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| <p>[21] Cast over the leg in front, and break the arm when he siezes you above but doesn't grip firmly. Then grab his right hand with your right, draw him to you with your left hand and grab his elbow. Step with your left foot in front of his right and pull him over that. Or fall with your breast onto his arm and break it so.</p>
| <p>[21] Cast over the leg in front, and break the arm when he siezes you above but doesn't grip firmly. Then grab his right hand with your right, draw him to you with your left hand and grab his elbow. Step with your left foot in front of his right and pull him over that. Or fall with your breast onto his arm and break it so.</p>
| Item grifft er dich an mitt ringen vñ halt er dich dann nitt <del>fast</del> vast So begrÿff sin rechte hand mitt dine~ rechten vñ ruck in zu° dir mitt der lincken begrÿff im den elnbogen vñ schrÿtt mitt de~ lincken fu°ß für sinen rechten Vñ ruck in also darüber Oder fall im mitt der brust vff den arm vñ brich im den also
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| <p>[22] Grip his left hand with your left hand, just above the hand, and tear him to you. Strike your right arm strongly over his left arm (in the bend) and break it over your right using your left. Spring with your right foot behind his right and throw him over that.</p>
| <p>[22] Grip his left hand with your left hand, just above the hand, and tear him to you. Strike your right arm strongly over his left arm (in the bend) and break it over your right using your left. Spring with your right foot behind his right and throw him over that.</p>
| It~ grÿff mitt der lincken hand sin lincke vorne~ bÿ der hand vñ ruck in zu° dir vñ schlach din rechte~ arm mitt störck über sin lincken In das glenck der armbu~ge vnd brich mitt der lincke hannd sin lincke v~ber sin rechte~ vnd spring '''[97r]''' mitt dem rechte~ fu°ß hinde~ sinen rechten vñ wirff in also darüber ~
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| <p>[23] When he drives through under your right arm with his left arm and wants to catch you around the body, then strike with your right arm strongly from above and outside into his left elbow joint and turn away from him.</p>
| <p>[23] When he drives through under your right arm with his left arm and wants to catch you around the body, then strike with your right arm strongly from above and outside into his left elbow joint and turn away from him.</p>
| Item fört er dir mitt de~ lincken arm vnde~ dinen rechten durch vmb din lÿbe So schlach in mitt dem rechten arm starck von oben nÿde~ vsswendig in das glenck sins lincken <del>elbog</del> elnbogens vñ wend dich do mitt von Im ~
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| <p>[24] When he has you gathered in his arms and you also have him in the same way, and he stands with a straight leg. Then stamp against his straight leg, so you break his leg.</p>
| <p>[24] When he has you gathered in his arms and you also have him in the same way, and he stands with a straight leg. Then stamp against his straight leg, so you break his leg.</p>
| Item wann er dich fasst bÿ den armen vñ du in wider / stat er dañ gestrackts mitt dem fu°ß So stoß in vff daß selbig knÿ So brichst im den fu°ß
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| <p>[25] You will also thrust with the knee or foot into the testicles. But be aware that he does not catch your leg.</p>
| <p>[25] You will also thrust with the knee or foot into the testicles. But be aware that he does not catch your leg.</p>
| Item du magst im och mitt dem knÿ ode~ mitt dem fu°ß zu° den gemächten stossen / wenn es dir eben ist Aber du solt dich für sechen daß er dich bÿ dem fu°sse nitt begrÿffe ~
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| <p>[26] When he approaches you with an open hand or outstretched fingers, then try to seize a finger. Break it above, then you'll lead him to the edge of the arena,</p>
| <p>[26] When he approaches you with an open hand or outstretched fingers, then try to seize a finger. Break it above, then you'll lead him to the edge of the arena,</p>
| '''[97v]''' Item wann er nach dir grÿfft mitt offen henden oder mitt gerackten fingern So wart ob du im ainen finger begrüffen mügst Vñ brüch im den übersich Vnd für in domitt zu° dem kraÿß ~
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| <p>[27] also weaken him on this side and win ever more advantage.</p>
| <p>[27] also weaken him on this side and win ever more advantage.</p>
| Auch gewinst du Im do mitt die sÿtten an vñ sunst vill ander grosser vortail ~
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<p>With all weapons<br/>turn the point to the openings</p>
<p>With all weapons<br/>turn the point to the openings</p>
| '''<span style="color:#A40000">Der text võ aine~ lere</span>'''
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 096v.png|3|lbl=-}}
Item aller lere /<br/>
den ort gege~ der blöß köre •:
<span style="color:#A40000">Glosa</span> Daß ist daß du mitt allen drÿ wörn die zu° dem kampff gehörn allweg mitt dem ort zu° den blossen stechen solt die dir vorgenant sind / vnd sunst nicht / anders es bringt dir schaden ~~ ~~
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<p>When both javelins have been thrown and the sword fight begins, then you should before all things pay attention to the four guards with the half sword. From them stab always to his upper opening. If he then jabs or binds with your sword. Then your should immediately notice if he is hard or soft at the sword. And when you have noted that, then use the strong against him, as is described in the following.</p>
<p>When both javelins have been thrown and the sword fight begins, then you should before all things pay attention to the four guards with the half sword. From them stab always to his upper opening. If he then jabs or binds with your sword. Then your should immediately notice if he is hard or soft at the sword. And when you have noted that, then use the strong against him, as is described in the following.</p>
| '''[98r] <span style="color:#A40000">Der text wie man soll fecht~ Im schwert gegen schwert zu° kampff ~~</span>'''
Wo man von schaiden /<br/>
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schwert zucken sieht von<sup> In </sup>baiden /<br/>
So soll mã stercken<br/>
Die schutten <del>eben</del> recht eben <del>merken</del> mörcken •:  
