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User talk:Michael Chidester/Todo

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November 12, 2009


Author: Francesco Giacomo Guglielmo and Filippo Del Serpente Alternative author name: Francesco Giacomo Guglielmo and Filippo dal Serpente Year: 1295 Language: Italian Located in: lost

Author: Marci de Kalt Alternative author name: Kálti Márk Alternative author name: Mark of Kalt Title: Chronicon pictum, Marci de Kalt, Chronica de gestis Hungarorum Alternative title: Chronica de Gestis Hungarorum Alternative title: Chronica Hungarorum Alternative title: Chronica Picta Alternative title: Chronicon Budense Alternative title: Chronium Hungariae Pictum Alternative title: Illustrated Chronicle, Mark of Kalt's Chronicle About the Deeds of the Hungarians Alternative title: Képes Krónika Alternative title: Vienna Illuminated Chronicle Year: around 1358 Images: 147 Language: Latin Located in: Országos Széchényi Könyvtár, Budapest, Hungary

Author: Ali ibn Abderrahmen ibn Hudhayl al-Andalusi Alternative author name: Ali ibn Abderrahmen ibn Hodeil al-Andalusi Year: around 1360 Language: Arabic Published: P. Geuthner, Paris, 1924 ( La parure des cavaliers et l'insigne des preux (2nd half, translated by Louis Mercier) ) Published: P. Geuthner, Paris, 1939 ( L'ornament des âmes et la devise des habitants d'el Andalus : traité de guerre sante islamique (1st half, translated by Louis Mercier) ) Published: Editora Nacional, Madrid, 1977 ( Gala de Caballeros, Blasón de Paladines, translated by M. J. Viguera )

Original: http://www.archive.org/stream/laparuredescaval00ibnh#page/n115/mode/2up

Title: Tappa Francois Year: around 1400 Language: French Located in: lost

Title: Sig. Tarcirotti Age: 14. century Language: Italian Located in: lost

Author: Borris Ferres Alternative author name: Borri Ferres Year: 1428 Language: Italian Located in: lost

Alternative author name: Duarte I (Edward), King of Portugal Title: Regimento para ap a aprender a jogar as armas de Dom Duarte, Rey do Portugal Year: 1434 Language: Portuguese

Weapons / topics: armoured fighting, fighting on horseback A book written by Eduard of Portugal, contains sections on fighting on horseback and in armour.

Author: Lippo di Bartolomeo Dardi Title: Unknown title Year: around 1434 Language: Italian Located in: lost

Filippo (or Lippo) di Bartolomeo Dardi was a fencing master of the Bolognese School from 1413 at latest. Besides teaching swordsmanship he studied astrology, astronomy and mathematics; around 1434 he earned the title of Professor of Geometry at Bologna University, as a recognition of this since then lost work, which focused on the relations between fencing and geometry.

Author: Duarte I (Edward), King of Portugal Title: Livro Da Ensinança De Bem Cavalgar Toda a Sela Year: 1438 Language: Portuguese Located in: Bibliothéque Nationale de France, Paris Published: The Chivalry Bookshelf, 2006 ( http://chivalrybookshelf.com/titles/duarte/Duarte.html )

Weapons / topics: fighting on horseback, lance A book about horsemanship and jousting.

Title: Ms.membr.I, 115 Age: 15. century Language: German Located in: lost

Author: Paris de Pueto Title: Duello Year: around 1466 Language: Italian Located in: Naples, Italy

Author: Marco d'Attendoli Title: Libro delle battaglia Year: around 1467 Language: Italian Located in: lost

Author: Jayme Pons de Majorca de Perpignan Alternative author name: Jacobus Pona de Majorca de Perpignan Alternative author name: Jacobus Pons de Majorca de Perpignan Alternative author name: Jaume Pona de Majorca de Perpignan Alternative author name: Jaume Pons de Majorca de Perpignan Alternative author name: Jayme Pona de Majorca de Perpignan Year: 1474 Language: Spanish Published: Perpinan, 1474

Author: Pedro de la Torre Alternative author name: Petrus de Turri Year: 1474 Language: Spanish Located in: lost

Author: Paride del Pozzo Title: Duello: libro de re imperatori, principi signori, gentil'homini, et de tutti armigeri, co[n]tinente disfide concordie, pace, casi accadenti, et iudicii con ragione essempli, et authoritate de poeti, historiographi, philosophi, legisti, canonisti et ecclesiastici. Opera dignissima et utilissima ad tutti li spirital gentili Year: 1478 Size: 352 pages Language: Italian Located in: Madrid Published: Vinegia, 1544

Original: http://books.google.com/books?id=ync78wL7_msC

Author: Alonso de Cartagena Title: Doctrina de los Cavalleros Year: 1487 Language: Spanish Located in: Burgos, Spain

Author: Christine de Pisan Alternative author name: Caxton (translator) Title: The fayt of armes and chyvalrye, whiche translaycyon was fynysshed the viij day of juyll the said yere (1489) was emprynted the xiiij day of juyll the next folowing Year: 1489 Language: English

Author: Ponc de Menauguerra Title: Lo Cavaller Year: 1493 Language: Spanish Located in: Valencia, Spain

Author: Pietro Moncio Title: Opere di scherma Year: 1509 Language: Italian

Mentioned by Morsicato Pallavicini and Antonio Marcelli.

Author: Pietro Monte Alternative author name: Pietro Monti Title: Escorial Alternative title: MS.A.IV.23 Year: 1509 Language: Latin Located in: Real Biblioteca Madrid

Author: Pietro Monte Alternative author name: Pietro Monti Title: De Singulari Certamine Sive Dissentione Year: around 1509 Language: Latin Located in: Milan

Author: Martin Argón Title: Proyecto de ordenanza para los armeros de córdoba: Incluímos ordenanzas para los maestros de esgrima Year: 1512 Language: Spanish

Author: Hans Burgmaier Title: Weiss Kunig Age: 16. century Language: German Published: Wien, 1799

Author: Paris de Puteo Alternative author name: Paride de Pozzo Title: Duello: libro de re, imperatori, prencipi, signori, gentil’huomini, & de tutti armigeri, continente disside, concordie, pace, casi accadenti & iudicii con ragione, essempli, et authoritate de poeti, historiographi, philosophi, legisti, canonisti, & ecclesiastici. Opera dignissima, & utilissima ad tuttigli spiriti gentil Year: 1518 Published: 1521 Published: 1523 Published: 1525 Published: 1530 Published: 1536 Published: 1540 Published: 1544

Author: Humfrey Barwick Title: A Breefe Discourse Concerning the Force and Effect of all manuall Weapons of Fire, and the Disability of the Long Bowe or Archery, in respect of others of greater force now in use Year: 1542 Size: 35 pages Language: English Published: Richard Oliffe, London, 1542

Weapons / topics: archery, firearms Original: http://www.hroarr.com/manuals/other/Barwick_Humfrey-A_breefe_discourse_concerning_the-STC-1542-3.pdf

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