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- Alte Armature und Ringkunst: The Royal Danish Library Ms. Thott 290 2º (2020). Ed. by Dieter Bachmann; Michael Chidester. Somerville, MA: HEMA Bookshelf. ISBN 978-1-953683-04-5.
- Bauman's Fight Book: Augsburg University Library Ⅰ.6.4º 2 (2022). Ed. by Michael Chidester. Medford, MA: HEMA Bookshelf. ISBN 978-1-953683-27-4.
- Der Königsegger Codex. Die Fechthandschrift des Hauses Königsegg (2010). Ed. by André Schulze; Johannes Graf zu Königsegg-Aulendorf. Philipp von Zabern. ISBN 978-3-8053-3753-3.
- Espada Firme por Manoel Martins Firme (2017). Ed. by Manuel Valle; Diniz Cabreira. Santiago de Compostela: AGEA Editora. ISBN 978-84-16121-85-4.
- Kunst und Zettel im Messer: Bavarian State Library Cgm 582 (2021). Ed. by Michael Chidester. Somerville, MA: HEMA Bookshelf. ISBN 978-1-953683-16-8.
- L'Arte della Spada: Trattato di scherma dell'inizio del XVI secolo (2005). Ed. by Marco Rubboli; Luca Cesari. Rome: Il Cerchio Iniziative Editoriali.
- Libro de Armas y Doctrina para el Resguardo de los Aficionados de dicha Ciencia (2018). Ed. by Manuel Valle; Diniz Cabreira. Santiago de Compostela: AGEA Editora. ISBN 978-84-947748-8-1.
- Lições de Marte: Biblioteca da Ajuda 49-III-6(1) (2013). Ed. by Manuel Valle; Laksmy Irigoyen Regueiro. Santiago de Compostela: AGEA Editora. ISBN 978-84-16121-11-3.
- Manuscrito da espada: Biblioteca da Ajuda 49-III-6(2) (2013). Ed. by Manuel Valle; Ton Puey. Santiago de Compostela: AGEA Editora. ISBN 978-84-940366.
- Regulations of Exercises and Evolutions for the Cavalry (2018). Self-published. ISBN 9781387578399.
- Swordplay: an anonymous illustrated Dutch treatise for fencing with rapier, sword and polearms from 1595 (2015). Wheaton, IL: Freelance Academy Press. ISBN 978-1-937439-29-3.
- The Anonimo Riccardiano (2020). Self-published.
- The Fencing Art (2022). Ed. by Stephen Cheney. Self-published. ISBN 978-0-47-366116-8.
- Vienna Anonymous on Fencing: a Rapier Masterclass from the 17th Century (2019). Self-published. ISBN 978-0-359-55304-4.
- Acutt, Jay (2019). Swords, Science, and Society: German Martial Arts in the Middle Ages. Glasgow: Fallen Rook Publishing. ISBN 978-0-9934216-9-3.
- Adamson, William Charles (2011). The Nationalism of Joachim Meyer: An Analysis of German Pride in his Fighting Manual of 1570 [Unpublished thesis; paper 1286]. East Tennessee State University School of Graduate Studies.
- Agocchie, Giovanni dall (2018). The Art of Defense: on Fencing, the Joust, and Battle Formation, by Giovanni dall'Agocchie. Self-published.
- Agrippa, Camillo (2013). A Treatise on the Science of Arms, with a Philosophical Dialogue, by Camillo Agrippa: an Annotated Translation. Self-published.
- Agrippa, Camillo (2009). Fencing: A Renaissance Treatise. Ed. by Ken Mondschein. New York: Italica Press. ISBN 978-1-59910-129-3.
- Ain ringeck, Sigmund (2003). Sigmund Ringeck's Knightly Art of the Longsword. Boulder, CO: Paladin Press. ISBN 978-1-58160-410-8.
- Ain ringeck, Sigmund (2006). Sigmund Ringeck's Knightly Arts of Combat. Boulder, CO: Paladin Press. ISBN 978-1-58160-499-3.
- Alderson, Keith (2010). "." In the Service of Mars: Proceedings from the Western Martial Arts Workshop, 1999-2009. Wheaton, IL: Freelance Academy Press. ISBN 978-0-9825911-5-4.