<span style="color:#A40000">Glosa</span> Daß ist öb sÿ baide die sper verschossen hetteñ vnd solten <del>fechten</del> vechten mitt den schwertern So salt du vor allen dingen mörcken vñ wissen daß die vier hu°ten mitt dem kurczen schwert / vnd daruß stich im allweg zu° der obern blöß Sticht er dañ mitt dir glich ein ode~ bindt dir an dz schwert So salt du zu° hand mercken ob er hert oder waich am schwert ist Vñ wenn du enpfunnden hau~st So trÿb die '''[98v]''' störck gegen im die du hernach geschriben wirst sechen ~~ ~:•
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<p>Holding your sword with the right hand on the grip and the left in the middle of your sword, keeping it on your right side above your head and let the point hang down towards his face.</p>
<p>Holding your sword with the right hand on the grip and the left in the middle of your sword, keeping it on your right side above your head and let the point hang down towards his face.</p>
| '''<span style="color:#A40000">Die erst hu°t In dem ha<sup>l</sup>ben schwert ~</span>'''
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Item halt din schwert mitt de~ rechten hand bÿ der händhäbe vñ mitt de~ lincken grÿff mitten in die clingen vñ halt es neben dine~ rechten sÿtten über din haüpt vñ laß den ort vndersich hang~ dem man gegen dem gesicht ~
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| <p>[31] If he then stands in the lower guard and wants to stab you underneath, then stab down from above between the sword and his closest hand. Press the pommel underneath, wind the point on his sword under and through to his right side and set the point on him.</p>
| <p>[31] If he then stands in the lower guard and wants to stab you underneath, then stab down from above between the sword and his closest hand. Press the pommel underneath, wind the point on his sword under and through to his right side and set the point on him.</p>
| Item stätt er dañ gegen dir In der vndern hu°t Vnd will dir vnden zu° stechen So stich durch võ oben nider zwischen dem schwert vñ siner vorgesäczner hand Vñ truck den knopff vndersich vnd wind im den ort am schwert vnde~ durch gege~ sine~ recht~ sÿtten vñ secz im an ~~ ~~ ~~ ~:•~
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| <p>[32] Stab him in the face from the first guard. If he fends that off then jerk or go through with the point to the other side, just as before. When you have set the point against him then put your sword under your right armpit with the hilt on your breast and push him from you.</p>
| <p>[32] Stab him in the face from the first guard. If he fends that off then jerk or go through with the point to the other side, just as before. When you have set the point against him then put your sword under your right armpit with the hilt on your breast and push him from you.</p>
| '''[99r]''' Item stich Im vß der ersten hu°t zu° dem gesicht wert ers So zuck oder ge du~rch mitt dem stich alß vor zu° der anderen sÿtten Vñ weñ du Im hau~st angeseczt So schlach din schwert vnde~ din rechte v°chsen mitt demgehu~ltz an die brüst vñ dring in also von dir hin ~
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 098r.png|1|lbl=98r}}
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| <p>[33] Stab him in the face from the first guard, hust as before. If he puts the sword in front of him with the left hand in front and keeps the point in front of the face, and sets it sround to you. Then grip with the left hand the point of his sword and hold it tight. With your right hand stab him hard in the face. If he then wants to jerk on the sword and pull it from your hand, then suddenly let it go, so he gives you an opening. Straight away grip your sword again in the middle with your left hand and follow straight away to him.</p>
| <p>[33] Stab him in the face from the first guard, hust as before. If he puts the sword in front of him with the left hand in front and keeps the point in front of the face, and sets it sround to you. Then grip with the left hand the point of his sword and hold it tight. With your right hand stab him hard in the face. If he then wants to jerk on the sword and pull it from your hand, then suddenly let it go, so he gives you an opening. Straight away grip your sword again in the middle with your left hand and follow straight away to him.</p>
| Item mörck ain <del>aid</del> anders Stich im zu° alß vor / verseczt er vor siner lincken hannd mitt dem schwert vñ blipt dir mitt dem ort vor dem '''[99v]''' gesicht vñ will <del>diner</del> dir anseczen so begrÿff mitt de~ lincken hand sÿn schwert bÿ dem ort vnd halt daß föst vñ mitt de~ kerechten hand stich im kröffticlichen zu° den gemächten Zuckt er dann sÿn schwerst vast an sich vñ will dir daß vß der hand rissen So laß im dz schert / Vrbringe faren So gibt er sich bloß So begriff sin schwert bald mitt de~ lincken hand wider mitten in der clingen vñ folg im nach ~
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| <p>[34] If you grab his sword and he grabs yours, then let go of his sword and grip yours again in the middle with your left hand, wind the point out and over his left hand and set the point at him.</p>
| <p><br/></p>
| Item ain anders Begrÿffstu sin schwert vñ er das din So '''[100r]''' wirff sin schwert vß de~ lincken hand Vnd do mitt begrÿff daß din wide~ mitten inder clingen vnd wind im den ort ausen über sin lincke hand vñ secz im an ~~
<p>[34] If you grab his sword and he grabs yours, then let go of his sword and grip yours again in the middle with your left hand, wind the point out and over his left hand and set the point at him.</p>
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| <p>[35] Or throw the sword in front of his feet. Grab his left hand with your left hand and set an arm break, or some other wrestle on.</p>
| <p>[35] Or throw the sword in front of his feet. Grab his left hand with your left hand and set an arm break, or some other wrestle on.</p>
| Item oder wirff im din schwertt für die füsß vñ begriff sin lincke hand mit dine~ lincken vñ trÿb den arm bruch oder sunst ander Ringen ~
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| <p>[36] When you stab him to the face from the upper guard. And he with his left hand siezes your sword between your hands, then drives through with his pommel outside or inside above his left hand. Tear to your right side and set the point on him. When you do, you'll also strike him with the pommel from the upper guard.</p>
