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(Undo revision 84051 by Michael Chidester (talk))
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! <p>[[Fechtbuch zu Ross und zu Fuss (MS Var.82)|Rostock Version]] (1570)<br/>by [[Hans Talhoffer (Blogger)|Anonymous]]</p>
! <p>[[Fechtbuch zu Ross und zu Fuss (MS Var.82)|Rostock Version]] (1570)<br/>by [[Hans Talhoffer (Blogger)|Anonymous]]</p>
<section end="credits1"/>
<section end="credits1"/>
| [1] '''<span style="color:#cc0000;">Here begins the gloss and the interpretation of the Epitome of the Long Sword</span>'''
This has been composed and created by Johannes Liechtenauer, the one High Master in the Art, may God be gracious to him, so that princes and lords and knights and soldiers shall know and learn that which pertains to the Art. Therefore he has allowed the Epitome to be written with secret and suspicious words, so that not every man shall undertake and understand them. And he has done that so the Epitome’s Art will little concern the reckless Fencing-Masters, so that from the same Masters his Art is not openly presented or shall become common. And the same secret and suspicious words of the Epitome that stand hereafter, the glosses teach and explain thus, so that everyone who otherwise can fence may well undertake and understand them.
| '''[9v] <span style="color:#cc0000;">Alhÿe hebt sich an die Glos vnd die auslegu~g der zedel des langen swertz</span>'''
Die gedicht vnd gemacht hat Johannes liechtenauer der ein hoher maister in der kunst gewesen ist dem got genädig sey vnd dar vmb das die kunst fürsten vnd herren Ritt° vnd knechten zu° gehört das sÿ die wissen vnd lernen sullen Dar vmb hat er sÿ lassñ schreiben mit verporgen vnd verdachten worten das sÿ ÿeder man nicht vernemen vnd versten sol vnd hat das getan durch der leichtfertigen schirmaister willen die ir kunst gering wegen das von den selbigen maisterñ sein kunst nicht geoffenwart noch gemein solt werden vnd die selbigen verporgen vnd verdackten wort der zedel die stenn hernach in der glosen Also verklert vnd aus gelegt das sÿ ydermann wol vernemen vnd versten mag der do anders fechten kan
| '''[1r] <span style="color:#cc0000;">Maister liechtennawers kunst</span>'''
| '''[106r] Hie hebt sich an die zetl der ritterlichen chunst des fechtens'''
die geticht vnd gemacht hat hanns liechtenauer der ein hocher maister in den künst[e]n gewessenn ist dem got genadig sey des ersten mit dem lanngen swert darnach mit dem spies vnd darnach mit dem swert zw ross vnd darnach mit dem kurczen swert zw ross kampf vnd dar vmb das die kunnst fürsten vnd herr[e]nn rittern vnd chnechten zw gehort das sy wissenn vnd lernen sullenn so hat er die ritterlichen chunst yedleich pesunder lassen schreibenn mit verporgen vnd verdackten worten dar umb das Sy yeder man nit versten müg vnd hat das getan durch der schirmmaister willen die ir chunst ring wegen das von den selbm sein chunst nit ge offenwart werd lewtt[e]n die die chunst nicht in wierden chünen haldenn als den chunnsten zue gehört
| '''[71r] Nachuolget ferrer ein kurtzer bericht auf die vorbemelten Stend Im Schwert'''
| '''[71r] Nachuolget ferrer ein kurtzer bericht auf die vorbemelten Stend Im Schwert'''
| [2] <span style="color:#cc0000;">Here mark what the red writing in the beginning of the hereafter described techniques is:</span> that is the text of secret words of the Epitome of the Long Sword. And always the next black writing script is the gloss and the explanation of the secret and suspicious words of the Epitome.
