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| The second is: Hold you sword next to your left leg by the pommel and with the point a little upwards against the opponent yet so that the same left foot stands forward. This is commonly called the wrath-point or equally the ox. Just that the left foot alone stands forward.
| <p>'''The second''' is: Hold you sword next to your left leg by the pommel and with the point a little upwards against the opponent yet so that the same left foot stands forward. This is commonly called the wrath-point or equally the ox. Just that the left foot alone stands forward.</p>
| Der ander ist hallt dein swert neben deinem lincken pain bey dem knopf vnd mit dem ort ain wenig übersich gegen dem mann doch das der selb linck fues vor stand das haist gewonlich der zornort oder des ochsen gleich nur allain das der linck fuß vor steet
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| The third stance is when you stand as before, then draw back-around to the right from the same left side into the speaking-window or into the position or guard from-the-roof
| <p>'''The third''' stance is when you stand as before, then draw back-around to the right from the same left side into the speaking-window or into the position or guard from-the-roof</p>
| Der dritt stand ist so dw steest wie vor so zeuch von der selben lincken seitten auf die rechten hindenherumb in das Sprechfenster oder in das leger oder huet vom tag
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| The fourth stance: Fall across from the speaking-window to the left side with the crook against<ref>alt: across</ref> your forward foot. One commonly calls this the iron-gate or the setting-on from the crook[ed-cut]. Against the right foot follows after.
| <p>'''The fourth''' stance: Fall across from the speaking-window to the left side with the crook against<ref>alt: across</ref> your forward foot. One commonly calls this the iron-gate or the setting-on from the crook[ed-cut]. Against the right foot follows after.</p>
| Der vierdt stand vall aus dem Sprechfenster auf die lincken seitten mit dem krump überzwerchs gegen deinem vorderen fues haist man gewonlich die eysenn porten oder ansetzen aus dem krump gegen dem rechten fueß wie nachuolget
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| The fifth stance is the same as before to the other side yet not crooked next to the right foot openly, not crosswise.
| <p>'''The fifth''' stance is the same as before to the other side yet not crooked next to the right foot openly, not crosswise.</p>
| Der funfft standt ist geleich wie vor auf die anderen seitten doch nit krump neben dem rechten fueß offenn nit krewz wieß
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| The sixth stance is from the nearest with the point behind from the right side thrown out across upon the ground forwards into the crook yet so that your left foot comes forwards with the point well against the man.
| <p>'''The sixth''' stance is from the nearest with the point behind from the right side thrown out across upon the ground forwards into the crook yet so that your left foot comes forwards with the point well against the man.</p>
| Der sechst standt ist aus dem nechsten mit dem ort hinten von der rechten seitten herüber geworffen in das krump fursich hinaus auf die erd doch das dein lincker fües für khum wol gegen dem mann mit dem ort
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| The seventh: From the same crook deliver a strike straight up from the left and forward and to the right with the point upon the ground well into the length and scales, not crooked. Called the plow. Others call it the fool.
| <p>'''The seventh:''' From the same crook deliver a strike straight up from the left and forward and to the right with the point upon the ground well into the length and scales, not crooked. Called the plow. Others call it the fool.</p>
| Der sibendt aus dem selben krump schlecht auf ain straich von der lincken geholt vnd auff die rechten vnd fürsich mit dem ort auff die erdenn wol in die leng vnd wag nit krump haist der pflueg etlich hayssent das den alber
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| Item. Under them all, the second, third, fourth and fifth are called the four settings-on.
| <p>Item. Under them all, the second, third, fourth and fifth are called the four settings-on.</p>
| Item vnder den allen der ander dritt vierd vnd funfft haissent die vier ansetzenn
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| Thereafter you shall note the work that goes from each stance or may commonly go at first.
| <p>Thereafter you shall note the work that goes from each stance or may commonly go at first.</p>
| Darnach soltu mercken die arbait die außyetlichem standt geet oder gewonlich geen mag Am ersten
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| [[File:Cod.I.6.2º.5_37v.jpg|300x300px|center]]
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| '''Work from the scalper, plunge or fool according to Master Hans with the after.'''
| <p>'''Work from the scalper, plunge or fool according to Master Hans with the after.'''</p>
First: Work from the scalper, plunge or fool according to Master Hans with the after. If you lay before the opponent in the scalper hanging flat as stands above and if you await the work of the opponent against you, if he will then strike-into with an over-cut to your left side or opening, then stand still and go-up straight with the thwart into the left side of his head, thereafter he<ref>alt: it</ref> is open with an unchanged sword. War if it becomes necessary to do.
| '''Arbait aus dem schaitler sturtz oder alber nach maister hansen mit dem nach'''
<p>First: Work from the scalper, plunge or fool according to Master Hans with the after. If you lay before the opponent in the scalper hanging flat as stands above and if you await the work of the opponent against you, if he will then strike-into with an over-cut to your left side or opening, then stand still and go-up straight with the thwart into the left side of his head, thereafter he<ref>alt: it</ref> is open with an unchanged sword. War if it becomes necessary to do.</p>
Am ersten Arbait aus dem schaitler sturtz oder Alber Als maister hans nent mit dem nach So dw vor dem mann ligst in dem schaitler flëch verhengt wie oben stet vnd So wartest dw des mans arbait gegen dir So er dann dir mit ainem oberhaw auf dein lincke seitten oder plös zwschlagen will So stand still vnd gee schlecht gegen ym auff mit der twir zw seinem haubt seiner lincken seitten do ist er plos mit vnuerkertem swert krieg wirt es not thun
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| The second: If he then sets upon your sword with his over-cut and strikes back around with an under-cut or otherwise to your right side, then follow-after him swiftly in-the-moment with the stance or extended sword and thrust into his face with whatever you can. War if it becomes necessary. You may well also change-through as soon as he sets-on and thrust into his right side. Thereafter strike to his left.