| <p>[36] When you stab him to the face from the upper guard. And he with his left hand siezes your sword between your hands, then drives through with his pommel outside or inside above his left hand. Tear to your right side and set the point on him. When you do, you'll also strike him with the pommel from the upper guard.</p>
| Item wann du Im vß der obern hu°t zu° stichst fölt er dir dann mitt der lincken hannd in din schwert zwischen dine~ baid~ henden So far im mitt dem '''[100v]''' <del>kr</del> knopff vsswendig oder Inwendig über sin lincke hannd vñ reÿß vff din rerchte sÿtten vnd secz im an au~ch magst du vsß der obern hu°t mitt dem knopff wol schlachen wann es dir eben ist ~~
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<p>Hold your sword with both hands, down to your right side, with the grip next to your knee. Your left foot will stand forward and the point shall be directed at the face of your opponent.</p>
<p>Hold your sword with both hands, down to your right side, with the grip next to your knee. Your left foot will stand forward and the point shall be directed at the face of your opponent.</p>
| '''<span style="color:#A40000">Die ander hu°tt mitt dem kurczen schwert zu° kampff</span>'''
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 099v.png|2|lbl=-}}
Merck halt din schwert mitt baiden henden vnd halt daß vndersich zu° dine~ rechten sÿtten mitt der handhäben neben dine~ rechten knÿ vñ dz din lincker fu°ß vor stee vñ din ort dem man gege~ din <del>ge</del> gesicht ~~ ~:~
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| <p>[38] When you stand in this guard and he faces you in the upper guard and wants to set it in from above (stab at you). Then stab him first and set the point on his forward hand in the opening of the flat of the hand. Or stab through over his forward hand, press down with your pommel and set him to the other side.</p>
| <p>[38] When you stand in this guard and he faces you in the upper guard and wants to set it in from above (stab at you). Then stab him first and set the point on his forward hand in the opening of the flat of the hand. Or stab through over his forward hand, press down with your pommel and set him to the other side.</p>
| '''[101r]''' It~ wenn du also steest In de~ hu°t Stet er dann gegen dir in der obern hu°t vñ will dir oben anseczen So stich du vor vñ secz im den ort für sin fürgeseczte hand zu° der blöß des teners <del>v</del> oder stich im über sin vorgeseczte~ hand durch vñ vnd din schwert vñ truck dine~ knopff gegen der erden vnd secz im an zu° der andern sÿtten ~
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 100r.png|1|lbl=100r}}
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| <p>[39] When he jabs at you from above, grab his sword with your left hand in front of his left hand, place the hilt on your breast and set the point against him.</p>
| <p>[39] When he jabs at you from above, grab his sword with your left hand in front of his left hand, place the hilt on your breast and set the point against him.</p>
| Item wañ er dir oben zu° sticht So grÿffe mitt der lincken hand sin schwert vor sine~ lincken vñ mitt der rechten secz <del>I</del> din schwert mitt dem gehülcz '''[101v]''' an din brüst vnnd secz im an ~
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<p>When you stab him from the lower guard and he stabs you from the upper guard between your forward hand and your sword and pushes his pommel down. Then go in to the upper guard and set on him at once.</p>
<p>When you stab him from the lower guard and he stabs you from the upper guard between your forward hand and your sword and pushes his pommel down. Then go in to the upper guard and set on him at once.</p>
| '''<span style="color:#A40000">Ain bruch wide~ daß durchseczen</span>'''
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 100v.png|2|lbl=-}}
Item wañ du im vß der vnder hu°t zu° stichst Stich<sup>t</sup><del>s</del> er dir vß der obern hu°t durch zwischen dine~ vorgesäczteñ hand vnd dem schwert So mörck die wil er den knopff nide~ truckt / so far vff zu° der obern hu°t vñ secz im an ~~
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| <p>[41] When you want to stab at him from the lower guard and he wants to drive through with the pommel under your sword and thus parry, then keep the point strong in front of his face and press his right hand down (underneath) then set upon him. You can also change through with the pommel and set aside his thrust.</p>
| <p>[41] When you want to stab at him from the lower guard and he wants to drive through with the pommel under your sword and thus parry, then keep the point strong in front of his face and press his right hand down (underneath) then set upon him. You can also change through with the pommel and set aside his thrust.</p>
| Item stich im zu° vß der vndern hu°t fert er dann durch mitt dem knopff vnde~ din schwert vnd will domitt abseczen So blÿb im mitt dem ort starck vor dem gesicht vnd truck Im sin gerechte hand also vnder '''[123r]''' die <del>wil</del> wÿl er durch windt vñ secz im an ~
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| <p>[42] Note: Thrust to him strongly from the lower guard to the face. If he thrusts the same way to you, grasp his sword in the center to yours with your left hand inverted and hold the two swords fast together. And go through with the pommel under his sword, with the right arm jerking it over to your right side, so that you can take his sword.</p>
| <p>[42] Note: Thrust to him strongly from the lower guard to the face. If he thrusts the same way to you, grasp his sword in the center to yours with your left hand inverted and hold the two swords fast together. And go through with the pommel under his sword, with the right arm jerking it over to your right side, so that you can take his sword.</p>
| Item stich im starck vß der vndern hu°t zu° dem gesicht Sticht er dann mitt dir glÿch ÿn So begrÿff sin schwert in der mitte zu° dem dine~ mitt lincker ver korter hand vnd halt sÿ baÿde föst zu° samen vnd far mitt dem knopff vnden durch sin schwert vnd mitt dem rechten arm rück ubersich vff din rechten sÿtten so nÿmpst du im sÿn schwert ~~
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 122r.png|2|lbl=-}}
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| <p>[43] Note: this is the counter: When he grabs your sword in the center and wants to take it away from you, note: when he has your sword held fast in his left hand, drive up into the upper guard and set upon him.</p>