| <span style="color:#cc0000;">Hÿe merck eben auff was im anfang der hernachgeschriben stuck mit rot geschribñ ist</span> das ist der text der verporgen wort der zedel des langen swertz vnd albeg die nachst swartz geschribñ schrifft das ist die glos vnd die aus legu~g der verporgen vnd verdachten wort der zedel
| [[File:Cod.44.A.8 2v.jpg|250px|center]]
| [[File:Cod.44.A.8 2v.jpg|250px|center]]
Line 130: Line 168:
Dar auff dich fasse <br />
Dar auff dich fasse <br />
Alle kunst haben leng vnd masse
Alle kunst haben leng vnd masse
| '''[1r] <span style="color:#cc0000;">Maister liechtennawers kunst</span>'''
| <br />
Ju°nck ritter lern<br />
Ju°nck ritter lern<br />
got lieb hab frawen<br />
got lieb hab frawen<br />
Line 159: Line 197:
| '''[71r] Nachuolget ferrer ein kurtzer bericht auf die vorbemelten Stend Im Schwert'''
| <br />
'''[84r] Junng Ritter''' Leren<br />
'''[84r] Junng Ritter''' Leren<br />
Got lieb haben / frawen <br />
Got lieb haben / frawen <br />
Line 173: Line 211:
lasse hengen. vnnd lasse far / <br />
lasse hengen. vnnd lasse far / <br />
das man dein weysz / <br />
das man dein weysz / <br />
mög Maisterlichen Preysz.
mög Maisterlichen Preysz.
| '''[71r] Nachuolget ferrer ein kurtzer bericht auf die vorbemelten Stend Im Schwert'''
| <br />
Jung ritter leren <br />
Jung ritter leren <br />
Got liebhaben / frawenn <br />
Got liebhaben / frawenn <br />
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| [[File:MS Germ.Quart.2020 016v.jpg|250px|center]]
| rowspan="2" | [[File:MS Germ.Quart.2020 016v.jpg|250px|center]]
| [39] '''<span style="color:#cc0000;">Another:</span>'''
| [39] '''<span style="color:#cc0000;">Another:</span>'''
Mark, if he hews you with the long edge in to your head from above his left shoulder, and you do likewise, again if he then remains Strong on the sword, then quickly drive up with the arms and strike in behind his sword’s blade with the short edge on his head.
Mark, if he hews you with the long edge in to your head from above his left shoulder, and you do likewise, again if he then remains Strong on the sword, then quickly drive up with the arms and strike in behind his sword’s blade with the short edge on his head.
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| rowspan="2" | [[File:MS Germ.Quart.2020 017v.jpg|250px|center]]
| ''Thus you have learned to bring your sword to the War and pass through it.''
| [40] '''<span style="color:#cc0000;">Here mark how one shall drive the Mutating to both sides:</span>'''
Mark, when you hew strongly on him from above your right shoulder to the head, if he parries and is Soft on the sword, then Wind on your left side with your short edge on his sword and drive well up with the arms, and drive in with your sword’s blade above over his sword and stab into the lower opening.  
| '''<span style="color:#cc0000;">Hie merck wie man das mutirñ treibñ solt zw paiden seiten</span>'''
Merck wenn dw ym von deiner rechten achsel oben starck ein haust zw dem kopff vor setzt er vnd ist waich am swert So wind auff dein lincke seitten die kurtz schneid an sein swert vnd var wol auff mit den armen vnd var ÿm mit deiner swertz klingen oben vber sein swert vnd stich ÿm zu der underñ plöss
| '''[13r]''' Item das mutiren treibe also  
<br />wenn du Im von deiner rechten achseln oben starck ein hewest Versetzt er vnd ist waich Im swertt So winde auf dein lincke seitten die kurtz sneiden an sein swert vnd var wol auf mit den armen vnd heng Im den ort oben über sein swert vnd far damit den armen vnd stich Im zu der andern plösse etc.