| The second: If he then sets upon your sword with his over-cut and strikes back around with an under-cut or otherwise to your right side, then follow-after him swiftly in-the-moment with the stance or extended sword and thrust into his face with whatever you can. War if it becomes necessary. You may well also change-through as soon as he sets-on and thrust into his right side. Thereafter strike to his left.
| Das ander Sitzt er dann mit seinem oberhaw auff dein swert vnd schlecht widerumb mit ainem vnderhaw oder sunst dir zw der rechten seitten So volge Im behent nach Indes mit dem standt oder gestracktem swert vnd stos in sein angesicht wa mit dw magst krieg wirt es not Dw magst auch wol als pald er auf sitzt durchwechseln vnd stossen zw seiner rechten seitten darnach schlag zw seiner lincken
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| => Item. In everything after as you come in<ref>alt: inside</ref> you shall remain standing thusly and not turn and work it in-the-moment, then ruin the work of another with striking or mutating however the opponent then holds himself against you.
| => Item. In everything after as you come in<ref>alt: inside</ref> you shall remain standing thusly and not turn and work it in-the-moment, then ruin the work of another with striking or mutating however the opponent then holds himself against you.
| => Item In allem nach wie dw hinain kumbst also soltu pleiben stet vnd nit verkeren vnd Indes arbaiten es aisch dan die arbait ain '''[38r]''' anders mit schlahen oder mutiren wie sich dann der man gegen dir hellt
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| The third: If you stand as before and he will change-through you then drive after and step into him and wind-in crooked to his head. War if it is necessary. For one shall wind out after crooked against all changings-through.
| The third: If you stand as before and he will change-through you then drive after and step into him and wind-in crooked to his head. War if it is necessary. For one shall wind out after crooked against all changings-through.
| Das dritt So dw steest wie vor vnd er dir durchwechseln wolt so var nach vnd trit zw ym vnd wind Im krump ein zw dem haubt krieg ists not dann gegen allen durchwechseln soll man krump winden hin nach
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| The fourth: If you stand as before and he sets-on crooked so that you shall strengthen against him, if he will then strike to the opening of your left side, then follow after him with the war and sword upon his right shoulder and lay your sword upon his neck. If he will then ward that, then ward yourself again in-the-moment with the war according to the work as it demands. War if it is necessary or always follow after him gently, so he cannot become surely free.
| The fourth: If you stand as before and he sets-on crooked so that you shall strengthen against him, if he will then strike to the opening of your left side, then follow after him with the war and sword upon his right shoulder and lay your sword upon his neck. If he will then ward that, then ward yourself again in-the-moment with the war according to the work as it demands. War if it is necessary or always follow after him gently, so he cannot become surely free.
| Das vierdt So dw steest wie vor vnd er sitzt dir krump auf das soltu stercken gegen ym will er dann dich schlahen zw der plos deiner lincken seitten so volg ym nach mit dem krieg vnd swert auf sein rechte achsel vnd leg ym dein swert an seinen hals So er dann das weren wil so wer dich aber Indes mit dem krieg wie es nach der arbait geburt krieg istz not oder volg ym lintlich nach albeg so kan er nit wol ledig werden
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| Break. But if he holds strongly, then wind yourself into him under his sword and step with your left foot behind his right and throw and with the left arm in front of his neck and if the throwing helps in no way, then you follow after him gently. But if he will wind himself out with force, then wind-in with the pommel between his arms. Break there-against, shove the elbow.
| Break. But if he holds strongly, then wind yourself into him under his sword and step with your left foot behind his right and throw and with the left arm in front of his neck and if the throwing helps in no way, then you follow after him gently. But if he will wind himself out with force, then wind-in with the pommel between his arms. Break there-against, shove the elbow.
| Bruch Hellt er aber starck so wind dich vnder seinem swert zw ym vnd hinder trit In mit dem lincken fues seiner rechten vnd wurff vnd mit dem lincken arm vorn an sein hals vnd geworffen Hillfft als nicht so dw ym lind nachuolgest wil er aber sich mit gwalt herauß winden so wind mit ym ein mit deinem knopf zwischen sein arm Bruch darwider stos den elenbogen
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| The fifth: If you stand as before and he stands against you in the thwart and with that strikes upon your sword, then follow after him in-the-moment and wind-in crooked into his head. If it is necessary to do, then break the war as before.
| The fifth: If you stand as before and he stands against you in the thwart and with that strikes upon your sword, then follow after him in-the-moment and wind-in crooked into his head. If it is necessary to do, then break the war as before.
| Das funfft So dw stest wie vor vnd er gegen dir in der twir stet vnd schlecht damit dir an dein swert so volg Im Indes nach vnd wind Im krump ein zw seinem haubt thut es not so prauch den krieg wie vor
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| The sixth: If you stand as before and if he will then stab or thrust you from the ox from his left side to your right, then in-the-moment swiftly step and wind-in crooked into the head. If it is necessary afterwards, then break the war. You may break that in all plays where it offers itself.
| The sixth: If you stand as before and if he will then stab or thrust you from the ox from his left side to your right, then in-the-moment swiftly step and wind-in crooked into the head. If it is necessary afterwards, then break the war. You may break that in all plays where it offers itself.
| Das sechst So dw stest wie vor vnd will er dann dich auß dem ochsen von seiner lincken seitten zw deiner rechten stechen ode stossen so trit resch Indes vnd wind Im krump ein zw dem kopf thut es weiter not so prauch den krieg den magstu prauchen in allen stucken wo es sich begibt
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| Cut crooked to the flat of the masters if you wish to weaken them. This is so that the crooked-cut breaks the stance with its work as you wind in his explanation in the recital. Or: Crook not, short cut. this is the changing-through or break the outer marriage there-against. But if he will make a disengaging from the thrust, then fall into the crook as before and remain standing therein.