| <p>[43] Note: this is the counter: When he grabs your sword in the center and wants to take it away from you, note: when he has your sword held fast in his left hand, drive up into the upper guard and set upon him.</p>
| Item also brich daß Wenn dir aine~ mitt sine~ lincken hand begrÿfft din schwert In der '''[123v]''' mitten zu° dem sinen Vñ will dir daß vsßrissen So mörck die wil er dir daß schwert fasst in die lincken hand zu° dem sine~ So far vff in die obern hu°t vnd secz im an ~~
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| <p>[44] Note: Thrust to his face from the lower guard while turning. If he displaces, zucken and thrust to his face. If he displaces, move your pommel over his right shoulder and around his neck, jumping with your right foot behind his left, and tearing him over your leg with the pommel so that he falls.</p>
| <p>[44] Note: Thrust to his face from the lower guard while turning. If he displaces, zucken and thrust to his face. If he displaces, move your pommel over his right shoulder and around his neck, jumping with your right foot behind his left, and tearing him over your leg with the pommel so that he falls.</p>
| Item stich im vsß der vndern hu°t in wendig zu° dem gesicht / verseczt er So <del>zuch</del> zuck vñ <del>schu</del> stich im vß zu° dem gesicht / verseczt er fürbaß So far im mitt dem knopff vornen über sin rechte achseln vmb den halß vñ spring mitt dem rechten fu°ß hinder sin lincken vñ ruck in mitt dem knopff über daß bain so fölt er ~
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 122v.png|2|lbl=-}}
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| <p>[45] Note: This is the counter: When he moves his pommel over your right shoulder and around your neck jumps with his right foot behind your left, grasp his left hand, And press it toward your breast, and turn from him to the right side; and throw him over your left hip.</p>
| <p>[45] Note: This is the counter: When he moves his pommel over your right shoulder and around your neck jumps with his right foot behind your left, grasp his left hand, And press it toward your breast, and turn from him to the right side; and throw him over your left hip.</p>
| '''[126r]''' Item also brich daß wer dir mitt dem knopff vorne~ vmb den halß fört vñ mitt dem rechte~ fu°ß springt hinde~ din lincken So begrÿff im sin lincke hand vñ truck die fast an die bru~st / vnd wend dich von im an die rechte~ sÿtten vñ fass in vff din lincke hu~ffe vnd wirff in für dich ~
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 125r.png|1|lbl=125r}}
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| <p>[46] Note, you will also want to strike him from the lower guard, when he likewise has you.</p>
| <p>[46] Note, you will also want to strike him from the lower guard, when he likewise has you.</p>
| Item och magst<del>u</del> du im vß der vndern hu°t wol zu° schlachen weñ es dir eben ist ~
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 125r.png|2|lbl=-}}
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<p>Hold your sword with both hands, as described before, over the left knee. And from it, break all his techniques by displacing.</p>
<p>Hold your sword with both hands, as described before, over the left knee. And from it, break all his techniques by displacing.</p>
| '''<span style="color:#A40000">Die dritt hu°tt mitt dem kurczen schwert</span>'''
Item halt din schwert mitt baÿden henden alß vor geschriben stät vñ leg es über '''[126v]''' din linckes knÿ Vñ daruff brich im alle sine stuck mitt verseczen ~
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| <p>[48] If he thrusts to your face from the upper guard, set the thrust aside to his right side with your sword in front of your left hand driving into the upper guard and setting the point upon him.</p>
| <p>[48] If he thrusts to your face from the upper guard, set the thrust aside to his right side with your sword in front of your left hand driving into the upper guard and setting the point upon him.</p>
| Item sticht er dir vß der obern hu°t zu° dem gesicht vñ seczt den stich abe mitt dem schwert vor dine~ lincken hand gege~ sine~ rechten sÿtten So <del>far</del><sup>far</sup> vff mitt dem schwert in die obern hu°t vnd secz im an ~
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 125v.png|2|lbl=-}}
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| <p>[49] Or drive up with the sword, displacing the thrust from above between your two hands. And drive with the pommel over his forward hand and with it jerk down; setting the point upon him.</p>
| <p>[49] Or drive up with the sword, displacing the thrust from above between your two hands. And drive with the pommel over his forward hand and with it jerk down; setting the point upon him.</p>
| Item oder far vff mitt de~ schwert vñ versecz den obern stich zwischen dine~ baiden henden vñ far im mitt dem knopff über sin vor geseczte hand vñ ruck domitt vndersich vñ secz im an ~
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 125v.png|3|lbl=-}}
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| <p>[50] Move the pommel over his forward hand and then back through, and jerk him down with it. You can also change through below with the pommel and set aside his thrust.</p>
| <p>[50] Move the pommel over his forward hand and then back through, and jerk him down with it. You can also change through below with the pommel and set aside his thrust.</p>
| Item far vnden durch mitt dem knopff über sin vorgeseczte hand vñ ruck domitt '''[102r]''' vndersich vñ secz im an Au~ch magst du vnden durch wechlen mitt dem knopff vñ im den stich abseczen ~~ ~~:~
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| <p>[51] Note, you wind and hereafter is described how you should do the third guard and how to strike your opponent with the pommel.</p>
| <p>[51] Note, you wind and hereafter is described how you should do the third guard and how to strike your opponent with the pommel.</p>
| Item du vindest och hernach geschriben wie du vß der drÿtten hu°t die schläg die man schlächt mitt dem knopff verseczen soll
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 101r.png|2|lbl=-}}