| '''[16v]''' Des habß gelehrt, wirt dein schwert zu Krigken / und duc [Schlag] gehen
| Das mutiern treybenn zw paidn seyt[e]n
<br />wenn dw im von deiner rechten achsel obenn starck ein haust zw dem chopf ver seczt er vnd ist waich am swert So wind auf dein rechte seytenn die churcz sneyd an sein swert vnnd far wol auf mit den armen vnd heng im denn ort obenn vber sein swert vnnd stich im zw der vndernn pless
| Itm~ daß mütiern zu der rechte~ site~  
<br />wan du von diner rechte~ site~ mit der lange~ schnide~ an sin schwert gebunde~ so far balde vff mit den armen vnd blÿ also sten an dem schwertt so wind vff din lincke site~ die kurtz schnide~ an sin schwert vnd var woll vff mit den armen vnd heng im den ortt oben vber sin schwertt vnd vol var do mit den armen vnd stich im zu der vntern ploß siner rechte~ site~ unten <span style="color:#cc0000;">~</span>~
| rowspan="3" | [[File:MS Germ.Quart.2020 017v.jpg|250px|center]]
| [40] '''<span style="color:#cc0000;">Here mark how one shall drive the Mutating to both sides:</span>'''
Mark, when you hew strongly on him from above your right shoulder to the head, if he parries and is Soft on the sword, then Wind on your left side with your short edge on his sword and drive well up with the arms, and drive in with your sword’s blade above over his sword and stab into the lower opening.  
| '''<span style="color:#cc0000;">Hie merck wie man das mutirñ treibñ solt zw paiden seiten</span>'''
Merck wenn dw ym von deiner rechten achsel oben starck ein haust zw dem kopff vor setzt er vnd ist waich am swert So wind auff dein lincke seitten die kurtz schneid an sein swert vnd var wol auff mit den armen vnd var ÿm mit deiner swertz klingen oben vber sein swert vnd stich ÿm zu der underñ plöss
| '''[13r]''' Item das mutiren treibe also  
<br />wenn du Im von deiner rechten achseln oben starck ein hewest Versetzt er vnd ist waich Im swertt So winde auf dein lincke seitten die kurtz sneiden an sein swert vnd var wol auf mit den armen vnd heng Im den ort oben über sein swert vnd far damit den armen vnd stich Im zu der andern plösse etc.
| Das mutiern treybenn zw paidn seyt[e]n
<br />wenn dw im von deiner rechten achsel obenn starck ein haust zw dem chopf ver seczt er vnd ist waich am swert So wind auf dein rechte seytenn die churcz sneyd an sein swert vnnd far wol auf mit den armen vnd heng im denn ort obenn vber sein swert vnnd stich im zw der vndernn pless
| Itm~ daß mütiern zu der rechte~ site~  
<br />wan du von diner rechte~ site~ mit der lange~ schnide~ an sin schwert gebunde~ so far balde vff mit den armen vnd blÿ also sten an dem schwertt so wind vff din lincke site~ die kurtz schnide~ an sin schwert vnd var woll vff mit den armen vnd heng im den ortt oben vber sin schwertt vnd vol var do mit den armen vnd stich im zu der vntern ploß siner rechte~ site~ unten <span style="color:#cc0000;">~</span>~
| '''[17r] Wie man das mutieren treiben sol zu pei/den seiten'''
| '''[17r] Wie man das mutieren treiben sol zu pei/den seiten'''
Line 1,852: Line 1,906:
| ''These are the fencings with the sword and embodies the work that is exalted.''
| '''[17v]''' Das seind die fechtn mit dem Schwert, und werk gerindt ist / lobens wertt
| <br />
<section end="Blossen"/><section begin="Krumphaw"/>
<section end="Blossen"/><section begin="Krumphaw"/>
Line 2,447: Line 2,517:
| [61]
| [61] '''<span style="color:#cc0000;">Yet another:</span>'''
When you strongly hew to him from your right side with the Thwart, if he then parries and is Soft on the sword, then drive in with the short edge of your sword to his right side on his neck and spring with the right foot behind his left foot and shove him over with the sword’s blade thus, or drive the Mutating in to the lower opening.