| Cut crooked to the flat of the masters if you wish to weaken them. This is so that the crooked-cut breaks the stance with its work as you wind in his explanation in the recital. Or: Crook not, short cut. this is the changing-through or break the outer marriage there-against. But if he will make a disengaging from the thrust, then fall into the crook as before and remain standing therein.
| Haw krump zw den flechen den maistern wiltu sy swechen das ist das der krumphaw den standt pricht mit seiner arbait als dw windest in seiner auslegung in der zetl Oder krump nit kurtz haw das ist durchwechsl oder prauch die ausser mynn darwider Oder aber zucken machen wolt aus dem stos so vall in das krump wie vor vnd pleib stet dar Inn
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| Item. In all plays, if someone binds-upon you or will set-on, then you may disengage and make an under-cut into his right side and back around with the short edge into the other side
| Item. In all plays, if someone binds-upon you or will set-on, then you may disengage and make an under-cut into his right side and back around with the short edge into the other side
| Item in den stucken allen so man dir anpinden oder auf setzen will so magstu zucken vnd ain vnderhaw machen Im zw seiner rechten seitten vnd widerumb mit kurtzer schneid zü der andern seyten
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| '''Work from the second stance, the wrath-point with the after'''
| '''Work from the second stance, the wrath-point with the after'''
The first play: When you stand in the second stance as written and taught above, etc. If someone then draws-up long and wide and if he means he will strike you with an over-cut in the wrath-point from his right, then go straight up in-the-moment with the wrath-point on his throat and thrust, etc. War if it is necessary. In the thrust, go up thusly into the flat so that your thumb comes under.
The first play: When you stand in the second stance as written and taught above, etc. If someone then draws-up long and wide and if he means he will strike you with an over-cut in the wrath-point from his right, then go straight up in-the-moment with the wrath-point on his throat and thrust, etc. War if it is necessary. In the thrust, go up thusly into the flat so that your thumb comes under.
| '''Arbait aus dem anderen standt zornort mit dem nach auftails'''
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Das erst Stuck so dw steest wie oben in dem anderen standt geschriben vnd gelert ist etc So ainer dann lanck vnd weit auff zeucht vnd maint er wolle dich mit oberhaw schlahen in den zorn ort von seiner rechten So gee Indes schlecht auf mit dem zornort Im an die kelen vnd stos etc krieg ist es not gee auf in die flech also das dein dawm vnden khum in den stos
| The second: When you stand as before in the wrath-point, if he then runs and will thrust you from his left to your right side out of the ox, then step forward in-the-moment with your right foot and from your counter-thrust make a disengaging back around and make a strike with the short edge from your right shoulder to his left side. Break the war if it is necessary. In the counter, you may also mutate to his right side to the head.
| The second: When you stand as before in the wrath-point, if he then runs and will thrust you from his left to your right side out of the ox, then step forward in-the-moment with your right foot and from your counter-thrust make a disengaging back around and make a strike with the short edge from your right shoulder to his left side. Break the war if it is necessary. In the counter, you may also mutate to his right side to the head.
| Das ander So dw steest wie vor in dem zornort laufft dann er vnd will dich aber aus dem ochsen von seiner lincken zw deiner rechten seitten stossen So trit mit deinem rechten fues Indes fursich vnd mach aus deinem gegenstoss ain verzucken hindenherumb vnd mach ain straich von deiner rechten achsel zw seiner lincken seitten mit kurtzer schneid prauch den krieg ist es not dw magst auch In dem gegen Im mutiren zw seiner rechten seitten zw dem haubt
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| The third: When you stand as before and he stands forward in the speaking-window or the guard from-the-roof, then go up against him with the wrath-point into his face. If he then sets upon your sword, then you may well in-the-moment wind-in crooked with a step or as soon as he sets-upon, in-the-moment make an under-cut to his right side to the head and back around with the short edge to the other side. If it is necessary to do, then war. But if he will make an under-cut after the setting-upon, then in-the-moment swiftly step and thrust in forwards with the hands and the sword.
| The third: When you stand as before and he stands forward in the speaking-window or the guard from-the-roof, then go up against him with the wrath-point into his face. If he then sets upon your sword, then you may well in-the-moment wind-in crooked with a step or as soon as he sets-upon, in-the-moment make an under-cut to his right side to the head and back around with the short edge to the other side. If it is necessary to do, then war. But if he will make an under-cut after the setting-upon, then in-the-moment swiftly step and thrust in forwards with the hands and the sword.
| Das dritte So dw steest wie vor vnd er stet vor dir in dem Sprechfenster oder huet vom tag So gee auf gegen Im mit '''[39r]''' dem zornort in sein angesicht Sitzt er dann auf dein swert so magst wol indes mit ainem trit Im mit krump einwinden Oder als pald er auf sitz Indes ainen vnderhaw zu seiner rechten seitten machen zw dem haubt vnd widerumb mit kurtzer schneid zw der anderen seitten thut es not so krieg Wolt er aber dir ain vnderhaw machen nach dem auf sitzen So trit resch indes vnd stos mit den henden vnd swert fursich hinein
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| You may well also thrust the war after the setting-upon or before changing-through.
| You may well also thrust the war after the setting-upon or before changing-through.