- Alfieri, Francesco (2022). Lo Spadone. Self-published.
- Alfieri, Francesco Ferdinando (2012). La Scherma: The Art of Fencing Paperback. Pike & Shot Society. ISBN 978-1902768427.
- Alfieri, Francesco Fernando (2018). La Scherma. On Fencing, 1640 Rapier Treatise. Self-published.
- Altoni, Francesco (2024). The Monomachia: The Fencing System of Francesco Altoni. Self-published. ISBN 979-8333149688.
- Altoni, Francesco di Sandro (2007). Monomachia - Trattato dell'arte di scherma (ca. 1530). Ed. by Alessandro Battistini; Marco Rubboli; Iacopo Venni. Rome: Il Cerchio Iniziative Editoriali.
- Amberger, J. Christoph (1999). The Secret History of the Sword: Adventures in Ancient Martial Arts. Multi-Media Books. ISBN 978-1892515049.
- Anderson, Natalie (2020). "." The Medieval Tournament as Spectacle: Tourneys, Jousts and Pas d'Armes, 1100-1600. Ed. by Alan V. Murray; Karen Watts. Woodbridge: Boydell Press. ISBN 9781783275427.
- Angelini, Achille (2016). Italian Chivalric Code. Self-published. ISBN 9781329989535.
- Anglo, Sydney (2011). L'escrime, la danse et l'art de la guerre. Le livre et la représentation du mouvement. Paris: Bibliothèque nationale de France. ISBN 978-2-7177-2473-8.
- Anglo, Sydney (2008). "." Masters of Medieval and Renaissance Martial Arts. Ed. by John Clements. Boulder, CO: Paladin Press. ISBN 978-1-58160-668-3.
- Anglo, Sydney (2008). "." Masters of Medieval and Renaissance Martial Arts. Ed. by John Clements. Boulder, CO: Paladin Press. ISBN 978-1-58160-668-3.
- Anglo, Sydney (2000). The Martial Arts of Renaissance Europe. New Haven and London: Yale University Press. ISBN 978-0-300-08352-1.
- Anglo, Sydney (2012). "." The Noble Art of the Sword: Fashion and Fencing in Renaissance Europe 1520-1630. Ed. by Tobias Capwell. London: Paul Holberton. ISBN 978-0-900785-43-6.
- Auerswald, Fabian von (2020). Ringen. The wrestling art of Fabian von Auerswald. Guildam Gladiatorum s.r.o. ISBN 978-80-907193-9-2.
- Aylward, J. D. (1965). The English Master at Arms from the Twelfth to the Twentieth Century. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
- Bascetta, Carlo (1978). Sport E Giuochi : Trattati E Scritti Dal XV Al XVIII Secolo. Milan: Il Polifilo. ISBN 978-8870501223.
- Battistini, Alessandro; Iacopo Venni (2009). Trattato di scherma. Rome: Il Cerchio Iniziative Editoriali. ISBN 978-8884742162.
- Baudet, Émeline (2013). Édition du Florius, de arte luctandi, BNF lat. 11269 [Unpublished thesis]. Paris: Université Paris Sorbonne.
- Bauer, Matthias Johannes (2016). 'Der Alten Fechter gründtliche Kunst' – Das Frankfurter oder Egenolffsche Fechtbuch. Untersuchung und Edition. München: Herbert Utz Verlag. ISBN 978-3-8316-4559-6.
- Bauer, Matthias Johannes (2014). "." Das Schwert – Symbol und Waffe. Ed. by Lisa Deutscher; Mirjam Kaiser; Sixt Wetzler. Rahden: Verlag Marie Leidorf GmbH. ISBN 978-3-89646-795-9.
- Bauer, Matthias Johannes (2017). "." Die Kunst des Fechtens. Ed. by Elisabeth Vavra; Matthias Johannes Bauer. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter GmbH. ISBN 978-3-8253-6699-5.
- Bauer, Matthias Johannes (2009). Langes Schwert und Schweinespieß. Die anonyme Fechthandschrift aus den verschütteten Beständen des Historischen Archivs der Stadt Köln. Graz: Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt. ISBN 978-3-201-01920-0.
- Bauer, Matthias Johannes (2019). "." The Sword: Form and Thought. Ed. by Lisa Deutscher; Mirjam Kaiser; Sixt Wetzler. Woodbridge: Boydell Press. ISBN 9781783274277.