| '''<span style="color:#cc0000;">Aber ein annders</span>'''
Wenn du ÿm von deiner rechten seitten mit der twer starck zw° haust vor setzt er vnd ist waich am swert so var ÿm mit der kurtzen schneid deins swertz zw° seiner rechten seitten an den hals vnd spring mit dem rechten fuess hinder seinen lincken füeß vnd ruck yn mit der swertz klingen also darüber oder treib das mutiren im zw° der vnderñ plöss
| <br />
| <br />
Line 2,464: Line 2,536:
| rowspan="3" |
| [62] '''<span style="color:#cc0000;">Thus break that:</span>'''
When one drives on your neck with the sword, then drive up with the pommel inside his sword, and let the blade hang low, and thrust his sword therewith from your neck and strike him with the snapping above to the head. Or strike him with the right hand above over his sword below to the face while he has his sword on your neck with the Doubling.
| Also prich das
wenn dir ein° mit dem swert an den hals fert so far Inwendig seins swert auff mit dem knopff vnd lass die klingen nid° hangen vnd stos sein swert do mit von deine~ hals vnd slach ÿm oben ein ze dem kopff mit dem schnappen Oder slach yn mit dem duplirñ mit der rechtñ hant oben vber sein swert vnter das gesicht die weil er sein swert an deinem hals hat <span style="color:#cc0000;">~</span>
| [63] ''Item, if one takes you by the neck to your right side, then release your sword from your left hand and thrust his sword with your right from your neck and step with your left foot against his right side before both of his feet and drive with your left arm over both his arms near by the hilt and drive him to dance or stab him below between his legs to the groin.''
| Itm~ nÿmpt dich eyner by dem hals zu diner rechte~ site~ so loß din schwertt vß diner lincke~ hant vnd stos mit der rechte~ sin schwertt von dinem hals vnd schrit mit dinem lincke~ fus gege~ siner rechte~ site~ fur sin beide fus vnd far mit dinem lincken arm vber sin beide arm nohe by dem gehultz vnd fur in zu dem tantz oder stich im vnte~ zwuschen <del>dinem</del> beynen zu dem gemechtt ~~
| '''[26v] Pruch'''
Wenn dir ainer mit dem schwert an den hals vert so var inwendig / seins schwerts auf mit dem knopf und las die kling nider hangen / unnd stos sein schwert von deinem hals unnd schlag im oben ein zu / dem kopf mit dem schnappn, oder schag in mit dem duplirenn mit / der rechten hant oben uber sein schwert unnther das gesicht die waill / er sein schwert an deinem hals hat
Line 2,481: Line 2,556:
| [63] ''Item, if one takes you by the neck to your right side, then release your sword from your left hand and thrust his sword with your right from your neck and step with your left foot against his right side before both of his feet and drive with your left arm over both his arms near by the hilt and drive him to dance or stab him below between his legs to the groin.''
| Itm~ nÿmpt dich eyner by dem hals zu diner rechte~ site~ so loß din schwertt vß diner lincke~ hant vnd stos mit der rechte~ sin schwertt von dinem hals vnd schrit mit dinem lincke~ fus gege~ siner rechte~ site~ fur sin beide fus vnd far mit dinem lincken arm vber sin beide arm nohe by dem gehultz vnd fur in zu dem tantz oder stich im vnte~ zwuschen <del>dinem</del> beynen zu dem gemechtt ~~
| [64] ''Item, when you will make the Thwart-hew on his left side, then do not hit and strike nimbly on his right side. If he then strikes to your right, then slice Meanwhile strongly in his hands, in the wrist of his right hand. That goes to both sides.''
| [64] ''Item, when you will make the Thwart-hew on his left side, then do not hit and strike nimbly on his right side. If he then strikes to your right, then slice Meanwhile strongly in his hands, in the wrist of his right hand. That goes to both sides.''