| Auch magstu wol nach dem aufsitzen oder vor durchwechseln vnd stossen krieg
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| The fourth: If you stand as before and again go up with the wrath-point as before, If he then comes in against on your sword with the outer marriage, then wind-in crooked and step-in after and war if it is necessary to do or work as is taught below in the outer marriage in the recital
| The fourth: If you stand as before and again go up with the wrath-point as before, If he then comes in against on your sword with the outer marriage, then wind-in crooked and step-in after and war if it is necessary to do or work as is taught below in the outer marriage in the recital
| Das vierdt So dw stest wie vor vnd gest aber auf mit dem zornort wie vor kumpt er dann dir an dein swert engegen mit der aussern mynn so wind Im krump ein vnd trit nach in vnd krieg thut es not Oder arbait wie nidn in der ausser mynn gelert ist in der zetl
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| [[File:Cod.I.6.2º.5_39r.jpg|300x300px|center]]
| The fifth: When you stand as before and go up as before into the thrust and if he then sets upon your sword from the crooked setting-on from the right side, if he will then work to the right side, then swiftly drive after with the thrust into the war. But if he works to the left, then wind crooked against him on his sword and stand still. War into his head. Or, if you do not wish to wind, then keep staying on him with the after
| The fifth: When you stand as before and go up as before into the thrust and if he then sets upon your sword from the crooked setting-on from the right side, if he will then work to the right side, then swiftly drive after with the thrust into the war. But if he works to the left, then wind crooked against him on his sword and stand still. War into his head. Or, if you do not wish to wind, then keep staying on him with the after
| Das funfft So dw stest wie vor vnd aufgeest wie vor zw dem stos vnd sitzt er dir dann auf dein swert aus dem krumpen ansetzen von der rechten seitten Will er dir dann arbaiten zw der rechten seitten so var nach behent mit dem stoss in den krieg Arbait er aber zw der lincken so wind gegen Im krump an sein swert vnd stand still zw seinem haubt krieg Ob aber dw nit winden woltest so pleib an Im mit dem nach steet
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| '''Work from the third stance, the speaking-window, with the after'''
| '''Work from the third stance, the speaking-window, with the after'''
The first play: When you stand as in the third stance as above in the speaking-window, if someone then runs-in with force as with the window with its parrying or sword crossed-over and looks through the arms, then set-upon gently. If he then will continue to work wherever he will go, then follow after him with the war, etc. [The war] goes from both sides. Also, if the war goes from his left side, he needs to run-in crooked.
The first play: When you stand as in the third stance as above in the speaking-window, if someone then runs-in with force as with the window with its parrying or sword crossed-over and looks through the arms, then set-upon gently. If he then will continue to work wherever he will go, then follow after him with the war, etc. [The war] goes from both sides. Also, if the war goes from his left side, he needs to run-in crooked.
| '''Arbait aus dem dritten standt Sprechfenster mit dem nach'''
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Das erst stuck So dw steest wie in dem dritten standt wie oben in dem Sprechfenster Laufft dir dann ainer mit gwalt ein als mit dem fenster mit seiner versatzung oder swert überzwerchs vnd sicht durch die arm so sitz ym lintlich auf so er dann weiter arbaiten will wo er hin wil so volg ym nach mit dem krieg etc get von baiden seitten gat auch der krieg von seiner lincken seitten muß er krump einlauffen
| The second: When you stand in the speaking-window as before and he will persist with an over-cut upon you and in that throw in the point, etc. Then set-upon him again long. If he will again continue to work, then follow after him with the war as before. But if he takes-away, then you may well double. It does not go well to the other, left side.
| The second: When you stand in the speaking-window as before and he will persist with an over-cut upon you and in that throw in the point, etc. Then set-upon him again long. If he will again continue to work, then follow after him with the war as before. But if he takes-away, then you may well double. It does not go well to the other, left side.
| Das ander So dw steest in dem sprechfenster wie vor vnd er auf dich harren will mit ainem obern haw vnd verwirft in dem dir den ort ein etc so sitz aber ym lanck auf So er aber weiter arbaiten will so volg Im nach mit dem krieg wie vor nymbt er aber ab so magstu wol dupliren/ geet nit wol auf der anderen lincken seitten
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| The third: When you stand as before and he in the squinter or change upon his right side and goes up and means to strike your sword away in the weak, then you make a disengaging back around and strike him crooked upon his right side. War if it is necessary to do. The disengaging and warring goes to both sides. You may also double and mutate him wherever he disengages when it makes sense.
| The third: When you stand as before and he in the squinter or change upon his right side and goes up and means to strike your sword away in the weak, then you make a disengaging back around and strike him crooked upon his right side. War if it is necessary to do. The disengaging and warring goes to both sides. You may also double and mutate him wherever he disengages when it makes sense.
| Das dritte So dw steest wie vor vnd er in dem schilher oder wechsel auf seiner rechten seitten vnd aufget vnd maint dein swert in der sweche hinweg zeschlagen So mach dw ain zucken hindenherumb vnd schlah In krump auf sein rechte seitten krieg thut es not geet auf baiden seitten zucken vnd krieg dw magst auch wo er zuckt ym duplieren vnd mutiren wen es sich zimpt
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| The fourth: When you stand as before and he will carry-aside your sword in his going-up as before from the crooked setting-on, then disengage again as before. War if it is necessary to do and the disengaging and war goes to both sides. You may again double and mutate him if he disengages.
| The fourth: When you stand as before and he will carry-aside your sword in his going-up as before from the crooked setting-on, then disengage again as before. War if it is necessary to do and the disengaging and war goes to both sides. You may again double and mutate him if he disengages.
| Das vierde So dw steest wie vor vnd er will dir dein swert ab weisen in seinem aufgeen wie vor aus dem krumpen ansetzen so zuck aber wie vor krieg thut es not vnd geet auf baiden seitten das zucken vnd krieg Dw magst aber so er zuckt Im dupliren vnd mutiren
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| The fifth: When you stand as before in the speaking-window and he will strike-into you from his right side with an over-cut to your right opening and make a disengaging or transferal<ref>alt: misleading</ref> to your right, then, in-the-moment, follow in after him with the crook to his head, etc. War if it is necessary. Upon the other side: parry long or crooked, war.