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<p>As above hold your sword with both hands - holding it with the grip under the right armpit and place the hilt (in) on your breast on the right, so that the point sticks out to your opponent. [In this guard you should come from all previous mentioned.] Also when you have stabbed him to the opening and fixed the point in his armour then wind the hilt constantly in front of your breast and push him from you. And don't let him detatch from your point. So he can neither stand still, hew or stab.</p>
<p>As above hold your sword with both hands - holding it with the grip under the right armpit and place the hilt (in) on your breast on the right, so that the point sticks out to your opponent. [In this guard you should come from all previous mentioned.] Also when you have stabbed him to the opening and fixed the point in his armour then wind the hilt constantly in front of your breast and push him from you. And don't let him detatch from your point. So he can neither stand still, hew or stab.</p>
| '''<span style="color:#A40000">Die vierd hu°tt mitt dem kurczen schwert zu° kampff</span>'''
Item halt dz schwert mitt baiden henden alß vor geschribe~ stät vñ halt es mitt der handhäbe vnder din rechte v°chsen vnd secz daß gehülcz vorne~ an die rechte bru~st daß der ort gege~ dem man stee Vnd in die hu°t solt du vff allen drÿen vorgenãpten '''[102v]''' hu°tten kumen Also weñ du im stichst zu° der blöß vñ dz de~ ort hafft in dem harnasch So winde allwege~ din gehu~lcz an din brust vnd dring in also von dir hinweg <del>vnl</del> vnd lauß in nitt von dem ort abkomen So mag er weder stechen noch haw°en noch schlachen ~~ ~:~
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| <p>[53] When you have applied it and he has a longer reach than you, then push him thus from you, so that the point sticks out above and is set well into the rings of the chain mail. If he has a shorter reach than you let the pommel of your sword drop to your right hip and the point will jut out above and stick in the rings, just as above. Thus press him away from you and don't release him from the sword.</p>
| <p>[53] When you have applied it and he has a longer reach than you, then push him thus from you, so that the point sticks out above and is set well into the rings of the chain mail. If he has a shorter reach than you let the pommel of your sword drop to your right hip and the point will jut out above and stick in the rings, just as above. Thus press him away from you and don't release him from the sword.</p>
| Item wañ du im hast angeseczt Ist er dañ lenger wann/du bist So dring in also von dir daß din ort übersich vff gee vñ im wol in die ringe geseczt sÿ Ist er aber kürczer dañ du bist So lauß din schwert mitt dem knopff zu° diner rechten '''[103r]''' sÿtten vnder sich ab sincken bisß vff die rechten hüffe vnd daß din ort übersich stande Vnd im in die ring wol geseczt sÿ alß vor vnd dring in also für dich vñ lauß in von dem schwert nicht abkomen ~~ ~~:~
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<p>You should in all things know the before and after. Because all skill in the fight comes from it. Take note, that you come before him with strikes and stabs, then he must move. And straight away, when he binds with his sword, set your techniques on, so he cannot get his techniques through your assult. This is the before.</p>
<p>You should in all things know the before and after. Because all skill in the fight comes from it. Take note, that you come before him with strikes and stabs, then he must move. And straight away, when he binds with his sword, set your techniques on, so he cannot get his techniques through your assult. This is the before.</p>
| '''<span style="color:#A40000">Der text von den vor vñ nach</span>'''
Vor vnd nach  die zwaÿ ding /<br/>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 102r.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 102v.png|2|lbl=102v|p=1}}
brieffe wÿßliche~ lere mitt ab spring •:
<span style="color:#A40000">Glosa</span> Das ist dz du vor allen sachen solt wissen daß vor vnd daß nach wañ vß den zwaÿen digne~ <del>gätt</del> gett alle kunst zu° kampffe Doch So gedenck daß du allweg <del>y for</del> vor '''[103v]''' komest ee dañ er Es sÿ mitt aine~ schlag ode~ mitt aine~ stich So mu°ß er dir verseczen vnd alß balde alß er mitt der vez versaczu~g an daß schwert bindt So trÿbe din stuck behentlich So mag er vor <del>dine~</del><sup>sinen</sup> stucken vor dine~ arbaÿt nicht komen Vnd daß haisst daß vor ~~ ~
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| <p>[55] The after are all pieces (breaks) against the techniques that he sets against you. When it occurs, that you must set him aside. Then from that setting aside immediately use your point to find his next opening. So you go straight away from being defensive to being offensive. This is the after.</p>
| <p>[55] The after are all pieces (breaks) against the techniques that he sets against you. When it occurs, that you must set him aside. Then from that setting aside immediately use your point to find his next opening. So you go straight away from being defensive to being offensive. This is the after.</p>
| Item hie mörck daß nach Daß sind die/brüch wide~ alle stuck die er vff dich <del>trÿbt</del> trÿpt Vnd daß ver <del>nem</del> nÿm also kumpt <del>v</del> er vor dz du im verseczen mu°st So su°ch zu° hand mitt de~ versäczüng mitt dem ort die nechsten blöß So gewinst du '''[104r]''' mitt dine~ versaczüng die arbait Vnnd dz haisst daß nach ~
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| <p>[56] You should therefore respect that in the fight/fence you take no more than a step towards or away from him. When he is faster than you and you can no longer set him aside, then go backwards one step only with your left foot and be aware that you can step back in with the left foot and set in again or seize him with the wrestle.</p>
| <p>[56] You should therefore respect that in the fight/fence you take no more than a step towards or away from him. When he is faster than you and you can no longer set him aside, then go backwards one step only with your left foot and be aware that you can step back in with the left foot and set in again or seize him with the wrestle.</p>
| Item hie solt du mörcken daß in dem kampff fechten nicht mer soll sin wann ain abtritt vnd ain zu°tritt Vnd daß vernÿm also <del>v~berilt er dich</del> überÿlt er dich daß du zu° kainer versaczung komen magst So solt du nur ain tritt zu° ruck thon mitt lincken fu°ß vnd wart wÿßlich daß du im mitt aine~ zu° tritt deß lincken fu°ß wider an seczest ode~ mitt ringen begrÿffest ~~ ~~ ~~
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 103r.png|2|lbl=-}}