Line 2,603: Line 2,693:
| [[File:MS Germ.Quart.2020 029r.jpg|250px|center]]
| [68] '''<span style="color:#cc0000;">Here mark a break against the lower Thwart strike:</span>'''
Mark, when he strikes you with the Thwart from his right side to your left above to your head, then parry with the long edge and remain with the point before the breast. If he then strikes around from the sword with the Thwart to the lower opening on your right side, then strike also with the Thwart below through, between you and him also against his right side, and bind therewith on his sword, and remain in the bind and stab him Meanwhile to the lower opening.
| '''<span style="color:#cc0000;">Hie merck ein pruch wider die vnderñ twer schleg</span>'''
Merck wenn er dir slecht mit der twer von seiner rechten seitten zw° deiner lincken oben zu° dem kopff So versetz mit der langen schneid vnd pleib im mit dem ort vor der prust Slecht er denn vom swert vmb mit der twer dir zu° der vnderñ plöss dein° rechten seitten So slach auch mit der twer vnden durch zwischen dir vnd im auch gegen seiner rechten seitten vnd pind do mit an sein swert vnd pleib am pant vñ stich im Indes zw° der vnderñ plöss <span style="color:#cc0000;">~</span>
| '''[28v] Pruch wider die Undern Zwerschleg'''
Wenn er dir schlecht mit der Zwer vonn seiner rechtenn seiten zu deiner linckn / oben zu dem kopff so versetz mit der langn schneid und pleib im mit dem ort / vor der prust Schlecht er denn vom schwert umb mit der Zwer zu der / undern plos deiner rechtn seitn so schlag auch mit der Zwer unnden / durch zwischn dir und im auch gegen seiner rechten seitn unnd pind / domit an sein schwert und pleib am pandt unnd stich im Inndes zu der / undern plos
| <br />
<section end="Twerhaw"/><section begin="Fehler"/>
<section end="Twerhaw"/><section begin="Fehler"/>
| rowspan="3" |  
| rowspan="2" |  
| [69] '''<span style="color:#cc0000;">This is the text and the gloss of the technique that is called the Failer:</span>'''
| [69] '''<span style="color:#cc0000;">This is the text and the gloss of the technique that is called the Failer:</span>'''
<span style="color:#cc0000;">Failer misleads.<br />
<span style="color:#cc0000;">Failer misleads.<br />
Line 2,654: Line 2,764:
| Mark, when you come to him with the pre-fencing, then do as if you will strike him with a free Over-hew to the head, but pull the hew and strike him with the Thwart to the lower opening of his left or his right side, to whichever you want, and see that you are well-guarded with the hilt over your head. You may also drive this thus with the Thwart-hew.
| Merck wenn du mit dem ze vechten zu° ÿm kumpst So thüe als dw im mit einem freÿen oberhaw zu° dem kopff wellest slachen vnd verzuck den haw vnd slach Im mit der twer zu° der vnderñ plöss seiner lincken oder seiner rechten seitten zu° welicher dw wild vnd wart das dw mit dem gehiltz vber deine~ haubt wol gedackt seist das magstu mit dem twerhaw auch also treiben
| Merck / wan du mit dem zufechtn zu im kumpst so thue als du im mit einem / freyhen oberhau zu dem kopf wollest schlahen unnd verzuck den hau / unnd schlage im mit der zwer zu der unndernn plos seiner linckn oder / seiner rechten seiten zu welcher du wilt unnd wart das du mit dem / gehultz uber deinem heubt woll gedacht seyest und magstu mit dem / Zwerhau auch also treiben
| rowspan="2" |
| [70] ''{{red|Another}}''
| [70] ''{{red|Another}}''
''Item, the Failer drive thus: when you come to the man with the pre-fencing, then hew the Under-hew from both sides. If you then come to him with a Under-hew from your right side, then shoot in the point therewith long into the breast so he must parry, then spring quickly with the left foot on his right side and do as you will strike to there in with the Thwart, and pull the hew, and strike quickly again around to the left side.''