| The fifth: When you stand as before in the speaking-window and he will strike-into you from his right side with an over-cut to your right opening and make a disengaging or transferal<ref>alt: misleading</ref> to your right, then, in-the-moment, follow in after him with the crook to his head, etc. War if it is necessary. Upon the other side: parry long or crooked, war.
| Das fünfft So dw steest wie vor in dem Sprechfenster vnd er will dir von seiner rechten seitten mit ainem ober haw zuschlahen zw deiner rechten plössen vnd macht darauf ain vertzucken oder verfuren zw deiner rechtenn so volg ym nach Indes mit dem krump ein zw seinem kopf etc krieg ist es not Auff der andern seitten versetz lang oder krump, krieg
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| [[File:Cod.I.6.2º.5_40r.jpg|300x300px|center]]
| rowspan="2" | [[File:Cod.I.6.2º.5_40r.jpg|300x300px|center]]
| '''Work from the fourth stance, the crooked setting-upon with the after.'''
| '''Work from the fourth stance, the crooked setting-upon with the after.'''
The first: When you stand in the crooked setting-on to your left side, if he then means to seek the openings of your right side with thrusts from the ox, or else strikes; then go up against him and set-aside upon his sword with a stepping-into well over<ref>alt: across</ref> his hands and await his work and war. If he will then throw you over with force, then let go so that you come to the war or strike or work-in with him into the crook and lay upon his neck.
The first: When you stand in the crooked setting-on to your left side, if he then means to seek the openings of your right side with thrusts from the ox, or else strikes; then go up against him and set-aside upon his sword with a stepping-into well over<ref>alt: across</ref> his hands and await his work and war. If he will then throw you over with force, then let go so that you come to the war or strike or work-in with him into the crook and lay upon his neck.
| '''Arbait aus dem vierden standt krump aufsetzen mit dem nach'''
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.2º.5 39v.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
Das erst So dw steest in dem krumpen ansetzen auf deiner lincken seitten So er dann von seiner lincken seitten dir maint die plossen deiner rechten seitten zesuchen mit stechen aus dem ochsen oder schlagen sunst So gee auf gegen ym vnd setz ym ab auf sein swert mit ainem zwtrit <sup>wol hinuber sein hendt</sup> vnd wart seiner arbait vnd krieg Will er dann dich mit gwalt herüber werffen so lass geen so kumbstu zw krieg oder schlagk oder arbait ym in dem krump ein vnd leg Im an den hals
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.2º.5 40r.jpg|1|lbl=40r}}
| The second: When you stand as before and he makes a disengagement from his strike or thrust to your left side, then in-the-moment run swiftly in with the under-slice into his arm well into the air. Wherever he will subsequently ascend, then follow-after him with the war.
| The second: When you stand as before and he makes a disengagement from his strike or thrust to your left side, then in-the-moment run swiftly in with the under-slice into his arm well into the air. Wherever he will subsequently ascend, then follow-after him with the war.
| Das ander So dw steest wie vor vnd er macht aus seinem schlag oder stos ain verzucken dir auf dein lincke seitten So lauff behend hinein Indes mit dem vnderen schnit wol in die höhe in sein arm wo er dann hinauf wil so volge Im nach mit dem krieg
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.2º.5 40r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| The third: When you stand as before and he cuts upon you with a free over-cut from his right side, then step into his well inside and set him aside well behind from the crooked setting-on. If he then throws your sword over, then let it go and strike and war.
| The third: When you stand as before and he cuts upon you with a free over-cut from his right side, then step into his well inside and set him aside well behind from the crooked setting-on. If he then throws your sword over, then let it go and strike and war.
| Das dritte So dw steest wie vor vnd er hawt auf dich mit ainem freyen oberhaw von seiner rechten seitten so trit zw '''[40v]''' ym wol hinein vnd setz Im ab aus dem krumpen ansetzen wol hinden würfft er dann dein swert aber herüber so lass es geen vnd schlag vnd krieg
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.2º.5 40r.jpg|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.2º.5 40v.jpg|1|lbl=40v|p=1}}
| The fourth: When you stand as before and he will act as if he will make an over-cut and disengages and will strike you to your left side, then swiftly fall into your setting-aside or going-up into the under-slice. War.
| The fourth: When you stand as before and he will act as if he will make an over-cut and disengages and will strike you to your left side, then swiftly fall into your setting-aside or going-up into the under-slice. War.
| Das vierdt So dw steest wie vor vnd er thut als will er aber ainen oberhaw machen vnd vertzucks vnd will dich zw deiner lincken seitten schlahen So vall resch in deinem absetzen oder aufgeen in den vnderen schnit krieg
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| rowspan="3" | [[File:Cod.I.6.2º.5_40v.jpg|300x300px|center]]
| The fifth: When you stand as before and he also counters you in the crooked setting-on on his right side and he goes-up and means to strike you crooked to your right side, then you may strike, set-aside, etc. and await the war. You may even also change-through well in that, etc. War if it is necessary.
| The fifth: When you stand as before and he also counters you in the crooked setting-on on his right side and he goes-up and means to strike you crooked to your right side, then you may strike, set-aside, etc. and await the war. You may even also change-through well in that, etc. War if it is necessary.
| Das funfft So dw steest wie vor vnd er auch gegen dir in dem krumpen ansetzen auf seiner rechten vnd er aufgeet vnd maint dich krump zw deiner rechten zeschlahen So machstu schlecht absetzen etc Vnd wart des kriegs Dw magst auch wol in dem gar durchwechseln etc krieg istz not
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.2º.5 40v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| Item. Often one does not find the opponent when he disengages, so one should fall in the under-slice.
| Item. Often one does not find the opponent when he disengages, so one should fall in the under-slice.
| Item als offt man den man nit findt so er zuckt so soll man vallen in den vnderen schnit
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.2º.5 40v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| [[File:Cod.I.6.2º.5_40v.jpg|300x300px|center]]
| '''Work from the fifth'''
| '''Work from the fifth'''
The first: When you stand in the crooked setting-on upon your right side and he counters you on his right and means to strike you with an over-cut, then set-aside with crooked hands and do not uncover<ref>alt: open</ref>. If he then throws you over, then again let go and strike him crooked into his right. war.