- Becker, Paul (2020). "." Alte Armature und Ringkunst: The Royal Danish Library Ms. Thott 290 2º. Ed. by Michael Chidester. Somerville, MA: HEMA Bookshelf. ISBN 978-1-953683-04-5.
- Bergner, Ute; Johannes Gießauf (2006). Würgegriff und Mordschlag. Die Fecht- und Ringlehre des Hans Czynner (1538). Graz: Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt. ISBN 978-3-201-01855-5.
- Besnard, Charles (2022). The Free Master of Arms. Glasgow: Fallen Rook Publishing. ISBN 978-1-913066-02-4.
- Blanes, Jerome (2014). Nicolaes Petter, the Biography. Self-published. ISBN 978-1105916694.
- Bleibrunner, Hans (1969). Das Landshuter Ringerbuch von Hans Wurm: ein farb. Blockbuch aus d. Jahre 1500. Munich: Süddeutscher Verlag.
- Bodemer, Heidemarie (2008). Das Fechtbuch. Untersuchungen zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der bildkünstlerischen Darstellung der Fechtkunst in den Fechtbüchern des mediterranen und westeuropäischen Raumes vom Mittelalter bis Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts [Unpublished dissertation]. Universität Stuttgart.
- Bradak, Benjamin 'Casper'; Brandon Heslop (2010). Lessons on the English Longsword. Boulder, CO: Paladin Press. ISBN 978-1-58160-734-5.
- Bradak, Benjamin 'Casper'; Brandon Heslop (2008). "." Masters of Medieval and Renaissance Martial Arts. Ed. by John Clements. Boulder, CO: Paladin Press. ISBN 978-1-58160-668-3.
- Bruchius, Johannes Georgius (2015). Of the Single Rapier. Glasgow: Fallen Rook Publishing. ISBN 978-0-9926735-8-1.
- Bruchius, Johannes Georgius (2018). Plates from Bruchius's Of the Single Rapier. Ed. by Reinier van Noort. Self-published.
- Bruchius, Johannes Georgius (2012). Transcription of Bruchius' Scherm- ofte Wapen-Konste. Ed. by Reinier van Noort. Self-published.
- Bueil, Jean de (2020). Jean de Bueil: Le Jouvencel. Woodbridge: Boydell Press. ISBN 9781783275403.
- Burger, Daniel (2021). "." Kunst und Zettel im Messer: Bavarian State Library Cgm 582. Ed. by Michael Chidester. Somerville, MA: HEMA Bookshelf. ISBN 978-1-953683-16-8.
- Burkart, Eric (2018). "." Killing and Being Killed: Bodies in Battle. Bielefeld: Transcript-Verlag.
- Burkart, Eric (2016). "." Late Medieval and Early Modern Fight Books. Transmission and Tradition of Martial Arts in Europe. Ed. by Daniel Jaquet; Karin Verelst; Timothy Dawson. Leiden and Boston: Brill. ISBN 978-90-04-31241-8.
- Cabreira, Diniz (2018). Há Uma Única Arte da Espada (GNM HS 3227a). Santiago de Compostela: AGEA Editora. ISBN 978-84-948682-6-9.
- Capo Ferro, Ridolfo (2004). Italian Rapier Combat: Ridolfo Capo Ferro's 'Gran Simulacro'. London: Greenhill Books. ISBN 978-1853675805.
- Capo Ferro, Ridolfo (2007). Rapier: The Art and Use of Fencing by Ridolfo Capo Ferro. SwordWorks. ISBN 978-1906512279.
- Capo Ferro, Ridolfo (2011). Ridolfo Capoferro's The Art and Practice of Fencing: A Practical Translation for the Modern Swordsman. Wheaton, IL: Freelance Academy Press. ISBN 978-0-9825911-9-2.
- Cavalcabo, Girolamo (2015). Treatise or Instruction for Fencing: By Hieronymus Calvacabo of Bologna and Patenostrier of Rome. Self-published.
- Cavazzuti, Carlo (2015). Gladiatoria. Asola: Gilgamesh Edizioni. ISBN 978-88-6867-080-1.