''Item, the Failer drive thus: when you come to the man with the pre-fencing, then hew the Under-hew from both sides. If you then come to him with a Under-hew from your right side, then shoot in the point therewith long into the breast so he must parry, then spring quickly with the left foot on his right side and do as you will strike to there in with the Thwart, and pull the hew, and strike quickly again around to the left side.''
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| rowspan="2" | [[File:MS Germ.Quart.2020 039v.jpg|250px|center]]
| rowspan="3" | [[File:MS Germ.Quart.2020 039v.jpg|250px|center]]
| [88] '''<span style="color:#cc0000;">This is the second guard:</span>'''
| [88] '''<span style="color:#cc0000;">This is the second guard:</span>'''
Mark the other guard is called the Plow, there position yourself thus with it: stand with the left foot before and hold your sword with crossed hands with the pommel below you near your right side on the hip, so that the short edge is above and the point stands in against his face.
Mark the other guard is called the Plow, there position yourself thus with it: stand with the left foot before and hold your sword with crossed hands with the pommel below you near your right side on the hip, so that the short edge is above and the point stands in against his face.
Line 3,508: Line 3,635:
| '''Von dem Pflug'''
| '''Von dem Pflug'''
Item die ander hut die haist der Pflug / Da schick dich also mit / Setz den linggen fus für / vnd halt dein Schwert mit gekreutzigten henden vndersich zu deiner rechten seitten / mit dem knopff neben deiner rechten hifft / das die kurtz schneid oben sey / vnnd der ort fürsich aufstee / dem mann gegen dem gesicht.
Item die ander hut die haist der Pflug / Da schick dich also mit / Setz den linggen fus für / vnd halt dein Schwert mit gekreutzigten henden vndersich zu deiner rechten seitten / mit dem knopff neben deiner rechten hifft / das die kurtz schneid oben sey / vnnd der ort fürsich aufstee / dem mann gegen dem gesicht.
| ''Item, to the left side, the other guard is called the Plow, therewith position yourself thus. Set the left foot forward and hold your sword with crossed hands with the pommel underneath near your right side to your hip, so that the short edge is above and the point is against his face.''
| jtem zw der tenncken seytenn Die ander huet haist der pflueg da schick dich also mit secz den tenckenn fues vor vnd halt dein swert mit gechrewcztenn henden mit dem chnopf vndersich neben deiner rechtenn Seytenn zw der huf das die kurcz sneyd obenn sey vnd der ort im gegn dem gesicht
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| [[File:MS Germ.Quart.2020 054v.jpg|250px|center]]
| rowspan="2" | [[File:MS Germ.Quart.2020 054v.jpg|250px|center]]
| [133] '''<span style="color:#cc0000;">Yet another body wrestling:</span>'''
| [133] '''<span style="color:#cc0000;">Yet another body wrestling:</span>'''
Mark, when he runs into you with up-stretched arms, and you do so against him, then Run-through him with the head to his right side, and let your sword hang behind over your back, as before stated describes, and step with the right foot in front before his right, and drive in with the right arm below his right arm through behind around his body, and grasp him on your right hip and throw him behind you. Drive these two wrestlings to both sides.  
Mark, when he runs into you with up-stretched arms, and you do so against him, then Run-through him with the head to his right side, and let your sword hang behind over your back, as before stated describes, and step with the right foot in front before his right, and drive in with the right arm below his right arm through behind around his body, and grasp him on your right hip and throw him behind you. Drive these two wrestlings to both sides.  