The first: When you stand in the crooked setting-on upon your right side and he counters you on his right and means to strike you with an over-cut, then set-aside with crooked hands and do not uncover<ref>alt: open</ref>. If he then throws you over, then again let go and strike him crooked into his right. war.
| '''Arbait aus dem funft'''
Das erst So dw steest in dem krumpen ansetzen auf deiner rechten seitten vnd er gegen dir auf seiner rechten vnd maint dich zeschlahen mit oberhaw so setz ab mit krumpen henden vnd thue nit auf wurfft er dann dir heruber so lass aber geen '''[41r]''' vnd schlag Im krump zw seiner rechten krieg
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| The second: When you stand in the crooked setting-on upon your right side as before and he makes a disengaging over-cut against you from his right and strikes at your to your right, then again, in-the-moment, swiftly make with the under-slice against him crooked, etc. the war is as the other, but reversed with the sides.
| The second: When you stand in the crooked setting-on upon your right side as before and he makes a disengaging over-cut against you from his right and strikes at your to your right, then again, in-the-moment, swiftly make with the under-slice against him crooked, etc. the war is as the other, but reversed with the sides.
| Das ander So dw steest wie vor in dem krumpen ansetzen auf deiner rechten seitten vnd er macht gegen dir aber von seiner rechten ain vertzuckten oberhaw vnd schlecht dir zw deiner rechten So mach gegen Im resch Indes aber mit dem vnderen schnit krump etc krieg Ist als das ander aber verkert mit der seitten
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.2º.5 41r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| The third: When you stand right as before and he runs-in from his right side with the window from under, up; then, again, set him aside and war.
| The third: When you stand right as before and he runs-in from his right side with the window from under, up; then, again, set him aside and war.
| Das dritte So dw steest recht wie vor vnd er laufft dir von seiner rechten ein mit dem venster von vnden auf so setz ym aber ab vnd krieg
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.2º.5 41r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| The fourth: When you stand as before and he runs again as before and from that makes a disengagement and will strike to your right side, then again curl the crooked slice under against him. War into him.
| The fourth: When you stand as before and he runs again as before and from that makes a disengagement and will strike to your right side, then again curl the crooked slice under against him. War into him.
| Das vierdt So dw steest wie vor vnd er laufft aber wie vor vnd macht daraus ain vertzucken vnd will dich schlagen zw deiner rechten seitten so mach aber gegen ym den krummen schnidt vnden ein zw ym krieg
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| [[File:Cod.I.6.2º.5_41r.jpg|300x300px|center]]
| rowspan="2" | [[File:Cod.I.6.2º.5_41r.jpg|300x300px|center]]
| The fifth: When you stand right as before and he [is] also in the crooked setting-on upon his right as you [are], then go against him on his sword so that you come into the outer marriage and wind-in against him in the crook and war. You may well also wait upon his work. So if he will go up, then counter him with your point, so that he runs onto the point.
| The fifth: When you stand right as before and he [is] also in the crooked setting-on upon his right as you [are], then go against him on his sword so that you come into the outer marriage and wind-in against him in the crook and war. You may well also wait upon his work. So if he will go up, then counter him with your point, so that he runs onto the point.
| Das fünfte So dw steest wie vor rechtz vnd er auch auf seiner rechten in dem krumpen ansetzen wie dw So gee gegen ym an sein swert so kumbstu in die ausser mynn vnd wind gegen ym ein in krump vnd krieg Auch magstu wol seiner arbait warten so er auf wolt geen so begegen ym mit deinem ort So laufft er an den ort
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.2º.5 41r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| '''Work from the sixth stance, the crooked-cut out forward, with the after'''
| '''Work from the sixth stance, the crooked-cut out forward, with the after'''
The first: When you stand in the crooked-cut out forward with the point upon the ground, the left foot forward and he will strike-into you with an over-cut from his right, then throw the point well out over, upon his hands. If he will then lever you up with force, then lay you sword crooked upon his neck and slice yourself from him or, with his overpowering, let [it] go around into a strike to his left. War.
The first: When you stand in the crooked-cut out forward with the point upon the ground, the left foot forward and he will strike-into you with an over-cut from his right, then throw the point well out over, upon his hands. If he will then lever you up with force, then lay you sword crooked upon his neck and slice yourself from him or, with his overpowering, let [it] go around into a strike to his left. War.
| '''Arbait aus dem sechsten standt krumphaw fursich hinaus mit dem nach'''
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.2º.5 41v.jpg|1|lbl=41v}}
Das erst So dw steest in dem krumphaw fursich hinaus mit dem ort auf der erden den lincken fues vor vnd er will dir mit ainem oberhaw zuschlagen von seiner rechten so würff Im den ort auf sein hendt hinüber wol will er dann dich mit gwalt aufwegen so leg Im dein swert krumb an sein hals vnd schneid dich von ym oder lass mit seinem überwegen vmbgen dir zw ainem schlag ym zw seiner lincken krieg
| The second: When you stand as before and he will thrust you from his left side from the ox, then, again, throw the point upon the hands as before. War. If he throws you over, etc, as before, but if he thrusts you from the right, then crook against him. but if he disengages with the shove and makes a strike from the left shoulder, then you slice up crooked into his arm.
| The second: When you stand as before and he will thrust you from his left side from the ox, then, again, throw the point upon the hands as before. War. If he throws you over, etc, as before, but if he thrusts you from the right, then crook against him. but if he disengages with the shove and makes a strike from the left shoulder, then you slice up crooked into his arm.