- Cermann, Regina (2014). "." Wege zum illuminierten Buch. Ed. by Christine Beier; Evelyn Kubina. Böhlau Publishing House.
- Cheney, Stephen (2020). Ringeck • Danzig • Lew Longsword. Self-published. ISBN 979-8649845441.
- Chidester, Michael; Dierk Hagedorn (2021). 'The Foundation and Core of All the Arts of Fighting': The Long Sword Gloss of GNM Manuscript 3227a. Somerville, MA: HEMA Bookshelf. ISBN 978-1-953683-05-2.
- Chidester, Michael (2020). "." Alte Armature und Ringkunst: The Royal Danish Library Ms. Thott 290 2º. Somerville, MA: HEMA Bookshelf. ISBN 978-1-953683-04-5.
- Chidester, Michael (2020). "." Alte Armature und Ringkunst: The Royal Danish Library Ms. Thott 290 2º. Somerville, MA: HEMA Bookshelf. ISBN 978-1-953683-04-5.
- Chidester, Michael (2022). "." Bauman's Fight Book: Augsburg University Library Ⅰ.6.4º 2. Medford, MA: HEMA Bookshelf. ISBN 978-1-953683-27-4.
- Chidester, Michael (2021). "." Kunst und Zettel im Messer: Bavarian State Library Cgm 582. Somerville, MA: HEMA Bookshelf. ISBN 978-1-953683-16-8.
- Chidester, Michael; Dierk Hagedorn (2024). Pieces of Ringeck: The Definitive Edition of the Gloss of Sigmund Ainring. Medford, MA: HEMA Bookshelf. ISBN 978-1-953683-41-0.
- Chidester, Michael (2021). The Flower of Battle: MS M 383. Somerville, MA: HEMA Bookshelf. ISBN 978-1-953683-07-6.
- Chidester, Michael (2020). The Illustrated Meyer: A Visual Reference for the 1570 Treatise of Joachim Meyer. Somerville, MA: HEMA Bookshelf. ISBN 978-1-953683-00-7.
- Chidester, Michael (2021). The Long Sword Gloss of GNM Manuscript 3227a. Somerville, MA: HEMA Bookshelf. ISBN 978-1-953683-13-7.
- Cinato, Franck; André Surprenant (2009). Le Livre de l'art du Combat: Liber de arte dimicatoria. Édition critique du Royal Armouries MS. I.33, collection Sources d'Histoire Médiévale nº39. Paris: CNRS Editions. ISBN 978-2-271-06757-9.
- Clarke, Stuart (2010). Medieval Fight Book [Television]. Wild Dream Films.
- Dancie, François (2014). The Sword of Combat or The Use of Fighting With Weapons. Self-published. ISBN 978-1291919691.
- De Filippo, Marco (2015). Le tre giornate di Marc'Antonio Pagano, gentil'huomo napoletano, d'intorno alla disciplina de l'arme et spetialmente della spada sola. Edizioni Spring. ISBN 978-88-9703-323-3.
- Di Grasso, Giacomo; Vincentio Saviolo; George Silver (1972). Three Elizabethan Fencing Manuals. Ed. by James Louis Jackson. Scholars Facsimilies & Reprint. ISBN 978-0820111070.
- Docciolini, Marco (2009). Marco Docciolini's 1601 Fencing Treatise. Ed. by Steven Reich. Self-published.
- Docciolini, Marco (2003). Trattato di scherma. Ed. by Silvio Longhi. AIMS.
- Docciolini, Marco (2017). Treatise on the Subject of Fencing: Marco Docciolini's 1601 Fencing Treatise. Lutterworth: Vulpes. ISBN 978-1910462010.
- Dom Duarte, King of Portugal (1944). Livro da ensinança de bem cavalgar toda sela que fez elrey dom Eduarte de Portugal e do Algarve e senhor de Ceuta. Ed. by Joseph M. Piel. Lisboa: Livraria Bertrand.
- Duarte (2005). The Royal Book of Jousting, Horsemanship and Knightly Combat. Highland Village, TX: Chivalry Bookshelf. ISBN 978-1-891448-11-9.
- Duarte I of Portugal (2016). The Book of Horsemanship by Duarte I of Portugal. Woodbridge: Boydell Press. ISBN 978-1783271030.