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| <p>[57] {{red|b=1|The travelling after with the sword in the battle fence.}}</p>
| <p>[57] {{red|b=1|The travelling after with the sword in the battle fence.}}</p>
<p><br/>Follow all hits<br/>with strength if you will weaken him<br/>If he guards then disengage<br/>stab as he goes backward<br/>If he fights extended, <br/>then be artfully instructed</p>
<p>Follow all hits<br/>with strength if you will weaken him<br/>If he guards then disengage<br/>stab as he goes backward<br/>If he fights extended, <br/>then be artfully instructed</p>
<p>You should use the travelling after against the strong fencer, that with outstretched arms, long reach fights. But otherwise possesses nothing else from the art.</p>
<p>You should use the travelling after against the strong fencer, that with outstretched arms, long reach fights. But otherwise possesses nothing else from the art.</p>
| '''[104v] <span style="color:#A40000">Der text von Nachraÿsen mitt dem schwert zu° kampff</span>'''
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 103v.png|1|lbl=103v|p=1}}
Volge allen treffen /<br/>
den starcken wilt du sÿ treffen<br/>
Wört er so zucke /<br/>
stich wert er zu° im rucke<br/>
Öb er langk sicht /<br/>
So bÿß du künstlich bericht :
<span style="color:#A40000">Glosa</span> Daß ist die nachraÿsen solt du <del>tr</del> trÿben gege~ den starcken die do lang vñ wÿt <del>fachten</del> fecht~ vnd wöllend sunst võ rechter kunst nicht halten ~
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| <p>[58] Position yourself against him in a guard. Stands he also in a guard opposite. That if he pulls his sword, if he wants to rake or lift up to strike, then go with your point to his next opening before he can complete his strike or stab. If he comes really early before with the sword (pulls out) at the same time without aiming for your opening. Then you can jerk through suddenly. And always set the jerk on, when he only strikes at the sword. So you come to the arm breaks and to other breaks (pieces) and this is the art against those.</p>
| <p>[58] Position yourself against him in a guard. Stands he also in a guard opposite. That if he pulls his sword, if he wants to rake or lift up to strike, then go with your point to his next opening before he can complete his strike or stab. If he comes really early before with the sword (pulls out) at the same time without aiming for your opening. Then you can jerk through suddenly. And always set the jerk on, when he only strikes at the sword. So you come to the arm breaks and to other breaks (pieces) and this is the art against those.</p>
| Item gegen den schick dich also Leg dich gege~ im in ain hu°t Legt er sich dann och in aine So mörck eben wann '''[105r]''' er sin schwert an sich zücht / will stechen oder vff hept vñ will schlachen So folg im <del>bald</del> bald nach mitt dem ort zu° der nechsten blösse Ee wenn er den stich oder den schlag verbringt Wirt er dañ des anseczens gewar / vñ verseczt aber wÿt mitt de~ schwert vñ su°cht an dir kain blösß mitt dem ort So zuck aber durch vñ daß zuchen trÿb allwegen alß offt er dir mitt versäczung nach dem schwert fert / Do mitt so <del>kumst</del> kompst du och zu° den arm brüchen '''[105v]''' vnd zu° andren brüchen Vnnd daß ist die kunst wide~ alle die / die do lang vñ wÿt fecht~ zu° dem schwert vñ nicht zu° dem man ~~ ~~ ~:~
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<p>When he has set to you and pushes you back, then stab him in the palm of the hand, which holds the sword in the middle. When he the hands reversed, then stab up from below again in the same guard.</p>
<p>When he has set to you and pushes you back, then stab him in the palm of the hand, which holds the sword in the middle. When he the hands reversed, then stab up from below again in the same guard.</p>
| '''<span style="color:#A40000">Der text von anseczen</span>'''
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 104v.png|2|lbl=-}}
Grÿfft er och starcke an /<br/>
daß schiessen sigt im an :•
<span style="color:#A40000">Glosa</span> Das ist <del>wenn</del> weñ dir ainer hat angeseczt vñ dich dringet So stich In in den tener der hand do er daß schwert in de~ mitti bÿ helt oder hat er die hand vmb gewändt So stich võ oben nÿde~ aber in die selbige~ hu°t
Line 2,285: Line 2,271:
| <p>[60] Or stab him into the arm, in from behind the glove (gauntlet), and when the stab fits, then step to the front, then you open this side and moreover win the advantage.</p>
| <p>[60] Or stab him into the arm, in from behind the glove (gauntlet), and when the stab fits, then step to the front, then you open this side and moreover win the advantage.</p>
| Oder '''[106r]''' stich <del>v</del> im vff sine~ arm hinde~ in den händschu°ch Vñ wann der stich hafft So lauff für dich So gewinst du im die sÿtten an vñ sunst ain groß vortel
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 104v.png|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 105r.png|1|lbl=105r|p=1}}
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| <p>[61] Or stab through over his forward hand and press down from above. Place your hilt on your breast and set to him.</p>
| <p>[61] Or stab through over his forward hand and press down from above. Place your hilt on your breast and set to him.</p>
| Oder stich im durch über sin vorgesaczte~ hand vñ din schwert von oben nide~ vñ secz din gehülcz an din bru~st vñ secz im an ~
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 105r.png|2|lbl=-}}
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| <p>[62] When he has set to your leftarmpit, then step back with the left foot, therefore his point goes under with it. But yours stays fixed. You can also increase your sword's reach, when you set your pommel against your breast.</p>
| <p>[62] When he has set to your leftarmpit, then step back with the left foot, therefore his point goes under with it. But yours stays fixed. You can also increase your sword's reach, when you set your pommel against your breast.</p>
| Item hat er dir dann angeseczet an din lincke achsel So tritt zu° rucke mitt dem hncken fu°ß / So gatt sin ort abe Vnd der din haffte Auch magst du din schwert erlenge~ wann du mitt dem ringen dinem '''[106v]''' knopff für dich zuckest an din bru~st ~~ ~~:~~:~