| Das ander So dw steest wie vor vnd er will dich von seiner lincken seitten stossen aus dem ochsen So wirff Im aber den ort auf die hend wie vor krieg Wurfft er dich herüber etc wie vor Stost er aber von der rechten So krümb gegen Im auf Zuckt er aber mit dem stos vnd macht ain schlag von lincker achsel so schneid dw krump auf in sein arm
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.2º.5 41v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| The third: when you stand as before in the crooked-cut and he [is] again in the ox upon his left side and makes a sudden withdrawal from the ox and will strike you into your left, then in-the-moment makes the open-under-slice from his right, if he disengages the slice, crook as above.
| The third: when you stand as before in the crooked-cut and he [is] again in the ox upon his left side and makes a sudden withdrawal from the ox and will strike you into your left, then in-the-moment makes the open-under-slice from his right, if he disengages the slice, crook as above.
| Das dritt so dw steest wie vor Im krumphaw vnd er aber auf seiner lincken seitten in dem ochsen vnd macht aus dem ochsen ain vertzucken vnd will dich schlagen zw deiner lincken so mach Indes den vnderen offen schnit von seiner rechten seitten Zuckt er schneid krump wie oben
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.2º.5 41v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| The fourth: When you stand as before and he will strike or set-upon from his right side from the crooked setting-on, then draw-up your sword around from your left side to the right shoulder with a step and strike into his upon his left side to the head. War, crook with the short edge or else if you will not do these, then go-up from the crooked-cut on his sword against him with open arms and set him aside and wind the point into his face, so that you come similarly as with in the scalper or in the roof or fool and thrust or go-up straight in in the crook if it is closer.
| The fourth: When you stand as before and he will strike or set-upon from his right side from the crooked setting-on, then draw-up your sword around from your left side to the right shoulder with a step and strike into his upon his left side to the head. War, crook with the short edge or else if you will not do these, then go-up from the crooked-cut on his sword against him with open arms and set him aside and wind the point into his face, so that you come similarly as with in the scalper or in the roof or fool and thrust or go-up straight in in the crook if it is closer.
| Das vierdt So dw steest wie vor vnd er will dich von seiner rechten seitten schlahen oder aufsitzen aus dem krumpen ansetzen So zeuch auf dein swert von deiner lincken seitten herumb auf die rechten achsel mit trit vnd schlag zw ym auf seine lincken seitten zum kopf krieg krum mit kurtzer schneid oder sunst Wiltu des nit thon so gee aus dem krumphaw auf an sein swert gegen Im mit offen armen vnd setz Im ab vnd den ort wind Im zw dem angesicht So khumbstu gleich mit in den schaitler oder in das dach oder alber vnd stoss Oder gang schlecht Im krump auf in yn ist neher
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.2º.5 41v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| The fifth: When you stand as before in the crooked-cut and he in the outer marriage, then also go-up against him in the outer marriage. Thereafter: work, etc. Ir go-up into the thrust, work or wind-in, etc.
| The fifth: When you stand as before in the crooked-cut and he in the outer marriage, then also go-up against him in the outer marriage. Thereafter: work, etc. Ir go-up into the thrust, work or wind-in, etc.
| Das funfft So dw steest wie vor Im krumphaw vnd er gegen dir in der ausser mynn So gee auch auf gegen im in die ausser mynn darnach arbait etc Oder geet auf in den stos so gee auch auf in den stos Arbait oder wind ein etc
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| [[File:Cod.I.6.2º.5_42r.jpg|300x300px|center]]
| rowspan="3" | [[File:Cod.I.6.2º.5_42r.jpg|300x300px|center]]
| '''Work from the seventh stance is the plow with the after'''
| '''Work from the seventh stance is the plow with the after'''
The first: When you stand in the plow with the right foot forward and he will run upon you with his sword with strike or thrust, then go straight up and set him aside, step into war, etc. It also goes in the same way with the setting-aside when he runs from his right side. War, etc.
The first: When you stand in the plow with the right foot forward and he will run upon you with his sword with strike or thrust, then go straight up and set him aside, step into war, etc. It also goes in the same way with the setting-aside when he runs from his right side. War, etc.
| '''Arbait aus dem sibenden stand ist der pflueg mit dem nach'''
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.2º.5 42r.jpg|1|lbl=42r}}
Das erst So dw steest in dem pflueg mit deinem rechten fues vor vnd er will von seiner lincken seitten auf dich mit seinem swert lauffen mit schlag oder stich So gee schlecht auf vnd setz Im ab trit zw krieg etc Also gat es auch so er laufft von seiner rechten seitten mit dem absetzen krieg etc
| The second: When you stand as before in the plow and he sets-upon upon your sword from his left with the thwart, then remain on his sword and go-up with him into the war, etc.
| The second: When you stand as before in the plow and he sets-upon upon your sword from his left with the thwart, then remain on his sword and go-up with him into the war, etc.
| Das ander So dw steest wie vor in dem pflueg vnd er sitzt dir mit der twir auf von seiner lincken auf dein swert so pleib an seinem swert vnd gee mit Im auff in den krieg etc
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.2º.5 42r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| Also do in the same way when he sets-upon you with the thwart from his right side. Execute the changing-through, if you wish, when he will set-upon or disengage in the changing-through and make a strike into his side according to the work.
| Also do in the same way when he sets-upon you with the thwart from his right side. Execute the changing-through, if you wish, when he will set-upon or disengage in the changing-through and make a strike into his side according to the work.
| Also thue auch so er mit der twir dir auf sitzt von seiner rechten seitten Treib durchwechsl ob dw wilt wann er auf sitzen wolt oder zuck in dem durchwechseln vnd mach ain straich ym zw seiner seitten nach der arbait
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.2º.5 42r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| The third: When you stand as before and he will thrust you from his right side to your right from the ox and, from that, makes a disengagement and will strike you into your left side, then you make the open-under-slice into his arm. War.