- Dupuis, Olivier (2021). "." Kunst und Zettel im Messer: Bavarian State Library Cgm 582. Ed. by Michael Chidester. Somerville, MA: HEMA Bookshelf. ISBN 978-1-953683-16-8.
- Dupuis, Olivier (2016). "." Late Medieval and Early Modern Fight Books. Transmission and Tradition of Martial Arts in Europe. Ed. by Daniel Jaquet; Karin Verelst; Timothy Dawson. Leiden and Boston: Brill. ISBN 978-90-04-31241-8.
- Dupuis, Olivier (2006). "." Maîtres & Techniques de Combat à la fin du Moyen Age et au Début de la Renaissance. Ed. by Fabrice Cognot. Paris: Association pous l'Edition et la Diffusion des Études Historiques. ISBN 2-907594-10-9.
- Dupuis, Olivier (2016). "." The Art of Sword Combat: A 1568 German Treatise on Swordsmanship. London: Frontline Books. ISBN 978-1-47387-675-0.
- Dörnhöffer, Friedrich (1910). Albrecht Dürers Fechtbuch. Vienna: F. Tempsky.
- Dörnhöffer, Friedrich (1909). "." Jahrbuch der Kunsthistorischen Sammlungen des Allerhöchsten Kaiserhauses.
- Ehlert, Trude; Rainer Leng (2003). "." Medizin in Geschichte, Philologie und Ethnologie. Königshausen & Neumann. ISBN 978-3826021763.
- Elema, Ariella (2012). Trial by Battle in France and England [Unpublished dissertation]. University of Toronto.
- Fabian, Martin (2024). Fechtbuch Fabian. Self-published. ISBN 978-80-570-6163-2.
- Fabris, Salvator (2005). Art of Dueling: Salvator Fabris' Rapier Fencing Treatise of 1606. Highland Village, TX: Chivalry Bookshelf. ISBN 978-1-891448-23-2.
- Fabris, Salvator (2016). Art of Dueling: Salvator Fabris' Rapier Fencing Treatise of 1606. Self-published.
- Fabris, Salvator (2022). Fencing or the Science of Arms: Illustrated Edition. Ed. by Michael Chidester. Somerville, MA: HEMA Bookshelf. ISBN 978-1-953683-23-6.
- Fabris, Salvator (2022). Fencing or the Science of Arms: Unillustrated Edition. Ed. by Michael Chidester. Somerville, MA: HEMA Bookshelf. ISBN 978-1-953683-21-2.
- Fabris, Salvator; Eugenio Garcia-Salmones (2010). La esgrima o la ciencia de las armas: Libro primero, 1606. Editorial Sacauntos. ISBN 978-84-937207-8-0.
- Fabris, Salvator; Eugenio Garcia-Salmones (2011). La esgrima o la ciencia de las armas: Libro segundo, 1606. Editorial Edizer. ISBN 978-84-938120-8-9.
- Falloppia, Alfonso (2009). AlfonsoFalloppia. Ed. by Steven Reich. Self-published.
- Fallows, Noel (2010). Jousting in Medieval and Renaissance Iberia. Woodbridge: Boydell Press. ISBN 978-1-84383-594-3.
- Fallows, Noel (2012). "." The Noble Art of the Sword: Fashion and Fencing in Renaissance Europe 1520-1630. Ed. by Tobias Capwell. London: Paul Holberton. ISBN 978-0-900785-43-6.
- Figueyredo, Diogo Gomes de (2013). Oplosophia e Verdadeira Destreza das Armas. Ed. by Manuel Valle; Francisco Campo Nieto. Santiago de Compostela: AGEA Editora. ISBN 978-84-941648-4-2.
- Finley, Jessica; Christian Henry Tobler (2022). "." Bauman's Fight Book: Augsburg University Library Ⅰ.6.4º 2. Ed. by Michael Chidester. Medford, MA: HEMA Bookshelf. ISBN 978-1-953683-27-4.
- Finley, Jessica (2021). "." Kunst und Zettel im Messer: Bavarian State Library Cgm 582. Ed. by Michael Chidester. Somerville, MA: HEMA Bookshelf. ISBN 978-1-953683-16-8.
- Finley, Jessica (2014). Medieval Wrestling: Modern Practice of a 15th-Century Art. Wheaton, IL: Freelance Academy Press. ISBN 978-1-9374391-1-8.