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<p>The "percussive point" is the strike with the pommel. When he comes over with a strong strike in this way, then hold the sword over your left knee in the lower guard. If he then strikes to your head - and is a strong man - then strike his strike with your swoord in front of your left hand over to his right. And drive in with the sword in the upper guard. The second defence: If he is as weak as you, then step into him, catch the strike on your sword between your hands and set your point at his face.</p>
<p>The "percussive point" is the strike with the pommel. When he comes over with a strong strike in this way, then hold the sword over your left knee in the lower guard. If he then strikes to your head - and is a strong man - then strike his strike with your swoord in front of your left hand over to his right. And drive in with the sword in the upper guard. The second defence: If he is as weak as you, then step into him, catch the strike on your sword between your hands and set your point at his face.</p>
| '''<span style="color:#A40000">Der text wie man die schlege verseczen soll ~</span>'''
<br/>Mitt sinem schlachende~ ort /<br/>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 105v.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 106r.png|1|lbl=106r|p=1}}
schüczt er sich trifft one forcht<br/>
Mitt baiden henden /<br/>
den ort zu° den au°gen lere wenden •:~
<span style="color:#A40000">Glosa</span> Mörck der knopff ist der schla<del>c</del>hent ort / Will er dich domitt überlauffen mitt starcken schlegen So halt din schwert über din lincke knÿ vñ in der hu°t Schlecht er dir dañ zu° dem haupt Vñ ist ain starcker mañe So streÿch im den schlag ab mitt dem schwert vor dine~ lincken hand '''[107r]''' gegen sine~ rechten sÿtten / Vñ far vff am schwert in die öbern hu°t Oderist er schweche~ dann du bist So tritt im frischlich ein vñ fach den schlach zwische~ baÿden henden in din schwert vñ secz im den ort Inn daß gesicht ~~
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| <p>[64] When you catch the pommel strike in the middle of your sword under the hilt, then tear over with your pommel to your right side, then you'll take his sword.</p>
| <p>[64] When you catch the pommel strike in the middle of your sword under the hilt, then tear over with your pommel to your right side, then you'll take his sword.</p>
| It~ wenn du den schlag mitt dem knopff fächst mitten in din schwert so far mitt dem knopff über sin schwert vorne~ bÿ dem gehülcz vñ ruck domit übersich vff din rechte sÿtten So nÿmst du Im <del>im</del> im sin schwert ~
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 106r.png|2|lbl=-}}
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| <p>[65] If he strikes to your left knee, then catch the strike between your hands so that your pommel juts down and drive the pommel through under his sword and tear it up on your right side, so you tear the sword from his hands.</p>
| <p>[65] If he strikes to your left knee, then catch the strike between your hands so that your pommel juts down and drive the pommel through under his sword and tear it up on your right side, so you tear the sword from his hands.</p>
| It~ schlecht er dir zu° dem '''[107v]''' <del>kopff mit dem</del> lincken knÿ So fach den schlag zwischen dine~ henden In daß schwert daß der knopff zu° der erde~ hang Vñ far mitt de~ knopff vnden durch sin schwert vorne~ bÿ dem gehülcz vñ ruck übersich vff din rechten sÿtten So <del>ruck</del> ruckst im sin schwert vsß den henden~~
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| <p>[66] If he strikes underneath at your foot then strike down against his strike with your pommel. Then jump to him and wrestle.</p>
| <p>[66] If he strikes underneath at your foot then strike down against his strike with your pommel. Then jump to him and wrestle.</p>
| Item oder schlecht <del>er</del> er dir mitt dem knopff / vñ nach dem fu°ß wirff din schwert mitt dem knopff zu° diner lincken sÿtten in die erden gegen sine~ schlag vñ spring do mitt zu° im Vnnd wart der '''[108r]''' ringen ~~
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| <p>[67] When you hold your sword on your right side in the lower guard, and he strikes with the pommel to your point, and takes it out wide. Then straight way jump near to him, so that he strikes over beyond you - at the same time you cannot pass - and set the point on him.</p>
| <p>[67] When you hold your sword on your right side in the lower guard, and he strikes with the pommel to your point, and takes it out wide. Then straight way jump near to him, so that he strikes over beyond you - at the same time you cannot pass - and set the point on him.</p>
| Item wañ du häst din schwert neben dine~ rechten sÿtten In der vndern hu°t Schlecht er dir dañ mitt dem knopff nach dem ort vñ lausst in wÿt vmb dich lauffen So spring die wil künlich zu° im So schlecht er mitt dem knopff überdich daß ist dir nicht schädlich Vnd secz Im an ~~
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 107r.png|2|lbl=-}}
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| <p>[68] You will always use travelling after and setting in, whilst he draws out with the pommel.</p>
| <p>[68] You will always use travelling after and setting in, whilst he draws out with the pommel.</p>
| Item och magst du Im nach raÿsen vñ an secze~ wo du wilt die wil er den knopff also wÿt lasst vmb sich lauffen ~~ ~
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 107r.png|3|lbl=-}}
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<p>When you strike with the pommel, then you should aim at all his extremities that he sets forward. When you would strike, then hold your sword in the guard over your head and do so, as if you where going to stab him in the face. Then release the sword with your right hand and grab the blade next to your left. Strike with the pommel to his forward foot or his forward hand, whilst he holds the sword on the blade. You will also strike from the right lower guard.</p>
<p>When you strike with the pommel, then you should aim at all his extremities that he sets forward. When you would strike, then hold your sword in the guard over your head and do so, as if you where going to stab him in the face. Then release the sword with your right hand and grab the blade next to your left. Strike with the pommel to his forward foot or his forward hand, whilst he holds the sword on the blade. You will also strike from the right lower guard.</p>
| '''[108v] <span style="color:#A40000">Der text von de~ schlege~ mitt dem knopff</span>'''
