der haw gerad verprachtt ist So wynd gegen seym messer dy kurcz schneyd dar an daß der dawm unten stee und schnell ym dy kurcz schneyd an seynn linckeß ore


Then, strike an upper stroke at his right side long and directly with the stretched arm, and “simultaneously,” as the stroke has been delivered, wind your Messer against your left side on his Messer, and flick at his head or arm to his right side.


Then, a note: the elements are good, as you can more easily dupe the man, and “simultaneously” do the doubling, the feints and the hits.


Then, you should also know that from these windings there should be found strokes, thrusts and cuts, and do it this way: as you have gone through with the Messer from his left side to your right one, cut upwards on his side. And “simultaneously”, as you have cut with the Messer, thrust at his chest. “Simultaneously” go high with the Messer and do a feint also on his right side, and strike at his next opening.

[116r.4] Item du solt auch wissen dz vß dissem winden sollend gefunden werden haulb stich vnd schnid vnd thüm [!] im also so du bist durch gangen mit dem messer von siner lincken siten vff sin rechte siten so schnid vber sich an siner siten Indes so du geschnitten hast mit dem [116v.1] messer vnd mach ein s feler auch vff siner rechten siten vnd haulb im noch dem haupt oder vff die siten

[113v.4] Item dw solt auch wyssen daß auß dysen wynden sollen gefünden werden hew stich und schnydt und thü ym alzo so dw pist gangen mit dem messer zw von seyner lincken seytten auff seyn rechte [114r.1] seytten so schneyd ubersich an seynen seytten yndeß so dw geschnytten hast mit dem messer stich ym auff seyn prust yndeß far auff mit dem messer und machen feler auch auff seyner rechten seytten und haw ym zw dem haubtt oder aüff dy seytten etc


Then, if you lie under his Messer on his right side as before, “simultaneously” wind against him the short edge, so that the thumb is on the flat, and thrust at his cheek to the same side.


Then, if you lie under his Messer on his left side as before, “simultaneously” wind the long edge against him, so that the short edge is above, and thrust at his cheek to the same side.


Then, you should also notice quite well whether he is soft or hard in the displacement, and notice the weak and the strong, and first of all you should not forget the word “simultaneously,” and what is “before” and “after,” which you have been taught before.


Now, you should know what the word “simultaneously” is: when you feel whether he is soft or hard in the displacement, notice, that you work “simultaneously” in all the elements as you notice the peculiarities of the things that are brought and done on you, or that you have done on the man. “Simultaneously” double, “simultaneously” mutate, “simultaneously” run through, “simultaneously” clench, “simultaneously” take the cut, “simultaneously” fight hand-to-hand, “simultaneously” take the Messer, “simultaneously” take over, “simultaneously” go through, “simultaneously” run through, “simultaneously” do what your heart desires. “Simultaneously” is a sharp word with which the masters are cut out hard, and first of all the masters who neither known nor understand the word “simultaneously”. Thus, you have quite exactly in this book the most part of the art of the Messer and the great basis.

[35v.2] Item Nun soltu wissen das fulen vnd das wort Indes eins on das ander nit gesein mag, Vnd das vernÿme also wann du Im an sein swert pindest So mustu mit dem wort Indes fulen waich oder hert Vnd wann du fulest so mustu aber Indes arbeitten also sein sie albeg pei einander Wann das wort Indes ist In allen stucken Das mercke also Indes duplirt Indes mutirt Indes wechselt durch Indes lauff durch Indes nym den snid Indes ringe mit Indes nÿm das swert Indes tue was dein hertz begert Indes ist ein scharpffes wort damit alle meister versniden werden Vnd zuuoraus die des worts Indes nit wissen oder vernemen etc.