- Flatscher, Elias (2022). "." Bauman's Fight Book: Augsburg University Library Ⅰ.6.4º 2. Ed. by Michael Chidester. Medford, MA: HEMA Bookshelf. ISBN 978-1-953683-27-4.
- Fontaine, Marie-Madeleine (2000). "." Aus Biographien Sportgeschichte lernen. Festschrift zum 90. Geburtstag von Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Henze. Ed. by Arnd Krüger; Bernd Wedemeyer. Hoya: NISH.
- Fontaine, Marie-Madeleine (1991). Le condottiere Pietro del Monte, philosophe et écrivain de la Renaissance, 1457-1509. Geneva and Paris: Slatkine. ISBN 978-2051011839.
- Fontaine, Marie-Madeleine (2009). "." Les Arts de l'équitation dans l'Europe de la Renaissance: VIème colloque de l'Ecole nationale d'équitation au château d'Oiron. Ed. by Patrice Franchet d'Espèrey; Monique Chatenet; Ernest Chenière. Arles: Actes Sud.
- Fontaine, Marie-Madeleine (2015). "." Les mots de la guerre dans l'Europe de la Renaissance. Genève: Droz.
- Fontaine, Marie-Madeleine (1993). "." Parcours et recontres. Mélanges de langue, d'histoire et de littérature francaise offerts à Enea Balmas. Ed. by Paolo Carile; Giovanni Dotoli; Ana aria Raugei; Michel Simonin; Luigia Zilli. Paris: Klincksieck.
- Fontaine, Marie-Madeleine (1998). "." Passer les monts, Francais en Italie—l'Itlie en France (1494-1525). Ed. by J. Balsamo. Paris and Fiesole: Campion, Cadmo.
- Forgeng, Jeffrey L. (2021). Das Tower-Fechtbuch. Ein Meisterwerk der mittelalterlichen Kampfkunst. Damstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft.
- Forgeng, Jeffrey L. (2017). "." Die Kunst des Fechtens. Ed. by Elisabeth Vavra; Matthias Johannes Bauer. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter GmbH. ISBN 978-3-8253-6699-5.
- Forgeng, Jeffrey L. (2014). "." The Armorer's Art. Essays in honour of Stuart Pyhrr. Ed. by Donald J. La Rocca.
- Forgeng, Jeffrey L. (2012). The Illuminated Fightbook Royal Armouries Manuscript I.33. Extraordinary Editions. ISBN 978-0-9573046-0-4.
- Forgeng, Jeffrey L. (2003). The Medieval Art of Swordsmanship: A Facsimile & Translation of Europe's Oldest Personal Combat Treatise, Royal Armouries MS I.33 (Royal Armouries Monograph). Union City, CA: Chivalry Bookshelf. ISBN 1-891448-38-2.
- Forgeng, Jeffrey L. (2018). The Medieval Art of Swordsmanship: Royal Armouries MS I.33. Royal Armouries. ISBN 978-0948092855.
- Forgeng, Jeffrey L. (2012). "." The Noble Art of the Sword: Fashion and Fencing in Renaissance Europe 1520-1630. Ed. by Tobias Capwell. London: Paul Holberton. ISBN 978-0-900785-43-6.
- Franti, Adam (2021). "." Kunst und Zettel im Messer: Bavarian State Library Cgm 582. Ed. by Michael Chidester. Somerville, MA: HEMA Bookshelf. ISBN 978-1-953683-16-8.
- Fratus, Stephen (2020). With Malice and Cunning: Anonymous 16th Century Manuscript on Bolognese Swordsmanship. Self-published.
- Fritz, Falko (2021). "." Kunst und Zettel im Messer: Bavarian State Library Cgm 582. Ed. by Michael Chidester. Somerville, MA: HEMA Bookshelf. ISBN 978-1-953683-16-8.
- Galas, Matt; Eli Steenput (2011). "." Arts de Combat. Théorie et pratique en Europe XIVe-XXe siècle. Ed. by Fabrice Cognot. Paris: Association pous l'Edition et la Diffusion des Études Historiques. ISBN 2-907594-10-9.