| The third: When you stand as before and he will thrust you from his right side to your right from the ox and, from that, makes a disengagement and will strike you into your left side, then you make the open-under-slice into his arm. War.
| Das dritt So dw steest wie vor vnd er will von seiner '''[42v]''' rechten seitten dich stossen aus dem ochsen auf dein rechte vnd macht darauß ain vertzucken vnd will dich zw deiner lincken seitten schlahen so mach dw den vnteren offen schnit ym in sein arm kriege
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.2º.5 42r.jpg|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.2º.5 42v.jpg|1|lbl=42v}}
| But if you do not wish to slice, then mutate. But if he is from the right, then double him. If you do not wish to slice, then break him and strike. But if he will thrust from his left side and not disengage, then wind-in crooked against him, etc. You may also go-up or set-aside into yours when he thrust upon you, also pulling and striking, etc. War.
| But if you do not wish to slice, then mutate. But if he is from the right, then double him. If you do not wish to slice, then break him and strike. But if he will thrust from his left side and not disengage, then wind-in crooked against him, etc. You may also go-up or set-aside into yours when he thrust upon you, also pulling and striking, etc. War.
| Wiltu aber nit schneiden so mutier Im Ist er aber von rechtem so duplir ym wenn dw nit schneiden wilt sunder ym prechen vnd schlahen wilt Stost er aber von seiner lincken seitten vnd nit zuckt So wind gegen ym ein krump etc Dw magst auch in deinem aufgeen oder absetzen so er auf dich stost auch zucken vnd schlahen etc krieg
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.2º.5 42v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}

Revision as of 00:07, 27 April 2016

Hans Medel von Salzburg

A play from Medel's fencing manual
Born 15th century
Died 16th century
Occupation Fencing master
Citizenship Salzburg, Germany
Movement Liechtenauer tradition
Genres Fencing manual
Language Early New High German
Manuscript(s) Codex I.6.2º.5 (1539)
Concordance by Michael Chidester
Translations Magyar fordítás

Hans Medel von Salzburg (Hans Niedel, Hans Mendel) was an early 16th century German fencing master. Salzburg is a city in northern Austria, and he seems to have operated as a burgher and Schirmmeister there from at least 1503.[1] Little else is known about this master, but he seems to have been associated with the tradition of Johannes Liechtenauer. He may have traced his lineage through Hans Seydenfaden von Erfurt, a member of the Fellowship of Liechtenauer,[2] as Medel's text is the only known source that mentions the earlier master's teachings.

Medel's name is attached to a manuscript treatise on swordsmanship from 1539, including an incomplete gloss of Liechtenauer's Recital and an addendum on fencing based on "the Seven Stances". This gloss is unique in the Liechtenauer tradition in that it not only offers direct commentary on the Recital, but also demonstrates an awareness of the earlier glosses of Sigmund Schining ain Ringeck (from which a great deal of text is lifted) and Pseudo-Peter von Danzig and even includes occasional criticisms of and corrections to their teachings. In a few places the gloss specifically describes a teaching of Hans Seydenfaden or Hans Medel, but in several more it merely attributes the teaching to "Master Hans" without indicating which one. This manuscript eventually passed into the library of Paulus Hector Mair, who bound it into the current Codex I.6.2º.5 some time after 1566.


Additional Resources


  1. Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Salzburger Landeskunde, vol. 40. Salzburg, 1900. p 177.
  2. The Fellowship of Liechtenauer is recorded in three versions of Paulus Kal's treatise: MS 1825 (1460s), Cgm 1570 (ca. 1470), and MS KK5126 (1480s).
  3. alt: right
  4. alt: side
  5. alt: defense
  6. the artist/professional doing their work
  7. alt: gladly valuing in the arts
  8. alt: gladly valuing with kindness
  9. alt: right
  10. alt: weapon
  11. eindrohen: to imminently threaten
  12. Zeck: a biting insect, ie: a tick.
  13. alt: closer, sooner
  14. this is usually the term for the severing of limbs/extremities, though can mean cutting while exiting
  15. widerschlagen: to strike against, in a reverberating sense
  16. towards
  17. severely, precisely, ruthlessly, violently
  18. videlicet: namely; to wit
  19. letz: reversed, disrupted, perverted, refuting, incorrect, twisted, unjust, left
  20. paper is damaged. only the letters 'ne' remain. There's enough room for two or three letters
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 21.4 21.5 21.6 21.7 21.8 21.9 The text here is hidden by a crease in the page.
  22. ansiegen: to return with victory
  23. glance, discern, glean
  24. Ochs
  25. likes to
  26. Ochs
  27. Ochs
  28. Can also mean "to tame or incapacitate".
  29. This is a markedly different reading of the verse from the usual: "Squint to the top of the forehead if you wish to incapacitate the hands". Hand can either mean "hand" or "side" and Medel adds "sy" which refers to the head.
  30. could also mean 'carelessly'
  31. Alternately: strongly, firmly, steadfastly.
  32. the leger or hut
  33. rappen: to gather, to snatch, to seize
  34. no apparent verb here. A similar construction appears below with the added phrase: "set-upon upon the four endings to both sides"
  35. alt: fleeing
  36. alt: wrongs, falsehoods, meanings, diminishments, mines, minings, manners, ownings, possessings.
  37. alt: exit
  38. mitmachen: join, unite, combine, participate
  39. alternately: old
  40. marginalia: 'malz' => bad, weak
  41. Or possibly "maler"
  42. Here some pages apparently have been lost, unfortunately.
  43. alt: across
  44. alt: it
  45. alt: inside
  46. alt: misleading
  47. alt: across
  48. alt: open