[116v.3] Nu soltu wissen wz dz wort Indes ist ob du entpfindest ob er wiech oder hart ist in der versatzung So merck dz du Indes arbeist In allen stucken wie du sie merckest der eygenschafft der ding die auch vff dich geprucht vnd gemacht sint oder die du vff eynem machen bist Indes duplier Indes müttier Indes durch lauff Indes beschlus Indes nÿmb den schnitt Indes Ring Indes messer nÿmb Indes benÿmb Indes durch ge Indes lauff Indes thün waß din hertz begertt Indes ist eyn scharpfes wortt do mit die meinster hart ver schnitten weiden vnd zu vor vß die meinster die des wortz Indes nit wissen [117r.1] noch vernemen also hastu gar gnaulbe in dissem buch den meinsten teill die künst des messers vnd den grosten grüntt ~

[114r.3]  Nw soltu wyssen waß daß wortt yndeß ist ob dw enpfindest ob er weych oder hertt yn der versaczung ist So merck daß dw yndeß erbeyttest yn alle stuck wye dw merckest dy eygenschafft der ding dy auch aff dich gepracht und gemacht werden oder [114v.1] dye dw auff eynem machen pist yndeß duplir yndeß mutir yndeß wechsel durch yndeß durchlauff yndeß peschleuß yndeß nymb den schnydt yndeß ring yndeß messernymb yndeß penymb yndeß durchgee yndeß ablauff yndeß thu waß deyn hertz begert yndeß ist eyn scharpffeß wortt da mit dy meyster hartt verschnytten werden und zw vor aüß dy meyster dy deß worcz yndeß nicht wyssen noch vernemen alzo hastu gar genaw yn dysem püch den meystern teyl der künst deß messerß und den grosten gründt etc