- Garcia-Salmones, Eugenio (2009). Ridolfo Capoferro, 'Gran simulacro del arte y del uso de la esgrima', Traduccion al castellano. Editorial Sacauntos. ISBN 978-84-937207-0-4.
- Geldof, Mark Ryan (2011). Þe Herte Þe Fote Þe Eye to Accorde: Procedural Writing and Three Middle English Manuscripts of Martial Instruction [Unpublished MA dissertation]. University of Saskatchewan.
- Gevaert, Bert (2014). Heinrich von Gunterrodt. Wheaton, IL: Freelance Academy Press.
- Gevaert, Bert (2020). The True Principles of Combat: An underestimated martial arts treatise from the 16th century. Wheaton, IL: Freelance Academy Press. ISBN 978-1-937439-06-4.
- Giganti, Nicoletto (2014). Nicoletto Giganti's the School of the Sword: A New Translation by Aaron Taylor Miedema. Legacy Books Press. ISBN 978-1927537077.
- Giganti, Nicoletto (2013). The 'Lost' Second Book of Nicoletto Giganti (1608): A Rapier Fencing Treatise. Vulpes. ISBN 978-1909348318.
- Giganti, Nicoletto (2010). Venetian Rapier: The School, or Salle. Nicoletto Giganti's 1606 Rapier Fencing Curriculum. Wheaton, IL: Freelance Academy Press. ISBN 978-0-9825911-2-3.
- Godinho, Luis (2015). Arte de Esgrima. Ed. by Manuel Valle; Tim Rivera. Santiago de Compostela: AGEA Editora. ISBN 978-84-16121-26-7.
- Gotti, Roberto (2023). "." Martial Culture and Historical Martial Arts in Europe and Asia. Ed. by Hing Chao; Daniel Jaquet; Loretta Kim. Springer.
- Grassi, Giacomo di (2021). Discours sur Le maniement sûr des armes: avec un traité sur les tromperies et la façon de s’exercer soi-même pour acquérir force, jugement et rapidité. Self-published. ISBN 978-2955430071.
- Grassi, Giacomo di (2013). The Way to Employ Arms with Certainty. Self-published.
- Grenfell, Bernard P.; Arthur S. Hunt (1903). The Oxyrhynchus Papyri Part III. London: Egypt Exploration Fund.
- Grotefend, Hermann (1881). Christian Egenolff: der erste ständige Buch-drucker zu Frankfurt a.M. und seine Vorläufer. Frankfurt am Main: Adelmann.
- Guerra de la Vega, Álvaro (2023). Understanding Destreza. Ed. by Lois Spangler; Javier Bermúdez-Prado; Manuel Valle. Santiago de Compostela: AGEA Editora. ISBN 978-84-122369-6-5.
- Hagedorn, Dierk (2017). "." 'Kunst dye dich zyret' – Fechten als Mittel persönlicher und institutioneller Repräsentation. Ed. by Uwe Fiedler; Thore Wilkens. Dresden: Sandstein Verlag. ISBN 978-3954983315.
- Hagedorn, Dierk (2021). Albrecht Dürer. Das Fechtbuch. Herne: VS-Books. ISBN 9783932077500.
- Hagedorn, Dierk (2020). "." Alte Armature und Ringkunst: The Royal Danish Library Ms. Thott 290 2º. Ed. by Michael Chidester. Somerville, MA: HEMA Bookshelf. ISBN 978-1-953683-04-5.
- Hagedorn, Dierk (2022). "." Bauman's Fight Book: Augsburg University Library Ⅰ.6.4º 2. Ed. by Michael Chidester. Medford, MA: HEMA Bookshelf. ISBN 978-1-953683-27-4.
- Hagedorn, Dierk; J. Christoph Amberger (2020). Codex Amberger. Herne: VS-Books. ISBN 9783932077494.
- Hagedorn, Dierk (2023). Das Ortenburger Fechtbuch. Herne: VS-Books. ISBN 978-3-932077-53-1.
- Hagedorn, Dierk (2024). Das Spiel mit der Axt - Le Jeu de la Hache. Herne: VS-Books. ISBN 978-3-932077-54-8.
- Hagedorn, Dierk; Daniel Jaquet (2022). Dürer's Fight Book: The Genius of the German Renaissance and his Combat Treatise. Barnsley: Greenhill Books. ISBN 978-1-784438-703-7.
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