De<del>ß</del>ß fordern fu°ß /<br/>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 107v.png|1|lbl=107v|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 108r.png|1|lbl=108r|p=1}}
mitt schlegen du hietten müst
<span style="color:#A40000">Glosa</span> Weñ du mitt dem knopff schlachen wilt So solt du do mitt gar eben remen siner vorgesäczten glider Vñ daß vernÿm also Wann du schlachen wilt So halt din schwert in der hu°t über din hau~pt vñ thu° alß du im in daß gesicht an wöllest seczen Vnnd lauß din schwert farn vß der rechten hannd / vñ kom do mitt de~ lincken zu° hilff mitte~ in die clingen vñ schlach in mitt dem knopff zu° dem '''[109r]''' fürgeseczten fu°ß oder zu° siner fürgeseczter hand do er daß schwert in der mitte da mitt helt Also magst du vß der vndere hu°t von der rechten sÿtten auch schlachen ~~
Line 2,373: Line 2,355:
| <p>[70] Beware therefore if he strikes to your forward knee or forward hand and set him aside with the pieces described earlier so that he cannot hurt you.</p>
| <p>[70] Beware therefore if he strikes to your forward knee or forward hand and set him aside with the pieces described earlier so that he cannot hurt you.</p>
| Item du solt och gar eben fürsechen wann er dir mitt dem knopff zu° dine~ vorgesaczten knÿ oder zu° dine~ fürgesäczter hand schlecht Daß du im den schlag also versecztest mitt den vor geschribne~ brüche~ daß er dir nitt schaden müge ~ ~~ ~~ ~
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 108r.png|2|lbl=-}}

Revision as of 02:43, 10 May 2015

Sigmund Schining ein Ringeck
Born date of birth unknown
Died before 1470
Occupation Fencing master
Nationality German
Patron Albrecht, Duke of Bavaria
Movement Society of Liechtenauer
Influences Johannes Liechtenauer
Genres Fencing manual
Language Early New High German
Archetype(s) Hypothetical
First printed
english edition
Tobler, 2001
Concordance by Michael Chidester

Sigmund Schining ein Ringeck (Sigmund ain Ringeck, Sigmund Amring, Sigmund Einring, Sigmund Schining) was a 14th or 15th century German fencing master. While the meaning of the surname "Schining" is uncertain, the suffix "ain Ringeck" may indicate that he came from the Rhineland region of south-eastern Germany. He is named in the text as Schirmaister to Albrecht, Count Palatine of Rhine and Duke of Bavaria. Other than this, the only thing that can be determined about his life is that his renown as a master was sufficient for Paulus Kal to include him on his memorial to the deceased masters of the Society of Liechtenauer in 1470.[1]

The identity of Ringeck's patron remains unclear, as four men named Albrecht held the title during the fifteenth century. If it is Albrecht I, who reigned from 1353 to 1404, this would signify that Ringeck was likely a direct associate or student of the grand master Johannes Liechtenauer. However, it may just as easily have been Albrecht III, who carried the title from 1438 to 1460, making Ringeck potentially a second-generation master carrying on the tradition.[2] Albrecht IV claimed the title in 1460 and thus also could have been Ringeck's patron; this seems somewhat less likely in light of Ringeck's apparent death within that same decade, meaning the master would have had to have penned his treatise in the final few years of his life. In its favor, however, is the fact that Albrecht IV lived until 1508 and so both the Dresden and Glasgow versions of the text were likely created during his reign.

Ringeck is often erroneously credited as the author of the MS Dresd.C.487. While Ringeck was the author of one of the core texts, a complete gloss of Liechtenauer's Recital on unarmored longsword fencing, and perhaps also the anonymous glosses of his armored and mounted fencing, the manuscript contains an assortment of treatises by several different masters in the tradition (not just Ringeck), and it is currently thought to have been composed in the early 16th century[3] (well after the master's lifetime). Regardless, the fact that he authored one of the few glosses of Liechtenauer's verse makes Ringeck one of the most important masters of the 15th century.

While it was not duplicated nearly as often as the more famous gloss of Pseudo-Peter von Danzig, Ringeck's work nevertheless seems to have had a lasting influence. Not only was it reproduced by Joachim Meÿer in his final manuscript (left unifinished at his death in 1571), but in 1539 Hans Medel von Salzburg took it upon himself to create an update and revision of Ringeck's Bloßfechten gloss, integrating his own commentary in many places.


Additional Resources

  • Lindholm, David and Svard, Peter. Sigmund Ringeck's Knightly Art of the Longsword. Boulder, CO: Paladin Press, 2003. ISBN 978-1-58160-410-8
  • Lindholm, David and Svard, Peter. Sigmund Ringeck's Knightly Arts of Combat: Sword-and-Buckler Fighting, Wrestling, and Fighting in Armor. Boulder, CO: Paladin Press, 2006. ISBN 978-1-58160-499-3
  • Tobler, Christian Henry. Secrets of German Medieval Swordsmanship. Highland Village, TX: Chivalry Bookshelf, 2001. ISBN 1-891448-07-2
  • Żabiński, Grzegorz. The Longsword Teachings of Master Liechtenauer. The Early Sixteenth Century Swordsmanship Comments in the "Goliath" Manuscript. Poland: Adam Marshall, 2010. ISBN 978-83-7611-662-4


  1. Paulus Kal. Untitled [manuscript]. Cgm 1507. Munich, Germany: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, 1470.
  2. Christian Henry Tobler. "Chicken and Eggs: Which Master Came First?" In Saint George's Name: An Anthology of Medieval German Fighting Arts. Wheaton, IL: Freelance Academy Press, 2010.
  3. Werner J. Hoffmann. "Dresden, Landesbibl., Mscr. C 487". Handschriftencensus. Eine Bestandsaufnahme der handschriftlichen Überlieferung deutschsprachiger Texte des Mittelalters. August, 2010. Retrieved 5 July 2012.
  4. The phrase "and pictured" is omitted from the Dresden.
  5. Corrected from »am«.
  6. 6.0 6.1 Line is omitted from the Dresden.
  7. darhauen: To chop down, to fell
  8. lit: cut the cuts
  9. D. Zeck: Tick. R. Zeckruhr: Insect bites
  10. Possibly: `strongly desire to execute`
  11. "Komp" added below the line in a different hand.
  12. Corrected from »seiner«.
  13. Corrected from »dem«.
  14. Corrected from »dim«.
  15. Corrected from »rechtem«.
  16. Corrected from »sinem«.
  17. The word »es« is almost illegible.
  18. Corrected from »ausgerattñ«.
  19. Corrected from »dem«.
  20. Corrected from »dim«.
  21. Corrected from »dinem«.