Line 4,975: Line 5,118:
| '''''Yet another body wrestling'''''
''When he runs-into you with upright arms, and you then against him run through him with the head to his right side and allow your sword to hang behind over your back as stands described before, and step with the right foot in front before his right and drive in with the right arm under his right arm, through behind around the body, and grasp him on your right hip, and throw him behind you. Drive these two wrestling to both sides.''
| '''[68r] / Aber ain leib ringenn /'''
Wenn er dir Einlaufftt mit aufgereckhten armenn vnnd du Im wider so lauff Im durch mit dem hauptt zu seiner rechten seÿten vnnd las dein schwertt hinden vber denn ruckhen hanngen als vor geschribenn stett vnd schreit mit dem rechten fus vorn vir sein rechtenn vnnd var Im mit dem rechten arm vnnder seinen rechten arm durch hinden vmb den leib vnnd vas In auff dein rechte hüft vnnd wirff In hinderdich die zwaÿ Ringen treib zu baÿdenn seÿttenn /
| <br />

Revision as of 23:06, 1 June 2016

Jud Lew
Born before ca. 1440s
Died date of death unknown
Occupation Fencing master
Ethnicity Jewish
Movement Liechtenauer Tradition
Language Early New High German
Concordance by Michael Chidester
Translations Traducción castellano

Jud Lew was a 15th century German fencing master. His name signifies that he was Jewish, and some sources state that he was baptized Christian. He seems to have stood in the tradition of Johannes Liechtenauer, though he was not included in Paulus Kal's ca. 1470 list of the members of the Fellowship of Liechtenauer.[1]

Lew is often erroneously credited with authoring the Cod.I.6.4º.3, a compilation of various fencing treatises created in the 1450s. In fact, his name is only associated with a single section of that book, a gloss of Johannes Liechtenauer's Recital on mounted fencing that is a branch of the so-called Pseudo-Peter von Danzig gloss. Though some versions of Martin Huntfeltz's treatise on armored fencing are also attributed to Lew, but this seems to be an error.


Early on in its history, Pseudo-Peter von Danzig's gloss seems to have split into two primary branches, and no definite copies of the unaltered original are known to survive. The gloss of Sigmund Schining ain Ringeck also seems to be related to this work, due to the considerable overlap in text and contents, but the exact nature of this relationship is currently unclear.

Branch A, appearing first in the Augsburg version (1450s) and comprising the majority of extant copies, has more devices overall than the other branch (particularly in the extensive Salzburg version of 1491) but generally shorter descriptions in areas of overlap. It also includes glosses of Liechtenauer's Recital on long sword and mounted fencing only, and in lieu of a gloss of Liechtenauer's short sword it is generally accompanied by the short sword teachings of Andre Liegniczer and Martin Huntfeltz. Branch A was later used by Johannes Lecküchner as a source when he compiled his own gloss of a Recital on the Messer.

Branch B, only found in the Rome (1452), Krakow (1510-20), and Augsburg II (1564) versions, has slightly longer descriptions than Branch A, but fewer devices overall. It glosses Liechtenauer's entire Recital, including the Short Sword, and may therefore be considered more complete than Branch A; it also different from Branch A in that all three known copies are illustrated to some extent where none in the other branch are.

There is one version of the text that defies categorization into one branch or the other, that included in the Vienna manuscript (ca. 1480) along with Paulus Kal's work (thought Kal's level of involvement is unknown). The text of this version is more consistent with the generally shorter descriptions of Branch A, but the contents are more consistent with Branch B, lacking most of the unique devices of Branch A and including the gloss of the Short Sword. The Vienna version may thus be a copy of the original gloss before it split into these branches (or it may merely be an odd attempt by a scribe to synthesize the two branches into a single work).

While Branches A and B were formerly presented in a single combined document on the Pseudo-Peter von Danzig page, the differences between them are extensive enough that they merit separate consideration. Thus Branch A has been moved here to Jud Lew's page, while Branch B has been retained on the page of Pseudo-Danzig. As the Vienna version cannot be cleanly assigned to one branch or the other, it will appear in both concordances for comparative purposes.

Additional Resources


  1. The Fellowship of Liechtenauer is recorded in three versions of Paulus Kal's treatise: MS 1825 (1460s), Cgm 1570 (ca. 1470), and MS KK5126 (1480s).
  2. Squint here means "an askew glance", referring to both the sword's direction of travel and also the use of deception with the eyes with this hew.