  1. Word scratched out.
  2. Unnecessary repetition, a scribe’s mistake.
  3. I.e., rapidly
  4. recept = Rezept (Hennig, S263)
  5. oder
  6. Auf der linken Blattseite befindet sich ein unbekanntes Zeichen, oder der Schreiber hat zu weit links angesetzt.
  7. oder
  8. schalt = Schwung (Hennig, S279)
  9. vmb süst = umsonst; sus = sunst (Baufeld, S231)
  10. Der Schreiber wollte wohl erst “deinem” schreiben
  11. sic : seinem
  12. I.e., avoid the stroke by means of bowing forwards.
  13. geschrieben
  14. Das Wort “pist” wurde nachträglich ergänzt.
  15. sic : deinnem
  16. sic : seinn
  17. Jump up to: 17.0 17.1 17.2 Text is cut off at the bottom of the page, but reconstructed from other copies.
  18. I.e., is faster or better
  19. Sa alt. von sar = gleich darauf, alsbald sodann (entweder alleine oder verstärkt durch sinnverwandte Ausdrücke) (Lexer, S205) end = ehe, bevor (Lexer, S43)
  20. Munich: "right".
  21. Munich: "right".
  22. Unknown word scraped away
  23. oder
  24. handt hab
  25. I.e., the point and the pommel.
  26. See Matthew 7:6
  27. oder
  28. Wort könnte von sambalde kommen = alsbald (Hennig, S276) oder sam = als (Hennig, S275)
  29. Könnte von senen = ersehnen kommen (Lexer, S225)
  30. Der Schreiber wollte wohl messer schreiben.
  31. sic : bis. rep.
  32. Müßte sinngemäß "In" heißen
  33. ge- = es kann vor alle Formen des Zeitworts treten, um die Handlung abzuschließen oder zu verstärken (Lexer, S60)
    rucke, rücke, ze ruck = zurück, nach hinten
  34. tener oder tenner bezeichnet die von der Rüstung nicht geschützte Handfläche. (Baufeld, S50)
  35. Sa alt. von sar = gleich darauf, alsbald sodann ( enweder alleine oder verstärkt durch sinnverwandte Ausdrücke ) ( Lexer, S205 )
    end = ehe, bevor ( Lexer, S43 )
  36. For armoured combat of Andreas Liegnitzer see von Danzig, 73r-79v. This teaching was copied (with some omissions) by Lew Jud, see Lew, 70r-83v. A technique based on a similar principle is featured in Lew, 79v-80r.
  37. gefast
  38. Das Zeichen könnte für einen Verweis auf eine andere Seite stehen, auf dem dieses F zu sehen ist. Diese Methode hat der Schreiber auch schon auf anderen Seiten angewandt.
  39. pinden = binden, fesseln (Baufeld, S34)
  40. gemelich = gemechlich = bedächtig, ruhig, langsam (Hennig, S108)
  41. kostlich = kostspielig, aufwendig (Hennig, S190)
  42. Im cpg430/46r heißt es “der verporgengriff“
  43. See Matthew 7:6.
  44. Das Wort sieht eigentlich wie „knorren“ aus.
  45. mug = mag
  46. Corrected from "din"
  47. nott
  48. oder
  49. dast könnte von dasten = tasten kommen (Hennig, S51)
  50. vber seyn danc = Gegen seinen Willen (Hennig, S50)
  51. Müßte eigentlich “deyn” heißen.
  52. vahen = greifen, fassen, einfangen (Lexer, S310)
  53. weifen = fuchteln, schwingen, schwencken (Grimm, Bd 28, Sp. 632, 5)
  54. Haspel [Garnwinde] (Hennig, S147)
  55. doch
  56. sambalde = alsbald oder sam = als (Hennig, S276)
  57. zäumen = gefangen nehmen (Baufeld, S254)
  58. “Item“ wurde nachträglich ergänzt
  59. albeg(en), alleweg = 1. immer, immer noch 2. überall (Baufeld, S6)
  60. oder
  61. abenteuerlich = ausgefallen, nicht alltäglich (Baufeld, S1)
  62. “auff deyn rechte” sieht wie durchgestrichen aus
  63. straufen = 1. die Haut abziehen, abstreifen 2. streuen. (Baufeld, S228)
  64. durchwechseln
  65. Wort zwischen “der” und “erst” wurde durchgestrichen.
  66. plüpflich = plötzlich (J.A. Schmeller, Bayerisches Wörterbuch, I,460)
  67. Links unten befindet sich eine kurze Notiz, die aber sehr schlecht lesbar ist.
  68. Links der Glosse befindet sich die handschiftliche Notiz einer anderen Hand
  69. Müßte sinngemäß “seynem” heißen.
  70. Schreiber wollte wohl “zu” schreiben.
  71. “Seynem” wurde mit “deynem” überschrieben.
  72. Zwischen den beiden Fechterfiguren befindet sich eine unleserliche Notiz, die mit anderer Hand geschrieben wurde. “man...”
  73. First written "deyner", then corrected.
  74. Abbreviatur sieht ähnlich aus wie “qd” aus, das für quondam steht (Cappelli, S306)
  75. Buchstabe g wurde mit einem f überschrieben
  76. prangen = prangen, glänzen (Hennig, S256)
  77. beiten = warten, zögern (Hennig, S24)
  78. Am unteren Rand des Blattes befindet sich der Schmuckbuchstabe B (164r), auf der darauf folgenden der Buchstabe A (164v). In cpg430 sind diese Seiten in umgekehrter Reihenfolge zu finden. Dieser Fehler läßt vermuten, daß der Zeichner die Abbildungen vertauscht hat und läßt der Schlußfolgerung zu, daß die Zeichnungen vor dem Text in die Handschift eingegangen sind.
  79. gen = geben (Deutsches Wörterbuch von Jacob und Willhelm Grimm,Bd. 5, Sp. 3342,21)
  80. gereicht zur Ehre
  81. poß = böse (Baufeld, S39)
  82. teding kommt von tedinc = (Zwei-)kampf (Henning, S236), dinc = ding (Baufeld, S52). tedingen = strafen, büßen (Baufeld, S49)
  83. nindert = keinesfalls, keineswegs, nirgendwo (Hennig, S243)
  84. Der Schreiber wollte scheinbar mit einem “v” ansetzen
  85. zäumen = gefangen nehmen (Baufeld, S254)
  86. Am Ende des Worts wurde ein Buchstabe wieder ausgestrichen
  87. Written as "Seyn" and then changed.
  88. Written as "deyn" and then changed.
  89. Corrected from "Lanck".
  90. leme = Lähmung (Hennig, S204)
  91. scharpff
  92. vürbaz = weiter, darüber hinaus (Hennig, S448)
  93. verworfen
  94. gagen = gegen: räumlich hin, zu, nach etwas (Lexer, S59/S63)
  95. stich
  96. graffeln = grabschen, greifen (Hennig, S138)
  97. Unter der Folierung 216 steht das Namenskürzel HC.
  98. Das Bild enthält die Worte: " 416 par fechter ". Scheinbar eine Zählung der abgebildeten Stücke.Eve. später von anderer Hand hinzugefügt.